How to behave on a date. Set a limit on information. How to behave on a date with a girl

The first date is the girl's first impression of you. And, like everyone else, I do not want to blunder, but to charm the girl immediately and on the spot. How to behave with a girl in order to please her on the first date and start a relationship on a favorable wavelength to you? We will tell you about this in detail.

The first impression is often wrong, but in many cases it forms the image of a person to whom consciousness often returns. There is an opinion that consciousness forms the idea of ​​a person during the first minutes.

Therefore, in this short and very important period of time, you should try to make the most positive impression about yourself on the girl. And now we will give some tips to help the young man.

Etiquette. Behave with a girl on the first date with restraint. Even the most basic rules of etiquette will make an unforgettable impression on your companion. Give a hand, help carry the bag, open the door. Be gallant. Tell the girl how good she looks, kiss her hand. This will characterize you as a gentleman. The girl will not remain indifferent if these rules are followed;

Plan. your date shouldn't have any "flaws". The girl will not forgive it! If you don't know where to go on your first date, talk to your lady. She also has wishes and preferences. The girl always knows where she wants to go;

For the first date, be sure to choose a place that would not be ashamed to be and that would give a lot of vivid emotions and impressions, for example, such a place could be an amusement park or a shooting gallery, ride horses or carousels with it, a boat, or a motor ship. You can also go to feed the ducks or swans in the pond, birds in the square.

Flowers. On the first date, you can give the girl a modest but beautiful bouquet. So as not to be mistaken in choosing colors, talk to her friend or study her preferences in social media. networks. Even if she knows about your gift, she will certainly be delighted and delighted;

Talk. Think about what to talk about on your first date with your girlfriend. You don't have to chat about everything that comes into your head. Plan your conversation ahead of time. Write down several topics on a piece of paper and peek as needed. But there won't be too long pauses in the conversation;

Compliments. Give any compliments you want! But think before that so that you do not put yourself and the girl in an awkward situation.

Behave like a gentleman on your first date with a girl. After the date, be sure to accompany the girl home, even if it is not dark or you will have a long journey. Seeing off time will give you more time to be together, continue communication, learn more about each other. At the girl's house, you should not pounce on her with kisses or ask for tea or coffee, as the girl may take your acquaintance as frivolous. Better limit yourself to a light kiss and good night wishes.

On the first date with a girl, it is prohibited:

Don't let her know if she has something with her body or self-care (got fat, didn't shave her legs, etc.) Remember that you are not perfect either, and at any moment she can hint at this. The girl may be offended at your hint.

Telephone. Turn it off for the duration of the date. Sit at home on social networks, but here you need a girl's attention;

Third wheel. Agree in advance that the two of you will be together. Do not try to drag your friend or persuade her to take her friend with you. This will ruin the whole date. Yes, and your friend may like the girl more;

Time. Discuss how much time you will spend together. The girl will not really like being rushed and interrupted, just to finish quickly. This will make your date "crumpled".

Unkempt. As the old and well-known proverb says: "They meet according to their clothes, but they see them off according to their minds." The first part of the saying is very important for us, since in a short period of time it is not always possible to show off an outstanding mind, but it is quite within the power of a young man to follow his appearance. The guy must be well dressed, things must be clean and smell good, girls do not like sloppy people, they cause distrust and disgust.

But the most important thing is to behave sincerely on the first date with a girl. You have to show yourself real and sincere. Having told her a secret, she will know that you trust her. You need to speak directly, but carefully so that the girl does not get scared of you.

Adhering to all the rules, you will charm her for life, and she will tell all her friends how wonderful you are!

If a girl can amaze with just one wave of eyelashes and her appearance, then a man should think about how he will act when he first meets.

Naturally, the first thing we are talking about is, be yourself, behave at ease, smile, if you have anxiety in your soul or are shy, nervous - calm down!

If you can't cross the threshold of excitement, tell the girl that you have never met such an exciting girl and cannot calm your nerves in her presence. The girl will be pleased, and she will help you to relax and start a full date in every possible way.

