Is it possible to sunbathe on the glassed-in balcony. Magic Skin - Doctor Eskin! Three types of ultraviolet rays

Kindergarten graduation is a holiday that marks the beginning of a serious voyage in the sea of ​​knowledge. Children dream of becoming adults, which means they want to look like an adult. And mothers are happy to help them with this. Therefore, the graduation ceremony in kindergarten takes place almost on a school scale and even a hint of a wedding celebration.

Parents are preoccupied with many details, including creating a stylish look for their daughters. Choosing a dress with the current abundance is not difficult. But choosing the right hairstyle can be more difficult.

The Maternity portal has taken care of your time, and offers a selection of festive hairstyles for girls for every taste.

Discreet chic

Stylish hairstyle with a bow bun looks very unusual and cute. It is quite versatile and will suit both a delicate and romantic dress for a princess and an extravagant costume.

Wonderful lady

Variations of Audrey Hepburn's hairstyles create an image of a real lady. You can enhance the impression with snow-white lace gloves and a small handbag.

A high bun can be played up with interesting details: braids and bows, flowers, decorative items and feathers.

Or you can stylize a high bun under a lady's hat and - "trick is in the bag!"

The bundle itself can be woven from ribbons and braids.

Two curls

Two wavy curls can be made on the basis of braids, or simply curl your hair into curls and fix it with invisibility. Do not forget to leave a light "rain" of long strands.

Combined braids

Hairstyles from several combinations look very impressive. For example, braids and curls, braids with a bow and ponytail. We decorate the hairstyle with a diadem, flowers, shiny invisibility.

Complex braids

Today, weaving of complex braids and spikelets is very popular. Sometimes you can see unimaginable compositions, real masterpieces. There are interesting options for weaving braids with bows, hair flowers and interweaving of colored satin ribbons, which will be in harmony with the main color of the outfit.

Russian beauty

A bright, colorful image can be created in a folk style. The combination of white and red, flowers and ribbons in her hair is very joyful and girlish.

Bohemian girl

A very delicate and elegant hairstyle goes well with a jazz-style outfit, romantic dresses. Hairpins and invisible hairpins can hold the hairstyle, or you can use circular headbands.


A lot of girls like the grown-up hairstyles with long curls and a crown. Why not give your daughter the opportunity to be a real princess at the prom?

To emphasize the beauty of your Rapunzel's very long hair, but at the same time not to get tangled in them during the holiday, we use combined hairstyles such as "Alyonushka" - "Babette" or complex weaving with various elements along the entire length, reminiscent of an ornate pattern on an expensive carpet.

The sea is worried once ...

For medium-length hair, we make lush curls, decorate the hairstyle with bright accessories - a hat, a headband, flowers or hairpins.

Curls on long hair always look very advantageous. There are several more obvious advantages of this styling - it does not lose shape, does not squeeze or pull the scalp.

We wish you a happy holiday and a sea of ​​bright emotions!

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With winter approaching, we are forced to flee from the cold and frost, wrapping ourselves in many warm clothes. Sweaters, hats, scarves, mittens - all this serves to prevent us from freezing in any way.

The most important thing is to protect your head from the cold wind and low temperatures, and for this there is a large assortment of hats, berets and other hats.

But most fashionistas deliberately refuse hats in winter so as not to damage their hair. But why risk your health when there are tons of hairstyles that nothing can hurt? It is about the hairstyles that are saved under the cap that will be discussed in our article.

As a rule, the choice of hairstyle depends not only on your views, tastes and preferences, but also on the reason to show it. Going to visit a friend or are invited to a dinner party?
A walk with a child or a night out at the club? We will consider several options for "winter" hairstyles, suitable for a particular occasion, which will not deteriorate under the cap.

What hairstyle to do for work in winter?

Hairstyle "Bun"

When going to work, give preference to a strict tight bundle, it will definitely not deteriorate under the hat. It is even easier to make this hairstyle than a braid - we collect the hair at the top of the head, twist it into a "shell" and tighten it with an elastic band.

Such a hairstyle will make you visually taller, and if you complement the image with stiletto heels and well-chosen jewelry, you will be sure of the admiration of your colleagues. This option is suitable for both long-haired and short-haired women.

