How to properly form a conspiracy aimed at fulfilling a desire? From the chief's nagging. A conspiracy to make a good income

Conspiracies for good luck and luck are often not taken seriously by modern people, and very much in vain. Ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves push away with their hands what can bring them good, which many generations before them counted on; these are numerous prayers, for example, a prayer for good luck in love, which can be used at home. Which of us can say with confidence that we can do without luck in our lives? No matter how good a person is in himself, no matter what abilities and talents he has, but in all his endeavors, first of all, he needs her - Lady Luck, capricious, willful and often deceiving and windy. How to enlist the support of higher powers in any of your affairs? The way out is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract good luck are the most ancient and common types of magical intervention in the fate of a person. Even our distant ancestors, in dark and harsh times, resorted to the help of shamans and sorcerers of the tribe, who, before each warrior went out on a hunt or into battle, called on spirits for help and conjured good luck. So why do you hope to chance and not provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important business, like conspiracies that attract good luck? A very great helper in attracting good luck and luck is white magic, the good luck conspiracies of which can be used independently by any of us without mandatory magical training.

For luck

It has been verified many times that those people who came to me in tears, complaining that there was not a single happy day in their life, having done everything as I told them with this slander, seemed to be reborn. Happiness turned to face them, and life changed for the better. So, read this conspiracy three times: once before you go to church, the second time near the church and the third - after returning from the church.
Entering the church, they put 12 candles in honor of those who walked with Christ. They put it to any icons where the soul will pull. And forty days - a post, after you read it for the last time.
There is a golden church, a silver throne in it, above them an icon speaking, looking at me. I will stand in a golden church before a silver throne, under an icon speaking, looking at the Mother of God. Give me, the Mother of God, from this day to become happy. I take happiness with my hands, I go out with my feet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For luck

Luck in life is also important. In the books of witchcraft, in my textbooks, I will tell you in detail how to improve the life not only for my children and myself, but also for those whom compassion will point you to. This slander is read on a full moon, but on a Sunday. Here you will need to guess. They read by looking at themselves in the mirror. The mirror should hang on the wall, or at least be leaning against it. There should be no mirror on the table!
Baba-sorceress, the one that lies in the coffin and guards her own coffin. You walked the earth boldly, you performed your witchcraft. She collected happiness and took away from people, stole luck and bestowed upon herself, give me good luck, ghoul. Give me, sorceress, happiness to boot. I command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm, and the first of black magic. I'm taking your luck and happiness to boot. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To subdue the spirits of evil

To control events in the direction you want, cast this spell. The spirits of evil will come under your command at the right time. They read with closed mirrors, without a cross.
I summon the spirit and by my will I conjure and leave in my submission for one hour of earthly time. Aroam, Arogul, Arogam, Isaiah, the blood is red, the earth is black, the water has no color. So you, spirit, do not have your will for this hour. Amen.

For the ability to learn

The constellations of the Lord's heaven do not leave their place without the knowledge of the Almighty. So the mind of the servant of God (name) will not leave common sense, and may the strength of his mind be replenished. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy for talent and the power of knowledge

Read after. Intercede, Lady, Mother of God, before Thy Son and send to the servant of God (name) the wisdom of Sophia, as he marked King Solomon with His mercy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from laziness

Work hard, Lord, show us Your mercy. Bless the servant of God himself (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For hard work

Command, Lord, to the servant of God (name) to work and not be lazy, as true monks of a holy monastery work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Invocation of the Holy Spirit to help in an important and difficult task

Help me, Lord Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies, my enemies, do not dare to ruin my work. Lord, do not let the Holy Spirit interrupt (summarize the essence of your case). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To make your wish come true

Read wherever and whenever you need help. Jesus Christ walked from heaven, carried the holy miraculous Cross, healed the sick, helped the poor, erected glory and honor. God! God! Help me too, do for Christ's sake for me (this and that). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to make a good income

This conspiracy is read three times on the new moon in the place where you do your business. The conspiracy is this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From the Jesus Prayer, from the Mother of God, from all the holy prayer book, from the chants of the saints, from the prayers of old nuns and young ones, from the Jesus Cross, from Christ's seal, from the saints help, from my word, from my lips, come to me, royal bag. Nobody counted money in that bag, nobody ever took it for themselves. Who has accumulated them? Who collected them? And you, come to me, king's bag, yourself - not for one day, but for all times. I can’t count the gold and silver, I don’t get too much gold and silver. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To achieve our goals

Tear from three different trees on a twig, add to them a twig of three different brooms, add three brooms to them on a bush and the resulting "bunch" is thrown at the crossroads. Before carrying, they slander him.
As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn is with the Sun, the Sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God's Moon, and God's Moon is with the first star. And I, the servant of God (name), in the fulfillment of my desire. Amen. They read it three times.

To achieve what the soul desires (for the cherished desire)

On their birthday, three candles are lit and read 12 times in a row. The candles should be completely burnt out. Lord, my God, bless and have mercy. Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself, go through the gate, through the window, through the black pipe to my oak table. Bring me gilded dust, a crushed hare's lip and three bones from a heifer. As the Moon goes across the sky at its hour, so I, God's servant (name), will be lucky from this hour. Sand in the sea, word, deed - constipated. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Nagging at school or work

If a person is endlessly nagging at school or at work, you should read this conspiracy 12 times in a row: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Grace of God, heavenly, get off, go to me, the servant of God (name), glory and praise, multiply, with increase every day of God. And you, my enemies (names), never approach me and never find fault with my words. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Melt the white wax, pour it gently into the night water and place it on the window. In the morning, washing yourself with this water, say: As this wax melted the fire, so melt the evil of my enemies, and pump it out of me, servants of God (name). Water to my face, emptiness to my enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that teachers do not scold

Speak before entering school: The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.
They look at their reflection into the water and say: I am looking at myself. I am above the water and I am in the water. Everywhere I am the first and at school too. They wash themselves with this water before going to school.

For successful exams

They shake the dress in which they are going to the exam three times and say: Whoever followed the Lord became His disciple. And I'm going after the Lord. Lord, send me luck in teaching. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the examiner

Read three times before approaching the examiners. Do not allow copying from your sheet: As Sunday is bright, so my head is bright. How my mother loves me, how my father, grandfather and grandmother loves me. As they always cherished and pitied me, so you would have pitied me, my teachers. Amen.

For career luck

On the day of the beheading of John the Baptist, they buy shoes, in which they then serve an evening service in the church, and when they come home, they wash the soles in a basin and this water is poured into a half-liter jar. On the first even day after that, they bring this water to their service, but so that no one can see. Any corner of the building in which they work is poured from the street. The bank is left right there. You will notice how a turning point for the better begins in your career.

