What to talk about with a man so that he is interested. How to be the first to unobtrusively talk to a guy, and when it's better not to do it

Not only is it difficult for a guy to find a way to a girl's heart - it happens and vice versa!

Often a girl does not know how to communicate with a guy in order to impress him and please him.

What should a girl do, how should she communicate with a guy she wants to like? Let's figure it out together!

Sometimes a woman avoids approaching a man, not because she doesn't like him, but because she's afraid he won't like him.
Konstantin Melikhan

Acquaintance in real life

It seemed that it was difficult for a girl to decide to communicate with a guy, but in order to please him, you still need to think about your behavior. After all, if this is an awesome guy who (or you think so), you will feel awkward and insecure, and this can lead to unnaturalness.

Many girls get lost in such a situation, some close in on themselves, while others begin to behave impudently. Both of these are bad. Just tell yourself the whole truth: "The guy is very nice to me, and I would like him to like me, because of this I am nervous and lose my head." Once you acknowledge the problem, it will become much easier for you. Count to ten and try to relieve tension.

  • It doesn't have to be very bold and self-confident. Not everyone likes it when a girl tries to take him by storm. Now, if you see that he is more embarrassed than you, you can be a little brave. Someone has to start! But then still give the initiative to him.

    No need to pretend to be anyone: not a pussy, not a vamp, not an ingenue, not an Amazon. Unless you are a born actress and you can’t live without playing for the audience anyway. Most people are pleased when they are understood - but how can you be understood if you are pretending to be someone?

    What if you start behaving like a determined lady, and he just loves the quiet and modest? Of the two evils: it’s better that he doesn’t like you than your role!

And how should you communicate with a guy in order to please him? Be yourself! At least you will look decent.

Of course, how can you give advice here when you know completely different examples from life:

  • Here is one such, she is always in the spotlight, behaves on the verge of shamelessness, obviously plays for the audience, all of herself jumps out to please - and you really like it! Look how many guys are hovering around her. And you will sit, so all modest and natural ...

    Don't worry, guys are not dumber than you, they also understand what this girl is like and are looking not for love, but for sex. Do you want a serious relationship? In contrast, you are even more likely to attract the attention of a guy.

  • Talk to him yourself about something neutral: “Don’t you know, they didn’t promise rain today? My clock shows eight - is it already so late? Today, Tanya (Manya, Dasha - who are you visiting) is so cute, right? Are you Tanya's brother? No?."

    Don't try to strike up a conversation. If the guy wants, he will continue the conversation. You see, these are the rules of the game: he should seek you, not you. Otherwise, he will not be interested.

    If you managed to start a conversation, then in no case do not lie to the guy, do not pretend. Everything secret becomes clear; stupid and senseless lies on trifles can destroy your happiness.

You want to chat with the guy you met on VKontakte

Well, it happens. The internet makes it easier to communicate.

If usually at the sight of a cool guy you blush, turn pale, drop your glasses and mumble something obscure, now no one sees it. And by the time of a personal meeting, you will already get used to it and react less sharply.

If you haven't been texting yet, find out what he's interested in and ask for his advice. And there's how it will be. He does not want to communicate with you - well, no luck. Maybe he's just so cute on his page, but he's just a monster.

And if you answered, throw another topic for conversation. Maybe you will start texting, and the question of how to communicate with this guy will be solved by itself.

  • Check if your photos are good. Maybe you need to remove some?
  • Maybe add something interesting? Link to funny video? Your romantic poems?
  • Now that you are texting, you can try to find out something about the guy.

    Invite him to answer one or two questions about him (the question: “How much money do you make?” is not good).

  • Don't ask a guy to meet you first. Unless you came up with some clever move. For example, you need a book, but he has it. “Oh, can you give it to me for a couple of weeks? I'll get you back safe and sound, don't worry!" - not very cool, but still an option.

Love by correspondence

Well, here you are already texting:
  • Don't try to sound like a sophisticated intellectual, especially if you're not, write what you think.
    No need to bombard the guy with dozens of SMS and posts.

    He will get tired of it, and he will not want to communicate with you at all. Actually, this is a regular correspondence, albeit by electronic means. So, it should be informative and mutual.

  • Tell the guy about something, ask his advice, thank him, praise him. Now it's his turn.
  • Why doesn't he write? Maybe he really is busy. Or does not know what to write to you.

    Two or three times you can take the initiative so that he does not suffer, thinking about what to write to you about. But then let him write at least once.

  • Don't impose. Still useless. But let's hope this is not your case.

What's next?

How your relationship will develop further is unknown. But if you are attentive to your loved one, honest and natural, then it is very possible that great and bright love awaits you.

Wish you happiness!

Our society has developed a number of foundations in the relationship between a man and a woman, which sometimes interfere with the emergence of these same relationships. Take at least an acquaintance. Well, who came up with the idea that the guy should take the first step? Why can't a girl take this step? So it turns out that many girls remain single only because they cannot approach the guy they like and make an acquaintance. So what to do: stay alone or be the first to take a step towards acquaintance. In this article, we will figure out where and how to be the first to talk to a stranger.

What not to do

First you need to understand what kind of guy you want to find. First of all, scroll in your head the qualities that a guy should have. You must understand that there are no perfect people, so you should not imagine a prince with only positive features in your imagination. And so you don't have to set the bar too high. But there is no need to exchange. Stick to your life principles and do not meet guys who are absolutely not suitable for you (smoking, alcohol, manners, etc.)

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on acquaintance, then I would like to warn against common mistakes made by girls when meeting guys:

1. Don't rush. If the situation allows, then you do not need to immediately rush to the guy. Show that you are interested in him (gestures, look). Let him take the initiative first;

2. When meeting, you don’t need to immediately “throw yourself on the neck”. Show that you are interested in him. Let him develop your acquaintance;

3. Do not ignore the signs of attention of the young man you like. If you began to notice his gaze on yourself, then you do not need to ignore it. Show that you are interested in him, look in his direction. This will be a sign for the guy and the likelihood that he will approach you is much increased.

Surprisingly, if a girl becomes the initiator of an acquaintance, then the male half practically falls into a stupor. And all because she took a step that is not characteristic of society. The guy starts to worry, shifts from foot to foot, tries to pretend that he is in a hurry or even against this acquaintance. And it doesn't matter who it is: a womanizer, a gigolo, a botanist student - the reaction is the same. And all because they lost control over the situation.

Where and how to speak?

The situations are very varied. On the street, in the office, in a cafe, in a nightclub, in public transport - you can get acquainted everywhere. The main thing is to get to know each other gracefully and naturally so that the guy does not even know that this is your cunning plan. Firstly, this will allow him to control the situation (as he thinks), and secondly, he will be the symbolic initiator of your further communication, which will be extremely pleasant for his pride.

1. Work. A person spends a significant amount of time at his place of work. So there is nothing stopping you from taking advantage of it. Moreover, you can get acquainted both at work and through work. These can be both direct colleagues and visitors, suppliers, couriers, partners and even representatives of various inspection organizations.

Probably the easiest way would be to drop a folder of papers. As a rule, there are real men who immediately rush to pick up these very papers. What if you do this in front of the guy you like? Trust me, it works! You collect papers, your eyes meet. And then fortune will help you.

2. Evening classes, courses, sports. It all depends on your preferences: it can be everything from driving courses to a meeting of numismatists. The only thing to consider is the likelihood of meeting guys there. Agree, it is hardly possible to meet them at the courses of cutting and sewing. If you are passionate about collecting coins, books, postcards, then you can come to a meeting of the same collectors. The advantage is that you will definitely have one common interest. As for sports, here you can go to the most ordinary gym, or you can do more "aristocratic" tennis or skiing. The method of acquaintance should be chosen based on the place. In the gym, ask the guy to set the correct mode on the treadmill or insure during strength exercises. Or you can inadvertently “tuck” your leg and ask the young man you like to bring you down the slope.

