Mint drops during pregnancy for nausea. Methods of use and application. In what form can mint be consumed, and in what form

The use of medications during pregnancy can pose a danger to the health of the expectant mother and baby - all women know about this. But the use of medicinal herbs is also not always harmless. Many of them have contraindications during the period of bearing a child. Although there are no such strict restrictions for mint, it should also be used with caution, keeping in mind some of the characteristics of this plant.

Composition and healing properties

Mint is familiar to many for its refreshing smell and taste. It is widely used in the food industry, pharmacology and cosmetology. In cooking, for the preparation of meat and vegetable dishes, sauces, marinades and drinks, aerial parts of the grass collected during the flowering period are used. Different varieties are suitable for this.

Speaking of a plant, they most often mean peppermint, although there are about 20 varieties of it: field, cat, lemon (lemon balm), long-leaved, fragrant, water, marsh and others. Many of them grow naturally, but there are also those that are cultivated on an industrial scale. Varieties differ from each other in appearance and place of growth.

There are also artificially bred mint varieties: chocolate, orange, strawberry, pineapple, vanilla and other types, which differ mainly in their aroma.

Mint is rich in substances useful for the body, which, entering the digestive tract, are absorbed into the bloodstream and take an active part in metabolism. It includes:

  • menthol - the main component of the essential oil of most types of mint;
  • organic compounds limonene, alpha-pinene, dipentene, cineole, pulegon, beta-fellandrene, arginine;
  • vitamins C, P, A;
  • calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, strontium;
  • valeric, acetic, gallic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ursolic, linoleic and oleic acids;
  • glucose, rhamnose, flavonoids, in particular hesperidin, tannins, saponins, betaine, phenolic and other compounds.

The composition and amount of individual components for each type of mint is not the same. For example, in the marsh, the organic compound Pulegon predominates, and in the lemon, citral prevails. This explains the fact that the smell and properties of plant species can be very different.

Mint as a medicinal plant

The versatile effect of mint on the body is explained by its numerous properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • calming;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • light pain relievers.

The antiseptic properties of mint apply to all pathogenic microorganisms that live in the human intestine.

Benefits for the body

The pronounced medicinal properties of the plant determine situations when mint leaves (most often peppermint is used) are prescribed as a medicine:

  • enhances intestinal motility and has an antiseptic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract (prevents the processes of decay and fermentation, helps to increase the secretion of the digestive glands and gallbladder);
  • helps with;
  • relieves spasms of smooth muscles;
  • expands the vessels of the brain, heart and lungs, helps to strengthen their walls and permeability, improves the condition of capillaries, accelerates blood flow;
  • lowers blood pressure and prevents bleeding;
  • copes with the sore throat that often accompanies acute respiratory infections.

Mint is used for hair, face and body skin care, prolongs youth.

Peppermint for early and late pregnancy

The refreshing smell and taste of the plant soothes nausea, which makes peppermint recommended as a remedy for early toxicosis. Its sedative effect helps to fight stress, insomnia, hyperexcitability, overexertion, which are characteristic of women before childbirth. In folk medicine, it is also used to treat and prevent, which often occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Contraindications and precautions for using peppermint

Despite the beneficial properties of peppermint, in some situations you need to use it carefully:

  • low blood pressure (since the plant has a hypotonic effect);
  • increased uterine tone (a large amount of phytoestrogens, similar in action to female hormones estrogens, can provoke an early miscarriage or late premature birth);
  • increased susceptibility to mint, which, like any other plant, can cause allergic reactions.

With an increased tone of the uterus, the use of mint should be abandoned.

But even if the expectant mother does not have these contraindications, you need to add mint to tea and other dishes little by little, since any product in large quantities can harm the body.

Plant varieties have different effects on the body. Lemon mint is effective for increased emotional excitability, irritability, sleep disturbance, and mint has a pronounced abortive effect, therefore it is strictly prohibited while carrying a child.

Safe ways to consume

A mom-to-be can use mint in different ways:

  • add to tea;
  • put in dishes when cooking as a spice;
  • make an infusion out of it.

In addition to the leaves of the plant, mint essential oil is very popular. During pregnancy, its use by mouth is contraindicated due to the high content of menthol.

Spice and tea additive

There are different recipes for making a warming drink using the leaves of the plant. Most often, mint is added as a flavoring and flavoring agent, but it can also be brewed separately. To do this, use 2-3 branches of a fresh plant or 0.5-1 teaspoon of dried raw materials per serving. Experts recommend drinking no more than 2 cups of this drink per day.

