Summary of GCD on modeling in the middle group “Miraculous transformations. Abstract nodes for modeling in the middle group "colored umbrellas"

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group "Shape what you want fruits"

Topic: "Mold what you want vegetables or fruits"

Purpose: Formation of the ability of children to choose the content of their work from the range of certain subjects.

Foster independence, activity. Strengthen the ability to transfer the shape of vegetables and fruits using a variety of sculpting techniques. Develop imagination.


Plasticine, a sculpting board, object pictures depicting vegetables and fruits, a tray with fruits and vegetables.

Game situation, artistic word, showing ways of doing work, guidance, help.

Course of the lesson

A knock on the door. A tray covered with a tablecloth and a letter are passed through the door, asking if this is the Solnyshko group. The teacher accepts the package and addresses the children:

Guys, oh, what is this? (Reads the letter) Look, Autumn sent this to us. Here are the gifts of her harvest.

Let's see what we have here. (We consider each vegetable and fruit and give a brief description, in Russian and in Kalmyk language).

Guys, today we will sculpt vegetables and fruits from plasticine, and choose what you will sculpt as you wish.

Let's remember with you how we sculpt round and oblong objects (showing in the air). We have to take a whole piece of plasticine and start rolling in a circular motion. We sculpt round objects. Show me how we will roll. That's right, well done!

Now we will sculpt oblong objects. We also take a whole piece of plasticine and start rolling it between our palms.

Physiotherapy "Vegetables".

So guys, now we sit down at the tables, roll up our sleeves, wet our hands before work. Do not forget that you need to sculpt from a whole piece of plasticine, without breaking it into pieces.

(During individual work, help children by example.

After that we put our work on the "ladder".

We analyze the work.

Guys, what did we sculpt with you today?

Praise everyone and ask who sculpted what and why. Invite the children to sing the song "Garden-round dance". In the end, treat the guys with fruit.

Integration of educational areas: Artistic-Aesthetic, Cognition, Speech Social-communicative.
Program tasks:

- teach children to sculpt mushrooms from two parts (a hat, a leg), to form the ability to roll a ball, flatten it, the ability to pinch all the edges of a flattened ball with a slight pull, smooth the surface of a sculpted object with your fingers; rolling out the cylinder-leg; connection of parts

Clarify the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe structure of the mushroom for children to more accurately convey the proportions of the parts.

To evoke an emotional response in children - a desire to help the squirrel;

Vocabulary work:

Active dictionary- September October November.
Passive vocabulary- leaf fall, golden autumn, ice crust, cloudy.
Material: plasticine, stacks, a modeling board, napkins, dummies of mushrooms, a toy - a squirrel, a wicker basket.

Preliminary work: a conversation about the forest and its inhabitants, examining illustrations depicting mushrooms; drawing mushrooms, looking at dummies of mushrooms, talking about useful and poisonous mushrooms, observing while walking.

  1. The course of direct educational activities:

Educator:- Guys, I want to ask you a riddle, and you try to guess:
-Small, remote,
I walked through the ground
Found Little Red Riding Hood !!
(children's answers)
The teacher invites the children to remember about the hikes with their parents in the forest, about what they saw in the forest.
Educator:-What kind of mushrooms are they? (Boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, fly agaric, etc.)
-Guys, look, I also have a mushroom (takes out a mushroom made of plasticine)... Let's take a look at it. What parts does the mushroom consist of (cap and leg);
-Right. What shape does the hat look like? (damn, plate);
-Right, (asks 3-4 children to name the form for fixing);
- Guys, what shape does the leg look like? (roller, cylinder);
-Right, (survey of 3-4 children to consolidate the form).


Educator:- Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Look, Squirrel has come to visit us! Let's say hello to her. - Hello, Squirrel!
(The teacher examines the squirrel toy with the children).
Educator:-Quiet, guys! The squirrel wants to tell us something (brings the squirrel to his ear)
- Guys, Squirrel asks us to help her. In the forest, she had little squirrels in a hollow. She prepared nuts and apples for the squirrels for the winter, but she did not have time to collect the mushrooms. Let us help her (children's answers);
-Do not be upset, Squirrel. Look how many guys we have in the group. They are all kind and very fond of animals. We will help you, and your little squirrels will not starve in the cold winter. We will make a lot of mushrooms for you.