It is very important to be polite and unobtrusive, do not allow yourself to be annoying and vulgar, even if it seems to you that the girl is behaving in a relaxed and very free manner. She may think you are a cheeky person and most likely will not want to continue getting to know you. Try to plan ahead of time what to talk about on your first date with your girlfriend.

Behaving on the first date with a girl is simple. Try to avoid cliches and formulaic phrases, all people on the planet are distinguished by their individuality, including you. Try to somehow prove yourself, stand out a little from the crowd, banal compliments, especially if they are not sincere, make a very bad impression, and the girls feel it, although they may not show it out of politeness.

Control your speech throughout the entire conversation. Do not allow yourself to swear in front of a girl and discuss someone, especially girls.

Do not pour the dirt of all your past love disappointments on the girl, say that there were girls, but he did not meet the only one in the past. So in front of the girl you will act from a dignified side, like a man.

It will be very useful for you to find out what the girl of your dreams loves and is interested in. What are her tastes and preferences. This information can be very useful for you - you will know what to talk about on the first date with a girl and it will probably allow you to influence the course of your future relationship. It will be easier for you to pick up gifts and make surprises, and girls are very fond of gifts and just love surprises.

The most important, in my opinion, advice, always stay in a cheerful and good mood, smile more often. It has long been proven that people around them willingly trust a person with a smile on their face and their mood improves. But just do not overdo it, sometimes you need to be able to take a serious look, otherwise the girl will think that you are laughing at her.

Now you know how to make the first impression on a girl, but the main thing is to remember that women are very easily injured creatures and you must always treat them humanly and with great respect, and be sure that they will repay you in kind.

A lot of people get excited about their first date. To make a good impression, both women and men make similar mistakes. They start talking loudly and laugh out of place, spill drinks and turn food. In order not to get into such situations, first of all, you need to relax and smile more often. But not tense and nervous, but with a sweet and open expression on his face and with obvious pleasure from communicating with an unfamiliar, but pleasant person.

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According to statistics, the first date does not have a continuation in more than fifty percent of the cases. A beautiful stranger or an interesting man does not live up to expectations, not only because they turned out to be the wrong person, but also because of constraint and excitement. The first meeting with a stranger does not always reveal the whole truth about him and leaves a residue of regret after wasted time.

How not to ruin your first date?

It is necessary to behave naturally and calmly. Excitement is the first enemy of possible love, as well as some of the misconceptions that make it difficult to correctly assess the situation on the first date. Based on the notion that there will be no second chance to make a first impression, the person is nervous and misbehaves. It is especially sad when both partners are shy, do not know how to start a conversation and how to behave. The most common mistakes in behavior are:

  1. 1. Excitement. It arises from self-doubt or from fear that the next meetings will not take place.
  2. 2. Excessive expectations. A woman has more expectations from the first meeting than a man. She is sure that the man who invites her has serious intentions. This is not always the case, and often the guy just wants to have a good time with the girl, and she transfers her own aspirations and expectations to the stranger.
  3. 3. Excessive control over the situation. It affects people who have had a negative experience of first dates. They are fussy, afraid to make a bad impression, and are fixated on little things.

Having come on a first date, one must forget about past experiences and not look far ahead. Just try to enjoy the conversation, and perhaps the relationship will have a future. Men and women alike expect failure and hope to continue. It is better to behave naturally, remaining yourself. This way you can get more chances for developing relationships and avoid mistakes in choice. After all, the pretense will soon be revealed, and the time will be wasted.

Older partners also make mistakes at the first meeting. At 30, there is experience and some wisdom, but the person is worried, and the date does not go according to plan, even at 40. Maturity can play a cruel joke if a forty-year-old man invites a young girl out on a date and tries to fit in with her peers. A girl, having agreed to a meeting with a rich and experienced man, is often disappointed with his frivolity or consumer attitude. A young guy easily gets into awkward situations with a 40-year-old woman. Disappointments cannot be avoided at any age, and this should not be scary. People are different, and to meet the right person, you will have to go on more than one first date.

