How to do makeup for gray eyes. What color are your gray eyes? Photo of makeup options for gray eyes

Today, the most common eye color is gray. There are a great many of its shades in nature, but the real “pure” color, without green, brown or blue blotches of varying degrees of intensity, is a real rarity.

Makeup artists note that gray-eyed girls are very lucky, since they can afford makeup for gray eyes in almost every shade from the palette.

What color are your gray eyes?

Gray eyes are inherently chameleons, therefore they easily adapt to the light and the surrounding space, quickly change their color under the influence of weather, seasons, and time of day. In addition, if you look closely at the gray-eyed girls, you can certainly find blotches of green, blue or brown colors.

It is because of this feature of gray irises that experienced makeup artists strongly recommend choosing decorative cosmetics and doing makeup for gray eyes only after the rest of the image is formed: clothes and shoes are selected, accessories and jewelry are selected.

Color selection: what to focus on

Finally, you are ready to complete your look and make gray eye makeup the way you saw it in the photo or came up with it yourself. Take a close look at your reflection in the mirror to decide which color your eyes are closer to now: pure gray, gray-blue, gray-green or pleasant green shades without any hint of gray. Did you know that silver eyes lend themselves very well to a little color correction?

In the case when the eyes appear gray with a lot of green flashes and do not require makeup for gray-blue eyes, it is recommended to focus on a simple day or bright in copper, dark green, lilac or gray shades, but at the same time choose a color a few tones different from your iris.

If gray-green eyes do not suit your image at the moment or you are aiming to do makeup for gray-blue eyes, then modern decorative cosmetics will help to correct the shade of your iris. To do this, when applying shadows, give preference to golden, bronze or ocher color, completing the whole image with eyeliner or shadows in the corners of the eyes, always saturated blue.

If your eyes are gray-blue and you decide to stay on this color and make up for gray-blue eyes, then you can use shades of pink, purple, golden.

The main advice that makeup artists can give you when correcting the color of the iris is to be sure to follow the rules of contrast. For example, makeup for gray-blue eyes of a light shade is unacceptable in the same colors and silver shades. A dark palette would be more appropriate here. Irises of a rich dark color, making everyday makeup, can be very favorably emphasized with the help of light silvery shadows with mother-of-pearl or white shadows with a gray pencil along the contour of the eye.

Taboo for gray eyes

Despite the fact that makeup for gray eyes is good in almost any color, there are still a number of prohibitions. For example, the owners of gray eyes are strictly forbidden to apply bright and defiant makeup, regardless of whether you are planning a day or evening out. If you neglect this prohibition, then with your makeup you will divert all attention from your beautiful eyes, and your look will seem lost, cold and repulsive to everyone's attention.

Makeup artists believe that makeup for gray eyes should not be done in pink and brown shades. But, this is true only for the “pure” gray color of the iris. In fact, if you pay attention to the photos of celebrities in glossy magazines, you can often see stars where makeup for gray eyes is created in this particular palette. Here it is important to choose the perfect shade for your iris, which is sometimes very difficult to do. An absolute ban applies only to rich brick colors and dark brown colors of warm shades, which will create the effect of tear-stained eyes and give a haggard look.

Gray eyes do not accept oily black eyeliner, especially when it comes to the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower eyelid. Look at the photo of such a makeup: this technique may be appropriate only when you want to visually reduce the shape of the eyes. If you are already aiming to use eyeliner, doing everyday day or evening makeup, then make a thin, neat line. So you will favorably emphasize the color of the iris, make the look more expressive, and the section of the eyes is visually larger than it really is.

Gray-eyed daytime makeup: step by step

Depending on the event that you have or the place where you are going, your daytime makeup for gray eyes can be done in soothing translucent colors or be bright, rich and deep. Still, everyday makeup will look more natural and appropriate in a muted range. You can come up with daytime makeup for gray eyes yourself, or you can find something suitable in the photo.

Your everyday look should include no or minimal use of matte shades, as well as bright, dark colors and bold black eyeliner. It is better to use a soft pencil, as well as light shades of gray, light brown, blue or green.

