Nothing superfluous: forget about skin aging! "Wine", "sugar", "milk" face: which product destroys your skin

World renowned cosmetologist Dr. Nigma Talib spoke about her favorite iS CLINICAL® products in her book on skin health and rejuvenation.

Cosmeceuticals chosen by the "star doctor"

Dr. Nigma Talib is an internationally renowned naturopathy physician, cosmetologist, and holistic health care specialist.

Dr. Talib's approach combines traditional naturopathy and complementary therapies (traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and homeopathy) with leading modern technologies in cosmetology, dietary biochemistry and innovative laboratory tests. Such a verified, and most importantly, an individual approach to each of its clients makes it possible to identify and neutralize the causes of diseases, and not just remove the symptoms.

Among the areas in which Nygma has realized herself as a high-level professional are premature aging and chronic skin problems, digestive disorders, infertility, hormonal disorders and sleep disorders.

Book of secrets of beauty and youth

In his book "Reverse the Signs of Aging: The Revolutionary Inside-Out Plan to Glowing, Youthful Skin", devoted to skin health problems and in particular rejuvenation, Dr. Talib shares the secrets of beauty and youth and lists cosmeceuticals that have established themselves as the most effective.

“I love iS CLINICAL® because they make great. The quality is confirmed by independent clinical studies. I use iS CLINICAL® products both for the treatment of my patients and for myself. They are obtained from natural ingredients using the latest technology, which generally matches my preferences.

Top most effective products from iS CLINICAL®

There are three favorites that I use for different age groups:

  • For young skin (from 20 to 35 years old) -: Perhaps the only time sugar is good for the skin. This serum contains extracts of sugar cane and white willow (a source of salicylic acid). The product is suitable for combating acne, pigmentation and enlarged pores.
  • For ages from 35 to 45 years old -: contains a mix of vitamin C and copper tripeptide, the combination of which enhances the anti-age effect. This product is suitable for those who are worried about the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • For 45+ skin I choose... The serum contains growth factors to which mature skin reacts perfectly. They help restore lost collagen and also help fight wrinkles. It contains powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from harmful environmental influences.
  • I also really like to use the gel to cleanse the skin... Among the many products I have tried, this product is really good at cleansing the skin and helping to reduce pore size. "

What do celebrity clients say about Nigma Talib's book?

Dr. Talib's clients include Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, designer Stella McCartney, actresses Kate Bosworth and Penelope Cruz and dozens of other Hollywood celebrities.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley shares her beauty secret:

“If I suddenly get a pimple on my face, they usually say to me:“ It's okay, on the set the makeup artists will disguise it, and no one will notice anything. ” And this is certainly true. But the truth is, I want to look perfect when I am out with my family and during a romantic dinner. Therefore, I am very careful about caring for my skin. In London, I definitely visit Dr. Nigma Talib. "

Stella McCartney shares her beauty secret:

“Dr. Nigma's book is a real breakthrough in solving the problem of aging. A must-read for anyone who wants to look and feel good at any age. "

IS CLINICAL® cosmeceuticals and care procedures are trusted by recognized professionals all over the world, now the brand's products!

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Before you eat another cookie or drink an extra glass of wine, consider that your diet can affect not only your body in the form of excess weight, but also your face.

site decided to show how, with one glance, to determine which foods we are abusing.

Wine face

  • In addition to the fact that wine is full of sugar, it is also possible to contain pesticides and sulfites, which is why alcohol causes dehydration... The body loses water, the liver is congested, and digestion can be disturbed the day after drinking, hence the skin looks too wrinkled, red and saggy.
  • Long-term persistent excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt the work of intestinal bacteria and cause many diseases.
  • How to get rid of? Refrain from drinking any alcohol for at least 3 weeks. This time will be enough for the skin to recover. And then stick to the 80:20 rule. This means that you allow yourself a glass or two a week in 20% of cases, and in 80% you give up alcohol.

Milky face

  • Added milk to coffee or regular ice cream can seriously affect your complexion even if you are not lactose intolerant. As we age, we lose a lot of enzymes that help us digest lactose. This provokes inflammation throughout the body, including the face.
  • If you notice that the face looks swollen and sleepy If your skin is dull and uneven, skip all dairy products for a few weeks to see how dramatic the differences in appearance will be.

Sugar face

  • In addition to promoting weight gain, sugar also affects the condition of the skin. He enhances glycation- the process by which excess glucose molecules attach to collagen, damage it and make it inelastic. It is this process that accelerates skin aging, promotes the formation of wrinkles, and disrupts pigmentation.
  • There is only one way to achieve amazing skin - reduce sugar intake to a minimum.

