How to choose a high-quality natural mink coat. How to distinguish stretched mink skins from whole skins? Rules for choosing a fur coat


Having decided to buy, contact specialized fur stores. The wider the choice, the more chances of finding fur coat that you dream of. If you are planning to pick up a model on the market or purchase a fur coat from a private seller, keep in mind that in the event of a defect found in the process of wearing, you will not be able to return the purchase.

Choose several models and try them on. The fur coat should sit well, not pull, not warp. If you are planning a fur coat with a jacket or thick knitwear, don't try it on a thin turtleneck. Pay particular attention to the fit at the shoulder and chest area. Do not console yourself that the fur coat will "shrink" over time. If you feel uncomfortable, look for another model.

Shake your fur coat. Small villi should not be separated from it, it should not rattle or rustle. Correctly processed fur does not emit harsh odors, its hairs adhere tightly to the flesh, do not break off or puff up. Run your palm over the fur - it should be smooth, uniform, with the pile lying in one direction.

If the coat is dyed, rub the fur with a clean handkerchief. Noticing a trace on the fabric, refuse to buy - low-quality dyes are not so rare. Such a fur coat can deteriorate after the first snowfall.

Look under the hem of your fur coat. Long models are usually not sewn up so that buyers can personally see the quality of the fur processing. The sewn lining is a reason to be on your guard. Perhaps the manufacturer or seller has something to hide. Feel the mezra - it shouldn't be wet or hard. Well-dressed flesh is dry, smooth and silky to the touch.

Examine the seams. Make sure that the fur coat is sewn neatly, without distortions and unstitched areas. The lining fabric should be quite dense - if the manufacturer has saved on quality, after a month the socks on the shoulders and in the armhole may come apart, and it will be problematic to sew them up. Check for hooks. If you don't have one or two, ask for a discount on your fur coat. This also applies to other minor defects - for example, tightening on the lining.


  • mink fur

Weariness is the main quality of any fur product. Mink is a unique fur. Not only is it very wearable, the mink is also unusually beautiful and graceful. A high-quality coat made of this fur will delight and warm you for ten or even more seasons. However, buying mink, one should be careful not to buy a fake. How to distinguish the real mink?


Buy fur products only in a salon or store. With modern methods of processing fur, only there, in the fitting room, you can carefully examine and touch the fur coat, evaluate the quality of processing of fur and seams, check the color fastness.

Evaluate the plasticity of the fur. Mink fur is elastic and immediately returns to its shape. If the fur is not plastic, hard and bulges, then instead of mink, they are trying to sell you a product made of tarbagan - Mongolian marmot. It is quite possible to run into such a fake when buying a “Made in China” fur coat.

In addition to fakes made of cheap fur, there is a danger of buying mink lower than stated quality. Examine the flesh - the back of the skin. For dear mink with a purple or blue tint, can produce cheaper dyed fur. If the fur was not repainted, then the skin will be light.

A fur coat should be chosen not only like it or not, but also in quality. You liked the fur coat in both style and color and how it sits on you, do not rush to make a purchase. You should check the selected fur coat for naturalness, for compliance with the declared fur and for quality (which determines how many seasons the fur coat will last).

How to determine the quality of a fur coat

It is better to check with the seller. There are some nuances, and if the seller prohibits this, then you should think about buying. Let's start inspection:

Check fur coat by chip number

Since August 2016, all fur products are subject to mandatory chipping - applying C&I (Control and Identification Mark). The chip contains complete information about the movement of the skin, fur coat, finishing method, etc. Selling fur products without a chip is a criminal offense. Therefore, the presence of a chip is a prerequisite for the sale of fur coats. Absolutely all types of furs are marked. Exceptions are fur products that are used for collars, shoes, hats, toys, mittens.

KiZ is available in three options, two sizes (rectangular, square) and two color variations.

How are the types of the chip - KiZ.

Red is used on products imported from other countries. Green for items produced in Russia.

The chip is checked, on the website of the tax service, online - You can also download applications for phones there. Install the application and scan the code directly from the store using your phone.

Video: how to distinguish a fake and choose a quality fur coat

  • Report from the Blackglama American-style mink fur factory.
  • The next video is how to distinguish a mink from other types of fur, they will also analyze what is the difference between a dyed fur coat and a non-dyed one.
  • In conclusion, a video clip of a step-by-step quality check and how to make the right choice of a fur coat.

Mink coats are universally considered the standard of beauty and grace, as well as an indicator of status. Today, manufacturers offer customers a large number of modern models of complex cut from dyed, sheared fur, with decorative patterns and original details. Nowadays, mink coats have become not only very beautiful and elegant, but also affordable. The main thing is to choose the right product. But if everything is more or less clear with the style and length, then how to determine the quality of a mink coat?

