What a day cream for dry sensitive skin. Green Mama Peony and Chaga Night Cream. Diseases and disorders

Dry skin of the face and body can bring a lot of inconvenience to its owners - peeling and itching, a feeling of tightness. All these are symptoms that may indicate that you have dry skin and urgently needs to start taking care of it accordingly.

Dry skin is not problematic at all in terms of rashes or acne, the skin looks matte and soft. But because of inability to retain moisture, it is very sensitive to the influence of the environment, therefore it requires attention to itself - proper cleansing, protection, moisturizing.

The sudden decrease in the work of the sebaceous glands(as a result, the skin becomes dry) can occur due to metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, lack of vitamins, etc. Either way, there are surefire ways to deal with this skin and make it look beautiful and radiant. Let's dive into some simple dry skin care rules!

Air conditioners and heaters dry out the air in the room too much. Connect a special humidifier at home or just put a bowl of water near the radiator or a heater.

Such a vessel can be beautifully decorated with natural or artificial flowers. It will be both good for the skin and beautiful!

Forget about these cleansers:

Soaps, alcohol and products containing fragrances, contraindicated for dry skin. Gel, foam or milk must be hypoallergenic and very soft. Look at the composition!

Only warm

Cold and hot water dry out the skin! Therefore, wash only warm. The same goes for taking a shower, because usually skin type extends to the rest of the body.

If you want to avoid the feeling of tightness of the skin throughout the body, do not get carried away with a boiling shower - in general, you need to spend no more than 10 minutes in water, and then be sure to rinse the skin with flower water or herbal decoction to even out the PH of the skin after tap water.

Do not use tap water!

Whenever possible, try to wash your face only with soft water, usually tap water dries out the skin too much and can cause irritation. Use mineral water or herbal teas for washing.

Dry skin of the face can be the result of excessive enthusiasm for chemistry.

Laundry detergents, detergents and air fresheners - all household chemicals can make our skin dry, especially if you use these products often even without gloves.

As for the face - chemistry in this case can be called any cosmetics, both care and decorative, which contains toxic artificial preservatives (nipazol and paraform, etc.) are all mass-market cosmetics.

Oils to help!

You can even use baby oils to care for dry skin - do a gentle massage of your face and body with them every day. Natural vegetable oils also moisturize and nourish the skin well.

For dry skin, cocoa butter, shea butter, avocado, coconut, macadamia, sasanqua, apricot, jojoba, evening primrose, black cumin, wheat germ are ideal. Use these oils for a base to which you can add a few drops of essential oil (2-3 drops per 30-50 ml). For thin dry skin sandalwood, rose, neroli, carrot, jasmine, adana, ylang-ylang oils are suitable.

ATTENTION: Just do not apply essential oils directly to the skin - their concentration is too strong, it can cause dryness and irritation.

Read the labels!

Preferred ingredients for dry skin:

  1. Ceramides. (Helps skin retain water and soothes dry skin. Synthetic ceramides can mimic natural substances in the top layer of skin that help retain moisture.)
  2. D-panthenol and squalene.
  3. Hyaluronic acid.
  4. Aloe Vera.

All of these ingredients help to retain moisture in the skin.

Eat and drink

For dry skin that looks better and doesn't dry out, drink plenty of water and include foods rich in foods in your diet. omega-3 fatty acids(oily fish, nuts, flaxseed and safflower oil).

As well as products containing necessary for the skin vitamins A(liver, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, spinach and parsley), V(dairy products, fish, brown rice, cereal bread, cantaloupe, green apples and cabbage), E(seeds and nuts, cucumbers, broccoli, radishes, potatoes), F(fish, corn, vegetable oils, cereals, black currants).

Moisturizing cream

After washing and cleansing your face (and body), apply a moisturizer specifically for dry skin. Apply it to damp skin - it will work much better!

If you regularly moisturize and nourish the skin, and at the same time eat right, then no peeling will occur. But if, nevertheless, this problem overtook you, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

To eliminate flaking, creams with an oily basis, for example, with natural oil, are suitable - they create a waterproof barrier between the skin and the air environment so that moisture does not evaporate from the skin.

ADVICE: In extreme cases, you can use a cream with a small (0.5%) content hydrocortisone- but remember that this is not a cosmetic, but a remedy, they need to lubricate the face 1 per day throughout 2 weeks, not more.

Makeup remover

Before you clean your pores, wash off your makeup every night, and in the case of dry skin, it is better to do this with a hydrophilic oil. It gently washes away all cosmetics (even from the eyes and BB cream) and does not dry out the skin.

Hydrophilic oil can be bought, but you can do it yourself to make sure it is free of any preservatives.

To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • Polysorbate 80 (10%).
  • Rice bran oil (20%).
  • Peach oil (40%).
  • Sweet almond oil (30%).
  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.

COOKING: Pour the components in the above sequence and mix thoroughly, stir in until a homogeneous oily white milk is formed. It is recommended to apply with dry hands to dry face to remove make-up and then rinse with water. The skin is then ready for a deeper cleansing of the pores.

Don't get carried away with scrubs!

Dry skin does not tolerate mechanical influence - therefore, scrubs should be chosen only gentle, with small grains and they also need to be cleaned no more than a minute - this is enough to remove the upper stratum corneum. Scrub is recommended to use no more than 1-2 times a week.

