The best restorative masks for colored hair. A regenerating mask for colored damaged hair. Homemade masks for dark colored hair

It is easy to change hair color by visiting the dyeing procedure in the salon. But even the most expensive and elite paint damages curls, especially with repeated use. Over time, they become thinner, split, break, lose their shine and beautiful shade. Requires constant care, which is not cheap, and the result does not always meet expectations.

Professional restorative treatments are easily replaced with simple yet highly effective homemade masks for colored hair based on natural ingredients. Half an hour a week - and a healthy shine returns to the hair, and a bright color remains for a long time.

Benefits of homemade masks for colored hair

The detrimental effect of dye on hair is a proven fact. It contains chemical elements that destroy the natural pigment, and therefore harm the hair structure. But without this effect, coloring is impossible, especially when it comes to a radical change in appearance. Prohibiting women from repainting because of the harm of such a procedure is stupid. The optimal solution is to minimize the negative effects of chemicals through remedial procedures.

Hair requires special care after the dyeing procedure.

It is possible to restore thickness and lively shine to hair, make it smooth and manageable while maintaining color in the salon. But who will guarantee that professional balms will not make it even worse, and you will also have to pay a lot. The best way out is to carry out strengthening procedures at home.

Do-it-yourself mask for colored hair has undeniable advantages:

  • it is prepared quickly from improvised ingredients;
  • easy to use;
  • it is applied at any convenient time, without interfering with everyday affairs;
  • consists entirely of natural products;
  • works no worse than an expensive salon mask, or even better;
  • a huge selection of recipes for different types and colors of hair;
  • the ability to select the composition according to your own feelings.

Homemade masks for colored hair and their formulation have been tested in practice and have proven their effectiveness many times over. As a result of the application, not only the appearance of the hair is improved, but also the structure, the need for repeated dyeing is significantly reduced.

Color fastness masks

After dyeing, the ideal shade of hair lasts literally a week. After 2-3 washes, it begins to fade and lose brightness a little.

The problem can be fixed with two simple masks that suit absolutely everyone:

  1. Brandy. Separate one chicken yolk and add 50-60 ml of brandy to it. Apply this mixture once a week for 10-15 minutes along the entire length of your hair. Carry out the procedure only with high-quality cognac without dyes, not earlier than a week after staining.
  2. Gelatinova. Steam a spoonful of regular edible gelatin as directed. Let it cool to a warm state. Add a few drops of orange ether. Treat your head and hold it under the cap for about an hour.

These masks not only restore shine to faded curls, but also nourish them from roots to ends.

Color fastness mask

Lightening hair to blonde is doubly damaging procedure. For a beautiful color without reddishness, preliminary treatment with aggressive chemicals is required. After such dyeing, the hair is very dry and for some time looks like a washcloth.

  • prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of chamomile flowers and a glass of boiling water, wet clean hair with a cooled and strained liquid, walk for half an hour and just rinse with water;
  • mix castor and burdock oils in equal parts, add a little lemon juice, apply to the roots and rub, leave for 1.5 hours, rinse with shampoo.

Alternate between these masks twice a week, starting immediately after painting.

Sour cream to help bleached hair

Regular sour cream copes well with the increased dryness of blonde hair:

  • take 1 tbsp. l. medium fat sour cream;
  • stir it with 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • rub the mixture into the root area;
  • hold it under the film for half an hour;
  • rinse thoroughly, without shampoo.

Fast hydration and good nutrition of lifeless strands are guaranteed. Masks for colored blond hair at home can be prepared from any fermented milk products, including yogurt, kefir, yogurt.

Mask for bleached hair

Homemade masks for dark colored hair

Brown-haired women and brunettes no less need care after painting. Dark shades only look beautiful when the color is saturated. If it gets lost, the hairstyle looks burnt out and gray. We offer various ways to take care of color depth and durability.

Grape wrap

If the next staining in the color of a raven wing coincides with the season of grapes, do not miss this chance.

Buy a tasty bunch, eat half to strengthen your body, and use the other for your hair:

  • crush a handful of berries with a fork;
  • grind a spoonful of flaxseed in a coffee grinder;
  • combine the indicated ingredients with a spoonful of liquid honey;
  • distribute the medicinal substance through the hair;
  • after 20 minutes, wash off with warm water without cosmetics.

With regular staining in a dark color, freeze the healing berry and calmly use the restorative mask in the winter.

Hair grapes

Coffee for brunettes

Coffee will help freshen up your hair if it is not used entirely for its intended purpose:

  • in the evening, brew a small cup of a cool drink;
  • add a tablespoon of good brandy, yolk and a teaspoon of castor oil to the cooled liquid;
  • boldly apply a frightening-looking mixture to lifeless hair;
  • be patient for about 15 minutes, wash it off quickly.

Do not overuse coffee for both the body and the hair. One procedure per week is enough to make the result of the staining pleasing to the eye.

Variants of life-giving masks for red curls

It is very difficult to achieve a truly red color. Often a woman in the mirror with annoyance sees yellow, red, pumpkin shades on her head. But if you still managed to achieve a beautiful fiery color, it must be preserved as long as possible. In this matter, simple masks from fruits and ordinary henna will help.

Simple homemade fruit juice mask for colored hair

For the procedure you need:

  • squeeze a glass of cranberry and carrot juice each (store juice is also fine, but fresh is preferable);
  • mix them in a blender with 200 ml of low-fat yogurt without additives;
  • gently apply to hair for half an hour, rinse.

An original and very effective mask that gives brightness to truly red curls.

