Summer fashion for overweight women. Summer fashion for overweight women A few tips for overweight girls

The main goal of the spring 2015 fashion trends for young plump women and overweight women is to create a modern, relaxed, bold, sexy, but elegant image, when the appearance remains at its best regardless of the circumstances. Fashionable clothes of a large-bodied lady - for sports, work, romantic dates, outdoor recreation, holidays - simply must be not only comfortable, but also stylish. Do not be afraid to destroy your own stereotypes, whispering to you that designer collections are for young, slender girls. Be fashionable, chic, bright, and then spring will give you its beautiful smile!

Dresses for fat women 2015

Nothing adds lightness and femininity like a dress! It is not a problem to choose a dress successfully, following a few simple rules: Floor-length dresses will visually lengthen and hide the imperfections of the legs. The high waist will hide the imperfections in the abdomen. The V-neck will stretch the neck and accentuate the chest. Vertical lines. But keep in mind that this will only work if they are rigid and perfectly flat, not curved. Wraparound dresses work the same way as V-necklines. You should not choose knitted dresses, because they are very tight-fitting and, in addition to emphasizing the merits, they will show, and rather even exaggerate, all the shortcomings. When choosing a dress with a print, it is better to give preference to large patterns, small ones will increase even more. The sleeve is better ¾ it visually balances the proportions. You should also not dwell on the problem areas of the long sleeve, let it be up to the elbow or not at all.

Stylish suits for full spring-summer 2015

Pantsuits made in the style of sporty chic look great on overweight girls - they consist of a free top and long, spacious trousers, complemented by longitudinal stripes on the sides. If the suit includes a skirt, then it is advisable to choose straight models. It can be complemented with stylish slits or zippers - just such a model is offered by Elena Miro.

Skirt for full

While we're on the subject of the waist, it’s worth mentioning the now legendary runway pencil skirt at the waist. She has been in trend for several seasons. And to reduce the waist, it is simply not replaceable. The main secret is to shift attention from the problem area to the merits. So - by drawing attention to the waist, we distract from the hips and abdomen, which are below. You also need to remember about the correct length - preferably not above the knees. This skirt also visually tightens the buttocks. A pleated maxi skirt will look spectacular. It will visually lengthen the legs. Such clothes may well be of bold juicy colors, but by no means light, they increase the volume.

Pants for plump

A good option for crumpets is oversized or wide trousers. They can be oversized, long or short. As well as wide ones with many folds of flowing fabrics. Both those and others are in fashion for the warm season of 2015.

Blousons, blouses for full 2015

A blouson is a great style for women in the body. It hides excess weight in the abdominal area and sits very nicely on the figure. If there is still a large detail on the clothes farther from the problem area and closer to the face or other part of the body, then this is just wonderful! For example, a large bow at the top of the product. A blouson with a length just above the knees, which does not restrict movement, is an excellent solution for you. A blouson sweater and pleating are also great options.

Jacket for overweight

For several seasons, the jacket has entered our life not only as an attribute of a business woman, but also as an indispensable element of every self-respecting fashionista. He works wonders. Long to mid-thigh, it hides excess volume in the abdomen and visually lengthens the legs, while emphasizing favorably the most important advantage of a magnificent figure - the chest. With a calm, restrained bottom in dark colors, the jacket may well be bright and rich. You should also pay attention when choosing a jacket and outerwear to more concise and strict styles. Excessive haberdashery and ruffles may not advantageously draw attention to problem areas. You can see photos of jackets suitable for full figures below.

Fashionable fabrics, colors and decor

For overweight girls, clothes made of smooth fabrics are perfect, since bouclé and pile materials will make their figure more massive. Knitwear, leather, silk, lace, cotton, guipure, linen, wool are perfect. In order not to make the figure more voluminous, you will have to abandon the actual shiny fabrics. As for the color solutions, restrained shades will be the ideal option, but it is quite possible to afford a fairly rich noble palette. It is advisable to choose medium-sized prints. If we talk about decorative elements, then they should be as laconic as possible, although elegant dresses can be decorated with flounces or ruffles, which help to hide the contours of the figure. Correctly selected clothes will hide the imperfections of your body shapes and look amazingly impressive in the coming season ...

Fashion for overweight girls and women: accessories spring-summer 2015

Accessories are an integral part of every woman's image. In 2015, bright colors and large elements became the trend of the spring-summer season. For obese girls and women, it is extremely important to choose the right accessories - additional large details can divert attention from the fullness and emphasize the individuality of the image.