How to behave with a man

How to behave correctly?

The outcome of the first date depends on the behavior and appearance. Someone immediately fills their own worth, while others are embarrassed to show their best sides. A woman should not be late for a date, and a man should already be there to meet her. You don't have to plan your next meetings, but enjoy the moment. The first date is an event where people realize how interesting they are to each other. To realize this, you should avoid noisy places. It is necessary to choose a quiet secluded corner, but without unnecessary intimacy, so as not to embarrass the girl.

There are rules for women and men, and their behavior is slightly different. The guy should not be too persistent, and the girl is capricious and mannered . If the ladies want to continue, they must:

  1. 1. Look well-groomed. Dress properly. A girl in a dress is more likely to win the heart than in a short skirt, shorts or trousers. According to the norms of decency, no more than 35% of open areas of the body are allowed. A man should not think that there is an accessible woman in front of him, but he should not completely hide the body.
  2. 2. Do not extol yourself or add a price tag.
  3. 3. Listen carefully, admire the interlocutor and laugh at his jokes.
  4. 4. Do not talk incessantly.
  5. 5. Listen more. If the guy is silent - ask questions. It is known that the more a man talks on a date, the more he likes the girl. If you can get him to talk, he will feel a spiritual connection and want to continue.

Do not talk to him about forbidden topics:

  • health;
  • ex-boyfriends;
  • Job.

And about my problems:

  • about the desire to start a family and have children as soon as possible;
  • that she is not appreciated at work;
  • complain about life.

If you want to touch a man - do not hesitate. Light touches bring them closer together and say that the guy liked him. Light flirting is allowed, drinking from a man's glass or trying his dish. The main thing is to determine that he is not a prude and not a too squeamish person.

Psychopathy signs in men

How can a man make a good impression?

Most often, the guy invites the girl he likes to the cinema, and then goes with her to a quiet cafe or park. Girls like it when a man takes the initiative, but takes into account their desires. His appearance has the same meaning as that of a woman. The guy must look neat so that the girl will notice that he is preparing for the meeting. A man should take into account that if she agreed to a date, then he liked him, and she is ready to give him a chance. She expects from him:

  1. 1. Confident behavior. Confidence is the most attractive trait in people. A girl can forgive a slight self-confidence, but she will immediately notice the lack of willpower, and this will alienate her.
  2. 2. Decisiveness. He must be proactive but attentive. Offer, but do not insist or pressure.
  3. 3. That he will cheer up and tune in a positive way. At the end of the day, everyone wants to relax and have fun.
  4. 4. That he will not rush things. She should feel that she was interested in him as a person, and not as a girl for an hour. Especially if she went on a date with a rich man and she didn't feel like he was buying her.
  5. 5. Lack of awkward silence. Pauses in conversation with a stranger spoil the impression and the whole evening.
  6. 6. Desires to know her inner world. She will appreciate if the guy treats her hobbies with respect. This will immediately evoke sympathy and some closeness between them.

Of course, the girl will wait for the gentleman to accompany her. The road to her house will show if there is a chance for a second and next dates. There will be time for conversations and non-verbal cues. When you say goodbye, you don't need to kiss a girl, especially if she doesn't want to. An affectionate look and a promise to call soon are enough. By shaking her hand with two warm hands, the guy will show sympathy and desire to continue the relationship.

If the girl remains cold, do not be persistent, but politely say goodbye and leave. You can not impose and insist on a new meeting. You should not be very upset, because in one date you cannot deeply love a person, and he will not break his heart.

Romantic date

How do zodiac signs behave on a first date?

Aries invites confidently and boldly. This zodiac sign is characterized by love at first sight, and he will make every effort to impress and conquer the girl he likes. Acts spontaneously, openly and sincerely. May insist on having sex on the first date - this is normal for him. The date with him will be vivid and will be remembered for a long time.