Masks for dry skin


  • 1 tbsp. spoon gel aloe vera
  • 1 mashed avocado
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese

APPLICATION: Grind the avocado in a blender or knead in a mortar until creamy. Add cottage cheese and aloe vera gel. If there is no ready-made gel, then you can replace it with fresh aloe juice. Mix all the ingredients and apply evenly on the face for 20 minutes. Then gently rinse with warm water.


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1. h l. liquid honey
  • 1 yolk

APPLICATION: Mix the components and apply with a cotton swab on the face in several layers (2-3). We keep it for 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water. If you apply the mask 1-2 times a week, it will eliminate skin flaking and tightness.

Features in cold and hot weather

In the hot season, dry skin should be protected from ultraviolet by the best, as we know it is thinner, therefore, the remedy must be selected accordingly, stronger. When it's hot use thermal water to moisturize your face.

Dry air and lower temperatures in winter reduce our skin's production of lipids, which must form a protective film and retain moisture. That is why, in winter, any type of skin becomes drier, which is already talking about skin that is initially prone to dryness.

ADVICE: In winter, it is advisable to apply under makeup thick fat creams that would protect the skin from drying out in the cold.

Natural cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin, like no other, requires careful handling. Therefore, in order not to harm her, choose natural cosmetics.

Most of the products, some of which we have described above, can be made on your own at home from ingredients purchased in the pharmacy and on the market. If you do not want to waste time on such experiments, then you will have to buy cosmetics that are more expensive than those presented in the mass market.

IMPORTANT! The base should be based on the above ingredients: urea, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, natural plant and essential oils... Such cosmetics can be sold in a pharmacy or in specialized on-line and off-line stores.

Dry facial skin washes become a serious problem for its owner. A constant feeling of tightness, itching, and peeling cause some discomfort. The reasons for such troubles can be in heredity or, more often, in improper skin care. In our article we will try to understand what a cream should be for dry skin. The pharmacy today offers a fairly large selection of cosmetics. What should be included in the composition, and what should be alerted - we will consider below. We will also dwell on some pharmacy products that, according to customer reviews, are most effective in preventing dry skin.

Features of creams for dry skin

Dry skin is most susceptible to early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. She needs deep hydration and nutrition. Let's dwell on the components that should be part of a good cream.

What should be in a cream for dry skin?

It is worth paying attention to the following components.

Glycerin in creams

The cream must necessarily contain glycerin, which is able to moisturize the deep layers of the skin and retain moisture.

Acids for dry skin

The complex of acids - glycolic, salicylic and hyaluronic - dries up some imperfections on the skin and at the same time nourishes it from the inside.

Ceramides in moisturizers

The presence of ceramides softens dry skin, relieves inflammation, and reduces flaking.

UV filters in the cream

The cream must have UV filters. Dry skin should be exposed to sunlight as little as possible, UV filters can reduce the negative effects of the sun.

Natural oils for dry skin care

It is worth paying attention to the presence of natural oils in the composition. Almond oil, coconut oil and shea butter are especially beneficial.

Vitamins in moisturizers

In a well-moisturizing cream, the presence of vitamins A and E is highly desirable. They are able to strengthen the contours of the face and enrich the skin with beneficial trace elements.

Natural plant extracts for dry skin

The cream will be more effective if it contains extracts of figs, olives, chamomile, calendula or cucumber. Thanks to them, the skin tone is evened out, it becomes fresher and more radiant.

What should not be in a cream for dry skin?

The presence of the following components can aggravate the condition of the skin, which is why it is very important to carefully study the composition.

Alcohol or zinc is not for dry skin

Alcohol and zinc have a very detrimental effect on dry skin, as they can dry it out. You should refrain from buying such a cream.

Mineral oil is not useful for dry face

Despite the beneficial properties of mineral oils, their effect on dry skin is far from positive. Oils clog pores, causing the skin to stop "breathing", and as a result, problems with blackheads and pimples are added to dryness.

Plant extracts are not useful for dry skin

Extracts of lavender, mint, tea tree are more suitable for owners of oily or mixed skin types. They dehydrate dry skin. In addition, allergic rashes are possible.

Selection and application of creams for dry skin

To choose the right cream, you must follow a number of rules.

The cream is a "second person", so you should be very careful about buying it.

  1. It is better to entrust the purchase of the cream to a trusted pharmacy, where the necessary documents for the drugs sold are present;
  2. Tube cream is preferable;
  3. Cream for dry skin is purchased according to age;
  4. In the summer, you should give preference to moisturizers;
  5. You should pay attention to the composition and shelf life;
  6. The less in the composition of perfumery components, the more useful the cream.

How to properly apply the cream to dry skin?

  1. The action of the product will be more effective if applied to the skin after applying a facial scrub;
  2. Creams are not recommended to be applied while in a sauna or steam bath;
  3. Applying the cream is an important process; you should not actively rub it into the skin to avoid stretching it. It is enough to apply the product with your fingertips, patting lightly and avoiding the skin around the eyes.
  4. The cream should be used regularly - morning and evening.

Top 5 pharmacy products for dry skin care

There are a huge number of skin care products on the market. We've identified three creams that work well with dry skin thanks to the right formulation.

Boro Plus cream to restore dry skin

The price of this product is more than acceptable and does not exceed 100 rubles. The cream moisturizes well and removes peeling. Can be applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin.

