What the cork is coming from. Functions of the mucous plug. Possible problems in pregnant women when the plug comes off

What is traffic jams

Every mother-to-be should understand: there are strictly medical topics that the layman should not delve into, but there are some basic things about the work of his body, which you simply cannot not know. For pregnant women, this includes signs of an approaching birth, one of which is the discharge of a mucous plug.

Mucous plug during pregnancy - what is it?

In our body, everything is arranged very wisely: for example, the mucous plug performs a protective function, throughout pregnancy it protects the cervical canal of the cervix from various bacteria and infections. A lump of mucus simply clogs the canal, preventing anything that could harm a pregnant woman from entering there.

Therefore, you should not be afraid that at the end of pregnancy mommy will find such a lump of mucus on her underwear. This is all quite physiological.

What does the cork look like in pregnant women?

Many women (especially primiparas) are concerned about the question - a traffic jam during pregnancy, what does it look like, how to recognize that this is it? So, let's be clear - the cork is a lump of mucus, which can be clean, almost uniform in color. Maybe it has small blood streaks, which is also the norm. The color of the cork is:





Green tint

Or even combine several colors in oneself

What does it mean - during pregnancy the cork came off

Expectant mothers are worried about how the cork breaks off in pregnant women. It is important to know the following points here:

If the cork has departed after 38 weeks - this is the norm, you should not worry (the body is preparing for childbirth, everything is going according to plan);

If the plug has departed before the 37th week of pregnancy, immediately inform the doctor about it (it is not necessary that this is a pathology, but the risk of premature birth should be excluded);

If the plug has moved away, and after it bleeding has begun, do not hesitate to call an ambulance, this may indicate a placental abruption.

But how does the cork come off in pregnant women? This is not accompanied by pain or any characteristic sound. Although on the eve of the moment of departure there may be so-called harbingers - weak contractions, not particularly painful, but tangible. There may be a tonicity of the uterus (a feeling of petrification of the abdomen).

Aching pains in the lower abdomen, similar to premenstrual pains, may also indicate that the cork will soon go away.

If the cork has come off

So, the birth is coming soon! In primiparas, it can take from several hours to several days or even weeks from the moment the plug comes off to delivery (1-2). In multiparous, most likely, the process will accelerate.

The baby is still protected, the amniotic membranes do not allow infection to enter the uterus. But douching, taking a bath, the pool is better to postpone for later.

And yet, when does the cork come off in pregnant women? If this happened in the last weeks of the term, then the birth is probably not far off. Often in many expectant mothers who are waiting for childbirth in the hospital, this happens after multiple examinations on the chair. The cervix is ​​prepared for childbirth, developed, and the cork comes off. This is not dangerous, on the contrary, the natural mechanisms in the mother's body were activated.

But even if the plug has moved away, labor will begin only with the onset of contractions and the moment the amniotic fluid flows out.

The cork can also come off during the onset of labor, this also happens quite often. Anyway, remember:

· Mucous plug - the body's natural defense against infections that threaten the baby in the womb;

· The passage of the cork is the moment of preparation of the body for childbirth, but not the start of the birth process itself;

· Before the plug comes off, there may be mild pain in the lower abdomen, but this is not necessary;

· After the plug comes off, nothing resembling bleeding should be observed;

· If the plug is loose, we cancel bathing, swimming pool and douching;

· It is better to inform your doctor about the passage of the mucous plug.

  • How long did you leave after the plug came off ??

    In this pregnancy, for the first time, the plug began to recede at 30-31 weeks. Then I still doubted, as there was a small clot, with a 5 ruble coin, but dense. Then today (33 weeks) a larger clot has departed and already ...

  • The cork is coming off

    Good day! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to everyone !!! I have a question for the second-birth, how long after the cork has passed did you start giving birth? My son and I lost the plug in a day, now it's been a while ...

  • The cork is coming off

    Happy holiday everyone !! Girls, such a question, since yesterday evening the cork has been moving away a little bit. At first it was transparent, now yellowish. How long did you give birth after the plug came off. In her first pregnancy, she gave birth 3 days after her ...

  • the cork began to slowly recede.

    Yesterday twice on the daily I noticed a beige lump of mucus, the second time with a small streak of blood, this morning again such a lump. As I understand it, the cork gradually leaves?

Discharge of the mucous plug is one of the. This process directly indicates the imminent onset of delivery. Let's take a closer look at the phenomenon, find out what the cork looks like before childbirth coming out of the genital tract, what are the signs of its separation.

Does the cork always come off before giving birth?

The mucous plug always leaves before childbirth, but the process itself can take place in a few weeks or in a couple of hours. Moreover, in primiparous women, the separation of the plug occurs in about 14 days. In multiparous, this process is noted later - 7 days before the start of the labor process. At the same time, it is impossible to name a specific time when the mucous plug comes out. In multiparous, this phenomenon is often carried out simultaneously with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

How does the plug come off in pregnant women before childbirth?

