Beautiful bouquets of roses. We grow flowers for bouquets in the country, photos of interesting compositions

Bouquets of garden flowers

Cool wedding bouquets (paper, knitted ....)

Such roses from paper are made, by the way, very simply, a minimum of time. But how impressive it is. Flowers made of paper in general can strike sometimes more than even an outlandish orchid.

How to extend the life of a bouquet

How beautiful and dear the presented bouquet is! But, unfortunately, very often, the beauty of the flowers donated is short-lived. And the photo of flowers, alas, is not very happy. If you want your flowers in a vase to remain fresh and beautiful for a long time, then a few tips, which will be discussed in the article, will help you with this.

You probably know that flowers need to be cut before being placed in a vase.

Split gladioli, chrysanthemums and roses with a knife.

Dry the sticky juice of dahlia and peonies over an open fire for several minutes.

Often ordinary tap water is poured into a vase, from which the flowers die within a few days. It is better to use filtered or settled water.

The presented bouquet will be fresh much longer if you pour a special flower additive into the water. Buy it at a flower shop, dilute it with water and admire the bouquet for much longer.

Roses will be fresh within a week if the water in the vase is changed every day, after having cooled it down a few degrees.

But for cloves, it is better to warm water to 20 degrees Celsius and dissolve an aspirin tablet.

For lilacs and tulips, add sugar to the water .

Daffodils emit toxic substances that kill other flowers, so they are good in mono bouquets.

Wrapping it in a wet towel and putting the previously purchased bouquet of roses in the refrigerator, it will be just as fresh the next day.

From a bouquet of roses dear to your heart that has begun to fade, make a herbarium as a keepsake. Take the flowers out of the vase and hang them upside down. Dried roses will retain their original shape for a long time.

A beautifully composed bouquet of summer or wildflowers can be a real gift for a loved one and tell him about the depth of feelings. From garden flowers, you can create unique masterpieces of floral art.

Flowers growing on your site are perfect for drawing up: asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias, roses, hydrangea, echinacea, gladioli, chamomile and many others. It is enough to take 2-3 varieties of flowers.

They have to:

  • be different in flower size
  • be different in stem height,
  • harmoniously combined in color, whether in theory).

The color range can be:

  1. contrasting,
  2. monochrome,
  3. identical.

So, when drawing up a contrasting bouquet, it is necessary to use 2-3 flowers of contrasting shades, for example, orange and purple.

In monochrome, flowers of the same color range should be present.

A bouquet of plants of the same color implies the presence of related colors: for example, yellow, orange and red.

There is no need (if you are not a professional) to mix exotic with simplicity. For example, roses will not work well with wildflowers. Cornflowers and chamomiles are best combined with spikelets, but not with roses.

The bouquet will look more attractive if it combines closed buds and already blossoming flowers.

The tallest flower should be placed in the center, which will make up the "core". It can be a large rose, gladiolus, or a sunflower. It is necessary to surround the "main" flower with smaller and more delicate flowers in tone.

Each flower must be clearly visible, for this the flowers must be placed at different heights. Flowers in a bouquet should be placed freely, they should look natural, and not knotted together in one shapeless pile.

You can supplement the bouquet with cereals, twigs of a fan palm, fruit plants (apple, mountain ash), gypsophila or fern, and even matching artificial flowers made of paper.

To preserve the beauty for a long time, you need to take care of the flowers: change the water in the vase every day and cut the flower stems.

Bouquet of red roses photo

Huge bouquet of roses

Flower bouquets for the holiday

Flowers from time immemorial have been given to people for a particular holiday, or simply to please and cheer up. Today flowers can be used as a nice bonus to the main gift, or used as a full-fledged gift. Moreover, the cost of some bouquets may be more than some jewelry, for example, if it is the standard and fashionable now "101 and 1 rose" and not only.

It is very important to choose the right bouquet of flowers. You can find out what this or that type of flower and their number mean using the Internet. You can also consult on this issue directly in the flower shop from florists who will help you choose the right bouquet, composition or make it to order. This is very important, since the bouquet must be sent in accordance with how the giver treats the recipient. It is one thing to give flowers to your beloved woman, it is another thing to congratulate a teacher or colleague on an anniversary and not only.