3. Corporate parties, weddings, birthdays. Here you need to remember two simple rules: a minimum of alcohol and more mystery. And if everything is very clear with the first, then I would like to focus on the second. Try to attract the guy's attention, and then disappear, break contact, start chatting with your friends. Believe me, in a few moments he will already be bored and the only thing left for him is to get to know you. You can “accidentally” push him or step on your foot while making your way through the dance floor, apologize, make eye contact, and when minimal contact is established, disappear. If the guy came with friends, then ask him to introduce his friend. Because of the spirit of competition, he will do everything so that this acquaintance does not take place and will turn all his attention to you.

4. Bookstores, Libraries and Internet Cafes. In these institutions you can meet quite a lot of interesting and educated guys. The upside is that you can immediately see their interests. In a bookstore, ask them to recommend a book to you, ask if he has read it and his opinion after reading it. Pretend that you are choosing a book as a gift and ask him to help you choose. In an Internet cafe, ask a guy to help you with a computer, figure out how to work with a particular program. Libraries are rarely visited now, but they can be considered as a place for acquaintance. Their main advantage is that you can sit down at a table and slowly carry out your plans.

5. Stores. This is a place where people spend a lot of time, and it's a sin not to take advantage of it. Ask the guy to get the thing you need from the top shelf, or just ask where the dairy department is located. Men like to realize their strength and indispensability. To be sure, "barricade" the aisle with your grocery cart. Your prince will have no choice but to speak to you.

Another option is to try to “confuse” him with a sales assistant in a clothing store: “Do you have such a dress in green?” A cute tangle can be a great start. You can ask a stranger to help choose a gift for your brother or try on a T-shirt the same size as your father. Further development of events depends only on your charisma: you can interest him - he is yours.

6. Outdoors. Before talking to an attractive guy on the street, first observe how he behaves so as not to make a mistake with the choice of a gentleman. If you decide - act. Drop something under his feet or ask him to carry a heavy bag. A real gentleman will definitely help you. If he is in no hurry to come to the rescue, do not be sad - the loss is not great.

7. By car. An imaginary car breakdown is a win-win option for dating. Either you will find a boyfriend or an auto mechanic for your favorite car.

8. At the gym. Contact your chosen one for help. Let him tell you how to perform this or that exercise correctly. Do not forget to praise his figure and athletic achievements. Your subtle flattery will position the guy for a sincere conversation. Another option is purely physical assistance for a weak girl, which you will need to remove heavy discs left on the machine by a stronger athlete.

9. Leisure and travel. It is especially easy to make acquaintances on tours. A special romantic mood happens at seaside resorts, where the air is literally permeated with passion. Therefore, romance happens so often by the sea. That they don't turn into a long-term relationship is another story. Do not forget about airports, train stations and transport.

10. No tricks. If you haven't found any suitable trick for a casual acquaintance, walk up straight and talk to him. Even if you don’t have a romance, you won’t torment yourself at home because you missed your happiness.

But remember, if you decide to be the first to talk to a stranger, you need to do it easily and naturally.. Your acquaintance should not be like the unpopular scenarios “a lonely maiden is waiting for a beautiful prince” or “a girl is looking for a “sponsor dad”. Of course, there are such acquaintances, but for other purposes and not for long. And most importantly, the guys perfectly understand the desire to “turn” and usually run from it like from fire.

How to Find Interesting Topics to Talk to a Guy

Finally! Finally you met the one you dreamed of in reality and in your dreams! You like him. And shows a clear interest in your person. But when you meet, you don't know what to talk about with him. It `s naturally. When a girl meets the man of her dreams, she tends to forget everything in the world, and not just topics for a conversation with a guy. Fear is also natural. She is afraid of losing him, she is afraid that she will ask or answer something wrong, so she prefers to remain silent altogether.

How to find contact with a stranger

Three right steps to fix the problem

The problem is easily solved. One, two, three.

Once - we discard fears aside. Remember, who does not risk, he does not drink champagne. No matter what men say, and no matter how macho they are, they love it when girls show determination.

Two - always look perfect. After all, women are exactly what men are looking for. If you show yourself to them in all its glory (of course, in the good sense of the word), they will definitely look in your direction.

Three - start a conversation. We often forget that men can be shy too. They all notice the girls but don't know how to approach and tell them about it. Take the initiative in your own hands, perhaps he is just waiting for this. Do you think it's not waiting? So again, "one": who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne.

How to keep the situation under control?

It is clear that you are worried, and all topics for conversation fly out of your head. Try to look at the situation from the outside, drive negative thoughts out of your head. Your chosen one worries no less than you. Remember the basic rules that will help you understand which topics are best avoided.

Rule #1: Talk about what interests you

The conversation should be directed in the right direction. This, of course, requires certain skills and abilities. Think you don't have them? Even if this is the case, it is never too late to work them out for yourself. Be smart. Think in advance what you would like to know about him in order to develop a conversation strategy. Ask about his hobbies, interests, plans for the future.

Here are the phrases that smart modern girls start a conversation with:

  • I read online that...
  • Heard on the news that...
  • My brother says that...
  • Something is wrong with my computer...
  • With such a conversation starter, it is easy to lure a guy into a conversation on topics of interest to both of you.

    Rule #2: Let him talk more

    Try to be an attentive listener, show interest in everything he says. Listening is almost the most important quality that helps keep a conversation going. Your comments “what happened next?”, “very interesting”, “tell me more” will help smooth out the hitches in the conversation. Be interested in the smallest details.

    Rule #3: Remember information

    It will not only help you get to know the guy better, but also help you choose topics of conversation for the next meeting. For example, he mentioned in a couple of lines that he was going fishing. You can leave it unnoticed supposedly passing by your ears. But next time start the conversation with this.

    Never interrupt a person when he enthusiastically tells something about himself. You risk ruining your relationship.

    Rule #5: Don't criticize

    Do not be categorical in your judgments and in no case make fun of your boyfriend. You can cause a persistent negative attitude towards yourself. Or get into an awkward position.

    Inappropriate topics for a conversation with a guy

    Remember once and for all: you should never lay out everything about yourself. Under no circumstances. Especially at the first meeting. Men appreciate the riddle in women, and laying out all the ins and outs, all your secrets, you will simply become uninteresting for this guy.

    There are topics that generally should be avoided. They are few, but they exist. First, never load it with information about your health problems. It is unlikely that this will increase his attraction to you. Secondly, you should not talk about former relationships and your intimate life. Thirdly, do not judge common acquaintances or even people who are familiar to you, but unfamiliar to him. He may suspect that you are very fond of gossip.

    What can and should be discussed?

    Most often, doubts that the first meeting may be the last are dispelled during the first minutes of a date. Topics for conversation can be absolutely anything: about the upcoming Olympics in Sochi or new movies, cars or your favorite cakes. It is difficult to predict where the thread of a live conversation will lead. You can talk about your favorite school subjects, about good books, about rest and active pastime. The main thing is not to forget about the rules, enjoying communication with a good person who is interesting to you as a man.

    Sudden pauses during a conversation drag on? Is psychological stress increasing? Listen to yourself: maybe this is not your soul mate, and there is no point in this strained inventing of topics for conversation?

    How do you know if it's your soul mate or not?

    During the conversation, you will learn a lot and understand how he evaluates himself, what his individual abilities are, how other people treat him, whether he himself is proud of his achievements.

    The first step that will help determine the degree of his originality is the analysis of the information that he provided about himself. To do this, you need to follow a simple rule: give him the opportunity to talk about himself. Have you been dating for several months now? Then you can start talking about yourself beloved. Psychologists who study human relationships advise you to start talking about yourself when your conversations have totaled more than 30 hours. Or like this: let him talk until he starts repeating himself.

