Monster High dolls. What is monster high

Monster High (Monster high) is a mutt serial, a school of monsters, children of famous parents. Each character has their own legend based on their personal diaries and the Monster High book series. The cartoon is very instructive, teaches children to be friendly, not to be afraid to take the initiative, to accept themselves as they are and to believe in the best.

Monster High dolls
Monster High dolls were also released, the body of the Monster High dolls is original, unlike any other that existed before. They are taller than Bratz and shorter than Barbie and My Scene - 26.5 cm in height (28 cm for male dolls). The young men are not particularly tall, but for their proportion they look quite normal. They are taller than monster girls, but not taller than a regular Barbie doll.
All monsters have noticeably enlarged heads with stylized faces of cartoon characters - large eyes, a small nose and plump lips. The bodies are also distinguished by a special stylization: the upper part of the body is much smaller and narrower than the lower one, the back has a clear deflection, the hips are disproportionate to the chest. Mobility is very good, all fingers are separated from each other (spread out), the bodies have 11 points of articulation: neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees in girls, and in boys, in addition, the feet are articulated. Also, the elbows and hands are detachable to make changing clothes easier. Bodies are made of ABS plastic, heads and arms are made of soft PVC. Each doll has its own, different from the usual skin tone (blue, pale pink, gray, light green, etc.), can have piercings and tattoos, each character has its own unique head shape (mold). Mold may be different even for the same character, for example, it happened with Draculaura in the Pajama series. Other parts of the body may also differ, for example, the hands - at the Lagoon there are membranes between the fingers. The hair is stitched, made from saran or nylon fibers.
The official release took place in July 2010.

Monster High is a series of dolls created by the American company Mattel and released in July 2010. The characters in the series are based on the movies about monsters - fantastic thrillers about other creepy organisms. The Monster High dolls were created by designer Garrett Sander from illustrations by Kelle Riley and Glen Hanson. Looking for an idea, the creators of the dolls went shopping for girls and noticed that many of them were buying gothic fashion items such as skulls, chains and black clothes. In addition, they liked the fact that the monstrous characters have more freedom for actions and actions that ordinary children are not capable of.

The author of books about monsters is Lisi Harrison, who has written 4 books about the adventures and adventures of the heroes of the toy series. The characters in the books are related or descendants of recognized, venerable monsters such as Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, Medusa, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, zombies and many other wonderful guys.

The monthly magazines "School of Monsters" are published with various interesting attachments.

The typical dimensions of the dolls are approximately 27 centimeters. Their bodies are made of plastic. The dolls have a variety of skin colors, including blue, green, orange, and pink. Each doll has its own style and personality, and each has the attributes of the monsters to which it belongs.

A variety of consumer products have been created based on the Monster School puppet series, such as stationery, bags, key chains, assorted toys, play sets, video games, television programs, web series and films.


One of the most effective ways to market baby products, especially dolls, is to create animated series. In this aspect, the Monster High doll series is no exception. Cartoon is the main vehicle through which new characters and accessories grab the audience's attention.

In May 2010, a dedicated Monster High website was launched, which publishes online animated episodes of Monster High. Website visitors can access games, character bios, some downloads, and a few more events.

American animation studio W! LDBRAIN, based in Los Angeles and New York, has specialized in so-called web flash animation since 1995. From 2010 to 2012, this company released the first 15 episodes of the cartoon "School of Monsters". Subsequent episodes were produced by other animation studios. To date, 6 seasons of the animated web series have been released. Several Nickelodeon TV cartoons and video animations have also been released on Monster High themes.

Animation based on Monster High

Animated series "School of Monsters" 2010.

"School of Monsters" is a series about children and other relatives of famous monsters and geeks such as Dracula and Frankenstein. Lovely children steadfastly endure the hardships and hardships of the school educational process ...

In this amazing educational institution gathered, frankly, an amusing audience. Granite of school sciences is gnawed by descendants of prominent monsters and other evil spirits: the son of the Gorgon Medusa, the daughter of Cthulhu, the Bigfoot, Dracula, the offspring of Frankenstein and the Invisible Man ... Their classmates and school friends match these cute creatures. There is nowhere to spit - you will either fall into a zombie or a ghost!