Step-by-step application of make-up for gray eyes can be as follows:

  1. carefully treat the eyelids with a make-up base. So you will provide your make-up with a longer sock;
  2. on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire upper movable eyelid, apply ashy or completely white shades of a translucent or very light tone;
  3. paint the outer corner with a darker color with a pearly sheen (depending on what color scheme you are working in);
  4. shade the inner corner with the lightest shadows from the selected color palette;
  5. blend the resulting makeup in such a way that a smooth transition between colors is formed;
  6. it's time for a pencil or eyeliner. Use a liquid version and make a classic flicker on the upper movable eyelid, but don't draw it too wide;
  7. then, with a soft black pencil, draw a line up to half of the static eyelid, and then carefully blend;
  8. use ink. To give even more expressiveness, use lengthening or voluminous mascara to match the eyeliner.

If you do not know which colors and shades are well combined with each other, then you can choose the make-up option in the photo.

Evening make-up

If you decide to make an evening make-up for gray eyes on the occasion of a solemn appearance, then you should use mother-of-pearl shades of bright, dark and saturated shades. In the event that you have chosen a dark version of the visage, be sure to emphasize the eyebrow line using a soft pencil or liquid eyeshadow in a natural shade. This make-up will make a stunning accent on your bright eyes.

Evening makeup will look very appropriate and organic in the following version:

  1. prepare eyelids for applying decorative cosmetics;
  2. apply rich eggplant-colored shadows on the entire surface of the upper eyelid;
  3. apply dark shadows of a chocolate warm shade with pearly inclusions in the upper part of the eyelid (outer corner) and carefully blend the resulting color scheme;
  4. paint over the area under the eyebrows with transparent white shadows with a pearlescent effect;
  5. bring the lower eyelid with a soft brown pencil and shade in the area of ​​​​the outer corner;
  6. make a classic black arrow of medium thickness along the lash line of the upper eyelid;
  7. Complete your evening look with black mascara.

Many different makeup options can be seen in the attached photos of celebrities and ordinary users.

The choice of makeup for hair and skin color

In the event that you are a beginner makeup artist or an amateur who still cannot master the art of a beautiful make-up, then use the numerous photo and video materials to comprehend the science of the perfect selection of cosmetics according to the type of appearance.

The main rules of a good visage are the selection of cosmetics and makeup style in accordance with hair color and skin type.

For example, girls with gray-green eyes and dark hair color should stick to a dark palette of blue, copper, gray, brown. This range will help shade the color of your green with gray eyes, while being perfect for both daytime and evening options.

Blond gray eyes, especially if they have a clearly visible presence of green flashes, should give preference to shades of lilac, beige and bronze.

Red-haired beauties can opt for blue and pink, but only as an evening make-up. For a daytime make-up, it is better to make classic arrows with eyeliner or a pencil. It is appropriate to use baked shadows. See photo gallery of the best solutions.

If a woman knows how to correctly emphasize her eyes without spoiling their natural beauty, she is a real lucky woman. After all, it is cosmetics that can correct some minor flaws, slightly change the shape of the eyes and emphasize their expressiveness. Experts in the field of makeup share several rules that help to correctly emphasize the eyes based on their type. In the article we will tell you how to correctly emphasize the eyes, consider different eye colors: blue, brown, green, gray.

If you have a short distance from the eyelid to the eyebrow, then makeup should be applied in this way: cover the entire eyelid with a light shade, and the outer corner with a dark color. In this case, you will have to forget about tracing your eyes with a pencil, such an eyeliner simply will not suit your eyes.

If you have wide-set eyes, the way you apply shadows needs to be completely changed. That is, the dark color will go to the inner corner of the eye, but the closer to the outer, the lighter the shadows should be.

If you have close-set eyes, when stroking, you need to use light shades that are applied starting from the lash line and ending with the crease in the middle of the eyelid. But above (that is, from the crease to almost the very eyebrows), a darker shade is used. Also, this color should emphasize the lower eyelid. By applying makeup in the same way, you visually increase the distance between the eyes.

If the shape of your eyes is slanted, you need to add light shadows in the crease of the eyelid, apply a darker shade under the eyebrow, and emphasize the outer corner of the eye with the darkest color.

