Determination of pregnancy with a thermometer. What is important to know about basal temperature? Basal temperature and pregnancy

Starting from the first weeks of gestation, pregnant women notice physiological changes in their bodies. But tests are usually done after a few days. And the basal temperature will help a woman to find out about the “interesting situation” that has come. So, let's figure out what it is. We will find out how her indicators and pregnancy are related.

About basal temperature

This term is used by gynecologists in connection with bearing a child. After all, basal temperature is an indicator of pregnancy. It gives an idea of ​​the female reproductive system, pathological processes in the body.

And for women themselves, knowledge of the mechanism of the body's work helps to diagnose changes and pathologies in a timely manner. An assistant in this is precisely the measurement of the basal temperature.

Even children know how the temperature is usually measured. But measuring the temperature of internal organs is completely different.

Basal temperature (BT) is usually measured in the rectum, that is, in the anus. It is necessary to carry out such measurements competently, because the indicators are influenced by a number of factors. So, if you want to find out about pregnancy using a thermometer, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Measurements must be taken at the same time every day. The difference can be up to 30 minutes.
  2. The procedure must be carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed, being in a horizontal position.
  3. The thermometer in the rectum must be kept for 5-7 minutes.
  4. It is imperative to record the temperature immediately after the measurement, that is, to conduct.
  5. In such an intimate diary, it is necessary to make notes about the state of health, for example, the beginning, a cold. After all, any disease affects the temperature indicators.

Measuring basal temperature is not difficult at all. The most common thermometer is suitable for this. In addition to the anus, measurements can be taken in the mouth or vaginally. We must choose one method and apply it constantly.

Increased BT as a signal of pregnancy

On the basis of the basal temperature schedule, you can easily determine whether pregnancy has occurred, even before the delay in menstruation and medical examination.

As a rule, from the first days of the cycle, such a temperature is kept at around 36.7 -36.8 ° C. When ovulation occurs, and this is the 11th-12th day, the thermometer readings rise to 37-37.2 ° C within one or two days. This increase is due to the fact that during the period of ovulation, estrogen becomes less, and progesterone begins to prevail. This female hormone is produced by the corpus luteum. It forms in the ovary at the site of a ruptured follicle.

Further, before the critical days, the basal temperature drops to the previous level - 36.7 -36.8 ° С. If a woman after ovulation all the time fixes a temperature of 37-37.2 ° C, then this means that conception was successful.

It is worth knowing that the reliability of this method is directly related to the systematic nature of the measurements. A little later, with the help of a test, you can make sure that the pregnancy has really come. But the mom-to-be can continue to keep her schedule. This will help her diagnose inflammation and other pathologies in the body. For example, the basal temperature can rise above 37.2 ° C, even reaching 38 degrees when pregnancy freezes or during its ectopic development.

It is also worth knowing that sometimes there may be one-time decreases in basal temperature. Their cause is stress, overwork, climate change, and more. But such a decline for a woman should not become a cause for concern.

So, with the help of a thermometer, you can determine the onset of an "interesting position" at home. In addition to an increase in temperature, signs of pregnancy can be toxicosis, pain in the ovary or uterus area, swelling of the mammary glands, hypersensitivity of the nipples, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, a decrease or, conversely, an increase in libido. Also, the woman may experience changes in behavior. This is tearfulness, irritability, drowsiness. Her taste preferences also change dramatically: at night she is drawn to sweets, or suddenly she craves salted fish. And some sometimes want to gnaw the wall, if the body begins to lack calcium.

Long-term observations of doctors convincingly prove: the more a woman is informed about her reproductive system, the more prosperous her female life is. For many women, the question is especially relevant: how to determine early pregnancy? In order not to fall into the trap of pseudoscientific recommendations, you need to know how conception occurs and what methods of determining pregnancy can give a reliable result.

How is conception

The male body produces over 200 million sperm. Sperm, once in the female body, pass through the cervix into the uterus and rise into the fallopian tubes. The woman's ovum, released from the ovary, is captured by the finger-like ends of the fallopian tube and begins to move along it. About one third of the length of the fallopian tube, the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. Sperm cells surround the egg and one of them manages to penetrate into its outer layer. At this moment, conception occurs, after which other spermatozoa can no longer penetrate the egg.