The characters in the animated series have pronounced hereditary traits. Dracula's daughter with the cheerful name Draculaura for some reason no one sees in the mirror. The Gorgonian son hides his eyes behind dark lenses of sunglasses, he is afraid to transform his classmates into a pebble, and the rest of the schoolchildren are not without abilities. That's how they live!

Not only are the guys themselves dangerous to those around them, there are no less funny characters at the school who are just waiting for the moment to ruin the children’s already difficult learning process.

For those who are already bored of cartoons about dolls, pigs and horses, this series will be in place. Cartoon "School of Monsters" came out quite watchable and even somewhere exciting.

In general, this is an ordinary school, despite the name: girls in short skirts with bright make-up on their faces do the devil in the classroom, just not to study. A new student appears at the school - Frankenstein's daughter Frankie, respectively, with the last name Stein. She gets to know other students who accept her into the team quite well. Everything is as usual - study, struggle for leadership, conflicts with adults ...

TV series Monster High - Season 2

In the second season of the cartoon "School of Monsters" new characters appear - Laguna Blue, Deuce, Cleo and Cloud. All teenagers are different: Cleo is groovy, daring and proactive; Deuce Gorgon is haughty and arrogant; Laguna Blue is sane, reserved and welcoming; Cloud is charming and lucky. Together they complement each other, which helps them in solving school problems and helps to cope with difficult circumstances. Young people have matured a little, but they are still far from their parents, who are not characterized by warmth and mercy. This season, the monsters have worldly wisdom and logical thinking, a tendency to deliberate actions, but they are still children - they are overwhelmed with vivid emotions.

TV series Monster High - Season 3

In the third season of the animated series "Monster High" the plot is no less exciting and curious. Time flies by at school, and every new day, fate brings new challenges to the young monsters. In the third season, various plot moves and intrigues intersect, the musical accompaniment and funny voice acting pleases. Discerning teachers are tormented, trying to teach the main characters magical skills in the transcendental world, and boring activities are of little interest to children. After all, besides studying, there are so many interesting things around, and not very much children want to learn the skills of their evil ancestors. Here the monsters have completely matured, live their own lives, and in the near future they will have to choose their own path in life.

In the fourth season of the animated series "Monster High High", the characters who have liked the audience again and again find themselves in difficult situations, while they are full of cheerfulness, cordiality, friendliness and optimism. Fairly matured offspring of mummies, jellyfish, werewolves and ghouls continue to comprehend and hone the skills of magic craft in "Monster High". At the same time, oddly enough, adolescents do not lose the ability to do good deeds, help friends and take responsibility for their actions. Doubt creeps in that, having studied at the school of monsters, the youth will reach the heights of their ancestors - evil ghouls who terrified those around them in their best years.

Monster High cartoons

Cartoon "School of Monsters: New Scum of the School"

"Monster School" film of 2010 - this short animated film appeared on television screens and became for fans an original surprise for the celebration of Halloween from the authors of the Monster High series.

In an unusual school, a new student, usual for this educational institution, appeared. The new girl's name is Frankie Stein. The entire film is a story about the first days of Frankie Stein's school. All the first five days of Frankie's studies are described in detail, during which she adapts and looks for herself in a new team. Until she met the kind Laguna Blue, who advised her not to show off in front of new classmates, but to be just herself, Frankie had difficulty making contacts with young monsters. For some reason, following the advice of fashionable youth magazines did not lead to the expected results. And finally, on Friday, Frankie found a way to mend relationships with everyone ...

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Why Do Monsters Fall in Love?"

Draculaura is only having his 1600th birthday - an extra special occasion for throwing a party at Monster High! But her pleasant expectations lead to deadly results when she is faced with a choice between today's boyfriend Cloud and a vampire named Valentine, who just yesterday made a lasting impression on her. Draculaura must decide before the party which boy she likes best. All Draculaura's classmates fell in love with Valentine, but his goal is the birthday girl. It is her heart that he wants to steal, and in the literal sense. Will she find out about Valentine's sinister plan? Will her best friends be able to help her in a timely manner?

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Motor!"

Monster High: Fright On, a 2011 cartoon, is the second TV movie in the Monster High cartoons series.