Physical education:

We walked, walked, walked (walking in place)
and found the mushrooms (clap our hands)
Fungus times (bent over)
two fungus (bent over)
Three fungus (bent over)
put in a box (got up and tilt to the side)

  1. The educator shows the sequence of work.
  2. Leg: take a piece of white (yellow, gray) plasticine and make a mushroom leg - roll out a roller (cylinder);
    2. Hat: we take plasticine of red (orange, brown) color and sculpt a hat - roll out the ball, flatten and bend it to make a bowl; if we sculpt a small mushroom, you can leave the hat in the form of a ball, if a large mushroom, then bend the hat with its edges inward (outward), or make it flat, like a plate. Be sure to make a recess for the leg in the middle of the cap.
    3. We connect: two parts, a cap and a leg - the mushroom is ready !!!
    The teacher invites children to choose plasticine (color) for their work.
    Independent activities of children (help from a teacher if necessary). During the work of children, Vivaldi's music "Autumn" is played.

III. At the end of the work, Belochka thanks the children for their help.

She is very glad that she met such kind and sensitive children. Now her squirrels will feast on mushrooms all winter and remember the guys. Children put mushrooms in a squirrel's basket. She thanks them again and says goodbye to the children.
Cleaning of the workplace by children (scrubbing boards and desks from plasticine, washing hands, etc.).
Used Books:
1. Komarova T.S. - Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group. For classes with children 5-6 years old. / M: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2008 .-- 128 p.
2. Lykova I.A. - Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Middle group. / M .: "Karapuz", 2009. - 144 p.

poems by G. Lagzdyn "The Tale of a Mushroom Picker"

Under the aspen, under the oak trees,
Today mushrooms are hiding
Under birches and under trees
Under the leaves and needles,
White-legged and good-looking
They are so similar to each other
As if in a hurry, in a terrible rush
The russula scattered.
Who's there with the red head
Say hello to me?
Boletus. I see.
Climb into the basket. I will not offend!
On a hemp, on a hemp!
In the heat, and in the shade!
The hat is pressed against the hat,
Honey mushrooms grow together.
Sisters are dancing around
Yellow-red chanterelles
The sun shines in the glade!
The mushroom picker will not pass, he will notice !!
Load your thick visor
Pulls far and wide !!
Among the twigs and cones
A juicy saffron milk cap is hiding!
In a concave hat, as in a cup,
Two insects are swimming.
Fat-legged boletus
I'm used to joyful screams,

like a dwarf, under a white spruce,
even in the shade, but tanned !!
He pulled his hat on,
He tortured the mushroom picker ...

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the surrounding objects

Educational tasks:

  1. Strengthen the ability of children to sculpt utensils.
  2. Practice sculpting techniques.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Activate the dictionary on the topic dishes (sugar bowl, teapot, cups, saucers, thrush, spoons)
  2. Develop fine motor skills, eyes.

Educational tasks:

  1. Arouse interest in teamwork to create a tea set for dolls.
  2. To foster activity, independence and accuracy in work.

Equipment. Doll dishes, bunny, plasticine, modeling board, stacks.

Preliminary work. Examining tea sets at home, illustration. DI "Pick up a pair" , "What is missing" .

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher takes the children to the group where the guests are sitting. Guys, look how many guests have come to us! Let's say hello to them. (Children welcome guests)

Children sit in a semicircle.

Reading a poem by V. Shipunova "Tea Party" .

Like our Dunechka
Cups and saucers
Like our Lyusenka
Babies are asking for tea:

Welcome -
Come to visit.
Come to visit.
Come for a cookie,

It's just a gourmand -
Visit the dolls on their birthday!

2. Game situation.

Educator. Guys, look who came to us? (Bunny) A bunny came to us for help, he told me that the dolls and their friends want to arrange a holiday (birthday, but they do not have enough dishes. Let's help the toys with you - we make tea dishes for them.

Educator: Let's go with you to our workshop.

Guys, look what's on my desk? (Tea-set)

There is a tea set on the table. Tell me what utensils are included in the tea set. (Children call: teapot, sugar bowl, cups, saucers, milkmaid, to remind that all items in the service are decorated in the same way - polka dots, a flower, a cell or something else. Children remember the tea sets they saw at home.

