The magical and healing properties of the tiger's eye. Tiger's eye stone: description and magical properties

Tiger's eye is a gemstone, a kind of brown quartz with golden stripes. It became famous for its unusually beautiful wavy iridescent tint and golden "striped" radiance. The characteristic iridescent pattern and reddish color, reminiscent of the coloration of a tiger, gave this stone a beautiful name.

The "tiger" mineral has been known since ancient times. For its radiant color in many cultures it has received the name "sun stone". Unlike stones with a "cat's eye" effect, the tiger's eye has a characteristic golden brown wavy pattern. The stone is so beautiful and bright that sometimes it can seem that it is artificial.

The tiger's eye is under the control of the Sun, so the stone is fed by the energy of our luminary. Most of all, the tiger's eye suits Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn and Taurus.

The tiger's eye gives its owner the best qualities of a predator - patience, concentration, vigilance, determination, endurance. This kind of powerful energy is very helpful in both business and personal life. Iron nerves and firmness of character will not hurt anyone.

The tiger's eye develops consciousness, discernment, helps to distinguish true needs from imposed and suggested desires. Recommended to be worn during a period of serious life changes. The energy of the stone is very dynamic, it directs its owner to make the most rational decisions, instills common sense, and helps to concentrate. Tiger's eye helps women to become good housewives, protects them from the insidiousness of envious women and the pangs of jealousy.

In Medieval Europe, the fashion for the "striped" talisman came at the beginning of the 19th century. The tiger's eye was very popular among the European nobility, thanks to its powerful protective power and sophisticated beauty. At one time, ordinary people were forbidden to have "tiger" jewelry and talismans - only representatives of the aristocratic estates who wore rings with a large stone in order to protect them from robbers and ruin, as well as to increase wealth, had the right to own them.

Due to its affordable cost, many jewelry, as well as small carved art products, are made from the tiger's eye today. Caskets, small figurines and figurines made of radiant "striped" stone look respectable and are in steady demand. Tiger's eye jewelry helps to create soft in color and very harmonious looks in a natural palette. In order to preserve all the beautiful play of the stone, it is cut only in the form of cabochons. The most valuable stones are large, with light rainbow stripes, with a minimum of black.

In nature, the tiger's eye is found golden brown, golden yellow, dark brown, yellow brown with an iridescent silky golden tint.

The composition of the tiger's eye is translucent quartz. A beautiful silky iridescence is formed due to the parallel-fibrous structure. Rocks of "striped" quartz crack under the influence of tectonic vibrations and gradually fill with asbestos-like minerals, forming characteristic shining veins. The result is a stunningly beautiful effect that makes the stone so interesting and attractive. A truly amazing phenomenon - the tiger's eye retains in its structure the knowledge of the movement of the earth's crust over millions of years. This is a kind of graphical report for scientists, which can be used to study changes in the direction of tectonic forces.

Place of Birth
The main deposits of the tiger's eye are in Russia (Ural, Eastern Siberia), Ukraine, India, Burma, Western Australia, Canada, Namibia, and the USA. The most significant mining enterprises are in South Africa, where this type of stone is called Tiger "s Iron -" tiger iron ".

Medicinal properties
The tiger's eye is widely used in folk medicine - it is an excellent tool for quick recovery of the body's strength after severe surgery, to relieve the post-stroke condition. Helps to cure complex diseases such as psoriasis, asthma. Tiger's eye jewelry is recommended for people suffering from overeating - the mineral helps to reduce hunger and cleanses the body of toxins. Healers recommend wearing jewelry made from this mineral in order to treat and prevent a wide variety of diseases: inflamed joints, rheumatism, heart disease, otitis media, paralysis, etc. Tiger's eye is very suitable for hypertensive patients - it lowers blood pressure.

Ancient healers believed that the tiger's eye transforms streams of solar energy and directs them into the human body in the form of a powerful healing force. In India, this beautiful mineral was prescribed to be constantly worn by sick people with poor health.

According to ancient Indian Vedic ideas, the tiger's eye has a positive effect on the solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra, Manipura). If this chakra is blocked, the person loses self-control and self-confidence. The tiger eye, as a bright representative of the quartz family, perfectly cleanses the solar plexus chakra, ensures its normal functioning and harmonizes energy flows. Carving a personal symbol into stone and contemplating it regularly is an excellent way to immerse yourself in deep meditation for those who practice spiritual development.

