When the boyar began to wear a hat. Why does Mikhail Boyarsky always wear a hat? Bad jack that does not aim for aces

Why does the St. Petersburg actor Mikhail Boyarsky constantly wear a hat on his head, wherever he is? and got the best answer

Answer from Yatiana Nuzhin[guru]
The famous actor Mikhail Boyarsky is already 67 years old. He jokes about the hat:
“When I put on a hat, the lack of intelligence is not so noticeable, unlike those who go without a hat,” Boyarsky joked.
When asked why he did not take off his hat at a reception to the president, Boyarsky replied: "the president is not a queen."
“For the first time I put on a hat on some kind of program: the devil knows, some kind of unthinkable hat in which I went both to the bathhouse and down the street. To the bathhouse so that my head would not warm up, but somehow I liked it like that, funny was in it. And I went out to call someone, and my hat was blown off - and from that moment on I think I need to find it. Then in Paris I bought myself by chance: the bus in which I was traveling stopped, there was a stall, and the hat was sold. And I wore it for 12 years, because there were no hats then, "Boyarsky said.
In addition, Boyarsky answered the question about the hat:
- Because the skullcap does not suit me! But seriously, it actually came to me from the audience. I very often appeared in pictures in all sorts of hats - cocked hats, with feathers, without feathers ... And when during a concert I tried to sing romantic songs from these films, I always needed some paraphernalia, a cinematic detail. It is inconvenient to hold a guitar with a sword, it is inconvenient to play it with gloves, a raincoat is also not always in place, but a hat turned out to be the most appropriate. I performed several times in a hat with songs from the films "Three Musketeers", "Dog in the Manger", "Cesar de Bazan". When I somehow appeared without her, they began to ask: why without a hat? I put it on - they began to wonder: why in a hat? Since the questions "why in a hat?" was less, I decided to leave it. Although, of course, at home, in the theater and in the temple, I take it off.
To be honest, in my opinion, the hat suits Boyarsky, it is part of his image. But there are also many pictures of the actor without a hat on the Internet.

Answer from Spring rain washes away all the filth[newbie]
he is bald

Answer from Summer[guru]
He is not beautifully bald.

Answer from Massi[guru]
His image is

Answer from Yotalin[guru]
for sure, his hair is sparse and he is embarrassed by it .. But it’s already too late for him to shave his head and change his image radically at that age .. He’s not Bondarchuk or Kutsenko .. He’s D "Artagnan, rascals!

Answer from Yovetlana Svetlana[guru]
and here is the football category

Answer from VC[guru]
Complexes at the expense of his bald head.

Famous people of their time often become something of an idol. But no matter how much you idealize them, they still have flaws. This does not necessarily apply to appearance - some have obvious problems with diction. We tell who this small flaw did not prevent from becoming a famous and respected person.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Although Ivan Okhlobystin exchanged his sixth decade, he never learned to pronounce the sound “p”. This speech disorder, which doctors call dyslalia, did not become an obstacle either in his spiritual and mentoring activities or in the current career of an actor. Ivan does not consider this feature a disadvantage, and in the series "Interns" it has become his hallmark. In addition, the light burr of the actor was to the taste of many Russian women who are crazy about the artist’s sexual pronunciation, in their opinion. Okhlobystin himself once admitted in an interview: “I am a representative of all the burry, lisping and silent on the screen.”

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya has been lisping since childhood, but this fact did not prevent her from becoming a successful business woman. Perhaps the iron character of 43-year-old Yana contributed to this. In the eyes of her subordinates, she became a strict but fair leader, and she has long ceased to be embarrassed to speak to the public. Lisp in the case of Rudkovskaya is called a dysarthric component. To eliminate it, in adulthood, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts - this is what leading experts in this field believe. The wife of Evgeni Plushenko herself and the mother of the charismatic boy Sasha do not worry a bit about her peculiarity and continue to lead a life full of events and impressions.


The problem with lisping also affected the Hollywood pop diva Madonna. The foreign pop icon has been suffering from a speech impediment since childhood. Most often, experts explain this feature with a gap between her front teeth. But this does not interfere with world popularity at all: Madonna is loved for her charisma, voice, sexy image and one hundred percent dedication at concerts. The diva herself has never been embarrassed by this small flaw - on the contrary, she jokingly claims that it brings her good luck.