Hairstyle "Fishtail"

We can also offer girls with long hair a braid called "fishtail".

In combination with a business suit, this hairstyle will look conservative and elegant. Comb your hair back, separate one strand at the temples and cross at the back of the head.
Fix them in a crossed form and again separate them in a strand on the left and right.

We cross again, superimposing on top of the previous ones. Continue to separate strands from the bulk and weave a braid from crossed strands until there is no tail left. Strands should also be taken from the tail and woven with ready-made ones. We fix the finished braid with an elastic band or hair clip.

Hairstyle under a hat for a walk


For a winter walk in the fresh air, a regular ponytail is also suitable.

If you have a round face, this will visually narrow your face and define your cheekbones more clearly. The instruction is simple: select part of the hair above the bangs, and collect the rest into a high ponytail at the crown using a comb. We comb the hair properly and get rid of the "roosters" with the help of invisibility. Sprinkle the finished ponytail with varnish, and then your hairstyle under the hat will definitely remain unshakable.

Let's remember the famous "French braid".

Surely you have done such a hairstyle for yourself more than once, and young girls love to weave each other "spikelets". The beauty of the French braid in
the fact that this is a classic version of the hairstyle, feminine and very delicate. If you are going on a date or in a cafe with friends, then this option will suit you.

A French braid is easy to do on your own - you need to separate thin strands from the forehead and start braiding them in a pigtail, going down to the temple. We braid until the end of a strand of hair, move on to the next.

We fix it with a hairpin or hairpin, leaving a small ponytail. We do the same on the other side. We complement the image with an elegant bow tie or hairpin with a flower and - voila! -
the image is ready. To keep your hair from falling apart or loose under the cap, spray your hair with a styling fixer.

Winter hairstyle for a special occasion

If you need to choose a hairstyle for a special occasion, the graceful image of a princess will suit you - light curls, decorated with a rim or tiara. Curls will look great with
dress just above the knee and classic pumps. Mentally draw in your imagination a glass of champagne in your hands. There is no doubt, you are charming! How to create a unique image? It's not as difficult as it sounds.

Part it in a side part and gather all hair from the top of the head. Lay the ends of the hair in a bow and secure with hairpins. In order not to unravel, fix it with varnish
for hair. Shape the curls with a curling iron, and fix as well. Put on the headband so that it holds the bangs tightly, and you are ready for social events and admiring glances.

Now you can choose a hairstyle to your liking, and it doesn't matter if there is a blizzard or snowfall outside the window, and you have to put on a hat - you will be adorable in any weather, no matter what. And yet, let us give ourselves a few tips for those who do not want a headdress to disturb the intended image.

How to keep your hair under the hat?

1. First of all, you need to consider the weather. If the humidity is high outside, tuck your hair under a hat, no matter how you like it. Otherwise, the hair will lose its shine and airiness.
2. Choose your headgear wisely. 100% synthetics will damage your hair, and tight-fitting hats will ruin your hair anyway. Pay attention to berets and voluminous hats. And if you are really an ardent opponent
hats, shawls and scarves are invented for you.
3. Dry your hair well before proceeding with hairstyles under the hat. Hair that is not completely dry will ruin the entire styling, besides being in the cold with a damp head, you risk catching a cold, and here there is no time for elegance.
4. Choose a medium hold styling product. Do not forget that the head under the cap can sweat, and if you overdo it with fixatives, the hairstyle will definitely lose its decent look.
5. Try not to dry your hair, especially the hair roots. Otherwise, they will become electrified and will definitely stand on end when you take off your hat.
6. When finished styling, blow dry your hair with a cool stream of air. Hot air makes hair manageable, but weak, while cold air keeps styling intact.
7. Do not rush to immediately put on the hat on the finished styling. The hair needs to cool down, otherwise the hairstyle will become shapeless.
8. Do not philosophize - the simpler the hairstyle, the more chances it is to keep it in its original beauty.
9. Choose the right comb. The boar bristle comb does not electrify the hair. Use special conditioners for winter hair care.
10. Finally, smile more often! No matter how ruined your hairstyle with a hat due to bad weather, a sunny smile will hide all the flaws of your image!

