What message to write to a guy to make him interested. Psychologist's advice on how to write to get a guy interested in you. Easy ways to get a guy interested

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School of Yuri Okunev

Hello dear readers! In order to please your loved one with pleasant words, it is not at all necessary to have a writing or, even more so, poetic talent. After all, you can express thoughts, feelings in the simplest words, and this will not diminish their significance at all.

Do you still doubt that you will be able to do it quite beautifully and romantically? Especially for you, I decided to tell you how to write a truly soulful SMS in your own words to your loved one.

Good morning wishes

The day started with a ray of goodness received by SMS from a lady of the heart may not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more joyful. Every day you can come up with new wishes. They can become attached to the things and problems your boyfriend has to solve during the day. Or they may simply contain affectionate words designed to support, give a charge of cheerfulness and optimism. So, we start with those very two welcome words, and then the options may be, for example, the following:

  • May a great insight descend on your boss today, and he will finally see how much you do for your company.
  • May you meet at least three good people who will make your day kinder.
  • I wish that today the sore is disappointed in you and proudly leaves, taking with it the temperature, body aches, sore throat and fatigue!
  • This day will be one of the happiest and most successful of the week! Why? Yes, I just want that, and the desire of a woman is the law!
  • I asked the sun bunnies to fly into your window, wake you up and convey from me gentle kisses and good mood. Have they already followed my order?
  • So we became one more day closer to each other. I look forward to your arrival, dear!

Good night wishes

Wishes good dreams in SMS to your beloved guy will tune not only for, but also for a good awakening and a successful new day. In the same way as in the previous version, you can write about anything. The main thing is to show that the young man is very dear to you, important and necessary.

  • Let the night take with it all the negativity of today, and in the morning you wake up refreshed, joyful, renewed, ready for new achievements.
  • I'm looking at the moon now. Look out the window and look at her too. Do you feel it? Now we are bound by her ghostly light ...
  • 10 more nights of the same kind and we will finally meet! I look forward to this magical moment, my tenderness!
  • You know, now every day I rush to bed in the evening, because dreams are now the only place where we can be near. I dream that they will come true soon!
  • I asked Ole Lukoil to give you fabulous dreams. Dress warmly before going to bed. I made a wish that you were Aladdin and I am Jasmine. It will be cool to fly on a flying carpet at night, so a warm sweater will not be in the way.

Letters that you miss and wait

Experience shows that long-term separation, although it brings a lot of grief, is, however, the test that truly loving couples can do. Therefore, do not despair and just patiently wait for the cherished moment of the meeting!

They say that not very easy and simple love usually prompts you to write poetry. But if you do not have a craving for this, then feel free to write SMS in prose to your beloved man. It seems to me that it is better to express your feelings in simple words than "iambic pentameter".

  • Today is exactly 2 weeks since you left, but it seems like a whole year has passed. It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're around. And how painfully long it drags on in your absence.
  • It seems to me that it was the separation that allowed us to understand how strong the feelings are. After all, usually a person begins to truly understand and appreciate those things that are inaccessible to him. So it turns out that great wisdom was hidden in our separation. Thank her for that ...
  • I never thought that I would miss the dirty cups that you always leave in the sink. By muttering in my sleep and loud songs in my soul. The way your stubble pricks my cheeks. It's amazing how dear you really are to me. Not by their individual positive features, but entirely and completely!

Wish you bon appetit

I said that there can be any number of reasons for the message. Why not include this one here. After all, eating is an important part of our daily routine. And in order for the food to bring more joy, it will not be superfluous to spice it up not only with spices, but also with light feelings.

  • I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for you. Let the porridge give strength, fruit, vital energy, and the cake delight my beloved sweet tooth.
  • Recently I learned that cooked with love does not turn into fat on the belly. So eat with pleasure!
  • Today I added a handful of tenderness and affection to the stew / borscht / pie, seasoned everything with kind words and praises addressed to you, and generously sprinkled it with love on top. I hope you enjoy it ...

About their hopes, shared future

Having found her "prince", a woman usually soon begins to think about how she would like to see the relationship over time. She tries on her chosen one first the image of a guy, then a groom, and then she starts to think about how she will write an SMS about love to her husband and father of her children ... If you have been together long enough and discussing such dreams is not something out of the ordinary then feel free to share your thoughts with your partner.

  • Rather, I look forward to the moment when we begin to live together. I think about the love with which I will cook for you, wait from work, take care of you. It is wonderful to be always there, because you are my soul mate!
  • Today I walked home through the park, I met so many couples in love. I sincerely envy them and dream that soon you and I will walk like this on weekends, holding hands. And then, breathing in fresh air, they would go home, have dinner and watch some movie.
  • I love every aspect of your face and character. Let our kids take the best from you by all means. A sweet smile, the brightness of green eyes, inner charm and kindness that make everyone around you love you.
  • With your appearance in my life, I really thought about how I want to see my house, my family. Previously, these were only timid youthful dreams, which today take on the features of real adult life, where I myself am a wife and mother. Very exciting, but also pleasant at the same time!

Just about your feelings

  • Only next to you I feel really protected, only next to you I can be weak, indecisive, trusting. Therefore, when you are not by my side, it is very hard and sad for me. Let's try our best to be there together.
  • There is the scent of your cologne on the pillow, on the table there is a cup of coffee you have not drunk, and in the bathroom there is a tube of toothpaste that you didn’t twist again. J You know, these little things make me incredibly happy, because they say that I'm not alone! Thank you, dear, that I have you! You are my happiness, my joy and great value!
  • Right now, she hugged you tightly, tightly, kissed you tenderly and tenderly! I love!
  • I just want to say that you are very dear to me. Thank you for your care, attention, affection! You are for me the best husband of rank in the world! Come soon, my cat and I are waiting for you.
  • I'm sorry I fell for you yesterday. I was wrong! It's not your fault, it's just that I had troubles at work, which completely ruined my mood. Don't be angry ... I love you!
  • I always hated men who tried to call me "their". It seemed to me that by this they were infringing on my freedom, they wanted to appropriate me as some kind of thing. But now I realized that I just didn't love them. Because today the thought that I am YOUR warms my soul!
  • Sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. There were difficulties at work and at home. I know this is no excuse, but still ... Thanks for sending those wonderful flowers! The bouquet is still standing and makes me happy! Let's meet this weekend if you have time. I missed you very much, I want to see you.
  • And I have prepared a little surprise for you ... Come home from work, I'm waiting for you!
  • I baked such a pie for you (you need to attach a photo), it will be waiting for you until dinner. Do not linger, otherwise I will eat everything! Kiss!
  • Thanks for leaving me breakfast honey! It was amazingly tasty and incredibly pleasant! You are the most caring and romantic in the world !!! Have you opened your portfolio yet? If not, then it's time to do it, so that the yummy that I put for you doesn't spoil! You see how everything is mutual with us.