If your eyes seem too prominent for you, choose only two colors as a base: cover the entire surface of the upper eyelid with a neutral shade of shadows (for example, gray or brown). Now take a darker eyeshadow color, add it to the crease of the eyelid and blend it towards the temples. It remains only to emphasize the lower eyelid with a dark pencil.

Blue eyes

Has nature endowed you with beautiful eyes the color of the sky? Great, such beauty simply cannot be hidden, it only needs to be emphasized and made even brighter. There are colors that go well with (or contrast with) blue eyes. The use of such colors is a time-tested and effective method.

Blue eyes are wonderfully emphasized with blue mascara. Moreover, there are many shades of such mascara, choose the one that is closest to the color of the eyes. But if you are not a fan of bright colored mascaras, you can use dark chocolate brown. Of course, you can emphasize the eyes using simple black mascara, but brown, thanks to the contrast, will look much brighter. If, in addition to blue eyes, you also got red hair, give up black mascara forever, it will be too dark for your type of appearance.

Having blue eyes, it is best to pay attention to the shadows of the brown scale. This makeup is perfect for you: apply light beige shadows on the entire eyelid, right up to the eyebrow itself. Now take a slightly darker shade and add it to the eyelid crease. Armed with a thin brush and dark brown shadows, line the upper eyelid, approaching the lash line as close as possible. Such an eyeliner will make your eyes many times brighter and will not require any special skills. As an additional accent, you can take some orangey shadows and apply them to the moving eyelid, so your eyes will simply shine.

Any shade of blue eyes will go great with a chocolate tint pencil. You can also make eyeliner with blue, but then, in no case do not paint your eyelashes with blue mascara either - the look will be quite vulgar.

Green eyes

Green eyes are not so common, so their owners always look unusual and very impressive. Do you want to highlight this mystical beauty, but do not know how to emphasize green eyes? Follow the guidelines:

The most win-win makeup for owners of green eyes will turn out if you do it in brown-golden or chocolate tones. In addition, you can absolutely no doubt use beige, peach and orange shades. Green shadows are also quite appropriate, but you don’t need to apply them to the entire eyelid - the eye color will not stand out so much. If you definitely decide to use green in your eye makeup, be sure to add other shades of shadows.

Lilac, purple and lilac shadows are also great for emphasizing green eyes. But if your eyes, in addition to green, also have a golden hue, you will have to refuse such colors, as they give the eyes yellowness.

Quite often, black eyeliner looks rough on green eyes, but gray and chocolate brown are ideal. In the inner corners of the eye, you can use white or golden pencils. They will also enlarge the eyes, if you need it, of course.

Brown eyes

Women with this eye color are already incredibly lucky, because they do not have to make special accents - their eyes themselves look quite bright. Do you want all men to be at your feet? Then find out how to emphasize brown eyes and no representative of the opposite sex can resist.

The main tool that must be present in the makeup bag of brown-eyed girls is eyeliner. Using it, you can make just incredibly beautiful oriental makeup. Do not want to become an Arab beauty for a while? To do this, you first need to apply eyeliner on the upper eyelid, approaching the eyelashes as close as possible. Now draw a thin line on the lower eyelid. Both lines on the outer tip need to be slightly raised, thereby making the cat's eye shape. It is best to use black eyeliner.

The next step is to apply shadows. Golden, olive and chestnut shades are perfect for you. If your skin is rather dark, choose olive-brown shades, or dark blue color (it is most suitable for owners of black hair). If your skin is light, choose shades of shadows related to the cold range. For example, fuchsia, aqua or bright blue.

Grey eyes

The gray shade of the eyes has the ability to change depending on what the weather is like outside or what the mood of their owner is at the moment. If you correctly emphasize the gray eyes, their magnetic beauty will become even more obvious.

If you are a lover of experiments and always strive to look your best, use a win-win makeup for gray eyes. It is quite simple: apply silver eyeshadow with a metallic sheen to the entire mobile eyelid, now draw a thin line with black eyeliner along the growth of eyelashes. It remains to paint them with black ink. This color scheme will emphasize your eyes and make your look more expressive.

If you want to make your eyes more saturated and dark, you can choose shadows that will be several tones lighter than the iris of your eyes. But in no case do not take matte shadows, they will make the look lifeless and empty.