Comparison of cookware.

Educator: What is the difference and how are they similar: a plate and a saucer; cup and mug?

The game "Name, what kind of dishes" .

If the plate is made of plastic, then it (which?) - …
If the spoon is made of metal, it is ...
If the cup is porcelain, it ...
If the glass is made of glass, it ...

If the sugar bowl is made of glass, then it ...
If the ladle is made of metal, it ...

Physical education.

We start exercising, standing in a circle,
We knead our hands, Jerks with our hands.
Stretch back, shoulders Turns to the right, left.
To make it easier for us to sit.

We jump together, jump-jump! Jumping in place.
Who will get the ceiling?
Now walking is in place. Walking.
Clap loudly all together. Claps.

We quickly sat down at the tables,
We get down to business.
Modeling a cup and saucer.

Children sculpt a plate from a ball, flatten it and bend the edge a little, decorate the plate with circles or stripes.

A cup is made from a ball, pressing a little into the middle, a handle is attached to the right, the cup can be made of any shape.

And before work, we will stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Knock-Knock" .

Fingers came to visit,

Knock, knock, knock - knocked on the door. Children are tapping on the table

Only the door was not opened for them: with the pads of all fingers

They thought there was a terrible beast. simultaneously.

The guys start to work, they can embody any ideas. Offer to show the children some techniques for decorating tea cups, saying all the actions ("With a strip" - roll out a long flagellum and spread it along the rim - straight or in a wave).

Final part.

At the end of the modeling, put all the work on the table and, together with the bunny, carefully examine them, draw the attention of the children to a more accurate reproduction of the shape of the dishes, to the accuracy of work. Emphasize the variety of products, and present them to dolls for their birthday.

Educational area: " Creation »

Chapter: Molding

Theme: Chickens.

Target: sculpt an object in two parts.

Tasks: Learn to separate lumps corresponding to the size of future objects. To consolidate the ability to roll plasticine with circular movements of the hands when sculpting objects of a round shape. Educate neatness.

Materials and equipment: chicken toy, plasticine, planks, napkins, chicken sample, ball, Didactic material "Poultry".

Bilingual component: tauyk - chicken, balapan - chicken.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.


  • Guys, I invite you to play the game "Who has who?" All stand in a big circle. I will throw you a ball and name a poultry, and you will call me its chicks, be careful.
  • A duck is a duck, a goose is a gosling, a turkey is a turkey, a chicken is a chicken.
  • Well done boys!

Chatting on the picture.


  • Approach the blackboard, look carefully, tell me: who is depicted here?
  • Hen and chickens.

Bilingual component.

The teacher introduces the children to the name chicken and chicken in the Kazakh language, the children pronounce and memorize new words.


  • Tell me: are they wild or domestic birds? Why?
  • Poultry living in a hen house. They are looked after by a person.


  • What parts does a chicken, chicken have? What shape?
  • The head is round in shape, the body is round, on the head of the chicken is a tuft, beak, eyes. The chicken has eyes, a beak. Two wings, two legs.


  • What color is the chicken? Hen?
  • The chicken is yellow, the chicken is brown.

Also interesting material on modeling in the middle group:

Problematic situation.

The teacher shows the toy to the chicken:

  • Guys, who is this?
  • Hen!


  • The mother of the chicken does not have chickens, she needs help, to sculpt the children. Can we help our chicken?

The teacher invites the children to take their places, pays attention to the posture.

Examination of a chicken sample.

The teacher shows a chicken sample.

  • What color did I use to mold the chicken?
  • What are the parts of the chicken?
  • What shape?
  • Today, I will teach you how to sculpt such a nice chicken and our chicken will have children!

Showing the way to do the work.

The teacher clearly demonstrates: how to sculpt a chicken.

  • We take yellow plasticine, divide it into two parts, sculpt the head, body in circular movements, connect it.
  • We sculpt a small ball from red plasticine, pinch it a little, make a beak, from black plasticine we make small balls for eyes.
  • From a piece of brown plasticine we roll a small ball - legs, connect it to the body.

Finger gymnastics "Chickens"

Independent work of children.

Children sculpt chickens according to the model. The teacher helps the children in difficulty.

The result of the lesson.