    Here are some leading questions that will help you find out about his attitude to the world around him and to people:

  • Do you consider yourself a lucky person? Why?
  • Where and how did you meet your best friend?
  • Do you trust your friends?
  • When are you the center of attention?
  • When did you feel lonely? Who supports you in such moments?
  • What annoys you in people?
  • Do their goals and values ​​align with yours?

    When dating a man, try to make sure that his ideals match yours. You do not accept lies, but he likes to lie? Do you value friends and relatives, but is work more important for him? You love to help people just like that, and he tries to benefit from everything? Most likely, you are not on the way. In the process of communication, ask him these questions, so you will determine his life priorities. Of course, you do not need to ask them all at once, in one day, so as not to turn your communication into an interrogation. But first, ask yourself these questions. And compare your answers. Let them say that opposites attract, let them say “we are so different, and yet we are together.” But there are people who are together not “in spite of” and not “after all”, but “soul to soul”. They say about such people that they always look in one direction. If your answers are the same in most cases, you have every chance of becoming just such a couple. So questions.

  • Do you believe in God?
  • What holidays do you like to celebrate?
  • How often would you like to go on vacation?
  • Where would you like to live: in a village or in a city? Why?
  • Do you want to visit abroad? Under what circumstances (vacation, study, work)?
  • How do you feel about abortion?
  • Would you change citizenship? What circumstances might contribute to this decision?
  • How do you feel about national, sexual and other minorities?
  • How do you feel about the death penalty?
  • How do you imagine your home, family?
  • Under what circumstances would you declare your own bankruptcy?
  • You need to listen to the interlocutor penetratingly, but not sympathetically. At the same time, be impartial, but not indifferent. Be objective, but don't be boring. Difficult? In a word, if you get bored, stop your meetings in private - this person is not suitable for you.

    How to start a conversation with a guy

    This seemingly simple question is sometimes very difficult to resolve. In some cases, girls for a long time do not dare to start communicating with a young man they like just because they do not find the right words. Fortunately, or vice versa, unfortunately, but today such dialogues are often built not “eye to eye”, but with the help of the Internet, social networks. This makes it possible to think it over a hundred times, not to be afraid to betray your excitement, etc. Nevertheless, sometimes the conversation never happens, which, of course, is quite annoying, because the obsessive thought remains: “What would happen if decided?" Let's try to find the right words together.

    Indeed, much depends on what the situation is at the initial stage, even before the first words are spoken. The so-called "initial data" are of decisive importance for the construction of the dialogue. The most common situations are as follows:

  • The guy and the girl know each other, they just never talked before. For example, they study at the same institute at different faculties or work in the same company, but they have never met at work. They know only a minimum of information about each other - name, appearance, approximate occupation.
  • The girl knows the guy, he does not know about her existence. This is possible if the guy, for example, is popular, known to many, or the activity is associated with publicity. At the same time, he physically cannot know everyone who sympathizes with him or simply has an idea about him.
  • The guy doesn't know the girl, she doesn't know him either. This is possible, as strange as it may sound. An example of such a situation can serve as a virtual / correspondence acquaintance, more precisely, the girl's interest in certain qualities of a young man. For example, he creates creative works, writes poetry, puts them on the net. The girl is fascinated by his talent, but apart from that she does not know anything about him.
  • Each situation will have to act differently. In addition, if not the character of the guy (in the absence of sufficient information about him), then at least his type should be taken into account. Of course, this applies for the most part to the first two situations, however, in the third case, you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe character of a person, sometimes even more accurate than with a personal acquaintance. So, examples of traits can be roughly and very conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • The young man has a simple character, as they say, "shirt-guy." He is funny, kind, unassuming. There are always a lot of friends around him, he rarely enters into conflicts.
  • He has a closed character, he is restrained, closely converges only with a limited circle of people. Usually such people are especially sensitive to the opinions of others, but they themselves evaluate people in terms of their principles and views.
  • The young man is extremely modest and shy. It has a lot of advantages, which, perhaps, few people know, because he is simply not able to demonstrate them. There are few friends, but the closest and most reliable.
  • His personality is just terrible. He is what is called the "bad guy". Arrogant, conflicted, according to the general impression, he is not capable of either friendship or love. Can easily hurt a person with a harsh word. Oddly enough, there are always a lot of girls around such guys.
  • This classification, of course, is very relative, since it is impossible to describe the nature of a person in two sentences. In one character, both signs of an ambitious creative nature and the features of a modest, shy person can fit. However, in order to understand the principle of constructing a dialogue in any of the above cases, this classification is quite enough. You can get to the point.

    "Strategic reserve"

    We are talking about a "strategic stock" of words and phrases. It is still unknown how the dialogue will go, but it is very desirable to have several options for exiting it. It is necessary to make up this stock based on the desired effect that the girl is going to produce on the young man. In other words, you need to remember all the time what image you want to create in the mind of a guy, what kind he should see you, what traits of your character or your dignity you would like to emphasize. After all, this will be the first conversation that will determine further communication for a long time, of course, if everything goes well.

    Where to begin? The first thing that comes to mind is to say something generic, like "Hi, how are you?" But then the question arises: how to continue? Let's say the guy says, "Hi, that's fine." So, what is next? If the girl has already taken the initiative, then she must support it, otherwise there will be a stupid pause that will put her in an uncomfortable position. This is what most often fears people who cannot decide on the first conversation in any way - an uncomfortable position. A lot of thoughts fly through my head at this moment: “What will he think of me?”, “What if he laughs later?” or just "I'm afraid."

    Let's look at some practical examples. In order to master the situation, it is necessary to create it. This is comparable to solving a problem or cooking a dish - the necessary ingredients are taken, and a process diagram is drawn up. Let's say it looks like this: situation No. 1 (both know about each other) + type No. 3 (the guy is shy) + the desired image of a fragile and romantic girl = a soft, unobtrusive beginning, without pressure and without forcing events.

    In this case, it is better to write to a young person (if you nevertheless preferred to conduct the first conversation on the Internet) when he is “online”, since in this case there is no need for extra tension. A modest, shy young man, discovering that in his absence a girl wrote him a message, will gather his courage and be as nervous, and maybe even more than you. Ultimately, there is a high probability that he will not write at all, and then you will be, firstly, offended, and secondly, embarrassed. In this case, you can start a conversation with one of the simplest phrases, for example: “Hello, Andrei! Don't be surprised that I'm writing to you, I'm just sad for some reason today, I want to talk to some good person. Are you not busy right now?" If he answers that he is busy, say without a shadow of resentment: “It's a pity. There's nothing to be done, I'll sink silently))". If he says that he is free, then he also wants to talk to you, and the matter can be considered settled.

    According to this principle, you can compose any dialogue, mixing the source data, and find a solution. With a creative person, you can start a conversation with an assessment of his creation, ask to demonstrate something else, praise - this is the shortest way to his attention. With a simple "shirt-guy" it is better to behave the same way - simply and directly. In this case, you can even honestly say: “Hi, I have long wanted to talk with you, but, you won’t believe it, I’m embarrassed))”. Such immediacy captivates and can help out in almost any situation.

    How to attract the man you like. Or an article about how men "understand" women's hints.

    Why is it not always possible for a woman to meet a man she likes and subsequently marry him? Why do some women consider many men "goats" and "slow-thinking"? How to attract a man that you like, and how not only to attract a man, but also to please the man herself?

