Benefits on Zaitsev's cubes. An original and interesting way to teach a child to read is Zaitsev's cubes: teaching methods, games and exercises. What is Zaitsev's technique "made of"

- the manual is quite popular, even those who have nothing to do with teaching children to read have heard about it. But here's how the cubes earned their popularity and how they differ from other methods of teaching reading, often for many it remains a mystery. Is this expensive manual really so "miraculous", and the kid will learn to read in a few lessons? And how do Zaitsev's cubes differ from ordinary cubes with letters?

In fact, some questions remain with parents even after purchasing the allowance. In particular, the most important question is how to teach a small child according to the Zaitsev method so that it is really interesting? After all, the rather thick booklet included in the kit cannot boast of a clear and harmonious program of classes for kids.

In this article, I will briefly talk about the basic principles of the Zaitsev method of teaching reading, and most importantly, I will give options for games with cubes that will help build classes in a fun and interesting way. - the manual is really unique and worthy of attention!

The basic principles of Zaitsev's technique

When you began to think that it was time to teach your child to read, what was the first way of learning that came to your mind? Most likely the one you were taught to read as a child! First, we memorize all the letters in the alphabet, then we learn to merge them together, experiencing a lot of difficulties, and then we move on to reading sentences like “Mom washed the frame.” Nikolai Zaitsev does not support this approach, and for the following reasons:

1. When a child memorizes letters from the alphabet, in his mind the image of the letter is too tightly attached to the picture that was located in the alphabet next to this letter. As a result, such images prevent the child from combining letters into words, and the simple word "YAMA" turns into "Apple, Ball, Watermelon." Even worse, if parents teach the baby not how the letters sound, but how they are called (that is, not “L”, but “El”, etc.). Then the child does not understand at all why “Se-u-me-ke-a” should suddenly turn into “Bag”.

2. Learning to read by syllables, according to Zaitsev, is also not the most convenient way, since Russian syllables are too diverse in number and combinations of sounds. They may include several consonants in a row (for example, JET) and other forms that are inconvenient for a novice reader (for example, CANVAS, A HISTORY - yes, yes, it's all one syllable).

That is why Zaitsev's methodology is based on teaching a child to read. not by letters, and not by syllables, but by warehouses . Nikolay Zaitsev defines a warehouse as a minimally pronounceable unit that is easiest for a child to perceive. It is the warehouse, and not the letter and not the syllable, that is easiest for the baby to say and read. The warehouse is the first thing the baby starts to say when he starts talking - MA (mother), KO (cat). And it is warehouses that a child typeset for himself when he learns to write - KO-L-BA-SA.

Warehouse can be:

  • consonant-vowel fusion (YES, MI, BE…);
  • single vowel as a syllable ( I-MA; KA- YU-TA);
  • a separate consonant in a closed syllable (KO- W-KA; MA-I- TO);
  • consonant with a soft or hard sign (МЬ, ДЪ, СЬ…).

Thus, a warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and in this way it compares favorably with a syllable, which can consist of both 4 and 5 letters.

However, the warehouse approach is not Zaitsev's only innovation. He suggested putting aside boring primers and to play with warehouses! Zaitsev wrote all the warehouses on cubes and offered a lot of games and singing with them. Thus, studying according to the methodology, we simply play and, during the game, we repeatedly show and voice warehouses to the child. So, playfully, the kid imperceptibly learns to recognize warehouses, and then read them on his own. It is worth noting that in Zaitsev's method, letters are not purposefully studied, they are learned by themselves thanks to many games with warehouses .

What are Zaitsev's cubes

So, let's see what is the fundamental difference between Zaitsev's cubes and ordinary cubes with letters. On all sides, not letters and syllables are written on Zaitsev’s cubes, but namely warehouses. And they are not written randomly, but according to certain rules:

    All warehouses on one cube start with one consonant. For example, MA-MO-MU-ME-WE-M.

    There are cubes big and small. On large - all warehouses are solid. Small ones are soft.

  • There are cubes different colors, and if you shake them, then they sound different. Inside the orange cubes there is a wooden filler and warehouses with a deaf consonant are written on them. And inside the grays there is an iron filler, and warehouses here with a voiced consonant.
  • Warehouses, representing a separate vowel, are placed on separate cubes, painted in bright yellow colors.