We apply henna

Powder from dry leaves of lawsonia (henna) - what could be easier for caring for red hair. You can use this natural paint in its pure form.

But for greater effect, it is better to create your own exclusive composition:

  • dilute the powder according to the instructions;
  • drip 5 drops of tangerine or orange oil into the cooled mixture;
  • if desired, add a spoonful of kefir or drive in an egg;
  • hold on the head for 30 minutes, thoroughly rinse off the remnants.

To give a more intense dark shade, you can add a spoonful of cocoa powder, light - half a glass of chamomile broth.

Deep restoration of damaged hair

Hair, whatever means are used, including ammonia-free ones, are damaged after dyeing. Their fragility, loss increases, the ends split due to poor intake of nutrients, the shine and elasticity of the curls are lost. Therefore, restorative procedures are mandatory for any type of painting. Masks for dry colored hair at home with healthy fruits and healing oils come to the rescue.

Revitalizing hair masks

Repairing masks for colored hair at home with various oils

It is enough to add to the usual cosmetics:

  • olive oil - nourishes and activates hair follicles;
  • castor - stimulates growth and prevents hair loss;
  • linseed - removes dry skin and dandruff;
  • ylang-ylang - gives a natural shine;
  • almond - increases the elasticity of hairs;
  • orange - moisturizes and reduces fragility;
  • burdock - restores a healthy structure;
  • homemade masks for colored hair with coconut oil - saturate with vitamins, protect against dullness.

It is easy to buy a life-giving product in any pharmacy, the main thing is that it is not a fake.

Fruits on guard of shine

Several options for fruit masks:

  • grind one banana and half a ripe avocado in a blender, add your favorite ether;
  • Combine applesauce 1: 1 with cream;
  • mix the grated apricot mixture with the same amount of lemon pulp;
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of orange pulp with 2 liters. cottage cheese, drip peach oil.

These homemade shine masks for colored hair are made as needed when dryness and dullness become noticeable.

Fruits for hair shine

For hair growth and strengthening: mask for colored hair at home

Long-term chemical treatment slows down hair growth. To prevent this, use pepper twice a month:

  • chop half a small hot pepper pod;
  • soak it in 100 g of alcohol for 7 days;
  • dilute part of the finished tincture with water at the rate of 1 to 10;
  • Rub into scalp and do not rinse.

Homemade pepper mask for colored hair is ideal for hair growth and thickness. But with regular use, it can dry them a little. Therefore, during the next bath procedure, add any oil to the shampoo to moisturize the hair.

Partial and complete coloring, perm, hair loses its original structure.

Signs of its violation are split ends, "Roughness" to the touch, lack of luster.

For to restore the previous condition requires care, the basis of which can be the systematic nutrition of the scalp and hair with a complex of useful substances.

Masks are in this case very effective remedy.

There are two very effective composition for this case. They will allow not only to preserve color, but also to give hair shine, splendor, elasticity, and enhance growth.

Banana mask with avocado and honey. Nourishes, strengthens hair, adds shine.

Avocado creates a protective organic film on the hair, honey saturates with minerals and trace elements, olive oil supplies vitamins A and E, yolk provides active nutrition.


  • banana, better ripe, with black peel;
  • avocado;
  • honey, one tablespoon;
  • , unrefined;
  • chicken yolk or two quail eggs.

Beat the avocado and banana pulp in a blender until puree, otherwise slices it will be difficult extract from hair afterwards.

In a separate dish beat the egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil, add honey, stir slowly. Mix fruit puree and butter-yolk mixture with honey thoroughly.

Apply gently on the scalp, spreading over the strands, wrap. Withstand the effects of this fragrant banana mask, you need 20 minutes, then rinse.

Advice. The mask is very nutritious, therefore it is suitable for use once every 10 days. If you have long hair, it's best to do a double dose right away. Rinse off with a mild shampoo for colored hair.

Quick mask of yolk and cognac. The ability of cognac to dilate blood vessels is known to all. By increasing the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, it provides active hair growth, the supply of nutrients to the bulbs.

Additional positive point is the yolk, which is 100% of the beneficial nutrients.


  • cognac, two tablespoons;
  • yolk.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix brandy and yolk until smooth, thoroughly saturate the scalp and hair. Put on a hat, wrap with a towel. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Advice. Immediately after staining, the mask is not recommended for use, in order to avoid overdrying the scalp. After waiting for a week, the mask can be used to preserve, restore and nourish hair once every five days.

Secrets of using masks for bleached and highlighted hair at home

It is necessary to take into account two important points. First, you cannot use substances and products that contain a dye, such as coffee, henna, beets and others.

Second, light and highlighted hair requires saturated food and love to get it from natural products.

The task of care products behind light curls - shade support, restoration and medical nutrition. Below are three recipes that will help to qualitatively invigorate the hair of blondes.

Nourishing mask with burdock and castor oil. Burdock oil improves blood circulation, castor oil heals skin inflammation, saves from dandruff, lemon juice perfectly saturates with vitamin C, gives shine.


  • , one st. spoon;
  • , one st. spoon;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix oils and lemon juice, apply to the scalp with light massaging movements, distribute the remainder over the entire length of the strands. Wrap your head with a film and a towel, rinse with shampoo after two hours.

Advice... For the treatment of dandruff and hair loss, the mask is used every five days, for prophylaxis - once a month.

Herbal decoction for yellowness. This recipe will restore the hair structure and get rid of the ugly yellowish tone after dyeing it white.


