Pedagogical council “Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction. Pedagogical council "Interaction of preschool educational institutions and families

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Purpose: to reveal the current forms and methods of working with parents in a preschool institution, necessary to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process. Tasks: To identify and analyze the effectiveness of the forms and methods of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Highlight both traditional and new active forms of work with parents with the participation of children. Create conditions for a favorable climate of interaction: child - parent - teacher. Summarize the experience of teachers in this area.

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Agenda 1. Implementation of the decisions of the teachers' council No. 02 2. Report of the head "On the need for interaction between the kindergarten and the family" 3. Report of the senior educator "Search for effective forms and methods of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family within the framework of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard" 4. Exercises 5. Miscellaneous 6. The decision of the teachers' council.

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In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool education is obliged to: inform parents (legal representatives) and the public about the goals of preschool education common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the main educational program, and not only to the family, but also to all interested persons involved in educational activities; ensure the openness of preschool education; create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities; to support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health; ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family, based on identifying the needs and supporting educational initiatives of the family;

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Kindergarten today should be in a developmental mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational needs

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ANALYSIS we begin our work with an analysis of the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in kindergarten. We conduct questionnaires, personal conversations on this topic help to build the work correctly, make it effective, and find interesting forms of interaction with the family.

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To solve the set tasks and involve parents in a single space of child development in preschool educational institutions

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Innovative forms and methods of work: - "Round table" on any topic - thematic exhibitions - social. examination, diagnostics, tests, a survey on any topic - specialist consultations - family sports meetings - a helpline, a helpline - open classes for viewing parents - a parent's living room, a club - a family talent competition - a portfolio of family success - an open day - Top newspaper "- Izvestia - website of the preschool educational institution

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Interactive forms of cooperation with parents. The word “interactive” came to us from the English language from the word “interact”, where “inter” is mutual, “act” is to act. Interactive means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person). Hence, interactive forms of interaction are, first of all, a dialogue in the course of which interaction is carried out.

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The main characteristics of the "interactive": - This is a special form of organization, with comfortable conditions of interaction, in which the educated person feels his success, intellectual consistency; - the process of interaction is organized in such a way that all participants are involved in the process of cognition, discussion; - Dialogue communication leads to interaction, mutual understanding, to joint acceptance of the most common, but significant for each participant, tasks; - each participant makes his own special individual contribution, has the opportunity to exchange knowledge, his own ideas, methods of activity, to hear a different opinion of colleagues;

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ERRORS IN COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS Different parents turn to caregivers with different frequency; as a result, some of them communicate with the teacher almost every day, while others practically do not communicate, and this fact often remains outside the field of attention of the staff; parents, first of all, are interested in what and how the child ate, less often in his success in class; at the same time, important aspects of the individual development of the child, the ways of forming his personality are often not discussed;

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educators more often turn to parents in cases of negative behavior of the child, than note his success, which subconsciously forms in parents a negative attitude towards contacts with teachers in general, since each of their appeals is associated with some unpleasant situation; educators ask parents to intervene in the educational process, but do not give specific recommendations on how to jointly achieve the desired result. At the same time, parents often demonstrate an aggressive reaction towards the teacher or their own child, which indicates that they do not know how to influence his behavior. In some cases, the problem with which the educator speaks to the parents is actually related to their own inappropriate behavior; educators do not always know how to psychologically competently construct a conversation, avoid value judgments about the child that hurt parents, accurately and clearly describe the nature of the problem;

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it takes a lot of time for educators to communicate with parents on abstract topics; educators and the style of communication with parents are not always correct. The tradition of addressing each other using "you" and by name is often established, restrictions on discussing other employees and the situation in kindergarten are not respected. Ultimately, this harms the reputation of the teacher himself, reduces respect for the kindergarten and the willingness to appreciate the work of the team and the care that he shows in relation to the child.

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TROUBLESHOOTING Balance the frequency of communication between educators and parents of all children in the group; plan the content of communication with each family, its and expected results; ensure that parents are informed daily about the life of their children in kindergarten, as well as the transmission of positive information about their child to each parent;

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establish the requirement for the development of constructive proposals before the educators contact the parents with any problems concerning the child; to raise awareness and psychological culture of communication between educators and parents; work on the formation of the style of communication with parents, adopted in this institution; talk with parents only about topics related to the development and health of children; to guarantee the protection of the rights of children in preschool and in the family.

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the style of interaction between a preschool educational institution and families is determined by a number of factors: 1. The accepted subordination and boundaries of competence in making decisions and answering various questions of parents. Depending on the specific conditions, issues can be resolved in different ways - it is only important that all employees know exactly which of them they have the right to discuss with their parents and which are not.

Pedagogical council

"Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction"

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with the parents of pupils.

1. to clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

2. to increase the professional competence of teachers in organizing new forms of interaction with parents in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO;

3. to activate the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;
4. to support the interest of teachers in the further study of this topic.

1. Speech by the senior educator: "The interaction of the kindergarten and the family in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"

2. Interaction methodology (interactive)

3. Business game

5. Summing up.

1. Speech by Art. educator

"Preschool childhood" is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed, personality development is carried out.

At the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents, teachers. Therefore, inadequate care, behavioral, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to dire consequences in the future.

Changes in state policy in the field of education entailed recognition of the positive role of the family in raising children and the need to interact with it. So, in the law of the Russian Federation "On education" it says that "the state policy in the field of preschool education is based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the individual, the education of mutual respect, hard work, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, respect for nature and the environment, rational use of natural resources, love for the Motherland and family. " In this law, in contrast to the documents of previous years, respect for the family is recognized as one of the principles of education, that is, the family is transformed from a means of pedagogical influence into its goal.

FSES DO is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

The standard formulates the requirements for the interaction of a preschool organization with parents.

Well, a few settings of the standard:

    striving for interaction striving for cooperation and co-creation, joint projects striving for openness striving for dialogue, the desire to be heard by teachers tiredness of declarative communication, the desire to move from words to deeds striving to understand the relationship "child-mother", "child-father."

At the center of the standard are requirements for conditions, including psychological and pedagogical ones. Among which - cooperation with the family.

The standard approves the personality-developmental and humanistic nature of interaction between adults (parents (legal representatives), pedagogical and other employees of the Organization) and children.

Among the basic principles:

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) support for the initiative of children in various activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state ... "

It was emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the cooperation of a preschool organization with the family, and the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education is the basis for helping parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their violations. development.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, a preschool organization is obliged to:

    inform parents (legal representatives) and the public about the goals of preschool education common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only the family, but also all interested persons involved in educational activities; ensure the openness of preschool education; create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities; to support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health; ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family, based on identifying the needs and supporting educational initiatives of the family; create conditions for adults to search, use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss issues related to the implementation of the Program with parents (legal representatives) of children.

The new concept of the family and preschool organization is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social structures are called upon to help, support, direct, and supplement their educational activities.

So, one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interacting with the family to ensure the full development of the child."

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a single space for the development of the child, both in the preschool educational institution and in the family.

