Do-it-yourself garbage bag suits. Dress from packages. Dinosaur and cowboy from boxes

Designers from all over the world surprise us with their inventions every day. A wide variety of materials are used. In this case, the classic fabric is often used as a last resort. Many have already managed to see in the photo clothes made from raw meat or packages of chips. And the latest fashion trend is clothes from garbage bags. Today every woman of the fair sex can feel like a real designer. An original cellophane dress can be made at home.

Where to put on a dress from a trash bag

Such an outfit, of course, can hardly be called everyday. And it does not differ in great practicality. Cellophane, from which the clothes will be made, cannot be called hygienic and environmentally friendly. At the same time, every girl can make a dress from garbage bags for a fashion show. Rather, it is an option for entertainment. If you use such clothes for no more than a few hours, it will definitely not bring harm.

New Year's carnival is another reason for an original outfit. With the help of trash bags, you can create a stunning dress that is sure to amaze others. And if you show a little imagination, then in general it will be difficult to guess that the clothes are made of such a piquant material. In addition, dresses made from garbage bags do not require special skills and large financial costs when creating them.

What will it take to work?

To make a beautiful outfit, first of all, you should be patient. After all, a masterpiece does not always come out the first time. It is desirable that the product be made by one person. After all, everyone has their own thoughts, ideas that are difficult to implement at the same time.

If we make dresses from garbage bags without using other consumables, then they may not be needed. Individual parts will be connected with glue or A regular wooden clothespin will also come to the rescue. It will need to be used for preliminary fastening of individual elements. And, of course, you can't do without scissors. With their help, we will cut out the details of the dress.

In order to create a complicated model with darts and assemblies, you should have special sewing skills. Here you cannot do without a needle and thread. But in no case can you sew parts on a sewing machine. Cellophane is a delicate material. In the process of work, it can simply be torn.

Minimalism style

A miniature dress made from trash bags will look great. A photo of a girl in such an outfit will surely amaze others. Only one bag can be used to make a model. Particular attention should be paid to the strength of the source material. A sturdy waste bag with a capacity of over 100 liters is ideal.

The main tool for making an outfit will be scissors. You need to make three holes - for the head and hands. Here, in fact, the dress is ready. You can decorate the product with a belt made of contrasting cellophane or flowers made from garbage bags. A minimum of time and effort will be spent on such an outfit.

The main focus is on contrast

A really striking model can be made from garbage bags that differ in color, structure and shape. There are a huge number of trash bags in supermarkets today. The more varied the choice, the better you can show your imagination. The essence of the method consists in layering various packages on top of each other. Thus, you can get a fluffy rustling dress. In addition, this outfit will have the original color. After all, individual elements can differ significantly from each other.

It is made quite simply. You will need an elastic band as a base. Pre-prepared strips cut from garbage bags will be tied on it. The top of the dress can be made according to the same principle as in the previous model. That is, holes for the head and hands are cut in a tight bag. You can also make a bodice. But this option is performed on the model just before the exit. In this case, the details are fastened with double-sided tape.

Air dress

Another interesting option for making a dress from garbage bags is filling the raw materials with air. To implement such an idea, you need a foundation. It could be an old dress or a jersey T-shirt. Garbage bags are filled with air in advance and tied on a knot. "Balloons" are obtained. Small packages are best suited. Further, the elements are alternately attached to the bottom of the previously prepared base.

It will take a lot of time to create an original dress. Each "ball" must be tightly fastened. A small, thin needle can be used. It is worth making sure that she does not chop the bag, otherwise all the work of inflating will go down the drain. The inflated garbage bag outfit is the least practical. You can only stand in it. You won't be able to sit down in such a dress.

Hook to help

Cellophane is actively used not only in sewing, but also in knitting. Using a regular crochet hook, you can make a truly original dress from garbage bags. A photo of such a product can attract many. After all, it will be difficult to recognize the source material in the picture. From the outside it seems that the outfit is made of ordinary yarn.