When fresh as a spice, mint adds piquancy to your favorite dishes. It is added to vegetable salads, sauces and cocktails as a source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Iced green tea with mint - video

Infusion and decoction

According to the instructions for the mint leaves, purchased at the pharmacy, you can prepare an infusion from them. For this, a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and left in a water bath for 15 minutes, after which it is allowed to cool and filtered. The resulting medicinal solution is brought to a volume of 200 ml, diluting it with boiled water. In this form, mint is used for inhalation, gargling for colds, added to the bath for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

It is possible to take the infusion inside only after consulting a doctor, since the concentration of active ingredients in it is higher than in tea. This means that the risk of negative consequences is higher.

A decoction of mint is not prepared, because boiling the soft parts of medicinal plants (leaves, flowers) leads to the destruction of nutrients.

Essential oil

If there are no contraindications, some experts allow the use of peppermint essential oil from the middle of pregnancy, but at half the dosage:

  • when added to cosmetics in small amounts, it has a positive effect on oily and acne-prone skin, refreshes it and narrows capillaries;
  • local application has a soothing effect after insect bites (it is necessary to apply oil in this way in a diluted form so that a burn does not happen);
  • using mint for aromatherapy, you can get a soothing and antiseptic effect;
  • a compress with essential oil helps to cope with (for this you need to add 2-3 drops of oil to a glass of water, dip a cotton cloth into the mixture, squeeze it and put it on your forehead for 5-10 minutes).

It is safest to purchase raw materials in a pharmacy to be sure of its quality and contents of the package.

Peppermint, often grown on its own plots, is one of the popular spices. The leaves of this plant are rich in essential oils, flavonoids, as well as a useful "set" of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. Mint is used for making desserts, flavoring fish and meat dishes, but most often fresh and dried petals are added to tea leaves, providing aroma and pleasant taste to the drink. At the same time, mint belongs to medicinal plants, which means that it requires strict dosage. One of the contraindications to the use of mint is pregnancy, therefore, in such a crucial period in life, it is worthwhile to learn more about the possible risk. Our article will tell and also give useful recommendations for the use of spicy herbs.

Why mint is useful for our body

In total, there are more than 20 species of this plant in nature. The spice we are used to is peppermint. It is she who is famous for its pleasant aroma and fresh taste. Peppermint is rich in nutrients that stimulate the digestion process. In addition, the plant has a sedative effect, calms the nervous system, helps to relax during stress and after psychological and physical overload.

Fields of application of peppermint during pregnancy:

  • Eliminates nausea with toxicosis.
  • Soothes and helps to normalize sleep.
  • Antibacterial effect for the oral cavity.
  • A decoction of mint can eliminate age spots.
  • Relieves stomach cramps.
  • Normalizes appetite and digestive function.
  • Helps to cure colds without the use of medication.

Women in an interesting position are interested in whether it is possible to drink herbal tea with mint? It is best to ask your healthcare provider who is managing your pregnancy. This is usually allowed, especially if you do not overuse such teas and refuse other drinks and products containing mint extracts. Many women were convinced from their own experience of the effectiveness of using peppermint lozenges to relieve nausea, but even such a seemingly harmless method needs to be agreed with the attending physician, because the candy contains menthol, and there are many medical contraindications for this component.

The health benefits of peppermint are described in the attached video.

When is it worth giving up mint

Usually, pregnant women are not prohibited from drinking mint tea, but there are also medical contraindications for use.

These include:

  • Phlebeurysm. Peppermint relaxes the vascular tone, which is fraught with the progression of this disease.
  • Allergic reaction. It should be borne in mind that at different stages of pregnancy, individual intolerance to a familiar product may appear for no apparent reason.
  • Low pressure. High blood pressure is often observed in pregnant women, so you can drink to stabilize it. Otherwise, such a drink can cause a breakdown and deterioration, so this moment is very important.

Even if you do not have objective reasons and contraindications, a reasonable solution would be to partially or completely stop using mint during pregnancy. It is necessary to adhere to reasonable dosages in the use of this drink, as in everything that concerns the nutrition of a pregnant woman.

As for peppermint essential oil, which many women successfully use for cosmetic purposes, such an ingredient is strictly prohibited. The main component of this remedy is menthol, which is undesirable to use during pregnancy. It can cause serious allergic reactions, especially during early pregnancy.