Gosha Kutsenko

Did you know that some stars change their name just because of speech defects? The famous Russian actor Gosha Kutsenko is actually not Gosh, but Yuri. The letter "r", which was present in his name, was very difficult for him all his childhood, and his mother often called him Gosha, which is why he took his stage name. Years later, Gosha thoroughly worked on diction and today it is unlikely that anyone will be able to hear the echoes of the former burr in his speech. However, he did not return the old name - the creative pseudonym brought great fame, and it would be foolish to refuse it.

Alan Rickman

The famous British actor Alan Rickman had to work hard on his diction so that the audience would not notice his defect. Alan had problems with his jaw since childhood, and this was noticeably reflected in his pronunciation. Russian audiences know Rickman from his role as Professor Severus Snape, whom he played in the Harry Potter films. Only Potter fans who have watched these films in their original voiceovers may notice minor pronunciation issues that break through the actor's pleasantly velvety voice.

Yury Khovansky

The regulars of the Russian-language YouTube will confirm that Yuri Khovansky is very lisping. But the owner of one of the most popular YouTube channels is well aware of his shortcoming and often ironically about it himself.

Dmitry Larin

The sworn enemy of Khovansky, the caustic and gloomy Dmitry Larin also suffers from a speech impediment - he burrs, and very noticeably. At the same time, he burrs very interestingly - his letter "r" is similar to the English "r". The Versus battle between Larin and Khovansky even received the unofficial name "burr vs lisp".


Not everyone manages to get rid of or at least hide speech defects from others. So, rapper Dzhigan has been lisping since childhood, and this is clearly audible in his songs. But if for some performers this feature becomes a hallmark (for example, for members of the CENTR group), then Dzhigan's lisp only prevents him from developing a singing career.


Guf's burriness is not obvious, but the rapper's devoted fans must have noticed how sometimes the letter "r" is not pronounced in his verses. By the way, it is Guf who is dedicated to sending Oksimiron in a battle with: “Moscow already has a burry talent, and it’s not you.”

Sergei Shnurov

Sergey Shnurov became famous thanks to his perky style of performance and frank songs "without censorship". The artist has been lisping since childhood, so the letter “c” in his pronunciation sounds in a specific way. However, this defect is almost impossible to notice while singing, so many fans of the work of the Leningrad group and personally Sergei Shnurov do not know about this feature of the idol.

Ravshana Kurkova

The beautiful Ravshana Kurkova has a rather noticeable speech impediment - she seems to speak without opening her teeth. Some viewers react sharply to this, indignant that the selection of actors should be made more stringent. Others believe that Ravshana's acting skills and attractive appearance still level this shortcoming, otherwise she would hardly have become the star of the TV series Barvikha and And in Our Yard.

Stanislav Sadalsky

Already something, but self-irony Stanislav Sadalsky does not hold. The actor is not averse to joking about his lisp, which was caused by a malocclusion. The boy's childhood passed in a boarding school, where a wonderful teacher worked, who with all her heart tried to replace Stanislav's mother. It was she who recognized Sadalsky's acting talent and persuaded him to enter the theater, arguing that a speech impediment is not a hindrance to success. And so it happened. In addition to many excellent acting works, Sadalsky's filmography includes the voice acting of the main character of the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” (although his last name is not in the credits - this is how the authorities took revenge on him for communicating with his great-aunt from Germany). This is where the zest of Sadalsky's voice can be appreciated in all its splendor!

"Last year's snow was falling" voiced by Stanislav Sadalsky

Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson had two shortcomings as a child: he stuttered and lisped. In addition, the boy grew up shy and withdrawn. While his mother was in a mental hospital, he was raised by his grandparents, who could not pay due attention to his development. Fortunately, his mother had a sister who was in charge of the theater group. She trained long and hard with Samuel, after which, although he did not get rid of speech defects, he gained confidence and eventually realized himself in the acting field. Having matured, he was able to correct the speech with a very original technique invented by himself - he cursed loudly, with an expression at his reflection. Maybe it was thanks to the skills of expressive swearing that he became one of Quentin Tarantino's favorite actors?

Bruce Willis

The famous "Die Hard" and star of "Moonlight Detective Agency" Bruce Willis suffered from a stutter in his early years. But he noticed in time that during performances on the school stage, this defect suddenly disappears. Not only his film career helped him to cope with speech problems, but also his parents, who were very tactful about this feature and did not allow it to develop.

