Can pregnant women have a headache? Headache during pregnancy - what to do. What is the reason for headaches during pregnancy and how to get rid of them without harm to the fetus. Basic principles of headache treatment in pregnant women

The most beautiful period in the life of any woman is pregnancy. Associated with this time are pleasant efforts to prepare for the birth of a new man, pleasant moments, the first movements of the baby, excitement about the upcoming birth. But rarely, pregnant women have an idea of ​​what problems they will have to face while carrying a child. Headache is quite common among pregnant women. But is it not dangerous to have headaches during pregnancy in general, and in the first trimester in particular? Why does a woman expecting a baby have a headache, especially in the early stages?

Causes of headaches in pregnant women

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, an ailment such as a headache can haunt absolutely any woman, because there are many reasons for the appearance of this problem. Let's consider the most common ones:

  1. Hormones. More precisely, it is not the hormones themselves that cause pain, but the change in hormonal levels during pregnancy. The body can react sharply to strong hormonal surges in the form of a deterioration in general well-being and the appearance of such an unpleasant ailment as a headache.
  2. Overwork, stress. The first trimester most of the fair sex spend at the workplace, because maternity leave begins only at 30 weeks. From the very first weeks of pregnancy, women begin to get tired much faster, worry much more often, as a result, such an unpleasant ailment arises. This can also include eye strain, if the work of a pregnant woman is associated with a long stay at the computer monitor.
  3. Low pressure. This phenomenon usually accompanies another common ailment among pregnant women - early toxicosis.
  4. High pressure. Such a problem is more common in the later stages, with late toxicosis, but in the first trimester, no one is immune from an increase in blood pressure.
  5. Dehydration, hunger. If you have a headache and a pregnant woman missed a meal, then the reason is quite obvious. A woman who is in position should eat regularly and drink enough fluids.
  6. Nutritional factors. In addition to the fact that the pregnant woman must eat regularly, natural products must be included in the diet. Fast food, spicy dishes, sweet, salty, flour, canned food - all this and much more can cause the appearance of such an unpleasant ailment as a headache. Therefore, while carrying a baby, it is better to adhere to proper nutrition from the first weeks.
  7. Allergic reactions. In the early stages, the body undergoes various changes. Allergy to food, cosmetics or perfume can easily develop, even if there was no allergy prior to pregnancy. Therefore, if you have a headache and symptoms inherent in allergies have appeared, then the problem is most likely precisely in the allergy.
  8. Overweight. This reason is quite rare, because in the first trimester, the weight is not something that does not increase, it can even decrease, for example, against the background of toxicosis.
  9. Physical irritants. These include bright light, harsh sound, noise, flickering light. Any external physical irritation can negatively affect the state of a woman in a position.
  10. Change in weather. Many people are very susceptible to changes in the environment, and during pregnancy, this susceptibility is even more pronounced. Therefore, if your head hurts and the weather deteriorates outside the window, you will have to wait out this unpleasant period, preferably without taking medications.
  11. Diseases. A headache that occurs for this very reason is always accompanied by some accompanying symptoms. And according to these symptoms, it is already possible to determine which particular disease provoked the appearance of this unpleasant ailment.

Anyway, for whatever reason the headache appears, it cannot be tolerated. It is imperative to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Headache in early pregnancy: is there a danger to the baby?

This question is of interest to every expectant mother who is faced with this ailment. And such worries about the baby are fully justified - every change in the body of a pregnant woman affects the condition of the fetus. But headaches as such cannot harm the baby in the womb. Only illnesses, due to which headaches appear in a pregnant woman, can affect the child's health.

If a pregnant woman has a headache for up to 12 weeks, an urgent need to consult a doctor so that he can help find out the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment. Indeed, in the early stages, the appearance of any serious diseases can affect the health of the baby, up to the appearance of severe malformations. Of course, not the headache itself can affect this, but only severe infectious diseases.