Before we talk about how the cork comes out before childbirth, let's find out what kind of education it is. A mucous plug is a collection of fluid secreted by the cervix that closes the entrance to the uterus. Its main function is to protect the internal genital organs and the fetus from pathogenic microorganisms. Closer to childbirth, as the cervix is ​​smoothed, its opening is noted. This process leads to the expulsion of the plug outward through the vagina.

A woman may not notice this. In most cases, the plug comes out when you go to the toilet in the morning. The process itself can be accompanied by pulling, giving to the sacrum. Their intensity is low, so pregnant women may not attach any importance to this. Some women in position learn about a loose plug when examined in a gynecological chair. Answering the question of how long the cork leaves before childbirth, doctors talk about its instantaneous release.

How does the plug come off before childbirth in primiparous?

For women preparing to become a mother for the first time, the question often arises regarding how much the cork leaves before giving birth in primiparous. Doctors do not give a specific answer to it, pointing out the individuality of each female body. The process itself begins 2 weeks before the calculated date of delivery. In this case, the cork can move away, both simultaneously and gradually. Often, pregnant women notice an increase in discharge shortly before childbirth. They have a slightly different consistency.

It is important to be able to distinguish between the secretion of the mucous plug from the leakage of amniotic fluid, which is not uncommon for long periods of gestation. For this violation:

  • discharge increases after exercise, walking;
  • accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • are watery, colorless.

How does the plug come off before childbirth in multiparous?

In women who give birth again, this process proceeds rapidly and earlier than in first-borns. It must be said that the passage of the plug before childbirth in multiparous can occur immediately several hours before the baby is born (3-4 hours). There are cases when the mucous plug before childbirth in multiparous was separated along with the discharge of amniotic fluid. In view of their experience, multiparous do not confuse this phenomenon, and after it has passed, they can independently already assume the exact date of the baby's birth.

Removal of the cork before childbirth - what does it look like?

Many pregnant women are interested in the answer to the question regarding what the mucous plug looks like before giving birth. Doctors describe several possible variations of its appearance:

  • clean, transparent;
  • streaked with blood;
  • painted in a different color: white, yellowish, brown, pink, with a greenish tint.

From the above it follows that it is difficult to say unequivocally what a cork looks like before childbirth. The appearance of the mucous plug varies from pregnant to pregnant. In addition, even for the same woman, with different pregnancies, she may look different. For the most part, this clot is not colored, or has slight bloody blotches. The very fact of how the cork looks before the upcoming birth has no diagnostic value. An important role is played exclusively by the time of its exit from the genital tract. This process indicates a slight opening of the neck.

The emerging cork before childbirth is often compared by the pregnant women themselves with a thick, homogeneous egg white. The consistency of this formation can vary. If the plug does not come off at once, then pregnant women talk about an increase in vaginal discharge. At the same time, they are thick, they can leave marks on the underwear. The period of cork removal can last for several days. To exclude leakage of amniotic fluid, it is better to consult a doctor about this, to undergo an examination.

Pink mucous plug

Having figured out what a mucous plug looks like in pregnant women, it should be noted that it itself may look different in appearance. So a plug with blood before childbirth often causes panic in a pregnant woman. At the same time, doctors indicate the normality of this phenomenon. The cork itself may turn pink. This color is given to it by the blood that is released from small blood vessels - in the process of opening the neck, they can be injured. In this case, no blood is released from the genital tract. The expectant mother feels fine.

Brown mucous plug

A brown plug before childbirth indicates the presence of blood in it, which, under the influence of body temperature, has changed its color. This can happen if there is damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. This is noted when, which could have taken place even before the onset of pregnancy. Slight discharge of blood from the vessels of this anatomical formation, stains the cork in a dark red and even brown color.

White mucous plug

Telling pregnant women about what color the cork should be before giving birth, doctors say that it often has a white tint. This color is given to it by the normal microflora of the reproductive system, which is contained in this formation in large quantities. The cork is often transparent and colorless. Outwardly, it resembles a small, stray lump of thick mucus.

Speaking about what the cork looks like before childbirth, doctors note that it can be partially white in color. Often, with the onset of pregnancy, the growth of this microflora is noted, due to the changed hormonal background. A pregnant woman in the early stages fixes the appearance of white, cheesy discharge. Directly they can linger in the neck during thickening of mucus, the formation of a plug. Doctors regard this phenomenon as a variant of the norm, if additional symptoms do not develop.

