The funded part of the pension is where it is better to leave. Funded pension. IIS for Finns for pension savings

Reform of the pension system has been launched relatively recently. According to it, citizens of the Russian Federation can independently choose where their funded part of their pension will be transferred. In this case, it is allowed simply not to conclude the corresponding agreement.

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Will the funds be gone

According to the recent amendments to the legislation, each employer will be obliged to make an appropriate contribution to the pension fund.

Moreover, it can be state (PFR) or non-state (NPF). Regardless of where the funds of a particular citizen of the Russian Federation will be located, they will be insured without fail.

But it should be remembered that all citizens of the Russian Federation were instructed, until 01/01/16, to choose an NPF, where funds, which would be NP pensions, would be deducted. This action is not mandatory.

Therefore, persons who did not have time or did not want to make the appropriate choice do not need to worry. The savings of the type under consideration, formed from deductions by employers, will not disappear. They will be accumulated in the accounts of the FIU.

At the moment, any citizen of the Russian Federation can order his pension as follows:

If the corresponding application for transferring part of the pension under the management of the NPF is not submitted, the funds will be automatically distributed according to the first method.

If the contract is concluded - the second. But at the same time, the amount of the LF pension will be increased due to the investments made by the management company - NPF. Thus, the size of the pension may exceed the standard amount of 16%.

If the corresponding agreement is not concluded, the LF funds will not be lost. They will remain under the authority of the FIU and will be managed by special companies.

At the same time, each method of placing LF pensions has both its advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing any specific one, it will be necessary to carefully study all the nuances and aspects. In this way, an unreasonable reduction in pension can be avoided.

Where is the funded part of the pension for the silent

If a citizen of the Russian Federation keeps silent and does not conclude an appropriate agreement with a non-state pension fund, all funds will remain on the balance sheet of the state. At the same time, it is important to remember that both in the PFR and in the NPF all money is insured under a special program.

Therefore, even in the event of an unsuccessful investment and bankruptcy, pensioners will receive all the funds they are entitled to. There is no need to worry about this.

The accumulative part of the "silent" pension is transferred to the balance sheet of various special management companies without fail.

Vnesheconombank is one of the most reliable at the moment. This financial institution invests funds representing the low-income pensions of citizens of the Russian Federation in various investment projects. At the same time, qualified economists are engaged in the management of such a process.

Individuals whose funds are under the management of this financial institution can choose the type of investment portfolio:

  • standard;
  • extended.

In the first case, the profitability will be slightly lower, but the risk factor is minimal. Indexing will be low. An extended investment portfolio implies the possibility of increasing the profitability from the funded part.

But at the same time, the risks are many times higher. But you shouldn't be afraid of using such a service. Since all savings of the type in question are insured without fail.

Therefore, even in the event of the bankruptcy of an NPF or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the minimum amount of the NP pension will be received without fail.

Despite the placement of LF pensions on the balance sheet of special management companies, in some cases it is possible to receive it in a lump sum.

But this requires the fulfillment of some prerequisites. Funded pension funds are invested in various shares, and are also multiplied in a different way. These are all kinds of contributions, different.

The accounting policy of NPF and PFR does not imply the possibility of familiarization with this document for actual and future pensioners themselves. Therefore, it will simply be impossible to reliably find out exactly where the funds of the LF pensions are located.

Where will she go

Relatively soon, a new government policy regarding LF pensions will be introduced. The most important factor in these reforms is a significant decrease in the funded component.

Moreover, this will be done in order to increase the insurance part. This will serve as the main reason for the rapid decline in the value of this type of savings.

One of the most significant points associated with this reform is the amendment that reduces the percentage of deductions. The difference will be noticeable - LF is reduced to 2%, while the remaining 4% is added to the insurance part.

Since, in fact, one of its most important elements will be missing. In fact, such changes in the pension legislation will lead to the almost complete disappearance of LF pensions. That threatens with significant problems in the future.

