How to wash knitted items in the washing machine. How to wash knitwear? Drying rules for knitted items

Many people think that the washing process is a simple and routine matter. What could be simpler: sort the laundry by color, load it into the washing machine, add powder, conditioner, and after half an hour, hang clean and pleasantly smelling things on a rope.

But not many people know that if the washing rules, which differ for different types of fabric, are not followed, you can end up with something shapeless, unevenly colored, or even completely elongated or full of holes. And subsequently it will be impossible to carry such a thing, only to throw it away.

In order for wardrobe items to delight you with their appearance for a long time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties that will tell you how to wash clothes correctly.

How to wash knitwear

Knitwear is a very soft and delicate fabric that invariably suffers if mishandled. So that your knitted items do not stretch, do not lose their color and shape, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

    Knitwear is washed at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees;

    Better to use hand wash than machine wash;

    It is preferable to replace washing powder with liquid detergent;

    The washed item must be gently wrung out and put to dry on a hard, flat surface, after having spread an old towel or blanket;

    Be sure to give the desired shape to damp knitwear so that it does not deform later.

How to wash woolen clothes correctly

Natural wool is a very “capricious” fabric that requires extremely careful handling. In order to wash woolen items, the following conditions must be observed:

    It is better to wash woolen products by hand, at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;

    The wool does not need to be soaked; this makes its texture looser;

    Use special detergents for washing wool instead of detergent;

    The washed item cannot be twisted, it must be wrapped in a clean towel and gently wrung out;

    Woolen clothes, like knitwear, are dried on a smooth and even surface, after having given the product the required shape.

How to wash white clothes

The main danger that exists when washing white items is that they can inadvertently stain on colored fabrics. Also, white items with wool or synthetics should not be washed. the white fabric will turn yellow quickly. To keep your things always boiling white, follow our recommendations:

    White things must be washed in soft water, so add two tablespoons of baking soda or ammonia before washing;

    When washing towels or bed linen, use special mild bleach that is poured into a special compartment of the washing machine;

    If there is a stain on a white thing, then it is washed off faster, while fresh, rather than old;

    In particularly difficult cases, whites can be boiled in a large saucepan on the stove with liquid bleach added to the water.

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How to wash knitted items so they don't shrink?

At all times, jersey was especially popular because it had a spectacular look and was inexpensive relative to other materials.

But, so that your thing does not lose its attractive appearance, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly wash and care for your jersey.

Read in this article:

What can be attributed to knitwear?

Before you figure out how to wash knitted items, you need to find out what belongs to this type of fabric. So, jersey is a product knitted on a special knitting machine by binding threads. Unlike other materials, jersey is able to change shape and stretch, thanks to the ability of the loop to deform in different directions.

The fabric can be made from natural substances: wool, cotton, linen, etc. and from synthetic materials such as polyester, viscose, etc. In order for the product to serve a long service, it is recommended to mix natural fibers with synthetic ones.

It is necessary to carefully follow the advice for washing such fabric, because if you wash it incorrectly, the thing can stretch, sit down or become covered with pellets. Any of the options can irrevocably ruin a dress or sweater.

Interesting notes for hostesses

To wash a wool blanket. please be patient, because this is a rather painstaking work. We will help you clean even the most difficult stains.

It is difficult to find a more popular item than jeans: they are worn by young people, older people. And all thanks to the convenience of these pants. Here are some practical tips to help you wash jeans quickly and remove stains.

Jersey washing

The first thing to do when caring for a thing is to try to understand the tag, usually the conditions for washing, drying and ironing are indicated there. If, for some reason, it is not there, or the necessary information is not provided there, consider our tips that will help to carry out the work as safely as possible for the fabric.

In order to determine how to wash a knitted dress or other item, find out what materials the clothes are made of. If the composition contains only natural fibers, it will have to be washed by hand, but if synthetic substances are present, you can safely proceed to machine wash.

Tip: Machine wash is more harsh on the fabric, and therefore if you are not sure about the composition of your garment, it is better to wash it by hand so that it does not stretch.

How to hand wash knitwear?

Knitted items are very soft, especially when it comes to natural fabrics, and therefore washing by hand does not take much time and effort. For proper washing, adhere to the following rules:

Important: make sure that the water is at least 30 degrees, because the knitwear shrinks after washing in a cold temperature. If you want to get rid of the smell of sweat, add a little baking soda to the water at the last rinse, if you want to soften the thing, do not forget about glycerin.

