Summary of the regime process: preparation for a walk in the middle group

Olga Sinkova
Synopsis of the regime moment "Dressing for a walk in winter" (middle group)

Open regime moment« Dressing up for a walk»

Middle group

Prepared and conducted


MDOU IRMO "Listvyanskiy kindergarten"

Sinkova O.S.

Target: Improve the skills of children consistently dress... Consolidate the colors of the clothes. Encourage children to take action through the use of folk art (nursery rhymes)... Cultivate neatness, the desire to take care of your appearance.

Vocabulary work: booth, jacket, trousers, boots, jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, stroll... Put on, button up, shoe

Preliminary work: viewing paintings of winter clothing.

Methods and techniques: verbal, conversation, explanations, instructions, story.

Visibility: visual (a doll is large with a child, a dog (a toy, a set of clothes for a doll; auditory (nursery rhymes).

Practical: surprise, playful moment.

Activity progress.

V: Guys, look how many guests came to visit us, let's say hello.

And our friend Natasha gathered with her friend Tobik for a walk.

Doll Natasha "fits" to the locker and "Dumps out" from it to the floor all the clothes. Tobik "Runs" joyfully about things and "Scatters" their

V: Guys, here's the problem, it turns out, Natasha does not know what is right for her dress! Do you know? Let's all together teach Natasha dress quickly and correctly... Let's help Natasha put her clothes back in the locker. Sit down, Natasha, on a chair, listen carefully and remember.

If you want take a walk,

Need fast dress.

Open the cabinet door

In order dress.

V: what should be done first?

Children's answers:

V: take off the shoes you are wearing group and put it back in its place. Natasha's shoes are in the locker, what about you?

Children's answers

V: What will dress first?

V: So that the legs do not freeze, we will put on socks

D: Jacket.

V: Right. Some have a jacket, and some have sweaters.

It became very cold.

It's time to put on the sweater.

We put on a blouse, fasten all the buttons.

Ready! What are we going to wear now?

Children's answers:

V: that's right, we put on overalls, and some wear warm trousers so as not to freeze on the street. Natasha has a red jumpsuit. Marina, what color is your jumpsuit?). Right. And you have Egor).

Now, what should I wear?

Children's answers

D: A hat.

V: So that the ears do not hurt,

Children's answers.

V: Of course, we put on a jacket for a long walks.

And after the jacket, what do we wear? (Ilya).

V:Right. Boots.

We will put on the legs

Boots, boots.

Legs will not freeze.

In warm boots

maybe we forgot something? So that the breeze does not blow and the neck does not freeze?

D: Scarf

V:Right. Dress Natasha scarf and mittens,

We have one last thing left

Tie a scarf under the neck,

Hide the handles in mittens,

That's all! Go for a walk!

Seeing Natasha and Tobik off to a walk.

Now, let's do it for ourselves "Reminder", about the order in which you need get dressed, and put on the booths so as not to forget!

We pronounce the sequence, attach the pictures to the folder and install them in the dressing room.

Stage 2. Consolidation of the procedure. A joint dressing with children for a walk, using "Reminders"

Related publications:

Tasks: 1. To develop playing skills: -to teach children to accept a game task from an adult, to set a game task independently: consistently.

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Type of the project: Information - practice - oriented - creative. Project type: Group, mid-term. Duration of the project:



INTEGRATION OF AREAS: "Cognition", "Health", "Socialization", "Security".

Educators: A.V. Zvereva

Ilyukhina T.G.

Moscow 2013

The purpose of the lesson: improve children's skills to dress for a walk quickly, independently and in a certain sequence; place your things in the closet correctly; to consolidate the ability to use all types of fasteners; recognize your own things not to be confused with the clothes of other children; to form the ability and desire to help each other.



Reinforce knowledge of the correct sequence when dressing;

Clarify ideas about the possible consequences of the wrong sequence when dressing;

Build knowledge about possible dangers in dressing rooms when dressing and undressing children;

To enrich the speech of children.


