Newborn when to massage the abdomen. Massage characteristics and general rules. Contraindications to the appointment

The appearance of a baby in the family is a great joy. But at the same time comes fear for the health of the unborn child. Since newborns and babies do not yet know how to talk, they report their problems through crying. The longer something bothers them, the more the crying becomes stronger and more piercing. Colic is one of the most common problems. Dealing with them is difficult, but possible. For example, many doctors are of the opinion that tummy massage helps with colic in a newborn.

Before you start to massage a baby, you need to figure out what colic is. Under this concept, it is customary to understand painful sensations that appear against the background of the accumulation of gas bubbles in different parts of the intestinal tract. These spasms cause severe discomfort to the baby. He reports this with the help of crying, screaming, pressing his legs to his tummy, lack of appetite and poor sleep.

The main reason for the pathological process lies in the underdevelopment of the enzyme system and the absence of intestinal flora. There are not enough enzymes in the child's body to digest food. As a result, a large amount of gases are generated.

Improper attachment of the baby to the breast can also cause colic. Because of this, the child swallows not only food, but also air.

Often, mothers do not follow the prescribed diet and include gas-forming products in the diet. To avoid the accumulation of gas in the baby, pediatricians strongly recommend limiting sweet and flour products, beans, raw vegetables and fruits.

In the future, complementary foods lead to colic. Due to the lack of enzymes, food is absorbed in insufficient quantities, which leads to fermentation in the intestinal tract. The gases that are released at this time lead to stretching of the intestinal walls, thereby causing severe pain.

The muscle structures in the baby's peritoneum are still very weak. Therefore, they are not able to fully hold and massage the internal organs.

The benefits of massage for a child

Many doctors, in the absence of contraindications, recommend doing abdominal massage to a newborn with colic. Thanks to such activities, it is possible to achieve several positive effects in the form of:

  • relieving the spasm that hurts the baby;
  • moving gases along the intestinal tract and helping to remove them;
  • facilitating the process of emptying the alimentary canal;
  • strengthening the muscle structures of the abdomen.

But every parent should remember that massage of the peritoneum is carried out only as a preventive measure. During an attack, all movements should be much softer and more delicate.

Preparatory activities

Massage of the abdomen for colic in infants should begin with preparatory measures. The room where the procedure will take place should be at a comfortable temperature. It should be within 20-22 degrees. Also, there should be no draft in the room, otherwise the crumb will catch a cold.

The baby's tummy should be warm. For this, a diaper is taken and warmed up with an iron. Then it is applied to the peritoneum.

Do not touch the baby with cold hands. This can lead to reflex spasm and pain. Mom or Dad's hands should be warm. To do this, immerse them in warm water or heat them together.

It is also necessary to remember that newborns are not favorable to intense movements. Therefore, it is better to start doing massage before the first signs of colic appear. Such events will help the baby get used to the effects and avoid stressful stress.

You can massage the abdomen for colic in a newborn in a baby cradle or on an adult bed. More experienced mothers put the baby on their laps. But there is one rule - the surface should not be very soft, but comfortable for the child.

If all the manipulations are carried out correctly, then the gaziks will calmly come out of the intestines. And also self-emptying can occur. Therefore, do not forget to put a disposable absorbent diaper under your butt.

It is better to refuse the use of massage oil. This is due to the fact that the oil leads to increased sliding on the skin, thus it is difficult to calculate the strength of the effect. If adults already have experience with massage movements, then a little baby cream or oil can be used.

Before proceeding with the procedure, the baby must be held in an upright position. Such a measure will help the remaining gaziks get out of the stomach.

How to give a belly massage to a newborn? Once the parents are prepared, the procedure can begin. To do this, you should adhere to several recommendations.