The world is constantly becoming more complex in terms of information. Today it is no longer enough to get an education and work in a specialty once. To maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to learn something all the time, to engage in self-education throughout life. Continuing education is becoming a necessity. The modern family increasingly needs a variety of knowledge: medical, pedagogical, psychological, legal: The activities of the teaching staff of a kindergarten cannot stay away from the changing situation in society. Family work should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The main tendency is to teach parents how to independently solve life problems. This implies changes in the "educator - parent" system, requires efforts from the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. Even teachers of the past - and others - talked about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Teachers of preschool institutions are called upon to help modern parents in this, despite the fact that information on raising a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. But only the educator communicates with children and parents on a daily basis, sees problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He assists parents in different forms Oh.

2. Interaction methodology.

I often hear from educators of different ages and work experience that it is easier to work with children than with parents. But it is known that success in the formation of the personality and the upbringing of a child can be achieved if the principle of unity of action between teachers and parents is observed. Cooperation of a preschool institution with a family involves mutual understanding and interaction between educators and parents.
But what is interaction and what is meant by this word? Does the family interact with the preschool educational institution or the kindergarten with the family? Is it possible to put an equal sign between the words "interaction", "cooperation", "commonwealth"?

In order to reveal these concepts, each group will discuss 1 concept for 5 minutes (1 group - interaction, 2 - cooperation, 3 - commonwealth) and after the expiration of time the representatives of the group will speak to us. (Teachers' speeches).

"Interaction"- joint activities of teachers and parents on raising a child, as well-organized and efficiently organized mutual communication, exchange of experience, joint search for solutions to possible problems.

"Cooperation"- This is communication "on equal terms", where parents act in the position of equal partners, and not in the role of "pupils". The term "collaboration" is at the heart of interaction.

"Commonwealth"- the unification of someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests.

Question to teachers: “Is mutual friendship possible without communication, and therefore without interaction? " (Of course not).

Since the community implies an open heart towards each other, that is, the presence of empathy, the community is the highest point of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Thus, we understand that the kindergarten and the family, using new forms of interaction and cooperation, should strive to create a single space for the development of the child.

We know about the existence of the role of a teacher, parent, adult. Moreover, each role may have its own reality, so each of the participants in the process of teaching and upbringing of children, for example, a teacher, a parent, will be right, but in their own way.

Parents are, first of all, adults who feel competent in raising their child (remember how a mother flares up if strangers make comments (even fair ones) to her child. You can often hear a rather aggressive reaction to such comments). If the parent has a problematic, special child, such a position can become protective at the unconscious level, and then the position of the kindergarten teacher “we will teach you” turns out to be ineffective, meeting natural resistance from the parent.

Teachers are also adults, they also need understanding, respect for their work. Obviously, without successful communication and interaction with the child's family, good results are almost unattainable.

Let's remember what forms of interaction exist.

3. "Business game"

Target: the formation of skills to take a differentiated approach to the organization of work with parents; optimal ways to resolve conflicts; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents; gaining experience in joint work of the teaching staff.

Form of conducting : two working groups, senior educator expert.

The course of the game.

1 part. Theoretical.

Questions for the first group:

1. How do you understand what work with parents is?

2. List the forms of work with parents.

3. Home visits. When is it advisable to visit a family?

4. Working with difficult families. What kind of family do you find difficult? Do you have such families? What kind of work needs to be done with difficult families?

Questions for the second group:

1. What are the main tasks facing the preschool institution for working with parents?

2. Questioning. What it is? What are the positive and negative aspects of the survey?

3. Do you find effective such forms of work with parents as the Open House, open class, and the publication of the Newspaper? What does this give teachers and parents?

4. When is the child's misbehavior discussed:

    In his presence Without him In the presence of all family members

Part 2.

Carrying out a huge number of questionnaires, individual conversations, etc. among parents, we see that they lack special pedagogical knowledge (pedagogical minimum).

Therefore, we will divide work with parents into two blocks: pedagogical education of parents and the inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

The task of teachers: to determine what forms of work should be used when solving the main tasks in the first and second blocks.

Write them down.

Part 3. Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Target: to make a snapshot of the ideas of the teaching staff about the modern family, to analyze the ideal attitudes towards the family of pupils and real conditions.

The course of the event.

    Each group is given a set of magazines, base paper, glue, scissors. The task of teachers: to depict a modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations. After 20-25 minutes of working together, each group of educators talks about their idea of ​​the family. (The leader of the pedagogical council summarizes the work done, highlighting the valuable and unique vision in each microgroup)

Part 4. Solution of pedagogical situations.

Divide teachers into 4 groups (who is sitting next to)

Target: game modeling of the ways of the teacher's behavior in situations of resolving the contradictions between the teacher and the parents.

1. While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket, addressed to the teacher of the group, asking the mother not to temper her child after a nap. No reason was given. Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your actions in the future?

2. The provider decided to talk to the mother of the five-year-old child about the boy's pugnaciousness. How do you start a conversation?

3. The teacher invited all the parents to the cleanup, placing information about this on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is unhappy. The Saturday clean-up had to be postponed. How can you explain what happened? What to do next?

4. In the afternoon, a car with sand for children's sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was dumped onto the asphalt near the entrance. “In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand,” the head suggested to the teachers. How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will you do?

It is important to understand that any parent, even the most inept, from the point of view of pedagogy, wishes his child well. The same goal is pursued by teachers. Parents may simply not know that they lack special knowledge, parents may lack pedagogical endurance and time. The situation of communication between the teacher and the parent is in many respects teaching for the latter (the teaching tool is, in this case, what the specialist says, what he reports, what facial expressions, gestures, intonation accompanies the message, etc.)

Pedagogical situation:

"The parent is not happy, angry with the teacher, because his child was punished and deprived of the opportunity to play with other children." How will you behave in communication with the parent? (teachers' answers)

When dealing with angry adults, you need to:

Show the interlocutor your respect for him, noting the fact of the existence of irritation, anger (“I see you are angry”) and give him the opportunity to speak out;

Persistently define boundaries, establish them (“I see you are angry, however I will listen to you, but I am not ready and will not listen to abuse and insults”);

Based on the situation, make the necessary decision depending on you, including offering the communication partner such actions that would help him cope with his own condition (offer to sit down, drink water, etc.);

Avoid hasty conclusions like "You are always like this", All the time you are like this ", etc .;

Meet with a parent who was angry the next day, because most of us need confirmation that the relationship is restored or not hurt.

Professional behavior of a teacher is a reflection of his moral personality and professional competence. Ineffective behavior also testifies to the teacher's problems, fatigue, exhaustion, and professional deformation of the personality.

Competent communication is the key to good mental well-being of the teacher and his professional longevity.

Possible difficulties in organizing interaction with the family.