Develop basic self-dressing skills;

Strengthen the ability to seek help and provide possible help to other children as needed.


Cultivate neatness, the habit of taking care of your appearance;

Communication with other areas:

"Health" - the education of cultural and hygienic skills, in particular the education of neatness, the habit of looking after one's appearance.

"Socialization" - familiarization with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults in the process of dressing.

"Safety" - the formation of ideas about dangerous situations for children in the locker room.

"Cognition" - the formation of children's knowledge about the properties and qualities of various materials, to develop the ability to compare and group objects.

"Physical culture" - to form in pupils the need for the correct execution of movements.

Methodological techniques:

Visual; game; verbal;


Educator: Guys, what a wonderful day today! The weather is wonderful outside and it's time to go for a walk. But it's been autumn on the street for a long time and in order to go for a walk you need to dress warmly!

The doll Natasha enters the hall.

Educator: Look who came to visit us, it's a Natasha doll! Hello Natasha!

Doll Natasha: Hello guys! Are you going to go for a walk? I also want to go with you, but I don’t know how to dress properly. Help me please!

Educator: Let's help Natasha sort out the clothes and tell her how to dress correctly so as not to freeze and get sick. To do this, we suggest you watch a short movie where you yourself show how to dress correctly, in what sequence.

The teacher shows a presentation. The viewing process includes children reading short poems about clothes:

Matvey K .:

Boys need pants

The boys are friendly with them

And in winter and autumn

Wear them daily


Look at the boots

Real pictures

And the laces wherever

And always polished


Mom, grandma, look

Dad gave me a sweater:

To wear it always

And do not freeze in the cold

Artem S .:

Hat with scarf now

They suit us just right

So as not to accidentally catch a cold

And be healthy

Matvey S .:

Jacket - warm clothing

In jackets Tanya and Olezhek

October and November (December and January)

When it's damp in the yard (you won't freeze in the yard)


And here are the mittens

For Dima and Nastya

Wear mittens in winter

When the wind is icy


Moms, dads and kids

Wear gloves in autumn (and in winter)

So that your fingers do not get cold

The pens were lukewarm.

Doll Natasha? guys, is it so important to dress in the correct sequence? (conducts the game "Right-Wrong"). What will happen if, for example, first of all, you don't wear trousers, but a hat? But what if boots first, and then trousers? And if the jacket is not tucked into the trousers?

Educator: What good fellows you are, you said everything correctly. You need to dress in the correct sequence so as not to get sick!

Educator: Doll Natasha, listen to what a wonderful counting rhyme our children know about how to dress correctly:

One - we put on pants,

Two - we put shoes on,

Three - take a blouse,

Four - fasten your jacket,

Five - put on a hat and walk!

Educator: We can also sing a song that will also tell you how to dress:

I'm already four years old

I can get dressed myself. walking in place

If the weather is warm -we spread our arms to the sides

I run into the yard without a coat:we show ourselves with our hands

If the wind is blowing hardwaving hands raised up

If there is slush or rain,showing with our hands to the road

I will not go to kindergarten

Without a coat and without galoshes. walking in place

I'm used to my shoes

Brush every day.bending over we imitate movements

All specks of dust from the suit

I'm not too lazy to shake out!simulate shaking off dust particles

(V. Zaitsev)

Doll Natasha: I want guys to ask you riddles. Let's see if you can figure them out correctly:

We always walk together

Similar as brothers.

We are at lunch - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.


So as not to freeze, five guys

They sit in a knitted stove.


Every day when I walk

I don’t forget to put it on.

I put it on myself

So that the head does not freeze.

(a cap)

I walked along the road

I found two roads.

I went on both of them.


If the day is fine

It's on a hanger in the hallway.

If the rain is drizzling

He runs into the street.


Educator: These are our smart guys, they have clues to all the riddles.

Educator: Natasha, do you remember how to dress correctly? Well done! Now our kids will once again remind you of the dressing rules:

The teacher invites children to play the didactic game "Magic Track" to consolidate the knowledge gained during the class.