It will help you better understand how to build a happy relationship with your partner and yourself. Very simple, very feminine, about the most pressing questions, the answers to which often determine the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

Well, for my part, I am ready to answer any of your questions on the topic of the article. If you have any, feel free to share them in the comments!

That's all for today. Don't miss out on new publications. The function of subscribing to the news of the site will help you a lot with this. Until next time and all the best! Yours Yuri Okunev.

The world of modern young people is mainly concentrated on social networks. Now it has become a bad form to make acquaintances in real life. The Internet makes life easier for girls and guys. After all, this is really so, I liked the representative of the opposite sex, came home, found his page on VK, learned everything you need and don't need about your sweetheart, perhaps even added her as a friend, and then, as they say, a stupor sets in. This especially happens with the weaker sex, girls are more indecisive in matters of dating.

We were taught from childhood: a guy should be the first to take the initiative. Of course, you can continue to learn by heart the profile of a guy who has sunk into the soul, or you can muster up the courage and write to the person who will become your destiny, a few simple, but overnight well-chosen words. How to do this, we will figure it out below.

How to write to a guy so that he likes it?

Initially, you need to distinguish for yourself that the words addressed to the guy you see for the first time and then according to the profile in VK, and the man with whom you had a previous relationship, will be different.

We start a correspondence with a guy whom we did not know before:

  • The first word that you write to a young man will say everything about you and almost nothing. Quite simply and trite: over time, the guy will generally be erased in his memory, as you greeted him at the beginning. However, it will depend on this main word whether they will answer you. If you want to be answered exactly, write “hello” or “hello”, put a well-chosen smiley. Of course, you can be considered original and ask the guy right off the bat about any question regarding his photo on his avatar on the social network, any of his interest. Just don't forget about the words of greeting. Men favor clarity, logic and common sense more.
  • Write first, but don't be intrusive. Men love initiative young ladies. At first, there will be enough light secular chatter "about this, about this", the main thing is to often use positive formulations, embellished with healthy wit.
  • Remember, few people like whiners. You should not immediately write to a man you like about the tragic death of your beloved poodle and the impact of his death on your mood. Although, if you present this information with humor, then you can write. Just remember that as long as you are not connected with this guy, and he will not waste his time comforting your person.
  • During the conversation, cling to what specifically interests your sweetheart. If he is interested in football, you can criticize the game of some player or sincerely (!) Resent the game of his favorite team - this will cause the guy to be interested and want to have a discussion with you. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to alienate the young man from himself.
  • A categorical mistake is the use of the words "kitty", "zaya", "baby" in the first days of correspondence, because in this way you cross the intimate line of your interlocutor. These words arise in the correspondence of people in love with each other, in a natural way, and this happens, as a rule, mutually. You just have to wait for the guy you like to be yours. Then you can already swim in the sea of ​​tenderness.

The exchange of SMS, letters, VK messages and other social networks containing various pleasant words can turn into an interesting addictive game. You will once again begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

Why do men need beautiful words?

Some girls are convinced that men should show more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they do not particularly pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, because it is very important for the stronger sex to feel like the one whom his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly improve his self-esteem due to the pleasant words spoken to her.

As selfish as it sounds, beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have a desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom. Should I say nice words to your beloved guy? Undoubtedly yes!

We write pleasant words to the guy in VKontakte (vk, vk)

We discussed above what is pleasant and how you can write to an unfamiliar guy in contact. Now let's think about what words should be chosen for the man you know in real life using the social network. Indeed, it is during a long correspondence that people are now fully revealed, revealing sometimes the most secret nooks of their souls.

What is pleasant to write in VK to your beloved guy whom you know for a long period? Now you have been texting with a guy on VK for a long time, you are entering a period of mutual exchange of affection and amenities, and you do not want to lose such good communication. This period is really one of the most important, because it will completely affect your future relationship with your beloved boyfriend.

How can I avoid this?

  1. Write about everything, the main thing is not to get bored, that is, avoid messages like "Darling, I'm bored", "I'm sitting here without you and I miss you", "Darling, I'm lonely."
  2. It is on the social network that you should write to the young man directly about your feelings. You will never go wrong with the wording like "How glad I am that you appeared in my life" and so on, "Thank you for understanding me."
  3. Become patient and do not start a conversation with phrases like “Where are you?” If a person is online and simply wants to take a break from communication even with you.

We write pleasant words to a man in the morning

Finally, you started dating a guy and you want his morning to start with your sms - message if you live apart for now, or so that your sms - pigeon will find its addressee at work if you already live together.

What should I write in the morning?

  • “Good morning, my dear. I slept so sweetly with you, and I did not notice how you left "," Good morning, darling. How did you sleep without me? " etc. Transfer his attention to yourself. It's bad if he woke up without you, but if it's good, then veiled thank you that you woke up together.
  • Choose words-clues, if you meet with your beloved for a long period, do not be afraid to write him gentle words: “Darling, my pillow smells of you. Come back home as soon as possible. "
  • Psychologists say that poems of your own writing are a good clue. The main thing is to use this technique if you really have a talent for rhyming. If not, use cool ready-made rhymes from the Internet. Poems are more original than prose letters.

Pleasant nightly messages

Bedtime emails depend on the degree of your relationship. When you had only a few meetings with a man, it would be wrong to write "I would now be next to you", "I will not sleep without you." Why? Guys do not find any romantic halo in such a phrase, they perceive it as a signal for intimacy.

When you and your boyfriend are in a long-term strong relationship and for any reason you are sleeping separately, do not forget to write: "I want to sleep on your shoulder." Men are very susceptible to such gentle and overnight touching formulations.

If you don't know the guy much, you can laugh it off and write: "Good night and let me dream about you." Here, again, the main thing is to transfer the attention of the guy who you like to your beloved person. It is also a good idea to have some kind of unobtrusive rhyme sent to the guy in time before he goes to bed.

Nice SMS for a loved one is a whole art

SMS is a short message that can attract a guy's attention even more than correspondence on social networks. Writing a good SMS to get a person interested is a whole art. What pleasant SMS can you send?

  1. A very, very, very funny joke. Such that not only the young man could laugh, but also his mother. Everyone knows that God is hidden in a sense of humor. Be lively and witty. A spontaneous joke will boost the mood of the young man you like for the rest of the day.
  2. Again, the poems of my own writing. Your young man will know that next to him there is a creative girl who can write not only messages in prose. Your sweetheart can boast of a beautiful rhyme in front of family, colleagues and close friends, which will certainly increase his mood and self-esteem. After all, for his sake they even go to write poetry! Only a very callous and down-to-earth person will not like this approach. Here, too, do not overdo it and send a rhyme every six months.
  3. Words of praise. Your boyfriend will only be glad if you often remind him how good, sweet, handsome, kind, the best in the world he is.
  4. Ask your guy for advice more often. How do you find this or that store? Where better to refuel in your area and more. This approach is especially good if you know the guy quite recently.
  5. Send him an invitation to any event. Everyone loves unexpected surprises. Be Santa's grandpa for the guy. More often please with any unexpected invitations somewhere.