Earrings with large artificial stones, brooches, rings, thin belts of dark color, glasses, as well as a handbag, will become wonderful accessories for obese women and girls in the spring-summer 2015 season. Fashion 2015 recommends bags of bright colors and various shapes for overweight girls. Both strict models of bags and ordinary classic clutches are acceptable, the main condition is the expressiveness of this accessory against the general background of the image.

Scarves become a wonderful accessory that gives full ladies femininity and grace. In the spring and summer of 2015, a very popular way to tie a scarf with a simple, light knot.

Fashion for obese women in our time is very democratic. And this is wonderful, since every woman now has the opportunity to choose not only a wardrobe that suits her figure, but also meets all fashion trends. Autumn-winter season 2015-16 will not bring dramatic changes, but some new notes will sound confidently. Some new options are offered in the upcoming cold season by the fashion for the full.

If your figure is different from the one that young models, walking on the catwalks, flaunt, do not be upset: you can very well emphasize your merits very advantageously using the little tricks suggested by the designers. Women with appetizing forms have always enjoyed the ardent love of real men. You just need to make a little effort, and you will create a wonderful harmonious image.

Fashionable coat for "plump" fall-winter 2015-2016

What does fashion offer for obese women in the coming autumn and winter? Let's consider outerwear first - after all, it is she who creates the first impression. What criteria should coats and fur coats meet? The main ones are:

The ability to keep warm;

Convenience and practicality;

Beautiful "appearance".

Fashion for overweight women of the fall 2015 - winter 2016 season allows the use of various styles and textures of fabrics. If you opt for a coat, then pay attention to the following models:

Semi-fitting style;

- "A-silhouette";

Single-breasted products.

It was once believed that long coats were the only true option for ladies with "Rubensian" shapes. Today, designers are increasingly inclined to a different point of view: they offer lush beauties to try on knee-length cropped coats. In the fall-winter 2015-2016 season, we will meet women on the city streets in very short coats - barely covering the hips. It would seem incredible, but it's a fact: this length often looks very good. But to achieve the desired effect, a number of conditions must be met:

Wear either tight pants or tights to match the shoes and a pencil skirt;

Pick up boots or ankle boots with a wide, stable heel.

The new coat will successfully “hide” excess weight if you choose a model with sleeves extending downward (by the way, the future “squeak of the season”), without a large number of patterns and, in general, any “color spots”, with a minimum of decorations and details. This does not apply to wide flounces: such an addition can add charm to the image. Pay attention also to the cuffs: if they are made of fabric of a contrasting color or patterned and colorful, this will distract attention from small flaws in the figure: the eye falls primarily on bright details. Coat material: woolen cloth, cashmere, specially treated suede. The color scheme in the fall-winter 2015-2016 season is diverse, but full beauties are better off opting for solid-colored coats in juicy tones:



Of course, let's not forget black - a constant favorite among the colors of autumn-winter clothes. He especially suits overweight women, and if you add a bright scarf, the image will turn out to be very stylish and modern.

Fur coat or down jacket?

When autumn, with its rains and slush, is over, it's time to think about winter and a new fur coat. Fashion for obese women in our time not only does not prohibit, but even strongly recommends luxurious beauties to buy themselves a warm fur coat to protect them from severe frosts. What are the suggestions of fashion designers? Consider options for short fur (covering the knee or slightly below) with wide sleeves. Full ladies should avoid only long and too fluffy fur, otherwise there are no restrictions. In the new season, astrakhan fur coats are gaining popularity - this is a real find for ladies with "pleasant roundness". In addition, astrakhan fur keeps warm well and perfectly retains its shape.

An interesting trend is a fur coat, sewn in the form of a fur coat. Velvet-like products are coming into fashion. With a skillful combination of details, such a fur coat will not plump, but slim its owner. Designers are experimenting with different inserts. For large ladies, dark inserts on the sides are perfect, giving a narrowing effect.

What color to choose a fur coat? Good will be beige, brown, gray-blue and, of course, the "king of flowers" - black. White is best used only in inserts because it can add volume.

A very popular form of autumn-winter fashion for obese women in recent decades is down jackets. Each season, the models are becoming more elegant. A modern down jacket is quite thin and light, so it may well be worn by far from the thinnest representative of the fair sex. A down coat should be quilted, the ideal cut for plump ones is a semi-fitted and even fitted cut. A fitted down jacket, unlike a dress of the same style, will easily hide all unnecessary "bulges".