Doll Natasha: thank you guys! You helped me a lot and I remembered how to dress correctly. And for your help, I have prepared a treat for you.

Doll Natasha treats children with chocolates.

Educator: Today you all did very well: answering questions, solving riddles, playing games, reciting poetry and singing songs. Received new knowledge and repeated what you already knew. Thank you guys for the lesson! Thanks to all our guests who came to visit us!

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 1 "Kolobok"

Summary of the regime moment in the preparatory group

Topic: "Preparing for a walk, a walk" with elements of experimentation

Prepared by: Educator Tutushina M.N.


Target: Ensure that all children get ready for a walk on time


    To develop children's independence in self-service (dressing and undressing, the ability to take care of their appearance, troubleshooting with a little help from an adult).

    Develop skills in programming independent activities for a walk.

    The development of cognitive activity on the basis of experimentation

    Strengthen the ability to politely ask adults and peers for help.

    To foster emotional responsiveness, conscientiousness, camaraderie.

Stage 1: Preliminary work.

Conversations about water and its properties;

Observing water and its states in nature, in everyday life (giving examples from personal experience);

Experimental and research activities (indoors - conversation, experiments with water, filling out an observation log);

Stage 2: Preparing for the walk.

    setting for the upcoming activity: putting the group in order before going out; repetition of the rules of conduct in the dressing room;

    task for observation and development of logical thinking - motivation for further activities (experimenting with water on the street)

Equipment: 2 cotton balls (dry and wet)

The course of the regime moment:

In the dressing room:

Surprise moment: the teacher shows two pieces of cotton wool (wet and dry)

Educator: What is it?

Children: Is it cotton wool?

Educator: What does it look like? Can it be seen on the street?

Children's answers.

Educator: How do these cotton wool braids differ from each other? ? Children touch and celebrate the difference.

Educator: Let's try to press on cotton wool, squeeze, shape ... Children try with 2 samples.

Educator: What kind of cotton wool retains its shape better, is better molded? Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, remember, we said that cotton wool looks like ... snow. So, what kind of snow molds better, keeps its shape?

Children's answers.

Educator: And what can be done from wet snow during a walk?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, now let's get dressed quickly and go outside. New discoveries and experiments await us there.

    repetition of the algorithm for dressing clothes;

    an emphasis on the rules of behavior on the street in different weather (snow, rain, ice) - the teacher himself chooses, based on the situation on the street;

    children dress on their own, if necessary - the help of a teacher or another child;

Stage 3: Walk.

    Going out: at different speed of dressing children - the teacher with the 1st group goes out into the street (observation, conversation); the teacher's assistant takes out the remaining 2nd group.

    Experiments on the street with water: snow, ice, steam (using a thermos with boiling water - only the teacher conducts this experiment);

    Outdoor games: "Blizzard" - the formation of the ability to run one after another, without bumping into objects; "Two Frosts" - the formation of the ability to clearly speak the text in the game, to follow the rules of the game.

    Independent play activity, at the end of the walk - a task.

Equipment: thermos with boiling water, mirrors or plastic lids according to the number of children, plastic buckets (3-4 pieces).

Educator:And for further experiments, we will collect ice and snow in buckets during a walk. Your task is to find the cleanest snow. And for what - you will find out when we return to the group.

Screenshots for the lesson - the regime moment "Preparing for a walk, a walk"

Stage 1


not everything dissolves... oil, sand ... (and the water becomes dirty) let's make ice ...

Stage 2

And what does it look like? ... Experiments Ahead!... We are ready!...

Stage 3

There is steam, water, and ice ...

Synopsis of the regime moment in the middle group "Preparing for lunch, duty in the dining room, lunch."