  1. First, place your warm palms on the baby's tummy. Such manipulations will help the baby calm down and completely relax the abdominal muscles. Remember, the baby should not cry, otherwise the effect of the procedure will be the opposite.
  2. Start with light strokes. Movements must be made from top to bottom. First, make 5-6 calm movements, and then start stroking clockwise. At the same time, lightly press on the peritoneal area, but do not cause pain.
  3. We start stroking with pressure. This will require your palms or fingertips. Do not press too hard or the baby will cry. During the procedure, the baby should be in comfort. Press not only on the anterior abdominal wall, but also on the lateral areas. Move from the right to the left side of the tummy. This process will improve the motor function of the intestinal tract.
  4. The next exercise is called The Mill. Place your palms across your tummy. Move your hands so that they visually look like a mill. Periodically break off stroking from top to bottom towards the umbilical region.
  5. Now you need to pinch your tummy a little. To do this, you need to imagine that petals are located around the navel. Carry out such movements as if the petals are being torn off. These activities will help the abdominal muscles to tighten at a reflex level, thereby improving peristalsis.
  6. Try to visually locate the colon. After that, carefully push the gaziks. Pat clockwise to complete the exercise.
  7. To relieve the spasm, perform circular movements with your fingers from the baby's pubic area and moving upward. This process helps to remove spasm, enhance the motor function of the alimentary canal, and get rid of accumulated gases.

The total duration of the massage is 15-20 minutes.

Massage the tummy in a child with constipation

Constipation is another common problem in infants. Pediatricians have several opinions on this.

The first of them says that with full breastfeeding, the baby may not go to the toilet for up to 5-7 days. And this is considered the norm. The thing is that breast milk has the ability to be completely absorbed by the intestinal tract. Therefore, stool may be absent for up to a week, while the child will feel good.

The second opinion suggests that this is not the norm, and the absence of stool for more than 3 days indicates the development of constipation. This phenomenon occurs when the baby has problems with the intestinal tract in the form of congenital pathologies, the development of an infectious disease, and a lack of lactose.

But in either case, massage of the abdomen for a newborn with constipation will not interfere. It will be slightly different from the normal procedure.

How to massage the tummy of a newborn? To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, warm the baby's belly with a diaper warmed up with an iron. Two or three minutes will be enough.
  2. Do not grease your hands with oil or baby soap. But to facilitate movement, you can use a powder.
  3. Follow the movements in a clockwise direction, but strictly follow the trajectory. It should match the location of the intestinal tract.
  4. The duration of one procedure is from 5 to 7 minutes. It is better to perform massage half an hour before feeding.

Laying the baby on the tummy will also benefit.

During the manipulation, it is necessary not only to stroke the child's belly, but also to carry out gymnastics. There are special postures that have a beneficial effect on the motor function of the intestines and develop the vestibular apparatus.

Here are a few of them.

  1. Exercise "Frog". Place the baby on the tummy. Spread his legs so that the knees are apart, and the feet touch each other. Bring your palm to the feet of the child so that he can push off.
  2. Exercise "Bicycle". Place the baby on its back. Bend your knees and perform movements that resemble cycling.
  3. Exercise "Pulling in the legs." Lay the baby on her back. Bend the legs at the knee joints. Begin to rotate for one minute. Then press the legs against the tummy so that the pressure is from the sides. Repeat the exercise a few more times.

Recently, fitball has gained more and more popularity. A large ball can also help solve the problem. Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to tune the baby to a positive wave. It is better to put a warm diaper on the ball.

Restrictions on massage

Massaging the abdomen helps not only to improve the functioning of the intestinal tract and the passage of gases, but also to strengthen the muscle structures of the abdominal cavity. This procedure shows positive results, but has several limitations in the form:

  • asymmetrical position of the abdomen;
  • sensations of active peristalsis in one of the areas of the abdomen;
  • absence of gas discharge for a long time;
  • lethargy, lack of appetite, and sleep disturbances between attacks;
  • increase in temperature values;
  • the presence of symptoms of a cold or SARS;
  • long-term pain syndrome that does not go away even after the measures taken.

It is also not recommended to massage the tummy if the baby's umbilical wound has not healed, there are injuries, wounds and abrasions on the skin. Allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of itching and rashes, are also contraindications. Do not forget that it is necessary not only to take measures to eliminate the disease, but also to identify the cause of colic and eliminate it.

If parents have doubts about whether to perform the procedure or not, then it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. If you have severe symptoms, an urgent home visit is required.

At the beginning of each infant's life, the body begins to adapt and develop. All systems learn to function properly. The digestive and intestinal are no exception. To help them quickly get used to the digestion of food and its further processing, it is recommended to massage the tummy of the newborn. However, it must be done correctly. After all, otherwise you may not achieve the necessary results.

Why massage the abdomen for a baby?