In addition to diseases, harm to a child can be caused by mom herself, using pain relievers that negatively affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, in the form of approved medications. It is strictly forbidden to use Analgin (not recommended even for men, let alone pregnant women), caffeine, reserpine and other serious drugs.

How to get rid of headaches without medication?

In the early stages, at 5-6 weeks, the metabolism between two organisms - the mother and the child, is already established, so if you have a headache, you need to approach the treatment with full responsibility. Treatment without drugs- in the early stages of pregnancy, the best option. After all, preventive procedures that will help eliminate pain are not able to harm the child inside the womb.

If you have a headache from overwork, good rest will help. The first trimester is often accompanied by increased fatigue syndrome, so this reason is quite common in women during pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks, it is better to give up medications, and resort to easy methods with which it will be possible to eliminate the pain - take a walk in the fresh air, sleep, spend less time indoors.

Treatment with fresh air has not harmed anyone yet, so you need to walk during pregnancy as long as possible.

In addition to walking, you can get rid of this unpleasant ailment using the following procedures:

  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Cold compresses
  • Drinking plenty of fluids, including herbal teas

These measures are only preventive in nature. If any painful sensations appear in the early stages of bearing a baby, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In ordinary daily life, as soon as a headache begins to torment us, we take any pain reliever and continue to lead a normal life. The activity of most of us is interrupted for no more than an hour and for many this does not seem to be a serious problem. The situation is quite different in pregnant women.

A headache during pregnancy is a lot of trouble, as well as questions caused by ignorance of the causes of such ailments, ways to get rid of them without harm to yourself and the unborn child. Today we will talk about how to treat a headache during pregnancy, why it occurs and how to avoid it.

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only! Its purpose is to help you do the right thing at the most crucial period of your life. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to inform your doctor about all ailments, this can be very important.

Headache statistics in pregnant women

Recurrent headaches occur in nearly 80% of pregnant women. This is especially true of those who had dealt with them before pregnancy. At risk are women aged 30-40 years.

The problem most often manifests itself at the very beginning and in the third trimester of pregnancy. Normally, in most women, after the adaptation of their body to its new position, the problems disappear without a trace by the second trimester.

The unpleasant phenomenon has different reasons, so knowledge about it will help to relieve headache during pregnancy correctly. What does it come from, does it pose a threat to the health of the mother and child, is it a signal of something serious?

Classification of headaches in pregnant women

Headaches in expectant mothers can be primary and secondary. The primary ones include:

  1. Migraine is a disease associated with the pathological work of the cerebral vessels.
  2. Tension pain that is localized in the cervical region and scalp. It is characterized by a squeezing sensation and is mainly the result of overexertion and increased fatigue.
  3. Cluster (almost always one-sided) pain, which is of a significant intensity and lasts a short period. The cause of the occurrence is considered to be a short-term release of hormones such as histamine and serotonin into the blood.

As for secondary headaches, they can occur after any head injuries, vascular disorders, intracranial pathologies, the presence of systemic infections, neuralgias or cranial pathologies.

Causes of headaches in expectant mothers

In medical practice, there is still no exact answer regarding the causes of headaches in women in an interesting position. There are only some versions and assumptions, taking into account all the changes that may occur in the body of the expectant mother during this period.

Among the most common and frequent justifications are:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • changes in the nature of blood circulation and blood pressure;
  • excessive fatigue, chronic lack of sleep;
  • changing the usual daily routine;
  • the presence of annoying factors such as loud music or bright lights;
  • changes in diet and the use of certain foods, such as chocolate;
  • decrease in habitual consumption of caffeine;
  • weather or climatic conditions;
  • certain stress or other strong emotions.

How to get rid of headaches

For all pregnant women, headaches are of concern. In search of a way out of this situation, expectant mothers communicate on various thematic forums, write on the network: a headache during pregnancy, what to do and are interested in the advice of more experienced mothers. In fact, in this situation, panic can only exacerbate the situation.