Frankie Stein, Draculaura, Claudine, Cloud, Laguna Blue, Gulia and Cleo agreed to meet at the mall to watch the Twilight 4 movie. Waiting for the start, Gulia buys a cocktail for herself, but Cleo takes it from her and drinks it herself. Draculaura is late, she just wanted to buy some new outfits and accessories in boutiques. On reflection, a group of schoolchildren head to the theater, where by that time a long queue had formed. Witchers and bloodsuckers standing in line react rather strangely to the sight of the group, and Cloud finds the reason for this reaction in the fact that he, as a werewolf, is friends with the vampire Draculaura. But Laguna Blue finally figured out that the close attention to them was due to the fact that Draculaura had toilet paper stuck to his boot. The theater opens, and perky vampires and werewolves rush inside, pushing aside the monsters standing in line, stunned by such impudence ...

Cartoon "Monster School: Friday Night Scream"

The plot of the cartoon revolves around the competition in bone-breaking cross-country on roller skates. Last season the teams from the school of monsters and the team from the school of gargoyles "Granite City" reached the finals of the competition. The monster school boys team lost to the gargoyles. All team members from the school of monsters at the end of the final race received various injuries and went to the hospital. As a prize, the winners received the coat of arms of the school of monsters. The loss in the competition negatively affected the students of the monster school, and with the loss of the school emblem, its team spirit disappeared from the school.

Frankie Stein proposes to create a girls' cross country team. Intense training begins, and the girls decide to apply all the tricks and tricks that they know about from their parents and relatives. They will have to defeat the gargoyles and return its coat of arms to the school of monsters.

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Escape from the Island of Skulls"

Spring break begins at Monster High, and Laguna Blue invites its friends on a sea voyage to the Great Barrier Reef. On the way, they are attacked by the terrible ocean monster Kraken and the ship is wrecked, and the schoolchildren find themselves on a mysterious island shaped like a skull. At first, the guys liked the hospitality of the local population, but then they realize that they are being manipulated by a slippery guy named Bartleby Farnum. He wants to lure into a trap the rarest and most mysterious monster living somewhere near the island and use it for his own purposes. Meanwhile, the monster kidnaps Frankie Stein, but the story ends with Franky rescuing the Kraken from the trap and returning with him to Monster High. The cartoon reaches its climax when the students realize that Frankie accidentally led Farnum to the place of the greatest concentration of Monster High monsters, which Farnum has long wanted.

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Cool Girls"

The Monster High has a training session dedicated to Halloween. Frankie Stein, Draculaura, Claudine, Laguna Blue, Cleo and Gulia Yelps learn that on this holiday people love to pretend to be monster hunters. You can't fall for baits and fall into their traps. On this night, it is imperative to reliably hide from human eyes and not shine, making heroes out of yourself who bravely oppose the normals. This is fraught with bad, gloomy consequences. The girls were horrified by what they saw in the training film. Gorgon reacted with disbelief to the seriousness of the situation, believing that the educational film had lost its relevance over the years. The teacher tried to enlighten the youth: history is time-tested and it is necessary to study it thoroughly and in detail. At the end of the lesson, friends have a lively discussion on how to survive the eerie Halloween night, because normal boobies arrived in Monster High and braided the school with a white ribbon, threatening to arrange an "unforgettable celebration" for the students.

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Skarizh - the city of fear"

When Claudine Wolff gets the opportunity to become a student of legendary fashion designer Mona de Lacostier, she and her Monster High best friends immediately pack their bags, grab their suitcases and jump on a plane to France in the beautiful town of Skariz. In this charming town, Claudine plunges into the world of fashion, and, fiercely competing with Skelita Calaveras and Jennifer Long, gradually begins to lose her special style, following the instructions of her mentor. The world of fashion turns out to be not at all as tender and pink as Claudine imagined. This is how the incredible adventure begins in Scaris ...

Cartoon "School of Monsters: 13 Wishes"

The new story about the school of monsters begins with the fact that Frankie Stein shares with his friends a story about a certain genie, Gigi, who lives in a lamp and can fulfill desires if summoned. The girlfriends discuss the desires they would like to fulfill in the new school year.