In order to get out of the garbage bags, you need hook number 2 and a huge number of garbage bags. It is advisable to stock up on starting material in advance. If it is not enough, it will be difficult to find a suitable color option.

A dress made of garbage bags knits very quickly. The instruction is to knit the columns in a circle. It is important to take measurements correctly in advance. After all, cellophane cannot be called an elastic material.

Dresses from garbage bags look beautiful, the top of which is crocheted, and the bottom is made of pre-prepared "balloons". Additionally, the product can be decorated with guipure, beads or fabric flowers.

Of course, this kind of outfit as a dress from a package cannot be called ordinary and familiar at all. Such a rather extravagant and provocative outfit can be used with your own hands for a New Year's party, a fancy-dress carnival or for a theme evening.

We will consider in our article several options for making an unusual holiday dress with our own hands.

We make a simple dress from a package with our own hands in MK

Before you start creating a plastic outfit for a girl, you should study all the features of this unusual material for creativity. Such a painstaking and correct approach to work will allow you to avoid unpleasant and unexpected situations with this material in the future.

So what are the features of the polyethylene material you should pay your close attention to:

  1. In the process of making and forming dresses from plastic garbage bags, give preference to simpler and more affordable models of dresses that will not hinder your movements when worn.
  2. Do not form elements that will be heavily loaded with loose and fragile polyethylene material (shoulder straps and tops).
  3. When sewing all parts of the garment on the sewing machine, set a sufficiently wide stitch pitch. This will make the seams stronger.
  4. In places where parts are connected to each other, the instructions require the use of tape. This will help to hold these places together and prevent the seams from creeping.
  5. Use cellophane of a different color as a decor and decoration for the dress from the bags. These inserts can be fixed with glue or thread.

Knowing these tricks and subtleties, you will be able to form and sew a beautiful original outfit or a fluffy dress.

Putting together a little black dress from garbage bags: how to make it yourself

We offer a very simple and quick way to make a little black dress with your own hands from scrap materials. For our master class, you will need the following materials:

  • Black dense garbage bag for one hundred and twenty liters (preferably with strings);
  • Sharp scissors.

In the bottom of the garbage bag, form one hole for the head. Don't make it too big, or the finished dress may fall off you.

Punch two holes for the hands on the sides of the bag as well. Now put on your outfit and tighten the bag ties located at the bottom a little.

As you can see, this option for making a dress is completely simple and will not take you much time.

In this detailed workshop, you will learn how to create tailored products from black garbage bags. Of course, you can use them only once, but, fortunately, the process itself does not take much of your time. So, to design an elegant dress, you will need the following materials:

  • two black plastic bags;
  • Scotch;
  • sharp scissors.

The process of creating a product consists in performing the following manipulations:

  1. Wrap one garbage bag around your body and secure with tape.
  2. Cut the straps of your dress from the second polyethylene product and attach with glue to the base.
  3. Make a cut at the bottom of your bag and paper blank.
  4. In order to prevent the slit of your dress from "spreading" during wearing, attach a small piece of tape at its base on the inside of the workpiece.

Let's make an interesting polyethylene ball gown for a princess

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Dense green polyethylene material;
  • Cellophane bags of white and yellow colors;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Scotch.

Start the process of creating a ballroom outfit from packages:

  1. At the base of the white plastic bag, make a V-notch to form the neckline.
  2. Form two symmetrical hand cuts on the sides of the bag.
  3. Gather the sleeves a little, then they will take the form of shuttlecocks.
  4. Pull up a black polyethylene dress skirt.
  5. Use yellow cellophane to make a belt for a future outfit.
  6. As decorative elements, use cellophane flowers, which can be attached to the top and skirt with glue.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

At the end of our article, we bring to your attention a selection of interesting videos on the topic of creating unusual outfits from plastic bags quickly and easily with your own hands. We hope that the presented materials will be useful and interesting for you. Enjoy viewing and exploring!