First of all, it is necessary to trace if there is a regularity between the new way of life and the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. If you understand why they appear and try to avoid these factors, then the problem can be dealt with.

You cannot take pills for headache during pregnancy on your own! What to do? Often the answer to a trivial question: how to relieve a headache during pregnancy can be the use of non-drug means:

  • Physiotherapy - Excessive muscle stiffness and tension can be relieved with short massage sessions. Also, manual therapy has proven itself excellently for this ailment. At home, you can do simple exercises for pregnant women, focused on muscle relaxation.
  • A cool shower is very effective for many. A shower can quickly relieve severe pain. This is explained by vasodilation, which contributes to relief.
  • Compresses - treatment of a headache in a pregnant woman sometimes comes down to the use of an ordinary warm compress on the head area in which the pain is localized. This could be near the eyes or nose. It is better to apply a moderately cold compress on the back of the head.
  • Aromatherapy - the use of essential oils that are suitable for the treatment of pregnant women. Mint or lavender aroma oils are considered harmless. This is a fairly effective method in the fight against headaches. These products can be used in special aroma lamps, or simply put a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale if necessary. Applying aromatic oils to the temporal area also helps quite well.

Do not forget about the prevention of the disease in expectant mothers. Here are some tips to help you avoid pregnancy headaches:

  • You should have a good rest. Try to rest at the first symptoms of fatigue. Relaxation and sleep are great for managing stress. Yoga and meditation are good unconventional remedies.
  • Monitor your food. A single meal should not be large. It is necessary to eat small portions, but more often than it was before pregnancy. If you can't have a full meal, you can take a sandwich or fruit with you so that you can have a snack at the first sign of hunger.
  • Apply physical activity. Pregnancy is not a reason for a complete rejection of physical activity and sports. Of course, they should be moderate. Exercising regularly will help avoid problems with high blood sugar, arrhythmias, and shortness of breath. During physical activity, a pregnant woman receives a charge of vivacity, feels a surge of strength, and besides that, even small physical exertion helps not to gain excess weight.

Medication for headaches during pregnancy

It turns out that the pills are completely contraindicated? Only your doctor will give you the answer, but know that if you have a headache in the early stages of pregnancy, then the use of pharmacological drugs is especially dangerous, and the use of some is completely unacceptable for expectant mothers.

Aspirin, familiar to everyone, can cause bleeding in a pregnant woman. In extreme cases, the use of paracetamol is allowed, which is considered the most appropriate in this position, but paracetamol during pregnancy must be agreed with a doctor.

It is urgent to contact a medical institution if the headache is accompanied by nausea, bouts of vomiting, and visual impairment. These symptoms may indicate high blood pressure.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor about how to treat a headache during pregnancy if the pain is sharp and pronounced. Such manifestations can signal serious problems of the central nervous system, venous thrombophlebitis, and infectious diseases of the head.

In most cases, headaches leave pregnant women in the second trimester or after childbirth. This is not forever! A good rest, a balanced diet and regular moderate walks in the fresh air will help to cope with all the discomfort. Do not forget that taking care of your health will contribute to a successful delivery and the birth of a healthy and strong baby. Be healthy!

Headache during pregnancy is a common ailment that accompanies most expectant mothers. From our article you will learn how to get rid of migraines, what medications can be taken in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

According to statistics, every 5 pregnant women face a headache (cephalgia). This condition most often manifests itself in the first 3 months of bearing a baby, but sometimes it also manifests itself at a later date. There are many reasons for the occurrence of ailment, let's figure it out together with them.

The main causes of headaches during pregnancy are:

  • Hormonal changes - such a state is quite natural, because your body develops in such a way as to be able to bear a baby for 9 months. In addition, an increase in the level of progesterone and estrogen affects the tone of the vessels, causing them to spasm.
  • Sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure during magnetic storms or prolonged cloudiness before rain;
  • overwork;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • severe stress;
  • hunger;
  • stuffiness;
  • thirst;
  • being in a poorly ventilated room;
  • sleep disturbance (insomnia or sleep for more than 10 hours);
  • incorrect posture (usually this is typical for the 3rd trimester).