  • oregano one tbsp. spoon;
  • nettle, one tbsp. spoon;
  • chamomile, one tbsp. spoon,
  • plantain, one teaspoon;
  • water, two glasses;

Manufacturing and application process. Pour the dry mixture of herbs with boiling water and leave for an hour, then strain. Use as a rinse after shampooing, dry your hair naturally.

Advice. A decoction of herbs is used three times a week, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Broth if desired can be "heavier" 200 grams of rye bread and use as a wonderful hair mask with an amazing nourishing and healing effect, in this case, keep your head wrapped up for 2 hours, and then rinse, apply once a week.

Nourishing curd mask for highlighted hair. A great option for saturating hair follicles with nutrients, as well as for restoring the structure of discolored curls, provides a lively shine and pleasant silkiness.


  • cottage cheese, two tbsp. heaped spoons;
  • mayonnaise, 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil, 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Manufacturing and application process. Mash cottage cheese with mayonnaise until smooth, pour in olive oil and stir. Apply the resulting composition to the hair roots and along the entire length. Roll up with plastic wrap and a towel, keep for 40-50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Advice. It is enough to apply the mask once a week.

Hair restoration masks for brunettes

For what note if a brunette decided to do hair.

First, medicinal formulations for dark hair often include natural substances containing a natural dye, such as coffee, henna, basma and others, so before using a drop of the product must be applied to the wrist. checking for allergies.

Second, if the mask contains oils, then for a more complete effect it need to warm up up to 40-50 degrees.

Protect and nourish hair allow masks, which include simple natural substances and products.

Coffee and cognac mask for dark hair. This mask repairs dull, split ends prone to hair loss.


  • ground coffee, one teaspoon;
  • boiling water, one tbsp. spoon;
  • yolk, two;
  • cognac, two tbsp. spoons;
  • castor oil, one tsp

Manufacturing and application process. Brew coffee with a spoonful of boiling water, cool. In another bowl, beat the yolk with castor oil. Mix all the ingredients, add cognac.

Apply the mixture to damp hair, wait 10-15 minutes, rinse. For more effect the head can be wrapped with a film and a towel.

Advice. Apply once a week for treatment, for prophylaxis - once a month. Coffee can be taken while sleeping, from the bottom of the cup.

Henna and basma color mask. The main task of cosmetics for dark hair is to preserve the eumelanin pigment. It is on him that the richness of the color of the curls of brunettes depends. This recipe will help nourish hair with color and strengthen the roots.


  • henna, 50 g;
  • basma, 50 g;
  • coffee, one teaspoon.
  • boiling water, one glass.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix dry ingredients, pour a glass of boiling water, stir thoroughly for 5-10 minutes.

Apply gruel to hair, starting from the roots evenly distributing to the very ends. Roll up with a film, a towel. Wait 45 minutes, wash off with shampoo.

Advice... You can apply the mask once a week, a two-month course will stop hair loss.

Mask based on kefir with cocoa and honey. Powerful nourishing effect, soothes the scalp, promotes active hair growth.


  • kefir, 80 ml (a little more than half a glass);
  • cocoa, one teaspoon;
  • honey, one tbsp. spoon;
  • castor oil, one tbsp spoon.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix cocoa and honey, add butter, stirring, can be slightly heated in a water bath. Then add kefir in small portions.

Ready mix saturate the scalp and hair, wrap in a film and a towel. Wait 45 minutes, wash off with shampoo.

Advice... The mask is suitable for use once a month, but for dry and brittle hair, it can be used every week.

Cherry vitamin mask. Cherry trace minerals make hair shiny and silky.


  • pitted cherries, half a cup;
  • potato starch, two teaspoons;
  • lemon juice, one teaspoon.

Manufacturing and application process. Beat the cherries in a blender until puree, mix with starch and lemon. Heat the resulting composition in a water bath to 40-50 degrees. Apply to hair, rubbing thoroughly into the roots, wrap up, let stand for 30-35 minutes.

Advice. The mask is suitable for use once a week, for the treatment of grease, it can be used three times a week for a month. Frozen cherries can be used in winter.

Spicy mask for black hair. Activates microcirculation of blood in capillaries, promotes active hair growth, relieves dandruff, nourishes.


  • cocoa, two tbsp. spoons;
  • black pepper, one teaspoon;
  • cinnamon, one teaspoon;
  • cosmetic oil, two tbsp. spoons (olive is suitable);
  • yolk.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix pepper, cocoa and cinnamon, beat the yolk with butter in another bowl. Gradually add the spice and cocoa mixture to the butter and yolk. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, wrap it up, stand for 20 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Advice. The mask is suitable for use once a week. If after applying the mask you feel itching and burning, wash off with water immediately.

Secrets of using masks for colored red hair


Red-haired beauties requires constant hydration and softening due to natural hardness.

Dyed red constant support required color, even chlorinated pool water can damage the color.

The selection of mask components is determined these two factors.

The most popular and effective masks for red hair.

Kefir mask with henna. Perfectly maintains color and strengthens roots.


  • henna, 50 g;
  • boiling water, 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • kefir, half a glass;
  • egg;
  • olive oil, two tablespoons spoons.

Manufacturing and application process. Boil the henna, stirring for 10-15 minutes to cool. Beat the egg with butter, add kefir, mix with henna. Apply to hair, wrap up, stand for 30-40 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Advice... Suitable for use once a week.

Vitamin beet-carrot mask for red hair. Gives splendor, treats dandruff, enriches color.


  • carrot juice, half a glass;
  • beet juice, half a glass.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix carrot and beetroot juice, saturate the scalp and hair with the composition, keep for 25-20 minutes. Wash off with water, without shampoo.