  • There are also unusual "double" dice. Warehouses are combined on one side of such a cube, which, although they are written differently, are read the same way. For example, ZhYO and ZhO, Sh and Sh.

Such distinctive features make it easier for the child to find the right warehouse among the whole mass. As Nikolai Zaitsev says, “Among the 500-800 books on your shelves, you can also easily find the ones you need, remembering their color, height, thickness and spine design.” Only there are not 800 cubes, but 65. And if you don’t count duplicates and auxiliary cubes, then only 39 will remain. Finding the right one is quite real!

Previously, the followers of Zaitsev’s technique glued the cubes themselves (which is very difficult, since there are a lot of them and they should be made of very thick cardboard), but now they, along with tables and a manual, can be bought at specialized stores with developers.

Activities and games with Zaitsev's cubes

How to play with cubes so that the baby is really interested in reading? The manual includes a methodological guide by Nikolai Zaitsev, which describes the options for classes. To be honest, the training manual is read without pleasure. There is a lot of text, but, in my opinion, there is a lot of superfluous in it. I would like a clear description of games with specific recommendations, well, a step-by-step program. It is also a little embarrassing that there are very few games in the training manual that involve teaching a child from scratch. After all, the author promises that you can start teaching as early as a 2-year-old baby.

But, don’t be alarmed, all this does not in the least detract from the merits of Zaitsev’s technique. If you figure it out and organize the gameplay correctly, you can get really excellent results in the form of a reading and not tortured child. While we were working with my daughter, I collected the most interesting ideas for games with cubes, I want to bring them here in order of increasing difficulty

Before we move on to games, I want to say that you should not limit your activities to just cubes! Dilute them with others, so the child will be more interested!

And another very important point! Do not expect from the child that he will read the warehouses himself in the very first lessons (even if he already knew the letters before). Do not arrange constant checks for the baby (“Tell me, what letter is this?”, “Read what is written here”). All classes should turn into a game, during which you will show and name warehouses to the child many times. The result will not keep you waiting, at first the baby will learn to recognize warehouses and it will be easy to find the right ones among a number of proposed ones. And then it will come to independent reading. Don't rush baby!

So let's get started. I bring games with Zaitsev cubes in ascending order of difficulty . Games can be repeated repeatedly with the child, using different cubes each time.

  1. We take the cubes out of the bag / put them back

It is always better to start games with solid warehouses (these are large cubes). Prepare an opaque bag and put a few cubes in it. Together, take out one cube from the bag, voice what is written on the side that the cube turned towards you. Ask questions and answer them yourself. “What is this warehouse? It's MU!"

Play with a storyline. For example, a bear brought you a bag and asked you to tell what is inside.

Then all the cubes can be put back into the bag, also naming them.

2. We shift the cubes from one container to another

The game is similar to the previous one. Pots, boxes are suitable as containers. While shifting, we read what is written on one side of each cube. Or you can "sing" them in full.

3. Chants on cubes

Warehouse singing is one of the integral elements of Zaitsev's methodology. All warehouses are written on cubes in a certain sequence (for example, MU-MO-MA-ME-WE-M, DO-DO-DA-DE-DE-D), if you practice in advance in rotating the cube in the right way, then you will get very folding chants. Like this:

The secret of the chants lies in the fact that they are all similar to each other, both in appearance and in hearing. If the kid recognizes at least one consonant on the cube or at least one warehouse, he can quickly restore the entire tune from memory, and, accordingly, sing the entire cube.

Sing these songs with your child more often, and he will quickly learn to read the warehouses on them.

4. Hide and Seek

Take one cube and hide it under a scarf / blanket and offer to guess which side it will seem to you now. Then take out the cube, voice it together and be sincerely surprised by what you read. Repeat the game again, turning the cube in different directions. “Which side do you think the cube will appear to us? Let's watch! This is MI! A surprise moment will increase the child's interest in the game.

5. Toys and houses

Invite the baby to settle toys in cube houses - “The bunny will live with us in the KO house”, etc. If there is a desire, warehouses can be chosen so that they correspond to the first syllable in the name of the animal, i.e. the horse will live in the LO house, etc.