The constant wearing of talismans and jewelry made from this mineral helps to normalize sleep, get rid of depression, nightmares and unfounded fears. Tiger eye is recommended for people who experience chronic fatigue.

The "tiger" stone is especially useful for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases and elimination of their consequences - diseases of the digestive tract, skin, reproductive organs, etc. The mineral removes toxins from the body, restores bone tissue, relieves pain from bruises, helps fight diseases of the spine, balances emotions and sexual energy.

Magical properties
Ancient sorcerers actively used the tiger's eye - this is a real stone of magicians, reliably protecting against alien influences.

Ancient people considered the tiger's eye a "sun stone" and wore such talismans as amulets from evil spirits, to protect them from damage and the evil eye. This mineral was highly revered by the ancient warriors who wore amulets to protect themselves from mortal wounds in battle. Roman legionnaires did not enter the battlefield without these powerful talismans. To enhance the protective power of the stone, secret magical symbols were engraved on its surface.

Modern magicians claim that tiger's eye talismans protect their owners from the most serious dangers. The stone helps people whose hobby or profession is associated with a high level of injury and life risk. For athletes, the tiger's eye helps to avoid injury and strengthen the will to win.

Talismans with a tiger's eye are recommended to be worn by people of creative professions - artists, designers, fashion designers, architects, restorers. It helps hardworking people to quickly move up the career ladder, overcome competitors, avoid treacherous partners, and attract profits. The tiger's eye is an excellent talisman that protects against financial losses, ruin and bankruptcy. If you wear jewelry with this stone, you significantly reduce the risk of being robbed.

The ancient Indians also used the tiger's eye as a magic talisman. The stone warned its owner about the approach of dangerous predators: at these moments the weight of the mineral increased significantly. At a dangerous moment, the stone in the ring unexpectedly pressed on the finger, and the pendants and beads became heavy. And today, it is very important for the owners of the tiger's eye to listen carefully to their stone, to trust their intuition.

In order for the stone to help as much as possible, the owner needs to show more activity and dedication himself. The tiger's eye does not favor the inert and lazy. In a passive and inactive person, the stone can be accidentally lost. The tiger's eye loves the energetic and bold.

Charms and talismans with a tiger's eye are best framed in silver, since this metal is an excellent conductor and helps to reveal the energy of the stone.

Among all the gems, this tiger's eye has perhaps the most unusual appearance. In color and pattern, it really resembles a tiger's eye or even its skin, which is why it is sometimes called a tiger. The stone has unique magical properties for the signs of the zodiac, in addition, it also has healing qualities.

The first thing that catches your eye is how the stone looks. The tiger's eye has an attractive glossy surface and a unique pattern - several stripes of golden yellow or golden brown tones. Sometimes the color is closer to the color of cocoa, and also light gray, steel shades can appear in it.

The gem belongs to decorative and ornamental. Interestingly, it is the product of weathering of another mineral - the hawk's eye. The essence of the processes is that, as a result of prolonged exposure to air, the veins of this mineral are gradually replaced by chalcedony or translucent quartz. Therefore, a kind of mixture of shades is obtained.

Each stone drawing is unique. Some gems resemble cat's eyes in shape and shades: a thin strip with pointed ends takes the central place, and contrasting stripes of darker colors diverge from it with relative symmetry.

Due to this mixture of different rocks, this stone is sometimes also called tiger-falcon. In the language of symbols, this combination has a special meaning: a combination of tiger's cunning and falcon's vigilance.

In general, the pattern of a mineral often determines its name. For example:

  • if there are red blotches on the surface, it is called a bull's eye;
  • cat's eye - these are minerals with dark patterns;
  • a pebble with inclusions of blue, less often green colors, is called a falcon;
  • and if stripes of contrasting colors simply alternate one after another, then the mineral is called a zebra stone.

The beauty of the tiger's eye gem (video)

Features of mining and processing

This gem is formed in granite rocks along with quartz and other minerals. In natural deposits, it is found together with the falcon's eye.