The main purpose of LF pensions is to compensate for the lack of the state's ability to collect a sufficient amount of funds in the form of tax revenues.

In fact, the reforms under consideration will require an increase in the size of tax collections in the state in 10-15 years. Only in this way will it be possible to compensate for the lack of a budget.

But, despite such innovations, the future pensioners themselves do not have to worry about the funds already received on the accounts of the Pension Fund and Pension Fund.

Since they will not be canceled, they are indexed annually, and management is carried out as efficiently as possible. Because LF pensions simply will not go anywhere.

What is profitable

Until the increase in the percentage of deductions in favor of the insurance part, the most profitable algorithm of action was the following:

  • find an official job - with the highest wages;
  • transfer LF pensions to NPF.

In this case, only "white" wages are used as the basis for calculating the amount of deductions.

In the case of unofficial earnings, there is simply no sense in the procedure under consideration. But after the relevant reform is carried out, all the benefits of transferring NP pensions to NPFs simply disappear. Since the deductions will be minimal.

The positive aspects of concluding an agreement with NPF will be almost imperceptible. Therefore, it will be equally beneficial to leave the LF pensions in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or NPF.

But before making any specific decision, it will be necessary to analyze all the factors:

  • positions of a specific NPF;
  • profitability of the formed investment portfolio;
  • the amount of wages - the larger it is, the more profitable it is to receive an LF pension after reaching retirement age.

How can you translate

The procedure for transferring NPs to a non-state pension fund is as simple as possible. It includes just a few basic steps.

They are as follows:

  • the choice of a certain organization - which will further carry out financial management;
  • collection of all necessary documents;
  • writing a special statement;
  • signing an agreement.

After completing all the above actions, the NP pension will be transferred to the NPF. The required documents are the following:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it (if not available);
  • insurance pension certificate - SNILS.
Navigating the article

But, if a citizen has become a pensioner, but did not apply for the establishment of this pension, he can submit an application for its appointment at any time. When applying, it is enough to present a passport and SNILS certificate.

If the insured person's savings were formed in non-state pension fund, then for the purpose of this payment, you must apply directly to the NPF.

Indefinite (lifetime) pension payment

The payment of a funded pension (lifetime) is made when the right to an old-age insurance pension arises, if the amount of pension savings assigned more than 5% of the size of the insurance.

You can apply for the establishment of this payment in person or through a legal representative. After the documents are accepted, ten working days are given for their consideration from the date of acceptance.

If all documents are provided and correspond to reality, then a monthly funded pension is established, which is paid together with the insurance pension for the current month. These payments continue until the end of life the insured person. It is also important to remember that after the death of a citizen, the remainder of the pension savings is not paid to the successors.

Urgent pension payment

Also, all savings can be received at a time by persons receiving a disability pension or in case of loss of a breadwinner, who have less experience.

If the insured person chooses this type of payment, his application is considered within a month from the date of submission of the documents. If a positive decision is made, the entire amount of pension savings paid within two months from the date of this decision.

Citizen Alexandra Georgievna Kuznetsova, born in 1961, has a work experience of 32 years. She turned 55 in February 2018 and retired. After checking all the necessary documents, she was calculated an old-age insurance pension in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

Alexandra Georgievna has never entered into an agreement with non-state pension funds and has not made voluntary contributions towards a future funded pension. But since the year of her birth falls within the period from 1957 to 1966, there are pension savings on her personal account. This happened due to the fact that in the period from 2002 to 2004 inclusive, her employer paid insurance premiums for the funded pension, in accordance with the law in force at that time.

Thus, citizen Kuznetsova has a funded pension. But since the amount of pension savings on her personal account was about 4 thousand rubles, then when assigning an urgent or indefinite payment, she can receive a funded pension in the amount of less than 5% of her insurance pension every month, so the savings will be paid to her in a lump sum (in one payment).

Funded pension after the death of the insured person

In accordance with Article 1183 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 424, savings can be made in the event of the death of the insured person under an agreement or under the law.