Conspiracy on important letters, papers (to get what you want)

Break off nine splinters from a dry aspen log so that the length is the same, fold a well of eight splinters, and set the well on fire from four sides with the ninth. As soon as it lights up, throw the ninth torch there. With the smoke that comes from the well, fumigate the paper (a petition, an important letter for you), on which your fate depends, while saying the incantation: The dog walks away, the dove comes, the dog runs away, the dove arrives; good news be with us. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For good luck (for an egg)

The first egg laid by a chicken on Sunday or Easter is broken in an earthen cup, a wedding ring is thrown there, and they walk around their house. Arriving, they fry the ring together with the egg, remove the ring, eat the egg. Until the egg is eaten, not a word can be said to anyone. The year will be rich.

To come back with good luck

As the Moon tends to arrive, as the river tends to arrive, so you, the servant of God (name), will return with profit. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To give money (loan, loan)

They wear a handkerchief under their arms for three days, and when you come to ask for money, wipe your face on the threshold with this handkerchief and say to yourself: Lord, my God Christ, my Angel has brought a petition. My Lord, You said: "Ask and it will be given." Amen. To a woman to ask on women's day, to a man on a men's.

Win a competition or game

To be a winner, you need to pick a clover of five petals, fold a cross from them and then say: Clover, wide clover, I plucked you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the integrity of the Holy Virgin, the integrity of St. John the Baptist, the integrity of St. John Evangelist. May you serve me in all kinds of games. After that, they read the "Our Father" five times and the "Mother of God" five times, then they say: Ieah, the Lamb, Elijah, Christ. Amen.

Conspiracy to rent an apartment

Yes, and there are slander. They used to be used to attract guests (lodgers) or so that more people gathered in taverns and theaters for income to the owners. Of course, in our time it seems unnecessary. But who knows if your grandchildren and their children will need it. After sunset, go to the crossroads, take the land, criss-cross, saying: Neither horse nor foot, do not pass by, everyone walking and riding, come in to me.
Bring the earth home, put it in the corners, do this every three days three times.

To be popular and loved

They say, going into a pool, river, lake, etc.: I am a singer-queen, I am a golden marten, I am a dear sable, a nightingale-singer. Whoever looks at me will not be surprised, a starlet to all the stars, a nightingale to all nightingales. I stand in the water, the crown is on my head, and my key is at the bottom, my glory is with me! The fish will not take, the witch will not interrupt. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A happy conspiracy for an actor

You need to take well water, bring forty candles into the house, light them around a jug of water, put them on the window so that the month is reflected through the mirror in the water, and read in a low voice that you can. At the same time, you rinse a handful of ears (they should be prepared for such a case from Ivan Kupala) in the water so that the reflection of the Moon trembles from the splashes. Mother Svetylo, son-in-law Yarilo, daughter of Zvezdilo. Go, star, under your own power along the happy passages, which was the way King Solomon walked. I'm not asking for gold, not silver, not copper money, not paper money. I ask for sale tickets, so that all roads, all roads lead to my doorsteps. They walked on foot and on horseback, beggars and in sables. Every person, every tribe, would not spare either money or time. Everyone would go to admire me and would not want to part with me, God's servant. As a mother loves her child, does not admire her, she doesn’t have a heart, so let everyone know me and don’t forget, the thought about me doesn’t drive me away. Let not slander touch me, my glory will not sink. I cover myself with a crown, I am blessed with a holy icon. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For stage glory

They take the tongue of a quail, wrap it in a red cloth, and hang it above their head on a tree. For women - for women, for men - for men. After those who wish unfading glory have read the spell, it is necessary to urinate under a tree and immediately leave. Language, where have you been? - In the mouth. - And your mouth, where have you been? - Above. All sorcerers are badass. Neither jealousy, nor a horde of enemies, nor hundreds of languages, nor sickness, nor malaise, nor human slander, nor bribery, nor blasphemy will spoil me. As God's star is and was, and will be, so neither the first nor the last will forget my name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Hex speech for the singer (so that the audience loves and does not jinx the voice)

A cooked bird is a talisman for singers. It is molded from dough, just as larks are molded for spring. You need to carry this amulet with you, and your voice will not break, and no one will jinx it. They do it like this: they take holy water and the white of one egg, a little flour (to make a bird that you can hold in your fist), add salt from Maundy Thursday, knead a thick dough, mold a bird, put it on the window and let it dry so that it is light and dry. They never part with her. You will always be bathed in glory and love. It will be impossible to jinx you, and they will not be able to harm you. Do not give it to anyone, otherwise the glory will leave you. Conspiracy on the dough:
As the king-bird, the nightingale, is flooded and the whole of God is surprised at her, listens and touches, praises and amazes, so it would be nice for me, God's servant, too. Just as you can't rip off a feather from my nightingale, or put a pillow in a downy pillow, so you can't remove my glory from me. To honor the words do not drive away, the votes can not be taken away. Dear Mother of God, do not let my nightingale take away. She blinded me with deeds, fixed them with a word, shut them tightly. Key, lock, my amulet. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To work successfully on stage all my life

They take dust from all corners of the stage with their hands, wiping their hands with a rag, they say: As there is a lot of dust, there are many years. Here to be, here to serve. Just as you cannot whitewash the dust, you cannot blacken me either. Amen. Amen. Amen. The rag is kept at home for seven years, and then they repeat:
As “Many Years” are sung in the church, so I, God's servant, would shine like a star on the stage for many years and did not know failure. Glory to the Lord and the Holy Spirit and Mother Bo-In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To be hired

Before going to get a job, wash off the door brace and say:
Water - from the face, beauty - to the face. To whom I go, I go in single file, and I will return in a king. The sun is behind me, the threshold is in front of me. And you, chief, be under my foot. As I say, I will express it, so in my opinion it will be. Amen.

How to attract the attention of your superiors (for a promotion at work)

the conspiracy is pronounced while you wash, comb or put on clothes in which you will appear before the leadership. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glorious is God's world. There is a royal feast under the east side. In that golden chamber, the throne, whoever approaches him, the Holy Spirit descends, whoever takes his trace, puts in his bosom, he will ascend high above the human world. Be my face like an Easter egg, like a clean mirror during the holidays, during the gatherings. All so that they would love me one of all, see me, look at me favorably, call me by name and patronymic, give me a high place above people. And as people were called kings, so angels would open doors for me everywhere. Be my words, strong and molding. Century after century, from now on and will finish. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

So that no one speaks a word in the service against you

On an even day, say a handful of gray poppy and carry it in your left hand from home to work. Try not to sprinkle the poppy! In front of the first door of the work building, drop the poppy on the ground. From now on, no one else will offend you. They say poppy like this:
God created the heavens, God created the earth. God adorned the earth with beauty, and the sky with heavenly height. The Lord also adorned me (name) with strength, beauty and heavenly height from enemies. Enemies cannot reach me (name), they cannot crush me under the heel and fist, they cannot take me with their tongue and anger. I have a cross, I have an icon, I have a holy poppy - what I say, everything will be exactly like that. As King David was meek and humble, so be you, (name), humble and meek for me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

To get mercy from superiors

Read before going to the authorities to resolve difficult issues.
I, the servant of God, will go into God's light. On the wide street, there is no one I meet. There is no oncoming, no transverse. There are no dashing, evil, bad and such who would say to me, God's servant, “no”. They would not have spoken and would not have persuaded, and would not have convinced against my will. Illuminate with God's light, I will be blessed with an icon, I will turn around in a cloud, I will crumble with frequent stars. And just as a month cannot be thrown from the sky, the Sun cannot be overturned, so it cannot be interrupted or broken in my business. For a century I have to stand my ground, not let go of my business. As I want, so it will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the wrath of your boss

Corners by corners, doors by doors, kings by kings. I go to you with apprehension, and you to me with affection, I go to you with pepper, and you to me with a kind heart. Amen. Sometimes on Thursday read in your service.