Elena Sergeevna Netkacheva, educator, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 34 "Kolokolchik", Mozdok, North Ossetia-Alania.
Material description: I offer you a summary of the regime moment for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic "Preparing for lunch, watching the canteen, lunch." This material will be useful for teachers of the middle group.
Educational tasks:
- form the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands with soap and water before eating, observing a certain sequence of actions;
- improve the skills of accurate food intake: the ability to take a little food, chew well, eat quietly, use cutlery, a napkin correctly, rinse your mouth after eating;
- continue to teach children to independently fulfill the duties of those on duty in the dining room: to carefully arrange bread bins, napkin holders, cups, deep plates, cutlery;
- to clarify and expand the dictionary on the topic "Dishes";
- improve the grammatical structure of speech.
Developmental tasks:
develop: - memory, attention, thinking, speech;
- independence in the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, labor activities.
Educational tasks:
educate: - the ability to calmly wait for the next meal to be served;
- politeness (the ability to thank for food), the need for cleanliness and tidiness.
Vocabulary work:
activation - deep plate, shallow plate, cup, napkin holder, spoons, forks.
enrichment - cutlery, serving, bread box.
Methodological techniques in the course of organizing regime moments:
1. Verbal: reminders, instructions, explanations, encouragement, conversation, questions.
2. Visual: personal hygiene products, serving devices.
3. Practical: washing hands, labor actions of the attendants.
Equipment: soap, towels for each child, tablecloth, cutlery (spoons, forks), tableware (deep plate, shallow plate, cup, bread bin), napkin holders, napkins, mouthwash cups (for each child.)
Preliminary work:
- Examination of dishes;
- Guessing and learning riddles about dishes;
- Learning nursery rhymes, proverbs;
- Reading a fairy tale: K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief";
- Didactic game: "Big - small", "What dishes are hidden?" and etc.

The course of the regime moment:
Children come from a walk, change clothes, go to the washroom.
I organize hygiene procedures after the walk gradually, in small groups of children. I remind the children of the rules of conduct in the washroom - children should not spray water, they should maintain order and cleanliness, immediately turn off the water after washing their hands, and do not leave the taps open.
I remind you the rules of washing:
Educator: Let's show you how to wash your hands properly.
roll up our sleeves
open the tap with water
wet our hands with water
we pick up soap
lather until thick foam
wash off the soap thoroughly with water
wring out the hands with a "lock"
close the tap with water
wipe our hands dry from the water with our towel
lower the sleeves.

Educator: So as not to be afraid of microbes,
You need to wash your face often.
Wash your palms only with soap,
To always have health.

These procedures are carried out in a calm, friendly atmosphere, which will ensure a good mood for children during meals.
The attendants are one of the first to wash their hands; put on aprons and caps and, under the guidance of an assistant educator, set the table.
Children leave the washroom.

Educator: What were we doing now?

Children: We washed our hands.

Educator: Why wash your hands? (Answers of children)
All the illnesses of the guys
From germs, they say.
To always be healthy.
We must wash our hands with soap and water!

Educator: While our attendants are setting the table, we will play with you.

Game "Riddles"
1. I puff, puff, puff -
I don’t want to bask anymore.
The lid rang loudly -
Drink tea! - The water has boiled! (Kettle)

2. On my plate
The boat is sailing.
A boat with food
I send it to my mouth. (Spoon)

3. If well sharpened,
He cuts everything very easily -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter. (Knife)

4. It can be deep.
It can be shallow.
However, this is not a river. (Plate)

5. Teapot girlfriend
Has two ears,
She makes porridge, soup for Julia.
And her name is ... (Pan)

6. Among the spoons I am the colonel.
And my name is ... (Ladle)

7. Round-eared sister
Give you tea to drink. (Cup)

Didactic game "Big - small"
Plate - plate Bank ...
Cup - Cup Bucket ...
Saucer ... Jug ...
Casserole ... Decanter ...
Frying pan ... Mug ...
Tray ... Vase ...
Kettle ... Bowl ...