After conception, the chromosomes of the sperm and the egg fuse with each other and the fertilized egg becomes one. Then it begins to divide into two, four, eight cells, and finally a whole cluster of them is formed. This collection of cells continues to move up the fallopian tube into the uterus. After entering the uterus, the accumulation of cells is there in "free floating" for several days, and then implanted into the wall of the uterus, the mucous membrane of which is already ready for this thanks to the hormone progesterone produced by the ovaries. After implantation, the accumulation of cells is divided into two layers: one of them becomes the embryo, and the other becomes the placenta. The developing placenta produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG or hCG). By the presence of a certain amount of hCG hormone in a woman's body, you can determine early pregnancy.

The onset of pregnancy in a woman is strictly tied to her menstrual cycle. Conception can occur only after the mature egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. This occurs around the 14th day of the cycle, with a cycle of 28 days. By the time ovulation occurs, a number of changes take place in the female body: the mucous membrane of the uterus is preparing to accept the ovum, the hormone progesterone is produced, without which the implantation of the ovum into the uterus and the preservation of pregnancy is impossible, the basal temperature (temperature inside the body) increases to 37 degrees favorable for conception.

If conception does not occur, then the basal temperature drops, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium), which never had a chance to receive the ovum, exfoliates and is excreted from the woman's body along with menstrual flow.

Video on how conception occurs

How to determine pregnancy: medical diagnostic methods

Given the mechanism of conception, it is possible to determine early pregnancy only after the ovum is implanted into the uterine wall and the hCG hormone is actively produced. This hormone from the placenta enters the blood of a pregnant woman, and from there it enters the kidneys and then into the urine. It is by the presence or absence of the hCG hormone in the blood or urine that early pregnancy is determined in medical practice.

It is absolutely possible to accurately determine early pregnancy by donating blood for analysis on the seventh to tenth day after the intended conception. By this time, the ovum has already been implanted into the wall of the uterus and the hCG hormone began to actively enter the bloodstream, which is determined during the analysis. Previously, it was not possible to determine pregnancy in any way, since the body still does not give any signals about its occurrence. Yes, it, in fact, has not yet come, because we can talk about the onset of pregnancy only after the ovum is fixed in the uterus and the placenta has formed.

Pregnancy tests also measure the amount of the hCG hormone, but only in a woman's urine. Modern tests are so sensitive that they are more than 95% accurate.

Tests allow you to determine pregnancy from the first day of your missed period. In order to get a reliable result, it is better to test the first morning urine, strictly following the instructions attached to the test. For greater confidence in the test results, two tests are done with a break between them in 1-2 days.

How to identify early pregnancy

There are three ways to determine early pregnancy: by a blood test for the hCG hormone, using a pregnancy test, and by measuring basal temperature.

The most reliable way to detect pregnancy in the early stages - this is to donate blood in an antenatal clinic for the content of hCG hormones about the tenth day after the intended conception, that is, somewhere on the 24th day with a cycle of 28 days.

Determine early pregnancy can also be done using a highly sensitive test. He will show the presence of pregnancy even 2-3 days before the expected menstruation. Now on sale there are also tests that show not only the presence or absence of pregnancy, but also the period starting from one week.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature

Another way to determine early pregnancy is to measure your basal temperature daily. Basal temperature is the temperature inside a woman's body. It can be measured in the mouth, rectum, or vagina. It is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages by measuring the basal temperature quite accurately, but this method has a significant drawback: to obtain reliable results, the basal temperature must be measured and recorded daily for three months before the intended conception.

In order to determine early pregnancy by basal temperature, it should be measured every morning for three months. Thus, the time of ovulation is calculated. On the day of ovulation, the basal temperature, which before that was 36.4-36.8 ° C, rises to 37.2-37.5 ° C. The temperature stays at these levels for more than a week and drops a few days before the expected menstruation. The absence of a decrease in basal temperature 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation is an accurate sign that pregnancy has occurred.