Claudine Wolff has a younger sister, Howlin. And it is she who accidentally finds the lamp in which Gigi lives. It turns out that Gigi is ready to fulfill as many as thirteen wishes of the mistress of the lamp. Howlin decides to take advantage of Gigi's opportunities and becomes immensely popular. In the course of the fulfillment of desires at school, a real mess begins, and already in the twelfth wish, Howlin wants to return everything to its place. Here's how much fun!

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Monster Mutations"

Frankie Stein and his girlfriends accidentally found a time machine in one of the closed laboratories of the school. Trying to help Frankie Stein learn more about her bizarre scars, school monsters travel back in time to 1814, the opening day of Monster High. There they meet Sparky, a young scientist who studied at the school of monsters in the 19th century. Sparky is obsessed with the desire to create technologies for the artificial creation of life. When Sparky and her monster friends are sent back to modernity, the time machine breaks down, or maybe the girls pressed the wrong button. But be that as it may, as a result of this incident, an incredible event occurred. There were eight of them - and suddenly there were four! It turned out to be some kind of hybrid monsters. Draculaura merged with Robecca, Claudine with Venus, and got Drakubekka and Clovener. And how to continue to live now?

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Monsters! Camera! Motor!"

Most of the Monster High students watch the new movie "The Vampire Queen" one day before class. Draculaura is among them, she openly criticizes the inaccuracies she noticed in the film, which greatly annoys the audience. Her friends ask her to tell them the real story of vampires in Transylvania, where Draculaura grew up. The girl told her friends that vampires find their leader by listening to "Vampire Heart" - a magical artifact that helps to find the rightful ruler of vampires and lights up in his presence. Friends agreed that the story told by Draculaura was more interesting than in the films about vampire queens.

Meanwhile, in Transylvania, the prime minister and interim vampire leader Lord Stoker is in trouble. There has been no real queen in Transylvania for four hundred years. His own niece Elissabat should have ruled, but she escaped and no one knows her current whereabouts. Continuing his own reign, Stoker pretends to be looking for a real queen for centuries. However, the Royal Court of Vampire Dignitaries is tired of waiting and threatens to replace him if he fails to present the rightful queen soon. And then he remembers Draculaura ...

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Boo York, Boo York"

Residents of the city of Boo York are preparing for a long-awaited and rare event in the life of the city - the arrival of a comet with magical powers. In connection with this incredible and joyful event, festivities are being prepared in the city. The best artists and singers are engaged in the celebrations, including the performances of the Monster High musical group included in the celebration program.

The invitation has been received, the costumes and props have been collected, and the girls from Monster High head to Boo York to show their musical on Bloodway.

Upon arrival in the city of the comet, it turns out that the alien girl Astranova flew with it. She perfectly fits into the musical group from "Monster High" and their musical enthralls the celebrating townspeople.

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Ghostly"

Dejected by the lack of any gossip in Monster High, Specter is looking for some news to post on his blog. Toralei tells her a rumor about ghosts in the form of fleas that have appeared at the school. This rumor leaves the students in shock, and Spectra observes the effect she has made by letting the rumor go.

Some time later, Draculaura begins to notice a ghost everywhere, literally haunting and frightening her. It turned out that the ghost is alien. For help, Draculaura turned to the Specter, who herself is a real ghost. Spectra was surprised at this behavior of the ghost, annoying Draculaura, because the actions of the ghost seemed to her inappropriate to the ghostly rules. Deciding to find out who it is overstepping the bounds of decency, the Specter goes to the Spirit World. Monster girls decide to follow her in search of new experiences.

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Great Terrible Reef"

After some dramatic events that happened to Laguna Blue, she still organizes a party at the request of the Torales. However, Toralei, who was the initiator of the party, does not immediately fall for it, because Laguna decided to take revenge on her for past ridicule. After Toralei nevertheless finds himself among the monsters having fun at the party, a small conflict occurs between her and Laguna, as a result of which the whole company ends up in the pool. The whirlpool that has arisen in the pool, apparently due to the sudden opening of the drain hole, pulls the monsters under the water. In the water, they take the form of mermaids, and their journey through the underwater world begins, which leads them to the Great Terrible Reef ...