Flowers today can also be given to men. This is often done on birthdays, anniversaries, when a person is in the hospital or is discharged, reaches some new career goal and not only. Despite the fact that now it has become very fashionable to give bouquets of balloons, sweets and more. Nevertheless, classic bouquets have not sunk into oblivion and are very popular.

Sometimes, people forget about the holiday, or they do not have the time and opportunity to buy and deliver a bouquet. This is not a problem, because many flower shops allow you to place and pay for your order remotely. For example, a person is on a business trip in another city, region or even a country, and he would very much like to do something nice for his friend, colleague, soul mate. He can go to the website of a flower shop in his city, choose a bouquet or a ready-made arrangement from those presented in the catalog, pay for the product and its delivery. He also has the opportunity to write a text that will subsequently be applied in a calligraphic handwriting to the postcard in a bouquet.

Of course, if there is an opportunity to present a bouquet of flowers in person, it is better to do it yourself, not entrusting such an important matter to the courier. Well, and flowers, especially to beloved women, mothers can be given not only on holidays, but also just for no reason to cheer them up and see a smile on their faces.

How to choose a wedding bouquet

On their wedding day, every bride wants to be special. Flowers in a properly selected wedding bouquet will help her in this. According to tradition, they must be alive.

Our article will help you decide which flowers to use for this.

To create a harmonious, attractive image, the bouquet should be matched to a wedding dress, makeup and even a manicure. Flowers should be a complement, not the main subject of the image. Start choosing a bouquet after buying a dress and accessories.

The bouquet should not be large and heavy. The bride's hands should not tire of him.

Combine the style of the bouquet with the groom's boutonniere. This will make the image of the newlyweds unified and harmonious.

If the bride's hairstyle implies flowers, then they must be ordered together with the bouquet in the same color scheme.

Pay special attention to the handle of the bouquet. You should be comfortable holding it. Flowers look beautiful on their own stems.

Flowers should not have a strong scent; by the end of the day it will only irritate the bride and can cause a severe headache.

The shape can be different. If the bride is calm and balanced, a round shape will suit her. If the young lady is extraordinary, then you can pick up an original solution: it will be in the form of a cone, an umbrella, a bracelet on her arm or a garland of fresh flowers around her neck or a falling bouquet.

Choose a bridal bouquet for your type of appearance:

  • for a blonde with light eyebrows, soft low roses, milky, pink tulips, pale blue hydrangeas are suitable.
  • girls with a peach complexion and blond hair are suitable for bright pink, rich red, purple roses or tulips.
  • if you have ash hair and bright eyes, choose bright flowers for the bouquet.
  • for girls with brown, red or light brown hair, flowers of autumn red-orange shades are suitable.

Try to choose flowers for the bouquet in accordance with the season of the wedding. It will look appropriate and natural.

How to properly hold a wedding bouquet

It must be kept at the level of the abdomen, tilted slightly away from you. Use your palms to close the bouquets or flower stalks. Flowers with long stems are worn on a bent elbow. A cascading bouquet is worn at the waist level, strictly straight.

Order flowers from a professional florist two to three weeks before the wedding. During this time, they will have time to prepare and think over important details.

Since, according to tradition, at the end of the wedding, flowers are thrown to unmarried girlfriends, you can make a backup bouquet.

Who knows when exactly the tradition of giving flowers arose, and how many hundreds of years it is, but today a luxurious bouquet is an essential attribute of any holiday. Whether we congratulate each other on a birthday, anniversary, anniversary, wedding or christening - it is customary to present the hero of the occasion with a bouquet of roses, tulips or wildflowers. And if we consider men to be the stronger sex and do not really indulge in floral gifts, then a woman and beautiful flowers are simply created for each other.

However, when it comes to the beautiful half of humanity, it is not necessary to wait for the festive date in order to amuse the lady with a flower arrangement. A bouquet of roses, presented without any reason, will tell a woman that she is attractive and desirable; will cheer her up and allow her to shine with all shades of joy: after all, it is incredibly pleasant to know that you are admirable!

It is not necessary to run to the florist and order a bouquet with delivery. Electronic pictures will help to impress the lady.

Beautiful photos with cute inscriptions are no worse than fresh flowers. And how quickly the addressee will receive the gift! You just thought about how great it would be to give a cute girl (although why a girl? Mom or grandmother will be no less pleased) with a bunch of field daisies, but she has already received a postcard. And no bustle of shopping!