Even certain foods can cause headaches. For example, eating chocolate or not drinking strong tea can trigger migraines.

Other reasons for the onset of malaise include the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with the cervical vertebrae, colds and toothache.

Symptoms and treatment of headaches during pregnancy

Cephalalgia has a different classification. Below we will tell you what to do if you have a headache during pregnancy.

Tension pains are inherent in dull and monotonous painful sensations. This creates a feeling as if the head is pulled together with an elastic bandage. Often with this type of ailment, women complain of discomfort from the neck to the back of the head, temples and eye area. During palpation, pain points are felt in the neck and back of the head. Probably nausea, no vomiting. As a rule, the duration of such sensations is from half an hour to an hour and a half.

There is tension pain with mental or physical fatigue, nervous exhaustion, stress. Treatment of this type of cephalalgia consists in eliminating the symptoms with the help of such means:

  • - a drug that reduces psycho-emotional stress and signs of VSD, improves mood, mental performance and sleep. Glycine is useful to prevent frequent headaches due to an unstable nervous system.
  • Valerian - prescribed in case of overexcitation of the nervous system and sleep disorders up to 4 tablets at a time.
  • Plaster-compress "Extraplast" - it contains lavender, eucalyptus, menthol and castor oil. All these substances do not penetrate into the human circulatory system, so they are safe for the fetus. The cooling patch should be applied to dry skin on the forehead or back of the neck so that it does not come into contact with the hair. Each patch is for one-time use only. You cannot keep it on the body longer than 6 hours.

Characteristic black migraine there are prolonged throbbing pains in one half of the head and extending to the eyes. As a rule, the duration of such symptoms ranges from 4 hours to several days.

In some cases, the pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Before an attack, you may notice blurred vision, visual or auditory hallucinations, and taste changes. Any physical activity only exacerbates the signs of malaise.

Migraines are caused by irritation of the ganglia and plexus around the head and neck. This condition provokes diseases of the cervical spine, cerebral vessels, and paranasal sinuses.

In the second and third trimesters, you can take several Paracetamol tablets to relieve discomfort. Despite the fact that experimental studies have not confirmed the negative effects of Paracetamol on the formation of the fetus, it is not recommended to take it in the first trimester. It is better to use suppositories instead of the tablet form, since they contain a lower dosage of the active substance, and are allowed for babies from 3 months. A few Valerian tablets can also help manage a mild migraine.

Characteristic feature vascular headache is a throbbing pain in the occipital, parietal, temporal and other areas of the head. Most often, this malaise occurs with hypertension and hypotension, VSD and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

A distinctive feature is the narrowing and spasms of the vessels of the brain, as a result of which cephalalgia is formed. During a hypertensive crisis, a feeling of heaviness in the head, an increasing general weakness and blue lips may be added to the listed symptoms. The occurrence of vascular spasms in the brain is often accompanied by nausea and tinnitus.

How to get rid of discomfort? Use a cold compress on the forehead or the back of the neck to constrict blood vessels, which is beneficial for hypertension.

It is recommended to use a hot compress, as it dilates the blood vessels and improves the condition with low blood pressure. If you are prone to hypotension, try to live a healthy lifestyle, not overeat and get enough sleep. During a crisis, it is best for you to lie down for 40 minutes with a warming compress on your forehead. Or have some coffee.

It is useful to regularly use a contrast shower, as it not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also normalizes blood pressure.

Diet for headaches during pregnancy

With frequent and severe migraines during pregnancy, you need to review your diet. Often the occurrence of headaches is associated with improper and unbalanced nutrition, the use of such products:

  • bananas;
  • citrus fruits;
  • Chinese cuisine;
  • chicken, pork and beef liver;
  • avocado;
  • processed curds.

Migraine headaches can develop as a result of strict diets, therapeutic or cleansing fasting. Remember, during pregnancy, you need to eat right so that there are no health problems for the fetus and yours.