Advice. For dull, dry hair with dandruff, you can use it 3 times a week for a month.

Nourishing mask for red hair. Saturates with microelements, strengthens roots, promotes growth. Gives splendor, treats dandruff, enriches color.


  • castor oil, two tablespoons spoons;
  • yolk.

Manufacturing and application process. Heat the oils slightly in an aluminum bowl, add the yolk, stir well.

Apply gently rubbing into the roots of the hair, distributing the remainder along the entire length. Withstand 20-30 minutes and wash off with shampoo, you can in several passes.

Advice... For treatment, it is applied once every 10 days.

Masks to prevent gray hair

Return gray hair to its previous appearance can only synthetic dyes. The following recipes will help prevent the first appearance of gray hair and slow down the process.

Anti-gray honey mask. Nourishes hair, strengthens roots, prevents gray hair.


  • olive oil, two tablespoons spoons;
  • honey, one tbsp. spoon;
  • shampoo, 50 ml.

Manufacturing and application process. Heat honey in a water bath, mix with oil and shampoo. Massage into hair. Leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse

Advice... For treatment, it is applied once a week.

Lemon-carrot mask against gray hair. The strongest vitamin attack on the bulbs, renewal of the hair structure.


  • lemon juice, half a glass;
  • carrot juice, half a glass.

Manufacturing and application process. Mix the juices, saturate the scalp and hair with them, stand for 15 minutes and rinse without shampoo.

Advice. Against gray hair is applied once a week. Not suitable for blondes, it can give a shade.

Fig mask against graying hair Prevents early gray hair, softens.


  • figs, 1-2 berries;
  • Kalanchoe juice, two tbsp. spoons.

Manufacturing and application process. Add Kalanchoe juice to figs chopped in a blender. Apply this composition to hair 30-40 minutes before washing, wrap it up. Washed off with regular shampoo.

Advice. Apply against gray hair daily for a month.

The fair sex are big lovers of changing their appearance. They often resort to dyeing their hair, even if their natural shade was much more beautiful. But with numerous dyes, the hair begins to lose its healthy shine, and often falls out.

With the occurrence of such troubles, experts recommend making various masks for colored hair at home. They can be aimed at eliminating only one problem, for example, eliminating fragility and hair splitting. The composition can be radically different, and the above question should be analyzed in more detail.

How to prepare at home a mask for hair damaged by frequent staining? Girls are very fond of all kinds of transformations and improvements of themselves. For this, all kinds of decorating methods are used, including hair dye. Paint can be different, but even the most expensive and good, professional paint, damages the hair.

From oxidants and alkalis contained in it, with regular use, accumulating, the hair becomes dry, the scales open and completely cease to hold the pigment. Hair damaged by frequent lightening and coloring is a very depressing sight.

So how can you help them? Do not give up the paint, at all? It is not at all necessary to refuse, because there are many ways to restore the previous beauty of hair, so the best mask for dyed hair is not always expensive and purchased. You must admit that a homemade mask for colored hair, prepared by hand and only from known natural ingredients, is much more effective and healthier than chemical analogues.

No matter how expensive your paint is, remember that all the assurances of companies and manufacturers about the harmlessness of the ingredients contained in their product are only for advertising.

Therefore, for dyed hair, special care must be taken. You may not have time to make masks yourself, even if they are purchased, but be sure to use all kinds of conditioners and shampoos, marked, for dyed hair, they will not only prolong the shine of the color, but also help keep your hair intact ... Well, for those who are not too lazy to cook something themselves and have time for this, we present the most famous and best recipes for masks for colored hair.

  • Revitalizing mask for colored hair. A very famous mask based on yolk, one egg and two teaspoons of brandy will help heal hair and work well on the roots. Such a mask must be left for exposure, under a warm cap and for a long time.
  • Mask for light colored hair. Chamomile for blonde hair, has long been used by women. In this homemade mask, pharmacy chamomile is the main ingredient. Pour two tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew well for a couple of hours. Cool the resulting broth, strain through cheesecloth and stir in the whipped egg white of one egg. The protein must be whipped very well, otherwise you will be facing the risk of pulling the boiled protein out of your hair for a long time. Apply to dry, unwashed hair, wait for the mask to dry and rinse.
  • Nourishing mask for colored hair. This homemade mask not only refreshes hair color, but also leaves it soft and shiny. Make mashed banana and avocado pulp. Mix with melted honey and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, olive or burdock. Soak on the head, for at least half an hour, for the best effect, under a warm cap.
  • Mask for damaged colored hair. With frequent dyeing, the hair becomes damaged, porous, and the ends become split. We offer an easy way to avoid this without mixing a lot of ingredients. Just take any purchased hair mask, put a little in the palm of your hand, and add an ampoule of vitamin E to it. Apply the mask to the full length, and after twenty minutes, rinse.
  • Moisturizing mask for colored hair. For her, you only need kefir of the lowest fat content that you can find. Apply kefir all over the hair and under the hood. Such a simple homemade mask will appeal to those who, by nature, have dry, brittle hair.
  • Mask recipe for colored hair growth. Not all women love that dyed hair grows back quickly, but if you still want a mask that stimulates growth and roots, here is its recipe: take two teaspoons of various crushed herbs, sage, chamomile, oregano, nettle, calendula, herbs can be any, fill with hot water and let it brew. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, and add the crumb of natural rye bread to the broth, so that you get a thick porridge. This mask can be done frequently.
  • Mask for dry colored hair. Frequent coloring dries out hair and scalp, and dry dandruff may appear. Then, a homemade mask with the juice of one medium onion, one clove of garlic and a tablespoon of lemon juice will help you to remove the smell. Mix well all the ingredients and apply to clean, damp hair, keep it under a hat for several hours. After rinsing, you can wash your hair with shampoo.
  • The best mask for colored hair. It should be remembered that any masks with oils wash the paint out of the hair scales, so you need to be careful with them. The best homemade mask for hair damaged by frequent dyes, you can choose the following: select the pulp from one grape branch, peel the berries and mash. Mix with a tablespoon of honey and flaxseed. In such a composition, on the one hand, you exclude the effect of oils, and on the other hand, grapes replace grape seed oil, and flaxseed - linseed oil, and no one is offended. Leave the mixture on your hair for half an hour and rinse with running water.