Environmental issues are very often raised today. In this light, pictures and photos of flowers look much more advantageous than their natural counterparts. The flowers on the card are practically immortal, they do not need to be watered, sadly watching how they wither day by day. This is a memorable photo that will stay with its owner forever.

No flower shop offers you such an assortment. You can choose from classic luxurious roses, noble lilies, delicate orchids, dreamy chrysanthemums. And all this splendor is available in different shades!

What should be the perfect bouquet? In our photos you will find all possible options, large and miniature, a riot of colors and laconicism on a strict background. Bright wrapping paper, colored ribbons, a cute basket - any frame for beauties, be it roses or tulips.

Perhaps you prefer the natural beauty of wildflowers to the luxurious arrogance of greenhouse beauties? Then you will like photos of delicate field daisies, modest violets, brooding bells, playful cornflowers. Once upon a time, just such flowers were given to mothers, congratulating them on their birthday, or to girls for whom they had deep feelings.

Collecting beautiful compositions is not an easy task. This is an art, because each flower is individual, and not all representatives of the flora go well with each other. But our photos are a delight for any florist. Here you can find examples of different designs, and each bouquet looks like it makes you want to exclaim: “Great”! You will love all kinds of combinations of roses, lilies, orchids and tulips with decorative elements, because any, even the most noble flower, looks completely different against the background of field herbs, berries or fruits.

Presenting a gorgeous floral arrangement is only half the battle. If you want to congratulate a person on his birthday or other significant event in his life in this way, you will need beautiful words. Therefore, we have selected pictures with inscriptions for you. Our photos will help you to congratulate your loved one in an original way on any occasion: birthday, anniversary or anniversary. Elegant pictures with touching inscriptions on a white background are a great way to surround a birthday person or just a dear person with attention.

For those who appreciate bright colors, you can choose an animated postcard. Flickering and warm words inscribed on a white background are an excellent birthday greetings, the holiday will only become more fun. And if you want to give a postcard for no reason, this option will be all the more appropriate, because a drop of joy can completely color a gray ordinary day in warm tones of happiness.

It is not for nothing that women prefer a bouquet of flowers to all signs of attention. These marvelous plants, which have absorbed the light of the sun, midday warmth and freshness of dew, simply cannot but evoke positive emotions. And most importantly, there are so many of them! Everyone can choose a bouquet to their liking. Unfortunately, some options are not always available (we are talking about wildflowers, which are difficult to find in the cold season). But wonderful pictures are always available. This means that you can give joy all year round!

Holidays are a great excuse to have fun, take a break from the hustle and bustle and gray everyday life. Besides, holidays are almost always gifts! Undoubtedly, it is very pleasant to receive surprises and various pleasant things from loved ones. A gift that will always be relevant and that will appeal to every girl and woman is a huge bouquet of roses.

Rose is the queen of flowers. She is popular at all times. Its beauty is inexhaustible, and its pleasant aroma is simply dizzy. You will definitely not go wrong if you decide to give your beloved girlfriend, wife, relative, friend or colleague a huge bouquet of roses. You can be sure that your gift will impress and be remembered for a long time.

When composing a bouquet, it is important to take into account the number of flowers, their color, shape and type of buds. Roses with the same shape and size of buds look great in a bouquet.

Since ancient times, there has been a so-called "language of flowers", with the help of which you can convey feelings and any messages. Roses have their own language and their own designations.

White roses have always been considered a symbol of innocence and purity. They express sincere, pure, strong and faithful love. According to the myths of various peoples, all roses in ancient times were white and over time they turned red from a kiss and turned crimson from blood. A huge bouquet of white roses is a wonderful gift for the fair sex of any age. White roses are often presented for weddings. In addition, the bridal bouquet is often made up of white roses.

They symbolize love, loyalty and respect. Scarlet roses are given to people who are admired and loved. A fully opened red rose bud is nothing more than a confession of passionate, strong love that knows no boundaries. A slightly opened scarlet bud speaks of tender, quivering feelings. A huge bouquet of red roses looks very impressive and elegant. You can present such a gift to a person whom you love very much and passionately, to a person without whom you cannot imagine life.