Suddenly, a pleasant event struck - a masquerade ball! You don't have the time and money to order at the atelier, run around the shops in search of original costumes! What to do?! Well, firstly, to calm down, secondly, to remember that we can all do with our own hands and thirdly to look around. What do we always have at home a lot? Right! Plastic bottles, newspapers, trash bags, boxes. From this we will make the most original carnival costume with our own hands.

Mermaid or kikimora

The most beautiful place for a plastic bottle is the bottom. We cut a lot of them at once. They will adorn the hem of the dress, the bodice, and the original crown can be glued from them. For a mermaid or kikimora costume, we need green bottles.

After the bottoms have been cut off, you also need to cut off the necks, and then carefully and evenly cut the rest of the bottle lengthwise into three equal parts. Burn small holes in the narrow part and gather them on a string to form a garland that will become a skirt. Glue, sew or staple the bottoms along the edge of the skirt.

It is better to make the bodice of the dress by sheathing the old T-shirt with details of green plastic. But the crown can be assembled from lush feathers cut from bottles and attached to a hoop or ribbon.

Princess of flowers

The stand-up skirt for this costume is made from a wire frame. Any thin fabric is pulled over it. This is where the difficulties end and the creative part begins. Cut petals from bottles of different colors, collect them into flowers and attach to the skirt. Cut half-liter bottles in a spiral and attach the serpentine to the skirt.

A boy's suit can be made from scrap materials by simply tying two plastic bottles together and attaching them upside down to the astronaut's back using straps. And for our jetpack to be operational, glue the red-orange flaps imitating fire with your own hands into the necks.

Helmet, hat, crown

The largest plastic bottles are simply specially produced in order to make various hats out of them for a hero, an alien, a king, a gentleman, a puss in boots, etc.

The photo shows how to make these hats. Cut the margins out of thick cardboard.

Costumes from ...

Leaf dress

It is only natural to go to an autumn ball in a dress made from autumn leaves. To create such a masterpiece with your own hands, you will need little money: just a piece of fabric or an old dress, a large bag of maple leaves and glue.

Take two colors of trash bags, cut them into one solid piece, and build a suit of ... rain, for example.

Dresses made from improvised means are amazing. Few people know that bags, even the largest ones, are glued so tightly that they can be inflated like balloons. Inflate 15-20 bags and attach them to a long skirt in several rows. Such a gorgeous princess has never been seen before.

You can, on the contrary, not inflate the bags, but cut them into a fringe, and then sew them with lush red flounces.

Newspaper print queen

If you have stacks of old newspapers read, waiting for the next repair, it's time to put them into action. See what kind of royal print lady dress you can DIY. All you need to do is take a printed sheet, fold it in half for rigidity, roll a bag out of it and attach it to the skirt in any way. The assembly procedure is the same as for the fall suit.

Dinosaur and cowboy from boxes

A great dinosaur costume can come from boxes. You can fasten the parts with a stapler, glue or tape. This requires imagination and engineering thought.

Another carnival costume for a boy is a cowboy on a horse. The horse's face can be made from the same plastic bottles. It is a pity that it is difficult to dance in such outfits, and you cannot invite a girl to a waltz, but a gift for the best costume is provided.

The most profitable outfit is the alien dress. Because no one knows what he really looks like. Come up with what you want, cut, glue, draw everything that your imagination allows with your own hands. To indicate that you are wearing an alien costume, you just need to attach an antenna to your head and paint your face green.

Oksana Ushakova

Viola is fragile, tender,

But a dream comes true!

Beauty and grace

Not the dress, but a sensation!

Never in this outfit

Rain and cold are not terrible.

Does not get wet, multi-colored

And among all the others, noticeable.

Not made of fabric dress it,

And from garbage bags.

We tried very hard with my mother,

Lest you guess.


Air dress,

That's what kind of girl

I'm obedient with my mother!