Rules for brewing mint tea

Our ancestors drank this aromatic drink, so enough recipes for its preparation have accumulated.

How to make mint tea for colds:

  1. Add no more than five fresh or dried water to a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist for at least five minutes.
  3. Add lemon, sugar or honey to taste.
  4. Consume warm at night.

The essential oils in peppermint provide anti-inflammatory effects and help kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses. That is why the beneficial effects of mint tea will help to effectively fight colds without the use of pharmaceutical preparations.

Soothing tea for pregnant women:

  1. For cooking, you need to take a teaspoon of dry mint and lemon balm.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Infuse under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey to the warm broth.
  5. Drink no more than one cup a day at night.

A similar broth can be used to relieve symptoms of toxicosis. Medicinal herbs help to relax, soothe vomiting and normalize the digestive process. With digestive disorders, dysbiosis and inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, you can add a teaspoon of chamomile to such a decoction when brewing. It should be borne in mind that mint tea with lemon balm is also capable of lowering blood pressure, so it is not recommended if its level is low (hypotension).

Herbal infusion for gargling:

  1. It must be prepared at the rate of two teaspoons of dry mint per glass of boiling water.
  2. The mixture can be boiled for a few minutes for the best effect.
  3. After the liquid has cooled to a comfortable temperature, filter the broth.
  4. It is possible to rinse your mouth and throat with such an infusion for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as dental problems.

Mint for use in pregnant women must necessarily be natural, preferably grown on their own site, or purchased at a pharmacy. Ready-made herbal teas can only be used by trusted manufacturers, making sure that the mixture really contains natural plant materials, and not extracts or flavors.

Mint and pregnancy are not always compatible, because this plant contains plant estrogen. He is able to cause contractions of the uterus, which is fraught with problems of bearing a child. At the same time, if it is reasonable to consume no more than 2-3 cups of mint tea a day in the absence of medical contraindications, this will not harm the child, and it will help the mother to improve her health and get rid of toxicosis, insomnia and digestive problems.

This plant can be found everywhere: mint is sold both in pharmacies and in supermarkets (both dried and fresh).

It is brewed as it is or added to black tea, it is enriched with the aroma of meat dishes and desserts, compotes ... Even if your family is not a fan of herbal medicine, you have probably tried mint more than once, as a tasty ingredient or to calm your nerves or a raging stomach.

Did you know that the mint we use is called Mentha piperita (or peppermint, although herbalists may call it differently: chill or chill, English). And in the wild there are much more mint - 10 subspecies, 25 species. Among them there are such interesting "names": horse, curly, water, marsh, mountain, bergamot, orange, apple, Japanese mint.

Medicine (and cooking) uses shoots, leaves, mint flowers. This plant is rich in essential oils, fats, sugars, vitamins and minerals.

But can mint be used for pregnant women? The doctor probably already warned you that some previously safe herbs in an interesting position can cause bleeding and even miscarriage ...

Is mint dangerous for pregnant women?

Mint tea is recommended even during poisoning, it is given to young children ... Can you drink it? Medicines are no longer recommended for you. And mint is, though phyto, but a medicine! And, like pharmaceutical medicines, it has a number of "side effects" and contraindications. Doctors assure that one of them is pregnancy. Why? Mint contains a large amount of hormones. You are familiar with them - these are estrogens. An increased amount of these hormones in the body can cause premature labor.

But herbalists (as well as experienced midwives) often advise women expecting a stork to drink mint teas. For example, this drink helps with typical "pregnant" problems - heartburn, nausea, stomach bloating. Moreover, experts allow not to limit themselves to a couple of sips or even one glass of fragrant tea - gynecologists recommend drinking up to 4 cups a day. But do not buy mint in the market from grandmothers - you do not know where this plant was picked (maybe in an area with low ecology, or even on the highway). Choose a pharmacy mint - it is also packed in disposable tea bags, there is no hassle with them - you don't have to filter the tea every day.

In general, each doctor's opinion about mint may be different. True, there is one thing in which phytotherapists and gynecologists are united: pregnant women should not have mint!

What about flowers and leaves?

