Halloween vampire makeup: a selection of unusual looks for a girl. How to do Halloween vampire makeup. Practical advice

Among all the Halloween characters, the easiest way to transform into a vampire. This look does not require a lot of makeup and special costume. Vampires from movies and books most often dress in the spirit of their time or prefer gothic and Victorian styles. Therefore, we and suitable accessories, and so that no one doubts our nocturnal origin, we will make a vampire-style makeup.

Vampire dress and costume

In some films, vampires prefer leather pants and corsets, or even leather suits - jumpsuits with many details. These costumes look impressive, but if you don't have leather pants and a corset, chances are you won't buy them for your Halloween party.

We will proceed from the more affordable options:

1. Black dress. A floor-length or midi-length black dress is best. A Victorian dress is ideal and can be rented.

2. A white blouse with a black lace collar and a black skirt will also fit into the image of a vampire. If the skirt is made of leather, the look will be even better, because the leather adds a special energy.

3. A common element of the vampire's image is the cape. Nowadays, a variety of capes are in fashion, go shopping, perhaps you will find a cloak that is perfect for a holiday and then useful for everyday life. If not, you can make your own vampire cloak from a piece of black cloth. The fabric gathers in folds around the neck and is held in place by strings.

4. Accessories. Boots or shoes with an elegant stiletto heel, a wide leather belt, ideally a corset belt, lace gloves, a ring with a black or red stone. But it is best not to overload the image with many accessories, but to wear it, it will perfectly fit into our image.

Halloween vampire makeup

The Halloween vampire look involves a pale complexion with contrasting eyes and lips. At the same time, you do not need to limit yourself in makeup, we paint our lips with bright red lipstick and do black eye makeup.

You can use the traditional smoky-eyes makeup technique, making the eyes very dark and expressive, or you can paint over the upper eyelid step by step with black, purple and burgundy shadows. All these colors fit perfectly into the dark gothic images.

Do not forget about the lower eyelid. Halloween vampire makeup doesn't impose strict rules. You can line the eyelid with a black arrow or shade dark shadows all over the area around the eyes. And if you want, draw a cobweb with a thin pencil, it looks very original. Experiment, take a photo and then compare which makeup is better, we do that for the holiday.

One of the most common Halloween party outfits is the vampire girl. The popularization and romanticization of the image of motion pictures, in particular, the "twilight" saga, contributed. You can choose both the classic version and with a twist, so that it is immediately clear that you are going to a party. The image of a mysterious vampire girl on Halloween can be done on your own, without resorting to the help of special makeup, but using ordinary cosmetics.

Halloween vampire makeup is based on the following principles:

  • very pale skin;
  • expressive eye and lip makeup.

Halloween Vampire Girl Makeup Requirements

To create a Halloween vampire look will need the following:

  • moisturizer (it will be the basis for makeup and protect the skin);
  • foundation of a very light shade;
  • loose powder of the same tone;
  • bronze blush;
  • pencils for eyes in black and red;
  • a palette of eyeshadows, in which there are dark and light shades;
  • ink;
  • burgundy or purple lipstick;
  • fake blood;
  • onlays on the teeth, with the help of which an imitation of canines is created.

Do it yourself artificial blood you can use red and blue food colors with the addition of:

  • sugar syrup;
  • jelly;
  • gelatin.

So that the resulting mixture is not too thick, and the shade is close to natural. To do this, add a little blue tint to the red dye.

Using the listed tools, you can create a simple Halloween vampire girl makeup. If you want to make the make-up more complicated, then it is better to use theatrical make-up. Complement the makeup with a suit that is correctly matched to it. Fantasy is also not limited - it can be an old medieval dress or a modern outfit. You can use colored lenses to make your look more effective. The main thing is that all of the above should form a single ensemble.

Video: how to do Halloween vampire makeup

Step-by-step instructions for applying "vampire" makeup on Halloween

Step-by-step instructions for creating Halloween vampire girl makeup:

  1. The work begins with the preparation of the facial skin. It needs to be cleaned with a toner, then apply a moisturizer. If you have skin defects, you need to mask them (the vampire's skin must be perfect). Next, apply a thick layer of foundation not only on the face, but also on the neck with the ears. If you have a highlighter with reflective particles, apply it under the eyes. Secure the result with powder.

Important! If you want to get even more pale skin, add a small amount of white and light blue eyeshadow to the powder.