Educator: And how can you name these items in one word? (Dishes.)
Here is a large glass teapot
Very important as a boss.
(Cheeks are inflated, legs are shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.)
Here are the porcelain cups
Very fragile, poor things.
(Squat, right hand on the belt, left down.)
Here are the china saucers
Just knock, they will break.
(Hands to the sides, spinning in place.)
Here are the silver spoons
(Standing still, close your hands over your head.)
Here is a plastic tray
He brought us the dishes.
(They join hands and make a circle.)

Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four - we washed the dishes:
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon,
And a big cook.
We washed the dishes:
They didn't even break the cup
The ladle did not break either,
The kettle's nose remained.
The spoon miraculously survived.
We boldly wash the dishes.

When the table is set, the attendants come up to the children and announce the menu.

Conversation "What is the soup made of?"

Educator: Let us, you and I, remember the rules of conduct at the table. How should you behave at the table?
1. Sit at the table only with clean hands.
2. Sit up straight and not wobble.
3. Do not put your elbows on the table.
4. Do not talk with your mouth full!
5. Take your time! Eat in small pieces, chew food thoroughly with your mouth closed.
6. While eating, do not twist or wave your arms.
7. When you have finished eating, wipe your mouth with a napkin and put it in a cup for dirty napkins.
9. Say "Thank you!"

Educator: Well done! I see that you know the rules of behavior at the table. Come in and sit down quietly, each in his own place.

Having placed the children at the tables, I wish them bon appetit.

Educator: I wish you bon appetit!

We all sit at the table
We do not play, but we eat!

From time to time I pay attention to the position of the posture of children while eating, I carry out individual work to consolidate the skills of using cutlery.

Educator: Guys, do not forget that we are holding the spoon in our right hand, and the bread in our left. We sit straight at the table, our back is straight, our legs are also straight, our fork always "looks" down.

During meals, I carry out individual work with children: I praise the children for their neatness, slowness, and cultural skills (using a napkin after a meal).
And I also set the correct algorithm of actions if I see that someone is at a loss in something.

Educator: The cook cooked vegetables in a saucepan.
I put the most delicious there.
Carrots, peas, potatoes, dill
They really want to get into the mouths of children.
Let's not offend them
And we will eat everything that is on the plate.

The educator's assistant organizes a gradual change of meals.

Educator: Getting up from the table, we quietly push the chair and be sure to thank you for a delicious lunch!

Children who have finished eating, get up from the table, go to the washroom to take cultural and hygienic procedures: rinse their mouths, wash their hands.
I help children get ready for bed (undress in a certain sequence, fold clothes correctly and neatly).