Taurus loves romance, and the evening promises to be sensual. He will choose a restaurant filled with an intimate atmosphere and will try to touch her as often as possible. Taurus cares about tactile sensations. If he really liked the woman, he will want to hug her and make a gift. Love is determined by the value of a gift.

Gemini love to talk, and they find topics for conversation themselves. The way to the heart of Gemini lies through sincere conversations and respect for his opinion. Representatives of this sign will love a date in the park and in a cafe. It is easier to get to know each other over a cup of tea or lat, in a warm atmosphere and during intimate conversations. Cancer on the first date will try to find out plans for family life, attitude towards children. She will talk about her income, benefits and will look for an emotional connection with the person she likes. Representatives of this sign are very affectionate and dependent. After the meeting, they will wait for an answer about the next meeting with special vexation.

Leos and Lionesses are equally hungry for attention. For the first date, they choose the best restaurant and expensive flowers. A man will definitely show generosity and serious intentions. This sign is family oriented and won't want to do it with one appointment. Will do everything to conquer the girl and win her heart. Virgos value chastity as well as romantic gestures. They rarely agree to a meeting with an unfamiliar person, preferring to first take a closer look and then go on a date. Virgos love cleanliness and in a cafe they will definitely pay attention to dirty tablecloths and dishes. A date with this sign will go well if everything is thought out in advance. Libra on the first date will be delighted with romantic gestures. With the help of romance, it's easy to win their hearts and make the right impression. Libra can hardly endure loneliness and it is not difficult to conquer them by showing attention and care to them.

The sexiest sign of the Zodiac - Scorpio, prefers to take the initiative and show the woman who is in charge here. Scorpios are passionate and jealous; for dating, they choose places where there are fewer people and a shorter distance between the couple. They look for deep relationships and unmistakably choose the right partner. The date will be with a touch of intimacy and desire for sex on the first date. Sagittarians love romance and adventure. It won't be boring on a date, as a simple meeting over a cup of tea will not satisfy their curiosity. They choose places where there are a lot of people and where they can learn something new. They will not let you get bored and will joke a lot.

Serious Capricorn will stay that way on a date. He will plan everything to the smallest detail, and any surprise will baffle him. But thanks to composure, he will quickly restore balance and continue to talk about himself. If he doesn't feel the spark, there won't be a second date. Capricorn clearly knows who and what he needs, and will not waste his time with an uninteresting person.

Aquarius will try to make friends first. Inquires about outlooks and interests. For the meeting, he will choose a non-standard place or an unusual film. To interest him, you need to have your own views on life and opinions that differ from the standard. An outfit chooses an extravagant one that can surprise or puzzle. Representatives of this sign prefer to stand out from the crowd and use any means. Pisces are romantic and mysterious. They can arrange an unforgettable meeting with surprises and cute gifts. They will be attentive and gentle, but if they do not like something, they will leave without explanation.

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Each romantic story is unique and beautiful in its own way. There is not and cannot be any recommendations that would suit all couples without exception. But! It will never be superfluous to listen to the advice of experienced people and take out something useful for yourself from someone else's experience. And even more so when it comes to such a quivering thing as a first date with a girl.

How to ask a girl out on a date

Before thinking about what to do with the girl, you need to organize it first. And this is sometimes the most difficult - because if the girl really likes, then the guy can get in the way of such "sworn enemies" as shyness, constraint and fear. What if it refuses? Will be offended ... Will ridicule ... This and other questions can weaken the most advanced macho, whose heart is struck by Cupid's arrow.

You can't give in to them. You need to take in more air in the chest and decide to jump. True, jumping into a whirlpool with your head is not at all necessary and not even desirable. Better to act carefully and thoughtfully.

If the girl has already managed to sink into the soul, then, most likely, the fact of meeting her has already taken place. Perhaps they communicated in a company or in social networks, or even the subject of sighing is a neighbor on a desk at school. And this is a big plus. It would be much more difficult to invite a stranger out on a date. And so it will only be necessary to transfer the already established relationship to a new level.