Determination of pregnancy by basal temperature can be used as an auxiliary diagnostic method and without preliminary schedules. After the onset of ovulation, a woman's basal temperature always rises to above 37 ° C, and after about 7-10 days it returns to normal. That is, 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature should already be normal if the woman is not pregnant. If pregnancy has occurred, then the basal temperature does not drop, but continues to stay at the level of 37.2-37.5 ° C degrees. So, if there is a delay in menstruation, and the basal temperature is increased, then the likelihood of pregnancy is very high.

When using the method of measuring basal temperature, you need to keep in mind that its increase and stable preservation at around 37-37.5 ° C may be associated not only with the onset of pregnancy, but also with other factors.

How to determine pregnancy at home without a test

If for some reason it is not possible to do a test or be examined by a doctor, and you need to determine pregnancy in the early stages, then the best thing is to start measuring your basal temperature. The accuracy of the method can be quite high even if the woman has not kept the temperature schedule for several months. If there are fears that pregnancy has come, you need to start measuring the basal temperature and monitor what happens to her 3-4 days before the expected period. If the temperature has not dropped, and besides, there is also a delay, then these are fairly accurate signs that a woman is pregnant.

When using the basal temperature measurement method in order to determine early pregnancy, it is important to follow a number of rules:

Temperature should be measured after several hours of sleep, preferably in the morning without getting out of bed;
to measure the temperature, you should use the same thermometer all the time;
the most accurate results can be obtained by measuring the rectal temperature (in the rectum);
with the use of sedatives, oral hormonal contraceptives and alcohol abuse, the data obtained may not be informative.

Determining pregnancy without a test at home

In addition to measuring basal body temperature, you can start listening to your feelings. So, in many women, the onset of pregnancy is accompanied by the so-called implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a small bleeding that occurs when thin blood vessels are damaged during implantation of fetal cell clusters into the uterine wall. Implantation bleeding is one-time, it is not profuse and is observed a few days after the alleged conception.

About the onset of pregnancy and without a test we can say almost for sure, if symptoms such as:
increased fatigue;
pain in the lumbar region;
change in appetite and taste preferences;
swelling and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
restless sleep.

In different sources, you can also find all sorts of folk ways of how to determine early pregnancy. Most of them do not have any scientific justification and are akin to fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Definition of pregnancy with soda

The only way that has at least some explanation is the definition of pregnancy using soda. The essence of the method is that a teaspoon of soda is poured into a container with the first morning urine. There is no pregnancy if the combination of soda and urine begins to fizzle and foam, but if the soda calmly precipitates, the woman is in an interesting position. The method is based on the assumption that the urine of a pregnant woman, due to the presence of hormones in it, has a higher alkaline pH, so the soda does not fizzle, but behaves calmly and precipitates. When carrying out such a test, it should be borne in mind that a high alkali content in urine is also observed if a woman has urinary tract infections, with renal failure, prolonged diarrhea, or with prolonged vegetarianism.

In general, there are many ways to determine the presence of pregnancy. A blood test or ultrasound is the most reliable. But it is not always possible to resort to such methods, but you want to get checked early. In this case, the method of measuring basal body temperature can be used, for the implementation of which you need: a thermometer; the calendar; notebook; pen.

Instructions for measuring basal body temperature

1. You will need a mercury or electronic thermometer. If you choose an electronic one, then you need to check its readings with mercury, so that in the future you can take into account the corresponding error. The thermometer cannot be changed.

2. Before going to bed, put the thermometer close to your bed so that you can easily pick it up.

3. Waking up in the morning and without changing position on the bed, measure the temperature in the vagina or rectum. Measurement in the mouth is also allowed, but then you will get a slightly higher basal temperature. You should only use 1 measurement method each time to avoid errors. Measurement duration - 5 minutes.

4. Record your results in a notebook or calendar. It would be nice if you build a graph with the date on the horizontal axis and the thermometer on the vertical.

5. These measurements must be continued throughout the entire cycle - so you can identify pregnancy. The cycle is divided into 2 phases: the phase before ovulation and the phase of the corpus luteum. In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature will be around 37 ° C. During ovulation, the temperature rises to 37.2-37.2 ° C. And before the next menstruation, the temperature will drop again to 37 ° C. The duration of the corpus luteum phase is almost always 14 days, while the pre-ovulation period can be different.