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Welcome to School of Monsters"

In the center of the events unfolding in the cartoon, the little girl Draculaura is the daughter of the famous vampire Dracula. The vampire dad, to the best of his ability, brings up his daughter and teaches her various vampire skills, for example, how to turn into a bat and fly. After several unsuccessful attempts, dad Dracula despaired, and they went to a neighboring city, where, walking the streets, dad explains to his daughter that it is too dangerous for her to be among people. Draculaura complains that she never leaves her home and knows nothing about the big outside world. Returning home, Draculaura writes on her blog (which has no subscribers) a video about how she wants to have friends. After a while, someone knocks on the front door for the first time in several years. She opens up and meets Frankenstein's daughter. Apparently, Frankie Stein watched as Draculaura walked with her dad around the city. Draculaura invites her to stay in the mansion and tells Frankie about his passionate desire to go to school, like all normal children do. From this began the school for monsters in the mansion of the vampire Dracula ...

Cartoon "School of Monsters: Energized"

The new cartoon "Monster High" 2017 begins with the fact that Draculaura informs friends in his blog about a monster who has turned to her and needs help. The friends teleport to the human city, where they find Sylvie Timberwolf, who is being pursued by a group of people. Using their magical powers, the monsters distract people and lead Sylvie to Monster High.

After Sylvie befriends other Monster High students, Frankie Stein begins a project she is working on in a science class. The project concerns the creation of a battery that can hold a charge for a whole year. She thinks that it will be useful for both people and monsters.

In turn, Claudine dreams of creating a fashion salon where monsters and people can come together. The girlfriends liked the idea of ​​creating such a salon, and Frankie immediately suggests using an abandoned power station to open a fashion salon there ...

Monster High, characters

There are many characters who study at Monster High School. Female characters are classified as Ghouls and male characters are classified as Monsters. Characters are usually the sons and daughters of monsters known from popular fiction.

There are six main characters:

  • Frankie Stein- a girl with white hair with black stripes, a face the color of ice cream with mint. Her body is made up of many different parts. In addition, she is slightly awkward, kind and sympathetic with everyone.
  • Claudine Wolff- is the daughter of a werewolf. She is white and fluffy, sociable and sweetheart, loves fashionable clothes and enjoys fashion design.
  • Cleo de Nile- is the daughter of the mummy of Ramses de Nile. She is the captain of the wrestling sports team. Cleo prefers accessories with light gold bandages. She has a boyfriend named Deuce Gorgon.
  • Draculaura- vampire, daughter of Count Dracula. She is vegan and faints at the sight of blood.
  • Gulia Yelps- the daughter of a zombie, personal assistant to Cleo de Nile. She is very smart, but can only speak the zombie language, which consists of moans and wheezes.
  • Blue Lagoon- the daughter of Jill-man (a creature from the Black Lagoon) and a sea nymph. The lagoon speaks with an Australian accent and can communicate with aquatic animals. She has a relationship with Gil Webber.

Monster High toys

The main toys are Monsters High dolls. The dolls have many skin tones, including blue, green, orange, and pink. Each doll has its own style and personality, and each has the attributes of the monsters to which it belongs (for example, fangs, stitches, wolf ears, fins, bandages, snakes). Each doll comes with a unique haircut and unique outfit, although sometimes a piece of clothing or accessory can be reused with minor modifications to another doll. Some dolls are only sold in a few packages or in sets. Almost always, there are diaries or magazines for dolls in the package with the doll.

Dolls usually belong to a thematic series. A series is a collection of dolls, fashion bags, toys or combinations of dolls and sets that have a specific thematic focus, for example, beach, fashion, fantasy, shopping mall, party, sports, school.

There are several series of toys that complement the Monster High dolls. The most famous of them are "Create a Monster", "Inner Monster", "Plush Friends".

"Create a Monster", "Inner Monster" is a series of doll parts, clothes and accessories. The lines are divided into starter packs, add-on packs and play packs, each of which is special. These are, one might say, constructors for playing dolls. The dolls assembled in this way look constructively and visually the same as ordinary dolls.

Accessories for dolls are almost guaranteed to be interchangeable, but doll clothes are interchangeable only in some cases.