Do you want to temporarily change the color of your eyes? To do this, you need to bring the lower eyelid with shadows or a pencil of the selected color.

Women have perfected the art of applying makeup for centuries, so you only need to remember a few very simple rules, guided by which you can make makeup that emphasizes the eyes.

It is easy for gray-eyed girls to impress others by making a harmonious make-up. It is believed that the owners of steel-colored eyes exude mystery and calmness, and correctly selected colors in makeup only reinforce this impression.

Basics and accents of gray eyes make-up

When starting makeup for gray eyes, it is important to consider the existing hair color.

For dark or blond hair

It is important to consider skin tone. If yours is warm, then feel free to emphasize your eyes with bronze and golden shadows, highlighters, blush and other cosmetic products. Your makeup will look natural if you apply a bronze tone on the cheekbones, and sand iridescent shadows on the inner eyelid. Line your eyes with a rich bronze tone along the upper and lower eyelids, carefully blending the pigment. Makeup will be natural, and at the same time attract the eye with its delicate radiance. In general, with your skin tone, it is better to use a “warm” palette of shades. If you have a cool skin tone and are pale, then many warm colors will look inharmonious on you. You should choose a cold range, you can experiment with natural natural tones. If you want your eyes to appear a little greener, accentuate them with olive eyeliner. Blue eyeliner will add blueness to the eyes. Gray-eyed and dark-haired persons are ideally suited for smokey makeup. A simple option: use gray or black shadows (you can use a pencil), blend them well. If you apply more shadows to the outer corner, they will appear a little elongated.

For blonde or red hair

Blonde and gray-eyed women look very harmonious in natural and delicate images. However, a little "drama" in the evening make-up also does not hurt, it will give them a spectacular look. For everyday makeup, it is undesirable to use "flashy" colors - just emphasize the natural beauty, avoiding rough and harsh lines, as well as excessive brightness, which can go into vulgarity. The lighter the tone of your hair, the more gentle your make-up. In the daytime, you do not want to line your eyes with black - opt for gray or brown eyeliner. The same rule applies to mascara. Makeup artists do not recommend red-haired and gray-eyed beauties to abuse dark shades, and this is especially undesirable for girls who are also distinguished by their pale skin. Gloomy shades can lie in dark inappropriate spots. In daytime make-up, give preference to eyeliner and mascara in brown shades. If you have a cool skin tone, then you can try applying blue mascara - it is quite possible that this experiment will turn out to be very successful. In this case, you need an eyeliner to match, or a rejection of it. Smoky, malachite, walnut, golden, beige or olive shades will suit you.

If you are the owner of a warm skin tone, then make the appropriate makeup for gray eyes in beige and chocolate tones. First, spread the base over the space from the eyebrow to the eyelashes, and apply nude shadows. Apply peach shadows on the moving eyelid, and light brown in the crease. Add brown to the lower eyelid as well. Gently blend the transitions of shades. Apply a thin arrow above the upper lashes, use lengthening mascara. Girls with a cold skin tone can do a similar make-up, but replace peach shadows with ivory color, and brown ones with smoky ones. If you don’t like too bright colors in natural daytime makeup, but at the same time you want to somehow emphasize your eyes, then you can make a beautiful make-up, which consists of almost one arrow. Of course, in order for the arrow to look harmonious and neat, in this case one eyeliner is not enough. First, even out skin tone with a suitable foundation or powder, apply base and skin shadows on the eyelids. After that, carefully draw an arrow, apply mascara. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid can be painted with a white pencil - this will visually enlarge the eyes. Also, slightly bring a third of the lower eyelid, closer to the inner corner.

Individuals with gray eyes can make a very effective make-up for the evening, emphasizing their beauty favorably. First, as with any other make-up for gray eyes, you need to apply a base. Now spread the body shadows all over the eyelid. In the outer corner, add a matte gray-green dark pigment. Apply a dark pink stroke to the crease. Highlight the inner corner with satin champagne or sparkling white eyeshadow. On the center of the eyelid, gently apply golden shadows with a flat brush, which will add festivity to any makeup. The boundaries between tones should be carefully shaded, making the transitions soft. Make an eyeliner, with a dark gray or dark green pencil, drawing an arrow that will look the most harmonious. If desired, the arrow can be shaded a little. Bring the lower eyelid with golden shadows, adding a little gray-green color closer to the outer corner, blend the colors. Bring the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil, this will give the look of languor and mystery. Cover your lashes with volumizing mascara, and if that's not enough, apply false lashes. Be sure to take the time to shape your eyebrows.