If your communication is just beginning to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, you do not need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Better to let him first show more initiative - this is generally useful for the development of your relationship.

Why shouldn't you write or typical mistakes of girls?

  • Don't write with mistakes. When the guy you like isn't flawlessly literate, don't stoop to the same. Be for him initially an authority at least in matters of spelling and knowledge of the native language.
  • Never ask for extra attention right off the bat. The guy doesn't answer you for a long period? So he is either busy or has lost interest in you. And with questions like “Where have you disappeared?”, “Answer me, I’m waiting,” you will not return attention to yourself, but rather push the person away from you. Interested guys will always take the time to write. Wait and be patient, it will pay off later.
  • If your loved one does not want to write to you, do not try to blackmail him with SMS messages like “If you don’t answer, I’ll throw myself out of the window” and other similar formulations. You won't bring the guy back like that, but this way you will only leave bad memories.
  • Do not humiliate the guy in the correspondence. You can pin him up in moderation, make fun of him, but you always need to remember that all people are egoists, and, since you strongly hurt the feelings of an unfamiliar young man, you can hardly return those pleasant impressions that he initially made about you.

We write pleasant words to the conscript

One of the most pressing issues is the correspondence between a girl and a young man who is in military service. Write him sparse letters, about how you expect him and how you miss him. The main thing is not to be overly sentimental, because your boyfriend is also having a hard time being away from you. Describe vividly and interestingly everything that happens in your city, on your street with your families and mutual acquaintances. The immutable truth is that a loving heart will always find the right words, no matter how difficult it may be to find and write to your beloved boyfriend. Be more decisive. Go for it!

Pleasant words to my husband

Sometimes you need to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you together. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are a few phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be apart;
  • I am a happy woman. You ask why? Because I got the best husband !;
  • You are my dear kitten (bunny). I need your love so much;
  • For so many years, you and I have been united by marriage, and you still drive me mad.

Text your husband when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see that he will come home in an excellent mood.

Psychologists advise girls to be open, friendly, nice when communicating with a guy in correspondence and remember that you should never dwell on any person, because this leads to personality breakdown. After some attempts to interest the man in yourself, stop it and turn your attention to someone else.

Often, girls also ask other questions related to correspondence with young people. They ask, for example, how to regain the trust of a man with whom you broke up through correspondence. There is a way out here too. Try to strike up a conversation with your ex on the same level as you had when you first met. Greet him and write about common acquaintances, common interests and what once united you. The main thing is not to be annoying.

How to tell a man about your feelings for him? What words to say to a man?

Pleasant words to your beloved and only man:
1.My gentle fluffy! I cannot live without you for one second…. Even a millisecond without you is a big eternity. Come quickly, darling, I'm really looking forward to you!
2. Look to look…. Lips to lips…. Always stay close. I won't give you up to another! If necessary, I will fight. I want to be with you always. After all, I am looking for your image everywhere…. And I dream to tell you "yes"!
3. I just opened my purse. I found my favorite phone number in it. I spent a lot of time searching. But, on the phone screen - your photo! I can't help but look at you. You are the most handsome man . I love to admire you….
4. Words of love in prose. - Where does so much tenderness come from in you? If it was measured in numbers, I would simply lose count. Darling, you're driving me crazy! I promise that I will repay you in kind….
5. You draw me in your imagination…. I am also a good artist. Therefore, with all my love and warmth, I also "master", mentally, your impressive portrait. Do you want to see him? Dream me, please, tonight….
6. Words of love in prose. - The best, beloved, unique! I give you all my love. And you take it as much as you want. All love is yours. All love is for you. Dispose of it as you please. Only…. Don't kill her, I beg you!
7. What words to say to a man? - Your palm warms my soul…. Dear, beloved and sweet…. If you knew how much I love you….
8. No need to cry with your eyes or your soul…. I will not leave, but I will always be with you. If you want, I will be your angel. And love into the clouds, we will fly away together!
9. I am your new page in life. Don't tear me apart and burn me. Allow me to kindle only with the flame of love and passion. In such a flame, believe me, I will burn with great pleasure!
10. Words of love in prose. - I love…. I love…. I love…. I love…. How many times, for you, to repeat these pleasant words so that you, without the slightest doubt, believe in them? I can fill up all the entrances, all the roads and all the notebooks, if you want. Perhaps everything will get tired of my handwriting and writing, but I will not get tired, never, to convince you that I love without memory….
11. Pleasant words to the beloved man. - Honey, I missed you so much that I can't even work normally. All thoughts, literally, are clogged with you. And I don’t want to get rid of such a "clogging". It is pleasant for me to think of you, devoting every moment of my thoughts. Catch my sweetness!
12 you are a prince. And I don't care that you have no horse, no palaces, no overseas wealth! You are the prince of my heart. You rule, in it, the kingdom of our love. And love, taking me away, on its wings, into beautiful skies, reminds me that you are waiting for me very much, and that you need me very, very much ....
13. Warm and affectionate words to your beloved man. - I will call so as not to let go…. I need you. I'll die without you…. Stay close as long as possible, I beg you! I will drown in your arms…. I so like to drown in them…. You and your eyes are the most beautiful oceans in the entire globe!
14. Give me your hand. Can you feel my hand reaching for yours? And attraction is inevitable. So let's not avoid them! Let's go meet them! I want to feel the attraction of the senses….
15. Only yours…. I don’t want to be someone else but you! With others it is bad, dreary and boring. It's fun, comfortable and positive with you. Thank you for being with me and not someone else!
16. Words of love in prose. - Thank you for the ocean of your love…. Thank you for the feelings that you give me so sincerely…. Thank you to the earth for being on it…. The earth will perish without you. And, together with her, and I ....
17. My beloved! You are the most wonderful gift on my birthday! I don't need another gift. You have appeared in my life, and I will appreciate this appearance. Thank you, dear, that you are with me!
18. You are a hero! You are the first who was able to conquer, without difficulty, both the peak and the depth of my loving heart. Take it, it's yours! There is so much love in him…. She, by the way, is also yours. And I belong to you. I love you madly and passionately!
19.My angel…. You gave me your wings…. And I fly without them: from love! Forgive me that I, then, was in a hurry, and did not say: "I - to you, catch!". Catch me, hold me in your arms! I want to drown in them, fall, resurrect…. And a kiss…. After all, again, I want to understand how great it is, love, in you, to seek….
20. I count the seconds until the meeting…. Here, a few more seconds flew through me, recalling the expectation. Oh, how painful it is! I can not wait! But, the hands from the clock, I can’t turn, at least in some way, they don’t obey me. I do not need anyone's submission! I really want your love…. Give, share, give!
21. Snuggle up to me. You are so warm and sweet. You are my favorite pillow. Not offended, right? I so love to fall asleep on your chest, to the beat of your heart in love .... Your heartbeat is a lullaby. Let it sound forever! Live because I live by you….
22. What can I do for you so that you believe in the eternity of my love? I will do whatever you want: I will come into your dream, become the moon or the sun, disappear and appear, turn over any page of life, say (or shout), any confession ... .. Say .... Only one only your word .... And I can melt, with a drop of a smile, on your face .... Which I really love.
23. Give a ring - I, without hesitation, will say to you, "yes." If you don’t give it, I’m ready to wait for you for all eternity. You are life, you are the continuation of the lines in my destiny. And I'm ready to beg that you stay mine and with me. Do you agree?
24. Words of love in prose. - Thousands of “I'm sorry” and thousands of “I love”. Everything is for you. I can say even more. You are the light. You are breath. You are the whisper of all the sweetest words in the world. You are my luck. You are the beginning of all beginnings. You are the only person for whom, if need be, I will be able to say goodbye to my only life!
25. Your name rushes through me with a pleasant sound. Your name is amber light in the semi-darkness of loneliness. I love your name: it saves and protects me. It is my talisman. I will not give you to anyone! Never to anyone, beloved.
26. Let's forget everything bad and gloomy. Let's leave everything light and bright. Let us turn our lives, thanks to each other, into a sunny rainbow…. I want you to live on earth so cloudlessly and happily that all the angels who look at us from the clouds envied us with "white" envy. We, being together, will be able to repaint envy in rainbow walls ...