  • Whom did you learn to sculpt?
  • What techniques did you use to mold the chicken?
  • The chicken loves your chickens. She is glad that now she has kids and says thank you very much!

Title: Summary of GCD on modeling in the middle group "Chickens"

Position: educator of the first qualification category
Place of work: GKKP "Nursery Garden No. 86"
Location: Pavlodar city, Pavlodar region

Elena Konateva

Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group

Theme: "Kitten"

Educator: Konatieva Elena Viktorovna

Purpose of GCD:

Teach children to sculpt a four-legged animal - a cat.

Software content:

To consolidate the sculpting techniques: rolling plasticine between the palms; exercise in using the technique of pinching, pulling back; to consolidate the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly to each other, and in smoothing the seams; continue to acquaint children with the properties of plasticine (soft, pliable, able to take any shape). Continue learning to work with a plasticine stack.

Develop independence.

To educate accuracy in working with plasticine. Evoke a positive emotional response to the overall outcome.

Vocabulary work: stack, plasticine is soft, pliable, multi-colored.

Preliminary work: conversations with children about pets, examining illustrations, reading fiction and educational literature, riddles, didactic games: "Who lives where?", "Where is whose cub?", "Find out by description."

Materials: plasticine on planks (for each child) and separately on plates, stacks, oilcloths, planks, a basic modeling scheme with an image (a kitten, a magnetic board, a layout with multi-colored balls, a disk with background music for the practical part.

GCD move:

Organizing time.

Minute entry per day:

"Morning in kindergarten"

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!"

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.

Q: Guys, look at our guests. Let's say hello to them. D: Good morning!

Q: Guys, all come up to me, please. See what we have on the table?

Q: What pet do you think likes to play with balls?

Q: Look how many glomeruli are, are they the same? What color and shape are they?

D: red, yellow, etc. colorful, round.

Q: Guys, there are balls, but there is no one to play them. What can we do?

Q: Let's blind kittens with you so that they can play with them.

Q: And in order for your ears to listen to me attentively, and your eyes to see what I will show, let's play with you.

Dynamic pause.

"Let's turn into kittens"

Fluffy lumps

They washed their cheeks with a paw (act in accordance with the text)

They washed the nose with a paw

We washed our eyes with a paw

Right eye left eye

We washed our ears with a paw

Right ear left ear

Kittens have ears

How the houses are.

Q: We were kittens, we turn into guys and sit down in our places. We sit down straight, backs straight, eyes on me.


Q: And now I will show you how you can mold a kitten.

Here I have a large piece of plasticine. I tear off a smaller piece - it will be the head of our kitten. Now I tear off a piece even less from the larger piece - this will be the tail of our kitten. And from this remaining piece of plasticine, I will sculpt the body of our kitten. I will roll a sausage out of this piece of plasticine. Then I take a stack and make longitudinal cuts on both sides of this sausage. These will be the paws of our kitten. Now we take a piece from which I will roll a ball - this will be the head of our kitten. The ball can be rolled between straight palms or between the palm and the table. Like this.

On both sides of the ball, flatten plasticine with two fingers (thumb and forefinger) and we will get ears. We take buckwheat grains and make eyes, take a very small piece of black plasticine, roll a small ball between our fingers - this will be the kitten's nose. Then we take pieces of wire and attach the whiskers to our kitten on both sides. Now press the head against the body. There remains a small piece of plasticine, from which we will roll out a small sausage - this will be the kitten's tail. We attach it to the body. Look what a wonderful kitten I have turned out.

Finger gymnastics: "Kittens"

(We fold our palms, we press our fingers together)

Our cat has ten kittens,

(We shake our hands without separating them)

Now all kittens are in pairs:

Two fat, two nimble,

Two long, two cunning,

The two smallest

And the most beautiful ones.

(We tap the corresponding fingers together from thumb to pinky)

Independent activities of children:

Practical work of children. Individual assistance. Calm music sounds. Children sculpt a pet on their own.

Final part. Reflection

At the end of the sculpting, the children compose a collective composition, placing their work on a stand.

Look, guys, how beautiful the kittens are.

Tell me, Vova, which kitten you liked the most. Why?

(The teacher notes interesting and expressive works).

It's time to say goodbye to our guests.

All Well done! Thanks to all!

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