Deposits can be found on almost all continents:

  • Ukraine (Kryvyi Rih);
  • Russia (Eastern Siberia); there are also Bashkir deposits;
  • Myanmar;
  • Australia (western regions);
  • India;
  • Middle Asia;
  • California (USA);

Minerals of various shapes are mined - in the form of small nuggets of round, oval, drop-like and other shapes. Interestingly, the stone initially has a very smooth, polished surface.

It is usually processed in two ways:

  1. Concave lowering.
  2. Processing with a double cabochon - that is, the combination of two gems to create volumetric parts (beads, rosary, rings for rings, etc.).

Further processing of the crystal is performed as needed. For example, pyramids or hexagonal amulets are often made from this gem.

Mineral properties

This mineral has a fairly simple chemical composition - mainly two components predominate. However, the mystical properties of the gem and, in general, its ability to influence the psychological mood have been known for more than one century.


The chemical base of the mineral is silicon dioxide SiO 2, which also forms sand, quartz and many other well-known rocks. The main impurity is iron oxide Fe 2 O 3. In this case, the characteristic color of the gem is due to the inclusions of various iron hydroxides of the general formula FeOOH.

The physical properties of this breed are as follows:

  1. Shine - glossy, silky.
  2. The structure of the crystal lattice is trigonal, that is, the molecular structure is based on three vectors that intersect at the same (but not perpendicular) angles.
  3. The body of the crystal is not transparent.
  4. Hardness (Mohs scale) - about 7 (diamond has a maximum score of 10).
  5. Density is about 2.4-2.6 g / cm 3.
  6. The refractive index is approximately the same as that of ordinary window glass (1.55-1.56).


A lot is known about the magical properties of the tiger's eye, but of course, any such information is a matter of faith, and not the result of scientific research.

It is believed that the gem has the following abilities:

  1. It stabilizes mood and relieves women of excessive jealousy and suspicion.
  2. Helps to protect yourself from envy, insidious plans, hostile looks.
  3. For business people, it is useful in that it protects against unfair competition.
  4. And for representatives of creative professions, such a talisman gives an influx of new ideas and literally helps to tune in to the optimal wave in order to create new masterpieces.
  5. The gem develops self-awareness, strengthens his self-confidence, gives determination in difficult life situations.

In fact, the name of the stone is closely related to the influence it has on a person. We can say that he develops, first of all, the best qualities of a predator (hunter) - endurance, patience, the ability to wait for the most suitable moment and easily rush into battle in order to achieve the most important goals.

There is one interesting belief: it is believed that the stone receives additional energy recharging if it is placed on a windowsill overnight on a full moon. Such a gem works much better and feeds its owner with new strength.

Decorations made of this stone were at one time very common among ancient Roman warriors. They used them as a talisman and believed that the gem protects from injury, preserves life and gives courage. On the surface of the mineral, special symbolic drawings were often carved, which created additional protection for the owner of such a talisman.

Healing and beneficial

The healing properties of the stone have also been known for several centuries. It was used and is used in alternative medicine as a general tonic, which improves well-being and helps especially well during the recovery period after an illness.

Such useful qualities of the mineral are also known:

  • improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress through natural relaxation;
  • helps to cope with insomnia and related sleep disorders;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps to heal dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • normalizes appetite and prevents overeating;
  • provides pressure stabilization;
  • removes from depressive conditions;
  • acts as a natural pain reliever for gout and arthritis.

Thus, one quality of a gem is closely related to another. Whatever properties it possesses, it is also important to understand who the mineral is suitable for according to the horoscope. This is discussed in detail in the next section.

Read also:

Gallery: tiger's eye stone (54 photos)

Tiger's eye and zodiac signs

Of particular interest is the combination of a stone with a specific zodiac sign. Each person's horoscope is unique. However, there are some common features that determine the characteristics of character and behavior in different situations.