What to write first to a guy: easy ways to impress

The power of a compliment

Common denominator

Life hack from a psychologist

Rule 1. The main thing is to start

Rule 3. Be correct

Rule 5. Maintain intrigue

Preparatory work: before you write

Before surfing the vastness of a dating site, check if everything is in order with your virtual face - a profile that, like the right dress, should emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. We have already analyzed in detail, on a dating site, in order to leave a distinct, capacious and vivid impression about ourselves. Read it.

I put myself in order - with the intentness of a tracker, study the profile of the guy to whom she was going to write, desperately flashing her eyes. You need to know the enemy by sight. Any profile on a dating site, except for an empty one, provides a lot of useful information. In particular, it answers the question of which words to write to the guy first. Hang on to the kindly provided information.

What to write to a guy you like: setting goals

While you are puzzling over what you can write to a guy, I’ll ask you this question: is goal setting an important condition for success. And I’ll answer right away: yes. The target is the point of arrival. A goal is a clearly articulated desire. Having defined the goal, you look for (and usually find) the means (words) to achieve it. Without a goal, you go somewhere and find yourself somewhere. As in the fairy tale about Alice.

- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?

- Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.

- I don't care ... - said Alice.

- Then it's all the same where to go, - said the Cat.

Don't be Alice. Set transparent goals. Realize why you are wasting precious time looking for a partner, so what? For example, walking through galleries, engaging in tantric sex, creating a social unit. For each purpose - its own way of communication. By the way, what a style - to write first. Probably a hundred times already asked this question.

Why writing first is important: the benefits of being an initiative

Contrary to the stereotype “a man should take the first step”, it is a commercially profitable event. First, there are few girls who write first, and the attitude towards them is the same - as reverent as towards rare precious metals. Secondly, you get the opportunity to choose among ALL, and not among those who wrote to you (admit, more than 90% of those who wrote are guys of low social relevance). Thirdly, it is a useful skill in every sense - to take, not wait. If you become more familiar with dating sites, you will be able to use it everywhere.

What to write first to a guy: easy ways to impress

Now dip your pen into the inkwell and write. And although the banal “Hello, how are you”, uttered by a woman’s lips, loses its shallowness and acquires fresh coquettishness, it is worth using our brains not only to grab attention, but to make an indelible impression. It's easy to do this with a compliment.

The power of a compliment

Oddly enough, so few women use the simple way to win over any man on a dating site - to make a compliment. The compliment should be light and relevant. Leave the eloquence of the times of the Egyptian pharaohs in the bins of your rich spiritual world. "Your eagle eye pierced my quivering heart" - something like that, at best, will cause a smile, and sometimes it can offend the interlocutor.

Men like it when they emphasize their tribal advantages - sexuality, strength, will: “I've never met such expressive biceps!”, “Who gave you such an amazing smile?”, “I want to make sure that handsome guys are interesting interlocutors. Can you help? ”,“ I don’t know which is more in you - magnetism or romance, but you are definitely not like the others ”. Praise those virtues that are real, not illusory. Talking to a slender guy about biceps is at least merciless.

Common denominator

You can approach from the other side. As from a springboard, push off from the general points. “Hello! I saw your photos from Tbilisi. I'm just planning to go there. I would like to ask a few questions about the city and your impressions. Do you mind? "," I also often visit this park, but I have never seen you. How could I miss? "," This gorgeous Doberman is yours? I've always dreamed of having a dog. Is it true that Dobermans, contrary to popular belief about their aggressiveness, are friendly and peaceful? "

Life hack from a psychologist

To feel confident in any situation, not just on a dating site, consider the following life hack. Don't know how to start or maintain a conversation - ask questions. First, you will save the interlocutor from the headache, what to say, so that the conversation flows like a babbling stream. Secondly, the question form of communication will emphasize your focus on it.

Phrases for dating a guy on the Internet: TOP-100

Continuing the conversation about women's initiative, there are many examples on the topic “do not sit like a red girl, but write first”. Here's what you can write to a guy so as not to cross the fine line between light flirting and indecent behavior.