Our mothers and grandmothers also drank mint tea for all three terms. This calms the nerves, and the taste of such a drink is very pleasant (especially since this tea is a good alternative to coffee, which is prohibited in an interesting position). Having searched dozens of women's forums where mature mothers are frank about their pregnancy, you will nowhere find stories about the harm that happened due to a glass of mint tea you drunk. But there are many praises for this drink, which helped to get rid of "green toxicosis".

By the way, breastfeeding moms don't praise mint that often. This plant suppresses milk production in the breast. So until you plan on weaning your little one, don't go overboard on this drink!

In general, there is no need to give up such tea. But drink it in liters too.

Peppermint as a medicine for pregnant women

  • As mentioned above, mint protects against both vomiting and nausea. So for the 1st trimester it will not be superfluous to keep a couple of mint candies in your pocket, or gum. Yes, you can also make tea for yourself - but it is not available in transport, a store or at work.
  • Toxicosis is especially "rampant" in the morning. Prepare yourself a healing drink in the evening. 2 teaspoons of mint (leaves), yarrow, valerian (roots), marigolds (flowers) pour 2 cups of freshly boiled water. Strain after 30 minutes. Drink 6 times a day, 50 ml at a time.
  • If every breakfast and lunch immediately after getting into the stomach starts to "tumbling" there, when serving food on the table, spice it with fresh mint leaves.
  • Mint tea can be drunk on a later line as well. Especially if the enlarged "belly" threatens you with constant constipation. The aromatic drink will help with intestinal congestion and bloating.
  • This herb can also be your personal beautician. Is your skin peeling, and on the belly, is it stretched like a drum, and its elasticity has decreased? Prepare a wipe for the body or face: pour 1 tablespoon of mint with a glass of boiling water, let it brew.

Among other, no less interesting for you, the actions of mint are antiseptic, vasodilator, bile and diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic, and of course, sedative. Fragrant teas remove stones, stop intestinal colic and stomach cramps, and help with diarrhea. Dentists recommend mint as a remedy for bad breath, and skin doctors use this plant to treat inflammation and itching.

Mint is a fragrant plant that can cheer you up, remove anxiety, give you a boost of vivacity and improve your health. Due to its taste and medicinal qualities, it has an unlimited range of applications, and it is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, and, of course, in pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine. But even with many beneficial qualities, mint has some contraindications that should be taken into account during pregnancy. Let's figure out how to consume mint during pregnancy in order to benefit from it without harming the baby.

The attitude of gynecologists to taking mint during gestation is very controversial. Some doctors regularly prescribe mint and preparations based on it for women in position, others are categorically against its use.

Of course, mint, being a medicinal plant, should be consumed under the supervision of homeopaths if it is systematically taken as a preventive and medicinal agent. Especially if the treatment takes place during pregnancy. Well, if mint is used as an additive for tea or a spice for dishes, then there is no question of any possible harm. The acceptable amount of mint consumed during gestation is 3-4 cups of weak tea.

External use of rubbers and essential oils is not strictly limited, provided that there is no allergy to this plant.

Why, then, are some doctors against eating mint in pregnant women? It turns out that mint contains a high percentage of phytoestrogens, which can provoke uterine hypertonicity and even premature birth. In addition, mint dilates blood vessels, which is also not desirable during gestation. But to get such a negative effect on pregnancy, you need to take mint for a long time in large quantities.

Peppermint - beneficial properties for gestation

Mint belongs to the class of medicinal plants, since it can have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, as well as cure a number of diseases. The entire aerial part of the plant, which is cut during the flowering period, exhibits healing properties. At this point, the leaves and buds are especially rich in essential oils that provide a persistent and fragrant minty scent.

The analgesic and sedative properties of mint were used by ancient tribes. Dried mint inflorescences were taken in the form of a decoction inside, as well as in the form of lotions and rubbing for external use. Scientists and philosophers wore mint wreaths on their heads for clarity of mind and vigor. And in the halls where the feasts were held, mint brooms were hung to cheer up.

Mint got its interesting name in honor of a nymph named Minte. Greek mythology says that the god of the dungeon Hades fell in love with her. But when his wife Persephone found out about this, she turned the young beauty into a plant. The only way Hades could help his beloved was to give her a charming scent.

There are several varieties of mint that are used for consumption - curly, lemon and wild. But the most commonly used peppermint is peppermint. It has the richest aroma and taste.