When inviting a girl on a date, it is advisable to avoid officialdom. Questions: "Will you agree to a date with me?" or "Will you be my bride?" best left to the heroes of cheap films and old-fashioned novels. A modern young man, during a familiar conversation on the Internet or on the phone, will simply invite a familiar girl to take a walk together. She can do it right now, but she can do it tomorrow, when it is more convenient for her.

It's good when there is some reason. For example: “There are two tickets for a concert or a movie”; “I want to visit the veteran - will you come with me?”; "A new attraction has been opened in the park - let's try it out together." And so on, and so on - there are a lot of options!

Such a gentle proposal will not embarrass the girl. And if the guy does not make her feel negative, she will most likely agree.

Getting ready for a date mentally

When consent is obtained, it's time to seriously think about what to do with the girl on the 1st date. Where to go (unless, of course, it was agreed in advance), what to wear, what to talk about, how to surprise ... Of course, planning a date will not work completely - it's not a math test to write. But it is desirable to have certain "plans".

The only thing that should not be done is to idealize the upcoming meeting and place too high hopes on it. Bright expectations are rarely met. Therefore, the advice of the experienced: "In order not to be disappointed, it is better not to be fascinated in advance." It will be wiser to set yourself the maximum task - to study at least a little the person you like and try to please him.

Where to go?

The location of the date depends a lot on personal preference and where they live. It is advisable to discuss options in advance. What can they be?

  • A park.

Many people think that there is absolutely nothing to do with a girl on a first date in the park. That the park is old-fashioned and uninteresting. And they are mistaken. After all, the purpose of the first date is to get to know each other, which means that there should be conditions for calm communication. A park bench is ideal. And beautiful alleys, rustle of leaves, chirping of birds will create, allow one to abstract from everyday problems and tune in to each other. In addition, modern parks are usually equipped with cafes, attractions and other entertainment facilities. Therefore, if desired and the availability of opportunities, the dating program can be diversified.

  • City streets.

It is much easier for guys from big cities to figure out what to do on a first date with a girl than their provincial “colleagues”. After all, there are so many interesting things in the metropolis! You can just walk along the central streets, visit souvenir shops, have a snack in a cafe, take part in some street action, look into a museum, etc. Such a pastime, of course, leaves few opportunities for intimate conversations, but it guarantees a lot of memories that will be warm your soul and make you dream of a new meeting.

  • A date at a cafe.

Some guys don't want to bother too much with the question of what to do with the girl on the first date, and just invite them in the cafe. The option is, of course, interesting. There is an opportunity to impress. Plus a ready-made romantic setting (music, interior, glass of wine, etc.). You can hug a girl slightly during a slow dance ... But there are also disadvantages. The same music will not give you the opportunity to communicate normally. Misunderstandings may arise about who will pay for the "banquet", etc. In addition, going to a cafe requires a certain dress code, and this alone can cause stiffness - especially among the fair sex.

What to do on a first date with a girl in winter? A Few Tips

This point flows smoothly from the previous one and is its continuation. Indeed, the options for places for a romantic meeting very much depend on the season. And the problem of what to do on the first (1) date with a girl gets worse during the cold season. And the truth is - you can't walk around the streets, you can't sit on a bench in the park ... So where to go?

Today, even small towns have acquired entertainment centers where you can sit in a cafe and play bowling, and generally have an interesting time without worrying about what to do with a girl on a first date.

And in the regional centers the soul will definitely find where to roam. An excellent option for active people is an ice rink or an artificial ski resort, which is no longer a rarity in many modern metropolitan areas. If there are no such facilities within reach, you can just go skiing outside the city. And it’s quite affordable, but at the same time very romantic and fun pastime - sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman together ... It won’t be boring for sure, but touching memories of childhood bring people together perfectly.

In addition to such exclusively winter options, in the cold season, universal ones are also suitable: visiting a cinema or theater, a museum or an exhibition, a restaurant or a nightclub.

You can just invite the girl to spend time in your company. But only if there are other ladies present. In a purely male team with beer, fish and football, a beautiful lady is likely to get bored.