Common defects in mink fur
Experts note several fairly common defects that are often found in products of unscrupulous manufacturers. These include:
  • irregularities in the color of the fur, burnout, scuffs - all this suggests that the fur coat is sewn from old fur;
  • the presence of rusty spots on the pile indicates that the animals were kept in iron cages; it is physically impossible to remove such spots from fur;
  • stuck fur, which lacks shine, indicates that the manufacturing technology of the product has been violated;
  • the uneven surface of the fur, which outwardly resembles the consequences of an improper haircut, indicates that the fur is spoiled by the teeth of the animal; it is also impossible to fix such a defect;
  • if the fur coat feels like parchment paper, it means that the health is overdried; such a fur coat will quickly crack and creep.
If you encounter one of these defects, you should refuse to purchase it.

Professional advice for buying a mink coat
A high-quality mink coat not only looks good, but is also not afraid of moisture, and also has an excellent ability to keep warm. And properly processed fur is worn for a long time - up to eight seasons. But, purchasing such an expensive thing (mink coats, of course, have become more affordable, but they are still quite expensive), it is important to observe several conditions:

  1. It is better to buy a mink coat in a store, and the most correct option is the manufacturer's branded boutique. Unlike markets, in stores there is not only the opportunity under normal conditions to try on a product and examine yourself in a mirror from all sides, but also to receive a certificate for a fur coat, a manufacturer's warranty and a receipt. These documents will come in handy if you decide to return the fur coat after discovering hidden defects or to sue the seller. By the way, if the product is really branded, you will be provided with a certificate and a warranty card without any questions.
  2. It is worth choosing a manufacturer carefully. Mink coats of the best quality are produced, as a rule, by European manufacturers and you need to buy them in large fur chain stores. But for such a product you will have to pay more. And the purchase of a mink coat of domestic production should be made only in the manufacturer's company store. This is the only way to avoid fakes.
  3. Do not pay too much attention to brand labels, because according to statistics, most of the fakes on the fur market are sold with tags from world leaders in the production of fur products.
  4. And, of course, you definitely need to pay attention to the price: a fur coat made of whole skins cannot be cheap, and a piece made of pieces should differ significantly both in price (such a fur coat is cheaper) and in weight (it is much heavier).
How to determine the quality of the fur?
When buying a mink fur coat, you must take a good look at the product, try on, touch the fur, evaluate the lining, and only then make a decision. A correct and careful examination will determine the quality of the mink coat. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:
  • Properly treated mink fur should be smooth, silky and soft with a thick undercoat that provides the main protection from the cold.
  • If the color of the item is black or just too dark, chances are that the fur is old. In this case, you need to look at the mzdra: in good fur, it is very soft and has a light color with a slight sheen.
  • High-quality mink fur should sparkle in the light.
  • Check the fur coat for a crunch: for this you need to wrinkle the fur in your hands, if the madness emits a slight characteristic sound, it means that it is dry, and you should not buy such a product. Such a fur coat will very quickly begin to tear and literally creep at the seams.
  • Run a damp hand over the fur and carefully examine it: if not a single hair has fallen out, good. In addition, the correct fur fabric does not break when the product is folded, and the guard fur does not stick out.
  • The smell of fur is of great importance: it should not smell like "beast", chemistry and musty.
  • The quality of staining can be checked with a damp cloth. After you run it over the surface of the fur, there should be no paint streaks on the scarf.
  • Pay special attention to blue and white mink products. For them, proper storage and compliance with the temperature regime in the warehouse is of great importance. Otherwise, such a fur coat will turn yellow very quickly.
  • To check the quality of health, you can stick a regular needle into the product under the collar and easily pull the fur coat in different directions. Ideally, the needle should sit tightly in the fur coat and not move, and the fur coat should stretch evenly but slightly. But other options are also possible, for example, the appearance of breaks and cracks.
  • You can determine the quality of a mink coat by the lining: the lining of the fur coat should be made of expensive fabric and not sewn along the hem. Only in this way is it possible to examine the reverse side of the fur and evaluate the quality of the processing of the skin, which must necessarily have the same thickness and light color. If the lining is tightly sewn on, it means that the manufacturer is hiding the defects in the fur, or you are dealing with a fake, and you do not need to buy such a product.
  • Slightly rough, soft skin is an indicator of the correct processing of the fur. In addition, it is imperative to pay attention to the seams on the back of the fur - the stitching should be neat and almost invisible at a distance of five centimeters. As for the pieces of fur from which the fur coat is sewn, it is better if they are about the same size (if we are not talking about a product made of pieces or tails).
  • The best option for lining a mink fur coat is silk. The fabric must be expensive, free from defects, the seams must be even, and a decorative cord must be passed along the edge.
Applying these simple tips in practice, you can buy a high-quality and elegant mink coat that will delight you for more than one season.