Cream for dry skin: in the pharmacy you can buy creams Boro-Plus, Dardia, Lokobase-Ripea, Losterin, Tocopherol-Acetate

Dardia cream for dry skin care

Perhaps, in terms of the price category, this tool is not the cheapest. The composition of the cream is worth the money, since the glycerin in the composition, together with lactate, actively nourishes the skin and maintains a feeling of moisture for a long time. The consistency of the cream is non-greasy, it is easy to apply and quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling

Locobase Ripea cream for moisturizing dry skin

Copes well with very dry and dehydrated skin. Lipids in the composition replenish the damaged layer of inner cells, thereby creating an invisible film. The effect lasts for a long time. It copes well with dry skin in winter, when a constant temperature difference (from a warm room to a cold and vice versa) negatively affects our skin.

Losterin cream to restore dry skin

The composition of Naftalan oil promotes cell regeneration, fights inflammation and itching. The cream also exfoliates the dead layers of skin cells and promotes its renewal.

Tocopherol acetate against dry skin of the face

It would not be entirely correct to call this product a cream, rather it is a liquid form of vitamin E. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against dry skin. It helps well in cell regeneration, fights fine wrinkles, perfectly moisturizes the skin and is quickly absorbed. Minimum aromatic preservatives and maximum benefits.

Dry skin for the face is not a sentence. The main thing is proper and regular care of it. Buying an expensive cream or using a more budgetary pharmacy is the choice for each of us. Any type of skin requires attention and care, and properly selected products can help with this.

Xerosis(this is how cosmetologists call dry skin of the face) manifests itself as a feeling of tightness, signs of irritation often appear on the skin and it begins to peel off strongly, peel off in large enough pieces. With dry skin of the face, a woman should take special care, since otherwise her condition will rapidly deteriorate, the skin will become dull, and the most unpleasant thing that can happen is the early appearance of wrinkles.

A similar feeling of tightness on the skin of the face may appear due to improper functioning of the sebaceous and / or sweat glands, and violations of water and / or acid-base metabolism may also occur. The excellent appearance of the facial skin depends on the degree of moisture, and the lack of moisture in the cells leads to a decrease in elasticity and firmness, thinning, the skin may become more sensitive. The moisture level of the skin is influenced by various factors - for example, bad habits (), sun rays, low or too high air temperatures, frost, wind, aggressive, the use of alcohol-based lotions, shortages, and others.

Table of contents:

Dry skin: causes

There are clearly defined reasons for the development of dry skin on the face:

Note:with dry skin, it is not at all necessary to completely abandon peeling, you just need to choose the best option - for example, an enzymatic peeling, which both cleanses the face and moisturizes the skin at the same time.

Dryness of the facial skin never "comes" alone - as a rule, some unpleasant and pronounced factor is added to the classic xerosis.

Classification of dry skin of the face

Peeling and dryness

This combination more often worries women than men, and this is due, first of all, to the fact that the sebaceous glands in the stronger sex work in a slightly different mode.

Peeling and dryness can be caused by:

  • long-term use of medications;
  • the impact of external factors (cold, heat, wind, sun rays, sea water, and so on);
  • lack of moisture in the body.

When the considered combination of dermatological problems appears, special attention should be paid to the means for skin care - for washing, use only special (with a mild / gentle effect) gels and foams, use only lotions without alcohol in the composition.

To get rid of flaking and dry skin of the face, you need to follow the following recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. Washing soap should contain a moisturizer or cosmetic oils. After washing, you need to immediately blot your face with a napkin (do not wipe it!), Treat the skin with an alcohol-free toner and apply a moisturizer.
  2. Cosmetic oil can be used as an excellent cleanser, in this case sesame seed oil will be the best choice - after using it, there will be no feeling of tightness.
  3. It is important to choose the right day cream, for which you need to take into account the season. For example, this product may have protection from ultraviolet rays (for summer) or low temperatures (for winter). It is necessary to apply the day cream on the skin of the face no earlier than half an hour before going outside. Another nuance - when choosing a cream, it is advisable to purchase a product with fatty components that will help create a protective film on the epidermis and prevent moisture loss.

There is an excellent recipe from the category of "traditional medicine" that will help get rid of flaking and dry skin of the face - you need to dissolve in a small amount of water, then apply the resulting mass on previously cleansed skin and gently massage with your fingertips (they can be additionally moistened in a honey solution). This procedure will not only qualitatively moisturize the skin of the face, but also exfoliate the dead layer of cells. After such a massage, you need to thoroughly rinse your face and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.

Dryness, redness and irritation

This trio appears on the skin of the face for a variety of reasons - allergic reactions, improper care, being in a room with dry air, stress, poor nutrition, food poisoning.

To get rid of dryness, redness and irritation, you need to follow these rules:

Dryness and redness

Most often, such a combination of facial skin problems takes place under the unfavorable influence of external factors, so a woman will have to pick up a special protective cream and use it before going outside. And the most common cause of dryness and redness of the skin of the face is considered, moreover, a variety of factors can provoke such an inadequate reaction of the body - food, pollen, house dust, and so on.

To restore the health of the skin of the face, women must follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. If redness and dryness appear after going outside, then you will need to pick up a soothing and moisturizing cream.
  2. An allergic reaction will require the exclusion of contact with an irritant, or a technique prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Any facial skin care products need to be bought only those that match the type of face. You cannot use several tools at once.
  4. You cannot peel or apply scrubs (even from natural products). If such procedures are indicated by a cosmetologist, then they are allowed to be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

Note:if the redness of the skin of the face is permanent, then most likely the reason for this lies in the development of diseases of the internal organs. A sudden, sharp redness of the face, which has arisen for no apparent reason, requires special attention.