    And then how to keep a man near you? After all, a man will stay near a woman he likes only if he “gets it that she liked him too. In this case, how to convey to him that he did not leave you indifferent? After all, in order to transfer just an acquaintance to the stage of courtship, sympathy and falling in love, it is first of all necessary for a man to understand that you like him. In general, in order to please a man, you need to let him know that you like him. And many representatives of the stronger sex often do not see and do not understand this. And why?

    The main reason why a man does not understand whether you like him or not is that a Man does not understand hints, and Women love to hint so much or are embarrassed to speak directly about their needs and desires.

    Let's look at how men "understand" women's hints in the first stage of dating.

    Why do some women dance with two or three partners, and one of them is already starting to court her, invites her on a date, etc., and some women meet and dance with dozens of partners, there seems to be flirting, like the man liked it, but there is no continuation.

    The main reason is that a man does not understand female psychology and hints. Let's say a man and a woman danced, just talked, etc. In order to take the next step, a man needs to be sure that his partner liked him. How is he supposed to know about it!? And the next question is, will he guess about it based on those subtle hints that a woman gives him? For example, looks into his eyes, talks with pleasure, etc.

    To give a small example from the movie Pride and Prejudice (my wife loves it), which is based on the classic Jane Austen novel. In it, half of the plot of the film revolves around the fact that a young man (Brinkley) met a girl (Jane), whom he really liked, and she also fell in love with him.

    All the women who are around the girl understand that she is in love and the matter is small - the man must continue to make an offer and then the wedding.

    Only now they forgot that the psychology of men is “slightly” different from the psychology of women. If all the women around understand that the girl has fallen in love, then this does not mean at all that the interested man understands this. This sister in love with the girl (Elizabeth) was even directly told by her friend, but this remark was ignored.

    Do you think Mr. Bingley realized that Jane was in love with him? No, he did not understand anything at all and tossed about, suffered from the unknown. Well, all right, Bingley himself did not understand, then, perhaps, his friend Mr. Darcy understood everything exactly and suggested Bingley? Of course, Mr. Darcy was a "great specialist" in women, Bingley suggested that Jane was absolutely indifferent to him.

    After such conclusions and hints, Bingley (the lover) left without making an offer. After that, of course, all the women called him and his friend bad people who almost dishonored the girl.

    This is where similar stories in real life end. Women understand that the girl liked the man, only the man himself is at a loss, whether she liked him, or he “will fit until there is no one better,” or didn’t like him at all. And he leaves (or does not continue the relationship). I think it is not necessary to decipher that a man almost always invites a girl on a date only if he is 95-100% sure that she will agree to come, and that she likes him.

    Well, in the movie, of course, everything ends much better. Several months of torment of lovers pass. Finally, the sister of the girl in love explains everything in detail and without any hints to the friend of the “lover” that the girl is in love and suffers, after which the “bad men” turn out to be not so bad, the situation is corrected and finally a marriage proposal arrives. Happy end.

    What conclusion can be drawn from this example? A man, by women's standards, frankly "slows down" in the fact that a girl likes him. The conclusion about whether he likes it or not is made by him on the basis of signs of coquetry that a potential partner shows. And since at best 1 out of 100 of these signs reaches a man, we can draw the following conclusion:

    So how do you attract the man you like? — There is no such thing as a lot of coquetry when you first meet a man you like. (as well as the subsequent ones too) Attention! We are talking about coquetry, and not about the initiative!

    By coquetry, I do not mean the manifestation of the girl's initiative. No need to invite a man to a dance, ask for his phone number or give yours if they don’t ask. It is not necessary to kiss a man first, it is undesirable to force sex without a candy-flower stage, etc. You can read more about this in the article “How to keep a man? Or - Initiative is punishable.

    So, we continue about coquetry.

    Even when a girl flirts and flirts, nothing will reach some of the men, some will reach only after a few days or weeks. There are exceptions, but we will not talk about this in this article.

    If a man made the wrong conclusions about your availability, then it’s easier later, already on the first or second date, to correct the situation by cooling him down a bit, if, of course, necessary.

    How exactly to flirt? A few examples: a slightly slower look, a more frequent smile, an increased interest in what the man says, a request for simple help for him and admiration for him, an “accidental” touch, preening, etc.

    Flirting is not necessary for the specific person you like. It is rather a way of life for a woman. Read literature about non-verbal gestures, watch couples in love, practice on the surrounding members of the stronger sex, and you will understand how to flirt.

    If everything is so simple, then why don't all women flirt with b O more strength?

    The reasons are simple. The first reason, as I said, comes from the fact that women do not even understand that this is important. After all, everyone judges for themselves. They think that "everything came to the man anyway, he already understood that she likes him." As a rule, nothing is further from the truth. Nothing came to him, or at least he is not sure that the girl liked him.

    The second reason is that the girl, out of insecurity, does not want her coquetry to be noticed by the surrounding women, who happen to start joking, asking questions, etc. What can be said here? It is necessary to gain self-confidence, increase self-esteem. Indeed, because of the fear of such jokes, you can lose a wonderful guy with whom, perhaps, you would be happy all your life. And the jokes of the surrounding women, if, of course, they are not very harsh - this is generally a great way to convey to a man the fact that you like him.

    And yet, if you bring the example from the movie "Pride and Prejudice" to the end, then no matter how irresistible you are, this, as practice shows, is not enough. Then you can do as in the movie. That is, casually tell one of the mutual acquaintances that you liked a particular person. Let's say it will be your girlfriend who is familiar with a friend of that guy. Such word-of-mouth news is transmitted quickly. If there was no reaction, then apparently the object you liked is simply not your person.

    Okay, enough about what happens to hints when you meet. Let's say you met, everything is somehow moving forward. Do you think that now a man has begun to sharply understand your psychology and guess what a woman wants? Of course not, dating is just the beginning and you still have to learn how to interact with a man, build happy relationships and study male psychology.

    Let's say you love flowers and say to your lover when you pass by a beautiful bouquet: "Look at the flowers, I really, really like them."

    Well, they asked him to think that this is a temporary whim and put it off. You also need to explain that this is important to you, preferably more than once.

    And sex, and relationships with parents, and household chores, and money, and romance, but how to marry a guy you like? About all this and much more, you also need to learn to talk to a man without any offense and in the language that he understands. I recommend reading Anastasia Gai's book for this one. "What happy women are silent about". It has two excellent chapters on how to behave in such a way that your partner understands your needs and desires and does them himself, without prompting from you.

    What can you write to a guy you like?

    Many guys and girls who feel sympathy for each other are afraid to take the initiative. We must learn to overcome our complexes, fears and shyness, because you can miss a really worthwhile person. Since the guy is playing for time and is shy about something, write to him yourself. But this must be approached skillfully and competently in order to achieve respect and favor on his part.

    What to write to a guy you like?

    In order not to seem windy and frivolous, to interest a guy and show yourself on the good and bright side, you need to follow three steps:

  • Start from afar. To begin with, greet the interlocutor, communicate in a respectful manner. Start a long and interesting conversation, write your messages so that they are sure to be answered. This is necessary to interest the guy and communicate for a long time.
  • Gently hint. Try asking if he has a girlfriend. Ask leading questions so that the guy understands that you are interested in his person. Then write like this: “Still, sometimes you want to be defenseless and feel male care. I'm tired of being alone."
  • A blow to the forehead. So that the guy finally understands what you are trying to achieve, write directly: “I want male affection, warmth and attention. And I think that care on your part is just what I lack so much.
  • The sequence of these stages should be exactly this, otherwise you can confuse the guy and expose yourself not from the most successful side. The second stage with mild hints lasts longer than the others. It will continue until the guy is ready to read the most important words from you.

    Any guy with whom you have mutual sympathy will breathe a sigh of relief after reading the phrase from the third stage. After all, the initiative on the part of the girl greatly simplifies the situation and makes it possible to move from ordinary communication to close relationships. Sometimes you can wait a long time from a guy even for the second stage, so it's better to do everything yourself.