Mask for colored dark hair

Hair dyeing in a dark color also needs restoration and giving a more saturated color. To do this, you should use a mask, the ingredients of which are:

  • coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • cognac -2 tablespoons;
  • chicken yolks - 2 pieces;
  • castor oil - one teaspoon.

First you need to dilute the coffee in a glass of boiling water. Then add cognac, yolk and oil. Stir the mixture and distribute to hair for a few minutes. Then, after the expiration of time, wash off the composition.

Mask for colored blonde hair

Light colored hair begins to fade after a couple of weeks. To maintain shine, apply appropriate lightening methods immediately.

To prepare the mask, you need to take a tablespoon of the herb and pour boiling water over it. After cooling, apply the infusion to freshly washed hair and put on a shower cap. After half an hour, the hair should be washed with shampoo for light colored hair. You can rinse your head with lemon water, which is prepared in advance. Here they take a slice or half of a lemon and pour a glass or half a liter of boiling water, respectively. The tincture must be allowed to cool completely.

Mask for colored fine hair

Oddly enough, but high-quality and professional paints can not only dye, but also saturate the hair with nutrients, due to which thin hair will become stronger. For the effect to last longer, it is necessary to make special masks for colored thin hair. For example, natural masks using oatmeal are used.

The following ingredients are required here:

  • oatmeal in the amount of 5 tablespoons;
  • almond or any other natural oil in the amount of three tablespoons;
  • essential oil - a few drops.

Pre-grind the oatmeal and leave in boiling water to soften a little. After softening, stir in almond oil and drops of essential oil. The mixture is stirred and applied to the head, so it is left for an hour. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo. This procedure can also be carried out on unpainted hair a couple of times a week.

Mask for colored dry hair

In the event that the hair has become dry, nourishing masks should be applied. Here you should take a medium onion and squeeze the juice out of it. Next, take a tablespoon of the squeezed composition, add slightly warmed honey to it, no more than one teaspoon. Stir a tablespoon of vegetable oil and pre-whipped yolk to the mixed composition. All products are mixed and then distributed on wet strands. The mask is washed off after half an hour with water, without using shampoos and other detergents.

Mask for colored damaged hair

If the curl is damaged, use restorative masks for colored hair. Basically, they come down to the use of oil compresses. Almost any oil made from natural ingredients is used. Oil masks are applied to the head in a heated state. Vitamins A, B and F can be added to their composition.

For brittle hair, you can apply the famous egg mixture while shampooing. Here they just take one chicken egg, shake it thoroughly and add a little cool water. After shaking, simply rinse your head with this mixture instead of shampoo. It is necessary to clarify here that the water must be cool, otherwise the white of the chicken egg will curdle and it will be very difficult to rinse the hair.

Growth mask for colored hair

If you notice slow hair growth, you should take action and prepare a mask that stimulates the growth of strands. Here it is necessary to stimulate the roots.

For the preparation of the composition, herbs are taken:

  • oregano;
  • plantain;
  • sage;
  • nettle;
  • celandine flowers.

Take all the ingredients one teaspoon at a time, and then mix thoroughly. Then pour a glass of boiling water. The infusion should be infused for no more than an hour, and then it should be filtered. Black bread and crackers are added to the resulting broth. One glass of infusion accounts for no more than 300 g of bread. Spread the finished mixture on the head in an even layer. Having wrapped your head, leave it for two hours. When the time is up, rinse your head with water without shampoo.

Hair restoration masks

  • Revitalizing mask

Mix colorless henna with warm water, pour liquid vitamin E into the resulting gruel. Apply the mask to your hair, rinse off with warm water after half an hour. This mask also helps to accelerate hair growth.

  • Homemade mask for dry colored hair

We need: 1 tbsp. fresh onion juice, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. oils and yolk. Preheat the honey and whisk the yolk. Mix onion juice and honey, add butter and yolk here. Apply the finished mask to clean hair.

  • Mask with kefir

Mix kefir with egg. Add 2 tablespoons to this mixture. olive oil and honey (1 tsp). Mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to hair and scalp for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo.

  • Color enhancing mask

In order to make the color of dyed hair richer, do the following mask 1-2 times a week: thoroughly mix 100 g of cognac with egg yolk in a convenient container and apply on hair for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Strengthening mask for colored hair

Mix 2 eggs with warm water. The mass must be continuously stirred so that the protein does not curdle. Pour the mixture on wet hair, rub it into the roots. Rinse off with warm water and rub egg yolk into the scalp. Warm your head with a towel and leave for 10 minutes, then wash off the yolk with warm water. This procedure must be done once a week to strengthen hair damaged by chemical dyes. Another option for an egg mask: Mix 2 egg yolks and 1 tsp. olive oil. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and distribute over the entire length. Leave it on for 20 minutes, wrap your head in plastic and a warm towel, then rinse off with warm water.