Severe dryness

The first thing to do in case of severe dry skin of the face is to refuse solid soap, which contains alkali in its composition. You can replace this harmful agent with special cosmetic products that have both a moisturizing and a cleansing effect at the same time - gels, milk, foams. After cleansing, you will need to wipe your face with an alcohol-free lotion and apply a moisturizer immediately.

note: if after such procedures the dryness of the facial skin does not become less pronounced within 3-4 days, then cosmetologists recommend adding 2-3 drops to the used moisturizer or.

Before going to bed, a vitamin, moisturizing cream should be applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, and it is desirable that this product has the ability to restore cells.

Itching and dryness in summer

These symptoms may appear after washing your face or applying cosmetics; often, against the background of itching and dryness, there is redness and a feeling of tightness / burning. And if such a combination exists, then the reason was the wrong choice of cosmetics for skin care.

Itching can also be associated with an allergic reaction, but in this case, along with dry skin, the woman will be disturbed by redness of the eyes, puffiness and increased lacrimation.

Note:in some cases, itching and dryness of the skin of the face can be associated with eczema, seborrhea, fungal skin lesions, as well as hormonal disorders and abnormal liver function. To exclude such a possibility, you need to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist - specialists who will accurately diagnose and send you for additional examinations, if necessary.

Dryness may not affect the entire face, but only some parts of it. And in this case, the reasons for the condition under consideration will be slightly different factors.

Dry skin of certain parts of the face

Dry skin of the eyelids

The delicate skin of the eyelids is very susceptible to external and internal adverse factors - for example, stress, bad habits, chronic fatigue, and sleep disturbances can affect its health. Improper care and low quality cosmetics worsen the condition of the eyelid skin, making it dry, and, moreover, these factors can lead to irreversible consequences.

Dry eyelids can be helped by:

  • mild cleansers;
  • moisturizers and masks.

Cosmetologists recommend using a mask based on quail eggs and vegetable oil for dry eyelids (preference should be given). For one yolk, you need to take 2-3 drops of oil, stir everything thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture on dry, clean eyelids. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes, then the mask is removed with a wet cotton swab, and the skin of the eyelids is treated with a moisturizer.

If dry skin of the eyelids is accompanied by irritation, inflammation and / or itching, then aloe will help alleviate the condition. You need to take a leaf of this plant, peel it and knead it. The resulting mass is applied to the eyelids, and after 10 minutes it is removed with a damp cloth.

Note:if the skin of the eyelids is dry even with proper care, then the reason most likely lies in eye infections, inflammation, allergic reactions or improper functioning of the sebaceous glands located directly near the eyes. In this case, you will need to visit a doctor and get a medication.

In addition, the following may appear:

  1. Dry lips... As a rule, this condition is associated with being in the wind, under the sun's rays. The situation can be corrected with a special moisturizing lipstick, at night you can treat dry lips with medical petroleum jelly or olive oil.
  2. Dry nose... May appear against the background of a lingering, lack of vitamins. To get rid of dryness in the nasal area, cosmetologists recommend using soap with olive or sea buckthorn oil in the composition for washing.

Dry skin treatment

This problem among cosmetologists is considered quite serious and therefore it must be solved with the help of professional tools and procedures, but all masks prepared at home should only act as auxiliary procedures.

Modern cosmetology uses various procedures to treat dry skin of the face - for example, masks with collagen, salt cleaning of the epidermis, injection, hot compresses, cosmetic massages. But without fail, you will need to get an appointment from a specialist regarding the choice of cream and mask:

  1. The cream must have powerful moisturizing properties... It can be a serum that contains hyaluronic acid. Cosmetics containing fatty acids, ceramides and phospholipids have excellent moisturizing properties.
  2. Face masks... There are many methods from the category of "traditional medicine" that will help reduce dry skin. But they solve the problem temporarily, so an appeal to a beautician cannot be avoided. The most effective home remedies are:
    • a compress with cold milk, it can be replaced with kefir or whey;
    • a mask based on beeswax - lanolin (2 tablespoons), beeswax (1 teaspoon), aloe juice (1 teaspoon) and olive oil (1 tablespoon) are mixed, the resulting composition is used to wipe the areas of the face where there is a feeling of tightness.
  3. The composition of the cream, which can be used with dry skin, must contain:
    • vitamins, and,;
    • natural oils - jojoba, olive and avocado;
    • components for protection against ultraviolet rays;
    • passion fruit extract, brown algae;
    • palm wax;

Dry and sensitive facial skin requires special attention and care. To choose the right product, it is recommended to pay attention to its composition: creams intended for dry skin must contain the following components: moisturizing oil, extracts from medicinal herbs, vitamins. Such cosmetic brands as "Natura Siberika", "Isida", "Chistaya Liniya", "Topping", "Libriderm", "Black Pearl", Meishoku Organic Rose, Nivea, Green Mama are very popular.

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How to choose the right face cream?

A cream for sensitive and dry skin is significantly different from all others. It must contain hypoallergenic components. In most cases, such products contain extracts from various medicinal plants. The most common are extracts from flowers of calendula, chamomile, string, St. John's wort. Also an essential component of such creams is a moisturizing oil (olive / essential oils). A good indicator if the composition contains vitamins of class A and E.

Composition of moisturizers

The composition of creams includes the following components:

  • Ceramides. They are included in the composition of most cosmetics, form a water-lipid barrier, protecting the skin from external influences, improve skin elasticity and remove flaking.
  • Vitamins. Promote intensive nutrition and boost immunity.
  • Antioxidants They have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect.
  • Keratin. Has a moisturizing effect, is able to restore damaged collagen fibers.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Panthenol. It enhances regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory, healing, soothing, restorative effect.
  • Collagen. Actively combats the aging and wilting processes.
  • Potassium. Restores damaged cells.
  • Natural oils. Saturate cells with acids and vitamins, moisturize.