OMSK-2017 Bdo in Omsk "Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 15"
"We'll tell Marusa how to dress in autumn"
Software content:
1. Ensure the timely collection of all children for a walk.
2. Form the correct sequence when dressing, self-dressing skills.
3. Encourage children to take action by using folk art (nursery rhymes). 4. Develop and activate vocabulary (fix the name of clothing items, teach them to name them correctly), expand children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena, enrich and systematize children's ideas about autumn.
Material and equipment:
1. Clothes (jacket, hat, trousers, mittens, jacket, etc.)
2. Musical accompaniment. (Minus from the movie "Moustached nanny")
Preliminary work: the didactic game “Let's dress the Masha doll for a walk”, reading nursery rhymes, examining illustrations on the theme: “Clothes”, reading A. Pushkin “A sad time ...”, E. Blaginina “Autumn”, conversation “Why trees are undressing”.
The course of the lesson.
Organizational moment: The appearance of Marusya. Marusya: Why don't they take me for a walk? (Crying)
Educator: - Oh, oh who is crying with us? What is your name?
Marusya: - I am Marusyaayaya….
Educator: - Marusya, why are you crying
Marusya: Yes, I walked around the whole kindergarten, I'm so tired. I wanted to go outside with the kids, but no one took me.
Educator: - Children, why doesn't anyone take Marusya for a walk?
Children: She's not dressed.
Educator? Of course, Marusya, you are not dressed for the weather! Do you know what time of year it is now?
Marusya: - I don't know.
Educator: Marusya, sit down, rest. And we will tell you what time of year it is now. Guys, what time of year is it? (Autumn)
What has changed in nature and in the weather with the onset of autumn? (Mushrooms and berries have appeared in the forest. It often rains, a cold wind blows, the sky is gloomy. In autumn the leaves turn yellow, turn red, turn pink, fall off. Birds fly away to warm lands. Animals are preparing for winter. The sun shines, but does not warm. It often goes cold rain. It became cold outside, so people began to dress warmer.)
Educator: - Well done guys!
Marusya: - Hurray, now I know what the weather is like in autumn.
Educator: Do you remember everything?
Marusya: - Yes, yes, yes.
Educator: -And we will check it now. Let's play a game
What is the weather like in the fall when it rains? - rainy.
When the wind blows - windy
When it's cold it's cold
When cloudy - cloudy
When wet - raw
When gloomy - gloomy
When it's clear - clear
Marusya: Well, now I remember exactly what the weather is like! And I also remembered that the leaves fall in the fall.
Educator: Well, Marusya, now you know that it's cold in autumn and you need to dress warmly, and not the way you dressed.
Marusya: -Yes, but I don't know what to wear (crying)
Educator: don't cry, we will help you, Marusya. Children, can we help Marusa dress for a walk?
To get dressed, what do we need to do? (Take off your clothes)
They undress, go to the dressing room.
Educator: Marusya, we have a magic locker, it seems to me there are warm clothes. I think they are just right for you. But there is one condition. The locker only opens when you answer these questions correctly.
Educator: - Guys, what can I say:
Hooded, warm, red. - jacket;
Pink, knitted. - a cap;
Warm, woolen. - socks;
Long knitted. - scarf;
Leather, black ... - boots
That's right guys, well done
Marusya: - Oh great, great! I have warm clothes! (Begins to hastily dress in the wrong order.)
Educator: - Marusya well, what are you doing? Are you dressing right? Guys, what did you need to wear at the very beginning? And now we will show you how to dress correctly. You repeat after us Marusya.
... One, two, three, four, five
We are going for a walk.
If you want to take a walk
Need to dress quickly
Open the cabinet door
Dress in order.
Educator: -We first dress what? (Tights)
- Have you put on your tights?
Children: -Yes.
Educator: Now what do we need to wear, Dasha?
-Right. Some have blouses, and some have sweaters. Here, Maroussia, as the children try, they dress themselves.
- What is the difference between a jacket and a sweater? Correctly, a sweater has a high neck that completely covers our neck.
Educator: Now what are we wearing?
Kids: pants
Educator: -We put on all the pants.
Now get up quickly
And put on your pants.
-All the kids have warm pants. In such pants you will not freeze on the street. Dasha, what color are your pants? (Red). Right. And you, Katya (Blue). And you, Polinochka?
So that your ears do not hurt
They quickly put on the hat.
And then the jacket
For a long walk.
-Well, and our jackets. The children of Marusia still cannot fasten the zippers on their jackets, so we will help them. And we'll tie the scarves.
(The teacher and the nanny help the children).
One, two, three, four, five
We are going for a walk.
Tied Lizonka
The scarf is blue.
The teacher goes down to the ground floor with the children, accompanied by a nanny
Put it on your legs
Boots, boots.
And let's go for a walk,
Jump, run and jump.
Put it on your legs
Boots - boots.
Nice boots
Legs will not freeze.
(It remains to put gloves on for the guys. Guys, guess the riddle:
-In order not to freeze
Five guys
They sit in a knitted stove.
Children: -gloves.
Educator: - That's right, gloves. We put on mittens, gloves. Now Maroussia, do you understand how to dress correctly for a walk in the fall?
Marusya: -Hurray, hurray, hurray. Now I know everything about autumn and how to dress. Thank you girls and boys, thank you very much. Here are some gifts for you, help yourself! And I'll go outside to get ready! Goodbye!

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