In fact, there are many difficulties in organizing communication: this is the lack of understanding by the parents of the importance of the kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, the lack of unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult to communicate with young parents, as well as with parents from dysfunctional families or having personal problems. They often treat teachers condescendingly and dismissively, it is difficult to establish contact with them, establish cooperation, become partners in the common cause of raising a child. But many of them would like to communicate with teachers "on an equal footing", as with colleagues, to come to confidential, "sincere" communication. What makes up the success of communication?

This is the desire to make contact, to improve relationships, to help each other, to see a partner who is equal to oneself, to hear him, to recognize the right of another to a different position and to understand this position. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on topics common and significant for both parties, if each of them enriches its information baggage in the process of communication.

Who plays the leading role in organizing communication? Of course the teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, to navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, to be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher must let the parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show the parents that he sees in them partners, like-minded people.

Professional competence of a teacher

All this leads us to the concept “ professional competence of a teacher " in the field of communication with the parents of pupils.

What kind of teacher can be called competent in the field of communication with parents? (statements of teachers)

Readiness for continuous professional improvement in the field of communication with parents of pupils

Awareness of their own mistakes and difficulties in organizing communication with parents

An attitude of trusting and non-judgmental interaction with parents

Endurance, tact, observation, respect ...

Let's draw a portrait of a teacher with a high level of professional competence in the field of communication with the parents of pupils.

Portrait of a teacher

Has a strong need for self-improvement in the field of communication with parents

Recognizes the role of parents in the upbringing of children as the leading one and the role of the teacher as their "helper"

Strives for active and meaningful communication with parents in order to help them in raising children

Possesses a high degree of dialogicity in communication with parents.

In communicating with parents, he shows attention, restraint, tact, and other professionally significant qualities.

Has knowledge about the family, the specifics of family education, methods of studying the family and the educational needs of parents.

Takes into account the social needs of parents (interests, educational needs) when organizing communication with them.

Knows how to plan upcoming communication: to select the necessary information, traditional and non-traditional forms of organizing communication and methods of activating parents.

Has developed communication skills.

A teacher who is competent in the field of communication with parents, understands why communication is needed and what it should be, knows what is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, is active.

The conclusion is unambiguous: it is necessary to constantly work on the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents. Consider a rough code of communication.

Sample Code of Communication:

1. Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant to talk to.

2. Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.

3. Finding an opportunity to tell the parents something positive about the child every time is the best way to win over the parents to yourself.

4. Give parents the opportunity to speak out without interrupting them.

5. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good breeding and tact.

6. In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - this cannot lower your dignity, but you can strengthen it.

"Psychological charge"

The exercise is aimed at mastering the techniques of relaxation and concentration, which help to increase the energy potential. Conducted by the musical director.

1. Standing, bring your shoulder blades, smile and wink with your left, then repeat with your right eye: "I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot."

2. Putting your left palm on your forehead, then repeating the right one: "I solve any problems, I always have love and luck with me."

3. Rubbing palm on palm repeat: "I attract good luck, every day I become richer."

4. Standing on tiptoe, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: "I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best."

5. Hands to the sides, clench your fists, making rotations with your hands: "I have no obstacles on the way, everything will turn out as it should."

6. Hands on the belt, bending to the right - to the left, repeat: "Peace and a smile are always ashore, and everyone will help me, and I will help."

7. Hands on the belt tilt back and forth, repeat: "Any situation is subject to me, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful."

8. Bouncing on the right, then on the left, repeat: "I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great."

9. Putting your hands in the lock, taking a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me, and everything works out for me."

Effective ways, forms, methods of involving parents in the life of a preschool educational institution.

Usually parent-teacher meetings necessarily include reading the report, this should be avoided, it is better to conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents. The use of non-traditional forms: "Oral Journal", "Pedagogical Lounge", "Round Table"; by the type of TV shows and entertainment programs, games aimed at attracting their attention to the kindergarten: "Pedagogical Field of Miracles", "Pedagogical Case", "KVN", "Talk Show"; the actions “Let's paint the verandas”, “We are designers”. One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, ask questions to teachers, the head or senior educator. It is necessary to focus on the use of the website of the preschool educational institution. Parents can ask questions on the site. The questions asked are highlighted at parent meetings or given by specialists in writing, or on the website of the preschool educational institution. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the educator and is effective when time constraints prevent the educator from meeting with the parents in person.

3. Summing up.

Today we discussed one of the most important tasks facing the preschool educational institution. What conclusions will you draw from the material of this teachers 'council, write on the sheets - this will be the decision of the teachers' council.

"Modern problems of interaction between kindergarten and family"

"Preschool childhood" is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed, personality development is carried out.

At the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents, teachers. Therefore, inadequate care, behavioral, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to dire consequences in the future.

In accordance with the Law "On Education" and the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is "interacting with the family to ensure the full development of the child."

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a single space for the development of the child, both in the preschool educational institution and in the family.

The teacher at the preschool educational institution must work in such a way that the parent can:

  • Overcome authoritarianism and see the world from the perspective of a child;
  • Achieve an understanding that a child should not be compared with other children;
  • Find out the strengths and weaknesses of the child's development and take them into account;
  • Provide emotional support to the child.

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of the upbringing of the younger generation have developed: family and public. For a long time, there has been a dispute over which is more important in the formation of an individual: family or social education? Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, while others gave the palm to public institutions.

Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data showing that it is impossible to abandon family education without prejudice to the development of the child's personality, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified, upbringing in a kindergarten or school.

To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, to form the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close communication and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

The idea of ​​the relationship between social and family education is reflected in a number of regulatory documents, including the "Concept of Preschool Education", "Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution", the Law "On Education", etc.

So, in the law "On Education" it is written that "parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age."

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with the family is changing. Each preschool educational institution not only brings up a child, but also advises parents on raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a parent's partner in their upbringing.

NK Krupskaya also wrote in her Pedagogical Works: “The question of working with parents is a big and important issue. to the work of the kindergarten ". An essential aspect of the interaction between the kindergarten and the family, N.K. Krupskaya has repeatedly emphasized, is that the kindergarten serves as an "organizing center" and "influences ... home education", therefore it is necessary to organize the interaction of the kindergarten and the family in raising children as best as possible ... "... There is tremendous strength in their community, in mutual care and responsibility." At the same time, she believed that parents who did not know how to educate should be helped.

The main areas of interaction with the family are:

  1. Study of the parents' need for educational services.
  2. Educating parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Based on these directions, work is carried out on interaction with families of preschoolers.

To determine the prospects for the development of the institution, the content of work and the forms of organization, a questionnaire of parents and polls are carried out.

The parents were offered a questionnaire, after analyzing which we saw the following results.

The attitude of parents to the sources of information, from where they derive it:

  • 60% of parents use their intuition
  • 46% use pedagogical and psychology literature
  • 40% take information from educators.

There is little confidence in the advice of a teacher (this is due to the fact that a psychologist works in kindergarten for the first month), advice from other parents and friends.

From kindergarten, parents would like to receive:

  • 86% the most complete information from the child
  • 48% advice on communicating with your child
  • 22% advice from a psychologist.

Parents have little interest in participating in kindergarten amateur activities, the possibility of more communication with the parents of other children.