Peppermint during pregnancy is used for many diseases and serves as an excellent alternative to chemicals. The beneficial effects of peppermint on women's health are due to its rich chemical composition. In addition to essential oils, phenols and bitterness, the plant contains the following nutrients:

  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Vitamin complex (A, C, PP, all B vitamins).
  • Macronutrients (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium).
  • Trace elements (manganese, zinc, strontium, iron, copper).
  • Amino acids (tryptophan, arginine, lysine, phenylalanine, glycine).
  • Sterols.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Tannins.

Mint has a positive effect on pregnancy. But the uncontrolled use of medicinal herbs during gestation is unacceptable. Therefore, drinking mint during pregnancy is only recommended by a doctor.

Now, let's take a look at the medicinal properties of mint, which are widely used by women during and after pregnancy. So, mint has worked well for such diseases:

  • Cold... Peppermint has the ability to soothe pain, kill germs and induce sweating as well as pharmaceuticals. Therefore, mint tea is an indispensable remedy for colds or viral diseases. After two to three days, the sick woman has significant relief without medication.
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities. Mint in a concentrated form (tincture, strong decoction, drops) provokes vasodilation and a drop in blood pressure. This property is used for hypertensive crisis, gestosis, exacerbation of thrombophlebitis. But it is not recommended for women to drink strong tea with mint during pregnancy in the early stages, so as not to provoke a miscarriage.
  • Gastrointestinal pathology... Flatulence, nausea and loss of appetite are a familiar condition for every pregnant woman. Peppermint gently relieves these symptoms, bringing the woman back to normal. But you should not get carried away for a long time with such a mint medicine, since mint is a strong choleretic agent.
  • Constipation... Peppermint tea stimulates intestinal receptors, increasing peristalsis. It eliminates constipation, improves digestion, and reduces the reproduction of putrefactive microflora.
  • Neurosis, stress and other problems of the central nervous system. A mug of mint tea will help a woman to get away from anxious thoughts, it is better to fall asleep and wake up in a good positive mood the next morning.
  • Low immunity... Reduced immunity during pregnancy is considered the norm, but if a woman, over and over again, picks up some kind of infection, the body needs to help overcome the disease. Due to the presence of vitamins, mint is an excellent immunomodulator.
  • Decreased libido... Changes in the hormonal system during gestation can negatively affect sex drive. Peppermint essential oil in this situation can play the role of an aphrodisiac.
  • Problem skin... External use of mint decoction helps a woman get rid of irritation and dryness of the skin, "remove" purulent rashes and boils. The gruel made from fresh mint leaves has a strong antifungal effect on the skin.

The presence of copper in peppermint additionally stimulates iron metabolism and eliminates oxygen deficiency. And also prevents the appearance of malformations of the skeleton and dysplasia of connective tissues in the fetus.

Mint during pregnancy - indications and contraindications

For medicinal purposes, mint is often prescribed by doctors as an adjuvant against such diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, pneumonia, wet cough.
  • Diseases of ENT organs (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, stomatitis).
  • Colds (tea with mint during pregnancy can be used as a diaphoretic at a temperature).
  • Puffiness with gestosis.
  • Aggravation of varicose veins in the legs and in the small pelvis.
  • Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia (dizziness, loss of strength, hypotension).
  • Pathology of the nervous system (fear of childbirth, neurosis, hysteria, depression).
  • Sleep rhythm disturbance (insomnia or, conversely, excessive sleepiness).
  • Skin problems (inflammation, itching, breakouts, pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes).
  • Toxicosis.
  • Malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation, bloating, hiccupping, heartburn, impaired outflow of bile).
  • Pain syndrome (migraine, body aches, stomach pain, manifestation of arthrosis).

Mint tea should not be consumed after childbirth, as it negatively affects milk production and can impair lactation. For the same reason, it is better to refrain from using mint during late pregnancy, so as not to affect the timely formation of colostrum.

Mint can cause undesirable reactions during pregnancy in the form of a decrease in vascular tone, stimulation of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage, therefore, it is not recommended for use in such situations:

  • The presence of inflamed varicose veins.
  • Hypersensitivity to peppermint.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage.
  • Hypotension.
  • Vomiting not associated with toxicosis.
  • Kidney and liver disease.
  • Bleeding tendency.