To pacify the anger of high-ranking officials

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. There is a holy staircase, on it there are holy steps, on each step there are knees, a deacon and an archdeacon, a priest and an arch-priest, a bishop and a metropolitan, and the Lord stands above all. He admonishes everyone and graciously forgives everyone. I, the servant of God (name), stand, with a true spirit I humbly ask the deacon and archdeacon, priest and arch-priest, bishop and metropolitan and Jesus Christ himself, put your will in the mouth of the servant of God (name of the boss) favorable words for me, for my soul, servant of God (name). Amen.

So that the boss does not get bullied

They start talking a spoonful of sugar at night, exactly at twelve o'clock. Sugar is scattered near the chief's office. You will see that the attitude towards you will change for the better.
Bake, dry on my sugar. As a fly sticks to sweet syrup: with your heart, skeleton, brain, all organs, so you, the servant of God (name), turn, loving, to me, the servant of God (name). Keep the advice, in the absence of pain. Appreciate the way the most valuable and dear things are appreciated. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the boss's nagging

On the sea-on the ocean, on the Buyan island, there is a table, the Divine Throne. On the table lies a white, petrified body. The judge and the prosecutor are sitting at the table. Lord, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, petrify their lips and teeth and tongue. As the dead lie, he does not speak, so I, the servant of God (name), would not be attributed, nagged and eaten up. The poppy grows, the poppy blooms, the poppy blooms, the leaf falls, so their deeds would fall away from me, the servants of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen. They say three times on a gray poppy and pour it on the one from whom there is no rest.

To get along with the authorities

King David ruled, did not kill anyone, did not send anyone to trial. He was meek, humble, compassionate, merciful. Just as a good mother cannot beat and scold anyone, torture anyone, take away bread or water, so my superiors (name) would not be angry with me, God's servant (name), they would not swear at my words and deeds. They did not think well, did not do evil, respected me, the servant of God (name), and loved me. I will lock it with a lock, I will lock it with a key. Key to the blue sea under the barai-stone. That stone is standing, it will not fall, no one will throw it off or knock it over, pull it out, move it. So let my superiors leave me in the service to be, work, serve. My words cannot be altered, not interrupted. As I said, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Read when you go to the authorities or where you can be scolded: Holy thresholds, be for protection, for the help of the servant of God (name). And you, walls, stand dumb, and you, leaders, be merciful to the servant of God (name). Amen.

From fear of superiors

Before you step into your job, lock your hands together and say:
I'll go here, at the paper gate. In the paper house there is a paper table, a paper throne. At a paper table a paper rank sits, looks with paper eyes, speaks with paper lips, but I know that all paper burns, smokes, burns out and disappears forever. So that I, God's servant (name), of the paper rank, the servant of God (name), would not be afraid, never hesitated in front of him and would not be ashamed. The lamb is afraid of the wolf, the wolf is afraid of the lynx, and you (name) are afraid of me, not I of you. For now, for eternity and for eternity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that they don't get fired from work (don't get laid off)

Bring some water from home, which has stood at your foot of the bed for three days, and when you go to the toilet at work, wash yourself with it, saying: I was here, I will be here, I went here and I will walk Amen.

So that you don't get rejected (very strong conspiracy)

If you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this conspiracy three times. I don't walk, I don't hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday and not on Saturday. Take the hell to yourself my concern. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They did not move their tongue against, they would respect me and love me. Cross with cross, deal with a good ending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To have nothing denied

If you have a very important business, use this conspiracy before leaving your house. By doing this, you will make sure that after this you will not be denied your request. They read it like this: Lord, be with me forever and ever. Amen. The first time, by God's hour, Lord, God, help, bless my work. Glorify my work itself and put everything as I need it. There is a golden saucer on God's table, there is an expensive word in the Bible. And the Lord speaks: whoever asks in My name, My Angel will not forget, he will sweep his wing, in the most difficult matter he will help, he will lay his wings on My shoulders, he will take by his right and left hand, and will bring him to God's table. On the table is a gold saucer, and in the Bible on the table there is a word dear. Against that word, no man can say "No". And to me, the servant of God (name), no one can refuse my business. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

To the sympathy of others

As the Lord loves His Mother Mary, and the Mother loves His Son, so the whole world would love me, not offend or oppress me. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that no one offends you

There are people who do not know how to stand up for themselves. They need to know and carry with them such a talisman:
Strengthen me, Lord, with your spirit. Holy is pure, Holy is strong, the conspiracy before me, the servants of God (name), molding. Sprinkle me, Lord, with yellow sand, cover me with thick cartilage. Just as that yellow sand cannot be counted, so I, the servants of God (name), can never be taken by anything: neither a sorceress, nor a sorceress, nor a niello, nor a blue woman, nor a king, nor a queen, nor a centurion, nor a judge. Be the guardian of God, with me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From empty nagging

To speak in the back to the one who harasses nitpicking: I have lips, I have teeth. I eat with my lips, with my teeth I gnaw out all evil, all kinds of naggers. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you get survived from work

Come to work before everyone else, go to the toilet and say: Just as people in the latrine do not eat shit, my bosses will not eat me either. As people sit in a latrine, so I will be at work. Just as people cannot do without a latrine, so the servant of God (name) cannot do without me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

If tortured by checks at work

As soon as the next check comes, at work, stick a knife into the ground of a flower pot and say: Like the devil runs from the Temple of God, so that they do not enter here: from the court, investigation, commission, audit and any volost government. Amen.