How to accentuate gray eyes

By adopting the simple tricks of makeup artists, you can create a wonderful make-up every day for your type of appearance. When starting to make-up, pay attention to what shade the iris has. Your look will be more attractive if you choose a shadow a couple of shades darker than the natural pigment of the eyes. If you notice brown blotches, then emphasize them with walnut or golden shadows. Green blotches can be emphasized with olive, and so on. Skin color is also important. Dark-skinned women are suitable for both caramel and bronze, as well as cold blue, smoky, purple tones. Pale-faced beauties should pay attention to lavender, light gray textures. In turn, all the named tones can suit dark-haired girls - try experimenting. Gray-eyed blondes are advised not to make a "screaming" make-up during the day, but it is permissible to show imagination in the evening or before festive events.

It is undesirable to use shadows or a pencil in tone with the eyes or much lighter than them, so as not to look pale, faceless. Dramatic black and navy blue will be out of place in daytime makeup - save them for the evening, and work with them very carefully. Emphasis on eyebrows and eyelashes will help to achieve expressiveness for gray-eyed ladies, but here it is also important to observe the measure. In a daily make-up, gray, brown mascara and eyeliner will look harmonious. If you don’t have black hair, don’t bring your eyebrows with this color - make them more natural. Contrasting solutions will look interesting with your iris color. Apply a chocolate tint on the upper eyelid, and on the lower one make an eyeliner with a light blue pencil, blend the textures. To enhance the effect, sketch the inner lower corner with a silver pencil. Makeup can be completed with gray, dark brown or blue mascara. For gray-eyed girls, the smokey technique is ideal in an evening make-up. If you have gray-green eyes, then make-up in malachite tones, “royal blue” color is suitable for gray-blue, and just gray is smoky.

Video makeup tutorials for mixed eyes

If the irises of your eyes are not only gray, but also interspersed with other colors, you should definitely take this circumstance into account. With the help of makeup, you can focus on this feature and experiment with images.

Beautiful makeup for gray-green eyes

Usually, persons with such an appearance have a warm color type, and it is desirable to emphasize this warmth and attractiveness. You should get a palette with a chocolate range of colors. Bronze, olive, malachite, herbal will look interesting. The base layer in such a make-up is often a delicate peach, light yellow or golden hue. On the lower eyelid, a brown palette will be appropriate - from light to dark. You can also draw an arrow in chocolate shades, and choose a similar mascara for the image. However, black eyelashes and arrows in a festive make-up will also look spectacular.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes for every day

Gray-blue eyes are often compared with the color of the evening sky. Having made a harmonious make-up, you will achieve a bewitching and charming image. It is desirable that the daily make-up be quite restrained and delicate - otherwise, your image will seem defiant, and possibly ridiculous. In the daytime, it is recommended not to use contrasting and very bright colors. Choose gentle, but at the same time saturated shades. Note that if you focus on the gray textures, it will further accentuate the corresponding iris pigment. If you paint with pale blue, lavender pencils, then you can highlight blue blotches in the iris. Whichever option you choose, remember that your look should be compatible as a whole - with lipstick, blush, hair and outfit.

A gray tint is often found in girls, as part of the overall color. Grey-blue eyes or grey-brown are quite natural. In this case, you can simply emphasize the main tone. But how to make high-quality makeup for gray eyes without impurities? The shade is gentle and calm, therefore, appropriate cosmetics are required.