  • Tincture of red pepper for hair loss

The tincture is prepared as follows: chop ¼ pod of red pepper, pour 50 ml of alcohol over it, leave it to be taught for a week. Dilute the tincture with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and rub this composition into the hair roots twice a week. You can also leave it overnight. This mixture improves blood flow to the hair roots well.

  • From split ends

It is useful to periodically (once a week) apply vitamin E, fish oil, slightly warmed olive oil, castor oil, burdock oil or oil from sprouted wheat, jojoba to the split ends of the hair. This is done for additional recharge. Oils are applied to the ends for half an hour, the hair is wrapped in plastic and a towel, then rinsed well with warm water. Damaged hair ends should also be trimmed regularly.

  • Chamomile infusion + eggs - to preserve the color of light curls

Prepare a chamomile infusion (for one tablespoon of herbs, 50 ml of boiling water, leave for at least four hours). Add well-beaten egg white to the strained infusion. Lubricate your hair with this mass and wait until it dries completely. Now you can remove the mixture with warm (never hot!) Water. You can prepare such a mask every 7 days.

  • Eggs + honey + castor oil - to preserve the color of light curls

Make a mixture of egg yolks (two), honey (two tablespoons), and castor oil (one tablespoon). Spread the resulting composition on slightly damp strands, warm up and walk for 40 minutes. Wash off the mixture with shampoo.

  • Henna + kefir + eggs + oil - to preserve the color of red hair

Dilute henna (one sachet) with boiling water until a thick gruel is formed, mix it with kefir (100 ml), beaten egg yolk and olive oil (one tablespoon). Spread all the strands with the resulting mixture, after 50 minutes. rinse them thoroughly.

  • Herbs + rye bread - to preserve the color of any hair

Prepare herbal infusion (nettle, sage, plantain - one tablespoon each + 200 ml of boiling water; leave for 1 hour). Add chopped rye bread (~ 200 g) to the strained infusion. Apply this mixture to your hair and warm it up for a couple of hours. Use warm water to rinse.

In addition to homemade masks, it is useful to rinse dyed hair after washing with water with the addition of lemon juice, chamomile decoction. Prepare an infusion of herbs: yarrow, chamomile and sage in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), pour boiling water (1 liter), leave for one hour. Strain the infusion, dilute with warm water to get a total volume of 3 liters. It is also useful to rinse hair with this composition.

Rules for the use of masks for colored curls

  1. Homemade masks for colored hair should be regular, i.e. apply after each wash of hair.
  2. The product must be freshly prepared, its storage is unacceptable.
  3. Be sure to create a thermal effect.
  4. Alternate between different recipes - this will help your curls to recover faster after staining and to be nourished with useful substances to the maximum.

It is not recommended to visit the pool after painting, at least for the first two weeks. Chlorinated water is especially harmful for weakened hair. Try not to wash your hair as often to preserve color. Use warm water for washing, not hot water. The use of an iron is undesirable. If you cannot refuse the hair dryer, then at least dry your hair using the "cold" mode. It is recommended to massage the scalp, take an additional complex of vitamins, this will help restore hair faster.

Video: homemade masks for colored hair

After the dyeing procedure, the hair needs special care. Even when using expensive high-quality paints, the color fades, the shine is gradually lost. After repeated dyeing, the hair dries up, begins to break and split. They need restoration, additional nutrition and strengthening. To heal the colored curls, you can go to a beauty salon, but there is not always free time and money to go to a specialist. Modern women are increasingly using masks based on natural ingredients of their own preparation.


Colored hair care

In the process of applying the dye, the hair is exposed to aggressive influences that violate their structure. As a result, they begin to break, become like a "wire" or "washcloth", and split dry ends appear. To reduce the effects of staining, it is worth using some tips:

  1. Frequent staining should not be abused, 6-7 weeks should pass between procedures. To less frequently expose hair to chemical attack, it is necessary to alternate dyeing along the entire length with root treatment. If the roots grow back too quickly, you can paint them a little more often - once every 3 weeks.
  2. The first day after the procedure, a fixing balm is used, which is evenly distributed along the length, so that the pigment is fixed as much as possible and the scales are evened out. Complete assimilation of the pigment occurs within 2 days. At this time, you should refrain from washing your hair.
  3. The first time it is not recommended to subject the hair to heat treatment. Do not brush while wet, as this will damage the structure.
  4. Use natural masks for colored hair to promote health and color stability.

Video: Caring for colored hair

Effectiveness of masks

Using our own natural masks for colored hair, it is possible to provide them with additional care and prolong the life of the acquired shade. The curls will not be exposed to chemical attack, since all components of home cosmetics are natural and safe. With regular use, the brightness and saturation of the hue is maintained for a long time, the color will not fade and fade.

With this method, the structure of the hairs is significantly restored after an aggressive staining procedure, and the roots are strengthened, the bulbs are saturated with vitamins and microelements. This stimulates the metabolic processes of the scalp. Colored curls are moistened and softened, become obedient, voluminous, easy to comb.

Mask recipes

Today you can find many different recipes for colored hair masks. You need to choose the right product depending on your needs and the selected shade.

Nourishing masks

Nourishment is necessary not only for colored hair. However, the dyeing procedure is quite aggressive, and it is precisely such hair that most of all needs an increased supply of necessary substances. Nourishing the roots can prevent problems that occur after staining such as dry scalp, dandruff, split ends.