  1. I am a journalist. I'm doing a survey for a dating site. May I ask you a few questions? The first of them - how do you feel about the girls who meet first?
  2. I read that a person needs to use 70 muscles to smile. I suggest you start downloading them right now. Smile and let's get acquainted!
  3. I choose cufflinks as a present for my dad. Can you help me? Such a stylish young man should understand this.
  4. What kind of ties are in fashion nowadays? I need to buy a present for my brother, but I know about ties like screwdrivers.
  5. Do you know what an electrical discharge is? This is what happened when I looked at your photo.
  6. You look like the guy I recently saw in a dream. True, he was not alone, but with a white horse. Isn't that you?
  7. Can you tell me how to change the candles / oil in "any car brand"?
  8. I pressed something on the computer keyboard and everything went out. What could it be?
  9. Do you really think the internet is the place to be for serious relationships?
  10. Why is such a spectacular guy looking for a girlfriend on the Internet? I'm sure in real life the girls follow you in droves.
  11. I want to make sure that a handsome guy can be an interesting conversationalist. Can you help?
  12. You look like a wild beast - brave, smart and daring. And yet I think I can tame you.
  13. I want to ask you one question - what can you write to a guy you like?
  14. Why is he so brooding in the photo? Do not be sad. Life is wonderful. If only because there is me.
  15. I want to watch a movie tonight. Any advice? It seems to me that you are well versed in cinema and not only.
  16. Give me a book. I can't choose, but you look like a well-read young man.
  17. I also like this park (city, horseback riding). I wonder how else we are alike?
  18. It's amazing how ordinary photography can convey so much emotion.
  19. I have never met a man with such a deep gaze. I'm impressed.
  20. How many secrets are there in these beautiful eyes. Will you share one of them with me ?.
  21. Before I saw you, I only read about alpha males in magazines.
  22. You look like you are hugging them. It immediately gets warm. "
  23. Such a view ... Seeing him, it does not matter anymore, neither income, nor education, nor the presence of bad habits.
  24. You look great. An innate sense of taste or are you following trends?
  25. Hi. I've been looking for you everywhere for so long. And you, it turns out, are here.
  26. I saw your profile, and now I am concerned about one question ...
  27. It seems to me, or did you really act in some kind of movie?
  28. Probably, girls often invite you for a walk to the registry office?
  29. Tell me how to please one charming guy on this dating site?
  30. What do you think is more important for a girl - to be beautiful or smart? Which one do you prefer?
  31. How do you like the news that "the plot of the latest news (for example, the ruble has dropped dramatically)"?
  32. Do you believe in love at first sight or do you prefer to take a long look?
  33. I wonder if such a romantic young man listens to the voice of his heart or reason?
  34. Do you think it is worth making decisions based on intuition?
  35. What is your favorite movie? Perhaps this is what I will watch tonight.
  36. Have you been told that you make a lasting impression on girls?
  37. You've probably been told a thousand times that you are beautiful. But it's nice to hear it for the thousand and first time too, isn't it?
  38. I was invited to my uncle's birthday. Can you tell me what you can give?
  39. The guys are good at tech. Can you help me choose headphones / player / phone?
  40. Do you think love is actual or is it already a relic of the past?
  41. If you happened to become a woman for a short while, what would you do first?
  42. Could you call me on my mobile? Lost, I can't find.
  43. If you had a time machine, where would you like to go?
  44. Do you love popping bubbles on the packaging bag as much as I do?
  45. Are you seriously considering this site as a girl search resource?
  46. I wonder if such a serious man has ever done crazy things?
  47. And what brings you here?
  48. Do you want to cheer you up?
  49. By any chance, aren't you the guy of my dreams?
  50. How do you feel about women's initiative?
  51. Why do men like stupid girls?
  52. How long have you been stealing women's hearts?
  53. Your smile makes me lose my sanity.
  54. You look like a purebred cat. I just want to stroke you.
  55. Sky, tree, supermarket wall…. What do you see from the window?
  56. I have eye problems. I can’t take them away from your profile.
  57. Hi. You need a man's opinion on one issue. Can you help me?
  58. Oh, have you been to "city / place name"? And how did you like it there?
  59. Let's skip the formal dating part and move on to the more important one.
  60. Maybe we'll get to know each other anyway, or will we silently look through each other's profiles?
  61. I have a feeling that you, having looked through my profile, did not know how to give me a ride. Here, I decided to help you.
  62. I thought for a long time about a good phrase to start dating, but decided not to complicate it. Let's get to know each other without boring buzzwords?
  63. How about communication without obligation?
  64. What do you think we have in common?
  65. The advantages are there, but what about the disadvantages?
  66. I would like to know more about you than just your name.
  67. Wondering what's behind this beautiful facade?
  68. You have an x-ray look. Probably, you can't hide anything from you?
  69. You have a gorgeous look. Now it's your turn to compliment.
  70. Could you explain one of the traffic rules to me?
  71. I am a visitor from the future and have been sent to a dating site to make your life better and happier.
  72. I am writing an article on web dating. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
  73. I am writing a book on how to meet a guy. Your independent opinion is interesting.
  74. Your presence here turns the other guys into a faceless mass.
  75. You give the impression of a fortress where you can find shelter and feel safe.
  76. Young man, you have wounded my heart, and now you are obliged to provide me with medical assistance.
  77. I promised my cat that today I would meet the most handsome guy on the site.
  78. They say that initiative is punishable, and at the same time it is better to regret what has been done than not done. Let's get acquainted?
  79. With such a man, you don't even need a blanket. So much warmth from you!
  80. I get embarrassed when you look at me and don't write anything.
  81. Would you like to accompany me to a cafe one evening?
  82. Young man, can you tell me, do you like me?
  83. Will you take me out of the maze of loneliness?
  84. I'm drowning looking into your eyes. Save urgently!
  85. So this is what a magnetic gaze is ...
  86. I have never met such expressive cheekbones.
  87. Is it true that all men are polygamous?
  88. You can even go to a desert island with you.
  89. What attracts you most about girls?
  90. Tell me, how does a screwdriver differ from a drill?
  91. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you do today?
  92. I feel that you are not like everyone else. I want to understand why.
  93. What do you think, is it possible to buy happiness for money?
  94. Do you know that reproduction in space is impossible?
  95. I dreamed about Freud today. What do you think that would mean?
  96. They say the trainer's wife gets sugar after good sex!
  97. Do you also think that female logic incapacitates the male psyche?
  98. I wonder why men shake the pistol in the tank after refueling the car?
  99. But what happens if you press the gas and the brake at the same time in the car?
  100. I wonder if you are folding or throwing your socks around?

What next: how to keep his attention and interest

In principle, you don't need a lot of intelligence. Enough good looks and unobtrusive initiative. But so that interest does not evaporate at the speed of boiling water, maintain the correct degree.

  • Do not expose your urgent need for communication and worry about its absence. “Where have you disappeared”, “Why don’t you write”, “I am waiting for your answer” - phrases to defeat.
  • Talk mostly about him - everyone likes it when they talk about them. Speak, but do not speak. Don't be a Real Madrid fan if you don't know what a penalty is.
  • A good throw-in is to ask for help. Men like women who ask for help. This makes them feel courageous and smart, that is, to feel superior. “I choose a lawnmower for my father for his birthday - do you think Makita or Husqvarna is better?”, “Gave (name of the game), but I can't get through the seventh level! You are a tough gamer. Help out! " (if he's a cool gamer).

Remember that communication for the sake of communication has no practical meaning if the purpose of your stay is not to stretch your fingers. As soon as you are convinced of the adequacy and safety of your partner, go to real life. All interesting things happen there.

Summary: 5 important rules for interesting and effective correspondence

In the meantime, you are here, and not there, load into the unconscious the basic rules (without rules anywhere) of interesting and effective correspondence.