What to do on a first date with a teenage girl? Recommendations

As you know, all ages are submissive to love. And not only in Shakespeare's times, she overtook teenagers. If the chosen one is not even 16 yet, inviting her to the first date, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

First of all, it should be remembered that we are talking about a child in fact. And children love everything bright and unusual. Therefore, when organizing a date, creativity should be a priority. This also applies to the place of the meeting, and its circumstances, and "outfit", and everything else.

Most likely, neither a walk in the park, nor an evening in a cafe will make a special impression on a teenage girl who, although she wants to look like an adult, wants even more fun and entertainment at heart.

As a place for a first date, various events are perfect - a sensational exhibition, a presentation of a fashion film, a concert of your favorite band, and the like.

In general, on the first date with a very young girl, it is better not to create conditions under which the couple would be left alone. This can cause embarrassment, shyness and fear in the teenager. But crowded places are one hundred percent good.

As for other nuances, then, most likely, the girl will appreciate a gift in the form of a homemade toy or a bouquet of wildflowers, because youth is a time of romance. Funny "outfit", creative hairstyle, etc. will also come in handy.

For those who want to know what to do on the first date with a girl, and what to avoid, the advice of experienced gentlemen will help:

  • There is no need to think about whether the actions look stupid in the eyes of the companion. Maximum relaxedness and naturalness.
  • Kind humor is encouraged.
  • Sincere attention to the person of the girl is the sure way to her heart.
  • Do not think about your former passions. Moreover, in a negative light.
  • Politeness is a trait of kings. Will be appreciated.
  • Everyone loves to be called by name. The more often the girl's name comes from the guy's mouth on the first date, the more pleasant it will be for her.
  • Compliments will not spoil the "porridge". You shouldn't skimp on this "seasoning". It is only desirable that the compliments are not hackneyed, and the praise far-fetched. In general, the more sincere the behavior, the better.
  • If a girl does not belong to the "squad" of inveterate feminists, she will appreciate the hand given to her when descending from some hill, and the door open in advance, and the gallantly moved back chair in the cafe.

The worst mistakes

A lot depends on the first date, because it is not for nothing that they say that they are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, the guy needs to beware of gross mistakes in his behavior, which can make an extremely unfavorable impression on his companion and ingloriously complete what began so well.

  • Guys are not made of iron. They also tend to worry and worry. And there are often situations when a young man, completely exhausted by the question of what to do on a date with a girl, loses control over himself, and over the date itself, and over the situation in general. By attracting alcohol to his allies, he hopes to get rid of shyness, but in fact acquires a reputation as a drunkard in the eyes of the object of dreams. Therefore, you need to be careful with alcohol.
  • Another misconception: "Chewing is better than talking." Yes, in some cases it is really better. But not on the first date. If you just sit and look at the girl, she might think that something is wrong with her. And if you remain silent and turn away ... She will also think that not everything is all right with her. Will be offended and leave. So it's better to talk about trifles than it is painful to be silent.
  • Well, and, perhaps, the most common mistake of macho beginners. Wanting to make a pleasant impression, they incessantly talk only about themselves loved ones. List all the achievements, starting with the "pot" age. It is unacceptable to earn the reputation of a narcissist. And secondly, each person loves, first of all, himself. This is the law of psychology. The girl also wants to talk about her life. It is necessary not only to give her such an opportunity, but to stimulate her in every possible way. So, in a pleasant conversation, consisting of the memories of two people, the meeting will be easy. And the problem of what to do on the first date with a girl will disappear by itself.

Should there be a first kiss on a first date?

This question worries the overwhelming majority of newcomers in male amorous affairs. After all, the initiative in such cases should traditionally come from the guy. Is it worth it to show?

Of course, if the purpose of meeting a girl is only sex (which is a frequent phenomenon in the modern world), then it is better to tell her so directly. Perhaps she doesn't want a serious relationship either. Then the question loses its relevance. Well, what if you want "seriously and for a long time?" Then it's better not to rush with kisses.