If you notice that the basal temperature remains elevated for more than 17 days, then we can conclude that there is a possible pregnancy.

Almost all women dream of becoming mothers, but not everyone can easily get pregnant, and a variety of problems can be the culprit. The easiest way to figure this out is to track latency. Although this does not give a 100% result of the definition, it can indicate that the woman is in.

This method is good and simple, especially there is no opportunity to visit a gynecologist. The fact is that everyone has their own difficulties and this is understandable, sometimes, despite the great importance of the issue, physically there is simply not even an hour left to buy and take a test or go to the doctor. But how can an interesting situation be established in such situations? There are quite a few methods of fixing this even at home on your own. For example, this article will tell you how to check pregnancy with a thermometer or other methods.

But after all, from time immemorial, people somehow determined whether a woman was pregnant. And many of these methods have survived to this day. Therefore, these days, it is more than realistic to determine pregnancy without visiting a gynecologist or undergoing all kinds of tests. At least because during this period various changes and reactions occur in the body, which means that she simply cannot even feel the obvious changes that will appear and will not allow herself to be overlooked.

The main signs of pregnancy:

  • Menstrual changes and irregularities (most common)
  • Changes in the emotional state (increased irritability and acute susceptibility to everything are possible)
  • Hypersensitivity in the chest area (any touching may be painful)
  • Increased
  • Increased appetite

Guaranteed and popular way to determine pregnancy

Naturally, learning about pregnancy is very important and the sooner the better. In order to take all the necessary measures and decisions. Despite the huge range of options for determining pregnancy, not all are effective and can provide an accurate analysis. A common method, such as taking a pregnancy test, recognition by blood test or ultrasound, is not always suitable, as sometimes there is no time for this.

Fortunately, there are other ways as well. One of the most effective and proven is the definition of pregnancy using a thermometer. This method can give a guaranteed answer. It allows you to measure your basal body temperature.

All you need is a thermometer. Although, most likely, you even have it. Both mercury and electronic will work. But if you have both mercury and electronic, then you need to compare the indicators so that there is no error. Remember that it is important to use the same thermometer, so you can always know the exact reading.

Leave it before going to bed always closer to the bed, so that, waking up in the morning, you can always get it, while not changing position. Next, measure your vagina or rectum. Alternatively, you can measure the temperature in the mouth, but in this case, note that the temperature may be higher. When choosing a method for measuring temperature, always and adhere to it, in order to avoid errors.

Temperature measurement should be made within 5 minutes. It is best to have a notebook in which you will indicate all the indicators throughout the entire cycle. Records can be kept in any way convenient for you, but it is better to convert all this into a schedule. You will need to continue to keep this notebook throughout the cycle. Ultimately, it will not be difficult for you to understand whether you are in a position or not.

The whole process is divided into 2 main phases - the phase and the phase of the corpus luteum. In the very first phase, the body temperature will be 37 degrees. During ovulation, it will reach 37.3 degrees, that is, there will be a jump in basal temperature. During menstruation, the temperature can drop again to 37 degrees. In the case of the corpus luteum, this period most often lasts up to 14 days, and the ovulation period cannot be said unequivocally, it can vary.

To go through the entire process of determining the temperature, you need to adhere to the following instructions:

  • decide on a thermometer (electronic / mercury), keep it close
  • determine the measurement method (vagina / rectum / mouth)
  • measure within 5 minutes immediately after waking up without getting out of bed
  • start a notebook and record readings

If you observe that for 17 or more days the basal temperature remains high, then this may most likely mean yours. Of course, despite the high efficiency and popularity of this method, exceptions are still acceptable. They can be caused, for example, by hormonal disruptions in the body itself. It is best in this case to consult a doctor to find out more precisely how everything is.

Methods for recognizing signs of pregnancy without taking a test

All sexually mature women from time to time experience swelling of the mammary glands. But if in one case it can talk about the onset of the menstrual cycle, then in the second case about pregnancy itself. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the difference, and the symptoms are extremely similar and equally painful. In addition, the breasts can increase in size and a feeling of heaviness appears. But, of course, every girl at least once thought about how to check pregnancy without a test.