Rowan Atkinson

British comedian Rowan Atkinson, whom we know from the role of the clumsy Mr. Bean in the film of the same name, suffered from stuttering from early childhood. In one of the interviews, he admitted that during the performance, stuttering disappears.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe's recognizable and unique accent is the result of her struggle with stuttering. Yes, the most famous blonde of the 20th century stuttered, and her oratory teacher advised her to speak “with a breath”. Gradually, the defect went away, but during the filming of the film "Something must happen", which was destined to be the last in her filmography, returned due to severe stress.

Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill has struggled with stuttering since childhood. This sounds at least strange, because many people know him as an excellent speaker. To bring the pronunciation to perfection, he had to rehearse each speech for a long time. He memorized and then recited the text dozens of times! Then any schoolboy or student could envy zeal. Sometimes, before speeches, Churchill even sang to stretch his vocal cords. And at the very beginning of his career, he was very worried about his defect and even believed that this feature could interfere with the implementation of ambitious plans. Constant training and tongue twisters helped him to cope with the problem.

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    The famous Mikhail Boyarsky does not even remember how he began to wear a hat, but when they began to ask him Why? he began to invent all sorts of jokes:

    Famous Russian actor Mikhail Boyarsky is almost never seen without his signature hat. Why branded, but because the hat for Mikhail Boyarsky has become part of his incomparable image. Mikhail Boyarsky can just be recognized by his usual hat, by his mustache, and often by the Zenith scarf. Only with all this set, Mikhail Boyarsky is recognizable in society. Maybe partly the hat brought fame to the actor during the filming of the Musketeers.

    Although there is an assumption that Mikhail Boyarsky hides a bald spot on his head with a hat. Here we can recall the film Taras Bulba, where Mikhail Boyarsky, who was without a hat, also played a role.

  • Canaglia! Thousand devils!

    Mikhail Boyarsky is a famous person. Films with his participation cause delight. Especially about the Musketeers. As for why Mikhail Sergeevich wears a hat. He wears it because he looks presentable in it. He is over 60, years take their toll. So thanks to the hat, Mikhail looks younger. And the hat covers his thinning hair. That is why Boyarsky, aka Mikhail Sergeevich, wears a hat. Image and Prestige

  • I read that Boyarsky got into the habit of wearing a hat after the Musketeers, I think he began to like himself in a hat, then gradually the hat became an integral part of his image, he tried to switch to berets, but always returned to the hat.

    Why does Mikhail Boyarsky always wear a hat? At first, this question worried millions of his fans, but over time they just got used to it and stopped asking such questions. Simply, this is such an actor's image, so to speak, its own zest.

    For the first time, Mikhail Boyarsky tried on a hat for some kind of TV show, and from that very moment he never parted with a hat, and it’s hard to imagine his beige hat, it became part of his image.

    Mikhail Boyarsky wears a hat from some kind of broadcast and still does not take it off. Probably it has some meaning for him to wear a hat. Maybe he got to wear it after the movie Three Musketeers. Boyarsky is easily recognizable by his anti-aircraft scarf and mustache.

    Mikhail Boyarsky began to wear a hat from the time he participated in the filming of the film about the three musketeers. It seems that he really liked the hat then, he found himself, and since then the hat has been an integral part of Boyarsky. But, these are all his words.

    In fact, Boyarsky has a not very aesthetic bald patch and a bald spot under his hat.

    It all started with the legendary film, known to all as Three Musketeers, where Mikhail Boyarsky played exactly the main character Dartagnan and almost the entire film took place in a wide hat, playing a musketeer, who once upon a time wore just such hats ...

    So he liked the image of the musketeer - Dartagnan, but he liked it so much that he decided to wear such hats all his life.

    I also like how he played his role in this film, and how he then appeared in public in such hats. I can’t even imagine a better actor for this role, probably after all, the USSR didn’t exist in vain, that it gave the world such actors, only in that atmosphere they were able to play like that, now everything is different ...

    Apparently, during the filming of the film Three Musketeers, he liked this headdress so much that he decided to make it part of his image, so to speak, corporate identity. I noticed that glasses for Nagiyev are something similar.

    The hat of Mikhail Boyarsky is not only an object that hides his bald head. The black hat for the artist Mikhail Boyarsky is part of the image, as is the indispensable black sweater and the scarf of a fan of the St. Petersburg club Zenith.