Greenish mucous plug

Asking the gynecologist leading the pregnancy what kind of plug goes away before giving birth, the expectant mother does not receive a specific answer. Doctors always indicate the individuality of this formation. In some cases, on the eve of the upcoming birth, a greenish cork may also leave the genital tract. This color is due to the presence of an infectious process in the reproductive system. Often times, women start planning a pregnancy without being prepared. This directly causes the exacerbation of chronic diseases during gestation.

During pregnancy, the secretion of the mucous glands accumulates in the cervix. It is a lump of mucus. What is it for? Such a mucous plug tightly closes the cervix and blocks the path for the penetration of various microorganisms. She is a shield for the unborn baby.

The cork has a jelly-like consistency. Its amount is small - only a couple of tablespoons. Normally, it can be of different colors: transparent, whitish-yellow, with bloody streaks. The plug fills about five centimeters of the cervix tightly. Disarming pathogenic microbes is the main task of protection invented by nature.

How to determine that the mucous plug has come off?

Before the onset of labor, the body of a pregnant woman begins to prepare for an important process. The birth canal should freely let a new man into the world. Due to the change in hormonal levels, the mucous plug becomes less viscous and comes out.

It can be found on linen as a slimy mass. The cork may not be seen if it came out while taking a shower or going to the toilet. But according to the sensations, the woman will understand that something has come out of the vagina. Often, mucus can come out with the amniotic fluid.

What to do if the cork of a pregnant woman has come off?

The most important thing in this case is not to panic and set yourself up for a safe delivery. You should not go far from home, because labor after the release of the cork can begin both in a day and in two weeks. It's all individual. It is necessary to prepare everything you need for a trip to the hospital, and you should also warn your loved ones about this.

  • what to do if the plug has come off before the 37th week of pregnancy? In this case, it is recommended to talk to the doctor of the antenatal clinic. This is necessary to exclude premature birth. You may have to undergo some tests;
  • the exit of the cork at the 38th week of pregnancy and more is a phenomenon within the normal range. There is no need to worry, the pregnant woman only needs to inform the gynecologist about this at the next visit. You need to know that childbirth will begin soon;
  • if the 40th week of pregnancy has come, and the release of the cork was not observed? Don't worry. This process can occur during childbirth, since a woman's body is individual. Also, the pregnant woman might not have noticed that the mucus was gone, because this could happen while visiting the toilet or bathroom.

Features of the discharge of the mucous plug

During the first and subsequent births, this process proceeds in different ways.

  • In primiparous women, the cervix has dense and elastic walls, and its diameter is small. Therefore, the mucus is held securely and comes out in parts. This can cause streaks of blood as the epithelial cells flake off along with it, causing slight bleeding. What to do if the mucous plug with blood supplements has come off? Nulliparous women should not worry, this is normal for a small amount of blood. If doubts still exist, then it is better to seek advice from a gynecologist.
  • With repeated pregnancy, the plug comes out more often in one moment, while the release of blood is not observed. This is due to a change in the structure of the tissues of the cervical space (the epithelial layer has a loose structure).
  • In the presence of erosive processes in the cervix, bloody additives in the secreted mucus are also possible.

Regardless of the number of births, painlessness characterizes the passage of the plug from the birth canal. An exception may be pregnant women who have changes in the epithelium of the cervical mucosa in the form of scars. They can occur as a result of abortion, as well as inflammatory reactions after previous infections, for example, Trichomonas.

The process of discharge of the mucous plug during pregnancy is physiological. In this case, the intervention of a doctor during the normal course of this process is not required. If a slimy lump has departed, then this portends the imminent end of pregnancy and the appearance of a baby.

When will labor start?

If a woman understands that the mucous plug has come off, then it should be remembered that childbirth can begin soon. Depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, the baby may appear in a few hours, or maybe in a couple of weeks.

Cork is a guardian on the path of infection. It reliably protects the fetus from infection.

Is it worth worrying about the possible infection of the child if the cork has come off? No, not worth it. The amniotic membranes reliably protect the fetus, and it remains safe. Only in the case of "leakage" of amniotic fluid or discharge is there a risk of infection. In this case, contacting the hospital should be immediate. A timely response to a problem that has arisen will help eliminate unwanted consequences.

What is the difference between a mucous plug and amniotic fluid leakage?

Some pregnant women question the definition of vaginal discharge. A brief description of them will help to find out what it is - a mucous plug or amniotic fluid?

When should you worry?

  • What should a pregnant woman do if the mucous plug has come off, while bleeding is observed? In this case, the blood can be scarlet, and its volume is quite large. This situation requires an immediate appeal to a medical institution. Slight secretion of blood with mucus is normal. If the cervix is ​​stretched during preparation for childbirth, capillaries can be damaged. This can provoke the appearance of a dark discharge. The appearance of scarlet blood in the form of bleeding should alert the pregnant woman.
  • The tube can come out together with the amniotic fluid. This is due to the rupture of the amniotic fluid, without causing pain in the pregnant woman. The so-called anhydrous period should not last for a long time. Every minute counts. A child cannot be in a waterless space for a long time. This could threaten his health. There is a high likelihood of infection and infection of the fetus. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. It is recommended to note the time when the amniotic fluid has departed, and report this data to the doctor.