With regard to compatibility with specific characters, the picture looks like this:

  1. The gem is especially suitable for representatives of the fire element - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire signs often have to make important decisions that will affect not only them, but also those around them. Even if they do not occupy leadership positions, these people have inherent leadership qualities. The gem helps to harmonize mood and make the right decisions. In addition, it will help to cope with emotional outbursts.
  2. The mineral will optimally affect Gemini as well. These creative-minded people are characterized by mood swings, laziness and even apathy are often attacked. To stabilize your mood and try to organize your life correctly, you can pay attention to this gem.
  3. The mineral has a similar effect on the hardworking Virgo. They work very hard, but sometimes they do not pay enough attention to the psychological aspect of their lives. In this sense, the gem will help harmonize energy and create an influx of additional forces.
  4. The stone protects the active Scorpions, who often have quite a lot of ill-wishers, because the success of these people is openly envied by those around them. He protects Scorpio from negative energy.
  5. For Capricorns, a mineral can become a real talisman., since he patronizes their work in every possible way, to which the representatives of the sign pay great attention.
  6. An often wobbling Libra can find a pleasant pattern.: Using the gem as a decoration will make you feel more confident. In addition, the stone patronizes the creative principle, which manifests itself quite clearly in all representatives of this zodiac sign.
  7. For Aquarius, the mineral serves as a kind of source of good mood. He gives warmth and positive emotions. You can wear it in the form of various jewelry - rings, bracelets, or you can use it as a keychain.

There is a definite relationship between the talisman stone and the person's name. It is believed that the tiger's eye is most suitable for Jeanne, and Anatoly, Pavel and George are distinguished among male names.

Colors of semi-precious stones (video)

Jewelry and souvenirs with natural stone

The stone is used both for creating jewelry and for souvenirs - pyramids, figurines, figurines.

A few examples of popular jewelry:

  1. Among pendants, a butterfly pendant is especially common. Four stones set in silver create the effect of a floating, almost magical butterfly, which uplifts the mood and creates a pleasant atmosphere.
  2. Gold and silver earrings with a tiger's eye emphasize the lady's grace and serve as the center of attraction for the eye. Pleasant yellow colors and a shiny surface are a very winning combination for decoration.
  3. Beads and rosary look beautiful. Smooth shapes do not cut the eye and allow you to create your own style.
  4. The stone is quite large - it looks good as a ring. Moreover, there are options with a frame made of metal or a ring only made of a gem. Heavy, large items look good on adult ladies who want to emphasize their status. And graceful rings will be appropriate for young girls.

Often people are interested in how much a tiger's eye costs. Interestingly, the price is quite affordable, and it depends on the content of black stripes: the cost is the more, the less of them. On average, one medium stone (diameter 50 mm) will cost 700-1000 rubles.

Other similar minerals of the quartz group

In terms of chemical composition, this mineral is similar to quartz, therefore, the tiger's eye looks like such gems:

  • aventurine;
  • onyx;
  • citrine;
  • heliotrope;
  • prasiolite;
  • rhinestone;
  • morion;
  • hairy;
  • amethyst;
  • rose quartz.

It is useful to know which stones the tiger's eye is combined with. It can be worn with any kind of quartz, as these are closely related minerals. But with expensive gems (diamond, sapphire, ruby, garnet), it will look out of place.

How to tell a natural tiger's eye from a fake

It is quite simple to distinguish a fake from a real stone:

  • natural varieties have a high density and weigh significantly more than a glass trinket;
  • natural stone has no scratches - its surface is flawlessly smooth;
  • finally, although the surface is shiny, but not too strong (unlike glass "analogues").

In fairness, we can say that this mineral is rarely forged, since there is a lot of this gem in natural deposits. However, this prevalence does not detract from the useful properties and external attractiveness of this gem.

The tiger's eye is the closest "relative" of quartz, outwardly resembling the eye of a predator. Once polished and rounded, this resemblance is enhanced. You can see for yourself by looking at the photo.

Description: history, composition and properties, varieties and deposits

The tiger's eye was known in ancient Sumeria. During the excavations, totems and figurines of the Gods were found with the minerals of the Tiger's Eye inserted into the eye sockets.

Egyptians and ancient Roman legionaries wore it as a talisman and amulet, believing that this extraordinary gem has magical properties. In the East, the gem is considered Shiva's favorite stone. It was inserted into pendants that symbolized the "third eye". There are many photos on the Internet showing these wonderful pendants. The Tiger's eye was also revered by the Indians, who noticed that in the presence of danger, jewelry with a stone becomes heavier.

The mineral is very effective! It is painted in golden and brownish tones. The surface of the stone is covered with black dots and is lined with light and dark stripes. Under the rays of light, it shines silky, sparkling and iridescent. The mineral is known in two varieties that differ in color.