  • 31% - the child does not eat well
  • 20% - disobeying parents
  • 13% - parents show self-doubt and fear.

But only 35% of parents turn to kindergarten teachers for help, 58% do not, because:

  • 33% think they can do it on their own
  • 17% do not attach much importance to these difficulties
  • 13% consider it inconvenient, since this kind of consultation is not part of the teacher's duties.

It goes without saying that the solution of these complex and multifaceted issues will not happen by itself. This requires systematic and purposeful work.

So we smoothly moved on to the second direction of interaction with the family - this is the education of parents in order to increase their legal and pedagogical culture.

Let's now, together with you, try to determine what regulatory documents parents need to acquaint with in order to improve their legal culture.

At the UN, a children's fund, UNISEF, has been created, which for the first time began to protect the rights of the child. A number of documents were created by this fund.

Carried out in the following areas

Studying the patterns of child development (features of physical and mental development at different age stages) Acquaintance with modern systems of family education
Promotion of healthy lifestyles
Assistance in introducing children to cultural and spiritual values

II. "Business game"

Target: the formation of skills to take a differentiated approach to the organization of work with parents; optimal ways to resolve conflicts; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents; gaining experience in joint work of the teaching staff.

Form of carrying out: two working groups, one expert group.

The course of the game.

Part 1: Theoretical.

Questions for the first group:

  1. How do you understand what parenting is?
  2. List the forms of work with parents.
  3. Home visit. When is it advisable to visit a family?
  4. Working with difficult families. What kind of family do you find difficult? Do you have such families? What kind of work needs to be done with difficult families?

Questions for the second group:

  1. What are the main tasks facing the preschool institution for working with parents?
  2. Questioning. What it is? What are the positive and negative aspects of the survey?
  3. Do you find such forms of work with parents as an Open House, an open class, and a newspaper to be effective? What does this give teachers and parents?
  4. When is the child's misbehavior discussed:
  • In his presence
  • Without him
  • In the presence of all family members

Part 2.

If we turn to your pedagogical dictations, we will see that 75% of teachers believe that in order for the family to understand the daily life of the kindergarten and actively participate in it, it is necessary to "include parents" in the activities of the preschool institution as often as possible, i.e. so that they take an active part in the work of the preschool educational institution. And according to the questionnaires of parents, we see that they lack special pedagogical knowledge (pedagogical minimum).

Therefore, we will divide work with parents into two blocks: pedagogical education of parents and the inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

The task of teachers: to determine what forms of work should be used when solving the main tasks in the first and second blocks. Write them down.

Part 3. Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Target: to make a snapshot of the ideas of the teaching staff about the modern family, to analyze the ideal attitudes towards the family of pupils and real conditions.

The course of the event.

  • Each group is given a set of magazines, base paper, glue, scissors. The task of teachers: to depict a modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations.
  • The expert group depict a family that is ideal in their view.
  • After 20-25 minutes of working together, each group of educators talks about their idea of ​​the family.
  • (The leader of the pedagogical council summarizes the work done, highlighting the valuable and unique vision in each microgroup)

Part 4. Solution of pedagogical situations.

Target: game modeling of the ways of the teacher's behavior in situations of resolving the contradictions between the teacher and the parents.

  1. While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took from his coat pocket a note addressed to the teacher of the group, asking the mother not to temper her child after a nap. No reason was given. Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your actions in the future?
  2. The teacher decided to talk to the mother of the five-year-old child about the boy's pugnacity. How do you start a conversation?
  3. The teacher invited all the parents to the cleanup, posting information about this on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is unhappy. The Saturday clean-up had to be postponed. How can you explain what happened? What to do next?
  4. In the afternoon, a car with sand for children's sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was dumped onto the asphalt near the entrance. “In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand,” the head suggested to the teachers. How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will you do?

Part 5. Game exercise "Determine the logical sequence."

Educational task: determine the optimal sequence of actions of the teacher when preparing and holding a meeting with a group of parents.

Exercise progress.

Each group receives cards on which fragments of the meeting with the parents are formulated or prepared. After consulting during a regulated time, the players represent the sequence of actions when organizing and holding a meeting, commenting on their choice.

For the first group.

  1. The topic is determined, and the forms of meetings with parents are selected on the basis of their applications and requests, as well as taking into account data on the families of the pupils.
  2. The teachers responsible for the preparation and conduct of each of the meetings are determined. These can be group educators, speech therapist, muses. worker, medical professional, etc.
  3. The days of the meetings that are convenient for them are agreed with the parents.
  4. The structure and content of each regular meeting is thought out: a plan or a detailed scenario is drawn up using methods of activating parents.
  5. Provides advance notification of parents about the topic of the meeting and their preparation for participation in it.
  6. The opinion of parents about the benefits of the meeting in an oral survey, through questionnaires, etc. is determined.

For the second group.

1. Transmission to parents of a positive image of the child.

Target: establishing a relationship of trust with parents

2. Transmission to parents of knowledge that could not be obtained by them in the family.

Target: familiarization with the problems of the family in raising a child, the formation and reinforcement of the attitude towards cooperation.

3. Familiarization with the problems of the family in raising a child.

Target: give parents the opportunity to show their willingness to cooperate.

4. Joint research and the formation of the personality of the child.

Target: building trust between parents and educators

Part 6. Summarizing.

"The child should happily go to kindergarten and joyfully return home. It is necessary for the child to be fun, good, interesting in kindergarten, to be friends with the children, to know that loving adults are waiting for him at home."

Solving cooperation problems requires teachers to participate in the psychological and pedagogical education of parents; studied families, their educational opportunities; involvement of parents in the educational work of the kindergarten.

Pedagogical council decision:

  1. Using a questionnaire, identify topics that parents would like to get acquainted with next year.
  2. Taking into account the survey data, develop a long-term plan of work with parents for 2006-2007 academic year. year
  3. Develop a summary of the parent meeting for the year. Conduct a final parent meeting.
  4. Get a family passport.
  5. Make a selection of regulatory documents to improve the legal culture of parents

Sample answers

1. What is parenting?

Working with parents is a difficult and important part of a teacher's activity, which includes raising the level of pedagogical knowledge, skills, and parenting skills; help teachers to parents in family education to create the necessary conditions for the correct upbringing of children; interaction between educators and parents in the development of children.

2. What are the main tasks facing the preschool institution for working with parents?

  • Studying the families of children
  • Involvement of parents in active participation in the activities of the preschool institution
  • Studying the family experience of raising and teaching children
  • Education of parents in the field of pedagogy and child psychology

3. Forms of work with parents.

I. Massive:- joint activities of teachers and parents

  • parenting meetings
  • conferences
  • consultations
  • evenings for parents
  • mugs for parents
  • school for parents
  • hobby clubs

Joint an event for teachers, parents and children

  • Doors open days
  • mugs
  • KVN. quiz
  • Joint creativity
  • holidays
  • genus. assemblies
  • Newspaper issue
  • concerts
  • competitions

2. Customized

  • conversations
  • home visits
  • execution of individual orders

3. Visual information

  • informational and educational (familiarization of parents with the peculiarity of preschool educational institutions)
  • information and analytical (polls, slices, questionnaires)

4. Questioning. What it is? What are the positive and negative aspects of the survey?

The word "questionnaire" in translation from French means "list of questions". This method came to pedagogy from sociology, questionnaire surveying presupposes a rigidly fixed order, content and form of questions, a clear indication of the method of answers.