An overdose of mint or drugs based on it can be determined by the following symptoms: indomitable vomiting, colic, dizziness, slow heart rate. When such indicators appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Proper use of peppermint during pregnancy

In traditional medicine, the use of mint during pregnancy is not prohibited, but all products with mint are sold with the mark “take with caution during pregnancy”. Therefore, doctors recommend using mint in the form of:

  • weak tea or fresh leaves (to chew for nausea);
  • decoctions for gargling or treating skin;
  • essential oil for dosed aromatherapy;
  • mint lozenges;
  • peppermint drops (for sore throat and coughing).

With the help of such methods of treatment, many health problems in a pregnant woman are eliminated without taking synthetic drugs.

Mint infusion during pregnancy

Mint infusion during gestation is widely used in the treatment of diseases of an infectious nature. The strength of the infusion, the method of its preparation, as well as the dosage and duration of treatment depends on the disease present.

  • For colds - 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. The infusion is taken in small portions throughout the day. If the disease is accompanied by an inflammation of the throat and respiratory system, it is advisable to supplement the treatment with inhalation. You can add an infusion or a few drops of peppermint oil to the inhaler.
  • With a headache - you need to pour 50 g of dry mint with 500 g of alcohol and leave for 2 weeks. Then you need to rub the infusion into the temporal zone 2-3 times a day. Alternatively, you can purchase a ready-made alcoholic tincture at the pharmacy.
  • With disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - you need 2 tbsp. l. pour mint raw materials with hot water (200 g), leave for 2 hours and drink 20 ml with meals. This infusion can be used to rinse the mouth with gingivitis of pregnant women, unpleasant odor, stomatitis.

During pregnancy, it is not allowed to use mint broth (steamed herb), because, unlike infusion, it turns out to be more concentrated and can cause undesirable effects.

Essential oil during pregnancy

During gestation, peppermint oil can be used only for external manipulations - for massage, enrichment of cosmetics, in aromatherapy. Also, pregnant women need to use half the oil as indicated in the instructions.

Peppermint oil can be used as follows:

  • Aromatherapy - 1-2 drops of peppermint oil are added to the aroma lamp for every 10 sq. m area. The duration of one session is 20 minutes with a break of 2-4 days. Used for vomiting, irritability, drowsiness.
  • Massage - for a relaxing and soothing effect, 4 drops of peppermint oil should be combined with 10 g of base oil (peach, olive) or cream. The procedure is best done before bedtime.
  • Baths - 2 drops of oil should be dripped onto a handful of sea salt and added to a warm bath (hot water is contraindicated in pregnancy). The duration of the procedure is 25-30 minutes. After that, the psycho-emotional background is restored, the condition of the skin improves. Foot baths perfectly help relieve fatigue, swelling in the last stages of pregnancy.

Mint preparations

You can buy peppermint tablets at any pharmacy. They are indicated for nausea, colic, motion sickness, pain in the intestines. They are convenient to carry with you and you do not need to make tea or chew mint leaves with the next attack of vomiting.

You can replace the tablets with regular mint lollipops or chewing gum. But before buying them, ask if they contain harmful dyes and preservatives.

Mint tea during pregnancy

A cup of mint tea will give you a feeling of freshness, help you relax and drive away fatigue. During pregnancy, you can safely afford no more than 4 cups of this great drink. It is better to drink only freshly brewed tea, which can be diluted with cream, milk or honey.

You can make teas from mint leaves in different ways:

  • Pour a sprig of mint with a glass of hot water (90-95⁰С), let it brew for 10-12 minutes and use warm. It is undesirable to use steep boiling water, since mint loses all its medicinal properties.
  • 1 tsp Pour dry mint raw materials with hot water (0.5 l) and let it brew. Divide the drink into two and drink it with honey.
  • Mix equal parts mint, lemon balm and chamomile. 1 tsp brew the mixture like regular black tea and drink as desired. Such tea with mint and lemon balm during pregnancy effectively eliminates stomach discomfort and helps with intestinal infections.

Peppermint during pregnancy in cooking

Dried or fresh mint leaves can be used to improve digestion. The plant can be added to salad mixes, vegetarian soups, fish and meat dishes, baked goods. To remove signs of toxicosis, it is better to add mint to juices, tea, smoothies.

If fresh mint leaves are rubbed in the palms and applied to the temples, a headache will pass.

You can also chew the mint leaves to relieve nausea or to keep your breath fresh. It should be borne in mind that no more than 4 branches of the plant can be used per day, provided that you do not take tea or broth.

To get the most out of your mint, you need to use it crushed. To do this, you can use a blender or simply tear the leaves with your hands.