When everyone is settled, play with characters, visit each other, hide in different houses and do not forget to unobtrusively name warehouses in the game. Similarly, you can play a train, in this case, the toys will be seated in the cars, the names of which will be warehouses!

6. Sort the cubes into large and small

Grab two of your toddler's favorite toys. It is desirable that one of them be large, and the second smaller. Let's say it will be a big bear and a bunny. Tell your child that the bear loves big cubes, and the bunny loves small ones. And then sort them between toys. Do not forget to read what is written on them.

Also remember that at first warehouses you read all the time. Then, when the child already remembers them a little, offer recognition tasks - “Please give the bear a TO cube”, etc.

7. Run to MI!

Place several cubes (4-5 pieces) around the room in different places at the level of the child's eyes. Invite the kid to race (for example, with a bear) to run to those warehouses that you will name.

For example, you shout "Run to MI!" or “Who will bring the spacecraft first?”, the kid quickly finds the right warehouse and runs up to it. The bear, for which you will play, of course, will also “try” to overtake the baby.

8. Engines and towers

Invite your child to build a train, but not a simple one. In this train, all warehouses will be with the same vowel, such as MA-KA-PA-TA-DA or TU-ROO-DOU-LU-PU, or even longer. (Don't forget that it's always better to start games with hard syllables, they are easier for a child to read!)

To make it more interesting for the baby, each building block can bring some kind of toy. When the train is ready, sing or say its long name together, pointing your finger at each warehouse. Or, slap each warehouse with excitement, naming it!

And then also seat small toys on the train. Each passenger, before taking his seat, will tell the child which car he has bought a ticket for, and the child will find the appropriate warehouse and attach the passenger.

Similarly, you can build storage towers. We play with the tower in the same way, except that it will not be possible to resettle the tenants

9. Find mistakes

Build a train or tower before class without the participation of the child. In this case, all warehouses must end in the same vowel, and intentionally make a mistake in one. Tell the kid that the bear built the train himself, but made a mistake somewhere, help him find this mistake. To do this, read warehouses together.

10. Brothers and sisters

Tell the baby that all the cubes are relatives, each of them has a brother or sister. So, the cube with solid warehouses MA-MO-MU-ME-WE-M has a younger sister - MU-ME-MYA-ME-MI-M (smaller cube) . Explain to the child that you can determine the relationship by the first letter in the syllable. Do not forget to sing the found pairs. So they will be remembered faster.

11. Telling stories

We have already got used to the warehouses a little, you can try to compose the first words. And simple tales will help us in this, for example, this plan:

“Once upon a time there was a dwarf SO ( show the cube with the corresponding side). He was very lonely and sad because he had no friends. He looked for them everywhere and everywhere: on a chair, under a table, on a bed, under a bed. (depicting searches), but I couldn't find it. And somehow, quite by chance, on the street he met a dwarf named K ( show). How happy our dwarf SO was! He began to jump for joy, and the dwarf K was also happy. SO-K, SO-K, SO-K, SO-K! So they jumped and jumped, and then they stood side by side and were surprised, because they saw that they got the word SO-K! Then they told other warehouses about it, and they also began to come to visit SO, composing new words: SO-M, SO-N, SO-VA, SO-DA, SO-L ( other dice should be ready

Here are some more word options for other fairy tales:


12. Who is faster?

Build in front of the child a word that is not too complicated, but interesting for him (for example, BEAR), read it together, running your finger through the warehouses. And then offer a race (best with some toy) to look for given warehouses in this word. For example, who will find the spacecraft faster?

Then offer to find MI, etc. And then change the word.

13. Toys write words

Tell the child that now the toys will write the word that he wants especially for him. If the baby is at a loss, offer yourself a choice of something favorite or sweet. For example, CAR or CANDY, CAKE.

When the choice is made, the toys will take turns bringing cubes - for example, the baby elephant will bring MA, the bear - SHI, the bunny - NA. The funnier the character will carry his element, the more fun the game will be. He can drop the cube, find the right side all the time, hum his warehouse cheerfully, and so on.

It is important to place the finished word at such a height that the child can see the desired part of the cube.

14. Find body parts

Before class, make up a few short words (3-4 words) denoting parts of the body and face. For example, NOSE, MOUTH, ARM, FOOT, FORON, etc. Read the words with your child. Then take a small toy and say that it will now jump from one word to another, and you will need to show the corresponding place on the body. For example, a bear jumped on the word "NOSE" - which means that you and your baby need to point to your noses very quickly.