In addition, an important point is changes in terms of preferences in. If the products that were previously preferred, suddenly at some point began to cause disgust, or, on the contrary, some products that were previously not tolerated by the spirit began to be liked, then this is a reason to think about the likelihood of pregnancy.

This is a very common and sign that a woman is in an interesting position, moreover, you should pay attention to the attitude towards certain smells. During a time when a woman is in a period of position, the perception is sharpened and can radically change the attitude towards certain smells.

Another very common, which can most likely be said about pregnancy, is that a woman regularly experiences strong vomiting in the morning. These symptoms occur primarily in the morning. This usually happens in the first months of pregnancy, this is explained as the development of early toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting are normal and typical signs of pregnancy.

If a woman, previously known for her calm and polite character, suddenly becomes aggressive, vulnerable and susceptible to everything, then this is an essential sign in order to think about the likelihood of an interesting situation. This syndrome is inherent in most cases and is difficult to cope with. Controlling yourself during this period is almost impossible, this is due to changes at the hormonal level.

It is worth noting one more point that may indicate that a woman is in a position. It consists in the fact that drowsiness and fatigue can increase. Despite the fact that before such a phenomenon was not observed in her, it will happen completely without visible ones. The symptom may persist even after she sleeps well.

Another symptom, such as pain in the ovaries, may seem familiar to the girl. It happens in the first days of menstruation, the girl may think that her period is approaching. However, the difference is that bleeding does not occur and recurrent pain persists. But it can also serve as evidence of an ectopic pregnancy.

You need to be careful about the discharge from the genitals. If you notice that you have colorless discharge, which, moreover, does not have any odors, then it can happen during ovulation. But if the discharge has a cheesy consistency, then it may be thrush, which is very often a sign of pregnancy.

An important point that can say a lot about a woman's condition is her sex drive. Her sexual activity can vary, and if she suddenly ceased to sharply feel sexual desire, or, conversely, it intensified, you should not make serious conclusions in any direction. It's just another possible symptom that could define her pregnancy.

There are many websites these days that can supposedly help identify pregnancy. But it is better to take them lightly, since you just have to answer fairly simple questions that have practically nothing to do with the real state in the woman's body. For online tests, no important data, age and possibly even gender will matter, so it is best to treat such tests with irony and not take it seriously, except that you can have fun, but no more.

Despite the fact that it is very useful to be able to determine the presence of pregnancy without passing special tests, for reliability it is best to see a doctor. All of these symptoms should not be viewed solely as a possibility. It is better to play it safe and go to a medical center, where specialists can more accurately determine the woman's condition. Otherwise, it can lead to unforeseen consequences and not always to positive ones.

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy

In fact, the signs of pregnancy are not difficult to detect after a short time, since obvious changes in well-being and mood will be clearly visible. For a long time, when there were no pregnancy tests, iodine, onions, urine and pulse were used to determine it. All these funds gave one hundred percent results. So why not try out these legendary methods today? Moreover, everything is much simpler than you might think.

Instructions for using the most common methods:

Iodine. We take a bowl, which we fill with urine. We add literally one drop of iodine there. If he stays at the top, then the young lady is in position. If it diffuses, then there is nothing to worry about.

Onion. This method requires planting 2 bulbs in different pots. You choose one of them as the one that will tell about your position. If your chosen bulb is the first to rise and be ahead of the other in growth, then this will indicate pregnancy. This method is not suitable for realists and is not reliable.

Urine is an important indicator of everything in the body. This method has existed for a very long time before the advent of any tests that determine pregnancy, it is simple. All you need to do is dip a clean sheet in your urine and drip iodine onto it. If it turns purple, then you are in a position. If the result is blue, then there is no pregnancy.

The pulse can also help to understand whether a woman is pregnant or not. To do this, she must lie down and relax. You need to find the pulse at 7-8 centimeters from the navel. If you can find it, then it means pregnancy, but it may not be. In any case, you need to look carefully.

In addition to these methods, there are many more that will help answer the question: how to check pregnancy at home? For example, there is such an interesting and at the same time simple folk test method using baking soda. It's simple, you just need to take a small container of urine and literally pour a spoonful of soda into it. After that, observe whether there will be a reaction. If a violent process begins with a hiss, it means that you are not pregnant. But, in the opposite case, a precipitate is formed, and this means that you are in.