Proper nutrition and low-calorie foods will help you maintain your weight. Eat plenty of fresh fruit to enrich your body with beneficial vitamins and minerals. If you feel hungry, drink kefir or yogurt.

Smoked and fried foods reduce vascular tone and provoke cephalalgia. They increase the amount of "bad cholesterol", cause cramping and oxygen deprivation. Experts recommend that expectant mothers completely exclude semi-finished products, canned food and sausages from the diet.

Pregnancy headache pills

Severe headaches can be treated with pills. But remember, they cannot be consumed without the permission of a doctor, as some of the drugs can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

What pills can I drink for a headache? Below are the most popular and effective remedies.

If you suffer from low blood pressure, then in this case, you can take Citramon. It contains aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. It is forbidden to take more than 1 tablet a day, otherwise you can harm the fetus.

No-shpa will help to eliminate the pulsation in the temples and the back of the head. This medication effectively copes with severe migraine attacks, osteochondrosis, overwork and stress. Even with a slight tone of the uterus, you can drink this drug. An analogue of No-shpy is Drotaverin, it can also be used as an anesthetic.

If the cephalalgia is caused by a cold, use Paracetamol, Nurofen, or Ibuprofen to relieve it. Antipyretic drugs relieve spasms, body aches, headaches, weakness, and normalize the temperature. Paracetamol is prohibited to use for liver and kidney failure, anemia, thrombocytopenia. The daily norm of tablets is no more than 6 pieces, the duration of therapy is 3 days. In the absence of effectiveness after taking the drugs, you must see a doctor.

Ibuprofen can be taken only in the 2nd trimester; in the early stages, the use of these antipyretic drugs is prohibited.

During pregnancy, you should be careful about your health. The use of many medicines and medicinal herbs is prohibited, since their composition can harm the development of the fetus. You cannot self-medicate and take medications without the approval of a gynecologist. But at the same time, aromatherapy and massage sessions are allowed, which can eliminate the symptoms of ailment.

Folk remedies for headaches during pregnancy

You can cope with cephalgia on your own if you follow our recommendations:

  • When you are at home, create a calm environment. Draw the curtains, turn off the lights, ventilate the room, turn on soft music. Use your fingertips to massage the skin around the temples and the back of the head.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water and shower, then drink a glass of chamomile or mint tea. If you have hypotension, substitute strong sweet black tea for the tea.
  • Washing your face with cold water is an emergency measure for headaches.
  • Enjoy an aromatherapy session using lavender, ylang ylang, juniper, and lemongrass.

Pregnant women often face various ailments during the period of bearing a baby; headaches are a frequent occurrence in this case. They cause considerable discomfort and can lead to more complex disorders.

Why do pregnant women often have headaches?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question, however, most experts agree that the main cause of headaches and migraines in pregnant women is a change in hormonal levels and restructuring of the body before childbirth.

This assumption is due to the fact that most often ailments of this kind stop on their own after 16 weeks, when the outer shell of the fetus is fully formed and protects the baby from all negative influences. Starting from 5 months, the placenta takes on a protective function, and the body slowly returns to its usual state, and therefore ceases to react so violently to stimuli.

There are cases when periodic headaches occur in the next trimesters of pregnancy, at this stage an experienced specialist will help to cope with the malaise. Most often, such disorders occur in women who have previously suffered from headaches. To prevent the occurrence of such troubles during pregnancy, it is necessary to engage in complex treatment in the process of planning the baby in order to eliminate this ailment forever.