Gradually pick up the pace. The game is usually very fun.

In such a game, the baby will learn to recognize the words as a whole, the reading process will be more and more automated.

15. Actions

The game is similar to the previous one, only now you need to make up not body parts from cubes, but simple actions - EAT, DRINK, WASH, RUN, CLAP, etc. The task of the child is to depict this or that action when you point to the corresponding word.

Due to the lack of a large number of cubes with a warehouse Th, some words can be written on the cards, highlighting the warehouses in them in different colors.

16. Hide and Seek

This game also teaches the child to perceive and recognize the whole word. Put a few words in front of the child, for example, MOUSE, DOG, ELEPHANT, GIRAFFE, etc. Say that these are houses / train cars in which these animals live / ride. Read the words together, ask the baby questions like “Where is the dog?”, “Where is the elephant?”, “Who is here?”.

Then tell the child that the animals decided to play hide and seek, ask him to turn away and swap some words. After that, again ask the baby to find the right words - “Where is the mouse now?”, “Where did the elephant hide?” etc.

17. Writing words together

When the child is well accustomed to the cubes and will be happy to play with them, you can teach him to write words with cubes. Of course, at first the baby will need to be prompted, but gradually the number of prompts must be reduced:

  • At the first stage, simply serve the child the cubes in the desired sequence with the correct side.
  • At the second stage, serve the cubes in the desired sequence, but giving the opportunity to select the desired warehouse.
  • At the third stage, explain to the baby how to determine which warehouse will be next in the word, and invite him to independently choose the desired cube from 3-4 proposed. To make it easier for the child, turn the cubes to the right side in advance.

What will be interesting for the baby to write with cubes:

  • Your name (having collected the name, rearrange something in it, laugh at what happened)
  • Names of loved ones - mom, dad, woman, grandfather, cat, dog, Chupa (name of favorite toy), etc.
  • Ask the baby what he would like to eat (ice cream, kinder, melon, apple, dumplings ...)
  • Names of favorite toys (lego, car, doll, etc.)
  • Any word of the child's choice.

Prepare some cards with the words written on them. Highlight warehouses in words in different colors (). Invite the child to collect these words.

Do not forget to beat the lesson with some interesting plot. For example, the game might start with the fact that the dinosaur found cards with "edible" words (for example, Porridge, Noodles) and asked you to make up what is written on them. After collecting and reading each word by the baby, the dinosaur will “eat” it.

19. Funny words

Let the child make several cubes in a row the way he wants. Then read together what happened. Surely, you get a funny word, you can even dream up what it is.

20. Changeling

Invite your child to play magicians. To do this, first collect some simple word, for example, MASHA. Then replace one cube in it with another (for example, put the warehouse YES instead of MA). Read what happened and explain to the child that even by changing the letters a little, we can get a word with a completely different meaning. Together, sincerely wonder what new word you managed to get.

Here are some chains of words you can build:


21. Animal houses

Prepare some of your toddler's favorite toys with simple names/titles. Together build a house for each toy by writing its name in blocks. Then settle the toys in the houses. Play a scene with how animals walk and return, go to visit each other. The child must read correctly and find the house of each toy friend.

Similarly, you can build houses based on who says how. For a cat - MEW, for a dog - GAV, etc. Such words will be shorter and clearer. The principle of the game is described

22. We write words with certain parameters or in a chain

When the child is already very well accustomed to writing words, you can compose words with given parameters, for example, containing a specific warehouse or letter.

Another option is to write words in a chain. For example, you expose one word - HA-L-VA. You read it, then remove all the first cubes, leaving only the last one. Now your task is to come up with a word for the remaining warehouse, for example, WA-LE-NO-K. Then there may be K-RO-SH-KA, KA-SHA, etc.

23. Benefits for Zaitsev's cubes

I would also like to draw your attention to the manuals of Natalia Pyatibratova, designed specifically for those who are engaged in Zaitsev's cubes. Notebooks allow you to work with warehouses in a planar version - in tasks you need to draw lines, draw and stick stickers. At the same time, in all tasks, not just warehouses are drawn, but Zaitsev's cubes, which will further increase the interest of the child. Benefits perfectly diversify the "volumetric" classes with cubes. Here they are:

Warehouse stickers for games with Zaitsev's cubes

Of course, the options for classes with cubes are not limited to this list. I am more than sure that you yourself can come up with a lot, guided by the interests of your child. The main thing is that all classes take place in an unobtrusive game form!