Manipulation is recommended by all pediatric specialists. They are advised to do them even in the absence of any indications, for the purpose of prevention. If the baby has discomfort in the digestive and intestinal systems, then with the help of exercises you can perfectly cope with the following problems:

  • Clusters of gas workers.
  • Light constipation.
  • Bloated.
  • Colic.

To remove such unpleasant conditions, it is not necessary to carry the baby to the hospital, since the mother can do the belly massage for the child herself. To do this, you need to learn the basic movements from a pediatrician and do the first procedure under his supervision. After that, having familiarized yourself with the existing nuances of the procedure, simple sets of exercises can be performed independently.

Abdominal massage for a newborn: features of performance

  • Warm up the diaper.
  • Roll it up and put it on the newborn's tummy.
  • Grab the little one and press down on the diaper for a few minutes.

It must be remembered that during manipulations it is impossible to influence the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, there is a vital organ - the liver.

It should be borne in mind that the procedure should not be done in case of severe constipation. If, when feeling, the baby's tummy is hard and he begins to cry, then you should not perform any manipulations. In this case, the most correct solution would be to immediately consult a doctor.

How to massage the tummy of a newborn?

There are several different complexes. Each is made up of specific elements. They must be performed slowly, affectionately and consistently. Performing one of them, you need:

Perfectly stimulates intestinal peristalsis, as well as the work of internal organs, massage the baby's tummy as follows:

  1. The baby needs to be undressed.
  2. Lay face down on your bare body in the navel area.
  3. To protrude and deflate the abdomen several times.

This smooth massage, combined with the heat emanating from the body, gives excellent results.

There is a quick relaxing baby belly massage. It is allowed to be carried out no earlier than an hour and a half after feeding. Such manipulations are aimed at facilitating the discharge of gas workers. During its execution, the crumbs relax the anal muscles, he begins to fart vigorously. The essence of the complex consists in performing the following exercises:

  1. Put the newborn on the back, stroke the tummy clockwise several times.
  2. Turn it face down. Make sure the legs are bent at the knees.
  3. Make stroking touches on the back.
  4. Turn over again, face up.
  5. Take the newborn by the feet, try to reach the ears with them. The movement should be carried out smoothly, without causing discomfort in the baby.

I really like children and parents to massage the tummy for newborns on a ball. This procedure is more like a game and brings a lot of positive emotions. To complete it you need:

  1. Prepare a big ball. Wash it well, wipe it thoroughly from moisture, check for various cracks, punctures (in order to avoid unexpected breaks during the lesson).
  2. Place the newborn on the surface of the gymnastic ball with its tummy.
  3. Gently supporting, gently roll the baby back and forth so that the surface of the ball affects his tummy.
  4. Finish the exercise in a few minutes.

Belly massage for newborns should be a pleasant procedure. You should not do it forcibly or while crying. There will be no effect anyway. If you perform simple movements correctly, then they will definitely help to maintain the health of the crumbs in the norm, bring relief and pleasure.

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Painful intestinal colic is the most common problem faced by a child in the first months of life. Massage of the tummy for colic is considered one of the most effective and safe ways to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines, facilitate the release of accumulated gases and reduce pain. Also, this type of massage can improve the overall well-being of the child, bring him out of stress and improve the process of defecation. It can be used both during colic and for their prevention.

The causes of colic

Intestinal colic occurs due to a lack of enzymes for digesting food and a violation of the intestinal microflora of the child during the period of adaptation of his gastrointestinal tract to a different diet in a new environment for him. In this regard, a fermentation process occurs in the intestines and gases accumulate, which stretch the stomach, cause spasms and pain. Due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, they cannot hold back this process for a long time.

In each child, intestinal colic manifests itself with a different strength. The factors that can provoke them include overfeeding of the infant and inappropriate feeding with swallowing air. All this only complicates the already weak work of the digestive system.

Why do you need a massage of the abdomen for colic

Since the abdominal muscles in a small child are underdeveloped, they cannot cope with the gas bubbles that stretch the intestines. As a result, cramps and spasms occur, causing severe pain. In addition, newborns do not have a normal intestinal microflora.

With the help of abdominal massage, you can relieve spasms in the intestines, promote the formed gases and remove them from the body. Massage for newborns from colic has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, improves the output of feces and is an excellent means of prevention.

Massaging the tummy is most effective for the prevention and relief of colic in a child. With an exacerbation, it is not recommended to do it.