When choosing a daytime product, you need to pay attention to the texture - the product should be easily absorbed without leaving any residue. In spring and summer, it is recommended to use a day cream with a high degree of UV protection. It should be applied 30 minutes before going outside.

The night cream should contain nutrients and restorative substances. These products are denser and more oily texture and are applied to the skin 30 minutes before bedtime.

To ensure good skin condition, beauticians recommend that people adhere to proper nutrition, walk more in the fresh air and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Top 9 best creams for dry and sensitive skin

To combat dry skin, cosmetologists offer a wide range of products, including face creams.

If the skin is dry and sensitive, then it is better to use the following cosmetics for the face:

  • "Natura Siberica";
  • "Isida";
  • "Pure line" with aloe vera and wheat germ;
  • "Topping up";
  • "Libriderm Night Hydrobalance";
  • "Black Pearl BIO-cream";
  • Meishoku;
  • Nivea;
  • Green Mama Peony and Chaga Night Cream.

"Natura Siberica"

The Russian series of creams from this company is developed using the latest technologies. They include components of natural herbs grown in Siberia, as well as other substances:

  • Extract of wild Manchurian aralia. It will allow you to achieve elasticity and smoothness of the skin, improve blood circulation, and increase tone.
  • Siberian cedar oil. Restores water balance, eliminates flaking and itching, has a regenerating effect.
  • SPF-20. Protects skin from UV exposure, irritation and redness.
  • Complex of plant ceramides. They normalize metabolic processes.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Maintains a high level of moisture in cells, prevents premature aging.
  • Vitamin E. Nourishes and protects the skin.

With regular use of the cosmetic product, peeling and feeling of tightness disappear, and the presence of antioxidants prevents early cell aging.


Isida cream-gel from a Russian manufacturer specializing in cosmetics for problem skin effectively fights dry and sensitive skin types.

  • with dry skin prone to allergic reactions;
  • with itching, redness and irritation;
  • after cosmetic procedures.

The composition contains natural ingredients that have a moisturizing, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect, as well as a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect:

  • Oil of olive, burdock, cocoa. Promotes smoothing of fine wrinkles, relieves irritation, tightens the skin of the face, nourishes and maintains natural elasticity.
  • Antiseptic stimulant Dorogov (ASD). This is a product of animal origin with a powerful antiseptic effect, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Linden oil extract. Improves complexion, promotes cell renewal, tones up.
  • Glycerol. Has a moisturizing effect on dry skin, creating a moist film on the surface.
  • Lipofolk. It helps to preserve the smoothness and youthfulness of the skin, has a long-term moisturizing effect.
  • Essential oils of lavender and lemongrass. Eliminate wrinkles, relieve inflammation, improve the appearance of facial skin.
  • Coenzyme Q10. Regulates metabolic processes, has tonic, cleansing and moisturizing effects.

The cream does not leave an oily sheen, there are no hormones, preservatives and dyes in the composition.

"Pure line" with aloe vera and wheat germ

Night cream of the Ukrainian manufacturer for dry skin from the "Phytotherapy" series.

Thanks to this cream, the skin is actively nourished and moisturized throughout the night, becoming smooth and elastic, without peeling and redness, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

The composition includes the main natural ingredients:

  • Scarlet Faith. Promotes hydration, nutrition and protects the skin from negative environmental factors, removes irritation and redness, and regenerates the growth of new cells.
  • Wheat germ oil. Rich in vitamins E, A, B, D, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, has a softening and nourishing effect, eliminates dryness and flaking, the skin becomes elastic and fresh.

The texture of a cosmetic product of medium density, absorbs quickly. It is recommended to apply the cream 1 hour before bedtime so that it is completely absorbed. Excess cream can be removed with a napkin.


"Topping" is a cream for dry and very dry skin from a German manufacturer. The product is intended for the care of skin prone to aging, irritation and dryness.

Regular use helps to improve complexion, acquire a well-groomed and healthy appearance, and regenerate the skin. The skin becomes silky, elastic, and the water-lipid balance is normalized. The cream provides deep nourishment and protection from chapping.

The composition includes:

  • Olive oil. Nourishes, relieves inflammation, eliminates dryness and flaking.
  • Thirst oil. Helps fight acne, improves cell circulation, restores firmness.
  • Shea butter. It has protective and restorative properties, heals cracks, softens.
  • Panthenol. Protects from sunburn, irritation.
  • Vitamins A and E. They rejuvenate and nourish, have an antioxidant effect.

Suitable for dry, sensitive, irritated and aging skin. When applied, it is instantly absorbed without leaving any residue, suitable for makeup.


Cream from the "Libriderm" company from the "Night Hydrobalance" series is designed to restore dehydrated skin. The composition contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, a form of glutamic acid and argan oil, which maintain moisture balance at the cellular level and continuously renew the skin.

With daily use, dryness disappears, fine wrinkles are smoothed, and the elasticity of the skin improves.

The composition includes components:

  • Shea Butter. Restores structure, eliminates flaking and inflammation, nourishes.
  • Argan oil. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It has a lifting and rejuvenating effect, moisturizing occurs at the cellular level.
  • Vitamin E. Accelerates collagen production, activates protective functions.
  • Glutamic acid. Stimulates the growth of new cells.

These substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish and moisturize it, thus, it takes on a beautiful and healthy look. Apply to cleansed face, neck and décolleté at night 1.5 hours before bedtime. Has a delicate, thick, loose texture.

"Black pearl daytime BIO"

Black pearls BIO

Thanks to intensive hydration and nutrition of the epidermis, the product protects the skin from early aging and fading. After applying the cosmetic product, the skin becomes silky, elastic, smooth, dryness disappears.

The composition includes components:

  • White lotus extract. Has a softening and moisturizing effect, improves blood circulation.
  • Peach oil. It has a rejuvenating effect, relieves inflammation and irritation.
  • Sunflower oil. It is used as a moisturizing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Shea butter. Promotes deep hydration and nutrition.
  • Vitamin A. Prevents early aging, helps to get rid of age spots.

The BIO-program of the Black Pearl cream is specially designed to stimulate the natural processes of skin regeneration. The product is well absorbed and has a light texture.

Meishoku Organic Rose

A moisturizing cream from a Japanese manufacturer with damask rose extract effectively fights dry skin problems, restores the protective barrier and creates an invisible film. The skin becomes firm and elastic.

The composition contains the following components:

  • Damask rose extract. It has a refreshing and tonic effect, saturates with vitamins.
  • Barley extract. Provides moisture retention.
  • Shea Butter. It is a protective barrier and significantly softens the face.

The cosmetic product has an unobtrusive rose scent. The light texture matches the foundation. The product is applied to cleansed face skin with patting movements of the hands until completely absorbed. You can use the product in the morning and in the evening.


Nivea has specially developed a series of products for sensitive and dry skin for daily home care. This series includes cleansing milk for removing make-up, cream-gel and mousse for washing, toner, ointment to protect against UV rays. Able to protect against dehydration, moisturize, reducing flaking.

  • Almond oil. Helps soften, nourish and protect.
  • Hydra-IQ technology. Forms water channels responsible for the exchange of moisture between cells.

The cosmetic product is able to maintain a deep level of hydration, as a result of which the skin looks smooth and velvety. The cream has an SPF15 sun protection factor. The consistency is dense and greasy.

Night cream Green Mama "Peony and Chaga"

The night cream contains natural extracts of peony and chaga, thanks to which sensitive skin becomes softer and more hydrated. Herbal ingredients nourish the skin at night and help retain moisture. With daily use of the cream, the skin looks fresh, healthy and hydrated.

The active ingredients are:

  • Sesame oil. Able to heal and restore the skin, due to its high fat content, it has a lifting effect.
  • Almond oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties, improves firmness and hydration.
  • Peony extract. Activates metabolic processes.
  • Chaga extract. Provides water and fat balance.
  • Vitamin E. Nourishes and moisturizes.
  • Xanthan gum. Xanthan is produced by bacteria to protect it from drying out, and is used as a thickener in creams.
  • Shea butter. Protects the skin from the sun, removes flaking.

The texture of the cosmetic product is light, medium density and density. Floral aroma. Apply at night with massage movements.

A cream for problem skin of a dry face should be of a special purpose. Dry skin has an imbalance in self-regulation. Damaged epidermal cells cannot produce the right amount of moisturizing composition for the skin's hydro-balance. All creams for dry and problem skin have a narrow focus. They intensively saturate the skin with moisture and restore the hyaluronic base.

Why it is important to use the right skin cream

By creating a protective film, they prevent excessive irritation and microcracks on the inflamed skin of the face. Unlike universal face creams, they contain medicinal components that, with a long period of use, bring the skin to a normal state.

Dry skin on experiments with the use of various advertised creams of a general orientation will surely respond with new areas of peeling on the face (itching and redness are possible). If a dermatologist has not prescribed medications, and the skin suffers (from dry indoor air, weather conditions, or a decrease in immunity), specialized creams should be purchased.

Useful ingredients of the composition

Dry skin has its own specific problems.

When choosing a cream, it is necessary to look for the largest number of components in its composition to solve them:

  • Aloe - soothes the inflammatory process, creating a protective film, prevents dry skin and participates in the process of its regeneration.
  • Thermal water - saturates the skin with moisture and minerals.
  • Vitamins E, A - provide protection, nutrition and restoration of the epidermis.
  • Panthenol - promotes cell renewal.
  • Squalene - Found in the skin to provide a protective barrier.
  • Hyaluronic acid - attracts water molecules, removes wrinkles, restores the hydrolipid balance.
  • Bisabolol - relieves skin redness, soothes irritation.
  • Omega 3, 6, 9 - fatty acids that preserve the hydrolipid barrier.
  • Shea butter - molecular structure similar to skin secretion.

Properties of the product for dry skin

A dry face cream should provide maximum benefit.

Its task is to quickly penetrate into the subcutaneous layers and have a long-term effect:

  • supply;
  • moisturize;
  • fight the formation of small cracks;
  • relieve irritation;
  • protect from aggressive environmental manifestations (frost, wind, solar activity);
  • restore the moisture balance of the skin;
  • create a barrier film and promote skin regeneration.

Pharmacy products with healing effects

The pharmacy chain sells cosmetics with medicinal properties. Dry skin creams contain many beneficial herbal ingredients.

Lokobase Lipokrem

Lokobase Lipocrem is a cream with a high lipid content. On the skin, without external oily sheen, a waterproof film forms, which preserves the skin's water balance. At the same time, it is breathable and retains its effect throughout the day. The cream is easy to apply, rinsed off with water.