Rule 1. The main thing is to start

The first rule of communication on a dating site is to start a conversation. We found out that the problem of what to write to the guy first does not exist. You can designate your interest with a banal "Hello", having tested the waters, whether your partner makes contact or only loves blondes (when you are a brunette). Or go to the next level - compliments and immersion.

Rule 2. Be meaningful

Do not bother how beautiful it is to write a guy on. Literary talent is an advantage, but without the right stuffing, a sense of language doesn't matter. Men are a different audience. They don't like pretty quotes. It is important - not how, but what to write to the guy in order to interest him. Be a brilliant conversationalist. Here's a recipe from Lisa Kerk: "A gossiper is someone who talks to you about others, a bore is someone who talks to you about himself, and a brilliant conversationalist is someone who talks to you about you."

Rule 3. Be correct

His background does not concern you yet. Hold on to questions about your financial situation, the number of divorces, a history of hemorrhoids. At this stage of dating, skeletons in the closet are not considered. You will arrange the interrogation with passion later. For example, before going under Mendelssohn's march to a bright future.

Rule 4. Do not include "half"

As soon as you turn on the "half" who is bored, suffering and everyone else demonstrates their inferiority without him - write, it's gone. Word forms emphasizing your inferiority against the background of its significance, forget it like a bad dream (“I miss you”, “I miss you”, “You have become the meaning of my life”). And without esotericism ("Fate itself brought us together").

Rule 5. Maintain intrigue

It is better not to finish talking about yourself - answer his questions briefly and cover yourself with a veil. Watch out for a halo of mystery. Do not be a shirt-guy and open your soul. It is interesting to recognize a mysterious stranger.

What to write to the guy, we have offered examples. There are enough of them to demonstrate their originality and psychological maturity. Here are just a theory without practice is not worth a damn. Therefore, right now, register a profile and start exercising. Good luck!

The world of modern young people is mainly concentrated on social networks. Now it has become a bad form to make acquaintances in real life. The Internet makes life easier for girls and guys. After all, this is really so, I liked the representative of the opposite sex, came home, found his page on VK, learned everything you need and don't need about your sweetheart, perhaps even added her as a friend, and then, as they say, a stupor sets in. This especially happens with the weaker sex, girls are more indecisive in matters of dating.

We were taught from childhood: a guy should be the first to take the initiative. Of course, you can continue to learn by heart the profile of a guy who has sunk into the soul, or you can muster up the courage and write to the person who will become your destiny, a few simple, but overnight well-chosen words. How to do this, we will figure it out below.

How to write to a guy so that he likes it?

Initially, you need to distinguish for yourself that the words addressed to the guy you see for the first time and then according to the profile in VK, and the man with whom you had a previous relationship, will be different.

We start a correspondence with a guy whom we did not know before:

  • The first word that you write to a young man will say everything about you and almost nothing. Quite simply and trite: over time, the guy will generally be erased in his memory, as you greeted him at the beginning. However, it will depend on this main word whether they will answer you. If you want to be answered exactly, write “hello” or “hello”, put a well-chosen smiley. Of course, you can be considered original and ask the guy right off the bat about any question regarding his photo on his avatar on the social network, any of his interest. Just don't forget about the words of greeting. Men favor clarity, logic and common sense more.
  • Write first, but don't be intrusive. Men love initiative young ladies. At first, there will be enough light secular chatter "about this, about this", the main thing is to often use positive formulations, embellished with healthy wit.
  • Remember, few people like whiners. You should not immediately write to a man you like about the tragic death of your beloved poodle and the impact of his death on your mood. Although, if you present this information with humor, then you can write. Just remember that as long as you are not connected with this guy, and he will not waste his time comforting your person.
  • During the conversation, cling to what specifically interests your sweetheart. If he is interested in football, you can criticize the game of some player or sincerely (!) Resent the game of his favorite team - this will cause the guy to be interested and want to have a discussion with you. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to alienate the young man from himself.
  • A categorical mistake is the use of the words "kitty", "zaya", "baby" in the first days of correspondence, because in this way you cross the intimate line of your interlocutor. These words arise in the correspondence of people in love with each other, in a natural way, and this happens, as a rule, mutually. You just have to wait for the guy you like to be yours. Then you can already swim in the sea of ​​tenderness.

The exchange of SMS, letters, VK messages and other social networks containing various pleasant words can turn into an interesting addictive game. You will once again begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

Why do men need beautiful words?

Some girls are convinced that men should show more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they do not particularly pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, because it is very important for the stronger sex to feel like the one whom his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly improve his self-esteem due to the pleasant words spoken to her.

As selfish as it sounds, beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have a desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom. Should I say nice words to your beloved guy? Undoubtedly yes!

We write pleasant words to the guy in VKontakte (vk, vk)

We discussed above what is pleasant and how you can write to an unfamiliar guy in contact. Now let's think about what words should be chosen for the man you know in real life using the social network. Indeed, it is during a long correspondence that people are now fully revealed, revealing sometimes the most secret nooks of their souls.

What is pleasant to write in VK to your beloved guy whom you know for a long period? Now you have been texting with a guy on VK for a long time, you are entering a period of mutual exchange of affection and amenities, and you do not want to lose such good communication. This period is really one of the most important, because it will completely affect your future relationship with your beloved boyfriend.

How can I avoid this?

  1. Write about everything, the main thing is not to get bored, that is, avoid messages like "Darling, I'm bored", "I'm sitting here without you and I miss you", "Darling, I'm lonely."
  2. It is on the social network that you should write to the young man directly about your feelings. You will never go wrong with the wording like "How glad I am that you appeared in my life" and so on, "Thank you for understanding me."
  3. Become patient and do not start a conversation with phrases like “Where are you?” If a person is online and simply wants to take a break from communication even with you.

We write pleasant words to a man in the morning

Finally, you started dating a guy and you want his morning to start with your sms - message if you live apart for now, or so that your sms - pigeon will find its addressee at work if you already live together.

What should I write in the morning?

  • “Good morning, my dear. I slept so sweetly with you, and I did not notice how you left "," Good morning, darling. How did you sleep without me? " etc. Transfer his attention to yourself. It's bad if he woke up without you, but if it's good, then veiled thank you that you woke up together.
  • Choose words-clues, if you meet with your beloved for a long period, do not be afraid to write him gentle words: “Darling, my pillow smells of you. Come back home as soon as possible. "
  • Psychologists say that poems of your own writing are a good clue. The main thing is to use this technique if you really have a talent for rhyming. If not, use cool ready-made rhymes from the Internet. Poems are more original than prose letters.

Pleasant nightly messages

Bedtime emails depend on the degree of your relationship. When you had only a few meetings with a man, it would be wrong to write "I would now be next to you", "I will not sleep without you." Why? Guys do not find any romantic halo in such a phrase, they perceive it as a signal for intimacy.