Gluten face

  • All of these signs can be a symptom that your body is unable to digest gluten- protein, which is found in foods such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, as well as in drinks based on these crops (beer, whiskey, vodka, etc.).
  • To test if you really have a gluten intolerance, cut out foods that contain gluten from your diet for 2-3 weeks and watch for changes in your skin. If your symptoms persist after 2 weeks of gluten-free diet, you most likely have an intolerance to another type of food, but from fast carbohydrates and white flour baked goods worth giving up anyway.

About the book

Are good genes the only chance for glowing youthful skin? Forget it. What you do really matters, not your genes. The approach in this book will help you look your best at any age.

This book will help you identify the root causes of premature aging and show you how to reverse this process. The author of the book - the renowned naturopathic doctor Nigma Talib - lists four plans that underlie absolutely all the symptoms of ill health and premature aging.

The first chapter of the book deals with digestive balance.

In the third - about the fight against inflammation.

The fifth chapter has a skin care plan.

As you will soon discover, all of these problems are closely related to each other. It is better to follow the plans than to try to isolate individual tips from the book. For your convenience, the book has a step-by-step and weekly guide to putting all of these plans into practice.

So what are these plans aimed at? Above all, they are designed to combat the triggers of aging through a variety of dietary, lifestyle changes, proven skin care and acupuncture medication.

Eight signs of aging that this book will help you fight:


Sagging skin;

Uneven complexion;

Dull, lifeless skin;

Rough, dry skin;

Acne in adults;


Circles and bags under the eyes.

Who is this book for?

For everyone who wants to look young and beautiful - and feel the same.

Chips of the book

How to look good at any age

From a world renowned naturopathic physician and cosmetologist

Helps you become healthier and more beautiful

Doctor Nigma talib is an internationally renowned naturopathic physician, cosmetologist and a leading specialist in holistic health. Her clinics operate in the UK, USA and Canada, including London and New York.

Her unique approach combines natural and complementary therapies (acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy) with innovative laboratory tests, dietary biochemistry, and leading beauty technologies. This holistic and individualized approach to each client allows her to identify, establish and heal the causes of diseases, and not just suppress their symptoms. Her areas of expertise include premature aging and chronic skin problems, as well as indigestion, infertility, hormonal and sleep disorders.

Holidays are coming. What does this mean? Lots of sweet, greasy food and alcohol! For many, overeating is inevitable. And some, perhaps, from overeating will be deterred by the awareness of the number of calories that are in the holiday meal. Nigma Talib, a London-based naturopathic physician and beautician, is convinced that the use of gluten, alcohol, milk and sugar accelerates aging and is uniquely reflected in our faces. "These substances weaken the beneficial bacteria in our gut, while also breeding harmful bacteria that cause inflammation," says Dr. Nigma. As a result, there are characteristic skin rashes, wrinkles and inflammation, depending on the individual reaction of the body.

"Nigma Talib, London-based naturopathic physician, beautician and author of Younger Skin Starts in the Gut: A 4-Week Program to Identify and Eliminate Your Skin-Aging Trigger-Gluten, Alcohol, Dairy or Sugar." : 4-week program to identify and eliminate the causes of your skin aging - gluten, alcohol, milk or sugar) "

The truth is that these foods cause a certain dependence, they began to dominate our diets, especially in the cold season. Nowadays, people are better aware of the effect of sugar and alcohol on their body, because you can easily compare how you feel after treating yourself to cake and champagne, and on days when you eat normal healthy food. This is noticeably reflected in appearance.

Look at yourself in the mirror, your skin will tell you what to give up. And if you do this - give up alcohol or sugar, milk or gluten, then you will definitely see changes coming from the inside, and this will inspire you to continue to stick to the right diet.

"Symptoms of a wine-colored face include dehydrated skin and fine lines around the eyes."

"Wine" face, common symptoms:

Severe wrinkles or redness on the bridge of the nose, heavy puffy eyelids, enlarged pores, dehydrated skin with fine lines on the cheeks.

Despite the name - "wine" face, such a picture is typical for those who abuse any kind of alcohol. Because any alcohol dehydrates the skin, which makes facial wrinkles more visible. The high sugar content in alcohol affects the production of collagen in the skin, which leads to a deterioration in its elasticity. And the capillaries of the nose and cheeks under the influence of alcohol expand, which ultimately leads to redness.