By agreement, the heir may become any individual or several persons, if this is indicated in the agreement or in the application for the distribution of funds. In this case, a citizen can indicate different shares for legal successors.

If there is no such statement, then all the savings of the deceased are distributed among his relatives. in equal parts.

  • Relatives are entitled to payment first stage(parents, children, husband or wife).
  • If there are none, then the pension savings will be distributed equally among the relatives. second stage(brothers, sisters, grandchildren, grandfathers, grandmothers).

However, it is possible to become a legal successor only if the insured citizen has died:

  1. before the appointment of the payment;
  2. after the appointment of an urgent payment;
  3. after the appointment of a lump sum, provided that it was not paid to the deceased.

Pension assigned to the insured person indefinitely, is not inherited.

Procedure for payment of pension savings

Pension savings can be obtained in several ways, together with an insurance monthly payment or a government security pension.

  • Like any other pension provision, the payment of the funded pension can be carried out by Post office. In this case, a citizen has the right to arrange home delivery.
  • Special the organization pension delivery providers may also offer their home delivery service. The list of those is available in the territorial body of the PFR.
  • You can also issue a receipt of funds through bank, then the money will be transferred to a bank account or card.

A more convenient way for yourself the pensioner himself chooses... Also, a citizen has the right to change the delivery method, having previously notified the territorial body of the PFR.

Both the pensioner himself and his authorized representative can receive funds with the appropriate power of attorney.

The concept of an individual pension capital instead of a funded pension

For the fourth year already, the Government has been forced to renew, which proves the ineffectiveness of the existing one, in which it is supposed to form pension savings from mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank offered to modernize the system by transferring the accumulative element in a voluntary form, i.e. when contributions will be made by working citizens independently from your salary... Earlier, the Ministry of Finance had already proposed such a reform as one of the points of modernization of the pension system.

The amount of contributions will be from 0% to 6%, while they will be withheld by the employer from the salary of their employee and sent directly to the NPF.

  • The government proposes to provide benefits in the form tax deduction for the deposited amount.
  • Also, a citizen will be able to withdraw no more than 20% of these funds ahead of schedule and spend at your discretion... At the same time, the issue of complete withdrawal of savings in the event of a "difficult life situation" (illness, periods of temporary disability, etc.) is discussed.

This reform of the formation of pension savings may take place in the near future.


Not everyone has the right to a funded pension, but any adult citizen has the right voluntarily shape your future security by transferring insurance premiums to your personal account. In addition, the right to choose the insured is given: citizens can form their savings in a non-state pension fund (NPF) or in the management company of the state Pension Fund (PFR).

Also, insured persons have the right to change both the management company and the funds themselves. But at the same time, it is important to remember that a longer period of management of the insurer by means of savings is more profitable for the insured person. The amount of payment of this pension is calculated based on the type of payment chosen by the insured person.

“I came to the bank on my own business, and the manager suggested that I transfer my pension savings to a non-state (NPF). He said that this money will be kept at a good interest, otherwise I will lose everything, because transferring can only be done until the end of this year, ”- the young girl Valeria did not know anything about the pension system until this conversation happened in one of the branches jar. The arguments seemed convincing, and she agreed.

The pension system is really not inferior to housing and communal services in terms of complexity and complexity. However, if the moment of immersion in utility bills can be delayed simply by paying the required amount, then with pensions the decision must be made now: less than six months are left until the end of the year.

How the pension is formed

The future pension is divided into two parts - insurance and funded. The employer pays monthly contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) in the amount equal to 22% of the employee's salary. Of these, 16% goes to the insurance part and 6% to the accumulative part (deducted only to persons born in 1967 and younger).

Moreover, the threshold of the annual salary, from which insurance premiums are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in 2015 is 711 thousand rubles. Upon reaching this amount, the employer pays 10%, but they no longer affect the size of the future pension. That is, it does not matter for you whether you receive 59.25 thousand or, for example, 100 thousand rubles. per month.