Well, the last. If you are interested in the warehouse approach, I highly recommend also taking a closer look at the step-by-step KoroBoom Reading Program. The whole complex is built on a large number of interesting and varied games with warehouses and words. To do this, there are many magnets, cards, exercise books, written tasks, etc. in the kit. All tasks are described in detail and distributed in order of increasing difficulty. The program was tested by me personally, we were engaged with pleasure!

I wish you interesting and productive games! And in order not to miss new blog articles, subscribe to updates in Instagram, In contact with, Facebook

Consider the basic principles of Nikolai Zaitsev. We will offer a methodology for conducting a lesson according to Zaitsev, and also give an answer to the question: What is the uniqueness of Nikolai Zaitsev's magic cubes?

At school, learning takes place from the lips of the teacher to the ear of the student, and meanwhile, the child learns 80% of the information with the eye. I have shown it thousands of times, maybe tens of thousands of times... The ancient teaching system can no longer be used: life has changed, the way information is perceived has changed, and its volume has changed. (N. Zaitsev)

New - forgotten old

The methodology of Nikolai Zaitsev occupies a special place in pedagogy. The Russian teacher and educator was one of the first to practice early teaching children counting, reading, music, foreign languages ​​(in particular English) and other cognitive disciplines.

Zaitsev is better known, of course, thanks to his cubes, which are used in the work of many teachers and kindergarten teachers. But learning according to the Zaitsev method is not only tables of syllables, warehouses and arithmetic operations. These are funny toys that make different sounds, musical instruments, cubes with cut pictures, cards, puzzles, building sets, etc.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev was born in 1939 in the Novgorod region into a family of rural teachers. After the war he came to Leningrad. After graduating from school, he worked as a grinder and moulder for two years. Then he entered the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. Herzen (Faculty of Philology, specialist with knowledge of a foreign language). In the fifth year I went to practice in Indonesia. Teaching local residents the Russian language, the future teacher was already thinking about the original educational program.

Returning to the USSR, Zaitsev began teaching, continuing to work on his own developments. He worked as an educator in an orphanage, a colony for juvenile delinquents, a boarding school for the mentally retarded, a teacher of Russian language and literature, English, Russian as a foreign language.

During his work at the school, Zaitsev determined for himself the direction of pedagogical activity - training programs for the smallest.

In those years (and this was the end of the 70s), official pedagogy did not recognize any deviations from traditional forms of education. More than ten years passed before Zaitsev's manuals saw the light, and his methodology began to be used by educators and teachers, although it has not yet received official approval from the Ministry of Education. Zaitsev, meanwhile, continues to lecture, he has many students and followers, and his new manuals and developments on early learning are still being published.

The main idea of ​​Zaitsev's methodology is as follows: learning should be based on all forms of perception of the child - thinking, active practical independent activity, hearing and visual memory, and most importantly - you need to help the child read and count while playing, having fun, without tiring sitting at a desk.

Here it is appropriate to recall that traditional pedagogy arranged educational material according to an invariable principle: a rule is an exercise. In addition, all the material was not collected in a specific place. It was not used according to the system “from the particular to the general, from the general to the particular”.

It was to these flaws that Zaitsev drew attention. He proposed a new way of learning, taking not a syllable as a unit of the structure of the language, but a warehouse, using which the baby begins to compose separate words. These warehouses are located on different sides of the Zaitsev cubes. This technique is used not only for the accelerated teaching of Russian to children: with its help, you can learn English and any other language just as quickly.

By the way, the warehouse method has been known since the time of L. N. Tolstoy. A warehouse is considered to be a merger of a consonant with a vowel, a separate vowel as a syllable, a separate consonant (in a closed syllable), a consonant with a sign. For example, SO-BA-KA, PA-RO-VO-3, A-I-S-T and so on. The baby starts talking

MA-MA by syllables, not by letters or a whole word. According to warehouses, it is easier and more natural to teach him to read. So Nikolai Zaitsev had something to rely on in his program.