How to machine wash knitwear?

Remember that a knitted dress can only be machine washed if the fabric contains artificial fibers. Washing things in a typewriter is much easier, but even then you need to follow some tips:

Drying rules for knitted items

In the case of this fabric, you will have to forget about the usual drying on a clothesline, because it will immediately lose its shape from moisture and heaviness. Let's figure out how to dry knitted items.

To begin with, you need to leave the item in a dry basin so that excess water is glass from the product. After a few hours, you can pick it up and lay it on a horizontal surface, while wrapping it in a towel or other material that absorbs moisture. In this position, the thing should lie for several days until it dries completely. Remember that if you put it in the sun or hang it on a battery, it could be permanently ruined.

In Soviet times, in order for the knitwear to dry faster, the hostesses put it in trunks and hung it over the bathroom. After all the moisture had gone off the clothes, they put it on a large terry towel, after a few hours the product was turned over to the new side. Once a day, the towel was changed to dry.

If you nevertheless took care of the item improperly, and it is stretched, wash the item again in warm water and dry it in accordance with all the rules. If, on the contrary, after washing the jacket has sat down, try to steam it, while gently stretching it in all directions. A razor, cattle or a special machine will help you cope with the pellets.

Today you will learn how you can dry your clothes quickly. This information will help you if you have a couple of hours before going to work and your clothes have not yet dried.


When buying another new product, I really want it to always look also spectacular, especially for knitted items. But it often turns out that over time, the knitting stretches, and pellets appear on the surface. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to properly care for knitted dresses and sweaters. You need to follow not only the washing process, but also be able to properly dry and iron the thing.

More information

Now there are jerseys in almost any home: it can be elegant dresses, sweaters, T-shirts, sweaters, pants, etc. Knitwear is a special way of intertwined threads from natural materials (cotton, wool). If not properly cared for, the loops will stretch or shrink, causing the garment to lose its shape. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to add small amounts of synthetics to prolong the life of their products. But that doesn't always help. Therefore, it is very important to know how to wash knitted items so that they do not shrink, do not lose their shape, and are worn as long as possible.


Proper preparation is one of the most important elements. Knitwear is a delicate material and should not be rubbed strongly with your hands or a brush. If the thing is not prepared for washing, then it can easily lose its shape or "overgrow" with pellets. Free edges of clothing are especially prone to deformation: sleeves, collars, hem. Therefore, before washing knitted items, it is recommended to process them a little:

  • turn things inside out;
  • free edges need to be tied with threads. Collars and sleeves are swept along the hem with wide stitches. The thread should be in a neutral color so that it does not accidentally stain your clothes. It is preferable to use coarse threads, since they hold the material well. The stitches are paired only when the products are completely dry;
  • if the item is heavily soiled, it is recommended to pre-soak it in cool water for 20-30 minutes in a strong soapy solution;
  • stains also need to be washed beforehand: they are moistened and rubbed with soap. Then they are soaked in cool soapy water. But at the same time, it is impossible to rub things strongly, it is better to give the dirt 15-20 minutes so that it gets wet;
  • soften the water, if it is hard, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the bowl.

How to wash jersey

This material is quite demanding on detergents. Laundry soap works best. You can grate it or just rub it vigorously with your hands in water. Most often it is used in the following proportion: 2 g of finished shavings are diluted in 1 liter of water. That is, a bowl of 10 liters will need 20 g of laundry soap.

In addition, you can use detergent for delicate fabrics or gel for washing. Also, knitwear has a positive attitude towards regular hair shampoo.

Features of washing by hand

Hand washing is the answer to the question of how to properly wash knitted items. This is the most gentle way. The required amount of water is collected in the basin and the detergent is added there. The prepared clothes are dipped in a container and wait until they are completely wet.

When it is best to look at the information on the product tag or tag and follow the recommendations indicated. The general rule of thumb is that the optimum temperature is around 40 ° C. If the fabric contains 70% cotton or more, then the items can be washed in slightly hot water, about 50 ° C. If the bulk is wool, then no higher than 30 ° C. Synthetics tolerate temperatures around 30-40 ° C.

Attention! It is not recommended to wash knitted items in hot water! This makes them sit down.