Symbolizes sympathy, gratitude, admiration and tender emotions. Pink roses are a sign of hidden love. They also symbolize sophistication and elegance. The bud also affects the meaning of the hidden message. Fully blossoming rose buds are presented to people from whom they want complete trust. Unopened soft pink buds express sympathy.

The number of roses in a bouquet also plays an important role in the meaning of the gift. One red rose for a long time means a declaration of love. The huge bouquet of roses undoubtedly expresses special gratitude. Twelve roses are given as a sign of respect, love and gratitude. Twenty-five is a great holiday gift. Fifty roses symbolize eternal love.

A huge bouquet of roses is an exquisite, chic gift that any woman will highly appreciate. This is a universal present that will not look trite and will never lose its relevance. With a bouquet of roses, you can express your feelings and add happiness, sparkle and

Each of us, at least once in our life, had to choose flowers for loved ones, mothers, and maybe just teachers or bosses. And every time you have to think about what flowers to give, so that you would be understood correctly. And it's not only about the price, but also about the fact that each flower has its own meaning and symbolism.

A correctly selected bouquet can quite without words, say what you would not dare to say out loud. For example, red roses are a symbol of passion and attraction, just like white jasmine.

But today we will talk about another flower, about a symbol of pristine purity and innocence, a symbol of mystery and silence, a symbol of tender and inviolable love, namely love - not passion, because it is a bouquet of these flowers that is presented to the bride before going down the aisle and mother and baby. It's about a white bouquet of roses.

White roses have long been a symbol of purity and innocence, as well as sacrament. Therefore, if you are thinking of what to give the mother of your newborn baby, undoubtedly present a bouquet of blossoming white roses. It is such a bouquet that will mean gratitude, admiration. These flowers will emphasize that she is still as pure and innocent for you as a baby in her arms.

Whom to give a bouquet of white roses to?

If you want to show your your affection and love for the girl, you should give white rose bouquet of barely blossoming buds and a sprig of pink jasmine- he will emphasize and without words tell how important the girl is to you, what a huge role she plays in your life. The buds will emphasize her youth and the eternity of your relationship, and a sprig of pink jasmine will emphasize not only the spiritual part of your relationship, but also your tender attitude.

But never give white rose bouquet on a first date or if you are not serious about your girlfriend, this can be perceived as being too hasty and distrustful of your feelings. In addition, your "move" can give hope, although in fact there can be no question of true feelings.

There is another interesting combination, this two roses closely tied together with one ribbon, contrary to all superstitions, two roses are not a symbol of mourning, but a symbol of loyalty and hope, most often such a bouquet is given to a girl at an engagement, in the hope of a long and unbreakable relationship. A blooming red rose is suitable for such a bouquet, as a symbol of a passionate and strong man, and a barely blooming white rose is a symbol of a gentle and divine girl. And if your chosen one is in position, do not forget in this bouquet also a small pink bud or a twig with small buds.

And, of course, it turns out very wonderful. bouquets of white roses with painted edges- it means a slight admixture of your feelings ... For example, pink edges of a rose mean tenderness, and a little greenish - hope for the longevity of your relationship, etc.

Now let's talk about flowers and superstitions.

For example, it is believed that in Asian countries white is a symbol of mourning. That is, having presented a girl from this part of the world, white rose bouquet, you will offend her and even offend her.

You should not give girls large white chrysanthemums or white lotus flowers, these are really those flowers that help the soul to get into a better world and are a symbol of innocence and rebirth of the soul.

There is also a belief that even number of colors this is presented only in the case of mourning, it is also not so. If your event has an even numerical value, for example - two years of relationship or your sister turns twenty-two, do not be afraid to buy a bouquet of the required number of roses. Just when forming a bouquet, do not forget to add a twig of small flowers, or just shorten the stem of one of the roses by a couple of centimeters.

There are also a few rules that apply to any bouquet. You should never give a wilted bouquet - this is a sign of disrespect and loss of attraction and interest in the person being gifted. Always make sure that all the heads on the flowers are present in your bouquet, especially for bouquets of medium-sized flowers, for example - chrysanthemums, the presence of a head without a head is a wish for trouble for a person. And always before giving a bouquet, ask how the person feels about cut flowers (there are people who do not like flowers or only love seasonal flowers) and whether he has any allergies.

And most importantly, don't forget to give flowers just like that. After all, in order to confess love and gratitude, you do not need to wait for the holiday, right?