Based on the cartoons, the Monster School play set has been released for sale, which is a house for dolls on 2 floors and has six play zones, which fans of cartoons will immediately recognize. In fact, there are a lot of play sets on sale: Monster High Kitchen Set for Girls, Frankie Stein Dressing Table, Terrible Housekeeping Furniture Set, Draculaura Machine, Blue Lagoon Shower and others.

Songs and music "Monster High"

The main song in the monster school cartoons "Song of Horror" is the original Monster High song, used mainly as an intro song for cartoons, that is, the song that sounds at the beginning of the cartoon when the credits are shown. The song appeared in this form in May 2010, but in its full form it appeared only in August 2010, at the same time a music video was released.

In June 2013 a new hit song "We Are Monster High" was presented. The song was uploaded to the main website on top of the "Fright Song", even the lyrics of which were removed. Thus, the new song "We Are Monster High" replaced the "Song of Fear".

The most "musical" cartoon about the school of monsters is, of course, "School of Monsters: Boo York, Boo York". It is in it that a musical created by monster schoolgirls for the celebrations of the comet's arrival in the city of Boo York is shown. The soundtrack for this cartoon has as many as ten original songs.

Video Games "Monster High"

The first video game based on Monster High, Monster High: Spirit of the Ghouls, was released in October 2011. It is available for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii platforms. The plot of the game is that the player becomes a new "ghoul" in the school of monsters and must win the friendship of other students and the sympathy of teachers. The player is given a map, accessories and a guide in the form of Draculaura's bat. The player is invited to complete a variety of tasks offered by the schoolchildren by monsters in order to gain popularity at school.

In October 2013, a game called Monster High: 13 Wishes went on sale. Players in the role of Frankie Stein must free their friends from the magic lamp during the game, collecting thirteen fragments of the magic mirror. In November 2015, the game "School of Monsters: New Ghoul at School" appeared, which was released for the Xbox-360, PlayStation-3 and Wii-U platforms.

If you like cartoons about the school of monsters, then a lot of video games with the main characters of "Monster High" are offered on specialized websites. Games for girls "Monster High" are divided into several groups: action, dress up, hairstyles, makeup, coloring. Another part of the games is divided according to cartoon plots. In the third part of the game, they are grouped according to the characters "Monster High".

Adventure games "Monster High" united by one task: you need to move around the game world, fight enemies, guess riddles, get rid of the captivity of friends, moving to a higher level. In this series of games, perhaps the most famous is "Monster High on Rollers", the main task in which is to control the heroine of the Operetta, go down underground and, having fun walking, overcome all the difficulties that will meet in large numbers on the way.

As usual, the most popular games among girls are Monster High dress up games. You can try to dress up the heroes of the game so that they look no less impressive than in famous animated films.

Monster High Makeover Games provide the player with the opportunity to act as a make-up artist and create a unique make-up for the beloved heroines of the "School of Monsters" - Draculaura, Cleo, Frankie Stein and other girls.

Monster High Coloring Games suitable for the smallest fans of monster girls. You can paint your favorite character in such a way that hardly anyone will recognize him without the player's comments.

Test game "Who are you from Monster High?"... Which Monster High character do you look like? You have the opportunity to take an online test, as a result of which you can correlate yourself with one of the heroines of the "School of Monsters". The test is easy to pass: you need to honestly answer a few questions, after receiving the answers to which the game will tell you which of the "Monster High" you most resemble.

Today the total number of all kinds of games on the theme of "School of Monsters" is probably at least a hundred.

Public criticism and perception

In Western countries, about the "School of Monsters" usually sounds the same criticism as about the Barbie doll and its analogues: this is the unnatural sexuality of the characters, the imposition of excessive thinness on the fans, the cult of irrepressible consumption. It is also debated, as has been the case lately, that Monster High's characters are frivolous, mostly white, wealthy teenagers.