When belly massage is contraindicated

Despite the effectiveness of abdominal massage, it should be started only if the following signs are absent:

  • uneven bloating of the tummy;
  • active contraction of the abdominal muscles, which can be felt with the hands;
  • colic in a child does not go away for more than a day;
  • long, more than a day, no bowel movements;
  • body temperature exceeds normal;
  • drowsiness, weakness and pallor of the child;
  • discharge in the area of ​​the anus of drops of blood;
  • a round formation is felt around the navel.

The above symptoms can be signs of volvulus or obstruction of the intestine, infringement of the umbilical hernia and are the basis for an urgent call for an ambulance.

Also, belly massage for newborns is not recommended if the child is sick with ARVI, bronchitis, vomiting, diarrhea or skin rashes.

Preparing for massage

Before the massage, it is necessary to prepare the room and exclude the presence of drafts. The air in the room should be at room temperature, comfortable for the undressed child.

The base on which the baby's belly massage is done must be firm enough so that the baby lies flat and does not bend from the hands of the massage therapist. It is advisable to place an absorbent diaper under the baby in case of bowel movement.

Before starting the massage, the tummy should be warmed up with a warm diaper. The palms of the masseur should also be warm so that cold hands do not provoke spasms and pain. To reduce friction on your hands, it is better to apply powder rather than oil.

Technique for massage of the abdomen with colic

Massage the tummy for babies from colic mainly consists of stroking and pressing movements with the palm and fingers. Consider in stages the technique of such a massage:

  1. To relax the child, massage should be started by placing warm palms on the stomach.
  2. Then we begin to lightly stroke the stomach from top to bottom 5-6 times. After that, you can do a circular stroking in a clockwise direction. At the same time, you can lightly press on your stomach with your palm. After several approaches, you need to put one palm on your stomach, and with the other palm, stroke the oblique abdominal muscles alternately on both sides.
  3. Gradually, you should move on to stroking with periodic light pressing of the palms and fingers over the entire surface of the abdomen, moving from the right side to the left. These movements help to free the intestines from accumulated gases and help to improve digestion.
  4. Next, you need to put your thumb and forefinger near the baby's navel and make them circular movements clockwise with light pressure. Such movements can be done several times, after which you need to stroke your stomach. And then repeat until gases begin to come out.
  5. To improve the work of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and intestines, light tingling is performed in the navel area.
  6. The area where the large intestine is located needs to be worked out especially carefully. All movements should be clockwise.
  7. Further, with stroking movements, you need to massage the left side from top to bottom. Then you need to walk with your palm from the right hypochondrium to the left, and then from the upper abdomen to the pubic joint. After several approaches, the same steps must be repeated on the right side.
  8. The next effective movement is counter stroking. At the same time, with your left palm, you need to stroke the stomach from bottom to top, and with the right palm from top to bottom, in the direction of the large intestine. After that, a circular stroking on the abdomen is done.
  9. Then you should take the child's legs, bend them at the knees, press them to the stomach and hold them for 30 seconds. This movement can be repeated several times.
  10. Next, you need to move the child's legs alternately, as if he is pedaling a bicycle with them.

Periodically, you can pause the massage so that the accumulated gases can escape.

The use of acupressure for colic

In combination with a massage of the abdomen, you can massage reflexogenic points by pressing and rubbing them. Acupressure massage will not harm the child, it can improve the overall effect of the procedures. But you should only exclude such a massage before bedtime so that the child does not get aroused.

Reflex points are located at the bottom of the foot, just below the kneecap and above the inner ankle. It is advisable to periodically rub these points and press on them. This massage stimulates the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs.

The value and benefits of baby massage

Massage for children is one of the most useful procedures that can be used with almost no restrictions. It is very important at all stages of development, especially in the first years of life. This procedure helps the child's musculoskeletal system to develop correctly, improves blood circulation and muscle function, and balances all processes in the child's body. With tactile contact between the child and the mother during the massage, brain activity develops and the nervous system normalizes.

MY CHILD: massage against colic or how you can help your child: Video

All newly minted mothers should know that a child is born with still imperfect body systems - respiratory, musculoskeletal, visual, etc. The digestive system is no exception. In the first few months of a baby's life, she is only establishing the correct work - it digests food still unknown to the body, getting used to it, and continues to improve. Because of this, almost all babies under the age of 3 months (and sometimes longer) face such a nuisance as intestinal colic. They are painful sensations in the intestines, bloating or disturbance of the stool.