Warehouses in tables and on cubes differ in color, size, volume, sound (cubes are filled with different materials). Thanks to this, the child easily learns the difference between vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and deaf. In other words, the child does not go from simple to complex (letter - syllable - word), but immediately gets access to all warehouses, which he remembers through repeated repetition and warehouse choruses.

All the material is also presented to the child in its entirety, that is, if these are cubes, then everything at once, if tables, then everything that can be learned. Everything is thought out so that the kids do not experience tension and discomfort in the classroom. Tables are located at a height of 170 cm from the floor. The child learns while standing, which has a beneficial effect on his posture. The letters are depicted large, there is no need to strain your eyesight, the child is constantly on the move, the lesson is in a playful way, nothing is memorized or memorized.

However, this approach has its own difficulties. First: there are more than 200 warehouses, and, as you know, there are only 33 letters. Therefore, a child who learns according to Zaitsev receives 10 times more information than one who is taught to read as usual. And finally, the spelling skill does not correspond to the school system of spelling. And this means that the child will have to learn to read again. And it will be much more difficult for him at first to perform such mandatory types of analysis as phonetic, word-formation, in composition.

Principles of the Zaitsev Method

♦ From general to particular and from particular to general.

♦ From concrete-figurative through visual-effective to verbal-logical.

♦ Ensuring visibility (not only from the word “look”) using various channels of perception.

♦ System material supply.

♦ Algorithmization of educational activities.

♦ Accounting for the physiology of perception of educational information.

♦ Student health.

➠ The warehouse principle of teaching reading with the help of sounding cubes is adequate to neurophysiological freedom, i.e. the freedom in which the child, as a novice musician, on his own initiative conducts a creative search for the sounds-notes he needs, extracts them with the help of his own efforts, hears himself, corrects itself. (N. Zaitsev)

A lesson in learning to read according to Zaitsev

Unfortunately, the ready-made manuals of the methods of Nikolai Zaitsev ( cubes, tables) are quite expensive, so not every mother can use them. But there is a way out: to make one of the manuals with your own hands, which is cards with letters. These will be the king's house, the queen's house and consonant cards.

King's house: A, O, U, S, E.

Queen's house: I, Yo, Yu, I, E.

Cards from the houses of the king and queen must be cut out and connected vertically (i.e., in a column in the order in which they are printed). Then (at the request of the parents) these houses are pasted over with adhesive tape on the front side, and glued on fleecy paper on the back (another option is to stick Velcro). You need to put them under a press for a day - a sheet of plywood or thick cardboard - and cover them with flannel. Now the houses of the king and queen can be easily placed on the flannel board.

How to play with a baby?

Come up with a fairy tale about the king and queen, about the letters that live in houses. For example: “Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had many servants. The king's servants lived in the big house, the queen's servants lived in the smaller house. These servants were not simple, they all loved to sing very much, ”etc.

Sing the letters from the houses (from top to bottom).

You can sing to any motive, the main thing is that the baby is interested. No need to be afraid that you have no hearing, the baby still thinks that mom sings the best.

When these vowels in the houses are learned, you need to cut out and make consonant cards: B, K, M, P.

You can take, for example, B and distribute it among the houses: BA, BO, BU, BY, BE - bya, byo, byu, bi, be. Then distribute the rest of the letters in the same way: MA, MO, MU, WE, ME - me, myo, mu, mi, me, etc.

After that, you can substitute letters to the right and left of the houses: BAM, BOM, BOOM, etc., do the same with the rest of the consonants (make cards, “roll” them around the houses, substitute them for other warehouses). At first glance, this seems to be a simple, but quite effective technique by which you can learn to read in a few lessons. Toddlers, of course, will need more time to master the material.

Program Creator - Child

How to explain to a child why today you need to study this letter, and tomorrow another? Simple: easy, in the form of a game or a fairy tale. In any case, according to Zaitsev, this is the best way to determine the direction of study, since the entire volume of the language being studied is offered to children at once: take as much as you can! According to his methodology, there are no difficult or easy words, there is no clearly drawn up program and strict deadlines. The teacher works according to the child's program - doing what you want is always more interesting than doing what you need. He just asks the kids what they would like to do.