It is not recommended to rub the clothes with your hands or with a brush during washing. The product is gently squeezed and unclenched along its length, you can still gently squeeze the fabric with your hands. In width - it is impossible, because because of this, the thing can stretch or become shapeless.

After washing, the knitwear must be rinsed in order to wash off the soap or powder. Air conditioner and antistatic agent can be added. Rinse clothes in water at the same temperature as for washing. You may need more than 1 water to rinse things completely. If, when rinsing, you suddenly change warm to cold water, then pellets may appear on the clothes, and things can also shrink and shrink.

Push up

It is at this stage that most things deform: stretch, shrink, etc.

Attention! When doing push-ups, it is strictly forbidden to twist jerseys. Because of this, they lose their shape.

To get rid of excess water, you can gently squeeze the item without twisting it. In this case, the movement goes from top to bottom. Then the water must be allowed to drain. In this case, you cannot hang clothes, since they are stretched. Better to put it on the wire rack or just in the sink. You can put it in a string bag, and then hang it over a basin or a bathtub. There is also such a version of push-ups: things are laid out on a towel, everything is rolled into a roll and so squeezed. When it stops dripping from things, you can proceed to drying.

Not all items can be washed by hand. Some items are too large and heavy. Therefore, you need to know how to wash knitted items in a washing machine.

Here you need to follow the same rules as for hand washing:

  • water temperature not higher than 40 ° C;
  • washing mode "delicate", "gentle" or "hand";
  • spinning - at minimum speed, if possible, it is better to do without it;
  • necessarily - double rinsing;
  • do not load the car completely, since things can get confused and stretch each other;
  • it is recommended to wash knitted items in a washing machine in a special bag, it will protect them from "injuries";
  • wash white and color separately. It is advisable to sort things out by color.

You can also machine wash items that have synthetic threads added. Thanks to them, things will not lose their shape.


And at this stage, things can also sit down or, conversely, stretch out. Do not dry clothes on a rope, as they are deformed. Non-dripping products are laid out on a towel. At the same time, they give the clothes the necessary shape and appearance. In a straightened form, things are dried up. Towels are changed as needed and clothes are periodically turned over. You can also lay out knitwear on a special drying rack. But again, it is advisable to lay a towel under it. It is necessary that the product retains the correct shape throughout the entire drying process.

Knitwear today is one of the most popular materials for sewing products. Convenience, warmth, elegance - these are the distinctive qualities of this material. Probably every woman of fashion has at least one knitted item from the category of her favorites. That is why it is important to understand how to wash knitted items and not worry about their deformation and loss of qualities and properties. In this article, we'll just talk about how to properly wash knitwear.

Every family has enough knitwear

Knitwear characteristics

Before contacting the laundry, you need to understand what knitwear is and what are its distinctive features.

Knitwear is a knitted fabric. One of its qualities is the ability to deform and change shape, since knitted fabric loops have this ability. The larger the knitting, the more delicate the product. Such fabric is very vulnerable to friction, twisting and stretching.

For weaving threads, both natural and artificial fibers are used. Therefore, you can find both purely woolen, cotton, linen items, and products made of polyester, viscose, nylon. Mixed jerseys have proven themselves well in everyday use, when synthetic ones are added to natural threads.

When starting to care for such products, you should coordinate your actions with the manufacturer's advice indicated on the label or tag of the thing. After all, improper washing can lead to stretching, shrinkage and the formation of pellets.

If the item contains decorations in the form of applications made of fur, suede, leather or inserts of other decor, then it will not be easy to clean it at home without losing quality, so it is better to trust dry cleaning.

If you want to do everything yourself, then you need some knowledge. Consider the main preparatory activities and general recommendations for washing such things.

To prevent changing the shape of the hem of the sleeves, hem and collar, you can baste the hem of the garment by making occasional stitches with thick neutral thread. The basting is removed on the dried garment.

Knitwear for every taste

Several types of detergents are suitable for washing:

  • shavings of laundry soap from the ratio of 2 g of the product to 1000 ml of water;
  • neutral granular powder or free-flowing detergent for delicate washing;
  • liquid analogues of powders: gels, shampoos, etc.

Whichever product is used, it should be free of bleaches and chlorine-containing substances.