The insurance part is used to pay current pensions, that is, today's pensioners. And the savings account remains on the citizen's account, and he can invest it.

The funded part of the pension is automatically transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where it is further invested by the VEB management company. However, each citizen can choose a different Criminal Code or even donate money to a non-state pension fund (NPF).

However, in 2014, a moratorium on the funded part came into force. That is, all deductions from employers since then have not been divided into two parts, but went entirely to the insurance company. This spring, NPFs that entered the guarantee system (that is, actually passed licensing) began to receive frozen savings. With full the list can be found on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA).

So far, the authorities have announced that the funded part will return next year, but discussions on this matter are still going on.

The decision must be made before the end of the year

Until the end of the year, all citizens need to make a choice: keep the funded part or abandon it, so that all deductions are sent to the insurance part.

In the pension market there is such a concept - "silent". These are those who have never applied for a change in the management company or the choice of an NPF. That is, in fact, most of the population. If by the end of the year this category of citizens does not submit an application for the preservation of the funded part, then it will no longer be replenished, all contributions will be transferred to the insurance part. Those who have successfully applied for at least once in their life will continue to earn 6%.

Option number 1: leave everything as it is - the funded part in the Pension Fund

If the insurer of the funded part is the Pension Fund, then your funds are invested by the state management company VEB (Vnesheconombank).

It invests pension savings of citizens in two investment portfolios - basic and extended.

Citizens' savings are automatically invested in an extended portfolio. This includes government securities, corporate securities of Russian issuers, guaranteed by the RF, bank deposits in rubles and foreign currency, mortgage-backed securities, bonds of international financial organizations.

If a citizen wants his savings to be invested only in government securities and corporate bonds of Russian issuers (base portfolio), he must submit an application to the local PFR office by December 31.

You can change the management company.

Recall that the annual inflation in Russia in 2014 was 11.4%, in 2013 - 6.5%, in 2012 - 6.6%. Annual inflation in July this year accelerated to 15.6%. At the end of the year, the Ministry of Economic Development expects 10-10.5%.

Option number 2: transfer savings to NPF

After criticism of President Vladimir Putin, NPFs began to report on how they manage their pension savings. If earlier half of the funds came from deposits in banks, now the Ministry of Finance has promised to adjust the investment declaration so that this money "works more for the economy."

According to the latest data from Gazeta.Ru, almost half of all new investments by NPFs - 230.1 billion rubles. - fell on bonds of Russian issuers, including infrastructure, mortgage and banking.

In total, this spring the frozen funds - about 550 billion rubles. - received 24 NPF, which until March 1 entered the guarantee system.

The profitability of the largest NPFs in 2013 was 6-7%: NPF LUKOIL-Garant - 6.65%, NPF Sberbank - 6.92%, NPF Gazfond - 6.11%, NPF electric power industry - 7.21%, NPF "RGS" - 6.22%. The average return on funds in 2014 was 4.81% per annum, according to the report of the company "Pension and actuarial consultations" and the rating agency "Rus-Rating".

Recently, the pension market experienced the first large-scale revocation of licenses from NPFs.

More about this "Gazeta.Ru" earlier. If the license is revoked from an NPF that is not included in the guarantee system, citizens lose investment income, but the contributions themselves are returned. If the fund, which is included in the guarantee system, then the income can be compensated by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

“The state fully regulates the process of investing pension funds. So, according to the law, NPFs have the right to invest pension savings only in approved instruments with maximum reliability. In addition, in the NPFs themselves, a risk management system operates at the internal level, which allows investing pension savings only in profitable, reliable assets, "said Konstantin Ugryumov, President of the National Association of Non-State Pension Funds (NAPF), to Gazeta.Ru.

With the introduction from 2016 of the possibility of a five-year investment period for pension savings, NPFs will be able to further diversify their investment portfolio by investing part of their pension savings in the direction of riskier, but highly profitable instruments, he added.