For childbirth to take place without complications, you must carefully follow all the recommendations of specialists and listen to your feelings. If a woman is armed with knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of the female body, then she will not have a question: "What to do if the cork has moved away during pregnancy?" You should just not worry and calmly approach childbirth. The emergence of a new life is the most vivid sensation in life.

Many women have heard that one of the harbingers of imminent birth is the discharge of the mucous plug. But few know what it is. Let's take a look at this issue.

information A mucous plug begins to form in the cervical canal (in the cervix) under the influence of hormones immediately after pregnancy. The secretion of the cervical glands thickens, forming a "lump", and clogs the entrance to the uterus. The formed dense mucous plug protects the uterus and the fetus from infections.

Removal of the cork

The mucous plug looks like a dense gel-like lump of mucus of a transparent, white or gray-yellow color, it may contain streaks of blood. The appearance of blood in the plug is normal. Blood appears as a result of rupture of small capillaries in the cervix and does not carry any danger.

By the end of the pregnancy, under the influence of other hormones, the viscosity of the mucus of the plug decreases, and the body begins to prepare for childbirth. The passage of the mucous plug can occur at different time intervals. This can happen two weeks before giving birth or just before giving birth. Sometimes this happens simultaneously with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

A clot of mucus can come out at once or be secreted in parts over several days. The time and method of discharge does not affect the course of the childbirth process in any way.

How does it feel?

additionally As a rule, the expectant mother does not experience any painful sensations. Discharge of the mucous plug can occur even at night, and only in the morning can a woman find a lump of mucus in her underwear. If we consider the option when the mucous plug leaves for some time (1-3 days), then it will look like "smearing" discharge, similar to those at the beginning or end of menstruation.

The passage of the mucous plug means that childbirth is very close. But running to the hospital does not make sense yet, of course, only if this did not happen simultaneously with the outpouring of amniotic fluid, then it is better to hurry. In the meantime, you can check the collected, whether everything is in place, and wait for the appearance of others.


If the mucous plug has moved away, and there is still time before the date of the expected birth, then there is a need to comply with basic safety rules, for example, it is not recommended to go to the pool, have sex without a condom, even if the partner is healthy.


important The mucous plug contains a small volume of blood and after its discharge, no blood is released! If you notice the release of fluid (leakage of amniotic fluid) or blood (possible premature placental abruption) in large volumes, then immediately seek advice from obstetricians-gynecologists! Take care of yourself and be careful!

If your mucous plug has come off, first of all, do not fuss: everything is fine, it should be so. And this does not mean at all that you will give birth in the next few hours. Now that you have calmed down a bit, slowly read the article to the end.

So, a slimy plug. After all, it is not for nothing that it is called that way: firstly, this substance consists of mucus - thick and dense, and secondly, it serves as a cork - it closes the access of infections and pathogenically dangerous microorganisms in general to the uterine cavity, because new life develops there. It's hard to even imagine how reasonably everything is thought out by nature!

A mucous plug closes the canal entrance throughout pregnancy. Closer to childbirth, the cervix begins to flatten and open slightly, while pushing out the cork. Therefore, the discharge of the mucous plug is considered one of the harbingers of childbirth. But do not rush to go to the hospital. Of course, all things by this time should have already been collected, and family members should be instructed in case the birth begins. But by itself, the removal of the plug does not mean anything. There are a number of other, more important and indicative signs of an approaching birth, and it is necessary to focus primarily on them. This is mainly the passage of water and the onset of regular contractions.

What to do if the mucous plug has come off?

Do not worry. Continue to lead your normal life, paying particular attention to hygiene. Do not be worried that now the entrance to the baby is open, because it is protected by the amniotic sac: as long as the bubble is intact, the baby is completely safe.

But at the same time, be prepared for the fact that the generic process can begin at any moment. Practice shows that from the moment the mucous plug comes off until the birth of the baby, it can take from several hours to several weeks. In some cases (and this also happens quite often), the cork completely leaves only in childbirth, which, of course, women in labor no longer notice. Everything is very individual, for every woman in a different way, and there are a lot of options for the norm.

Pay attention to the mucus itself, though. It should be quite dense, lumpy, transparent, white, yellow or grayish in color, almost always with slight streaks of blood. The mucous plug can come out immediately or flake off in parts.

But if this happened more than 2 weeks before the expected date of birth, and also if there is a lot of mucus and it is liquid or bright scarlet discharge is visible with it, it is urgent to see a doctor!

Specially for- Elena Kichak