  1. Bovine eye with a reddish tinge. It is obtained by heat treatment of Tigrovy.
  2. Hawkeye is colored in shades of blue and light blue with a dark highlight reminiscent of the pupil of a bird's eye.

The basis of the mineral is silicon dioxide. The presence of silicon ensures its high hardness, strength and opacity. The beautiful golden yellow shades are formed by iron hydroxyls. The gem owes its optical effects to the presence of ultra-thin veins of fibrous asbestos.

In Russia, the mineral is mined in the Urals and the eastern part of Siberia. There are deposits of the Tiger's Eye in Ukraine, India, Australia, in the south of the African continent, in Burma and the USA.

Healing and magical properties of the mineral

From generation to generation, people passed on information about the healing properties of the stone. In ancient times, it was used to treat diseases of the eyes, skin and joints. Lithotherapists have confirmed the value of the mineral for healing and added to the list of diseases that can be healed with a stone.

Tiger's eye heals:

The stone has a strong energy, giving its owner strength and confidence, protecting him from dangers, endowing him with wisdom and prudence. It is compatible with all zodiac signs. One of the brightest magical properties of the mineral is attracting money. It contributes to the return of debts, the growth of income, protects against ruin.

The magic of the stone is also appreciated by creative people. It helps to sharpen intuition and inspiration. The magical properties of the mineral are revealed only to those who are an active person.

For indecisive and passive (lazy) individuals, the stone does not linger for a long time: the jewelry breaks and is lost, cracks appear on the surface of the stone.

Tiger's eye and zodiac signs

The tiger eye is suitable for representatives of all zodiac signs:

Among the signs of the zodiac, the mineral has its own preferences: it patronizes Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius, giving the maximum of its strength.

The tiger's eye can be seen in an inexpensive metal frame, like "bijou". But this is not his level. A worthy pair for a gem is silver and gold. Precious metals and the Tiger's Eye complement each other: the effect of the metal is enhanced by the energy of the mineral. This can be seen very clearly in the photo of the jewelry.

Distinctive characteristics of natural stone and rules of care

The price of the stone is not high, but significant. This provoked the emergence of counterfeits, which are often used as barium titanite, borosilicate glass and plastic.

To recognize a fake will help:

Buy items with the Tiger's Eye in jewelry stores, giving preference to jewelry cut from precious metals - this is the best guarantee of purchasing a natural stone.

The tiger's eye is unpretentious, but it also requires careful attitude and care:

In gratitude, the Tiger's Eye will give you its extraordinary beauty, radiance and all the power of its magic.

Tiger's eye stone is a quartz mineral with stripes of yellow, black and brown shades and an iridescent color glow (iridescence) inside the stone. Being a chemical composition of silicon dioxide with impurities of crocidolite (asbestos), located longitudinally, it has a silky sheen - the "tiger's eye" effect, especially noticeable when a light beam hits the stone. Refers to ocular stones, which, when processed, get the appearance of an eye.

The tiger's eye has been known since ancient times. Where there were deposits of this mineral, its spectacular appearance was highly appreciated. In Sumer, amulets were made from it, inserted into the eye sockets of sculptures of gods. In India, the tiger's eye was considered a talisman. They believed that it grows heavier when a predator approaches, warning of danger. The tiger's eye was dedicated to Shiva.

In Tibet, Syria, an imitation of an eye was made from the mineral - with a pupil and a protein, skillfully using the direction of the stone strips.

In Africa and Australia, the stone was used for totem symbols and amulets for leaders, with a tiger color, symbolizing ancestral power and power.

Roman soldiers carried the stone with them, believing that it would give courage and protect its owner in battle. At the same time, engraving with magic symbols was made on the stone.

For a long time this stone was used in the form of cabochons (rounded domes), now it is a valuable ornamental stone, also used for jewelry.

Types of tiger's eye

The tiger's eye stands out from the quartzite by the play of its colors. At the same time, two more types of stones are distinguished:

  • Hawkeye;
  • Bulls-eye.

Hawkeye is a blue-gray stone with a bluish tint. It has less iron impurities than a common mineral. Iridescent gray, bluish and black stripes with minimal pink inclusions make hawk eye a valuable and mineral. It is rare and therefore highly prized.