The sun's radiation causes a darkening of the skin, called a sunburn. It is generally accepted that if sunlight falls through transparent objects, then all of its rays completely reach the surface of the skin, so tanning in this case can also occur. But in reality this is not so: through glass a person practically does not sunbathe. This is because glass traps some of the radiation that is responsible for the production of melanin in the human body.

Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three types: A, B and C. The first is long-wave: these waves act imperceptibly, penetrating under the skin and affecting various internal processes. These rays reduce the amount of water, collagen and elastin in the cells of the epidermis, resulting in the skin aging faster. Long-wavelength radiation can cause an allergic reaction and slight redness, but it does not contribute to the appearance of sunburn, since melanin does not appear in the cells. Under its influence, only ...

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Outside the house

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More and more often, on TV or from friends, each of us has to hear about diseases of skin cancer, which occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight.

That is why one has to think about whether it is possible to sunbathe through the glass of a window or a car, and whether it is necessary to protect the skin with special creams at the time of being behind the glass.

About the types and properties of UV rays

Do you want to know if it is really possible to tan through glass? Then why not first figure out how a tan appears on a person's skin?

First of all, we note that it is a protective reaction of the skin when the rays of the sun begin to act on it, however, this reaction can not be caused entirely by them, but only by their ultraviolet spectrum.

Since the skin contains cells containing a special pigment - melanin, as soon as the rays affect it, the pigment is activated, the skin darkens, interfering ...

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Whether it is possible to sunbathe through glass is a moot point. Theorists and practitioners have different opinions on this matter. Summer is at its zenith. It's hot outside. A great time to relax and travel. But many do not have the opportunity to go somewhere to relax and sunbathe beautifully on the beach.

Tanning through glass is not possible

Therefore, girls often wonder if it is possible to tan while sitting by the window. After all, the same sunlight falls on the skin as on the street. Unfortunately, this is not possible, since ordinary glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays. And they make our skin brown. Tanning through glass is unrealistic. This is what the practitioners say. The argument in their favor is the white skin around the eyes after the sunglasses.

In principle, getting a tan at home is not a problem. You can sunbathe while on the open balcony, in the country, some even manage to use the roof. But the question is precisely whether it is possible to tan through glass. Everyone ...

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Tanning is based on the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin. There are three types of such rays. Those that bear the name "C" practically do not reach the earth's surface, so they cannot seriously affect our skin. But the "B" rays allow you to get the desired golden hue very quickly, but in a harmful way. The safest tan is the one obtained by exposing the skin to rays "A". True, for a strong effect in this case, a considerable time is required. But the result is worth it: such a tan is safe and lasts a very long time.

Why does the skin darken?

For a change in skin tone, as well as for its intensity, special cells in the human body are responsible. They contain the pigment melanin, hence the name - melanocytes. By causing the skin to darken, they protect the body from the harmful effects of sunlight. And the more intense the ultraviolet rays, the more pigment cells produce. An interesting feature of these cells in ...

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Did you get the impression, being at the window on a sunny day, that you are sunbathing, even standing behind the glass? For example, being in a crowded public transport, where there is no way to go to the shady side of the passenger compartment, or driving a car, you get the feeling that you can even get sunburn through the glass. Should I even think so, is it possible to sunbathe through glass? Let's understand this issue.

Why does a person sunbathe in the sun? I have written a whole article on this topic. In short, because under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the human body, melanin is produced, which stains the skin in a darker color, or, as we call it, the color of "tan". Thus, the body protects us from getting sunburn.

So, in order to understand the question: "Is it possible to sunbathe through glass?", You need to find out if the glass allows these ultraviolet rays to pass through. It turns out that it misses, but not everything.

The fact is that in nature ...

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Can you tan through glass? No. The sunburn is promoted by ultraviolet radiation, and the glass does not allow it to pass through. What happens during sun exposure? Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin produces a special pigment called melanin, which reflects the waves of the ultraviolet spectrum. This changes the skin tone to a darker one, known as a tan, and the likelihood of burns is dramatically reduced.