And also do not forget about dreams. If you suspect pregnancy, then take a close look at your dreams. While this may sound ridiculous to some, they do have a lot to say. If you have dreams on a marine theme, with the presence of seas, marine inhabitants and other things related to this, then this may indicate pregnancy. In addition, in dreams on a marine theme, there may be an emphasis on fishing and images of fish. But you should not treat this method as one of the same faith and guaranteed. Everything can be individual for individuals. Although the method is very popular and in demand to this day.

Well, another way that you can try is to pour your urine into an iron container and put it on the fire, then pour it into a glass vessel or jar. There should be flakes on the surface. They will appear in the event.

Different cultures around the world have favored their ancestral ways of identifying pregnancy. For example, the Jews preferred walking on tall grass. They believed that this could reveal pregnancy if a deep mark appeared on the grass after the foot. Oddly enough, it might be worth a try.

Italian women to determine pregnancy by mixing one-to-one proportions with wine. If the next morning the mixture became colorless, it means that the baby will be born soon. And also there is another way, also from Italy. To do this, the woman had to make a fire and, adding morra and incense to it, stand next to it. If the next morning she smells morru and incense, then she is pregnant. According to the notorious Hippocrates, the iris darkens in a woman expecting a baby.

Greek representatives of the fair sex used honey for this with. A cocktail made from these ingredients should be drunk before bed. If stomach problems begin at night and pain is felt in the navel area, then this means that the young lady is pregnant. Sometimes a different combination was used for this - honey with anise. Or they took a special red stone and rubbed it in front of a woman's eyes. If dust gets into your eyes, it meant pregnancy.

Here are the most popular and at the same time simple options for detecting pregnancy. It is worth noting that when determining pregnancy based on these methods, the next step should be a mandatory visit to a doctor for confirmation. He will coordinate your further actions. You can watch the video on how to determine pregnancy at term:

The female body is arranged in an amazing way - immediately after the fertilization of the egg, new processes begin. Global restructuring under the influence of a hormonal shift produces changes that cannot be overlooked. Lack of menstruation and a growing belly are external signs. How to determine early pregnancy with a thermometer? Changes in well-being should also suggest that it's time to prepare to become a mom.

What is important to know about basal temperature?

The term "basal temperature" can be heard in the gynecologist's office when it comes to methods for determining ovulation or how to determine pregnancy with a thermometer. A single temperature measurement will not give the necessary information - the basal temperature is measured over a period of time in order to write marks in the calendar or build a graph. Measurement of internal or basal body temperature (BBT) is usually measured with a rectal thermometer in the anus. In this case, the rectal thermometer is carefully inserted directly into the rectum.

This is not a very pleasant and aesthetic procedure, but it makes it possible to independently monitor changes in the body without visiting a antenatal clinic. The temperature method for determining pregnancy will not give a direct answer like "yes, pregnant" or "no, this time it did not take place." But if the temperature does not drop at the end of the ovulation period, there must be a reason for this phenomenon. Most likely, these are changes in hormonal levels due to conception.

However, one cannot focus only on temperature indicators, especially since these changes occur for other reasons. If there are other pregnancy symptoms and a temperature of 37 ° C, additional testing and ultrasound should be done. But a slight increase in temperature gives:

  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • chronic inflammatory process;
  • ailments with overwork and lack of sleep;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • cold;
  • virus, etc.
Sometimes even doctors cannot determine the cause of a small increase in temperature that lasts for several months. But is it possible to determine pregnancy only by temperature? Of course not, this is one of the indicators of internal changes in the body. Measurements are influenced by several factors, so it is important to correctly take measurements, noting daily fluctuations. Everyone who has had colds knows that the temperature rises in the evening.
Attention: If you measure t ° daily, to plot fluctuations, it is important to do it at the same time. It is advisable to measure rectal temperature with a thermometer to determine pregnancy in the morning without leaving bed.

How to measure rectal temperature to determine pregnancy?

There are several methods for measuring temperature that even children are aware of. The most accurate indicators are given not by the "external" (measured in the armpits), but by the internal temperature. When the most accurate readings are needed, it is measured behind the cheek or in the anus.