A bull's eye can be obtained by calcining a tiger's eye, which changes its typical color to a brownish-red hue with a silky sheen.

Hawkeye and bovine eye are natural varieties of the same stone. By treating the bull's eye with hydrochloric acid, they achieve the effect of a cat's eye, a very beautiful mineral with a strip of light gliding along the surface of the stone, but obtained through chemical treatment. The natural one is chrysoberyl, and the one obtained from the tiger's eye is called quartz. But it is also prized for its exquisite play of light, reminiscent of a cat's pupil.

Mineral deposits

The tiger's eye is of magmatic origin and is found in places where volcanoes have ever been located, or in places where the earth's crust has fractured. Large deposits of stone are located in Africa, Burma, Australia, USA, they are also in Russia (Ural, Eastern Siberia) and Ukraine. In the fields of South Africa and Australia, along with the tiger's eye, the falcon's eye is mined.

High quality gem-quality tiger's eye is obtained in Africa.

In India and Eastern Siberia, there are also reserves of a bull's eye.

Minerals of excellent quality are mined in Ukraine (Krivoy Rog). Kryvyi Rih stones are distinguished by their silky shine and rich golden brown color.

Tiger's eye magical properties

The magical properties of the tiger's eye have been valued since ancient times. Due to the high energy of this mineral, it is used as a talisman even now. Tiger eye jewelry is good to wear at events with a large crowd of people, where you can meet unbalanced personalities or energy vampires. A slightly "heavy" necklace or a crushing ring with a tiger stone signals danger and gives the owner a signal to leave the place where he is.

The tiger's eye helps develop intuition, courage, and healthy calculation. At the same time, he gives courage reasonable, balanced, like a “striped predator”. To come to the necessary decision, it is recommended to sort out the rosary from this mineral for a quarter of an hour (or roll magic balls for meditation in your palms).

Another property of the tiger's eye, long appreciated by bankers, is to attract profits. Jewelry made from this mineral helps to avoid ruin, contribute to the repayment of debts and increase income. A writing instrument, a figurine on a table, or a piece of jewelry framed with precious metal is highly recommended for businessmen or those who are engaged in creative work, creative people. But the stone helps only those who are really busy with business, acting, and not dreaming. People who are indecisive, inactive, as a rule, lose the decoration or it breaks, cracks.

It is believed that the tiger's eye pacifies jealousy, allows you to trust your partner more.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial effect of the tiger's eye on human health has long been appreciated. Lithotherapists note the following properties of this stone:

  • fortifying;
  • pacifies pain in arthritis, gout;
  • treats insomnia;
  • relieves stress;
  • facilitates the course of neurodermatitis, psoriasis.

In addition, the tiger's eye lowers blood pressure, restores blood circulation after a stroke.

A valuable property of this mineral is the regulation of appetite: using the tiger's eye as an amulet or decoration, a person eats as much food as necessary, while not feeling hungry.

The stone is shown during recovery in the postoperative period, giving strength and vitality.

The price of a tiger's eye

Tiger's eye quartz deposits are fairly common, so the stone is inexpensive.

A fairly large stone (50 mm in size) costs no more than $ 10. The price of a tiger's eye depends on its color in the processed form. The fewer black stripes on the stone, the higher the price.

Hawkeye is the most expensive type of mineral. Cabochons with clear blue hues cost 2-3 times more than a regular tiger's eye.

Tiger's Eye Jewelry

Since the tiger's eye is an ornamental stone, it is used for decorative figurines, caskets, writing and tableware, and in combination with other stones - for paintings and mosaics.

Beads, necklaces, rosaries, brooches and pendants are made from it. On sale you can find inexpensive jewelry in the category "bijou", framed with metal alloys, or you can buy a solid piece of jewelry in silver or gold.

The advantage of tiger's eye jewelry is that the stone looks solid and respectable, despite its low initial cost. But this is the rare case when the energy of the stone is important.

Tiger's eye lends itself well to processing and does not crumble. As inserts for jewelry, it is processed with a cabochon, which allows you to fully manifest the effect of iridescence (rainbow shine).

Tiger's eye stone for whom it is suitable according to the horoscope

Tiger's eye is also suitable for Capricorns and Aquarius. He gives them control over their feelings and emotions.

The tiger's eye is a stone with strong energy and an attractive look, suitable for active people both as a decoration and as a talisman or amulet.