  1. Apply a bronzed blush to the cheekbones for a sunken cheek effect.
  2. Make your brows more expressive with dark eyeshadow or pencil.
  3. Apply shadows of a light shade to the moving eyelid. Apply a dark shadow over the crease of the upper eyelid and under the eyes. Blend everything thoroughly - this will create the illusion of dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Use dark purple or black eyeshadows for the eyeliner. Alternatively, use a liquid eyeliner of the same color.
  5. With a pencil, draw a line along the growth of the lower eyelashes. If you take a pencil in black or red, you will create the effect of sore eyes.
  6. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. If you are looking for a more expressive eye makeup look, you can use false eyelashes.
  7. Apply a burgundy or other dark shade of lipstick to your lips. In the corners of your lips, you can lightly smudge it. And with the help of artificial blood, draw thin streams of blood.

All you have to do is put on false fangs and colored lenses to make the image look spectacular.

Photo: step-by-step instructions for vampire makeup

Video: how to do Halloween vampire makeup

Making bites on the neck for vampire girl makeup

An important part of the Halloween vampire look is the bites around the neck. It is quite difficult to draw them on your own, so you can ask someone to help you. Below are instructions for creating bites:

  • with a black pencil (cosmetic), draw two dots with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • you do not need to make them perfectly round - it is more appropriate to make them uneven to create the illusion of damage to the skin;
  • draw a rim around the points with red shadows to make the skin appear sore and irritated;
  • apply some purple eyeshadow - this will make the appearance of bruises. Blend the transitions between the shadows well;
  • add a drop of fake blood and let it drain slightly.

Important! If you didn't have time to make fake blood, you can use a dark red lip gloss. But it flows down worse, so you will have to smear it additionally to look natural and beautiful.

Video: how to do makeup with vampire bites on Halloween

Of course, you can limit yourself to the "smokey ice" technique- its meaning is also in the expressiveness of the eyes. But it's better to spend a little more time, practice and supplement it so that the image of a vampire girl on Halloween turns out to be more natural and impressive.

Most importantly, do not forget fangs are a feature of this image.

Photo gallery of ideas and images of a vampire girl for Halloween

An interesting solution for Halloween: instead of fake fangs, you can paint them on the lips. The image of a vampire girl will not suffer from this, on the contrary, it will look interesting and original!

Vampire girls should focus not only on sharp fangs, but also on their eyes: bright shadows, eyeliner, lush eyelashes and even lenses! All of this will help make you the queen of your Halloween party!

The photo below is an ideal vampire image for a blonde.

A vapmere girl for Halloween can be either with natural hair color or with artificial gray hair.

Video: how to do vampire makeup at home

With a harmonious combination of makeup, clothing and other details, the image of a vampire will be one of the most striking in the celebration of Halloween.

In contact with

The vampire is a great traditional Halloween look. It is versatile and flexible, suitable for girls, girls and women.

Men and boys also often choose mystical images for themselves - the role of vampires or Dracula.

The female vampire image does not have to be frightening at all, it can even be created exciting, elegant, strict or funny-masquerade. Make-up will play the most important role in creating the chosen image.

We have selected for you a collection of videos that make it easy to master the techniques of applying vampire makeup for Halloween.

Movie 1. Elegant vampire makeup: step by step creation

Below is a video from a professional makeup artist. And after that, we have placed a detailed translation of the explanations that will help you create an elegant gothic Halloween vampire look for a girl.

For the vampire makeup, we will use magenta to create this expressive look. But you can use other colors as well. The main thing is to have a dark tone, light and intermediate shades.


  • To start take some duct tape(or even just a sticky sticker). Then, when shading, you get a completely clear and clean corner line. Press it obliquely from the corner of the eye to the temple.
  • Make fluffy brush strokes with the first color of your choice along the upper eyelid to a point on the inner edge of the eye.
  • Then, taking second color, apply it towards the outer corner and lightly blend the colors in the crease of the eyelid.
  • Black with eye shadow, start working on the inner corner to add an enigmatic depth to the look.
  • The color that remained after that on the brush, lightly blend on the sides of the bridge of the nose and a little along the crease of the eye.
  • Next, to darken it and give the eye a larger shape, skip the black shading around the edge and crease.
  • The tape can now be peeled off and you should have a perfectly clean and even edge.

If there is no adhesive surface at home at home, then (with a certain skill and accuracy) it can be replaced by a simple sheet of paper, tightly pressed to the skin, or a napkin.

  • To add expressiveness to the look apply light to the inner corner of the eye(preferably shiny) color.
  • Under the eyebrow with light strokes of the brush, put the medium tone of the highlight and feel free to switch to eyeliner. If you draw a fairly clear and very dark line along the edge of the lower eyelid, right along the shadows, then the look will become even more dramatic.
  • Then boldly apply dark eyeliner at the point of the inner corner, and then with a black pencil draw lines on the upper and lower edges of the eyelid.

In order for the image to be not only terrible, but also beautiful (and what girl does not want to be beautiful even in the form of a vampire ?!), lengthen your fake eyelashes.