Protection from officials

Lord, help, Lord, support! Lead me, God, to an open field. In a clean field there is a raw oak, in that raw oak there is an iron man. And that iron man cannot be fed. You can't get him drunk and put him to sleep. He does not eat bread or salt, he is tormented by pain. He does not know, he does not know why he suffers so much from pain and where he should get rid of this pain. Gos, you, man of iron, take, roll your pain, give it to the servants of God (names). So that they do not approach the servant of God (name), do not torture her with their deeds, do not execute her, but they would be quiet, calm, like the dead in their grave, do not look at anyone, do not touch, do not hurt, do not torment and do not torment, do not speak menacing speeches, do not threaten to be kicked out of work. Be, my words, locked with a lock, locked with a key. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From bureaucratic nagging

The master is riding, driving a horse, beating with a whip, giving no respite. Evil boils in him, his eyes are burning with anger, the horses are twisting, they are trying, the master picks at them: either they stand wrong, sometimes they fly wrong. His hand rises, the whip falls on the horses. Lord bless. You, the servant of God (the name of the official), do not find fault, do not gag at me. If I, Lord, were dear to the servant of God (name), he would not reproach me unnecessarily. Holy saints, holy protectors, holy martyrs, be my protection. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Read during work checks.

So that in the service they do not find fault with you

Another person cannot stand up for himself, and all the bumps fall on him. If such a person on the old New Year tries to come to the service earlier than others and reads this slander three times, then he will correct his situation. As the dead do not bite their teeth, tongues do not swear, as they do not rush in anger, do not wave their hands at the living, do not knock their feet, as they do not shout at me, so that not a single person forever and ever is , neither the younger, nor the one who counts, nor the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in the chair, even if he does not look strictly at my face, he does not scold me. This is how I read it, how I said everything, this is how it should be, and my slander cannot be broken. Amen, amen, amen.

From inspection officials

It is no secret that sometimes the auditors have the goal of siphoning out a certain bribe from those they are checking. With this amulet, you can protect yourself from exciting and ruinous checks. Stand with your back to the doorknob at the entrance to the house and say: Just as my backside does not see the doorknob, the official will not see me and will not offend me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

What should be read during bureaucratic checks

The conspiracy is read during a check or when you enter the building where you work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother, Mother Mary, send to me, God's servant (name), Savior Angel, Guardian Angel. Angel, my guardian, Angel, my deliverer, save me, save me from the enemies of my nine-ninths, from the guardsmen, enemies of the sworn, from anger and punishment, from bodily torture, from the eyes of Herod and the deeds of Judas, from serious ailments and from a slight cold, from a point in the dark, from poison in a vessel and in an arrow, from ice and fire, from a black day, from bureaucratic claims, from bestial tortures, from judges, from shackles, from vicious sorcerers. My angel, my guardian, be everywhere and always with me, with God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

If tortured with checks

Find out how many churches there are in your city, and take holy water from each of them. Drain all the collected water into one bucket and speak it at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning. As soon as you read the conspiracy three times, immediately douse yourself with this water from head to toe. Do this in a bath or bathroom. They spell water like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! God's water, holy water, sweet and dear water, you refresh God's earth, you nourish every plant, you cleanse a person's body and soul. Help me too, God's servant (name). I tame the heart of a lion, a snake and a dog with God's water. You, lion, do not roar, you, dog, be silent, you, snake, do not hiss. And you, my enemy (name), do not approach me, God's servant. Mother holy water, you sharpen and break stones, you wash away all dirt and all evil. Wash away the anger and hatred of all enemies and enemies from me. My guardian angel, my guardian angel, intercede for me (name), pray before the Lord for me, God's servant (name), and my misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from enemy intrigues and intrigues

They read this conspiracy at midnight forty times in a row. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Eternal God was born to Mother Mary, was baptized, glorified. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. As the stars in the sky fade under gray clouds, so would my enemies fade away. As the dead lie in their graves and are silent, so my enemies would be silent, they would not open their mouths against me. And as dead eyes do not see, even if my enemies do not look at me, do not see me, do not notice, they do not remember my name in their speeches. Saint Saved me from my enemies, enemies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from trouble

If you are overwhelmed with endless troubles, sprinkle the charmed millet on the chickens. They will peck it and your troubles will stop. They speak of millet like this: As this millet depletes and disappears, so all my troubles would disappear from me (name) now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to respect others

Indeed, there are such conspiracies for disgust, as well as respect and human love. For example, this one: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The blue sea played out to the holiest heavens. An old demon woke up on the seabed, waving his arms, dancing with his hooves. On whom the spray falls from him, people will not allow him to live among themselves. I, the servant of God (name), will get up, bless me, go up to the icon, cross myself, beg, beg for love for myself. Whoever of God's people looks at me, he will respect and love me now, forever and endlessly. Let me be for them thirsty for water, for hunger - delicious food. Whoever exchanges a word with me will turn to me with all his kind soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Respect and honor in the team

On Easter morning, wipe yourself off with a towel and say: Christ is risen! And I am to the whole world the sun is red, honey is sweet, salt is the most vaunted! Put a towel on the table, eat a cake and a dyed egg over it. The next day, bring a towel to work and use it to wipe your work area with it. You will see, the result will be indescribable. For everyone, you will shine like the Sun. People will reach out to you and respect you.

So that luck is not taken away

Wash yourself on the full moon with the milk that has been spoken: Lord, my God, I stand before You. Angel, my guardian, deliverer from evil hearts, save me, protect me. As a loving mother, she does not want to wean the child from her breast for the time being, so that no one, never, at any time, takes away my luck. Increase, Lord, my luck, send, Lord, deliverance from enemies. My angel, be with me, keep my happiness and good luck. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that envious people do not bring harm

If you are planning a serious business, but fear the evil eye or damage, you should do so. Boil fish in holy water at twelve o'clock. When the water boils and the steam rises, say: My fish is immovable, my fish is silent. You can't open your mouth, you can't speak with words. Likewise, neither my enemies nor their lips should be undressed, words should not rush, troubles, no harm should be done. Got you, black night, you got, white day, got, red dawn. Enemies behind - the first me. Amen.

How to make a conspiracy up the ladder to Ascension (to advance in the service)

Anyone who passionately desired a promotion in the service came to the healer on Ascension. The witch doctor took a fee from the visitor and gave a ladder baked from dough with conspiracy words.
I will teach you how to make such a ladder. Who knows, if not for you, then maybe the children will find it useful. Plus, the charmed staircase is delicious.
For the dough you need: 120 g of hazelnuts, 1 glass of flour, a glass of crushed sugar (powdered sugar), 1 egg, lemon juice, a little vanilla and holy water.
Mix the toasted ground nuts with vanilla, flour, sugar and egg yolk. Add holy water to make the dough not very steep. Knead it and roll out a layer 1-1.5 cm thick. Then cut the layer into strips, lay on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour - so that a ladder is formed from the strips. Grease the ladder with glaze and bake until tender.
When the dough is crumpled, they read the conspiracy: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. True Christ, the Heavenly King, ascended in His glory. Lord, I sing praises to You, who stepped on the ladder of glory, which led You to the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. God bless this bread. Whoever eats this bread, whoever drinks it down with holy water, will find Your protection everywhere. Fate will not offend that person, the judge will not condemn, the cunning will not outwit, the quick will not beat. Every door will open to him, every head will bow to him. King David himself helps me, he blesses my ladder. Michael the Archangel confirms my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

1) Conspiracy with actions and rituals and

2) Conspiracy without rituals. Actions and ceremonies were very numerous and varied. They talked about various objects: salt, soap, whitewash, bones of the dead, water, weapons, wine, vinegar, etc.