    What to write to him if you already know each other?

    In this case, there are two options for the development of events. It depends on the duration and type of communication:

  • If you have known each other for a long time, but communicate only in a friendly way;
  • If you communicate recently, and only look at each other.
  • In the first case, the situation must be fully assessed.

    Previously, you might not notice some little things. Pay attention to whether he gives you small signs of attention. Friendships can be difficult to translate into the category of love, but it's worth a try. To do this, write to the guy like this: “It seems to me that it is high time for our relationship to stop being friendly. I like you and I want more."

    In the second case, everything is much simpler. You do not need to adjust friendships to achieve what you want. You just need to write that you are not against a relationship with this guy. Tell him that you noticed how well you are compatible, that you have a lot in common. The guy will be delighted with your words, it will flatter him. After all, men love to feel needed and irreplaceable by someone.

    What if you don't know each other yet?

    Start by having a casual conversation. Again, choose interesting topics so that everything does not end with a banal “clear”.

    On the first day of communication, it is better not to say that you liked the guy, so as not to become arrogant. You need to have your dignity and a little patience. In the future, the young man himself will write that he liked you, but you don’t always want to wait a long time for this.

    Phrases from the third stage are best written after a few personal meetings. Because a virtual stranger can be frightened away by such fleeting revelations. But the second stage is perfect for communicating with a still unfamiliar guy. After various hints that you like him, try to make an appointment. If you are embarrassed to invite a guy for a walk, then write like this: “It’s kind of boring to sit at home. I would go for a walk, but all my friends are busy with their own affairs. Any person will understand such a hint.

    What to text a guy?

    In SMS, it is best to wish a good night or good morning. If you do this suddenly and not very often, then such SMS will be a pleasant surprise. You can come up with a message yourself, write a few nice words or even a small poem. If you do not fully possess a chic fantasy, then simplify the situation: look for beautiful examples of messages on the Internet.

    Phrases for hints can be: “I hope to see you soon”, “I like your smile, smile more often”, “I want to see you” and so on. There are a lot of examples, choose for your case. It is very pleasant to receive SMS with such content. After such messages, the guy will begin to take any steps and actions to get closer.

    What to write at night?

    Closer to the night, some kind of sentimentality and frankness will always attack. I would like to express all my feelings with great sincerity and receive a mutual message with similar confessions. Write that you like him very much and for a long time, that you would like to build a relationship. In the evening, such words are always perceived better. If you have known each other for quite some time, you can write something similar or slightly improved: “I don’t want to lie alone in a cold bed. If only someone could keep her warm with me.” It sounds intimate, so you should not write this to an almost unknown guy. Think carefully about how he will react and respond to such words. If you are sure that the guy will regard this as a hint of a relationship, then write.

    Your goal is to intrigue and please the guy before bed with a pleasant message, and not spoil the relationship. You can also write a non-intimate phrase: “In the evenings, I have a strange mood: someone or something is missing, I want to see a loved one nearby. I constantly think about you and that it is you who should become this closest person.

    A message on the social network Vkontakte?

    There are a lot of options for writing to a guy in VK. Here are some phrases and examples (expressing your sympathy):

    • “You have beautiful eyes. I would look into them forever ”;
    • “I like you for a long time. I decided to take the first step myself”;
    • “I don’t have a boyfriend, you have girls. What are we waiting for?";
    • “Yesterday I saw you, but I was ashamed to come up, because I start to worry in your presence. It always happens to me when I like a guy”;
    • “Let's see you, I want to communicate with you personally, correspondence is not enough for me”;
    • What can you write nice?

      It's hard to believe, but men love compliments just as much as women. To write something that makes a guy happy, give him a compliment. Write how you like his eyes or hairstyle, what beautiful lips and strong hands he has. You can also thank him for any help. The guy will like that he could be of some help to you.

      Also, a young man will be pleased to read that you like him, that you are eager to meet. Such a phrase is perfect for a guy to be pleased: “You know, I immediately liked you. But guys are not often nice to me, usually it is difficult to interest me. I would love to meet you. What do you think about that?" The young man will be simply delighted with such words.

      If who has a girlfriend

      This is a difficult situation that requires balanced decisions. Think about whether you need to destroy other people's relationships. If they are happy with another girl, maybe it's better to find another guy? If you know that everything is not so smooth for them, if they have constant quarrels and the last straw is left before parting, then you can write. Formulate your messages carefully, ask him about the relationship with the girl. When a guy starts complaining about a bad relationship, you kind of casually say that there are more suitable girls just around the corner.

      You can even write like this: “I’m sorry things aren’t going so smoothly for you with this girl. I like you, so I wish you good luck in a relationship, although not with me.. After such words, the guy will understand that there is a girl nearby who is much better than the one with whom he is now constantly quarreling. He will also understand that he was a fool, since he did not notice such a beautiful lady.

      Mistakes girls make when texting guys

      When corresponding with guys, girls sometimes make serious mistakes, which negatively affects further communication. Sometimes ladies can't wait to reveal all the cards and tell about their feelings. Remember: do not rush things too much. Some guys are afraid of major changes, so they need to be gradually prepared. You can not immediately write that you like him.

      Another mistake is that the girls are too enterprising if the guy they like has another girl. You should not forcefully impose your opinion on him about bad and unsuccessful relationships. The guy himself must come to the right conclusion that he needs to end the existing relationship and “switch over” to you. Don't overdo it on this issue.

      Psychologists advise expressing your feelings through messages in the evening, and preferably at night. During the day, you can just talk about interesting topics, and in the evening you can already move on to revelations. Do not write everything at once, what do you think about the guy. It is better to start little by little: to compliment, to thank for something. Try to stretch this process so that communication is of interest. Let's gradually understand that you like him, so that the guy sees it himself and understands that this is serious.

      Psychologists also advise to monitor the behavior and gestures of the guy. If you look closely and observe a little, you can understand a lot. From the little things in behavior, it is immediately noticeable whether he likes you. If a guy shows little interest in your person, then you need to fight it. To do this, intensively use the first two stages, but not the third.


      What phrases and words will guys like?

      Guys like phrases and words that contain a small amount of flattery. Guys also love funny girls. Just do not combine the reception of flattery and humor at the same time. You can joke a little, tell an anecdote or some funny incident from life, and after a while, when the conversation becomes more serious, the best moment for compliments and praise addressed to him. Both with humor and with compliments, try not to overdo it.

      What to write if he doesn't like me?

      Here you need to act carefully. If your goal is to please and interest him, then just communicate and look for common topics and interests. Do not write immediately how much he sunk deep into your soul. This will definitely scare the guy away forever. It's best to start with him as a friend. Write ordinary messages to the guy, you can with humor, but without a drop of a hint of sympathy.

      What to write to a guy who likes if we had a fight?

      If you quarreled with the guy you like, then you need to write in such a way as to make peace, and not quarrel even more. It is better to start with a fun conversation to defuse the situation. Various jokes will help to reconcile. If you are to blame for the quarrel, then properly apologize. If the guy is to blame, then try to gently prove that the quarrel was his fault.

      You can write like this: “I don’t want any quarrels, let’s solve everything peacefully. You can find compromises. After quarrels, I feel depressed and uncomfortable, somehow restless. Let's stop this nonsense". If the guy is constantly guilty of swearing between you, then you should not abuse such phrases. After all, a young man can get used to the fact that he does not need to be responsible for all his words, and he will not ask for forgiveness. The guy will only wait for these actions from you.