There are open-ended questions (answer options are not assumed) and closed-ended questions (answer options are provided in advance).

With the help of a questionnaire, you can find out the composition of the family, the peculiarities of family education, the positive experience of parents, their difficulties, mistakes, while answering the questionnaire, parents begin to think about the problems of upbringing, about the peculiarities of raising a child.

The ability to reach a large number of parents, ease of handling.

Disadvantages: formalism, unfair performance of tasks by parents.

5. Home visits. When is it advisable to visit a family?

Require special attention:

  • children who have unstable behavior, accompanied by a significant weakening of psychosomatic health and the presence of disorders in the field of interpersonal relationships
  • children with antisocial behavior (rudeness, aggressiveness)
  • children with various kinds of personal troubles: increased anxiety, depression, low self-esteem
  • shy kids

Visiting a child's family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of upbringing.

The effective conduct of this event requires delicacy, tact, high level observation, professionalism.

Without asking direct questions to adults, the educator can find out:

  • microclimate of family relations, culture of communication, atmosphere
  • family life (are there any traditions, what)
  • organization of the child's regime, his games, work, activities.

6. Working with difficult families. What kind of family do you find difficult? Do you have such families? What kind of work needs to be done with difficult families?

Dysfunctional families are very different in their way of life. Families with drinking parents leading an immoral lifestyle are especially noticeable (children in such families, if they are not pedagogically neglected, are influenced)

Another type of family is outwardly prosperous, where the parents are wealthy. Children of such parents early begin to realize their special position among others. The impact on such children and parents is extremely difficult.

These families need to be assisted in raising children by teachers, psychologists, and the head of the preschool educational institution. The most effective are individual forms of communication, confidential conversations; involve such parents in supervising children.

7. Do you find effective such forms of work with parents as Open House, open class, newspaper issue. What does this give teachers and parents?

An open door day is a fairly common form of work. On this day, parents actively attend classes and other events with the participation of children, fill out questionnaires based on the results of the visit. Write reviews, wishes to teachers.

This form of work allows you to see the real achievements of each child.

Cooperation between teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different positions, see him in different situations, and, therefore, help in understanding his individual characteristics, the development of the child's abilities, in overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, the formation of valuable life orientations ...

An interesting form of cooperation can be the issue of the Newspaper. The administration of the school, teachers, specialists, parents and children are involved in the creation of the newspaper.

Preliminary work

Pedagogical dictation

1. Formulate and write down your personal goals for working with parents

  • To involve parents in the problems of raising children in d / s
  • Material and economic assistance
  • Proper organization of leisure time for children and parents
  • Compliance with all the requirements of the educator
  • No goals
  • Other ………

2. Please write in what ways, methods, techniques you use in your daily work with parents, trying to improve their relationship with children

3. How do you want to see the attitude of parents towards themselves as a professional? Does this match how parents actually behave?

4. Please write what, in your opinion, the teaching staff can learn from the parents?

5. Please write what, in your opinion, can parents learn from d / s specialists?

6. What do you think needs to be done to ensure that the family understands and participates actively in day-to-day kindergarten life?

Oksana Osadchaya
Pedagogical council "Interaction of preschool educational institutions and families"

Target: increasing professional competence educators in the field of organization interactions with the parents of the pupils


1.clarify and systematize knowledge teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

2.increase professional competence educators on the organization of new forms interaction with parents;

3.invigorate pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity;

4. to maintain interest educators to further study this topic.

Preparing for teacher's council

1. Questioning parents «» .

2. Diagnostics educators"Style teaching activities» .

3. Study of scientific and methodological literature on this issue.

4. Review-competition "Parents' corners".

Plan teachers' council

1. Introductory remarks.

Responsible: Director

2. .

Responsible: Deputy Director for Methodological Work

3. Business game "The tree of wisdom"

Responsible: senior educator

4. "Auction of ideas"

Responsible: educators.

5. Results of diagnostics educators"Style teaching activities» .

Responsible: Educator-psychologist

« Interaction between kindergarten and family» .

Responsible: Educator-psychologist

7. Results of the review competition .

Responsible: Method advice

1. Game "Say hello to your elbows"

Purpose - Meeting each other, greeting, getting to know each other

The number is all educators.

Time - 5-7 minutes

Carrying out: The host asks teachers stand in a circle... Then he invites them to pay for the first-second-third and do following:

Each "number one" folds his arms behind his head so that the elbows are directed in different directions;

Each "Number two" rests his hands on his hips so that the elbows are also directed to the right and left;

Each "Number three" bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and extends his elbows to the sides.

Presenter says educators that they are given only five minutes to complete the task. During this time, they should say hello to as many educators by simply saying your name and touching each other with your elbows.

In five minutes educators are collected in three groups so that the first, second and third numbers appear together, respectively. After that, they greet each other within their group. Educators take places at the tables in accordance with their number.

2. "Ways to involve parents in kindergarten life" (Deputy Director for MR)

I often hear from educators of different ages and work experience that it is easier to work with children than with parents. But it is known that success in the formation of the personality and the upbringing of a child can be achieved if the principle of unity of action between educators and parents... Cooperation of a preschool institution with family involves mutual understanding and interaction educators and parents.

But what is it interaction and what do they mean by this word? Family interacts with a preschool educational institution or a kindergarten with family? Is it possible to put an equal sign between words « interaction» , "cooperation", "Commonwealth"? In order to reveal these concepts, each group will discuss 1 concept for 5 minutes (1 group - interaction, 2 - cooperation, 3 - community) and after the expiration of time the representatives of the group will speak to us. (Speeches educators) .

« Interaction» - cooperative activity educators and parents on raising a child, as a high-quality and efficiently organized mutual communication, exchange of experience, joint search for solutions to possible problems.

"Cooperation" is communication "equally" where the parents act in the position of equal partners, and not in the role "Pupils"... Term "cooperation" underlies interactions.

"Commonwealth"- the unification of someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests.

Question to educators: "Is it possible mutual friendship without communication, and therefore without interactions(Of course not) Since the commonwealth presupposes an openness of the heart towards each other, that is, the presence of empathy, then the commonwealth is the highest point interaction between preschool educational institution and family... Thus, we understand that kindergarten and a family using new shapes interactions and cooperation should strive to create a common space for child development.

Let's remember what forms exist. interactions... The exercise "Who quickly"... Teams stand in three ranks (8 people)... Seven were given cards with the name of the form of work. One person from the group receives cards with inscriptions "Traditional" and "Non-traditional" (one in one hand, the other in the other)... On command, these educators raise the cards up, and the rest of the group must stand in accordance with their name of the form interactions... Which team will build faster and correctly. The teams are seated in their places.