In almost all cases, there were special conspiracies and special actions accompanying them. The most popular and respected were and are enjoyed by numerous conspiracies that have a medical purpose and are often placed in medical books and herbalists. Despite their variety, conspiracies have some common formulas; so, the vast majority of them begin with the words: "I will get up a servant of God, blessing myself, wash myself with water, dew, rub myself with a woven handkerchief, I will cross myself, from the hut to the door, from the gate to the gate, to the east" ... and ends fixing:“Be my words strong and molding to the age; no to my words of negotiation and non-agreement; be you, my sentence, stronger than stone and iron "... or" I lock my words with locks, I throw the keys under the white combustible stone alatyr; but as the locks have strong bows, so my words are marks "...

Conspiracies are a very ancient form of treatment that has survived to this day.

But we warn you - if you do not believe in the miraculous power of conspiracies, then it is better not to take up this business. The mighty power of conspiracies lies in faith in God, it is he who will help you get rid of corruption and the evil eye.

Conspiracy 1.

Be sure to read this lapel at midnight on a sleeping person. When the person to whom the damage was sent falls asleep, stand at his head, holding the icon in one hand, and a lighted church candle in the other, and read "Our Father". Then say the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Wicked corruption, depart from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) into dark forests where people do not walk, and animals do not roam, and birds do not fly.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (twice), evil corruption, go out to the fast river in which fish do not swim; from the servant (s) of God (her) (name), evil corruption, go to the fierce wind that blows across the steppe.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, attach yourself, evil corruption, to that evil person who brought a great illness to the servant (s) of God (s) (name). Tie yourself, evil corruption, to that person who does not do good, and untie yourself from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) forever.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. "

Read this conspiracy three times in a whisper, then blow out the candle, cross yourself and go to bed.
In a few days, the person being spoken will get sick. His illness will resemble a common cold. It is damage that comes out of him.

Conspiracy 2.

Be sure to read this conspiracy in the forest. Stand near an oak tree, take a lighted candle (necessarily a church one) in one hand, and an icon in the other. Read " Father our" and say the conspiracy:

“Oak, bast, take the spoilage from the servant (s) of God (her) (name), but if you don’t take it, I will lock you up and throw the keys to the bottom of the sea!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Repeat the conspiracy three times, blow out the candle and cross.

Conspiracy 3.

Read this conspiracy at starry midnight. Sit by the open window, place a lit church candle in front of you, read prayer to the Holy Mother of God and say the conspiracy:

“The Most Holy Theotokos walked along the stone road, propped up with an iron staff - there was no trace on that stone road and there was no damage and the evil eye.
So the servant (s) of God (s) (name) will not have corruption and evil eye from today and forever.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Pronounce the conspiracy three times, then blow out the candle.

Conspiracy 4.

This conspiracy should be read at midnight from Friday to Saturday. He will have double miraculous power if there is a full moon on this night.
So, if you feel that someone close to you has been jinxed, then sit in front of a mirror at midnight. Place three lighted candles between yourself and the mirror, put an icon next to the candles. Then read prayer to the Holy Mother of God and speak the conspiracy:

“Father Abraham walked with his beloved son Isaac and led to Christ the servant (s) of God (s) (name) for healing from the evil eye. They met 12 antichrist daughters on the road.
- It is you, the daughters of Satan, who jinxed a good man - the servant (s) of God (s) (name)? The daughters of the Antichrist bowed to Father Abraham, whined before Jesus Christ, and took the evil eye from the servant (s) of God (her) (name).
Whoever reads the conspiracy on Friday will get away with the evil eye!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Then blow out the candles and go to bed.

Conspiracy 5.

Read the conspiracy late at night, preferably at midnight. Sit in front of the mirror, put three candles between you and the mirror (necessarily church ones). Place a jar of water next to the candles. Read the prayer to the Holy Mother of God, then say:

“I speak to the servant (s) of God (s) (name) from corruption. Let the terrible damage come out of the violent head, from (color) hair, from bones, from relics, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from legs, from pens, from nails, from sponges, from teeth. "

Read the plot three times, cross yourself and go to bed.
The next day, give charmed water to drink the one on whom the damage is directed. Then wet his chest, head, stomach with this water.

Conspiracy 6.

Pronounce this conspiracy as soon as you suspect that your child has been jinxed.
Take a chicken egg and, rolling it over the child's body, pronounce the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Roll, testicle, according to my baby: on his frisky legs, on his white arms, on his back straight, on his little tummy, and drive away the evil eye and spoilage from him. Let evil return to the one who sent it to a small creature, innocent of anything.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After casting the conspiracy, throw the egg into the oven and burn it. If you live in an apartment and do not have this opportunity, then fry this egg in your daughter's frying pan.

Conspiracy 6.

Recite it in the morning when you wash your baby. The conspiracy will work much more efficiently if water is thrown onto the ground after washing. So, when washing your child, say:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!
There is voditsa from the face, from a baby a lich. From whom it started, that was transmitted. He who is with a thorny malice, that is a tear of fire.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy 7.

Damage can also occur when someone tells you that your child is beautiful or healthy. In short, it praises your baby. In order that after these words the child does not get sick, take a jar, pour some water. Dip the coals in it and say:

“Mother water, you wash your steep banks, yellow sands, white-combustible stone with your swiftness and golden stream!
Do not wash your steep banks, yellow sands and white-combustible stone: wash off the servant (s) of God (her), baby (such and such), all the damage and evil eye, grief and illness, pinching and aches , evil and thinness!
Carry you, mother, the river is swift, with your rapid, golden stream into the open field, into the blue sea, behind the swamping mud, for the swampy swamps, for the pine forest, for the aspen tyn!
Be my words strong and sculpting!
The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the company!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Then heat the charmed water and rinse your baby with it.

Conspiracy 8.

Spend this conspiracy from damage and the evil eye in the bath. Sit on a shelf, lay a flattened child on the knees and, taking a broom (best of all birch) in your left hand, hit the ceiling with the chopped end.
Then whisper the conspiracy:

“As this white birch stood in an open field, did not know any damage or evil eye, so you, baby, servant of God (servant of God) (name), do not know any damage or evil eye and be healthy (a) and long-lived ( on the). Ugh! Holy Spirit, amen!

Belief in miracles drives people. Each of us believes in something: in Mother Nature, in the Cosmic Mind, in God ... We build our relationship with the object of faith through energetic vibration-words.