      Communication with a guy who is dear to your heart is not an easy and scrupulous business. We must try to keep ourselves balanced and not talk about all our feelings at once. This process must be deliberate and consistent. Messages should always be literate and well-formulated. Guys love smart girls. All the tips and phrases above will help build a relationship with a guy and let him know that your feelings and intentions are serious. Write him beautiful messages and try to make appointments. This will bring you closer and help build further relationships. Messages, if possible, should not contain swear words and youth slang. After all, such words will not make you special, on the contrary, this situation will not help. Do everything correctly and deliberately, then the result will please with its fruits.

      15 ways to start a conversation with a guy

      Every morning for the past few months you saw him in the entrance - he is so cute! She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, thinking he was looking at you. So? That's how he looks! There is attraction, how to start a conversation? Here are 15 ways to start a conversation with the guy you like.

      1. Catch his eye and smile

      The next time you see this guy, catch his eye and smile, hold your gaze on him for about three seconds. We assure you that he will also smile and, perhaps, even fit. If this method doesn't work the first time, try a few more times. You can flirt a little, for example, by pushing your hair back. Give him the opportunity to start a conversation with you!

      2. Ask him to borrow something

      Take a crossword or notebook with you. Pretend to be looking for something in your bag, then work up the courage to ask him for a pen or pencil with a smile. He will most likely be happy to lend you a pen. You can pee with it for a bit, then thank him and return the pen to him. Say something like, “Thank you very much! You are my savior!" If he likes you, he will start a conversation with you about something more interesting. And if the guy just took the pen and said, "No problem," forget about him. Yes, he is handsome, but, unfortunately, he is not interested in you.

      If he's one of those guys who still wears a watch, ask him what time it is. He will gladly answer you and start a conversation. If he didn't keep up the conversation, take one more step: thank him and praise his watch. Just remember, do not show or hold your mobile phone in your hands, otherwise unforeseen questions will arise in your direction.

      4. Comment on the weather

      The rain is pouring like a bucket, or snow is a blizzard, or a great sunny day is an occasion to start a conversation with the guy you like. Don't complain, be in a good mood, smile and look directly into his eyes. If it's raining and you have an umbrella and he doesn't, offer your umbrella for two. If the sun is shining brightly, sigh joyfully and say something like: “What a beautiful day!”. If he likes you, he will definitely start a conversation with you.

      5. Compliment his pet

      If a guy is walking his dog on a leash, compliment his pet and ask if he can pet the dog. This is the perfect conversation starter, especially since you can ask a few more questions about the dog's name, age, breed, and more. Any dog ​​owner will appreciate this interest.

      6. Compliment his appearance

      If you like what he wears, you can give him a compliment - something like "I like your shoes, they are very beautiful." If he doesn't respond, you can ask a few more questions. Just make sure you're giving the compliments sincerely.

      You can say: “I really like this song, do you know who the artist is?”. When you're around a guy you like, you can sing the lyrics for a bit, then say, "I love this song." Of course, only if you are sure that everything is in order with your voice and hearing!

      If the guy you like turns out to be a friend of someone you know, this is a great way to start a conversation. Ask general questions, such as: “When did you last see Petya?” or “Were you there and there with him last weekend?” Most importantly, listen carefully to the answers and keep the conversation going.

      9. Ask for directions

      Men will never admit that they are lost, and most of all they love to tell in which direction to go. So take courage and approach the guy with your questions. Ask for the location of a particular cafe, bar, or street, and you might even have the audacity to ask to see you there. If he does, you will have plenty of time to talk about other things while you get to your destination. You can cast your line for a cup of tea or coffee. If your "walk" was successful, he will ask for your phone number.

      10. Ask for bus/train timetables

      This is not a very effective way, because the guy may not understand that you are flirting with him. Any passer-by could ask him the same thing as you. Catch his eye, smile, then approach him. As soon as you approach, in a gentle voice ask what time the bus leaves. When you receive an answer, don't forget to say thank you. And here you can introduce yourself. However, this method is not for the timid.

      If you find yourself somewhere in a gastronomic establishment where a cute man has come, ask him what is better to take a drink or a meal. You can ask other questions as well. For example, he drinks coffee, and you ask if it is more useful to drink green tea at this time of day. If he liked you, he will definitely start a conversation with you and, perhaps, even offer to treat you.

      12. Ask about his book/magazine

      If you meet on an airplane, in a waiting room, on a bus, or in a bookstore, while he is reading a book or magazine, ask him what kind of reading it is. But do not interrupt his reading, ask when he will raise his eyes. If the author of the book is familiar to you, you can compare other books by this author. Don't ask what the book is about because sometimes it's hard to explain. A great way to get to know each other is to talk to him about his literary preferences.

      If you're in a pub or bar showing a sporting event (like football), ask the guy what the score is. You can also ask what his favorite team, favorite player or coach is. Men love to talk about sports and also give their opinions, so this is a fantastic way to start a conversation! Even if you hate football, pay attention to what he says and don't forget to smile.

      14. Order a glass of drink for him

      Somewhat unfeminine way, but why not try? If you're in a restaurant, bar, or cafe and you've had eye contact with a handsome man all evening, order a glass of some drink for him. This is a great way to start a conversation because he will surely approach you gratefully. Be smart and charming, don't say banal phrases. Few people have the courage to put this method into practice, but it always works!

      Another thing that men love more than sports is technique. They always have fashionable iPhones, players, laptops and more. If you like a guy, tech is a great conversation starter. If he has a player playing, you can ask what he is listening to and what is the sound quality. If it's a phone or a small game console, ask him what he's playing.

      As you can see, there are many ways to meet men. If you are brave enough, then these tips are for you. Which of these methods have you already tried? Perhaps you have your own secrets. Share with us.

    Since Soviet times, some girls have had prejudices about who should be the first to start communicating with a guy. If you're having trouble starting a conversation, lacking a sense of confidence, and are tormented by fear, here are a few examples of how you can do it.

    How to start a conversation with a guy:

    If you like a nice guy, or you want to start a conversation with an old acquaintance and don’t know how to do it, then the one hundred percent way will be to ask for help - if you are interested in him, then the conversation will start by itself.

    • Sorry young man, I can’t find my phone in any way, could you call me on it, otherwise I’m afraid that it was stolen? Maybe the burglar is still around.
    • Could you tell me what time it is, the clock on the phone has gone wrong and I have to go to work (study, exam, etc.) by ... hours. After the guy answered you, you can say: "Uff, yes, I still have a lot of free time, my name is Xenia."
    • I can’t open the car in any way, 5 minutes ago I closed it for an alarm, and now it does not respond. Could you help me with your experienced men's advice?
    • I have a brother about your size, could you try on a shirt in the store? I'm choosing a birthday present for him.
    • The phone is dead, could you lend me yours - call a friend?

    In general, the meaning is clear - start from the situation. As for the direct start of a conversation with a guy in order to get to know or start communicating with an old acquaintance, here is a selection of phrases for you:

    • Hi, do you ride this escalator too?
    • You seemed to me a very smart young man, and I stand in thought what to give my grandmother for her birthday. Share your thoughts?
    • Hi, I'm a kind sorceress, I saw that you were bored and decided to come up and cast a spell on you.
    • I have a feeling that you are standing and thinking how to drive up to me, and I decided to help you.
    • I just can’t find a reason to approach you, and I decided that I don’t need a reason ... my name is.
    • Do you work here too? Amazing, I've never seen you here before.
    • Are you afraid that someone will come up to you like this and get to know you?
    • Hello, I didn’t recognize you right away ... Oh, sorry, I mixed up, we really don’t know each other. I think this needs to be corrected.
    • What toilet water do you use? I like the smell so much that I would buy the same one and perfume my cat with it so that he reminds me of you.
    • You will not find any rope to make acquaintance with you right here.
    • My name is Anna, 93/64/95, Sagittarius, tiger, I like to play sports, I listen to the classics, well, you already know so much about me, but I still don’t even know your name.