That's what you need to do on your first date with a girl, is to establish sensual contact. Taking a hand when crossing a road, hugging lightly around the waist, getting as close as possible to enjoy the scent of perfume ... Especially advanced Casanova say that it will not be superfluous to slap on the buttocks. You can, of course, but only carefully. If you create a playful situation around this action and play everything well, most likely the girl will not be offended, but smile.

In general, the more jokes the better. A woman's heart is almost defenseless in front of humor. You can end your first date with an innocent kiss on the cheek.

Date without money

This world is so arranged that money plays an important role in it ... Important, but not decisive! And the guy who considers an empty wallet a sentence to loneliness is wrong.

What to do on the first date with a girl if there is no money or very little of it? There are many answers to this question:

  • You can walk around the city and enjoy its beauties.
  • If there is a river or other body of water within reach, you can start launching paper boats.
  • You can launch balloons into the sky.
  • A great activity is joint feeding of pigeons or other birds.
  • Riding on a swing in a courtyard, which is accidentally "open" for oneself, is also an option.
  • The trip to the rooftop will appeal to romantic people.
  • A hitchhiking trip to any settlement will impress fans of extreme entertainment.
  • Hiking to the forest for mushrooms and berries is an exciting activity. In the same place, in the forest, you can get a bouquet for your chosen one. Or even weave a wreath.
  • If you have a camera, you can arrange a photo session for the girl. And thus kill two birds with one stone. And get out of a difficult situation, and create a reason for new meetings - after all, the photos need to be processed, printed and given on the next date.

Will there be the next one?

Whether the "banquet" will continue depends on whether the young people like each other. But not only. The guy's persistence and determination also play a role. Do not expect that immediately after the first meeting, the lady will take everything into her own hands and organize the second one herself.

The gentleman will have to deal with the organization again. And if he figured out what to do with the girl on the first date, and won her favor, most likely, he can count on further success. The main thing is to forge the iron while it is hot. And when saying goodbye, make an appointment for the next meeting. And in between - call and write to your chosen one. Not too often, but not too rarely.

Well, if the girl did not like it, it is advisable to let her know that there will be no more dates, right away. It is polite to say goodbye and wish you success in your search for your betrothed. There is no need to be afraid: the bitter truth is better than false hopes.

You will need

  • - pre-thought questions and topics for conversation;
  • - a certain amount of money for an unplanned, but possible event.


Don't be afraid to take the lead. Don't wait for the first step from your partner. If both of you are shy, the first step may never come from either. By taking the initiative in your own hands, in the eyes of your companion or companion, you will become a decisive person with a strong character. Now these qualities are appreciated in girls too!

Be direct about where you would like to go and exactly how to spend time on a date, so you will save your companion / companion from the need to ask a similar question to you. If you are still uncomfortable taking the first steps, subtly hint your intentions. For example, refer to new shoes and a desire to sit in the calm, cozy atmosphere of a cafe.

If you decide to independently invite your companion somewhere and make a surprise, give preference to some unusual place. A café and restaurant is the most common place for a date, and an exhibition, museum or live performance of musicians on the site in the park will help your soul mate to better understand your preferences and interests. Such valuable information on the first date will help you avoid mistakes and disappointments in subsequent meetings.

Try to be confident and calm. This will make a positive impression on the other person. Don't be nervous or show that you are very worried. Otherwise, the companion may think that some of his or her wrong actions and words are the cause of your excitement. Try to be positive just before your date. Your good mood will be passed on to your partner and help you have a better time.

Try not to allow long awkward silences. If the topic of conversation has been exhausted, start a new conversation. You can ask the interlocutor a few questions at this time, but do not turn the date into an interrogation. It is better to ask about hobbies, rather than money and family circumstances.

If you're not good at coming up with topics of conversation in real time, you can do so early at home to feel more confident. A long pause doesn't have to turn into an awkward one. If you don't show excitement, but, on the contrary, smile and make it clear that you are enjoying what is happening, a long pause will develop into meaningful silence.