Plump dresses for all occasions

Fashion for obese women offers many options, among which, perhaps, the most popular is the dress. So, a fashionable dress for beauties with luxurious forms - what is it?

First, you should pay attention to the length. Dresses that completely cover the legs - the so-called floor-length dresses - although they are plump, are not very relevant now. In addition, this is more of a summer version: in a spacious long dress, the heat is not felt so much. In winter, you have to choose a wardrobe so that it goes well with outerwear. A long dress for the cold season is impractical. Therefore, we will choose a dress that is knee-deep or a little lower. In the fall-winter 2015-2016 season, this is a very relevant length. You can buy high boots or ankle boots for it - your choice. The main thing is the obligatory presence of a small stable heel - in this regard, the requirements are the same as for outerwear. The heel will visually lengthen the legs and slightly "stretch" the silhouette - and this is important for those who have a plump figure.

Secondly, we look at the material. The dress should be made of dense fabric that keeps its shape well. Wool, tweed and cotton do not lose their relevance. Their additional advantage is the ability to pass air and retain heat.

Knitted dresses will be very fashionable in the fall-winter 2015-2016 season. It is interesting that they perfectly "fit" both thin girls and mature puffy ladies. In the first case, they mask excessive thinness, but in the second, they perform the exact opposite task. I must say, they cope with this perfectly! True, there are some subtleties of choice, but more on that below.

Are there any materials “forbidden” for big women? Unfortunately, yes - but in winter and autumn they are hardly used anyway due to their qualities. It is stretch and satin. Of these fabrics, only inserts are permissible.

Now, having dealt with the "basis", you can move on to the details. Modern fashion for overweight is not only a classic sheath dress (although, of course, it will always be appropriate and will never lose its fans). These are also dresses of the already familiar "A-line", as well as models with a high waistline. Designers not only admit, but also advise the use of such models, assuring that they should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista, whose parameters differ from "90-60-90". This style gently "hints" at the waist, while not focusing on it. Agree, it's very convenient!

What topical additions will decorate the new dress and transform the figure, making it more slender? There are a lot of them:

Wide or flared sleeve;

The presence of folds, gatherings and shuttlecocks designed to mask problem areas;


By the way, the neckline can be deep enough - if only you feel comfortable. Big beautiful breasts are a legitimate reason for pride! Two-layer dresses are in fashion: the lower layer is made of dense dark fabric, the upper one is a lace cover. This style allows you to hide a bulging tummy or small folds at the waist. Maybe it sounds a little unusual: fashion for overweight - lace and guipure? This is actually a very good move indeed. True, it is well suited only for those who are slightly overweight.

So we got to knitted patterns. These knee-length or mid-calf dresses look great on almost everyone, without exception. They gently follow the contours of the figure, while not emphasizing anything. Plus they are very warm - what else do you need for an autumn or winter dress? The latest trend is large knitting and all kinds of "holes" (of course, everything is within the bounds of decency). These can be voluminous cutouts on the back (or chest) or just fine perforations on the sleeves or along the entire length.

As for the color of the dress - perhaps only your imagination will be the limitation here. At the height of fashion, there will be emerald, blue, purple, burgundy and brown. Black is still in trend.

We select a fashionable winter wardrobe 2015-2016 for obese women

Fall-winter 2015-2016 will introduce oversized style into mass fashion. For those who are not yet familiar with this concept, a quick reference: this is a very free style, which involves wearing things that are, as it were, one size larger than they should be. This style is just a godsend for overweight ladies, because under such a coat or cardigan you will never guess the true size of its mistress. The main rule: there should be few oversized things. If you put on such a sweater, then you need tight-fitting trousers. If you have such a dress, then you should have strict laconic shoes and a handbag without unnecessary details.

Sweaters and cardigans in this style look great, and they can be so long that they cover the knees.

Let's see what you can wear with such a sweater in the fall-winter 2015-2016 season. First of all, you should pay attention to leggings. Are you surprised? Do you think that leggings are unacceptable for curvy beauties, because they will look ugly? But this is not at all the case. It is important what to combine leggings with. They should be very dense and dark and keep their shape perfectly. The "top" in this case will be a loose long cardigan or sweater of bright colors (preferably one-color): red, orange, deep blue, lilac, "dusty rose". Let's not forget the shoes with heels - and that's it, the fashionable image has been created.

Skinny 7/8 trousers are also a good option. But narrow ones can only be worn with such a voluminous "top". In all other cases, gorgeous women should choose straight trousers, preferably with cuffs. You can also pick up pants that are wide, flared from the hip or knee (but approach such models with great care - the flare is not yet in favor with designers, although it suits women with a pear-shaped figure very much).