The product is free of preservatives and fragrances.


  • liquid and soft white paraffin;
  • macrogol;
  • sodium citrate;
  • anhydrous citric acid;
  • cetostearyl ether and alcohol

Price - RUB 500

Isida for dry skin

Cream gel from Russian manufacturers. It is used for quick recovery and active protection of dry skin. Relieves inflammation, moisturizes and nourishes. Contains an antiseptic, due to which it has a healing effect. The content of olive oil removes the feeling of tightness in the skin.

Actively participates in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin thanks to the oils included in the composition:

  • burdock;
  • cocoa;
  • lavender;
  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • olive.

Price - 1000 rubles.

Johnson's Baby, baby moisturizer

There are many baby care products in pharmacies. By their composition, they are perfect for sensitive dry skin prone to irritation, since their task is to relieve inflammation, heal microcracks and actively moisturize dry damaged areas.

The cream contains:

  • panthenol - has a healing and regenerating ability;
  • sun filters;
  • complex of moisturizing oils.

The cream does not contain preservatives and is completely hypoallergenic. Price - 140 rubles.

Physiogel cream for dry and sensitive skin

Manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Stiefel Laboratories, Ireland. The company has successfully established itself with lines of cosmetic products for the care of newborns. Physiogel is a new development based on a system of dermo-membrane structures.

The essence of this technology lies in the fact that cosmetic products are maximally close to natural lipid metabolism in the skin:

  • They repeat the structure of the skin and at the same time restore its damaged areas.
  • Physiogel is allowed to be used by newborns. This is another confirmation of its environmental friendliness.
  • It is completely free of parabens, various preservatives and fragrances.
  • It contains 29% lipids.

It has a quick positive effect on dry skin due to its composition:

  • Ciramide 3:
  • hydrogenated lecithin;
  • coconut oil and shea butter;
  • caprylic triglycerides.

Restores the hydrobalance of the skin, promotes regeneration and protects from the aggressive environmental environment.

Moisturizers for dry skin

A cream for a dry face must necessarily contain moisturizing ingredients. This is the first thing that people pay attention to when choosing it. Not only hyaluronic acid and thermal water can saturate the skin with life-giving moisture, while restoring its hydrobalance.

Various complexes of oils create a protective barrier and this prevents the skin from dehydrating, allowing it to breathe. Moisturizers, due to their delicate texture, not only bring moisture to the skin, but also deliver beneficial substances and vitamins to its epidermis.

Nivea Soft Intense Moisturizer

The cream is thick, but absorbs quickly. There is no sticky feeling on the face. A noticeable effect is visible after the first application. Despite the density of the cream, a small amount is needed for application. The oily sheen wears off within minutes, leaving the skin soft and hydrated for a long time.

Nivea - an inexpensive cream of a well-known brand for dry face

It consists of many complementary components, the main ones are:

  • jojoba oil;
  • vitamin E;
  • eucerite;
  • panthenol;
  • glycerol;
  • limonene;
  • geraniol.

One hundred beauty recipes Day moisturizing "Aloe juice and grapes"

Cream of Russian manufacturers, which is not inferior in effect to world brands. Light texture, contains natural ingredients. The product fully confirms such declared indicators as hydration and freshness. Creates a protective barrier and prevents dry skin.

The main active ingredients are:

  • grape seed oil;
  • aloe vera extract;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • butylparaben;
  • hydrogenated castor oil.

GARNIER revitalizing hydration

Garnier has created a new line of daily used cosmetics that moisturize the skin around the clock and are based on compositions with herbal elixirs. The cream, which is pleasant to the touch, has a light blue tint. It is quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy residue. With constant use, a cumulative effect is created.


  • blue lotus extract;
  • herbal complex HYUDRA +

Free of parabens and preservatives.

Popular day creams for dry skin

Daytime dry face cream has several functions when applied. It has a healing effect, protects against the aggressive action of natural factors and creates a protective barrier. At the same time, it should still fit well on the skin as a base for daily makeup, and be quickly absorbed, without leaving greasy marks.

Weleda day cream care

According to cosmetologists, this cream is an excellent example of value for money. It maintains the hydrolipid balance, tones, and creates a protective barrier against dehydration. Completely natural product. Contains no preservatives or emulsifiers. It is instantly absorbed and can be used as a makeup base.

It contains:

  • natural jojoba, shea, cocoa oils;
  • extract of Moroccan iris;
  • witch hazel extract.

Price - 1000 rubles.

Librederm based on chamomile extract

With the help of active ingredients from chamomile extract, the cream acts on inflamed and dry skin in all directions, removes itching and redness, and participates in cell regeneration. Relieves the manifestations of allergic reactions and makes the skin elastic.

Additionally, the composition includes:

  • bisabolol;
  • azulene;
  • apricot oil;
  • olive oil.

Suitable for daily use. Can be used in the morning as a makeup base and at night. Price - 300 rubles.

Natura Siberica for dry skin Nutrition and hydration

It is used as a cream for dry skin of the face and at the same time as its protection from the sun's rays - SPF 20. Perfectly suits as a base for daily makeup. Produced on the basis of the miraculous components of Siberian herbs.

Removes flaking while moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Despite the presence of natural ingredients in the cream, it contains preservatives. This only increases the shelf life, since the cream is produced in strict compliance with GOST. All ecological components are approved and certified, as indicated on the packaging.