The dress made exclusively from garbage bags, with a volume of 30 liters, video tape, scotch tape and an iron. The skirt consists of 27 packs of three colors glued together with an iron. Braided crochet corset from a magnetic tape of a video cassette. Bow on the back of the skirt made of 4 whole bags. Belt -

this is packages, small bubbles are inflated, tightened with magnetic tape. Flowers and leaves are also from packages in the folding technique. For the rim, I wove a braid of ribbons, sewed flowers and woods on top. In general, it turned out gorgeous, elegant the dress... Daughter appreciated!

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Time passes and the thinking of people totally suffers its changes. People constantly come up with new ideas, invent something. It so happens that some innovations simply do not fit into the head. But they are actively being introduced into fashion, being in demand among people. You can pay attention to the variety of clothes that are presented to fashionistas and fashionistas. In the creation of clothes, unusual things are sometimes used, which was rather difficult to think of before. Not so long ago, the theme of creating clothes was introduced into fashion, in particular, dresses, skirts, sundresses from packages. A dress made of bags, one might say, is not a very practical piece of clothing, but still there is something in it. These flamboyant outfits can be used at some trendy themed party, giving the lady some magic in the look.

The dress itself cannot be called expensive, since you do not need to take expensive fabrics and sew to make it. It is much easier to make than to sew an ordinary dress at home. Moreover, you can become a fashion designer of your own dress, using for this all your imagination to create a masterpiece attire. You just need to understand how to properly connect the bags in the dress so that it has a spectacular look and can impress others. There are many options for how to create a beautiful evening dress from simple plastic bags. For a dress, you may need a variety of plastic bags, packaging from chips or something else, threads, a needle, an old long T-shirt or pieces of fabric. You need to start coming up with a style for a dress, based on what came to hand to create a dress.

For example, there are a lot of chips in stock. So, you can make a very beautiful rustling dress out of them, use packaging of different colors. Of these, it is necessary to fold a pattern according to the colors that will be on the dress itself. You can take the same multi-colored packaging, which will create a motley, but at the same time, monochromatic picture. For the skirt, you need to make a fabric base and sew it to the yoke. The packaging itself, which is used for the outfit, must first be washed well, and then carefully trimmed with scissors the rim (the seam that converges on the packaging). You need to sew packages in a row, while very tightly to each other. Such a dress will look very beautiful on any woman.

Many people use the simplest method of creating a dress, using one single garbage bag with a volume of 120 liters. This bag is very strong, there are strings on it. The style of the dress will be pretty simple. You need to make 3 holes in the trash bag. One is for the head and the other two are for the hands. It is important to make the holes neatly so that the dress looks good and fashionable. They are made at the bottom of the bag. That's it, now you can safely dress it by tightening the strings a little from the bottom. Such a dress will not only look fashionable and elegant, but also great for wearing in the summer, because it fits easily on the body and is not hot. You can hardly feel such a dress on yourself.

Alternatively, you can use your old but long T-shirt to create the dress. Various packages are attached to it. You can take multi-colored, not very large garbage bags, as well as any other bags. They can be inflated by tightening to keep the air out. The seams are the most vulnerable part of the dress because they can rip. They need to be made with a thin needle, which will cause less harm to the rustling components of the outfit. A dress made of bags, if you inflate them, will then turn out to be very lush and beautiful.

You can try to "sew" a dress from bags without using a fabric base. To do this, you will need to cut out individual parts of the dress from the film. The cellophane itself must be very strong, which will ensure the reliability of the garment. By color, you can select a variety of packages, showing your imagination. It is better to choose two or three colors as a basis, which will be the components of the dress. Garbage bags, or rather some of them, are particularly durable, which attracts all "creators" of clothing to pay attention to them. Creativity can be manifested in a variety of ways. The prospect of creating your own dress, especially using regular bags for this, is very interesting. You can wear them for various events where unusual outfits are present. There is still no particular manifestation of this style of clothing in everyday life, that is, hardly anyone can be found on the street in a dress made of plastic bags. But who knows, maybe in a few years fashion will manifest itself precisely from the side when every woman will only dream of dresses that will be considered the most fashionable.