For example, a certain blogger Ellie Lipkin gives some kind of reference criticism: “The brand has good inclinations. It certainly has the potential to convey to adolescents the ideas of the normality of differences between people and the wider boundaries of acceptance. But, alas, everything turned out the other way around. The main characters walk around in high-heeled shoes, tighten wasp waists and prefer super feminine hairstyles. The next chewing on the themes of popularity, fashion, rivalry, attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex and sexuality in general brings only disappointment ... "

Critics of Monster High in Russia largely agree with Westerners in denying Monster High characters who are dressed up and wear bright makeup like girls with low social responsibility. However, in our country, the main complaint is still different. The main arguments of critics from Russia are rejection of games with the dead, violation of moral prohibitions, instilling ideas about the magnificence of the afterlife and the usualness of "evil spirits" in the normal world. Most parents are worried about the games of children with toy vampires and skeletons. Therefore, the main objects of parental criticism are the characters closest to that world - the Skeleton Calaveras, the vampire Dracula, the mummy Cleo de Nile and Frankie Stein covered in scars. The rest of the relatively neutral characters are of little concern to critics. For many, only the formal signs of monsters matter. They say that the daughters bought the coveted Draculaura with the obligatory condition to erase the doll's vampire fangs.

Despite the above criticism, in general, both toys and animation were received by the public quite condescendingly and benevolently. Moreover, in our country, where all these Dracula, Frankenstein, mummies, ghosts of the opera and other ghouls are not very popular and known. We have our own witches, water, goblin and kikimors, and in our popular cartoons Vitya from the House of Pioneers will always find a common language with his own Grandmother Yaga.

Interesting facts about the cartoons "Monster High"

All the characters in the cartoon "Monster High" are somewhat extravagant and peculiar, and they all have their own characteristics and quirks. When watching cartoons, the viewer often does not notice many interesting details.

  • Monster High has special classes for students who can only leave school at night.
  • In cartoons with original voice acting, Draculaura's speeches show a slight Romanian accent, and Laguna Blue, respectively, has an Australian accent.
  • Gulia Yelps uses only zombie language in cartoons, but everyone understands her perfectly.
  • Gulia Yelps has a favorite owl, Sir Uh-uh Lot. This pupil of her sometimes labors as a courier, because Gulia is extremely slow.
  • Cleo de Nile knows how to talk to snakes.
  • The collection of Deuce Gorgon glasses numbers more than 300 pieces.
  • It turns out that Deuce Gorgon is good at and loves to cook, while for his friends this is a secret.
  • Laguna Blue often uses a small bag - in fact, this is an aquarium in which she carries her favorite piranha.
  • Hyde Hold got a black Yin-Yang tattoo on his back.
  • The favorite clothing material for Spectra Wondergeist is natural silk.
  • Abby Bominable is a creature that needs to keep its body temperature below 0 degrees Celsius, for which an ice pendant constantly dangles around her neck.
  • Toralei Stripe easily reproduces the voice of any student at Monster High.
  • After swimming in the school pool, the hair at the Blue Lagoon turns blue due to the treatment of water with chlorine for disinfection.
  • Spectra Wondergeist is always the first to hear news and rumors from Monster High, using its ability to penetrate walls.
  • Operetta has a house spider, Mamphis Daddy, whose hairstyle is very similar to that of the famous singer Elvis Presley.

« Monster High School"(Eng. Monster high) is an American series of fashion dolls created by Garrett Sander (eng. Garrett sander) and illustrated by Kelly Riley (eng. Kellee Riley). The official release took place in July 2010. The characters in this series are inspired by horror films and classic monster stories, making Monster High stand out from other fashion dolls. The Monster High line is believed to compete with Barbie, even though both brands are owned by Mattel. Most of the characters in the series are associated with the images of famous monsters such as Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, Werewolf, Mummy, Phantom of the Opera, Banshee, etc.

The Monster High brand also produces other products with common characters and styles: plush toys, bags, key chains, and other types of toys. Accessories (doll trivia) are attached to the dolls.

On October 25, 2011, a video game was released in support of the series Monster High: Ghoul Spirit designed for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii platforms. There is also a series-related app Ghoul box for iPad and iPhone.

Lizzie Harrison has written four books about the adventures of the characters in the series (with the addition of her own). Also, four-volume books were published by Gitty Daneshwari. The Monster School Magazine, a monthly with attachments, is in progress.

On the official website of the series, launched on May 5, 2010, episodes of the animated series Monster High are published. 10 films have also been released, 8 of which are 3D from Universal. 12 films will appear in the fall of 2015.