Regular glass is not capable of transmitting ultraviolet rays, so sunlight passing through window glass does not cause sunburn. But you can sunbathe through quartz glass, which transmits ultraviolet light well. This property of quartz glass is used in quartz lamps.

It is fair to say that the theoretical possibility of tanning through ordinary glass exists, but it is negligible. The fact is that it still transmits a very small part of the ultraviolet spectrum (315-400 nm), but this part is so insignificant that it does not have a significant ...

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Do you want to amaze everyone with your appearance and chocolate skin tone on the beach at the beginning of the season, and you are wondering how you can get tanned? There is only one answer - you have to go to the solarium.

Some wonder if it is possible to tan through window glass. Unfortunately, lying on the balcony, getting at least some kind of tan is absolutely impossible. The thing is that a special pigment, melanin, is responsible for the darkening of the skin. It begins to be produced when a person's skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. With the help of increased production of melanin, the skin begins, as it were, to protect itself from radiation, preventing the occurrence of sunburn, and darkens. The darker the skin color, the less likely it is to get this very burn. That is why, historically, it so happened that in the north the inhabitants are white-skinned, and closer to the equator - dark-skinned.

It is worth noting that about 90% of the ultraviolet radiation, which causes the production of melanin, is eliminated in the atmosphere. But the ultraviolet that has reached the surface of the earth is not capable of ...

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Can you tan through glass?

For many people, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to tan through glass is obvious. Of course “no”, the majority thinks, and it must be admitted that it is very mistaken. No, of course, no one will argue with the fact that drivers and those whose workplaces are in the immediate vicinity of the window get a tan rather quickly, no one will. But the physics of this process is not as simple as it might seem.

The nature of tanning

To answer the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe through ordinary glass on a balcony or in a car, in fact, everyone can do it on their own - for this you do not need to have a special education. The main thing is to first figure out exactly how the darkening process of the skin occurs, and what factors affect it.

Any sunbeam is composed of several different types of electromagnetic radiation. Each of them is perceived by the body in its own way: some are regarded as a source of heat, others - exclusively of light ...

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We have all heard more than once that glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays. But people who spend a lot of time, for example, driving a car, are willing to argue with this statement. So is it possible to sunbathe through the window glass, or is this just another invention?

A bit of physics

Do you want to understand how ultraviolet light works and is it realistic to sunbathe through the window? Let's remember the school physics course!

Solar radiation consists of different wavelengths that affect the human body in different ways.

A-rays reach the surface of our planet unhindered and are able to penetrate deep into the skin. They do not give sunburn as such, but they provoke accelerated aging of the epidermis. This happens because A-rays destroy collagen and dehydrate skin cells. The redness that appears on the skin as a result of their exposure quickly disappears. B-rays give us a quick and juicy tan. It is thanks to them that our skin acquires a chocolate hue, this type of radiation ...

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Many motorists have noticed more than once that the hand closest to the window becomes darker. Does the sun's rays have the same effect through glass as without it? If so, then why is it impossible to achieve a beautiful tan while lying on the balcony? Can you tan through glass? Let's figure it out.

Physics and anatomy in one bottle

The sun's rays are made up of different types of electromagnetic radiation. The human body perceives some types in the form of heat, others in the form of light. But we do not see or feel ultraviolet itself.

Distinguish between ultraviolet rays of type A, B and C. Let's consider them in more detail.

1) A-radiation is long-wavelength. It almost completely reaches our planet and affects the body imperceptibly. It is the type A rays that penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. What happens then?

The amount of collagen is significantly reduced, the content of water and elastin in skin cells decreases. As a result, the process ...

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There were times when tanned skin was considered a sign of low origin, and noble ladies tried to protect their faces and hands from the sun's rays in order to maintain an aristocratic pallor. Later, the attitude towards tanning changed - it became an indispensable attribute of a healthy and successful person. Today, despite the ongoing debate regarding the benefits and harms of sun exposure, bronze skin tone is still at the peak of its popularity. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit the beach or a solarium, and in this regard, many are interested in whether it is possible to sunbathe through a window glass, sitting, for example, on a glazed loggia or attic heated by the sun.