Forms of verbal influences:

  • prayers - a person turns to a Higher Power or to God with a request;
  • rituals (the power of the word is combined with actions) - this is how a person changes the world around him;
  • conspiracies - a person using a conspiracy does not ask, but commands.

Features of conspiracies

Conspiracy (spell, spell, incantation) is:

  • widespread impact on the human energy biofield;
  • magic words for the fulfillment of desire;
  • a verbal formula that can even ruin the one who uses it.

A person who reads the spell correctly is given a 100% guarantee of the fulfillment of what he wants. But you have to pay for it.

Do not naively believe in harmless spells. A conspiracy is always an order, a command. Its essence is the desire to achieve "one's own" by any means. Before reading the spell, think about which forces you call - light or dark.

There is a saying: "Be afraid to demand the fulfillment of desire, for it can come true." The Light Forces will respond if your desire is Good.

Spells have been known for a long time. There have always been people (healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, etc.) who can speak illnesses, slander good luck, conjure the weather ... They possessed tremendous willpower and faith in their own strength.

Spells are used both to get rid of something and to find what you want.

To get rid of:

  • from the evil eye;
  • from evil people;
  • from various diseases;
  • from smoking and drunkenness;
  • from gossip;
  • from thieves and robbers;
  • from car theft;
  • from unhappy love;
  • from betrayal and separation ...

To acquire:

  • for the birth of a child;
  • on the betrothed;
  • to pass the exam;
  • to find a job;
  • to increase money;
  • for success;
  • family well-being;
  • for love and fidelity ...

A powerful spell is a conspiracy aimed at fulfilling a desire.

Construction rules

A conspiracy is a connection to energies.

The caster is a conductor of energies. He uses them, passing through himself. It is very important to find the very Power that will help you.

There are three types of conspiracies:

  1. A phantom is a bundle of energy endowed with its own will. This phantom neutralizes the flaw it is directed against. This is how charms and healing spells work.
  2. Binding - an event can be “attached” to an image and then thrown away. This is how spells work to get rid of unhappy love, lovemaker, failure, etc.
  3. Conspiracy to gain (attitude) - a person turns to his subconscious, attuning himself to the fulfillment of what he wants. Words subconsciously become an order for the brain and nervous system, release the hidden reserves of the body. A person acts more efficiently, getting what he wants. If you correctly draw up a conspiracy to fulfill a desire, then all the doors will open in front of you.

Approximate scheme:

The Light Power that I believe in
Open the door to my desire
As the moon and stars rise
Desire approaches my door.
My word is the castle, in what I give myself a vow!

Is the frequency of use important?

There are not very many true desires in a person, they cannot be abused. Therefore, a conspiracy to desire is done in exceptional cases, no more than three times a year. To increase the effectiveness of the spell, cast it on the days appropriate for your gender:

  • women's day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday;
  • men's day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

A conspiracy for desire is done on the waxing moon.

Conditions of conducting

  • Conspiracy is witchcraft, often accompanied by rituals or rituals.
  • Spells are not cast for fun or interest.
  • To fulfill your desire, concentrate and calm your thoughts (light an aroma lamp, meditate, tune in with a candle.)
  • You cannot change the order and pronunciation of words. All repetitions must be identical.
  • The spell is read in a whisper.

The belief that you will be heard strengthens the effect of the conspiracy.

What is the performance

The strength of the spell depends on the belief in the magic of the word.

The effectiveness of a wish-fulfillment spell is determined by a person's mood and faith.

Spells work most effectively on people with a low level of cultural or intellectual development. Highly educated people effectively use a conspiracy, being in a dead end in life, on the verge of life and death, in a state of stress.

Examples of efficacy

Concrete desires that have nothing to do with miracles are fulfilled. If you wish to have wings, you will receive them, but in the form of flying on an airplane.

One woman wished the resurrection of her recently deceased husband. A week later, she found out that she was pregnant, and the child born was an exact copy of her father. To avoid such misunderstandings, always state the desire in detail.

Contraindications for use

  • Do not use conspiracy to harm people or for selfish purposes.
  • Do not manipulate people with a conspiracy.
  • Do not use a spell to remove magical effects.
  • The conspiracy does not remove the generic or karmic problem.
  • If you are using a spell to heal, see your doctor anyway.

Use the spell or not - decide for yourself. Be sure to study the necessary information, and then act.

200 conspiracies of a Siberian healer for success and good luck

200 conspiracies of a Siberian healer for success and good luck

Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova

Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova

200 conspiracies of a Siberian healer for success and good luck

Calling the Holy Spirit for help in an important and difficult task

Help me. Lord, the Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies, my enemies, do not dare to ruin my work. Do not give. Lord, Holy Spirit, interrupt (summarize the essence of your case). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For successful teaching

So that they study better and with diligence, they say to a bright fire, into the oven:

As you, a flame, burn and flare up, sway from my breath, so the slave (name) would burn and rage on the teaching. Amen.

It is good to pray to the three holy youths: Ananias, Azarius and Misail, who became famous for their wisdom, as well as the martyr Neophytos and Sergius of Radonezh.

So that teachers do not scold

Speak before entering school:

The truth is, beyond this threshold is my strength.

For the same

They look into the water at their reflection and say:

I look at myself. I am above the water and I am in the water. Everywhere I am the first and at school too.

They wash their face with this water before going to school.

For successful exams

They shake the dress in which they go to the exam three times and say:

Those who followed the Lord became his disciples. And I'm going after the Lord. Lord, send me luck in teaching. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the examiner

As Sunday is bright, so my head is bright. How my mother loves me, how my father, grandfather and grandmother loves me. As they always cherished and pitied me, so you would have pitied me, my teachers. Amen.

For career luck

On the day of the beheading of John the Baptist, they buy shoes, in which they then serve an evening service in the church, and when they come home, they wash the soles in a basin and this water is poured into a half-liter jar.

On the first even day after that, they bring this water to their service, but so that no one can see. Any corner of the building in which they work is poured from the street. The bank is left right there. You will notice how a turning point for the better begins in your career.

Conspiracy on important letters, papers (to get what you want)

Break off 9 splinters from a dry aspen log, so that the length is the same, fold a well of eight splinters, and set the "well" on fire from four sides with the ninth. As soon as it lights up, throw the ninth torch there. With the smoke that will come from the "well", fumigate the paper (a petition, an important letter for you), on which your fate depends, while saying the incantation:

The dog leaves, the pigeon comes, the dog runs away, the pigeon flies, may we have good news. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For good luck (for an egg)

The first egg laid by a chicken on Sunday or Easter is broken in an earthen cup, a wedding ring is thrown there, and they walk around their house. Arriving, they fry the ring together with the egg, remove the ring, eat the egg. Until the egg is eaten, not a word can be said to anyone. The year will be rich.