In whatever part of the Earth a woman lives, whatever party she belongs to, whatever nationality she is, she always secretly or openly dreams of putting on a light, refined, always fashionable mink fur coat over her shoulders. This thing will not go out of fashion for a long time and it is quite practical when it comes to a quality product. But how to determine the quality of a mink coat?

Choosing a model

It is no secret that, first of all, when buying a fur coat, a woman pays attention to its color, then the model, and only then tries to delve into the quality of the offered product. Let us and we follow the same path.

Undoubtedly, it is very important to choose the right model for you. Lush and elongated fur coats are not recommended for short ladies. Trapezoidal products are usually sewn using the dissolving technology (from medium-sized diagonal parts), so they should be treated more carefully and worn more carefully. Moreover, such coats are not designed for severe Siberian frosts. A straight elongated model under a belt with a hood and tapered sleeves will warm you up much better.

It is believed that mink is not the warmest fur. In this regard, if you feel that you are cool in a new thing, warm it with woolen batting.

There is another indicator by which all furs are judged. This is wear. So, according to it, the mink firmly occupies only the fourth place. Here it is significantly inferior to the sable, otter, beaver. Therefore, if you are going to buy for daily wear, then you are making a big mistake.

A long fur coat, despite the fact that it looks expensive and luxurious, is not suitable for those who drive a car on their own. Much more convenient in this situation is a sheepskin coat or a shortened model.

Color is very important

Do not be surprised, but the quality of mink coats largely depends on the chosen color of the product, if, of course, we are talking about the long-term operation of the model. It is well known that even the best quality fur turns yellow over time, and, unfortunately, this is an irreversible process. Therefore, if you plan to carry your fur coat without taking it off for several years, then it is better to refuse light colors.

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the desired contrast between the woman's appearance and the color of her fur coat. Light models are very refreshing, and dark ones emphasize the existing pros and cons. In other words, if you haven't slept enough or are tired, then a dark fur coat can add a couple of extra years to you. If you decide to buy a coat made of light fur, carefully examine the underfur, both in daylight and in artificial light. There should not be even the slightest hint of yellowness. On a beige mink, aging will not be so noticeable, and the snow-white fur will change its color after two seasons. Quite rarely, a blue mink is perfect for someone. But if she suits you, do not hesitate - you will look like a queen.

And one more piece of advice for lovers of light furs. In summer, the fur coat must be stored in a special cover (not plastic), carefully protect it from direct sunlight. Today, in large cities, the services of a "fur refrigerator" are often offered. With this storage, the fur does not turn yellow.

Fashionable does not mean high quality

In recent years, they often paint. Sometimes this is done in order to achieve a certain color, and sometimes to hide defects in the skins. How to determine the quality of dyed? Brightly dyed furs fade much faster, thereby significantly losing wear. Nevertheless, today they are at the height of fashion.

Often light-colored mink (especially "white gold") is discolored. After that, she significantly loses in wear.

There is an unspoken rule when choosing fur of dark colors - the darker it is, the more expensive. Therefore, some enterprising vendors may sell you dyed walnut mink instead of the more expensive black one.

how to define quality

Breeding and raising minks is a lucrative business these days. It is practiced in many countries. The sale of furs is usually carried out at several large international auctions. Most often, their names are indicated on the labels. Today we will introduce you to major fur manufacturers.

Russian mink

This fur was considered the warmest at all times. He has a high awn and underfur, so outwardly he seems a little "shaggy". It is quite affordable and is widely available in our stores and markets. In recent years, it has been slightly supplanted by the mink of foreign producers - high quality, but expensive.

Scandinavian mink

It accounts for 80% of all fur sold in the world. It is distinguished by a medium awn and very dense underfur. This fur is sold at an auction in Finland and has the name SAGA. This is a magnificent shiny mink, which is popularly called the "black diamond". If you are worried about the question of how to find out the quality of a mink coat, then you can be sure: if the product is made of this fur, this is a guarantee that you are purchasing a really high-quality model.