Don't have a headache during pregnancy

Headache brings a lot of anxiety and can become a source of more serious physiological and mental problems, therefore, from the very first day of its appearance, this ailment must be exterminated. In addition to drug treatment, the following simple recommendations should be followed:

As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so it is worth knowing a few simple, however, effective techniques on how to prevent the appearance of migraines:

  • give up loud music and too bright light, it can cause disorders of the body;
  • do not overwork yourself with physical activity: exercise in moderation, do not carry heavy loads, take off the main responsibilities at home - distribute them among your relatives;
  • set a convenient daily routine for yourself- go to bed early and do not sleep too long in the morning, eat on schedule. This will help you in the future, since the baby will get used to the desired schedule from the very beginning;
  • do not eat food that is not suitable for you- rarely, but it happens that taking certain foods causes headaches and discomfort, refuse such food;
  • protect yourself from stress- try not to communicate with unpleasant people, calmly react to conflicts, do not quarrel with relatives.

Depending on the health status of the expectant mother and the general tolerance of certain drugs by the body, the list of drugs for headache that are allowed during pregnancy can be very different. However, regular migraine tablets and syrups will not work in this case.

The best option would be to take children's medicines, they have a lower concentration of chemicals, and besides, they will not harm the unborn baby.

When it comes to pain relievers, aspirin is not a good option because it dilutes the blood. Ibuprofen, although it is part of many children's medicines, not recommended pregnant women, as it can provoke a delayed labor activity. If there is a need for a pain reliever, it is better to give preference paracetamol or choose Panadol, which, in principle, is practically the same. However, such medications must be taken with caution and in minimal quantities, since they can affect the respiratory system of an unborn baby.

It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics and strong pain relievers, since the role of many of them on the health of the unborn child has not been determined. In any case, you should not choose the medicines yourself, the course of treatment for a pregnant woman should be under the strict supervision of an experienced specialist.

Pregnancy headaches often accompany expectant mothers. Every fifth woman has to endure bouts of pain, sometimes short-term, sometimes long-term. Such sensations can be a harbinger of various pathological changes occurring in the body. The characteristics of this pain may vary. It is important to understand where it is localized, in the back of the head, forehead, temples, in order to understand how to cope with it. The duration of the course of attacks, their intensification or weakening, plays a role.

It is important to know why the head hurts during pregnancy in order to take timely measures and get rid of disturbing attacks. Headache during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can be either primary, which is not associated with other diseases, that is, it is not a symptom, or secondary, when pain sensations are caused by another disease.

Causes of head pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy and persistent headaches can be associated. The most common cause of pain is migraine. A similar neurological disease can develop in youth. It is characterized by frequent attacks of head pain, sometimes vision is impaired, and indigestion occurs. During a migraine, pain in the head occurs due to changes in the blood vessels. There is a violation of the amount of biologically active substances entering the brain, which causes various disorders.

Women are affected by the disease 3 times more often than men. During attacks, headache at the very beginning of pregnancy is often localized on one side of the head, nausea comes with it, and vision deteriorates. Usually the painful sensations are quite strong, pulsating. If you disturb the onset of the classic form of the disease, before the onset of pain, an aura appears - "flies" before the eyes, flashes, increased skin sensitivity.

Migraine attacks, especially in the third trimester, develop for some reason. Common causes include:

  • food-related reasons: fasting, eating foods that contain large amounts of substances that affect vascular tone (tyramine, phenylamine). The list of similar products includes chocolate, red wine, citrus fruits;
  • physical factors: flickering of lighting, the appearance of strong noise, unpleasant pungent odors;
  • change of weather conditions, climate;
  • stress;
  • severe fatigue, lack of sleep.

Women's migraines are often less bothersome during pregnancy, and the attacks are greatly weakened. Especially relief comes in the second half of the period. The reason for this is a change in hormonal levels, a decrease in the amount of hormones in the blood.

In addition to migraines, severe headache during pregnancy occurs due to excessive exertion. The pain in this case is moderate in severity, the whole head is exposed to it. Feels like the head is being squeezed or stretched. The cause is often stress, overstrain. Sometimes pain occurs due to overextension of muscle fibers in the upper shoulder girdle due to long sitting in one position, which is not entirely comfortable. In this case, the pain begins from the back of the head, spreads over the entire surface of the head.