“Also, in the near future, the portfolio of investment instruments of NPFs will be supplemented with infrastructure projects, the expected profitability of which will be significantly higher than the inflation rate. This will allow NPFs to increase the efficiency of work with pension savings, and to insured persons to receive more income from the formation of a funded pension, ”says Konstantin Ugryumov.

Option number 3: abandon the funded part altogether

Citizens born in 1967 and younger (that is, those whose funded part was formed according to the law) until December 31, 2015 can choose: to form only an insurance pension or an insurance and funded pension at the same time. "Silent people", that is, those who have never applied for the choice of a management company or a private pension fund, are automatically deprived of the funded part - all contributions in the future will be directed to the insurance pension.

How much more profitable it is to stay only in the insurance part, there is no definite answer.

The Pension Fund emphasizes that the insurance pension is guaranteed to be indexed by the state at least according to the inflation rate, while the funded pension funds are transferred either to the management company or to the NPF and are invested by them in the financial market. “The funded pension is not indexed by the state. The profitability of pension savings depends solely on the results of their investment, that is, there may be losses, ”the fund emphasizes.

In fact, there is no obligation to increase the insurance part by the amount of inflation, says Sergei Okolesnov, CEO of the consulting company Pension Partner.

“Everything that was calculated using a complex formula (taking into account experience, age, earnings) is multiplied by a coefficient, and the coefficient is determined by the government every year, depending on the state of the budget. That is, by and large, the size of the insurance pension depends on the capabilities of the state. In the past years, it really grew by the amount of inflation, but what will happen next, one can only guess, ”the expert says.

What to be guided by when choosing

“They invest money primarily in the stock market, as well as in bank deposits and some real estate objects. And last year was completely disastrous for the stock market, '' explains Sergei Okolesnov, explaining the gap in profitability at the end of 2014. - At the same time, at the end of last year, when deposit rates began to rise, many pension money managers tried to take advantage of the situation and shift part of their assets to deposits, as far as permitted by law (up to 60%). Therefore, this year, at least in this part of assets, one should expect significant growth. "

The expert is confident that this year the profitability will be higher than last year, but whether it will outstrip inflation will depend on the state of the market in the second half of the year.

“The most important thing is diversification. Unfortunately, pension savings can only be given to one operator - either the Pension Fund or NPF. And here, according to statistics, NPFs traditionally beat the PFR for one simple reason: from the point of view of legislation, they have a wider choice of financial instruments for investments, ”the expert says.

He recommends trusting the money to the NPF, which has several management companies: “Accordingly, your money will be distributed evenly among several managers, and this will be diversification in this case. And funds should be chosen, of course, for reasons of safety and reliability of investments: out of 80 funds that exist, 29 are included in the guarantee system, which means that the accumulations in these funds are guaranteed by the state in the person of the DIA ”. You should also pay attention to the profitability for the previous reporting periods.

“The accumulation system has its own risks in Russia. Example number of times -. Example number two: we see that for all the years the profitability of pension savings has been significantly lower than inflation, deposits of Sberbank and other related indicators, which indicates at least insufficiently effective management, "- in turn, notes Yuri, Deputy Director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA Gorlin.

However, both those who understand the pension system and those who do not at all, out of habit, do not pin great hopes on the safety of funds in either case. And even more so, they do not count on profitability. “I have not transferred my funds anywhere and am not going to. All the same, in dozens of years, when the time for payments comes, everything in the pension system will change again, ”says Alexander, who is actively working in the financial markets.

“It seemed to me that this is not a principled procedure and it is simply not worth my efforts. No matter how much interest VEB or NPF earns, my pension savings will still only be enough to meet the minimum needs, ”says Peter, an economist by education.

His retirement strategy is different: retire as late as possible and have an occupation that generates additional income. “And we also need our own savings,” he said.