If a girl likes the letter Yu because her name is Yulia, there is no need to wait until the turn comes to this letter. If a boy is interested in cars and wants to know how the word "carburetor" is spelled, please. Or maybe a fairy tale was read to a child today and some bizarre names sunk into his soul? The teacher and the children are armed with cubes, tables, pictures and begin to play with the words that they have chosen together. This is cooperation.

The technique is completely non-aggressive towards children. There are no losers or losers in the group. The material can be mastered even by those who, it would seem, are not capable of it. Classes are structured in such a way that the child does not have a fear of making a mistake - after all, this is a game in which everyone is busy with their own business. They even write everything only with a pencil, so that there is always an opportunity to correct it without ruining a beautiful notebook.

Zaitsev's classes cannot be called a lesson at all. Children race, jump, sing, dance, fumble on the floor, hang on sports equipment, etc. So scoliosis, fatigue, visual impairment, stress and other attributes of traditional studies are the least feared here. As a result, even silent children begin to speak, vocabulary expands, speech becomes more correct than that of peers. And most importantly, children have a lot of interests. They want to illustrate compositions and sign pictures, read poetry and sing.

Zaitsev's technique can be applied in different ways. You can arrange a child in a kindergarten, where communication is based on this system. You can also find a private teacher.

The teacher can come home, but it is better for the child to study outside the home. Firstly, it is easier for him to gather and concentrate on foreign territory. Secondly, he will be able to communicate with other children (in a group, the material is absorbed better). Thirdly, the child will get used to the process of collecting, preparing homework - everything that awaits him at school.

In general, checking assignments and inseparably sitting with a child is not a very useful activity, it is another matter to participate with him in educational affairs. In the end, it is possible to engage in the development of the child on your own, using the advice of "zaychists", although this does not guarantee better results.

Of course, difficulties are inevitable on this path, especially since, as already mentioned, the methodology has not yet been officially approved (there is no need to recall the inertia of state institutions, the obstacles that everything new faces, etc.). But this is no reason to retreat. According to Zaitsev's followers, his method is one of the most progressive, which means that the future belongs to it.

Every parent wants their child to be the most developed and smartest. Parents feel great pride when their child is aged three or four years calmly reads advertising signs while sitting in a car or passing by. Training always begins with the choice of methods, of which there are now a large number. Learning to read with Zaitsev's cubes is the most effective for working with the smallest.

Zaitsev's cubes: what is it

For more than twenty years, Zaitsev's author's technique has existed. Despite this, it is constantly being improved. To date, many games and techniques have been created that are in addition to the basis. With this technique, even the smallest children are successful in literacy. For example, for a child of six years old, a couple of lessons are enough for him to start reading.

Zaitsev's technique is suitable for both children who like to play quietly, and restless, active children.

This method of teaching reading is suitable for children with poor hearing, vision and the presence of deviations related to mental development. Reviews say that excellent results have been achieved. Children with autism also show good results.

Zaitsev in this technique involved all types of perception, such as visual, auditory, motor, thinking, touch and memory. Working with kids, the teacher must organize learning in a playful, relaxed manner and at the same time become a mentor for children.

Using the Zaitsev method, you can:

The set of methods includes:

  1. Sixty-one assembled cardboard cubes.
  2. Six cardboard tables with letters, syllables and other signs.
  3. Four tables made of cardboard, having a B3 format.
  4. A disk on which songs for tables and cubes are recorded.
  5. A manual that can be used as a summary for classes.

The SMARTUM Child Development Center is a great chance to abandon tutors in a particular subject and give preference to the comprehensive development of a child of school and preschool age.

Warehouse, what is it?

Zaitsev's method uses an alternative to syllables - warehouses. There warehouse, is the basic unit of the language. A combination of a consonant or a vowel, a hard sign and a consonant, or just one letter - all this is a warehouse. The basis of this technique is warehouse reading.

The hand is applied just below the chin, then the word is pronounced, the strength of the muscles, which is felt by the hand, is the warehouse.

According to the Zaitsev method, warehouses are located both in tables and on cubes. There is no analytical thinking in education, since it develops only by the age of seven. Warehouses, which are located on the cubes, differ in size, sound and color. This is done for the work of all channels of perception.