Here we are with you and remembered the forms interaction with parents... There are two classifications, let's talk about them again.

Traditional Unconventional (after T.V. Krotova)

Collective: parent-teacher conferences, conferences Information and analytical: behavior of sociological slices, surveys, processing and use of data on family of every child

Individual: conversations, consultations Leisure: warm informal communication, trusting relationship (holidays, participation in exhibitions, etc.)

Visual information: recordings on a tape recorder, video clips, photographs, exhibitions of works, stands, screens, folders-moving Cognitive: seminars, workshops, pedagogical hotels, oral journal (3-6 pages, multimedia, practice assignments, discussion questions, parent clubs

Visual information: open house day, newspaper issue, mini-library organization, etc.

What do you think forms interaction with parents are currently the most relevant? (non-traditional)... Indeed, it is necessary to develop and implement a work system for the active involvement of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution. This allows us to consider working with parents as one of the problems of the preschool educational institution at the present stage modernization of the education system. In this regard, the question of finding and implementing modern forms interactions preschool with family today it is one of the most relevant.

When planning this or that form of work, we like educators we always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents as modern people, ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. With this in mind, we select the following requirements for the forms interactions: originality, relevance, interactivity. Therefore, it is necessary to select new, promising forms of cooperation that involve the involvement of parents in active participation, as in pedagogical process and in the life of a kindergarten.

It's not a secret for anyone that the participation of parents in the life of the group remains declared. The problem is not only in the employment and passivity of dads and moms, but also in themselves educators... Some do not want to see parents in the group, explaining that the children are beginning to be capricious, behave inappropriately, and parents do not know how to communicate with children. In addition, there is a real problem of lack of time, a sense of their own failure for some educators- all of these together can lead to the formation of personal and professional biases. There are indeed problems, but their essence is that we educators we are not ready and do not know how to use their presence for the benefit of children, ourselves and the parents themselves. It is more correct not to refuse, but to learn to do this, realizing that the participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten is beneficial to everyone - children, educators, parents, the prestige of the profession and the kindergarten.

There are 5 levels of family participation in life. Preschool:

Providing one-time assistance;

Participation in the organization of educational work with children in the classroom, in the activities of circles, etc.;

Participation as permanent volunteers;

Participation in decision-making regarding the child or the group he attends;

Participation in the discussion of issues and making decisions regarding the activities of the preschool educational institution as a whole.

Highlighting levels does not mean that each family in the process of interaction with the kindergarten will progress from one level to the next. It only means what to build relationships with families need on the basis of individualization, recognition for family the right to choose the nature and degree of their participation in joint activity educators... Where do you start? Review the entire day in your mind and write down your ideas for involving parents. To do this, you can ask yourself question: “What exactly can parents or other adults do to help.

Working with small groups or with individual children?

In terms of materials and equipment?

When implementing projects or common activities?

In preparation for the holidays?

At Learning Centers or other assignments?

In assessing the achievements and problems of individual children? "

As a result of such reflections, there will be many options for including parents in pedagogical kindergarten activities

By analogy with the famous proverb "You can bring a horse to a watering hole, but you can't make it drink" let us remember that you cannot be forced to accept utility, you can only "Grow" desire to benefit.

Now I invite you to work in your groups. Each group should offer ways, forms, methods that will be effective for involving parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. You are given 5 minutes for this. (Examples, usually parent-teacher meetings necessarily include reading a report, this should be avoided, it is better to conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents. forms: "Oral Journal", « Pedagogical lounge» , "Round table"; by the type of TV shows and entertainment programs, games aimed at attracting their attention to children garden: « Pedagogical field of miracles» , « Pedagogical case» , "KVN", "Talk show"; stock "Let's paint the verandas", "We are designers"... One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, ask questions to specialists, the director or the methodologist. The questions asked are highlighted at parent-teacher meetings or given by specialists in writing. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the caregiver and is effective when time constraints get in the way. teacher meet with the parents in person.) Presentations by representatives of the groups, discussion of the proposed options.

Communication between family and kindergarten are built on trust. A mutual trust arises from the effective exchange of information. If caregivers want to stimulate successful parental involvement, they need to establish active, personalized, continuous, flexible and positive communication with parents. For this educators should find ways to document and communicate information about the daily successes of pupils so that parents' ideas about their own role and their views on the experience that children acquire in preschool educational institutions change.

Dear colleagues, you are probably tired, and therefore I suggest you rest. The exercise "Funny gymnastics". Educators stand near their chairs so as not to interfere with each other. Now you and I will dance to the music different nations, but we will do it in an unusual way. At first, only the head will dance with us (Belarusian folk music); then the shoulders dance (Ukrainian n. m., the next - only fingers, then - hands, pelvis, right leg, left leg, and a general dance for the whole body. (Music is randomly selected, at will)... Well done!

3. Business game "The tree of wisdom" (senior educator)

4. "Auction of ideas"- educators share their experience of involving parents in the life of a preschool educational institution.

5. Results of diagnostics educators"Style teaching activities» .


6. Results of the survey of parents « Interaction between kindergarten and family» .


7. Results of the review competition "The best corner for parents". (Method advice)

Now, colleagues, I suggest you create « Pedagogical salad» ... Each of you has small pieces of paper. On these pieces of paper you should write ideas about what decisions can be made at the end of our pedagogical council... Put your ideas in the salad bowl. Now we will mix your decisions, it turns out "salad"... The recipe is recorded and optimal solutions are selected.

1.In order to further involve parents in the life of the preschool educational institution, to increase their interest in the educational process, to conduct in April 2013 "Open Day" for the parents of pupils. Term: April 2013 Responsible: Deputy Director for MR, senior educator, group educators.

2. Use non-traditional forms interaction with parents, organize joint activities with parents in various educational areas, during parenting meetings. Term: during the school year. Responsible: group educators.

3. For enrichment, expansion pedagogical experience of parents to post monthly news from the life of each group on the DOW website. Term: monthly. Responsible: educators.

4. Continue the implementation of projects on interaction with parents. Term: May 2013 Responsible: educators.

5. Educators of all groups develop a summary of the parent meeting in an active form, which will be held with the parents. The timing: April 2013 Responsible: educators.

In conclusion of our pedagogical council I suggest that each group compose a syncwine on the topic of our pedagogical council... Sinkwine (from French cinquains, English cinquain) Is a creative work that has a short form of a poem, consisting of five non-rhymed lines.

Sinkwine is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following the rules:

1 line - one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.

Line 2 - two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 - three verbs describing actions within the topic.

4th line - a phrase that carries a certain meaning. (4-word sentence)

5 line - conclusion in the form of an interjection, a noun (association with the first word).

It is very simple and interesting to compose a syncwine. And besides, working on the creation of syncwine develops imaginative thinking. An example on the topic of love.

Fabulous, fantastic.

Comes, gives wings, runs away.

Only a few are able to keep it.


1. Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V. Communication a teacher with parents at a preschool educational institution: Methodical aspect.

2. Krasnitskaya G. S., B. R. Borschanskaya, L. A. Nenasheva, L. G. Semushkina Workshop on preschool pedagogy: A guide for secondary and higher pedagogical educational institutions and workers of preschool institutions.

3. Tonkova Yu. M. Modern forms interaction between preschool educational institution and family

4. Sayanina A. N. Network interaction between parents and teachers as a form of cooperation with families children in the framework of the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.

5. Larisa Sedova Pedagogical council. "Involving parents in the life of a preschool educational institution" (site site)

Thematic teachers' council number 2

Topic: "Ways to improve the interaction of teachers with parents of children"

Target: To increase the level of professional skill of preschool educational institutions in matters of interaction with the families of pupils.

Preparatory work

    Assessment by educators of their professional skills and qualities necessary for communicating with parents.

    Planning and holding events (leisure, holidays, entertainment, consultations, parent meetings) aimed at forming partnerships between the preschool educational institution and parents.

    Thematic control "Interaction between kindergarten and family"

    Decoration of parent corners

    Workshop "Psychological support of teachers on interaction with parents in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard".


    Implementation of the decision of the pedagogical council No. 1. (head Kovtun I.V.)

    Analysis of thematic control "Interaction between kindergarten and family". ( senior educator Syurkha N.V.)

    “The role of the family in raising a child. Forms of Work of Teachers with Parents ”. (speaker Syurkha N.V.)

    "Forms of work with family in groups" ( educator of the group "Special child" Ekezli V.M., educator of the preparatory group Nazarchuk OV)

    Psychological exercise.

    "Auction of pedagogical projects on interaction with parents". (teachers of all age groups).

    Pedagogical training "Assessment of the level of communication between the teacher and the parents." (teacher - psychologist Kharitonova E.A.)

    The draft decision of the teachers' council.

Pedagogical council progress

Dear Colleagues! Our teachers' council is dedicated to solving one of the annual tasks of a preschool institution to intensify the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the families of pupils for the full development of the child's personality and his socialization in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. It will take the form of an oral journal.

First page implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council No. 1

The second page is Analytical.

In preparation for the teachers' council, a thematic control "Interaction between a kindergarten and a family" was carried out (a certificate on the results of the thematic control is attached)

Third page Informational.

The world is constantly becoming more complex in terms of information. Today it is no longer enough to get an education and work in a specialty once. To maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to learn something all the time, to engage in self-education throughout life. Continuing education is becoming a necessity. The modern family increasingly needs a variety of knowledge: medical, pedagogical, psychological, legal. The activities of the teaching staff of the kindergarten cannot remain aloof from the changing situation in society. Family work should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The main tendency is to teach parents how to independently solve life problems. This implies changes in the "educator - parent" system, requires efforts from the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.
Currently, the teacher's communication with parents is based on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership, taking into account the interests of parents and their experience in raising children. Teachers of the past - KD Ushinsky, EN Vodovozova, LN Tolstoy and others - talked about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Teachers of preschool institutions are called upon to help modern parents in this, despite the fact that information on raising a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. But only the educator communicates with children and parents on a daily basis, sees problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He assists parents in various ways. However, teachers are not always ready for this activity for a number of reasons.
Have educators and parents have common tasks: to do everything so that children grow up happy, active, healthy, cheerful, sociable, so that they become harmoniously developed personalities. Modern preschool institutions do a lot to make communication with parents rich and interesting. On the one hand, teachers keep all the best and time-tested, and on the other, they seek and strive to introduce new, effective forms of interaction with the families of pupils, whose main task is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.
Practice shows that any joint activities of parents and teachers... For example, brainstorming a problem allows parents to feel that other moms and dads have also faced similar problems and have managed to find a way out of them. And this gives rise to the feeling: any difficulties are solvable.
Non-traditional forms of interaction with the family are also important for improving the relationship between parents and children. Parents learn to love the child for who he is, unconditionally. They can see the child in a setting different from the family one, observe his communication with peers, teachers.
Yes, there are actually many difficulties in organizing communication: this is the lack of understanding by the parents of the importance of the kindergarten regime, and the constant violation of it, the lack of unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult to communicate with young parents, as well as with parents from dysfunctional families or having personal problems. They often treat teachers condescendingly and dismissively, it is difficult to establish contact with them, establish cooperation, become partners in the common cause of raising a child. But many of them would like to communicate with teachers "on an equal footing", as with colleagues, to come to confidential, "sincere" communication. What makes up the success of communication?
It is also the desire to make contact, to improve relationships, to help each other, to see the other as an equal partner, to hear him, to recognize the other's right to a different position and to understand this position. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on topics common and significant for both parties, if each of them enriches its information baggage in the process of communication.
Who plays the leading role in organizing communication? Of course the teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, to navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, to be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher must let the parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show the parents that he sees in them partners, like-minded people.
All this leads us to the concept " professional competence of a teacher in the field of communication with the parents of pupils ".
What kind of teacher can be called competent in the field of communication with parents? (statements of teachers)
The content of professional competence includes the following:

Personal qualities and attitudes (personality component)

    Readiness for continuous professional improvement in the field of communication with parents of pupils

    Awareness of their own mistakes and difficulties in organizing communication with parents

    An attitude of trusting and non-judgmental interaction with parents

    Endurance, tact, observation, respect ...

Knowledge (content component)

  • about the peculiarities of family education

    on the specifics of the interaction of social and family education

    about family study methods

    about modern forms of organizing communication

    about methods of activating parents.

Skills and skills (activity component)

    Ability to overcome psychological barriers to communication

    Familiarity with family study methods

    Ability to predict the results of a child's development in a family

    Ability to navigate information

    Ability to design a program of activities with parents

    Ability to organize traditional and non-traditional forms of communication with parents

    Communication skills: to establish contact with parents, understand them, empathize with them; anticipate the results of communication; manage your behavior; be flexible in communicating with parents; own etiquette norms of speech and behavior.

Let's draw a portrait of a teacher with a high level of professional competence in the field of communication with the parents of pupils.

Portrait of a teacher

    Has a strong need for self-improvement in the field of communication with parents

    Recognizes the role of parents in the upbringing of children as the leading one and the role of the teacher as their "helper"

    Strives for active and meaningful communication with parents in order to help them in raising children

    Possesses a high degree of dialogicity in communication with parents.

    In communicating with parents, he shows attention, restraint, tact, and other professionally significant qualities.

    Has knowledge about the family, the specifics of family education, methods of studying the family and the educational needs of parents.

    Takes into account the social needs of parents (interests, educational needs) when organizing communication with them.

    Knows how to plan upcoming communication: to select the necessary information, traditional and non-traditional forms of organizing communication and methods of activating parents.

    Has developed communication skills.
    A teacher who is competent in the field of communication with parents, understands why communication is needed and what it should be, knows what is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, is active.