"Symptoms of a sugar face include thinning skin and wrinkles on the top of the forehead."

Sugar face, common symptoms:

Deep and fine wrinkles in the upper part of the forehead, bags under the eyes, acne spots and pustular inflammations all over the face, gray skin tone.

All these fast carbohydrates: cookies, rolls, pasta, getting into the body, are converted into sugar (glucose) in the process of carbohydrate metabolism. Excessive glucose molecules attach to the collagen of the skin, making the collagen fibers inelastic. As a result, the skin becomes thinner, especially around the eyes, creating sagging - bags under the eyes. But sugar is even more harmful in the intestines, where, according to Dr. Nigma, affects the delicate balance of bacteria and can cause pustular acne on the face, shoulders and chest. Add to this the effect of the hormone cortisol, which is produced in response to the insulin spike caused by sugar, and we get a yellowish or gray skin tone.

"Milky face symptoms include chin acne and puffy eyes."

"Milky" face, common symptoms:

Puffy eyelids, bags and circles under the eyes, white bulging pimples on the chin.

Do you feel nauseous after drinking milk? This could mean that your body is having trouble digesting milk proteins. Even without these signs, your immune system can react with skin inflammation to the consumption of milk protein.

"Symptoms of a gluten-free face include puffy cheeks and acne."

"Gluten" face, common symptoms:

Plump red cheeks, dark pigmentation in the lower part of the face.

Despite all the hype around gluten lately, it wouldn't hurt to know if you are hypersensitive or allergic to it. In his patients, Dr. Nigma notes that gluten can cause bloating, age spots, in addition to worsening rosacea. Eliminating gluten from the diet in such cases can have a much greater effect than using chemical peeling. Indeed, many of the patients who follow her plan subsequently wonder why they did botox and other cosmetic procedures.

"Changing your diet can make your skin tighter and more elastic!" - convinced Dr. Nygma.

The famous naturopathic doctor from London, Nigma Talib, is sure that the skin of every person is a mirror of his eating habits: everything that we eat, and even more so, everything that we abuse, immediately splits its mark on our face.

How to determine which foods are best to skip and where your wrinkles under the eyes come from - in our study of a popular diet.

“If I suddenly get a pimple on my face, they usually say to me:“ It's okay, on the set the makeup artists will disguise it, and no one will notice anything. ” And this is certainly true, professional makeup can work wonders. But the truth is that I want to look perfect both when I spend time with my family and at a romantic dinner with my beloved. Therefore, I am very attentive to my skin care, and I go to London for a consultation with Nigma Talib, ”shares her beauty secret Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

Victoria's Secret angel, designer Stella McCartney, actresses Kate Bosworth and Penelope Cruz and dozens of Hollywood celebrities - all of them are united by nothing more than a swan devotion to dermatologist Nigma Talib, whose book on the relationship between nutrition and skin aging was published in the fall of 2015 in the UK, and in at the end of March 2016, it appeared in the United States. Her system for diagnosing eating habits and composing a personalized diet based on the findings is today the new detox - and just as popular, welcome and talked about.

Nigma Talib with Kate Bosworth, January 2017

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Nigma Talib at the presentation of the book in the USA

Unlike many other diets, the Talib nutrition system is not a thorny path to slimness, but a direct path to clear and radiant skin. By analyzing nutrition and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, you get a menu of products that harm your skin. “When a patient enters my clinic, by one glance at the person’s face I can tell what kind of food he is eating, what he is abusing,” Nigma declares directly and bluntly, who, by her own admission, often, without any intent “ reads "the faces of passers-by.

For more than ten years now, Nigma Talib has been researching the problems of skin aging: how and why wrinkles appear, how it turns out that some people get old eyes earlier, and others the forehead, why someone cannot get rid of age spots on the chin, and someone fights a causeless rash on the cheeks. After analyzing hundreds of cases, the dermatologist identified four main types of skin aging and drew important conclusions. Each of the cases is a consequence of an improper diet and excessive consumption of food. Talib presented her nutritional laws and instructions for use in the book "Reverse the Signs of Aging: The Revolutionary Inside-Out Plan to Glowing, Youthful Skin".

The Taliban theory is not new: every organism ages in its own way. More or less original is her approach, in which the doctor identified four main groups of "allergens" of youth. “Perhaps you have an intolerance unknown to you or you are eating more food than your body can digest, it is important that any digestive problems cause a range of chemical and hormonal changes that accelerate the aging process internally and externally, and the results are most likely to appear on face, ”says Talib.