Win a competition (fist fight, wrestling, etc.)

To be a winner, you need to find and pick a clover from five petals, make a cross out of them and then say:

Clover, wide clover, I plucked you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the integrity of the Holy Virgin, the integrity of St. John the Baptist, the integrity of St. John the Evangelist. You will not serve me in all kinds of games.

After that, they read the "Our Father" five times and the Mother of God five times, then they say: Sang, Lamb, Elijah, Christ. Amen.

To come back with good luck

As the Moon tends to arrive, as the river tends to arrive, so you, slave (name), will return with profit. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To urgently sell an apartment

There are many such letters and calls. Of course, everyone has their own circumstances, but I advise you to think carefully before selling the shelter that has warmed you for so long. Where everything was - both happiness and sorrow. But if, nevertheless, the circumstances are stronger, then I advise you the following.

Clean the floor in all rooms and in the corridor, and pour dirty water onto the road. Before that, the water is slandered while squatting in front of a bucket. If you meet someone when taking out water, then what you have done will be empty. And the slander is this:

Four corners, my domina and the brownie, I renounce you, from the doors, locks, from the four corners and the brownie. Whoever brings me money for you will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For success in acquiring tenants or attracting the public

Yes, and there are slander. They used to be used to attract guests (tenants) or so that more people gathered in taverns or theaters for income to the owners. Of course, in our time it seems unnecessary. But who knows if your grandchildren and their children will need it. After sunset, go to the crossroads, take the ground crosswise, saying:

Neither horse nor foot, do not pass by, everyone walking and riding, come in to me.

Bring the earth home, put it in the corners, do this every three days three times.

To give money (loan, loan)

They wear a handkerchief under their arms for three days, and when you come to ask for money, wipe your face with this handkerchief on the threshold and say to yourself:

Lord, my God Christ, my angel brought the petition. My lord. You said: "Ask and it will be given." Amen.

For a woman to ask on women's day, for a man on men's.

To sell a house, an apartment at a profit

They talk on a broom at three o'clock in the morning, and in the morning, with a pink glow, they sweep in the house. So for three days in a row.

As I sweep the rubbish, I sweep it, so I nail the buyers to myself. The first will come, the second will come, the third will buy, take it for himself. Amen.

How to sell a house

From a letter: “I have an elderly mother. She cannot be alone, she needs constant care. I wanted to take her to live with me, but we cannot sell her house. It's a pity to quit too ... "

There are conspiracies to sell the house. Try this one, for example. They read it into the water, and then sprinkle this water in the house. The remaining water is poured onto the porch.

God's Horomina, four corners, an icon in the corner. As people go to the temple to the icons, so to my house-khoromina, four corners, an icon in the corner, let people go, bring money, buy khoromina, all four corners. My word is sticky, my deed is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Walk around the house (against the solstice) three times. Then bow to every corner of the house and ask the brownie to sell the house:

My master, brownie, sell my house. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Sell ​​your car successfully

There are a lot of requests to include conspiracies for the sale of a car in the book.

Nina A. has been giving paid ads for a long time in order to sell her car, spending large sums on it. Soon after using my plot, she sold the car.

I give this conspiracy to you. They read it before they go to sell the car.

Through Christ, with Christ and in Christ. Glory to Thee, Almighty Father, and the Holy Spirit. They pay for all sorts of merits, even if I, the slave (name), sell, I will be well paid. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the same

Lord, my God, I'm in front of you. The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells his goods. Father, priest, prays for all of us, for me, for my sinful soul. The reapers walk into the field, the buyer bears the money. The reaper in the field reaps, the buyer (name what you sell) will take it. Amen.

From car theft

They talk about a boat, a car, a horse, or what you ride. They do this on the date on which they bought the transport; slander on a very starry night.

Not to be on foot for me, how not to become a devil for me. How can I not live as a brownie, copper a penny in gold. Just as a child cannot be returned to its mother, one cannot steal and steal (this and that). I lock it with a lock, I close it with a key. I protect it with a talisman. Amen.

So that they do not stop on the way (from the traffic police)

Previously, this amulet was protected from milestones, so that they would not be held back on the way. It is useful to know this at the present time, in order not to tolerate unnecessary nit-picking from the traffic police.

I walk, crossing myself, bowing to four sides. The sun is red in front, the window to the Lord, behind the moon is clear, but the path is not dangerous. On the sides are my keepers, deliverers from all powers and their wisdom, from all ranks and their subordinates, from all uniforms and their commanders. Versta, turn around, not me, but you bow to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Find Lost

They read by clapping them with their hands. If you have lost something, it will definitely be found, and if someone stole it, he will throw it up, without realizing how to do it, since the spell will twist his head to the brink.

Devils brothers, come here, look for help. Yargamas, vrbamas, Yavramas. In the name of that, in the name of this and the other. Take your brains, get the thieves' thoughts. Take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen.

To tip

This conspiracy is also called "charity". In the old days, the servants knew him well. Now a lot is repeated. I think it will not be superfluous for some. Anyway, my friend's daughter gets a good tip while working as a waitress. She is grateful to me that I taught her this conspiracy.

They read on a full moon on a new white handkerchief, which must necessarily peep out of the pocket.

Read like this:

God's saints! Apply your prayer and care to me. God's servant (name). So that everyone who stays beside me will not forget me with a zest of mercy. Put it to me. Lord, into the hand of gold and silver. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the last word in the dispute remains with you

The devil's God is stronger, and I am more important than my enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To be hired

When my grandmother taught me this prayer, who would have known that it would be useful to people. Previously, witches taught this prayer to workers so that they would not be refused work. And now, judging by your bitter stories, it will come in handy.

I'm going to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, the owner to have a look. My face is sweet to him, my soul does not grow cold. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be moved by my words. He would not have chased away the painted soul. Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To be hired

From a letter: “Perhaps my problems will not seem important to you, but please do not throw out my letter, read it to the end. I am 37 years old, I have two children, no husband and no work. All enterprises were closed, thanks to perestroika.

Earlier, everywhere you look, there are announcements: required, required, required.

And now, wherever you go, they say everywhere that they accept only until the age of thirty-five. Aren't thirty-seven-year-old people already? When you go to an interview, you worry, you put on what is better, and you leave as if spat upon! "

Before going to get a job, wash off the door brace and say:

Water - from the face, beauty - on. To whom I go, I go in single file, and I will return in a king. Sun behind back, the threshold is in front of me, v you, boss, be under my foot. As I say, I will express it, so in my opinion it will be. Amen.