Bread mixture for hair growth

Oregano - 1 tsp
Plantain - 1 tsp
Sage - 1 tsp
Nettle - 1 tsp
Celandine (flowers) - 1 tsp
Black bread - 1/3 loaf

1. Pour boiling water over 1 small spoonful of dried herbs and brew for 1 hour.
2. Strain the broth and add the mashed crumb of black bread.
3. Rub the finished product into the roots and distribute it evenly over the entire head.
4. Wrap your head with a bag and a towel. Keep the mask up to 2 hours.
5. At the end of the procedure, wash your hair without shampoo.

Egg honey remedy

Egg - 2 pcs.
Honey - 1 tsp
Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Onions - 1 pc.

1. Squeeze the juice out of a small onion.
2. Thoroughly mix all components of the mask.
3. Wash your hair and apply the resulting mass to wet strands, gently massaging the scalp.
4. Put on a plastic cap on top and wrap with a terry towel.
5. After half an hour, wash off the mask with cool water without shampoo.

Firming agents

The most common problem is the weakening and depletion of the hair follicles of colored hair. Masks allow you to restore the hair structure, strengthen the roots, prevent and stop hair loss.

Yeast mask

Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. l.
Egg - 1 pc.
Water - 50 g.

1. Dissolve yeast in water.
2. Add one egg.
3. Bring the consistency of the mask to a mushy state. More yeast can be added if necessary.
4. Spread the resulting mixture on the hair along the entire length and massage the scalp.
5. After 25-30 minutes, when the mask is dry, rinse it off with warm water.

Radish mask

Radish - 1 pc.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tsp

1. Grate the radish on a fine grater.
2. Squeeze out the juice and mix it with sour cream and butter.
3. Instead of sour cream, you can use kefir, yogurt and any other fermented milk products. They are great for moisturizing.
4. Rub the mixture into the scalp and put on a shower cap.
5. Keep the mask for 25-30 minutes.
6. The mask can be easily removed with warm water without using shampoo.

Revitalizing masks

The structure of the hair is often disturbed, from which it becomes brittle, dull, begins to puff up and split. Restoring masks will help to solve these problems. Dyed hair will become obedient, liveliness and shine will return, the color will last longer.

Dry ends balm

Olive oil - 100 g.
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Vitamin A - 1 capsule
Vitamin B - 1 capsule
Vitamin F - 1 capsule

1. Stir the oils in the specified proportions.
2. Add vitamins.
3. Warm up the mixture a little and apply to the head.
4. Put on a hat and wrap a towel around your head.
5. Keep the mixture for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.
6. This procedure is recommended to be done every week.

Mask for fine hair

Oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l.
Water - 2 tbsp. l.
Almond oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops

1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender.
2. Pour oatmeal into warm water and let it swell.
3. Add almond oil and ylang ylang ether.
4. Apply the mask to colored hair and wait one hour.
5. Rinse your head with water, shampoo and balm.
6. This procedure is recommended to be carried out a couple of times a week.

Mask for damaged hair

Linseed oil - 1 tsp
Yolk - 1 pc.
Cognac - 1 tsp.
Henna - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp

1. Flaxseed oil and honey should be mixed and slightly heated.
2. Grind the butter-honey mass with 1 yolk.
3. Add henna and cognac, stir until smooth.
4. Apply the mask to a clean head and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Color preservation masks

It is very important to maintain the rich color of dyed hair, since without proper care, the pigment is quickly washed out of the structure, as a result of which the curls become dull and ugly. Many people solve this problem by dyeing their hair much more often than it should. To keep the color for 5-6 weeks without additional staining, it is enough to use means to preserve it.

Mask for colored blonde hair

Chamomile - 1 tbsp l.
Water - 1 glass
Egg white - 1 pc.

1. Brew chamomile in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours.
2. Beat the white of one egg.
3. Strain the chamomile broth and mix with the whipped egg white.
4. Apply the mixture to the hair, giving a gentle scalp massage.
5. Keep the mask until dry.
6. Finally, rinse hair thoroughly.
7. The mask can be done once a week.

Mask for colored dark hair

Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
Coffee - 1 tsp.
Yolk - 2 pcs.
Castor oil - 1 tsp

1. Mix coffee with cognac and yolks.
2. Add castor oil.
3. If the mixture comes out too thick, it is better to dilute it with water.
4. Spread the mask over the strands and keep for 5-7 minutes.
5. Wash off the composition with warm water with the addition of shampoo.
6. This procedure can be carried out no more than 1 time per week.

Video: Masks for the care of colored hair

In order for the procedures for caring for dyed hair to meet expectations and not disappoint, you should not carry them out immediately after dyeing, it is better to wait a week for the pigment to fix. It is necessary to select a recipe depending on the problem, type and color of hair.

The mask for colored hair you like is worth testing. Apply a small amount to the skin behind the ear or treat an individual section of hair. After such a test, it will become clear how the skin reacts to the components used. When choosing ingredients, you need to give preference only to fresh and natural products.

All components should be thoroughly mixed so that undissolved lumps do not get stuck in the hair. It is recommended to slightly warm oils, honey and dairy products in a water bath. Thus, the active substances will perform their functions better.

When rinsing, do not use vinegar or lemon: they can suddenly change the shade of the hair. After applying the masks, the hair is dried naturally, without the use of a hair dryer.

Read in the article:

Mask for colored hair is a home remedy made only from natural and healthy ingredients. With its help, you can not only extend the life of the color of the curls, but also get rid of many problems that are sometimes caused by frequent staining or the use of low-quality paints.