Shades of shadows

Depending on the tone you choose, the eyes can shine with light or become cold and aloof. The classic version is gray metallic. All shades of this range perfectly emphasize the eyes. The only condition is the absence of a complete match, so the colors will simply merge. But there are brighter options depending on the tone of the hair:

  • Brown and gold makeup is a great choice for tanned brunettes. It will emphasize the beauty of the color of the skin and hair, but it will not drown out the eyes.
  • Lilac and light purple gamma - for pale brunettes. Adds light to the look.
  • Bronze and yellowish tones - for light, ashy hair and pale skin. They will allow you to look both calm and bright, but not vulgar.
  • Sand makeup, beige range - for blondes and fair-haired beauties with a light tan. It will make your eyes look warm and tender.
  • Reddish shadows, copper - for red-haired girls and brunettes with crimson tints.

When choosing a color, remember: each of them has its own effect on the shade of the eyes, whether gray or dark brown. Decide what impression you want to make:

  • Expressive look: metallic shades, copper, bronze, terracotta, peach, brick.
  • Easy look: chocolate, coffee, burgundy, brown. Although the colors are dark, the effect is calm.
  • Dramatic view: purple, turquoise, emerald, caramel.

A universal way to do makeup for gray eyes is to use light metallic shadows. For example, gold or bronze, which are great for both gray and brown eyes for every day. Copper is in perfect harmony with the red hair color, as the reddish shades in the shadows and hairstyle are combined with each other. Mother-of-pearl also well emphasizes the tenderness of the look. However, remember about relevance: for everyday make-up, shades are needed much more muted.

chameleon eyes

Since the gray shade is quite neutral, it is easy to turn it into a close one. For example, add a little blue or yellow. Makeup artists have been practicing this kind of magic with cosmetics for a long time.

  • To make gray eyes slightly green, use red or purple shadows. In contrast, the greenish overflows will become brighter. For brunettes, it is better to choose softer shades, for example, lilac. For light brown and red hair, terracotta shadows are ideal.
  • An easy way to bring out the green in gray eyes is to use green shadows. In combination with brown mascara and eyeliner, an expressive green make-up will give a little of its tone to the eyes.
  • Use pastel shadows to bring out blue tones in gray eyes. This will enhance the effect several times. If the blue tone is weak, you can emphasize it in contrast with yellow or golden shadows.
  • A little light silvery shadows on the inner corner of the eye will noticeably lighten the gray tint.

Of course, there is no point in waiting for some miracles. Beautiful makeup for gray eyes will not turn them green or blue, but if your shade has small light overflows, they will become noticeably brighter. You can easily find relevant examples in the photo in this article.


For any shade of eyes, there are colors that will be harmful in makeup. They will completely kill the charm of the look. For gray, this is a pronounced orange, even if it seems to you that it fits perfectly with your blond hair. It will not only divert all attention to itself, but also make the look faded, faded. As a result, you will look tired and discolored.

The standard ban for all girls is not to do makeup with shadows of exactly the same color as the shade of the eyes. So, for brown eyes, the corresponding brown tone is prohibited. Gray-eyed beauties should not use shades of gray. Such mindless copying will erase the boundaries between the iris and eyelids, the look will be strange and cloudy.

When doing makeup for blondes with gray eyes, avoid too bright tones. If brunettes have a catchy hair tone that can divert attention to themselves, then a light shade of hair and eyes will be completely interrupted by a similar make-up.

Eyeliner and mascara

Makeup artists do not recommend doing everyday makeup for gray eyes with black eyeliner. The main reason is that the light shade will simply be lost behind the abundance of black lines. If for brunettes and red-haired girls this can be justified, then blondes should definitely heed this advice. For fair-haired girls, a make-up with a pencil looks strangely darker than a hairstyle, watch this carefully. Also, resin eyeliner will visually reduce the eyes, which is undesirable even for dark hair. Watch the video on how to draw your eyes correctly step by step.

Classic tones for gray eyes are brown and dark gray. Depending on the makeup and clothes, you can afford dark green or blue eyeliner. Avoid thick lines for a daytime make-up, for a light and natural effect, an ordinary mother-of-pearl pencil is enough.

With mascara, you should adhere to the same principles: if the eyeliner is brown, you need mascara to match. Natural makeup for gray eyes involves reasonable colors, so you can look for makeup in a dark gray shade.

To add a little brightness to the makeup will allow colored mascara. Remember: it is worth applying it step by step only on the tips, that is, a maximum of half the cilia. In no case from the base of the hair, the look will be very strange and unnatural. Makeup artists advise using green, blue or purple colors. Bronze or golden mascara is well suited for every day. At the same time, avoid unnecessary sequins.