    Be more original and natural, discard all complexes and tightness and act. According to statistics, not many girls are suitable to meet guys or start a conversation first - which means that you have every chance of success. Only 5% of guys out of 100 will not keep up a conversation with a girl who comes up first. Be bold. After starting a conversation with a girl, you can bring up interesting topics for conversation and captivate your interlocutor with your resourcefulness.

    Completely different people are hard enough. And no one will argue with the fact that the male and female psyches differ. It is not without reason that today there is such a mass of anecdotes devoted to the mutual understanding of the sexes. Why go far - take at least phrases about female logic or male habits (for example, lying on the couch with a beer in hand, while the wife fusses around doing a lot of household chores). In this article, I want to talk about how to communicate with a man correctly: what you need to do to be heard, and what mistakes in communicating with members of the opposite sex should be avoided.

    Main rule

    Needless to say, there is a great deal of advice on this topic. Meanwhile, you can not reinvent the wheel, but learn all the important information, so to speak, from the source. Yes, yes, the guy himself can talk about how to properly communicate with a man. You just need to ask him about it. After all, how many people, so many opinions, which means that there is no universal "recipe". But there is one thing: you can do this only if the relationship with this person is already very strong and trusting. At the very first stages of acquaintance, it is not recommended to ask such questions; it is better to follow the general rules of decency when communicating. But when the relationship reaches a certain stage, one should always speak openly and directly with one's lover, so as not to do what he does not like or tuj irritates. By the way, the young man should do the same.

    Banal politeness

    So, how to communicate with a man? First of all, we note that no one has yet canceled politeness. Guys are the same people, and they also require good treatment. Do not forget to say “thank you”, “please”, etc. to them. All requests and comments must be correct. A special category of the issue is quarrels. Anything can happen, and the intensity of passions is guaranteed here (why without it?), however, at the moments of a showdown, you don’t need to pour all the dirt on the guy, then you will have to regret it. Remember about mutual respect and the rules of decency (even if it can be quite difficult to do this).


    Young ladies who are interested in how to properly communicate with a man will need the following recommendation: you need to know how to formulate your requests to him. So, guys do not like arrogant and narcissistic people who believe that the whole world revolves around them. All requests, again, should be based on courtesy. Forget the orderly tone - he is not a servant or an errand boy. Remember about - not a single normal "man" will tolerate being wiped their feet on him. A woman's strongest weapon is her weakness. Helpless look, self-doubt, timid question: "Could you (couldn't you) ...?" - will do their job. And the representative of the strong half of humanity already feels like a superhero...

    Topics for conversation

    Many girls ask themselves: "How to communicate with a man so that he always has an interest?" The answer is obscenely simple: to be interesting to him. To do this, you need to read a lot, develop in different industries. Gone are the days when a smart woman was considered a black sheep. Today, a lady simply needs to be educated, because a modern man is in dire need of a highly intelligent life partner. Thus, in order to be able to hold the attention of the opposite sex for a long time, you will have to try hard. However, you should not “shine with your mind” at every opportunity, it is best to just be able to competently maintain a conversation. If knowledge in a particular area is very weak, absent or based on rumors, it is better to keep quiet so as not to say outright nonsense and not make yourself look stupid. But there is one thing: some guys are just afraid of smart girls, because they themselves are not very developed. Therefore, in this way, you can not only tie a young man to yourself, but also scare it off. What to do? Look at the object of your sympathy, listen to his speech, pay attention to manners. All these little things can tell a lot.


    A very important advice for those who do not know how to communicate with a man in order to tame a handsome man: do not make scandals and showdowns. Guys don't like this! A sad look and a tear that quietly rolled down will act much stronger than screams and tantrums. In addition, every woman should remember that men can not stand when they are brainwashed, especially if the reason is stupidity that is not worth attention. Making a scene because a guy didn't call or chat with another girl on social media or in person is a huge silliness. If a quarrel is ripe, say everything directly, without hinting and without trying to make him think of everything on his own. After all, what seems important to us, men often seem like a trifle. In general, the best scenario is a frank conversation, without shouting and moralizing. It's very easy to leave by slamming the door. It is much more difficult to stay, listen, understand and accept.


    We go further, figuring out how to communicate with men. You must give them freedom. The guy does not need to be bombarded with SMS every 10 minutes, he also does not need to be called all day long (unless the young man does this himself or he likes it). Understand: people need a little rest from each other. And yes, it should have its own space. And trips with friends to football or to a cafe. Try to turn this minus relationship into a plus: let him miss you! This does not mean that you need to pretend that his adventures are indifferent to you. No, just let him go...


    What else can you tell women who want to understand how to communicate with men correctly? Don't control them. Guys do not like it terribly when a woman takes on the role of a mother and wants to know when and where her lover was, what he did and what he ate. This is a kind of continuation of the rule of freedom, but with small reservations. There is even an old joke that a man, like a dog, should be kept on a leash of medium length: not too short so that he does not try to chew it, but not too long so that he cannot run around the corner.


    You can also recommend to girls who want to know how to communicate competently with men, the following: you must always be in a good mood. Of course, sometimes there may be exceptions, but the disgruntled expression on the face of a lady can not only upset a man, but also set him up negatively. Well, think for yourself, who is interested in disturbing Princess Nesmeyana? Another thing is when a girl smiles, laughs, and sometimes even fools around (from time to time you can afford such behavior). All this will cause the guy only pleasant impressions and a corresponding positive reaction.

    Listen and hear

    Who does not know that this truth is as old as the world. How often, pouting, we declare that the guys do not hear us. And what are themselves? And they also want to be heard. And yet they heard. Do not ignore the stories of a loved one about how the day went. It is especially necessary to gather strength and listen to a young man when he talks about his hobby: hunting, fishing, football ... And if a girl makes it clear that she is interested, asks questions or makes a competent remark, the man will generally be completely delighted and look at it in a completely different way.

    Zodiac signs

    About how women should communicate with men - representatives of different signs of the Zodiac, it is worth talking separately.

    1. Aries. By nature, these men are energetic, restless and always on the move. To arouse interest in your person, you need to be a well-read and highly educated lady.
    2. How to communicate with a Taurus man? This is a very interesting question. So, these people are open, emotional and sincere. They will demand the same from In such a relationship, it is better for a lady to remain herself and remember that Taurus loves honesty and devotion.
    3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are by nature freedom-loving and not too serious. A woman should not expect much from communicating with a Gemini guy. Lack of obligations and minimum requirements - that's the key to a successful relationship.
    4. Crayfish. These are people of strong spirit and great will. To impress a representative of this zodiac sign, you need to be condescending to his weaknesses, as well as be friendly.
    5. How to communicate with a Leo man? Here the name of the character of the zodiac circle speaks for itself. So, these are people who love themselves enough, besides, they are leaders by nature. You need to communicate with such a person as equals as possible and in no case put yourself at least a little higher. Leos are very fond of praise and do not tolerate betrayal. If you follow these simple rules, communication with Leo will be a pleasure.
    6. Virgin. Representatives of this sign are hardworking, have a cold, calculating mind. They will be interested in those ladies who are well educated, have advanced up the career ladder (have reached a certain level in their work activity). Virgos also love praise.
    7. The next sign is Libra. What should be remembered in this case? How to communicate with a man? Libras are people who often change their minds. However, they are calm, cheerful and attentive. And the lady needs to be the same. In a difficult moment for them, you need to drop everything and be there: these natures, like no other, require attention and support.
    8. Scorpion. The question of how to communicate with a Scorpio man is incredibly relevant, since these are extraordinary personalities. Often these are self-willed arrogant. It is better to communicate with representatives of this sign at ease, without provoking them into quarrels. If you know about the weak point of such a man, do not try to use this information as a weapon against him - this will not lead to anything good. A scorpion can sting quite painfully, and not only with a word.
    9. Sagittarius. These are very sociable men. Therefore, a lady needs to be ready to communicate with many of their friends and acquaintances. The chosen one will not understand and will not accept prohibitions in this regard. The basic rules for communicating with Sagittarius: do not reveal all the secrets (they do not know how to keep them in themselves) and do not impose themselves.
    10. Capricorn. By nature, they are very patient and restrained individuals. In addition, they are always serious and often do not like excessive gaiety. Communicating with a representative of this sign, all the time you need to prove your reliability and loyalty. And do not forget that Capricorns require understanding and sympathy from their halves.
    11. Aquarius. No less necessary will be a hint on how to communicate with the Aquarius man. These people are not arrogant, sociable. You need to be on equal terms with them, they love it. In addition, you need to remember two important points: you won’t be able to convince Aquarius, you shouldn’t even start; status is not important for representatives of this sign, but the inner world of the interlocutor is of great importance.
    12. Fish. By nature, Pisces are very susceptible to everything that surrounds them, they are also very vulnerable. Finding a common language with a representative of this sign is not so easy, because he does not allow everyone to approach him. Only by showing benevolence, sincerity, and later complete devotion, you can earn the love of a Pisces man.