Simbircite - a stone of vigor, strength and harmony
Hairy - the mineral "hair of Venus"

Tiger's eye stone in essence refers to the representatives of "eye stones". This means that outwardly it is very similar to the eye of an ordinary representative of the animal world, as well as a bird. He, as experts note, has a pattern, which is called iridescent, and a radiance appears that resembles an arc. That is why it was previously endowed with a very interesting effect.

The Tiger's Eye stone, the properties of which have been known since ancient times, was quite actively used to create various kinds of statuettes. In addition, it was actively used to decorate jewelry and accessories. It has often been argued that such a mineral contains the energy of the Sun and the Earth at the same time. Moreover, the stone is able to unite energy and turn it into material wealth. Often such an amulet was used for battles, believing that it would reliably protect from wounds.

Physical properties of the stone Tiger's eye

According to jewelry experts and geologists, the Tiger Eye is one of the quartz formations. This stone is brown in color with golden stripes in the pattern. In terms of hardness, this mineral corresponds to the number 7, in terms of density, it is 2.54-2.71. By itself, it is opaque.

The color of the stone is due to the presence of iron hydroxide in it. At the same time, it is important to understand that the Tiger's Eye is noticeably different from its "brothers" - the Cat's and Hawkeye's. The stone got its name, which favorably distinguishes the mineral from others, due to its external resemblance to the eye of a predator. It is very similar - both in radiance and overflow - to the eye of a tiger. This effect is especially noticeable when the stone is being processed for subsequent use in jewelry.

By color, the stones are distinguished by a bright color - golden brown, golden brown or golden yellow shades. There are also light stripes and black blotches in the stone. All this is due to the interesting chemical composition of the mineral.

Today, there are often synthetic analogs of the mineral. Despite the fact that it is inexpensive, it is still often counterfeited. Usually glass, or even plastic, is given out for the Tiger's Eye. To understand that this is a fake mineral, you need to take a closer look at it - a natural stone has a light strip, which is distinct and does not change position when rotating. The weight of the fake stone will be very light. It is also worth understanding that if the stone is synthesized artificially, it will be brighter and sharper in color.

Mineral deposits

The Tiger's Eye stone, the magical properties of which have been known since ancient times, is one of the minerals with magmatic origin. Accordingly, its deposits are found in places where previously (even if we are talking about a very distant past) volcanoes were located or cracks in the earth's crust were noted. And here it is important to understand that the process of replacing a substance such as crocidolite with quartz, after which another substitution with iron hydroxides will take place, occurs only under conditions that are called hydrothermal. Countries such as Australia, India, Burma and Africa are named among the most famous stone deposits. However, they are also present in Russia - in the Urals and in the region of Eastern Siberia.

Stone Tiger's Eye: healing and magical properties

The stone has many different properties. If we talk about the healing effect that it gives, you can hear the statement that it helps with the following problems:

  • Different eye pathologies
  • Increased blood pressure
  • The presence of insomnia
  • Manifestations of psoriasis
  • Joint problems
  • Asthma attacks
  • Development of otitis media
  • Rheumatism
  • Various diseases of the female sphere

Natural stone is often used for rehabilitation after various complex surgical procedures. Also, the Tiger's Eye helps to cope with fatigue (even chronic), saves from unexplained tormenting fears and depressive conditions.

As for its magical properties, the stone has a rather powerful energy. It was often used as a talisman against evil spirits, black magicians, and various dark forces. Today it is believed that this mineral helps its owner by giving him strength and self-confidence, endowing him with sanity and allowing him to gain prudence. There are those who argue that the Tiger's Eye perfectly saves from jealousy.

Tiger's eye stone, magical properties

When the question arises: Tiger's eye is a stone, who suits and who does not, astrology immediately comes to mind. The tiger's eye and the zodiac sign are so closely intertwined that choosing the right one will not be difficult. Such an amulet will be an excellent solution for Gemini and Virgo. This is due to the increased impulsiveness and emotionality of the representatives of the constellations. It is also quite possible to use it for Aries, especially for ladies and those who are born in the first half of the sign. Taurus can use this mineral to fight anger and pick up keys to communicate with even the most difficult interlocutor. Gemini's Tiger Eye helps to unleash their creativity.