If you already know the main interests of your companion or companion, take a deeper interest in his or her hobbies. This will make the interlocutor understand that he is sincerely interested in you as a person. Remember what your partner is working on now, ask how the work is progressing. If the interlocutor answers willingly and in detail, then you have found a good topic!

Too many questions from different areas of life can alienate a person, it will seem that you are not seriously interested in anything. On the first date, it is better not to violate personal space, if the partner himself does not make such attempts. Try not to rush things, this can ruin the relationship that did not have time to start.

It is the first date that determines how the future relationship will develop. A smart girl will be able to use this time to good use, forming only positive impressions in her beau. And the subsequent communication can be built on the basis of the discovered perspectives. We'll talk about how to behave on the first date.

First of all, remember that men are very greedy for looks. However, in order to motivate a man to build a deeper and more serious relationship, something much more is needed. He must want to build his life next to you and connect his future with you.

Today, you can often meet representatives of the stronger sex who, in search of a girl, think only about beauty and pleasure - but such samples do not interest us at all.

To have a good first date, girlfriends advice is not necessary. The first and foremost rule is to respect yourself.

When a man takes a step towards you, inviting you to a cafe, cinema or just for a walk, you don't need to immediately change all your plans for him and rush to the meeting like an arrow.

Remember - it’s not you who are trying to achieve it, but quite the opposite. Let him suggest options that will be convenient for you - at the most convenient time, in a fairly comfortable place and in the most suitable situation. It is not true that the stronger sex has died out - just overly active and purposeful girls do not allow men to express themselves.

2. Respect your boyfriend

The second rule of dating is respect your date. After all, you did not agree to come in order to humiliate him. To begin with, be punctual - and come on time, contrary to popular belief about the eternal lateness of girls. This will have a beneficial effect on the man and allow him to make sure that you are a serious young lady who does not waste time on empty and fruitless relationships with no perspective for the future.

Mutual respect is the foundation of a strong relationship.

3. Choosing a place for a date

The first date with a guy should be in a quiet environment, even if you both love rock music, and your common idol is arriving the other day with a concert. The first date with a guy is the time when you should get to know each other as fully as possible in order to decide whether to further develop the relationship. The best way to do this is to have a leisurely and engaging conversation where nothing will distract you. A classic, but far from the worst option - a cafe, restaurant or coffee shop. It has long been known: nothing brings people together like a joint meal.

4. How to behave on a date with a man?

The question of how to behave on a first date concerns not only young girls, but also experienced women. The main thing is to remain calm during the conversation.

Cool charm is highly appreciated by the stronger sex, and leave unbridled laughter, occasional cute grunts and tossing cupcakes for future meetings.

Now your main task is to get to know him and decide on plans for the future. Even if there is an awkward pause, let your gentleman take the initiative. Just do not be silent in response: it is important for him to receive at least the slightest feedback in order to understand how to behave on the first date further.

Support him not only as an attentive listener - be sure to say at least a few words about the topic. Think about hobbies and stories from your past. Calmly go with the flow of the conversation, do not burden the interlocutor with problems and negative remarks, try to get as much pleasure from the date as possible, and everything will work out by itself.

Take a keen interest in the topic of the conversation or the man's story, but do not show the same in relation to him. If you think about it, the border can be traced quite well. Men love to be the center of attention, but they easily lose interest if they greedily look into his mouth with every new word. You don't want to bore your boyfriend, do you?

5. How to end your first romantic date

Finally, a final tip. It depends on the tone in which this meeting ends, that the man will remember your meeting until the next date. This is one of the critical moments when you can't go wrong. Be extremely polite, incredibly charming and pleasant. Smile at him and tell him that everything went great, even if there were dubious moments.

In no case should you end your meeting with more than a polite shake of your hand or a light kiss on the cheek, if you have known each other for a long time. Otherwise, you risk destroying all the interest that has awakened in a man. Don't do it!