Many teachers find it difficult to communicate with the parents of the pupils. Someone thinks that parents are to blame for everything, who do not care about children and their development, who do not want their child to grow up good. It is difficult to agree with this. Parents do not always have enough time for communication, there are also categories of difficult parents, but something else is important.
Teachers need to see the causes of difficulties - not only in their parents, but also in themselves.
The conclusion is unambiguous: it is necessary to constantly work on the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents. Consider a rough code of communication.

Sample Code of Communication:

    Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant to talk to.

    Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.

    Finding an opportunity to tell the parents something positive about the child every time is the best way to win over the parents to yourself.

    Give parents a chance to speak out without interrupting them.

    Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good breeding and tact.

    In a difficult situation, trying to set an example of compliance - this cannot lower your dignity, but you can strengthen it.

Fourth page Reporting

Speeches by teachers with presentations on the forms and methods of working with parents in their groups (presentations are attached).

Fifth page "Psychological charge"

The exercise is aimed at mastering the techniques of relaxation and concentration, which help to increase the energy potential.

    Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile and wink with your left, then repeat with your right eye: "I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot."

    Putting your left palm on your forehead, then repeating the right one: "I solve any problems, I always have love and luck with me."

    Rubbing palm on palm repeat: "I attract good luck, every day I become richer."

    Standing on tiptoes, close your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: "I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best."

    Hands to the sides, clench your fists, making rotations with your hands: "I have no obstacles on the way, everything will turn out as it should."

    Hands on the belt, bending to the right - to the left, repeat: "Peace and a smile are always on the shore, and everyone will help me, and I will help."

    Hands on the belt tilt back and forth, repeat: "Any situation is subject to me, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful."

    Bouncing on the right leg, then on the left leg, repeat: "I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great."

    Clasping his hands in the lock, taking a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me, and everything works out for me."

Sixth page Homework "Auction of pedagogical projects on interaction with parents".

I invite each group to present their project on interaction with parents. Each of you has 1 token, you can give them for any one project. At the end of our auction, we will determine which project received the most votes.

Seventh page Diagnostic

"Assessment of the level of communication between a teacher and parents."

Purpose: development of a non-judgmental perception of a communication partner.

And now you are asked a few simple questions. You need to answer quickly, unequivocally "no", "yes", "sometimes."

    You will have an ordinary conversation with one of the parents. Does her expectation unsettle you?

    Do you feel confused and displeased with the task of giving a report, information to your parents?

    Do you put off an unpleasant conversation about a difficult child with his parents until the last moment?

    Do you think that one should not personally talk with parents about the peculiarities of upbringing in a family, but rather conduct a questionnaire, a written survey?

    You are asked to prepare a general parent meeting for the parents of the preschool. Will you do your best to avoid this assignment?

    Do you like to share your experiences from communicating with parents with colleagues, management?

    Are you convinced that it is much more difficult to communicate with parents than with children?

    Are you annoyed if one of your pupils' parents constantly asks you questions?

    Do you believe that there is a problem of "caregivers and parents" and that they speak "different languages"?

    Are you ashamed to remind your parents of a promise they forgot to keep?

    Do you feel annoyed when a parent is asked to help you sort out this or that difficult educational issue?

    Having heard a clearly erroneous point of view on parenting expressed, would you prefer to remain silent and not get into an argument?

    Are you afraid to participate in the analysis of conflict situations between teachers and parents?

    Do you have your own, purely individual criteria for assessing family upbringing and other opinions on this matter, do you not admit?

    Do you think that it is necessary to educate parents as well, and not just children?

    Is it easier for you to prepare information for parents in writing than to conduct an oral consultation?

Evaluation of answers: "yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.

The points obtained are summed up and it is determined which category the subject belongs to.
30-32 points... It is clearly difficult for you to communicate with your parents. Most likely, you are not communicative at all. This is your problem, since you yourself suffer more from this. But the people around you are not easy either. It is difficult to rely on you in an endeavor that requires a collective effort. You try to keep contact with your parents to a minimum. They are mostly formal. You are trying to pass on the reasons for the difficulties in communication with the parents. You are convinced that the majority of parents are always dissatisfied, picky people who look for only flaws in your work, who do not want to listen to your opinion. Your inability to build communication with your parents leads to the fact that they also tend to avoid communication with you. Try to become more sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points... You are closed, taciturn. New work and the need for new contacts unbalance you for a long time. Communication with the parents of the pupils is difficult and not very pleasant for you. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. However, in unsuccessful contacts with parents, try to blame them more, rather than your own sociability. It is in your power to change the characteristics of your character. Remember, participation in a common interesting business allows you to easily find a common language with your parents!

19-24 points... You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. You can easily establish contacts with most of the parents in your group, but you do not seek to actively communicate with "difficult" parents. In an unfamiliar situation, you choose the "watching" tactics. Difficulties in communicating with your parents do not scare you, but sometimes you are overly critical of them. These flaws are fixable.

14-18 points... You have normal communication skills. You are convinced that you can always find a "common language" with any parent. You willingly listen to your parents, are patient enough in dealing with them, you know how to defend your point of view, without imposing it on the other. And individual and collective communication with your parents does not cause unpleasant experiences for you. Parents also strive to keep in touch with you, looking for your advice and support. At the same time, you do not like verbosity, excessive emotionality, strive to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

9-13 points... You can be very sociable. Constantly strive to enter into a conversation with your parents, but often these conversations are meaningless. You love to be in the spotlight, you do not refuse requests, although you cannot always fulfill them. Strive to give parents their own opinion about how they are raising children, in any situation to give advice that can irritate them. You are quick-tempered, but quick-witted. You lack the patience and courage when faced with major challenges. If you wish, however, you know how to build meaningful communication.

4-8 points... You are overly sociable. Strive to become a "friend" to each parent, to be aware of all their problems. Enjoy taking part in all disputes and discussions. You are always willing to take on any business, although you cannot always successfully complete it. You have your own opinion on any issue and always strive to express it. Perhaps for this reason, parents and colleagues treat you with apprehension and doubts. You should consider these facts.

3 points or less. Your sociability is painful. You are verbose, intervene in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge the problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwillingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts, including among parents. When communicating with your parents, you can be rude and familiar. You are distinguished by bias, resentment. You strive to bring any problem for general discussion. Serious communication with your parents is not for you. It is difficult for others around you. Try to think about why, despite all your efforts to establish communication with your parents, nothing comes of it? Cultivate patience and restraint, treat people with respect.

Eight page
Pedagogical council's draft decision

    Implement projects for interaction with parents and prepare a presentation on the implementation of projects. Deadline: May 2016 Responsible: educators of all groups.

    Develop a summary of the parent meeting in an active form, which will be held with the parents. Timeframe: April 2016 Responsible: educators and specialists.

    With the aim of further involving parents in the work of pedagogical activity, arousing their interest in the educational process, as a necessary condition for the development of their own child, to hold an open day for the parents of the pupils. Deadline April 2016 Responsible: Art. educator, educators, specialists.

    Based on the results of the thematic check, consider the work of the teaching staff in interaction with parents satisfactory.