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Before deciding on a management company, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its capabilities and reliability. Thus, it is believed that NPFs of large industrial giants are much more reliable than other non-profit organizations of this type. There is a certain risk here - large structures are trying to get rid of non-core assets as quickly as possible so that possible falls in the stock market do not provoke additional risks.

Therefore, you should carefully study all the documents of the selected fund, often with the help of a specialist. The rating of NPFs 2017/2018, compiled by the Central Bank, will help to figure out where to transfer the funded part of the pension with the greatest benefit and the least risks:

NPF rating 2017/2018 compiled by the Central Bank

Benefits of transferring pension savings to NPF

All of these organizations are better than the government structure due to their high degree of profitability. Since the Russian pension fund has no right to invest in non-state enterprises and projects, its interest rate is much lower than in other institutions. For example, according to the Central Bank, at the end of 2017, the Pension Fund showed only 7% growth in capital investments, while Sberbank provided statistics of 13%.

This is an important factor for retirees who want to improve their well-being by investing their own funds in various projects.

Knowledge about funded pension

Translation size, required documents and indexing

Since it is not divided into parts, the size of the transfer can be found in your personal account on the PFR website or by personal contacting the nearest branch of the organization. In this case, the following documents must be submitted:

  • application in the prescribed form for the transfer of funds to the NPF;
  • passport;
  • pension card;
  • insurance policy on pension payments;
  • details of the account to which the NPF will deduct payments.

How to manage your funded pension

All non-state pension funds are obliged once a year in August to accumulate savings in accordance with the inflation rate. But not lower. The percentage depends on the total amount of capital investment and the profitability of the organization that manages these assets. That is, the more profitable the management company has invested the funds collected by future retirees, the more interest will be added to the already paid allowances.

The size of the labor pension of a citizen of Russia includes:

  1. Basic part (6%);
  2. Insurance part (10%);
  3. Accumulative part (6%).

Thus, it is your employer's responsibility to deduct 22% of your salary to the Russian Pension Fund.

The basic part of the pension will be paid by the state when you reach retirement age and if you have at least five years of work experience. Today the size of the basic part of the pension is 3610 rubles.

The insurance part of the pension is recalculated every year taking into account inflation. So, from February 1, 2013, its size was increased by 6.6%, and from April 1 of the same year by another 3.3%. Although in reality the actual inflation rate is several times higher than the official one, which means that when you retire, you will not have the insurance part of your pension.

When you retire, your pension savings will be divided by the number of months in your average life expectancy. So, in 2013, the average life expectancy after retirement is set at 19 years, which is equal to 228 months. But is it possible for the heirs to receive the remaining insurance part of the pension if the pensioner does not become earlier than this date? The answer is no, the money will be transferred to the pension fund.

As for the funded part of the pension, it is formed for persons who were born after 1967. When they retire, this money, like the money from the insurance part, is divided by 228 months, but here the rest of the pension can be transferred to the heirs.

If you have chosen the FIU to manage your funded part of your pension, then this money will be invested in government securities, deposits and other investment instruments. The reliability of such investments is high, but the profitability is very low.

If you have chosen a non-state pension fund (a non-profit organization that manages the funded part of the pension) without the right to access clients' accounts, then the NPF cannot withdraw your money from the account.

From 2014, the funded and insurance parts of the pension, namely their size, will depend on the fund you have chosen - state or non-state. Choosing a Pension Fund, your insurance part of the pension will be 14%, and the amount of the funded part - 2%. The size of the insurance part of the pension in NPF is 10%, and the funded part - 6%.

As a result, it is better to entrust pension savings to the NPF (non-state pension fund) than to the PFR (state). Also, in NPF, a pension can be bequeathed to anyone.

It is worth noting that having given your pension to the NPF, you give only the funded part of it, the rest of the pension will remain with the Pension Fund.

And what will happen to the funded part of the pension if the NPF goes bankrupt?

The answer is nothing! She will not go anywhere, tk. NPF does not have access to clients' accounts.