How to attract the attention of your superiors (for a promotion at work)

This conspiracy is pronounced at the moment when you wash, comb or put on the clothes in which you appear before the leadership.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glorious is God's world. There is a royal feast under the east side. In that golden chamber, the throne, whoever approaches him, the Holy Spirit descends, whoever takes his trace, puts in his bosom, he will ascend high above the human world. Be my face like an Easter egg, like a clean mirror at holidays, at gatherings. All that they would love me, see me, look at me favorably, call me by name and patronymic, give me a high place above people. And as people were called kings, so angels would open doors for me everywhere. Be my words strong and sculpting. Century after century, from now on and will finish. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

So that no one speaks a word in the service against you

From a letter: “I work as an accountant. The leadership changed three months ago. The new boss set herself in such a way that the whole team, getting ready for work, drinks valerian drops in advance. Many have quit, many she herself kicked out. She screams, yells at everyone, swears, and yet by age she is a brat.

Yesterday I fired IS. She brought her to tears. Leaving, the fired woman said:

- As long as I live, every day I will put this reptile "for peace."

But I. S. is the most calm and kind woman in our team. This is how you had to get her to say that. "

On an even day, say a handful of gray poppy and carry it in your left hand from home to work. Try not to sprinkle the poppy! In front of the first door of the work building, drop the poppy on the ground. From now on, no one else will offend you. They say poppy like this:

God created the heavens, God created the earth. God adorned the earth with beauty, and the sky with heavenly height. The Lord also adorned me (name) with strength, beauty and heavenly height from enemies. Enemies cannot reach me (name), they cannot crush me under the heel and fist, they cannot take me with their tongue and anger. I have a cross, I have an icon, I have a holy poppy - what I say, everything will be exactly like that. As King David was meek and humble, so be you, (name), humble and meek for me. God's slave (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

If necessary, the word "slave" is changed to the word "slave" and vice versa.

To get mercy from superiors

Read before going to the authorities to resolve difficult issues.

I, the servant of God, will go to God's light. On the wide street, there is no one I meet. There is no oncoming, no transverse. Not dashing, evil, bad and such as they would tell me. God's servant, no. They would not speak, and would not persuade, and would not persuade against my will. I will illuminate with God's light, I will be blessed with an icon, I will enclose myself in a cloud, I will crumble with frequent stars. And just as a month cannot be thrown out of the sky, the sun cannot be overturned, so in my case you cannot be interrupted, not broken. For a century I have to stand my ground, not let go of my business. As I want, so it will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the wrath of the boss

Corners by corners, doors by doors, kings by kings. I go to you with apprehension, and you to me with affection, I go to you with a period, and you to me with a kind heart. Amen.

Sometimes on Thursday read in your service.

To ease the anger of high-ranking officials

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna. I am a former party worker, but I really believe everything you write about. Personally, your books have helped me more than once in all sorts of situations. I always eagerly read your works. When I was a child, doctors couldn't do anything with my legs. They didn't go. A simple, illiterate old woman cured me. And who knows, my fate would have turned out like this, if not for her. I am writing to you with the following question. Everyone knows that every boss has a boss. The character of my boss, frankly, is complex. And you don't know when and how he will meet you ... With age, my nerves began to fail. Is there any conspiracy to make him not so fierce? I myself try not to irritate my subordinates. Time is not easy anyway. With sincere respect and the wish to publish more books for us, Ch. A. "

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. There is a holy staircase, on it there are holy steps, on each step there are knees, a deacon and an archdeacon, a priest and an archpriest, a bishop and a metropolitan, and the Lord stands above everyone. He comforts everyone and graciously forgives everyone. I, the rob of God (name), stand, with a true spirit I humbly ask: a deacon and an archdeacon, a priest and archpriest, a bishop and a metropolitan and Jesus Christ himself, put your will in the mouth of the slave (name of the boss) favorable words, for me, for my soul , slave (name). Amen.

From bureaucratic nagging

The master is riding, driving a horse, beating with a whip, giving no rest. Evil boils in him, his eyes are burning with anger, the horses are twisting, trying, the master picks at them, sometimes they don't stand like that, sometimes they fly not that way. His hand rises, the whip falls on the horses. Lord bless. You, slave (name of the official), do not find fault, do not take a pity on me. I would. Lord, sweet to the slave, he would not reproach me unnecessarily. Holy saints, holy protectors, holy martyrs, be my protection. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read during work checks.

So that in the service they do not find fault with you

Another person cannot stand up for himself - and all the bumps are on him. In a word, if a person is irresponsible, then he becomes a scapegoat. If such a person on the old New Year tries to come to the service earlier than others and reads this slander three times, then he will correct his situation.

As the dead do not bite their teeth, tongues do not swear, as they do not rush in anger, do not wave their hands at the living, do not knock their feet, as they do not shout at me, so that not a single person, forever and ever, is an elder in rank. , neither the younger, nor the one who counts, nor the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in the chair, even if he does not look strictly at my face, he does not scold me. This is how I read, how I said everything, this is how it should be, and my slander cannot be broken. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the boss's nagging

On the sea on the ocean, on the Buyan island, there is a table. God's throne. On the table lies a white, hardened case. The judge and the prosecutor are sitting at the table. Lord, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, petrify their lips and teeth and tongue. As the dead lie, he does not speak, so they would not ascribe to me, the slave (name), find fault with me and eat up. The poppy grows, the poppy blooms, the poppy blooms, the leaf falls off, so their affairs would fall away from me, the slaves (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

They say three times on a gray poppy and pour it on the one from whom there is no rest.
So that they don't get fired from work (don't get laid off)
Bring some water from home, which has stood at your feet for three days, and when you go to the toilet at work, wash yourself with it, saying:

I was here, here I will be, I went here and I will go. Amen.

To get along with the authorities

Holy thresholds, be but protection, to the aid of the servant of God (name), v you, walls, stand dumb, and you, leaders, be merciful to the servant of God (name). Amen.

So that you don't get rejected (very strong conspiracy)

If you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this conspiracy three times.

I don't walk, I don't hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me. God's servant (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday and not on Saturday. Take, damn, myself my concern. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They did not move their tongue against, they would respect me and love me. Cross with cross, deal with a good ending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To the sympathy of others

As the Lord loves His Mother Mary, and the Mother loves His Son, so the whole world would love me, not offend or oppress me. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that no one offends you

There are people who do not know how to stand up for themselves. They need to know and carry with them such a talisman:

Strengthen me. Lord, with your spirit. Holy is pure. Holy is strong, the conspiracy before me, slaves (name), molding.

Sprinkle me. Lord, with yellow sand, cover me with fat. That yellow sand cannot be counted, and I, the servant of God (name), will never be taken by anything: neither a sorcerer, nor a witch, nor a black man, nor a blue woman, nor a king, nor a queen, nor a centurion, nor a judge. Be, the guardian of God, with me. God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From empty nagging

To say in the back to someone who unnecessarily harassing nitpicks:

I have lips, I have teeth. I eat with my lips, with my teeth I gnaw out all evil, all kinds of naggers. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

End of introductory snippet.

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