Nigma Talib with Freida Pinto, December 2016

According to her, there are four categories of food that are especially harmful to the body: gluten-containing, dairy, sugar and alcohol. Each of them can have a little more or a little less influence on your appearance. Especially if you love to abuse this intolerable four, which Nygma calls the "stress group."

The reaction of each person to this or that group may be different: someone's skin is more susceptible to a reaction to milk, someone suffers more from alcohol. Based on this, you are categorized into one of four categories and given appropriate guidance to help prolong your skin's youthfulness, beauty and radiance.

Of course, the selection of a diet is carried out individually, but Nigma also advises to carry out the diagnosis on your own, so that even without being able to come to her clinic for a personal consultation, you will have an understanding of how your facial skin is aging and how you can slow down this process by giving up certain products. To simplify the diagnosis, Talib gave quite clear and understandable instructions, which we will now present below. However, it is not necessary to speak of all these assumptions as revolutionary, they are not so new as they are popular.

Wine face


Pronounced wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and on the bridge of the nose

Deep nasolabial folds

Hanging cheeks and indistinct facial contours

Enlarged pores

Redness on the cheeks

Vascular mesh

Dehydrated skin

Nigma Talib defines such a face lime as wine, since she most often notices similar symptoms in women who are not averse to knocking over another glass of wine in the evening after work. However, here it is appropriate to talk about other types of alcohol, since the effect they produce is, in principle, similar.

The main problem with alcoholic drinks is that they dehydrate the skin, which, as you know, is the shortest path to aging. Dry skin prone to severe wrinkles and wrinkles. Alcohol and sugar in it also break down collagen, which is responsible for the beauty and firmness of the skin. Due to the abuse of such drinks, the skin becomes, as it were, bumpy, with enlarged pores, a gray tint, and the eyelids begin to sag. Alcohol also provokes the formation of inflammatory processes, which are reflected by redness, small red rash on the face and vascular networks, primarily appearing on the cheeks and nose.

What to do. First of all, Talib recommends to stop drinking alcohol. The test period is three weeks, during which your body is cleansed of harmful toxins and normalizes its work. After that, you are allowed to include alcohol in your diet, but with some reservations: choose alcohol with a minimum sugar content, never drink two days in a row, there should be at least 4 days a week, but preferably 5 days without alcohol, and also do not forget to drink as much as possible more clean water.

Gluten face


Redness on the cheeks

Swollen face

Pigmented spots on the lower part of the face

It is true that few people suffer from celiac disease (gluten intolerance), but the sensitivity to gluten is, to one degree or another, really developed in the majority. Gluten is responsible for the development of age spots, especially on the chin, provokes the development of rosacea, and also leads to swelling and swelling of the face, especially in the cheeks.

What to do. Cut down on gluten-free foods, drink as much water as possible, and rely on fiber.

Sugar face


Rashes all over the face

Longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead

Bruising under the eyes

Dull skin color

Thin and fragile skin with wrinkles

Another serious enemy of youth is sugar. Not only the usual white in crystals, but also the one in baked goods, sweets, as well as bread and rice. Refined foods rich in fast carbohydrates are the fastest elevator to the old age floor. Glucose binds to collagen and turns the pliable collagen fibers into tough clumps. As a result, sagging skin, the appearance of deep wrinkles.

In addition, sweets have a strong effect on digestion and the process of distribution of fat in the body, which leads to the appearance of a small rash all over the face, purulent inflammation and a rounding of the oval of the face with a tendency to swelling.

What to do. Stop eating sugar. First, halve your intake, then halve it again, and so on until it completely disappears from your diet. Further, after waiting for a short "sugar-free pause", you can include "sweet" foods in the diet, but with great care and extremely dosing portions.

Milky face


Puffy eyelids

Bags and dark circles under the eyes

Chin rashes and inflammations

Small pimples all over the face

Milk is indeed an extremely controversial product, it is scolded as often as it is praised. Some argue that it is full of hormones and, in general, an adult is not supposed to drink milk intended by nature for babies, and even of a different kind, others advocate calcium in white gold. Talib agrees with the first, explaining that lactose is one of the most prominent and popular food allergens. Especially the effect of the abuse of dairy products becomes noticeable with age, when we increasingly lose the ability to digest lactose. In addition, Nygma claims that dairy products also affect our hormones, causing various skin diseases.

What to do. Avoid all dairy products, including yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and various sauces. To begin with, you need to take a three-week break to cleanse the body, and also to see the first effect. Then, it is also better to limit the consumption of such products, but still occasionally you can indulge yourself with something especially loved.