It's good if these are not just long eyelashes, but those where different lengths are combined - so they will not look vulgar-doll-like, but very stylish.

A little black ink on them and you can go to the actual face.

Cheekbones - a graceful frame of the image

For a Halloween vampire look, it's good if your skin is already pale enough. But we will mask the dark or ruddy one with light powder.

You can even do it like this: mix a little of any white makeup cream with some very pale powder-powder.

Add a slight highlight to the cheekbones and a little to the forehead. At the same time, use a napkin that limits the shading line. The method is described above. Be careful when applying highlights to the other cheekbone. They must be symmetrical.

Finishing accent: vampire lips

Now let's move on to the lips.

We propose to do it as follows: align the lip contour with a black liner, and then with the help of lip balm and a brush, mix the colors right in the middle.

Top with purple (or other dark) lipstick. Blot any excess with a dry tissue to prevent lip makeup from spreading.

Look at yourself in the mirror and make sure that the teeth are white without any paint - the smile of a vampire should be snow-white.

But to make the look more sexy and even gothic, you can add "blood" ...

What to make it out of? Any red paint, dense in consistency, and very thick ketchup, and a special burgundy liquid from professional makeup will do. Decorative blood is also sold in art supply stores.

Video 2. Seductive makeup from A to Z

This video from the collection of Emma Pickles (Emma Pickles) details the entire process of creating a thrilling vampire makeup. Basically, this is a step-by-step guide, from skin preparation to finishing touches.

Rollers 3-4. Vampire bite

If you want to more accurately convey all the showiness of the vampire image, pay attention to the details of the makeup. So, we suggest that you make an imitation of bite marks on your neck. Believe me, this makeup effect will not go unnoticed at any costume party! How to do it? Watch the video below:

And the second clip shows you how to make bites with a special scarring wax. Please note that before applying wax to the skin, hands must be thoroughly wiped off the remains of cosmetics, otherwise the wax will not stick. And that the edges must be carefully rubbed into the skin.

Video 5. Image options

Watch the video in which, in addition to good makeup, the girl demonstrates two options for a suit: a classic one with a cape and an elegant one with a hat.

For the curious, we also tell the traditions of the celebration in different countries. In the same article, you will find out when Halloween is celebrated.

Vampire makeup will allow you to make the image as spectacular and bright as possible. With its help, you can achieve amazing effects: hide skin imperfections, add expressiveness to your eyes, correct the shape of lips and eyebrows. As a result, the face will look attractive, but within the framework of a thematic solution.

Blue-pale skin

Vampire makeup necessarily includes an even and as pale tone as possible. If the skin is naturally dark or with freckles, you will have to spend more time whitening and correcting it. In this case, a few days before the party, it makes sense to conduct a course of whitening masks.

To give the face the desired shade, you must:

You will have to give up blush and bronzer. If you are planning a holiday in the evening, you can apply an illuminator with a wide brush on the cheekbones and in the area of ​​the eyebrows: it will give a soft shine and make the makeup more effective.

Eyes: deep and expressive

Vampire makeup requires special emphasis on the eyes... For them, you should choose shades of bright colors: dark gray, charcoal black. The best choice would be smokey eye makeup: a clear shape, colors flowing into each other, thick eyelashes (you can use false eyelashes). To form the image of a vampire at home, you can also use brown-red shadows: in this case, with their help, it is convenient to create the effect of bags under the eyes and significantly increase them, giving the look fatigue and depth. For the most colorful makeup, along with burgundy shades, you can use pink ones (they will smooth out the aggressive effect of the image and emphasize its femininity).

Before getting your vampire makeup on, consider using colored lenses.

They will make the image more characteristic, aggressive and attractive at the same time. Lenses can be used in bright blue, yellow, blood red.

Lips: shades of blood

At home, for the lips in this look, the easiest way is to use a rich burgundy shade. The lips should have a well-defined shape to match the lipstick. Matte shades with good pigmentation should be preferred. To make the lips more voluminous and expressive, you can apply a little colorless gloss to the central part of them, or paint over this area with a lighter tone.

Halloween makeup is often decorated with blood. To make it look realistic, you can use the following ingredients:

  • gelatin;
  • water;
  • food colors of red and blue tint.

Dissolve the paints in water, achieving the desired shade (darker - more blue) and mix the solution with gelatin. When the mass becomes homogeneous, draw streaks with it in the lip area. The thicker the "blood" is, the longer it will last on the skin.

So, making your own makeup for a Halloween party is quite easy at home. For this, the usual cosmetics available in every cosmetic bag are suitable. For Halloween vampire makeup, it is enough to whiten your skin as much as possible, make bright and expressive eyes, give your lips a clear shape and use a maroon lipstick. You can add realism to the image with the help of impromptu "blood stains", "seams", "scratches", etc.