Probably every professional driver or just a person who spends a long time behind the wheel of a car has noticed that his hands and face become lightly tanned over time. The same applies to office workers who are forced to sit at an unobstructed window for the entire work shift. On their faces you can often find traces of sunburn even in winter. And if a person is not a frequenter of tanning salons and does not make a daily promenade through the parks, then it will not be possible to explain this phenomenon otherwise than by using a tan through glass. So does the glass transmit ultraviolet light and can you sunbathe through the window? Let's figure it out.

The nature of tanning

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to get a tan through a regular window glass in a car or on a loggia, you need to figure out exactly how the darkening process of the skin takes place and what factors affect it. First of all, it should be noted that tanning is nothing more than a protective reaction of the skin to solar radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the cells of the epidermis (melanocytes) begin to produce the substance melanin (dark pigment), due to which the skin acquires a bronze tint. The higher the concentration of melanin in the upper layers of the dermis, the more intense the tan is. However, not all UV rays cause such a reaction, but only those lying in a very narrow wavelength range. Ultraviolet rays are conventionally divided into three types:

  • A-rays (longwave)- practically not retained by the atmosphere and freely reach the earth's surface. Such radiation is considered the safest for the human body, since it does not activate the synthesis of melanin. All it can do is cause a slight darkening of the skin, and then only with prolonged exposure. However, with excessive insolation with long-wave rays, collagen fibers are destroyed and the skin is dehydrated, as a result of which it begins to age faster. And some people develop allergies to the sun precisely because of the A-rays. Long-wave radiation easily overcomes the thickness of window glass and leads to a gradual fading of wallpaper, furniture surfaces and carpets, but it is impossible to obtain a full-fledged tan with its help.
  • B-rays (medium wave)- linger in the atmosphere and only partially reach the Earth's surface. This type of radiation has a direct effect on the synthesis of melanin in skin cells and contributes to the appearance of a quick tan. And with its intense effect on the skin, burns of varying degrees occur. B-rays are not able to penetrate through ordinary window glass.
  • C-rays (shortwave)- represent a huge danger to all living organisms, but, fortunately, they are almost completely neutralized by the atmosphere, without reaching the surface of the Earth. One can encounter such radiation only high in the mountains, but even there its effect is extremely weakened.

Physicists distinguish another type of ultraviolet radiation - extreme, for which the term "vacuum" is often used due to the fact that waves of this range are completely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and do not fall on the earth's surface.

Can you tan through glass?

Whether or not you can get a tan through window glass directly depends on what properties it has. The fact is that glasses are of different types, each of which is affected by UV rays in different ways. Thus, organic glass has a high transmission capacity, which makes it possible to ensure the passage of the entire spectrum of solar radiation. The same applies to quartz glass, which is used in lamps for tanning beds and in devices for decontamination of premises. Ordinary glass, used in residential buildings and cars, transmits exclusively long-wave type A rays, and it is impossible to sunbathe through it. It's another matter if you replace it with plexiglass. Then you can sunbathe and enjoy a beautiful tan almost all year round.

Although sometimes there are times when a person spends some time under the sun's rays passing through the window, and then finds a light tan on the open areas of the skin. Of course, he is fully confident that he has sunburned precisely by insolation through the glass. But it is not so. There is a very simple explanation for this phenomenon: a change in shade in this case occurs as a result of the activation of a small amount of residual pigment (melanin), which is in the skin cells, produced under the influence of ultraviolet B type. As a rule, this "tan" is temporary, that is, it quickly disappears. In a word, in order to get a full-fledged tan, you need to either visit a solarium or regularly take sun baths, and it will not work to achieve a change in the natural skin tone towards a darker one through ordinary window or car glass.

Do I need to defend myself?