In the wardrobe of every self-respecting fashionista, there is always at least one skirt. A strict medium-length pencil skirt will never lose popularity. Full ladies can be advised to purchase a pair of suits with a pencil skirt and combine them in different ways, "playing" with color combinations.

As you can see, modern fashion for overweight is categorically against "wrapping" a curvy figure in indistinct dark robes. Ladies with shapes are invited to experiment boldly, to wear even tight things (but with a restriction - everything that is tight must be neatly covered on top with something more loose). As for the color scheme, please try the colors that suit you. Forget the gloomy black: this color can now compete on an equal footing with bright ones.

And one more small addition: large jewelry is in fashion for the coming season. They have been holding on quite steadily for several years already, to the delight of plump women: on thin women, a large pendant or earrings do not look quite harmonious, but a magnificent lady, wearing such a necklace or beads, will create a magnificent finished image. The main thing is not to overdo it: one such decoration is enough.

Even if your forms are far from the generally accepted ideal of beauty, you do not need to chase the standards introduced by someone. You can very well remain the way nature created you, if you are so comfortable. Well, designers and fashion designers will help you discreetly cover up some excess and create a wonderful image of a beautiful woman who knows her worth with wonderful “appetizing” shapes.

Irina Burdakova for the Women's magazine "Prelest"

Overweight women are no less beautiful than any other representatives of the fair sex, and fashion has prepared a lot of new products for them in the spring-summer 2015 season. After all, a curvy body is not a flaw at all. This is a reason for pride and the main thing here is to be able to choose the right style of clothing in order to hide problem areas, emphasizing only femininity and beauty.

Women's fashion for the full 2015

Before moving on to more detailed recommendations, it is important to remember that when choosing clothes, in no case should you purchase outfits that are larger than the existing one. A dress or tunic bag will not embellish a woman's image at all. And, if you choose a smaller size, then, thus, you can only emphasize the unnecessary.

Correctly selected colors play an important role in this matter. Bright colors can and should be worn. The main thing is to do it wisely. When giving preference to a particular print or color scheme, it is important to remember that they should successfully hide what should be hidden from prying eyes.

  1. Fashion in 2015 on trousers for plump women. This element of the wardrobe visually lengthens the figure, makes the legs slimmer. In the first place, the classic cut in dark colors. In the summer heat, you can safely wear it. This model looks great with shoes with small heels. Straight cut is also at the peak of popularity. These trousers go well with flared tops and tunics.
  2. Blouses for puffy beauties. Stylish shirts, sweaters are one of the most feminine things in a wardrobe. Lightness of the image will be given by products consisting of smooth lines. A V-neck would be ideal. To give your clothes a festive look, you can diversify it with all kinds of accessories. Casual blouses can be great especially when street fashion is creating a lot of novelties for obese women in 2015. And Stephanie Zwigi’s plump is a clear proof of this.
  3. Fashion 2015 - skirts for full... A pencil skirt may be worn as a work dress code. The only remark to this: it should be monochromatic. For those who run away from a strict style, a pleated skirt, which is below the knee length, will do. To look slimmer, you can wear a floor-length outfit.
  4. Fashion 2015 - dresses for full young ladies. This is a must-have wardrobe attribute. "Cases" will help to add grace and elegance to the image. It's not for nothing that Kim Kardashian loves this style so much. Drapery can hide unnecessary volume. A robe dress can emphasize the bust area, adding more sexuality and attractiveness to the fashionista.

For gorgeous women, the summer 2015 fashion has prepared a wonderful opportunity to hide small flaws and demonstrate dignity in all its glory.
Silhouettes of dresses and sundresses in fashion for obese women in 2015 (photo below) "support" the general fashion trend: a-line, high-waisted Greek style, A-shaped silhouette, tight-fitting cocktail dresses.
Owners of a lush chest should use an asymmetric neckline, a boat neckline, a V-shaped shallow neckline that visually lengthens the neck, a small round neckline. We have already written about dresses for obese women and how to choose a style for them.

Fashion for obese women in the summer of 2015 widely uses geometric and optical patterns that visually change the proportions of the body. A wide strip of ornament or lace running from bottom to top along the front of the dress, a dark insert at the waist - stretch and slim the silhouette. The darker curly parts on the sides of the dress from armpits to the bottom allow for a slimmer figure. The division of the dress into two colors perfectly serves this purpose: a lighter high bodice and a dark bottom, the right side of the dress is darker and wider than the left. The most important thing is to cover the underarm and shoulder with a small sleeve, a transparent "mesh" with a slimming effect, choose wide straps on sundresses.