North American mink

This fur can be identified immediately. It has a very low pile and almost no shine. It is usually called velvet. Experts believe that the higher and thicker the fur, the warmer it is. Consequently, the North American mink is not very suitable for Russian winters. Such fur is sold at the American auction Black INAFA, and the best black mink with a passport and a label is Black Glama. If you enter the code indicated on the label on the website, you will receive complete information about the product and, what is important, you will find out whether it is genuine.

Wild mink

In search of an answer to the question of how to define quality, make no mistake about what is expensive means quality. This type of fur is very rare. It has a very long hair, almost like a sable. The only color is dark gray-brown. In addition, it is distinguished by a very light underfur. Such fur has many defects, and therefore much more skins are required to make a product. Accordingly, its price rises significantly.

Chinese mink

If you do not know how to determine the quality of a mink coat, then our advice to you is not to buy products from Chinese manufacturers in the markets. High-quality mink fur is produced in China, but due to the increased demand for it, it remains in the country. Only inexpensive, dubious quality products go abroad. In addition, Chinese manufacturers like to stretch the fur, which is why it very soon becomes brittle, wears out much faster, and the fur coat practically does not warm.

Italian, Greek fur coats

In sunny Italy, mink is not grown, but local craftsmen, as well as the Greeks, create magnificent specimens with exquisite designs. Today, many go on tours to these countries to purchase fluffy new clothes. The quality of mink coats from Greece and Italy always pleases fashionistas. It is better to buy such products in stores at fur factories. Compared to prices in Moscow, you can save between 800 and 1000 euros.

Buying a joy

If you decide to purchase a mink coat, then in order for the purchase to please you for a long time, do not buy the product on the market where you will not receive any guarantees. If you need to meet a fairly modest budget, wait for the March or June discounts. In the summertime, buying a fur coat with a 50% discount is not a problem.

How to check the quality of a mink coat

To buy a quality product, pay attention to the following details:

  • the underfur of the fur should not have yellowness;
  • flesh (skin) - white, without spots, without foreign smell;
  • the pile of the fur is shiny, does not stick together and does not look greasy;
  • after holding the palm against the fur, the fur quickly recovers and takes its previous position;
  • do not buy glued fur coats - this is a product for one season;
  • run a damp white handkerchief over the fur - if a trace remains on it, it means that the product is dyed, and not of very high quality.

We hope that we were able to help you understand the quality and possible defects of mink fur products, and you will be able to purchase just such a fur coat that will warm you up for a long time and delight you.

Knowing how to check the quality of a fur coat, you will not be disappointed with your purchase.

Which fur is warmer

Arctic fox, fox, sable and muton warm the best. Mink, beaver and nutria are slightly behind in heat conservation. And the rabbit, marmot and ermine almost do not warm. In terms of wear resistance, beaver fur is in the first place; sable, mink and raccoon coats serve for a long time. The most short-lived - only two winters - rabbit and chinchilla.

How to check a fur coat made of any fur?

Inspect the inside out. In high-quality models, the lining is not sewn up tightly - there is an opportunity to inspect the flesh. If it is yellow, dry, with cracks, then the skin is old and will quickly deteriorate. You need to choose fur with a white elastic seamy side.

Estimate the weight. It must be adequate. An overly heavy fur coat indicates that the fur is old. Too light - that the furriers saved money. The craftsman stretched the skins, reducing the thickness of the skin and the distance between the hairs. The product has become lighter, but also colder, and it will wear out faster.

Feel the pile. Pinch the fur gently and check to see if any fluff remains on your fingers. If so, such a product is not worth buying. Additionally iron the fur coat "against the grain" and vice versa, wrinkle it in your fist. The pile of a quality product should be easy to recover.

Check seams. If not, the pieces of fur were glued together. Such products are short-lived.

You need to buy a fur coat from winter fur, with a thick down. It is better if the animals lived in the wild: things made from their skins last longer.

How to check a mink coat

Mink coats are loved for their silky beauty and durability. Such products serve for years and almost never go out of fashion, they are easy to take care of. But only if the coat is made conscientiously.

How to check the quality of a mink coat? A natural mink is tougher than a rabbit or marmot that "pretends" it. For fakes, the pile is usually shorter. The surface of the fur must be smooth, without scars and bald spots.

A shorn mink will last longer, but this coat is colder

If the fur is unpainted, inspect the model for faded and rusty spots.

Natural color coats are more resistant to wear than dyed coats. The latter are checked for the quality of the dye. To do this, you need to put a light handkerchief on the fur and crush it together with the nap. A stain on the fabric indicates that the product will fade quickly.

When choosing a fur coat, think not only about the quality of the fur and tailoring of the product, but also about the style. Floor-length models are less practical than medium-length pieces. And for those who drive a car, it is better to choose a sheepskin coat.