It is important to know a few simple rules and know how to measure the temperature to determine pregnancy:

  1. The procedure is most conveniently done in a horizontal position, relaxed.
  2. It is recommended to use the thermometer in bed, immediately after sleep.
  3. Measurements must not be skipped, no matter whether it is weekdays or weekends.
  4. Perform all actions in the same way, at the same time, with a difference of no more than half an hour.
  5. After entering the anus, the thermometer should be kept for no more than 6-7 minutes.
  6. Immediately after taking the indicators, fix them in a personal notebook or in your intimate "diary" - to make a schedule or keep a calendar table.
During the period when there is a suspicion of an "interesting situation" before the next menstruation, women are trying to determine pregnancy by temperature. Pharmacy testing is done after a few days or weeks of delay; it is advisable to record temperature indicators for several months in a row in order to notice deviations. On the forums, you can read that a temperature in the mouth of 37 ° C is considered a sign of pregnancy.

Fever as a Sign of Pregnancy

The basal temperature graph, if recorded every day for 2-3 months, has slight deviations. But could a rise in temperature be a sign of pregnancy? Let's clarify.

In the first days of the cycle, it is noticeable that the temperature does not deviate much, it fluctuates only within the range of 36.7 ° C - 36.8 ° C. Before taking your temperature to determine if you are pregnant, it is important to understand what is going on in your body.

Changes in the schedule begin on the days of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, these deviations in the basal temperature graph are noted no earlier than 11 days, depending on the cyclic interval.

If there are symptoms of pregnancy in the second phase of the cycle and the temperature of 37 ° C does not drop until the delay, it is time to go to the pharmacy for tests.

Please note: For some girls, this period repeats every 22 days, for others - 36, the norm is 28-30 days.

The production of progesterone begins to influence the temperature indicators - a slight increase to 37.0 ° C - 37.2 ° C for 2 days. This is the period of ovulation, marked in the body by a change in hormonal levels with a decrease in estrogen levels.

How to measure temperature before critical days to determine pregnancy? At the end of ovulation, if no fertilization of the egg has occurred, the graph shows a return to normal. These fluctuations should be at the mark of the thermometer about 36.7 ° C - 36.8 ° C.

Attention: If, after the days of ovulation (in the middle of the cycle), with daily temperature measurements, an indicator is recorded at 37 ° C - 37.2 ° C, we can assert that conception has taken place!

Why change the temperature after specifying a pregnancy?

If desired, the expectant mother can continue to mark changes in her calendar in order to notice colds and inflammation before other symptoms appear. This will help treat diseases at the earliest stage in order to exclude complications with other signs of pregnancy with a temperature of about 38 ° C.

Basal temperature, rising above normal, will show an unfavorable course of the embryo growth process - an ectopic pregnancy or a necrotic process when the fetus freezes. This rarely happens, but it is very dangerous if the first signs are not identified.

But there are also short-term surges, for example, a low body temperature during pregnancy can signal:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • climatic adaptation after moving;
  • intellectual fatigue during student sessions, etc.
Temperature in the mouth 37 as a sign of pregnancy should not be considered the only sure symptom. It is worth listening to your body, which signals the onset of conception with an increase in mammary glands, nipple sensitivity, delay and early toxicosis.

Before pregnancy, the temperature measurement method is used to determine ovulation - to exclude pregnancy. When there are problems with rectal temperature measurement in the treatment of diseases of the rectum or recovery after surgery, the thermometer is placed in the mouth or vagina, but this is a non-standard method.

Attention: If, due to circumstances, the multi-month schedule for measuring temperature indicators is violated, do not stop the process!

Having missed 2-3 in the morning, you can fix the marks further. If, due to a change in the work schedule, it was necessary to change the measurement time, these data will be inaccurate - they need to be noted somehow. With a cold, an elevated body temperature is not a sign of pregnancy. With a more suspicious increase, if the reason is not clear, be sure to contact the antenatal clinic. Even if there are no sharp abdominal pains and some obvious deviations, this may be a signal:
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • hereditary pathologies.
Be sure to contact your gynecologist with your schedule to be examined, laboratory tests and exclude all negative factors.