The composition includes:

  • Siberian cedar oil;
  • Manchurian aralia extract;
  • vegetable ceramides;
  • chamomile extract;
  • a MATRIXYL polypeptide;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lemon balm extract;
  • titanium dioxide.

Price - 350 rubles.

Top 3 night creams for dry skin

Onme Cosmetics Night Moisturizer

Cream for dry face, one of the ten best cosmetic products for problem skin care. Moisturizes, heals, nourishes and restores its damaged structure. Quickly restores the elasticity of the skin. Relieves itching and irritation. The beneficial effect lasts throughout the day. Excellent base for tonal basis.


  • green tea hydrolate;
  • fatty amino acids Omega 3 and 6;
  • fennel;
  • oat extract;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • squalene;
  • aloe vera;
  • vitamins E, A;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • oils - mango, hemp, tea tree, lavender, lemon.

The cream is suitable for daily use for a long time.

Vichy nutrilogie

The cream has a unique property that restores the function of the epidermis. The composition of the components improves skin health by activating its own ceramides. The oils soften and eliminate the flaking and tightness of the skin. Produced on the basis of the unique VICHY SPA thermal water. Hypoallergenic.

The composition includes:

  • sphingolipid;
  • jojoba oil;
  • arginine;
  • apricot oil;
  • glycerol;
  • macadamia nut oil extract;
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • coriander oil.

Nuxe Reve de Miel revitalizing night cream

The cream is released by French manufacturers in the line of problem skin care. Has a delicate texture and, unlike other night creams, is quickly absorbed and does not create a feeling of heaviness. Restores hydrolipid volume, making the skin soft and velvety in the morning. Hypoallergenic... Completely natural product, no dyes or preservatives.

It includes:

  • sunflower oil;
  • safflower ceramides;
  • Bee Honey;
  • shea butter;
  • barley;
  • lupine proteins;
  • oil organs.

Suitable for long-term daily use.

Fatty creams

  • When choosing an oily cream for dry skin, you should give preference to oil-based creams. Glycerin is less beneficial.
  • The lactic or fruit acid contained in the fat cream makes it softer when applied to the skin of the face.
  • A greasy cream containing beeswax and other beekeeping products in combination with medicinal herbs is of great benefit to dry skin. However, it should be noted that the shelf life of such a cream is short.
  • After using the cream, it is good to apply a compact powder to the skin.
  • Creams with a high percentage of fat content are not rubbed into the skin, but spread over the surface of the face with a thin film.
  • The greasy cream is especially useful for dry skin in winter.


Despite the famous name of the cream for many years, the developers are constantly updating its formula and composition. Currently, his medicinal complex includes new products that enhance regeneration in the skin. The cream has a good anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effect.


  • phytocomplex Omega 3;
  • kukui oils;
  • oil-based blueberry extract;
  • camelina seeds;
  • ginseng;
  • Boxthorn;
  • mulberry;
  • Himalayan gentian extract;
  • Brazilian immortelle.

Fibrogene by Darphin

The cream successfully fulfills the function of maintaining the balance of fats. It also removes the causes of skin aging, restoring its weakened protective functions.

He is successfully helped in this by:

  • jojoba oil;
  • oligopeptides;
  • Segezbekia extract;
  • vitamins E, A, F.

Vitamin F-99

On the packaging of the cream, created by Russian manufacturers, it is written in large letters - bold. It is based on specially treated water and glycerin. The cream effectively fulfills the task of restoring dry skin. Relieves irritation, various types of rashes and peeling. It is one of the leaders in eliminating skin reactions to natural irritants.

Perfectly removes windburn, frostbite and relieves minor burns.

Consisting of:

  • soybean oil;
  • beeswax;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • liposentol F.

How to choose the right product

When choosing a cream for a dry face, you should remember that problem skin is very sensitive. The task of the cream is to moisturize and preserve this moisture, as well as add nutritional components to it.

When choosing a composition, you need to pay attention to:

  • complete absence of preservatives (such creams, as a rule, have a short shelf life);
  • lack of parabens;
  • the further a component is on the list of composition, the lower its percentage in the cream;
  • for dry skin, it is important to have a large list of various emollient oils in the composition;
  • the cream should not leave an oily sheen;
  • mineral oils dry out dry damaged skin.

Homemade cream recipes for dry skin

You can also make a quality cream yourself at home using available ingredients. Here are some simple recipes.

Noble cream

Cook in glass or ceramic dishes:

  1. Stir the yolk in sour cream.
  2. Add cucumber juice, beat with a mixer.
  3. Add lemon juice next, beat.
  4. Rose water and alcohol are added in a thin stream, whisking constantly until smooth.

Store in a refrigerator tightly closed for 2-3 days.

Honey cream

Ingredients that make up:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soft butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of melted honey;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of persimmon or apple pulp;
  • chicken yolk or 2 quail eggs.

Store in refrigerator for 2-3 days. This homemade cream is applied to the skin of the face at night. If you use it during the day, then wash it off when you go outside with water. The product is absorbed for a long time.

Vegetable cream

Ingredients that make up:

  • carrot juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cucumber juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • zucchini juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • pumpkin juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • beeswax - 10 gr.
  • glycerin - 10 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 gr.
  • baby cream - 20 gr.
  1. Mix all juices in a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Melt the beeswax in a water bath.
  3. Add glycerin and olive oil to the wax.
  4. Combine the juice with an oil base and beat with a mixer.
  5. Add baby cream and bring with a mixer until smooth.

Vegetable cream for dry sensitive skin can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days in a tightly sealed container.

Article formatting: Victor Palansky

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