Of course, mothers are trying their best to alleviate the condition of their children. Mom's diet, a warm bath, a gas tube, a warm diaper on the stomach, medications, dill water or herbal teas can help them cope with this. But the most effective method remains belly massage for newborns. While improving the condition of the baby, massage is a great way to communicate between mother and baby at the level of tactile sensations.

With colic, the baby cries, tummy massage will help him to calm down

Preparing for massage

During the period when the baby is worried about colic, it is the mother's duty to take care of reducing pain. That is, it is advisable to carry out the massage before each feeding at least 30 minutes, if after it, then after an hour and a half. When a mother is just starting to carry out such manipulations, she needs to prepare the child, give him the opportunity to get used to the massage. The duration of the first massage sessions should be only a few minutes, gradually increasing to 10 minutes. Performing a massage daily will also help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and prevent the appearance of an umbilical hernia.

Starting directly to the procedure, the mother must make sure that the child is healthy, nothing bothers him (except colic, of course), the body temperature is normal, there are no problems with the skin.

In addition to general ailments, there are a number of contraindications when massage cannot be done (with hepatitis, fragility of bones, inflammation of the lymph nodes and muscles, umbilical hernia, etc.). Mom's hands should be dry and warm. It is not recommended to lubricate them with oil, as this can increase the pressure on the abdomen and cause additional discomfort in the baby. At the slightest protest from the baby, it is better to refuse the massage.

Massage should be done with gentle warm hands.

Don't forget about the environment. The temperature in the room should be optimal so that the naked child does not freeze. Before the start of the massage, “air baths” lasting several minutes do not interfere. A plus will be the accompaniment of massage with funny songs, nursery rhymes or just calm music.

Doing the massage correctly

As with any type of massage, it is correct to start a tummy massage for a newborn with a light stroking. These movements will help your baby relax. It is better to bypass the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, where the liver is located, and direct more efforts to the area of ​​the lower abdomen, on the left. The large intestine is located there, and massage will only lead to an improvement in its work.

Types of strokes (each must be repeated no more than 5 times):

  1. Circular. You need to stroke the tummy with one hand strictly clockwise. This is due to the structure of the intestines. This is how it is located in the abdominal cavity, so clockwise movements will help the gaziks naturally move towards the exit.
  2. Counterparts. Simultaneous stroking of the abdomen with both hands towards. In this case, one hand looks palm down (downward), the other - palm up (upward).
  3. Oblique. Simultaneous stroking of the oblique muscles of the abdomen with both hands. You need to start the movement from the lumbar region towards the navel (as if covering it with your palms).
  4. Circular. You need to complete the stroking cycle with the same movements as at the beginning.

Massage techniques for infant colic

For babies up to 3 months old, stroking can be gradually translated into light pressure and tapping with finger lobes, and after 3 months, tingling should also be introduced.

  1. "Bike". The position of the baby is on the back. It is necessary to bend each leg of the child in turn, pressing it to the tummy, the other leg remains straightened. It is important not to overdo it with pressure.
  2. Bending both legs at the same time, pressing to the tummy. It is necessary to hold the legs bent for about 20 seconds, then release.
  3. "Toad". The child's legs are held by the shins, bend at the knees and press against the tummy (as in the previous exercise). Then, in the same position, they are bred in a semicircle from the center of the abdomen down and straightened. Several rotational exercises are performed in one direction, then in the other. This exercise is also preventive against hip dysplasia.
  4. Circular finger massage. It is necessary to conventionally represent 3 circles on the tummy (large, medium and small). Putting your index and middle fingers together, you need to, gently pressing with your finger lobes, describe the circles clockwise, starting with the larger one (bypassing the liver zone).
  5. Fitball exercises. You can shake the child forward, backward, in a circle, or gently "jump" with the tummy. In addition to the benefits, this exercise also amuses the baby.

After such procedures, the active discharge of gases begins, the pain recedes, and the baby is relieved. In order to better master the exercise complexes, the mother can always watch the training video or seek advice from the pediatrician.

The digestion of a newborn is just getting better, and pain in the tummy for babies in the first months of life is not uncommon. Fortunately, most of them are due to physiological reasons, and mom has a tool to help her baby - a tummy massage. What techniques can be used to improve digestion in newborns and older toddlers?