Only those people who have very sensitive skin and a predisposition to the appearance of age spots should be worried about whether it is possible to get a tan through glass. They are advised to constantly use special products with a minimum degree of protection (SPF). Such cosmetics should be applied mainly to the face, neck and décolleté. However, it is not worth protecting too actively from ultraviolet radiation, especially long-wavelength, because the sun's rays in moderation are very useful and even necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Tanning came into vogue in the last century and is still popular with fashionistas. How harmful or beneficial is tanning? How to sunbathe to? Not everyone knows the answers to these questions. But the question is - is it possible to sunbathe through glass? - at first glance it seems quite simple. "Of course not!" - you tell. But why not? After all, the sun warms through the glass, and glasses are different.

What is tanning and why does it appear?

Our sun gives off energy in the form of light, heat and ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays, unlike visible light energy, are invisible, they also cannot be felt, but they have a unique property - the ability to alter the chemical structure of matter and cells.

When ultraviolet radiation hits the human skin, melanin is produced in its middle layer, the task of which is to control the effect of UV rays on the body surface.

Sunburn is a defensive skin response.

Melanin darkens under the influence of ultraviolet rays, acquiring a brown tint. And through such a skin color, harmful rays cannot penetrate deep into the body and harm it.

The ability of the skin to produce melanin varies from person to person, depends on the person's genetics and is often inherited. It happens that the skin is completely unable to produce melanin, such people are contraindicated in sun exposure.

Ultraviolet radiation in small doses is necessary for the human body. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the body produces vitamin D, which is especially necessary for children.

Before the skin has a beautiful tan, it usually becomes inflamed and pinkish. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause severe inflammation of the skin and burns on the body. It should be understood that prolonged exposure to the sun is very dangerous. A tan should be obtained gently, gradually, at a certain time, and the longer the better. Once the skin has reached the desired brown tint, sun exposure is safer.

Types of ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet rays are of different lengths, depending on this factor, they are divided into three groups:

  • The rays of group A have a wavelength of 315 to 400 nanometers - they penetrate the atmosphere, glass, and penetrate the upper layer of human skin, however, they almost do not reach the middle layer, and therefore tanning with such rays hardly sticks.
  • Group B rays - their length is from 280 to 315 nanometers - some of them do not pass through the ozone layer, they cannot penetrate through glass, human skin is capable of reflecting 70% of such rays, 20% penetrate only into its uppermost layer, but the remaining 10% UV-B rays are able to penetrate the middle layer of the skin and give the skin a tan.
  • Group C beams - from 100 to 280 nanometers. Such rays are capable of destroying all living things, but they do not pass through the atmosphere.

Tanning through the window of an apartment - myth or reality

Can you sunbathe through window glass? Let's figure it out.

Only group A ultraviolet rays can pass through the glass, which gently affect the skin, almost do not penetrate into its middle layer, as a result, no melanin is released and the skin does not darken.

At the same time, if a person is behind glass in his kitchen or a glazed balcony, tanning through the glass is impossible. After all, the rays of group B are not able to penetrate through ordinary window glass. Since we know that tanning appears on the human body only under the influence of these rays, it is safe to say that tanning does not lie through the glass and it is impossible to tan through a regular window, unless you get warm.

Conclusion: it is impossible to sunbathe through the window glass of the apartment or on the balcony.

Car tan

Is it possible to sunbathe through the windshield of a car while driving or just sitting in the car?

Many motorists are sure that they sunbathe after driving for a long time, especially in the summer. The windshield of the car is made of the same material as the windows in residential buildings. Group B ultraviolet rays are unable to penetrate car glass. Perhaps the rays-A, which penetrate through it, with prolonged exposure to the skin still fall under its upper layer, causing a slight tan, but this will probably take several tens of times more than when exposed to the skin of a person -V.

That is, theoretically, only truckers who drive all day will be able to get a tan.

Conclusion: tanning through the glass of a car window is IMPOSSIBLE.

Tanning through organic and quartz glass

Can you tan through organic and quartz glass?

It should be noted that there are various types of glass and among them there are those that transmit infrared rays of all groups. For example, some types of organic glass allow UV rays to pass through. Quartz glass also transmits ultraviolet waves, which is why it is quartz glass that is used in lamps designed for quartzing rooms.

Conclusion: it is possible to sunbathe through the glass of the window, but it all depends on the glass itself.

Whether the skin tan through glass or not, the answer is unequivocal - you cannot tan, unless through certain glasses.