Soak if necessary. For this, the detergent is diluted in water at room temperature. Clothes are immersed in this solution, having previously turned inside out and treated the existing stains with laundry soap. Soaking time is 20 minutes. Now you can start the main wash.

The ideal washing option is the manual method.

In the wardrobe of every person, there is far from one thing from knitwear, because it is beautiful, and it is inexpensive. But you can only preserve the original attractiveness of this or that wardrobe item made of this material if you know how to wash knitted items. It is about this, as well as about other secrets of caring for such clothes, you will learn from this article.

What is jersey?

Knitted fabric is usually made from natural wool fibers. Modern manufacturers often add synthetic fibers to extend the life of the product and make it more practical and comfortable to wear.

Important! If you have already fully appreciated all the advantages of clothes made from this material in relation to your body type and personal comfort when wearing, you may be interested in experimenting with your looks using our simple master classes:

It is necessary to wash knitted items correctly for the same reason that you need to know how to wash knitted items - in the absence of proper care, clothes made of this material can lose their shape (sit down or stretch), and also become overgrown with little aesthetic spools.

Important! To avoid such problems, the easiest way is to focus on the label on the product - there usually manufacturers indicate in a symbolic or written form all recommendations for the care of clothes. If, for some reason, this is absent or you cannot figure out the symbols on your own, read below all the rules for washing and drying knitwear.

We wash jersey

In order to properly wash knitted items, you still want to know the composition. This will determine how much effort you personally need to remove dirt from the thing and return it an attractive appearance. The recommendations in this regard are very simple:

  • if the item is only made of natural fibers, use a hand wash;
  • if the fabric contains synthetic threads - feel free to load into the washing machine on.

Important! If you did not manage to find out the composition of the fabric, and you would not want to take risks and spoil the clothes, then there is only one way out - only hand wash. It doesn't matter if you need to wash your knitted dress, sweater, T-shirt or T-shirt.

Hand wash - features

Despite the fact that you will have to work with your own hands, special difficulties and hard physical labor in order to wash knitted things will not be required of you.

It is enough just to adhere to these tips:

  1. The water temperature is no more than 30-40 degrees.
  2. Detergent - preferably in liquid form, preferably special gels or concentrates for delicate washing or wool. For example, it will work great. If you don't have one at hand or don't want to spend a lot of money to purchase it, then your regular hair shampoo is ideal.
  3. Dissolve the detergent in water before putting your clothes in the basin.
  4. The washing itself is soft wringing movements, no intense friction and twisting. In the case of the presence of complex stains of dirt on the fabric, only a gentle soak is allowed for no more than 20 minutes.
  5. Be sure to rinse several times until the remaining detergent is completely removed. Change the water to clean water several times, but be sure to keep it at the same temperature. If you rinse the jersey in cold water, it will shrink or lose its shape.
  6. To freshen up clothes and remove sweat odors, add a good pinch of baking soda to the water at the last rinse, and if you need to soften the garment, add glycerin (1 teaspoon is enough).

Important! If you need to wash a knitted dress or long-sleeved sweater, first hem the sleeves and bottom with thick thread. In this case, the product will be softly fixed in one shape and will not stretch or deform. The main condition is that the thread should not fade.

Washing in a washing machine

If the care requirements on the label allow it to be machine washed, your job is greatly simplified. But this does not mean that you can clean knitwear from dirt with clothes from other fabrics and in any mode. Some rules still have to be followed. They are as follows:

  1. Be sure to set the delicate mode or the wool function.
  2. Place your knitwear in a special laundry bag.
  3. Do not use the spin mode or set the minimum speed, but set the double rinse.
  4. Only fill the drum halfway.

Important! Some problems may arise with knitted items during wear. But you will quickly cope with them if you leave a note of our selection of effective ways:

Drying knitwear

Drying knitwear on a linen thread as usual is unacceptable. To prevent the thing from losing its shape, do this:

  1. After washing, leave a wardrobe item in the basin for a while - this is necessary so that the glass will have excess water.
  2. Spread a thick terry towel or absorbent cloth on a flat surface.
  3. Lay the knitwear on top, straighten it well.
  4. Wrap it gently in a towel.
  5. Leave in a horizontal position on a flat surface for several days to dry at room temperature.

Important! Never place knitted clothing in direct sunlight or on radiators. This will ruin your favorite dress or jacket forever.