When you have a headache during pregnancy due to hypotension - low blood pressure - it is important to take urgent action. These attacks are common in the first trimesters of pregnancy. The head hurts especially often if early toxicosis was present.

Headache in pregnant women can occur due to hypertension. Low pressure in the arteries, which is a strong pathological change in pregnant women, often does not come alone, accompanied by the appearance of puffiness, protein structures in the urine. Pain attacks due to cervical osteochondrosis are common. There is a disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, which makes the brain lacking in nutrients to ensure the normal functioning of organs.

It is important to remember if there is a headache, frequent headaches appear due to the onset of serious illnesses. The symptom may appear with meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), hematomas or cerebral hemorrhages, glaucoma (increased pressure in the eyeballs), sinusitis (an inflammatory process that appears in the paranasal sinuses).

Headache during pregnancy with such diseases will be severe, other symptoms present in diseases will appear. Therefore, it is important not to waste time at the first attacks, to consult a doctor to conduct an examination of the body and identify the cause of severe headache during pregnancy and other unpleasant sensations.

What to do in case of headache attacks in pregnant women

Treatment for severe headaches in pregnant women is not done in the same way as for a girl without a fetus. Every mother-to-be should be extra careful about taking medications during pregnancy. Pregnant women are prone to pain attacks 2 times more often. It is important to know that if there is a severe headache, sometimes it is not necessary to try to wait it out, it is important to cure it as quickly as possible, without harming the body.

It is not at all clear how to treat a headache during pregnancy if the cause of the occurrence is unknown. Therefore, the first step is to understand why seizures occur. If possible, it is required to consult a doctor as soon as possible for consultation. There it will be possible to determine the source of the pain in order to cure the very cause of the onset of unpleasant sensations.

What to do if a headache is severe during pregnancy, many mothers do not understand. Some drugs negatively affect the development of the fetus, can cause various pathologies. It is important to monitor the body during such a crucial period, to try to see the development of new diseases.

The constant tide of negative changes, the changes that occur in the body when new diseases arise, can tell the doctor that the first thing to do is to examine what measures are best to take. If, for example, a headache in the early stages of pregnancy has arisen due to frequent stress, which especially often appears at this time, simple sedatives will be prescribed to remove the ailment.

Helping yourself without medication

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd trimester and beyond, should not be carried out on your own. If the attending physician cannot help in a short time, you can help yourself. The measures are designed to relieve pain, but not cure it. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If you have a headache during early pregnancy, to eliminate or relieve pain, you should:

  1. Apply a warm or cold compress to the back of your head.
  2. If the head hurts in the temples, take a contrast shower or warm bath. If this is not possible, simple washing with cold water can help.
  3. With low blood sugar, there are few methods of dealing with headaches. You just need to start eating right. Eating a lot of food in low quantities will help. You don't need to eat a lot of sweets, chocolates and sugary flour products. It is important to drink as much water as possible. It is recommended to use it in small sips.
  4. Get enough sleep and rest. If your head starts to ache, a simple sleep can help if you feel very tired. In a pregnant woman, the body requires 2 times more rest than in the normal stage of life.
  5. Apply relaxation techniques. Some techniques help to distract, get rid of seizures. Meditation practices have repeatedly proven their effectiveness, helped to cope with stress, remove seizures. Headache at any stage of pregnancy, which must be treated in a simple manner, can be relieved by relaxing the whole body. Meditation helps to achieve much more relaxation, which is why the pain often goes away completely.
  6. Use a neck or full body massage. It can help to relax, relieve pain in the body. Actions improve blood circulation, severe headaches during pregnancy recede.
  7. Make changes to your daily routine. Rest should be at least 2 times more than that of girls without a fetus. Time in the fresh air should be spent as much as possible. We recommend charging every morning.

If the headache at any stage of pregnancy is mild, alternative methods can help to cope. Tinctures or decoctions of herbs: rose hips, chamomile, mint, soothe and relieve pain well. Sometimes they are 2 times more effective than drugs in helping to cope with pain.