Massage techniques for newborns

For appetite

First breastfeeding can be difficult. To stimulate your baby before or during feeding, massage the back of the baby from top to bottom through the clothing with your entire palm.

Then, slide two fingers over the edge of your ear and tickle the edge of your mouth. This will awaken the corresponding reflex. While feeding, stroke the ear and the place where the lower jaw is attached to prevent the baby from falling asleep and suckle more vigorously.

The fetus feeds constantly through the umbilical cord, and the baby must do several things at the same time: suck, swallow, digest and "do his own thing." It can be difficult. Between four and twelve weeks, crying while feeding is often caused by colic. Digestion improves gradually, and during the first time after birth, babies often have stools at every feed, which makes them uncomfortable.

Bring warm

It is not necessary to do many movements every time - the baby is still very sensitive. Your warm hands on your tummy for a few minutes will start work, stimulate the liver and gallbladder - two organs necessary for digestion that love heat very much.

A little gymnastics

Take the baby's legs and "ride the bike" slightly, bending and unbending them alternately. If the baby resists, do not insist: act softly, in most cases, slow movements do not cause protest.

Panther pose

To relieve cramps, place the baby on your arm like a cat on a tree branch, head to elbow, supporting your bottom: you can also lightly massage the back. The contact of your tummy with your hand aids digestion.

Diaper freer

A simple solution that is often overlooked. The main mode of breathing in an infant is abdominal, and this naturally massages the digestive organs. A tight diaper interferes with this natural movement and prevents the legs from bending, which would also help the bowel function. Leave enough space between the tummy and the diaper. For the same reason, try not to put on clothes with a tight belt on your baby.

Bent Legs Massage

The pressure of the legs on the tummy is best for helping and speeding up digestion. Turn the baby to face you, bend his knees as high as possible and press against your belly. Hold the legs with one hand and under the back with the other. Use a warm, oiled palm to massage the lower back in a circle.

To help your child digest better, for example if they have spasms, lay them down with their legs bent down. It will also help your bowel movements, as this position improves bowel movement. This posture is also relaxing and calming as it resembles the fetal posture.

Tummy massage techniques for children 2-4 months

To speed up and facilitate digestion (or for constipation; if there is obvious diarrhea, massage should not be done!), You can use the techniques recommended for newborns. Here are a few more, but you should not apply more than two in one massage session, as instead of calming the intestines and helping it to release, it can cause irritation.

Swivel tummy massage

Place the child on the back in front of you and bend the legs. Turn your knees to the left (right of you) - but not completely.

Move your hands from the top of the back to the lower abdomen diagonally, on the right side of the baby's tummy: one hand supports the knees, and the other massages the tummy on the left at the waist level (which corresponds to the ascending part of the intestine).

Lay the baby straight and apply a general stroke from chest to toes, tracing around the pelvis. Then place the baby on the other side, bend your knees to the right (to massage the descending part of the intestines). Then lay back straight and apply a general stroking from chest to legs.

Along the intestines

With both hands, with the tips of two connected fingers, alternately run over the skin, along the intestines. Start from the bottom left of your belly

and go up the ascending part of the intestine,

then from left to right under the ribs,

along the transverse part, and finally from the right downwards, along the descending part.

A little gymnastics

It will be useful to play a little "bicycle" if the child likes it: pull one leg out, and press the other to the stomach without effort.

When massaging on the mattress, when the child lies facing you, fold the legs into a ball on your stomach and swing the child left and right.

Fetal pose

When the child has grown up and holds his head well, from about 4 months, he can be placed with his back to him. Take his feet with your hands, bend his legs to his stomach and sway from side to side with the child.

Comment on the article "Massage for children - for digestion and against colic: 12 techniques"

A set of massage techniques for infants: tummy, chest, arms Place the baby on the back, with the legs facing you. Belly Massage Start by stroking your tummy in a clockwise direction. Then carry out a counter stroking: hands are placed on the baby's belly above and below, and stroked along the rectus abdominis muscles, moving the hands towards each other. To prevent an umbilical hernia, after the umbilical wound has completely healed, you should pinch the skin around the navel. Then finish with stroking. Massage...


Of course, a massage is necessary for every baby. A nurse in a children's clinic, taught me how to do it correctly. Thus, I did the massage in the morning and in the evening.