Peppermint tea, peppermint infusions and aromatherapy using peppermint essential oil can help address many health problems associated with pregnancy. But treatment with this medicinal plant is only suitable for women who have a pregnancy without complications. If there is a risk of miscarriage or the woman has chronic diseases, it is better to cancel the use of mint.

Video "Mint - useful properties"

Mint is not only a healthy herb, but also fragrant. Everywhere they put it: in tea, in second courses, in drinks, and in sweets. Rarely is a plant so popular. Peppermint is a cure for many diseases, especially those of the stomach. And, of course, many expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to use mint during pregnancy.

Mint is different

When it comes to mint, many people imagine thickets of fragrant grass along the banks of rivers. It grows water mint. There is also spikelet mint, Japanese mint, aromatic mint, marsh mint and many others. These are wild species of mint. There are also hybrids, that is, varieties bred by man. The most famous hybrid is peppermint, obtained by crossing water and spikelet (garden) mint.


Peppermint is widely used in pharmacology and in everyday life. It contains a lot of menthol, thanks to which the plant has an analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic effect. Mentholu peppermint owes its cooling taste. Most of all they are rich in mint inflorescences, least of all - plant stems. Menthol is the main component of essential peppermint oil.

In addition to essential oils, peppermint contains organic acids: ascorbic, coffee, chlorogenic and others.

When peppermint is not allowed for pregnant women

For many expectant mothers, it becomes a discovery that mint during pregnancy, it turns out, is impossible. In any case, most doctors say so. Peppermint menthol is thought to cause uterine contractions. In addition, mint contains analogs of female hormones.

So, most doctors agree that it is better not to use mint during pregnancy. But don't be upset. It is undesirable to take only medicines containing a lot of menthol. It is also forbidden to use peppermint oil, especially in the first trimester. A pregnant woman should not independently prescribe medications containing menthol to herself, for example:

  • Corvalol (contains a lot of menthol);
  • various mint tablets for a sore throat;
  • alcohol tincture of mint;
  • Zelenin drops;
  • aerosols and inhalers containing menthol;
  • validol (only with the permission of a doctor);
  • cough medicines with menthol

Peppermint should not be consumed in any form by those women who have a tendency to miscarriage.

And when you can

An expectant mother does not need to consume a lot of mint. If she adds a little to the dishes, then nothing terrible will happen. Peppermint is not very suitable for brewing tea, as it has a too pronounced cooling aftertaste. It is better to throw ordinary wild-growing mint in the tea, collected in nature. You should not get too carried away, yet the plant contains female hormones. Better to brew only leaves, no flowers.

At first, mint needs to be brewed quite a bit to see the body's reaction. Who knows, he might not react as expected to the mint. If everything goes well, then you can safely drink 1-2 cups of tea a day. Mint is best added to green tea.

Mint in herbal medicine

Someone drinks mint tea for pleasure, while others are treated with it. Peppermint helps with many diseases. For medicinal purposes, it is better to brew peppermint, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or grown on your site.

With toxicosis

You can make a drink from mint to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. To do this, it is enough to brew mint leaves like regular tea. It is advisable to drink tea chilled, as a hot drink further increases nausea in some. However, for some, on the contrary, hot tea is better suited. It would be nice to add lemon juice to a cold mint infusion.

For a sore throat

Expectant mothers also sometimes have a sore throat. And here again peppermint will come to the rescue. It is necessary to make a concentrated infusion, for which 10 g of the herb is brewed with a glass of water, the temperature of which is about 95 degrees. After the infusion is warm, you need to gargle. The procedure should be done as often as possible.

With heartburn in pregnant women

Mint normalizes digestion, relieves gas, relieves bouts of nausea. It is useful to drink mint tea for heartburn during pregnancy. Unfortunately, this trouble often happens with expectant mothers, especially in the later stages. The grown fetus presses heavily on the stomach, which is why gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus. Peppermint reduces acidity, which can help reduce heartburn. True, this tool does not help everyone, but you still need to try.

To avoid heartburn, it is enough to chew some leaves. Or you can brew ordinary mint tea, which should be drunk chilled.

Peppermint for hypertension

High blood pressure is extremely dangerous for a pregnant woman. It can cause early miscarriage, and late placental abruption and fetal death. Therefore, those women who have a tendency or hereditary predisposition to hypertension can drink a little green tea with mint throughout their pregnancy.