White mascara or light yellow is an eccentric way to look unusual and attract the eyes of others, but not for brunettes and brown eyes. For light gray eyes, it is great if you are going to create an image of a snow queen at a party. But everyday makeup for gray eyes is best done in more familiar colors.

In contact with

When applying makeup, every woman tries to favorably emphasize her look and make it more expressive and exciting. But if you are the owner of gray-blue eyes, then you are incredibly lucky with this standard of beauty, which allows you to apply different experiments with color shades. In order to choose the most correct everyday or evening makeup for gray-blue eyes, you must also take into account hair color and clothing. And our recommendations will help you create a unique image that helps to charm the opposite sex with an expressive look every day.

Variety of makeup for gray-blue eyes

Makeup for owners of blue-gray eyes surprises with its variety of colors. Shadows of purple, pink, gray, azure, green, silver shades will help to add mystery and drama to the look. And if you want to get a flirtatious and romantic look, then use smoky shadows. But it is worth noting that dark shades are suitable for evening make-up, and light colors are recommended for use in everyday life.

Recommendation: before applying makeup for gray-blue eyes, you need to take care of the cleanliness of your skin. To cleanse your face, use an exfoliating scrub or peeling products that will help remove comedones, blackheads, and peeling marks.

To look stylish and attractive is the natural desire of every girl, which does not require a contractual occasion. The correct way to create daytime makeup is to use natural shades to emphasize naturalness as much as possible. Also, owners of gray-blue eyes are recommended to use shades of golden, silvery shades or lilac pastel tones. Such a daytime makeup for gray-blue eyes will help to complement the individual style, enliven the face and make an irresistible fashionista.

Daily make-up option:

  1. First, apply beige or peach shadows on the upper eyelid, blending well.
  2. Then you need to leave some pearl shadows in the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow, creating a glare effect.
  3. The next step in daytime makeup will be the use of a silver or blue pencil. To do this, bring them a contour along the eyelashes.
  4. Finish off with black or brown mascara.

Recommendation: when performing daytime makeup, do not focus on the eyes and lips at the same time. You can emphasize the expressiveness of the look if you use cosmetics only on the eyes, and leave your lips without lipstick or with a light application of gloss.

A distinctive feature of day makeup from evening makeup is the use of more saturated, bright shades of cosmetics. If you are going to attend a solemn event, first pay attention to the chosen color of the outfit, and then use cosmetics to create the desired image. Properly executed make-up will help you feel the admiring glances of others throughout the party.

To create an evening make-up, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Eyeshadow and eyeliner.
  2. Mascara.
  3. Applicators.
  4. Eyelash curlers.

Follow the step by step instructions and you will be happy with the result:

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub, and then wipe the skin with micellar water.
  2. To hide minor imperfections, apply pointwise to problem areas of the skin.
  3. Even out the complexion with foundation, and apply loose mineral powder with a brush on top.
  4. In order for the makeup to last the whole event, it is recommended to fix it by spraying thermal water on the face. Do not worry about the fact that already applied tone will deteriorate from water. This tool has an effect that can be applied even to a completely finished makeup.
  5. Then highlight the cheekbones with the help of blush, applying with a brush several lines from the level of the temple to the lowest point of the chin.
  6. Then you can start making up your beautiful blue-gray eyes. To create an image of light romance, use shades of aquamarine or turquoise shades. To achieve a playful and sparkling look, use a bronze, purple tone.
  7. Don't forget to finish your look by applying thin arrows along the lash line with black eyeliner. Draw the line carefully, so as not to correct the finished make-up later.

On every day

For some girls, everyday makeup becomes a tedious procedure. In this case, it is necessary to take a few minutes to select a suitable and uncomplicated eye makeup, which will help emphasize the advantages and correct some of the shortcomings. Such a make-up should combine lightness and ease of application, restraint, accuracy and elegance.