When you and your boyfriend are in a long-term strong relationship and for any reason you are sleeping separately, do not forget to write: "I want to sleep on your shoulder." Men are very susceptible to such gentle and overnight touching formulations.

If you don't know the guy much, you can laugh it off and write: "Good night and let me dream about you." Here, again, the main thing is to transfer the attention of the guy who you like to your beloved person. It is also a good idea to have some kind of unobtrusive rhyme sent to the guy in time before he goes to bed.

Nice SMS for a loved one is a whole art

SMS is a short message that can attract a guy's attention even more than correspondence on social networks. Writing a good SMS to get a person interested is a whole art. What pleasant SMS can you send?

  1. A very, very, very funny joke. Such that not only the young man could laugh, but also his mother. Everyone knows that God is hidden in a sense of humor. Be lively and witty. A spontaneous joke will boost the mood of the young man you like for the rest of the day.
  2. Again, the poems of my own writing. Your young man will know that next to him there is a creative girl who can write not only messages in prose. Your sweetheart can boast of a beautiful rhyme in front of family, colleagues and close friends, which will certainly increase his mood and self-esteem. After all, for his sake they even go to write poetry! Only a very callous and down-to-earth person will not like this approach. Here, too, do not overdo it and send a rhyme every six months.
  3. Words of praise. Your boyfriend will only be glad if you often remind him how good, sweet, handsome, kind, the best in the world he is.
  4. Ask your guy for advice more often. How do you find this or that store? Where better to refuel in your area and more. This approach is especially good if you know the guy quite recently.
  5. Send him an invitation to any event. Everyone loves unexpected surprises. Be Santa's grandpa for the guy. More often please with any unexpected invitations somewhere.

If your communication is just beginning to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, you do not need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Better to let him first show more initiative - this is generally useful for the development of your relationship.

Why shouldn't you write or typical mistakes of girls?

  • Don't write with mistakes. When the guy you like isn't flawlessly literate, don't stoop to the same. Be for him initially an authority at least in matters of spelling and knowledge of the native language.
  • Never ask for extra attention right off the bat. The guy doesn't answer you for a long period? So he is either busy or has lost interest in you. And with questions like “Where have you disappeared?”, “Answer me, I’m waiting,” you will not return attention to yourself, but rather push the person away from you. Interested guys will always take the time to write. Wait and be patient, it will pay off later.
  • If your loved one does not want to write to you, do not try to blackmail him with SMS messages like “If you don’t answer, I’ll throw myself out of the window” and other similar formulations. You won't bring the guy back like that, but this way you will only leave bad memories.
  • Do not humiliate the guy in the correspondence. You can pin him up in moderation, make fun of him, but you always need to remember that all people are egoists, and, since you strongly hurt the feelings of an unfamiliar young man, you can hardly return those pleasant impressions that he initially made about you.

We write pleasant words to the conscript

One of the most pressing issues is the correspondence between a girl and a young man who is in military service. Write him sparse letters, about how you expect him and how you miss him. The main thing is not to be overly sentimental, because your boyfriend is also having a hard time being away from you. Describe vividly and interestingly everything that happens in your city, on your street with your families and mutual acquaintances. The immutable truth is that a loving heart will always find the right words, no matter how difficult it may be to find and write to your beloved boyfriend. Be more decisive. Go for it!

Pleasant words to my husband

Sometimes you need to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you together. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are a few phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be apart;
  • I am a happy woman. You ask why? Because I got the best husband !;
  • You are my dear kitten (bunny). I need your love so much;
  • For so many years, you and I have been united by marriage, and you still drive me mad.

Text your husband when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see that he will come home in an excellent mood.

Psychologists advise girls to be open, friendly, nice when communicating with a guy in correspondence and remember that you should never dwell on any person, because this leads to personality breakdown. After some attempts to interest the man in yourself, stop it and turn your attention to someone else.

Often, girls also ask other questions related to correspondence with young people. They ask, for example, how to regain the trust of a man with whom you broke up through correspondence. There is a way out here too. Try to strike up a conversation with your ex on the same level as you had when you first met. Greet him and write about common acquaintances, common interests and what once united you. The main thing is not to be annoying.

No matter how much time has passed, there are no fewer followers of Pushkin's Tatyana Larina. Millions of girls around the world write romantic messages to their lovers. After all, it is often easier to express your thoughts in writing than in personal communication: there is time to think and choose the right words. In addition, today there are many ways to do this: SMS, social networks, Skype and mobile applications. But at the initial stage of the relationship, a reasonable question may arise: what to write to the guy to interest him?

To write or not to write?

Sometimes the relationship is very difficult: young ladies who are burning out of love long time only sigh, looking from afar at the object of their passion. It seems that one incorrectly spoken word - and the capricious bird of happiness will immediately fly away. All this time, classmates (colleagues, good acquaintances) do not even know about the storm of feelings, the main reason for which they are. Delay in such a situation can become fatal - it is highly likely that you will soon see your beloved arm in arm with a more agile rival.

It is the epistolary genre that will help to take the situation into our own hands and bring the relationship to a qualitatively new level, which, despite the changed forms of transmission, has not lost its former popularity at all. By exchanging written messages, it is much easier to overcome feelings of stiffness and insecurity, to show your strengths, and at the same time get to know the interlocutor better. This does not mean that you need to be intrusive (this can hardly make a good impression on a young man), but it is not forbidden to report your existence.

Where to begin?

Before deciding on a correspondence, you should tune in in a certain way, and the following advice from a psychologist will come in handy here.

  1. Do not immediately start a conversation with passionate confessions. Such straightforwardness can only scare off a potential gentleman and reduce everything to zero result.
  2. It is important to maintain a light, friendly tone, but avoid familiarity. Boredom and tediousness should be reserved for other occasions, young people are attracted by girls with a good sense of humor, cheerful and able to keep the conversation going.
  3. It is necessary to show a sincere interest in the personality of the interlocutor. Attention is loved by everyone, without exception, but you should avoid obsession and be more tactful.
  4. Better not to neglect punctuality and grammar. Too prolonged silence can be misunderstood, and an abundance of spelling errors can completely discourage the desire to communicate.

As the theater begins with a coat rack, so an exciting conversation begins with quite banal things. The stereotype that the fairer sex should not initiate contact has long since sunk into oblivion. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to strike up a conversation using Skype or social networks by writing the standard “Hello! How are you?".

You can use a more original greeting, techniques from the category - “In my rating of the handsome men of the year, the first place is still empty”, “You have beautiful eyes. That's it, now it's your turn to say compliments, ”and so on. But no matter what interesting phrases you find on the Internet to start dating, it is better to come up with something of your own. Firstly, it will sound much more sincere and natural, and secondly, it is highly likely that the guy you are interested in (or one of his friends) has already written something like that. The message should be friendly, without any aggressive connotations.