    Now let's talk about what a girl should avoid in dealing with guys.

    1. Don't teach. A woman should not tell a young man what to do or say - this is a huge mistake.
    2. Don't interrupt. A man needs to be fully listened to, not trying to insert his "five cents". Only after the end of the monologue can you express your opinion on a particular issue.
    3. Don't criticize. It is strictly forbidden in a conversation to criticize the guy himself or his inner circle, especially parents and friends.
    4. Don't impose. If a man cannot or does not want to communicate at the moment, there is no need to insist on this.
    5. Don't exalt yourself. Girls should remember not to advertise themselves too much, even if you are an angel in the flesh. Let the guy learn about everything gradually and preferably from the lips of others. And every time to emphasize how smart and beautiful you are, it's just stupid.

    And the last thing I want to say: all the rules and tips are good, but you don’t need to get too hung up on this all. It must be remembered that in communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, you need to be as open and natural as possible, and then everything will turn out by itself, and communication will reach the level that both need.

    How to start a conversation with a guy you like? Surprisingly, according to psychologists, the "golden rule" of advertising effectiveness operates in communication with the opposite sex. First, we attract involuntary attention, and then we turn it into arbitrary, touching points of interest. What does it mean?

    In fact, everything is trivial. It is not necessary to immediately invent and invent something super-unusual, choosing original topics for a conversation with a pretty stranger. He will be able to appreciate the rich inner world of the girl later if he pecks on the "hook". But first you need some bait!

    It is important to start with a simple and understandable topic for conversation, specially created for such cases. If the girl is attractive to the interlocutor, he will gladly continue the acquaintance. He definitely won't miss his chance!

    But before you start a conversation with a stranger, you should make sure that you have the necessary attitude. Even time-tested and experienced topics will not help if a girl doubts herself and feels fear. You can use some tips that will help you not to get confused at a crucial moment.

    Thinking about how to start a conversation with a guy in contact or in person, every girl doubts for a long time - is it worth starting something? Fear of an unexpected blow to pride stops almost half of the ladies who secretly sigh for a beautiful stranger who lives next door or lives in their favorite chat.

    But a simple conversation does not reveal any " insidious plans", no one will know about her sympathy for a young man! Even if he refuses to make an acquaintance, turning away snobbishly or complaining about the lack of free time, there is no point in being afraid.

    Light and casual conversation on a neutral topic is not at all a reason to look dull or indecisive. You should not give the impression of a gloomy or too serious person, otherwise the whole idea will fail.

    A charming smile will surely attract the attention of an interesting guy, and most importantly, it will give him pleasant memories of an unexpected acquaintance.

    Before you start a conversation with a guy on the phone, you should find out if he is comfortable talking. Perhaps the person at the moment does not have even a minute to talk. It also happens that a second before the call someone spoiled his mood or made him angry.

    Or maybe the poor guy just didn't get enough sleep. Finding out the mood of the interlocutor when corresponding on the Internet is somewhat more difficult. Perhaps the lack of time will be indicated by spelling errors or a long wait for an answer.

    In addition, it is important not to forget about your own mood. How to start a conversation with a guy after a quarrel with relatives or after a sleepless night studying for exams? There is only one answer - no way!

    Unfortunately, there are a few lucky people in the world who are able to disengage from unpleasant thoughts and unload psychologically before an important conversation or meeting. It is better not to tempt fate, signing yourself up in their ranks and risking forever losing the chance to get acquainted with the object of sighing.

    You should not take this advice too literally, because no one has ever canceled flirtatious flirting and shooting eyes to kill. We are talking about the first impression, which should not be spoiled by subsequent meetings. Don't lie and try to be someone you really aren't.

    This rule is especially true for online dating, where many people like to embellish themselves. There is no point in this, because with personal contact the truth will be revealed, and both will be disappointed.

    Topics for conversation

    So, the preparatory stages are over, and you should think about a suitable topic for making acquaintances. As already noted, the first contact is not at all suitable for intimate conversations and heartfelt conversations. Many try to find an original way to a man's heart and choose a non-standard topic for communication.

    This does not always turn out to be a good idea, because the guy may be ignorant of some issue, and then the conversation will not start. The best option is a neutral theme, presumably familiar to both. For each dating option, there are their own, the most successful topics.

    How to start a conversation with a guy online

    A huge number of people of any age spend time on the Internet today. For most of them, correspondence in contact is a great chance to find a soul mate. To many, this method will seem doubtful, because without live communication it is difficult to make sure that there is sincere sympathy. And the risk of running into scammers and perverts is too great.

    But if we discard all skepticism and doubts, we will have to admit the obvious fact - the Internet has managed to connect millions of hearts. So it's still worth trying your luck.

    Where to start a conversation? Since the interlocutor is a man, you can not think about clothes, fashion magazines, household chores and culinary recipes. Most guys will consider these topics to be simple chatter, and the girl will quickly be written down as a boring and uninteresting person. You should not start a conversation about football, construction, politics or cars. If the lady does not understand these issues, then she will not be able to keep up the conversation.

    What topics are relevant for correspondence in contact?

    In correspondence with a guy, it is important not to forget about spelling and punctuation. If you don't get an answer to the last question, don't start typing a new one. The dialogue must remain a dialogue, otherwise the acquaintance can be considered unsuccessful.

    How to start a conversation with a guy in person

    For a personal acquaintance with a young man, quite simple and logical algorithms are provided that are suitable for absolutely any place, be it a bus stop, a cafe or a gym.

    • Introduce yourself. There is nothing easier than just walking up to a stranger and saying his name. " Hi, I'm Christina! What is your name?". Further in the conversation, you should use the name of the interlocutor - he will like it.
    • Take advantage of the circumstances around you. At the bus stop, you can complain about the lack of a bus, at the institute - about long couples. On the street, you can ask if they promise rain. Surprisingly, banal talk about the weather often works.
    • Ask for help. In an educational institution, ask to bring books, in the gym - a projectile. Let him show his courage and strength.
    • Give thanks and praise. Guys love compliments and thanks just as much as girls. You can praise him not only for his muscles, but for a great cologne or shirt.
    • End the meeting on a high note. A new meeting becomes desirable if the first one ends abruptly. We can say that we have been waiting for a long time at home. The main thing is not to forget to smile in the end and report that the meeting was pleasant. If the guy is really interested, he will definitely offer to exchange numbers or arrange a meeting in a cafe.