Clothing models for obese women in the summer of 2015 allow for layering and multi-tiered: a double tunic or a fitted dress with a trapezoid lace part worn over it. The corset top of the dress or lower tunic continues to remain relevant, neatly shaping the waist and supporting the bust. Such clothing replaces shaping underwear and is widely used in prom dresses.

Trousers and a tunic are at the height of summer fashion. If thin knitwear at the base of a summer dress is not suitable for curvaceous forms, then it looks great as a tunic and is worn comfortably. The length of the tunic should reach mid-thigh. The ethnic style of the tunic allows you to use longer lengths in combination with leggings.

The main thing! In the center of office summer fashion are cropped trousers, but with a tendency to be overweight, such trousers disfigure the figure.
High waist trousers are back in fashion. The summer version is an excellent substitute for corrective underwear. Straight trousers, trousers with a small bell-bottom from the knees, wide-leg trousers with a high waist - we wear it to the world and to a feast!
A narrow pencil skirt with a length below the knee on the palm is perfect for a tunic or blouse. A blouse below the thigh line over such a skirt suggests a wide belt. If you want to tuck your blouse into a skirt, choose a criss-cross drape in the front. This move will decorate the blouse, define the waist, and divert attention away from the chest.

The summer 2015 color scheme is divided into two main parts - geometric patterns and vibrant colors. Geometric patterns can be combined with plain fabrics, floral designs and animal prints! The color palette contains not only traditional black, white, beige and brown - dearly loved by office workers, but also bright blue, red, green, purple colors.

The fabrics in fashion for obese women in 2015 are used by a variety of fabrics in the summer. The trend of multi-tiered clothing assumes a lower part made of slimming satin, silk, cotton, viscose. The upper part, which protects from the sun, can be made of guipure, organza, chiffon - any translucent fabric, plain or patterned.

Shine of sequins and rhinestones is going out of fashion. Fabrics with a metallic sheen, golden, silver, pearl shimmer - make the figure wider. Ironed arrows on trousers or stripes - visually slim, lengthen legs. A tote bag from the summer 2015 collections at hip level - makes them visually even more. Pants - bananas are in fashion for overweight women of the 2015 season. This style can hide heavy hips, on the one hand, and cut the length of the legs, on the other.

While it's hot outside, you don't really think about the cooler season. The Fashion Directive invites you to familiarize yourself with the fall 2015 fashion trends in order to be fully armed when it gets colder.

Fashion for fat girls for the summer of 2015 shows us no less beautiful and unusual things than what is presented for thinner beauties. Almost any wardrobe item is interpreted by designers and presented in such a way that a figure with forms will look very advantageous in it.

Fashion of summer 2015 on dresses for full

Dresses and sundresses for ladies with prominent figures can have an emphatically light, flying silhouette. Such figures are very advantageous set off by sundresses sewn from pleated fabric. Another style that is relevant this season is this. Moreover, it can be of two types. Made of dense, tough fabric, a well-tailored dress with full-length buttons on the front - this safari-style dress is perfect for working days and for everyday wear in the city. The second type is more casual and suitable for evening walks, dates and meetings with friends - a wrap dress made of light, flowing fabric. Do not be afraid to choose colors that are relevant this season: stripes (preferably vertical or diagonal), floral prints (give preference to small colors), as well as fabrics with a dergade effect.

Fat skirts - fashion summer 2015

Fashion for obese women of summer 2015 provides a wide selection of different styles of skirts. The greatest attention should be paid to the skirts-year, which, due to the peculiarities of the cut, stretch the silhouette, make the legs visually longer and thinner. These skirts are especially suitable for ladies with a heavy bottom, since the expansion in the lower part of the skirt will successfully hide this flaw in the figure. Flared skirts will also look good on girls with curvy shapes, you should only take into account that too many small folds in the abdomen can visually make it more voluminous, so it is better to choose models with a yoke or cover the sun.

Jeans for the plump - fashion summer 2015

Fat girls can also afford jeans that are relevant this season. So, they will look great straight or cropped jeans slightly tapered to the bottom, leaving the ankle open. You can not be afraid to choose even torn models that are relevant in the summer, just make sure that they are not tight for you, otherwise you may end up with an ugly visual effect of bulging skin. Classic models of jeans with a high rise will fit well on overweight girls, and if you want to choose a more summer version, we advise you to choose knee-length denim shorts.