Daily makeup designed for work, school or shopping cannot be vulgar and defiant. The color scheme of cosmetics must be chosen so that it fits the style, hairstyle, and individual features of the appearance. To enhance your look with everyday makeup, follow these tips:

  1. If you do not know how to emphasize blue-gray eyes, going to work, then matte pastel shades are recommended for you. This color scheme will help to give expressiveness to the look without additional cosmetics.
  2. When planning a walk in the park or shopping, apply one layer of dark shadows on the upper eyelid and add a slight shimmer in the corner of the eye. Such makeup for gray-blue eyes will not leave indifferent any passer-by.
  3. With a little time left, you can simply apply a thin line along the growth of the eyelashes with a brown pencil or black eyeliner. Smooth arrows always remain at the peak of popularity of any makeup.

For beautiful makeup, consider hair color

To get a beautiful feminine look, it is necessary to take into account the color of your hair when choosing the color scheme of the shadows. Blue-gray eyes can change color depending on the lighting, outfit, so carefully match the shadows to your hair color. Only the right combination will add saturation, expressiveness and contrast to blue-gray eyes.

Dark hair

Dark-haired girls with gray-blue eyes can use golden, brown shades with mother-of-pearl shades for makeup. For evening make-up, use black eyeliner, and in everyday life, apply some swamp-colored shadows on your eyelids. Do not be afraid to experiment with peach and yellowish shades, with their help you can emphasize the natural beauty.

The correct use of shadows by dark-haired girls will help to add blues, greens or deep grays to the eyes. You can achieve expressiveness of the eyes by contrasting the application of a dark palette and light tones. But do not forget to carefully blend the transition line so that the makeup looks neat and professional.

Recommendation: dark-haired girls, if desired, can make their eyes rich blue if they apply shades of a cold palette - blue, gray, blue, silver. It is also important to remember to be careful with beige-pink, pale pink and purple shades. These colors can visually reduce the brightness of the eyes and make the look unattractive.

Brown hair

Owners of light brown hair and gray-blue eyes are recommended to use a combination of amber, chocolate, brown shades of shadows. It is recommended to refuse to use all pale tones, as you can get an expressionless look. In the daytime, line your eyes with eyeliner and a few layers of blue or black mascara. Do not use brown mascara so that the makeup does not turn out faded. For owners of light blond and dark blond hair, visage options may differ:

  1. If you have light blond hair and gray-blue eyes, then the daytime make-up will turn out perfect with the help of shades of a pink palette. In order not to get a vulgar make-up, do not apply eye shadow excessively. Run the applicator lightly over the upper eyelid and you will see that the result has exceeded all expectations.
  2. If you are the owner of blue-gray eyes and dark blond hair, then by applying turquoise, emerald or transparent gray shadows, you can visually achieve a rich blue tint in the eyes, which is found only in natural blondes.

Red hair

Girls with red hair and blue-gray eyes do not need to use complex make-up options. The easiest way is to use black eyeliner and draw arrows. But if you want to get more emphasis on the eyes, then additionally apply shadows. Red-haired girls with gray-blue eyes can use the following make-up option:

  1. At the first stage, cleanse your face of old cosmetics and excess sebum. Use scrub and cosmetic milk for this.
  2. Then evenly cover your face with foundation and loose powder. And fix with thermal water on top.
  3. Gray-blue eyes should be highlighted with a combination of grassy tones, for example, green with a copper sheen, yellow with a hint of ocher.
  4. An alternative would be to use gray shadows as the main shade. Then make a smooth transition to darker colors, creating a smoky look. In addition, blend white and silver shadows under the eyebrow line.
  5. The final step in the make-up for gray-blue eyes will be applying one layer of mascara to the eyelashes.

Recommendation: red-haired girls are advised not to use shades of red and pink shades. Incorrect application of them can lead to the fact that instead of the desired effect, you will get excessive redness of the eyes, which will indicate your fatigue.

Makeup video tutorials

The recommendations in the video will help you to correctly perform makeup for blue-gray eyes. Makeup artists will show you in detail how to create the desired version of everyday or elegant evening make-up. The technique for performing each method includes step-by-step instructions with which you can easily repeat the beautiful make-up on your gray-blue eyes. Also, experts give advice to facilitate the implementation of each type of visage.

Gentle everyday makeup

Graceful makeup for blondes

Elegant evening make-up

Makeup step by step photos