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    The height of the dolls is 25.5 cm, the boy dolls are slightly higher - 27.94 cm. The bodies are made of ABS plastic and equipped with 11 hinges, the heads are made of soft PVC. Most of the dolls have unique skin tones and facial sculpting. The hands and forearms are hinged, they are removable for easy dressing - the hands of the Monster High have spread fingers, narrow sleeves are difficult to pull on them without tearing. In addition, some dolls have raised forearms (like the fins of the Blue Lagoon). The fins on the legs of the doll are removable (you can put on trousers), on the hands they cannot be removed, they are solid. In 2015, Mattel released dolls with a height of 43 cm and 70 cm, which have more joints (points of articulation). Also released was an exclusive Amazon Internet service - Draculaura (English Draculaura), which has a hinge in the chest. In 2016, Mattel launched a brand reboot. The dolls have received a new drawing and proportions in figures that are closer to human proportions. The growth has remained the same. At the same time, Mattel began to produce more and more static dolls, without moving joints. The "monsters" are not the same anymore, this did not make the fans very happy! But, many began to get used to it and take a rebut. The older episodes are still popular with fans of the series.

    main characters

    Games with Monster High characters

    The company Little Orbit took over the creation. This company has created three games: Ghoul Spirit, Skultimate roller maze and 13 Wishes... Special Game Coming Soon Freaky fusion.

    Mattel teamed up with Blubox to create a smartphone game called Ghouls and jewels.

    It is also worth noting that the game has gained great popularity among browser flash games.

    Category: Monster High

    Over the past few years, the popularity of the cartoon Monster High has been growing. The characters in the cartoon are very specific and not understandable to everyone, especially adults. Therefore, there is a lot of controversy about the school of monsters, in which children and adolescents are in love with unconsciousness. Who and why invented the school of monsters? You have probably asked this question more than once. And if you are a true connoisseur, you will be interested in the history of monsters and reviews about the cartoon.

    Usually, books and cartoons appear first, and only then dolls and other themed toys. The history of the creation of Monster High dolls is completely different. The toys were created by Mattel (manufacturer of Barbie) back in 2010. As soon as the dolls appeared on the shelves, they became the favorites of the children and were instantly sold out.

    Now Monster High is a whole industry. Short and full-fledged cartoons, books, comics, T-shirts and clothes with the image of their favorite characters appeared. Every little princess dreams of becoming the happy owner of a bright and shocking monster high doll.

    But what about the half that is against the school of monsters, against vampires and werewolves in children's cartoons? After all, our parents cannot understand what teenagers find in "terrible" monsters when there are kinder characters. Parents are especially afraid of evil accessories, for example, an aigrobik (telephone) or a coffin bed. What are the reviews of psychologists?

    Psychologists say that the monster high will not do much harm to the child's psyche, especially if everything is done according to the rules. For example, dolls with a coffin bed are allowed for children after 14 years old, on other dolls there is a +6 limit. Parents will do more harm to the teenager by depriving him of toys that his peers play. Because it can have a bad effect on adaptation in the children's team. Remember, in childhood we were not forced to play with straw toys, which were played by grandparents. Each time has its own currents, its toys and heroes.

    Experts say that the parents themselves are to blame for the excessive addiction of children to cartoons, because they often try to keep their child busy by watching TV. As a result, teenagers cannot live without their habit. Experts advise spending more time talking with children, then this addiction will not arise.

    Monster High dolls are very attractive, fashionable, and most importantly, many of them are endowed with positive qualities. Of course, as in life, there are those who do bad things, sarcasm and gossip. It turns out that the cartoon teaches you to be friends, keep secrets, help others, take care of animals and show you how not to do it. Even controversial heroes have qualities worth learning.

    Only from the outside it may seem that this is a useless, harmful cartoon, but if you look closer, there are many interesting and necessary things. Parents should watch several episodes with their children, discuss them, talk and direct the child in the right direction.

    In fact, Monster High has many advantages, and you are convinced of this, in order to be sure I finally advise you to watch the cartoon. And I found only one drawback for myself, this is a high price, and then if you buy a doll in an online store, it will be cheaper.

    What is this song about by the charming Catty Noir from Monster High, a bright and talented singer?

    Hello dear readers! We continue our exciting journey through the school of monsters. Today we will meet a new heroine, she is a singer. She sings "Never Be Afraid" is a monster high Katy song ...