Guys love to dress up as much as girls. Therefore, if you receive an invitation to a Halloween party, then you should not give up the opportunity to try on a new image. To look really impressive, you need to not only choose a suit, but also come up with the appropriate makeup.

One of the popular Halloween male looks is the vampire look. Moreover, there are many options for this image, so even if several guys from the same company decide to dress up as ghouls, they are unlikely to be alike.

You can try to repeat the image that Robert Pattison created in the movie "Twilight", that is, to portray a pale handsome man with a noble appearance. Or dress up as Count Dracula, who is perhaps the most famous bloodsucker on earth. It will be even more interesting if you try to come up with your own image, because it is not at all necessary to be like a movie hero, you can realize your ideas about how a vampire should look.

But in any case, the image will be incomplete if it is not supplemented with the appropriate make-up. Doing a male Halloween vampire makeup isn't particularly difficult. It is quite possible to do it yourself. And even if the guy does not have the initial skills for working with makeup, then he can ask his girlfriend or sister for help. Surely they will gladly meet him and even allow him to use the funds from their cosmetic bag.

How can you do Halloween vampire makeup? First of all, you need to carefully consider the image so that it is organic and whole. It is worth looking at a photo of the makeup made by professionals in advance. Of course, it will be difficult for a man to repeat too complex professional Halloween vampire makeup at home, but you can choose a simpler, but quite effective option.

Read also: Makeup for singer Valeria. Secrets of a stylish look

If a girl is going to make up, then she should know in advance what is the difference between male and female makeup, otherwise she can follow the "beaten path" and make up the guy as she usually does, which will look funny and ridiculous.

Here are some basic rules to keep in mind when creating carnival makeup for a guy:

  • do not use many different colors. These girls can be painted in all colors of the rainbow, and a minimum of shades should be present in the guy's makeup. So, to make a light vampire makeup, it is enough to use three colors - white, black and red;
  • you should use cosmetics with a matte texture, when using cosmetics with glitters, the guy will look like you-know-who, and he will by no means resemble Woland de Mort;
  • to create deathly pallor, you cannot use a compact powder, due to the presence of bristles on the face, this tool cannot be applied evenly, and it will lie in ugly flakes. You can use loose products or baby powder.

What do you need?

To create a spectacular look, it is worth preparing:

  • a means for preparing the skin for applying makeup - a moisturizer (you can borrow it from a girl);
  • means for creating deathly pallor - tonal means with a dense texture of the lightest shade, theatrical makeup, rice or other loose powder (can be replaced with talcum powder);
  • black and gray shadows;
  • red lipstick, gloss, or a special product to simulate blood.

Read also: The best evening makeup options for brown eyes

In addition, it is worth getting a pair of overlays that imitate protruding sharp fangs, without them the image will be clearly incomplete. Additionally, you can use colored lenses, you can buy lenses in red or black, but, of course, lenses that glow in the dark will create a special effect.

If you plan to create the image of a vampire warrior, then you can buy special overlays that imitate lacerated wounds and scars. After all, this is not a polished handsome from "Twilight", but a creature that spends time in battles. You can also buy silicone ear pads to give them a pointed shape.

How to create makeup?

Let's see how to apply makeup step by step:

  • you should start by preparing the skin: wash your face, rub the skin with a toner and apply a moisturizer, allowing it to be absorbed. This is a necessary stage, otherwise the makeup will not lie flat, so you should not skip it;
  • then, having previously blotted your face with a napkin, you can start applying a tonal creamy product or makeup, you need to apply makeup with a special sponge (sponge) or a brush. Try to apply the cream evenly so that no stripes and gaps are visible. Don't forget about the neck and ears;
  • apply loose powder or talcum powder, to apply this product you should use a special puff or a large brush, shake off the excess product. If everything is done correctly, the face will turn out deathly pale;
  • now you need to take a brush for applying blush, but instead of blush, you should use gray shadows. They are applied to the cheekbones, so the cheeks will appear sunken. Some shadows can be applied to the sides of the forehead and the wings of the nose;
  • proceeding to the design of the eyes. First, select the eyebrows using black shadows. Next, select the eyes with gray and black shadows, apply shadows around the eyes, shade the lines well, there should not be sharp color transitions;
  • on the movable eyelid, you can apply shades of red and burgundy (in no case pink!) colors;
  • lips should be covered with foundation to make them look pale;
  • now it's the turn of artificial canines, they are fixed on the teeth with the help of a special tool;
  • with the help of lipstick, gloss or a special product, "traces of blood" are applied to the lips;
  • it remains to make the final touches: insert colored lenses, stick an imitation of a scar or wound on the cheek or neck. You can dye a couple of hair strands with white or silver mascara or white gouache.