What's next?

If a dialogue has begun, then the next step is to consolidate the result. Examples of what to write to a guy to interest him and push him to further communication.

  1. Describe your experience. Quite a non-trivial move - to offer to characterize each other. If you have imagination, problems will not arise, the main principle is to note any detail and draw conclusions. The owner of a couple of colorful sweaters is the beloved grandson of a craftswoman grandmother, the blond with a beautiful tan is a metrosexual who loves solariums, and the skinny "Uncle Stepa" is probably swimming. Let not everything turn out to be true, but fun is guaranteed.
  2. Praise. Men love compliments just as much as beautiful ladies. Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it and proceed from reality. The alleged groom's account is replete with photos, where he diligently pulls weights with a naked torso? So you have to admire the biceps. Or is the love object seen often walking the dog? Then actively be touched by a four-legged friend.
  3. Ask for help. A superman lives in every guy, and the girl's task is to help him reveal himself in all his glory. To begin with, you can ask for something completely unpretentious, for example, advice on choosing a smartphone or explaining tests on traffic rules. In the end, you must definitely thank, not forgetting to emphasize your complete incompetence and helplessness in this matter;
  4. To fog up. You don't need to readily post all your ins and outs in the first ten messages. Some aspects of life can be deliberately not discussed, even if it intrigues the interlocutor and warms up his interest. And wonderful facts from the biography like love for motorcycles or the title of vice-miss of the city of Solnechnogorsk will be pleasant surprises if they are revealed later.
  5. Discuss a common hobby. It will be just fine if some similar interests are found. Then hours of conversations that bring pleasure to both parties are guaranteed. It can be anything - rafting down the river, collecting tea bag tags, dancing the peoples of the world, the work of Tolkien or breeding giant snails. The main thing is to find the topic and carefully develop it;
  6. Support. Problems in school or at work, poor health or just a bad mood - from time to time, the stronger sex also needs words of consolation. Perhaps such moments will be rare, but nevertheless, it is important to assure the young man of his readiness to listen and support in a difficult life period.

When thinking about what to write to a guy to interest him, phrases of a certain kind should be taken into account. Words that emphasize the dignity of a young person as an interlocutor will have a special effect - “it’s so interesting with you,” “nice to talk to an erudite person,” or “you have a great sense of humor.” You can pay attention to his lifestyle - "traveling is great", "I respect people leading a healthy lifestyle" and "I always wanted to talk with one of the volunteers."

Why not write in any case?

There are phrases that can ruin the conversation in the bud. These include unpleasant comparisons: "You think just like my ex-boyfriend / century-old grandfather / uncouth blockhead." All reproaches and accusations at first will also be inappropriate - "Why don't you answer for so long?", "How rude!", "I thought you were not like the others ...". It is not recommended to discuss third parties and retell gossip in a conversation, this can create a negative impression.

There is a contact!

It is important to keep in order and your own page in contact. Many girls do not realize how much depends on this. It is best to remove provocative photos and entries, as well as personal information that could be misinterpreted. It is necessary to put a nice, but not defiant photo on the avatar, because it is it that the young man will see every time, reading the next message. The entire page as a whole should evoke only pleasant associations and a desire to continue communication.

Many girls ask themselves questions: "what to write to a guy?" or if you previously had a relationship with a boyfriend, then: "what to write to your ex-boyfriend?" Similar questions are found everywhere. Usually everything happens like this: a girl sees a wonderful, handsome and intelligent, in her opinion, guy, with whom she really wants to start communication. Runs home, opens social networks, adds friends and then ... hesitates or not knows what is better to write. It sometimes comes to the point that visiting a young man's page becomes so frequent that it looks more like some kind of ritual. Girls study completely all the information that is in their profiles, remember the numbers of each photo in albums and know by heart all friends, the number of which may be up to several hundred, but still afraid to write.

Or there is another situation. You broke up with your boyfriend and haven't spoken in a month (as an example). But then you realize that you cannot live without this communication. The days become boring and not interesting, but when you want to write, fear appears, and suddenly everything goes wrong, suddenly he does not answer or he simply forgot about you. There are a lot of such stories.

I'll try to write in detail what to write to the guy who likes it?

Where to begin?

What to write to a guy to interest? First, you need to drop all fears. You need to understand that he is exactly the same person as you, who can be afraid of something, hesitate and he (usually) likes girls! It is very important to realize this. This is much easier than it sounds.

Nowadays, everyone has pages on social networks or in any kind of instant messaging programs, which makes life much easier for modern teenagers. If you are afraid to start a live conversation, then you can just write. Probably you are reading now and think: "Damn, probably, soon they will tell me that you need to write first." Yes! Exactly! You need to write first and there can be no other way! Do you want to communicate with this person? So communicate, no one will forbid you. Start simple, write a banal "hello" in any way. You probably think that this will not help you in any way, but these thoughts should be discarded. A simple “hello” is a great conversation starter. Guy answer 100%. Now the more difficult moment already begins. If you know what the young man is interested in or with whom he actively communicates, then the task is much easier. For example, he is very fond of football. Try to find out for which team, then go to any news resource and see information about the last game. Here it is, the key to success. Find any point in this article that is rather controversial, well, or unfair. Even a penalty kick might be fine.

So, the guy answered you and this is already a small victory. Now, following the recommendation from the last paragraph, try to write something like “Dynamo got a penalty for nothing. The referee is crazy.” That's it! If you guessed right with his preferences, then the conversation will be long, believe me.

What can you write to a guy? What should you do if you don't know such a topic, but you know this guy's social circle? Try to remember or find out some incident that happened in his circle of friends in the near future and mention about it. Express your opinion on this matter. It's simple, the main thing is not to be afraid!

Now let's figure out what to write to your ex-boyfriend?

Ex-boyfriend: how to get everything back?

What can you write to a guy? At the beginning of the article, we considered a fairly common case when a pair diverges, but then someone realizes their mistake. Such cases are so common that I simply have to reveal this topic.

What to write to your beloved guy with whom you broke up? First, we need to understand that guys have feelings too. No matter how the guy is now talking nasty things about you and pretending to be super insensitive, most likely he still does not think badly of you, but rather the opposite. This behavior is only a protective reflex, so as not to show others how weak you are.

Remember how you used to communicate and how you started a conversation. Most likely, the dialogue began with introductory phrases like “Good morning” or “Hello”. I will repeat once again - you should not think that this is overly banal. No, these are just the most common words to start a conversation. The hardest part of communication is to start it. Therefore, in order to start communicating with your ex-boyfriend, or even to restore your old relationship with him, you just need to start talking to him. It doesn't matter how, via SMS, on social networks or in person. The main thing is to start! And then everything will be fine.