I massage my son in the morning and in the evening, after we redeem. Sometimes they also did about a little warm-up at lunchtime. My son really liked it. Now he himself jumps to the music, makes a semblance of exercises, repeats after his dad. :)

A set of massage techniques for infants: back Turn the baby onto the tummy and stroke the legs from the heel to the buttocks. Massage the buttocks Rub the buttocks with your palm several times in a circular motion, then gently pinch and spank. Finish with stroking. Back massage Press the backrest alternately on the right and left sides from the waist to the shoulders. Then, with the back of the hand, iron from the buttocks to the shoulders, and in the opposite direction with the palm of your hand. Stroke your palms from the spine ...


The son loved the back massage most of all, so this item in caring for the baby was a must on a daily basis. An excellent procedure for preventing orthopedic problems and relieving emotional stress.

I agree that you need to use quality oil for massage.
It is not recommended to do "dry" massage, you can injure the baby's delicate skin, cause discomfort. At the same time, any oil will not work either, it is important to select a gentle, soft, hypoallergenic option so as not to cause skin irritation

A set of massage techniques for infants: feet and legs Massage for babies is very useful, it promotes psychomotor development, hardening, and improving contact between mother and baby. Below is a sample set of techniques that you can use on a daily basis. Massage the feet First, use your thumb to rub the sole from the heels to the toes and back. Then several times "write" a figure eight on the sole. Evoke reflex movements: press the foot in the center under the toes ...


I consider foot massage to be one of the most important moments in the development of a correct and healthy arch of the foot. When a child begins to walk on his own, you can get him colic that mimics sea pebbles. Together with massage, it is very, very useful for children's feet.

Nutrition for a nursing mother: what foods cause colic? During the first months after the birth of the baby, a nursing mother needs to follow a simple diet. It is necessary to limit the use of foods that cause bloating: legumes, sweets, cabbage. It is best not to eat fresh vegetables and fruits for now, they can also cause bloating and colic. They should be eaten cooked - boiled, baked. It is undesirable to eat too fatty, overcooked, spicy and smoked foods. WITH...


I didn't follow a strict diet and everything was fine. She ate everything, but within reasonable limits. The son was born in the middle of summer, how can mom do without fresh vegetables and fruits? This enriches the composition of breast milk. And all babies have colic. Clockwise tummy massage with chicco massage oil helped us a lot.

I never followed the diet. I ate everything, but watched the baby's reaction. I did not notice that any product affected his well-being.

Before pregnancy, I never had problems with veins, I always had straight and slender legs. And as soon as I got pregnant, it immediately became difficult to walk in heels, although the belly was not yet visible. Further it gets worse. My legs began to swell, filled with lead, and ache at night. At first, the gynecologist said that this was normal for the expectant mother, because the load was increasing, but when my vascular mesh began to crawl out, it became clear that this was a serious matter. Then I already specifically asked the doctor about how ...


Mom was generally prescribed Actovegin along with phlebodia, she had terrible edema and the skin on the top of her feet became brownish-cyanotic. When I was treated, everything went away. And I was prescribed one phlebodia, more precisely, diosmin, but they gave it at the pharmacy. Helped without Actovegin. Of course, everything was not running well for me.

The worst thing is varicose veins of the genitals. I did not think that this happens, a terrible problem. Faced while walking with the second baby. With the first, everything was fine. Now they said that if the pills do not help me, they may not even let me in labor due to the risk of bleeding and complications. Horror. I drink phlebodia as much as two pills, I pray that it will help.

Most patients prefer to start ARVI treatment at home. Nasal sprays, inhalations, nasal drops, syrups and antipyretics help to get rid of the manifestations of a viral infection. But self-medication does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. Often the condition worsens and the patient needs urgent medical attention. Among the symptoms that indicate the need to see a doctor are high fever for several days, intense pain ...


Why bring it up to treatment when it is possible to engage in prevention. Live vitamins in the form of fruits and herbs, daily walks in any weather. I am also a supporter of rinsing the nose with a saline solution, preferably effective, such as immuno morenazal, the sea solution mechanically cleans the mucous membrane, moisturizes + it creates local immunity in the swallow, thanks to the peptides present in the composition. And a mustache ... viruses do not rise further than the nose))

The famous English pediatrician B. Warton writes: "A newborn baby needs 3 main factors: warmth, love and breast milk." Situations when a woman cannot breastfeed are rare and are associated with rather serious circumstances. Therefore, do not miss the unique opportunity to feed your baby with breast milk. Breastfeeding is the very first manifestation of maternal love and care. It is breast milk that will be the ideal food product from the first days of life ...