What are the benefits and effects of homemade masks for colored hair ^

The benefits of homemade masks for colored hair are their effect on pigmentation, as a result of which the color lasts much longer than without proper care. In addition, you can achieve a significant improvement in the appearance and condition of curls thanks to the ingredients that are usually used in masks:

  • Honey heals microcracks and damage on hairs, adds shine and smoothness to them;
  • Kefir is the best restorer for severely damaged and dry curls;
  • Argan oil helps to strengthen hair follicles;
  • Herbs have a tonic effect, and also relieve stress from curls after dyeing.

The secret of such masks is that any of the components penetrates deep into each hair, but at the same time forms a protective film on the outside. Thanks to this double property, it turns out to strengthen all the strands and keep the color for a longer time.

The best masks for colored hair at home are recommended for owners of dry, normal and combined curls: often, chemical agents make the curls lifeless and dry - in such cases, they need restoration. Those with oily strands should not despair: for such cases, there are also recipes proven over the years.

When is it necessary to use effective restorative hair masks after dyeing:

  • With lifeless, dry and brittle strands;
  • If there is frequent hair loss and dandruff;
  • The color is quickly washed off;
  • The curls look damaged, there is a lack of nutrition and moisture.

How to properly use masks after staining:

  • It is not recommended to apply the formulations to the curls immediately after the chemical procedure - you must wait at least 2-3 hours;
  • Curls should be slightly damp and clean;
  • To increase efficiency, it is advisable to put on a shower cap over the mask and cover yourself with a warm knitted scarf;
  • Any of the recipes can be used no more than 3 times a week.

Masks for colored hair at home: the best recipes, rules of use ^

Nourishing mask for dry colored hair

To relieve primary stress, moisturize and enhance shine, it is recommended to prepare this oil composition:

  • Mix in 2 tbsp. l. (depending on the length and density of the curls) castor and sunflower oils. Put the container with them in a water bath for 5-7 minutes;
  • Apply a warm oily product to the hair, trying to ensure that it is abundantly processed;
  • After 2 hours, you can wash off the mask using a daily shampoo.

Repairing mask for colored damaged hair

If the curls are severely burned, hard to the touch and lifeless in appearance, this nourishing and restorative remedy helps:

  • Stir in 2 tbsp. l. olive and linseed oils, add 1 ampoule of vitamins of groups A and E to them;
  • Apply a slightly warm preheated mass to each strand and roots;
  • Wash your hair when 1-2 hours have passed from the moment of application.

Mask for colored hair with honey

If you have dandruff, itching and severe damage, you should use this soothing and moisturizing composition:

  • Stir pounded chicken yolk with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • Spread a thick mass of slightly damp curls and hold for 30 to 60 minutes;
  • Thoroughly rinse your head with shampoo to remove residues of the product.

Kefir mask for colored hair

If the curls have experienced severe stress, and after the staining procedure they look lifeless, they begin to break - this simple folk remedy comes to the rescue:

  • Mix 0.5 cups of lukewarm kefir with 1 tbsp. l. linseed or olive oil;
  • Place the composition on the head of hair and hold it for no more than half an hour (with a longer exposure time, kefir can begin to “eat” the paint ”;
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Argan oil mask for colored hair

The following method is suitable for restoring curls of any type:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. honey with yolk, add 1 tbsp. l. coconut, argan and olive oils;
  • Apply the creamy composition to the curls along the entire length and hold for 30 minutes to 1 hour;
  • Rinse your hair well using regular shampoo and warm tap water.

Moisturizing mask for colored hair

With severe loss and the presence of dry dandruff, brittle ends, this recipe is used:

  • 1 tbsp. l. juice from the onion, mix 1 tsp. honey, yolk and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • Treat the entire hair with the product, leave it under the cap to soak for 1 hour;
  • Wash your hair in the usual way.

Mask for light colored hair

To enhance and hold the color, you should use a simple but very effective home remedy:

  • 3-4 tbsp. l. stir natural sour cream with a pre-beaten egg;
  • Apply a thick mass to each strand from roots to ends;
  • After 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask for dark colored curls

To enhance the color and shine on dark curls, you should pay attention to this recipe:

  • Brew 1 tsp. natural finely ground coffee in 1 tbsp. l. boiling water, place 2 tbsp. l. cognac, yolks (2 pcs.) and castor oil (1 tsp.). Whisk the composition thoroughly with a whisk;
  • Apply a homogeneous mass to the curls and keep it for no more than a quarter of an hour;
  • Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Night mask for colored hair

For deeper nourishment and treatment of severe damage on dry strands, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Mix in 1 tbsp. l. almond and jojoba oils, then pour 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 1 tsp. ether rose;
  • Before going to bed, rub the mixture into the roots and distribute on the strands;
  • Wash your hair as usual in the morning.

Herbal hair mask

If you need to moisturize, strengthen and restore severely damaged strands, it is recommended to use this tool for all types of curls:

  • Mix in 1 tbsp. l. dry plantain, nettle, oregano and sage, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water over the herbs, add 1 tsp. honey and 5 capsules of vitamins A and E;
  • An hour later, when the composition is infused, mix it well and apply to the curls;
  • When 1-2 hours have elapsed, rinse your head thoroughly.

Mask for colored hair at home: reviews, videos, useful tips ^

What are the results of using a mask for colored hair at home:

  • The color lasts longer;
  • Damaged curls recover fairly quickly;
  • Dry strands are moistened;
  • The roots become stronger, the loss stops;
  • Lifeless curls gain shine and elasticity.