Our nephew was born, a terrible tummy hurts, legs tighten, crying. Mom, how did you save babies from colic?


Before feeding I gave espumisan (I don’t remember how many drops, but straight every day several times), and after feeding I wore it in a column so that excess air would come out. That's all:)

I spread it on my stomach as often as possible, before each feeding (and at night too) - bebikalm, I followed the diet myself. Our old pediatrician also advised me, when it’s absolutely unbearable to give a drop of papaverine in a teaspoon of water. I tried it, it helped. They also advised to put the smallest syringe, as with an enema, but empty - so that the spasmodic rectum relaxed and the gaziki receded, but I never used this method, I can not say anything about the effectiveness.

Home call of a masseur - Experience: 22 years! An individual approach to every kid! Certificates, testimonials I will answer any of your questions related to baby massage. If I did not answer your call, I will call you back on your mobile phone or answer your SMS. Cost for babies up to 1 year old - 1000 rubles, Vidnoye and Butovo - 1000 rubles For all districts of Moscow I recommend professional masseurs with experience of 20 years or more! Ekaterina Nikolaevna tel. 8 916 2160602

This massage is very useful for the digestive system. All fingers of both hands are placed under the lower part of the left and right chest. Then, with pressure, we run the thumbs of both hands along the ribs to the waist, and with the rest of the fingers to the navel. We repeat 5 times (about 15 seconds). Next, we grab the waist with both hands so that the thumbs of both hands are almost on the spine. Then, with pressure, we move our fingers towards the coccyx.

In the first months of a child's life, intestinal colic is the main reason for parents to see a doctor. Approximately 20 to 40% of children by the age of 6 weeks cry at night, suffering from intestinal colic, which are manifested by anxiety and crying, twisting of the legs, tension and bloating, which decreases after passing stools and gas. Intestinal colic usually begins in the evening and is more common in boys. To describe intestinal colic in infants, the so-called ...

From my own experience, I absolutely understood that the occurrence of colic and bloating in a breastfed baby depends on the organization of the mother's nutrition. During all these three months from birth, our daughter did not know what colic was. mmm And the first child often suffered from colic, because everything was initially not properly organized.


Milk is made not from the contents of the mother's stomach, but from the blood. Therefore, no cabbage, legumes, etc., generally accepted bunching agents, can really affect the baby's belly. But whole milk is a strong allergen and an excess of its use can affect the baby's belly - there will be a lot of foreign protein in mother's milk, which is difficult to digest.
Colic can be simply immaturity of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, or psychological - the baby is trying to attract the mother's attention to himself (and not lie alone in bed), for example.

Oh, I don't know, girls. She ate strictly according to a diet, no provocative foods, everything was as written. And still up to three and a half months - colic. Not as scary, of course, as they say, but all the same. It seems to me that one cannot do without colic - the digestive tract must somehow tune in ...

At school age, more than half of children complain of recurrent abdominal pain. In some cases, the pain disappears without a trace and does not require serious treatment, but in 50–70% they continue to bother patients, turning into chronic gastroenterological diseases. There are a large number of diseases that are accompanied by abdominal pain. By nature, there are acute, chronic and recurrent abdominal pains. Acute abdominal pain can be the result of acute ...

Wound-healing, antiseptic agents. 1. Brilliant green solution. We used to call it brilliant green. It must be used to treat the surface of the skin so that there is no infection. It is an antiseptic. 2. Tincture of iodine 5%. As well as brilliant green it is used as an antiseptic. 3. Potassium permanganate in common people and potassium permanganate in the medical dialect is also used as an antiseptic, but its scope is a little wider. It can be used for gargling (0.010.1%,), as well as for ...

Colic in newborns: causes and remedies. Child with colic. Massage for children - for digestion and against colic: 12 receptions.


Somewhere by 3 months they stopped. I did a tummy massage and applied a warm cloth, while growing up in the baths, my daughter relaxed and calmed down.

first of all, mom's diet (if gv), and then everything listed below (which is right for you), the sub-simplex helps us with any problems with the tummy, but we never had colic