What is the Zaitsev technique

In this method, there is no authoritarian style of communication between the teacher and the children. This is taken into account individually development and characteristics of each child. Classes are held exclusively in the form of a game. Children sing, move, dance, jump, and all this is accompanied by playing with cubes.

The cubes are different sizes. The big ones show hard sounds, the small ones show soft sounds. They are both double and single. Doubled cubes have consonants on them, which are combined only with certain vowels (zhi-zhu-zha).

A voiced warehouse is indicated by metal, and a deaf warehouse by wood. Vowels are associated with gold. There is a hard sign on the iron-wood colored cubes, and a soft sign on the wooden-gold colored ones. The white cube is covered with punctuation marks. The color scheme of the letters is different from the school. Vowels are indicated in blue, consonants in blue, and soft and hard signs are indicated in green. Zaitsev believes that the difference from the red, blue and green colors that are used at school helps the child start reading fluently.

As for the filling, it is different for the cubes. Those who are just starting to learn get acquainted only with cubes, a little later they will be introduced to the tables. There are fifty-two dice in the set, and seven more repeat dice.

The sets are:

  1. collected;
  2. based on plastic;
  3. Cubes that you need to glue yourself, this includes a separate layout.

For self-gluing cubes, it will take a lot of time. From the inside, they need to be further strengthened. This can be done using an identical size cardboard cube. At the end of gluing, it is recommended to tighten the cube with rubber bands, during the drying process it did not fall apart. To make the cubes stronger, it is recommended to cover them with a film or laminate the scan. When choosing this option, it is recommended to duplicate each sweep in order to have a supply of warehouses on which words will be written.

Tables should be hung high so that there is a prevention of visual impairment and scoliosis. If classes do not take place in a group, but individually, then the height is determined by the child's raised hand. He must be able to reach the top of the table. Often tables are placed in the corners of the room to make it easier for the child to find the right warehouses. Tables, so that they serve longer, are also wrapped with a film. Tables are as important as playing with dice.

The technique involves singing all warehouses. The author came to the conclusion that singing can interest a child faster.

The cubes should always be in front of the baby's eyes, first he will get acquainted with the manual, having carefully examined it. Let the child show the cube that interested him more than others. Warehouses, which are written on the faces of the cube, show singing. Then the child must be asked to find a large cube, then a small one, wooden, iron, gold. This is necessary so that the child understands that the cubes have different sounds and they have different sizes.

When the baby understands the essence of this information, he should be shown syllabic tables. You need to sing one column from the table and ask the child to bring the same warehouse on a cube. You need to sing expressively in order to demonstrate what are the warehouses: deaf, sonorous, large or small. Many also use movement. The child does not need to sing warehouses in response until he himself wants this and does not come to this.

A child can be taught to write using blocks or a pointer. Understanding the composition of words comes by regularly showing warehouses on the table and singing them. By playing various games, including mobile ones, you can teach your baby to write. It is recommended to conduct classes regularly day after day, even if only a little, however, if it is clearly visible that the child does not have the mood to study, it is better to postpone it, in no case should you force it.

Training needs to involve child's favorite games. If the baby is active, the games should be mobile. Assiduous children are better off offering quiet entertainment.

The technique is successful if all requirements are met in full, and not some selective elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of the methodology

Any technique in our time has its pros and cons, and Zaitsev's cubes are no exception.

Advantages of the technique:

Cons of the technique:

  • Creative abilities are practically not developed.
  • There are difficulties understanding certain sounds, which can affect writing.
  • The choice when writing E and E is difficult.
  • Benefits are expensive.
  • sound coloring different from school ones.
  • Children may skip endings in words.

Zaitsev's cubes are a qualitatively new teaching method. The basic principle is to give the child "everything at once." How? See for yourself. When learning to read, the child learns all the warehouses of the Russian language at once, and not one letter at a time, as is customary in the usual education system.

When learning to count, the baby is offered all the numbers up to a hundred, and then up to a million. Isn't such an abundance of information at once harmful? No! Contrary to fears, the child does not get tired and does not get lost from such an abundance of information.

The child immediately establishes the necessary connections between warehouses or numbers. Zaitsev assures that children get tired just from primitive entertainment. According to the method of Zaitsev, the entire Russian language is given to the child in warehouses on cubes and wall tables.

Zaitsev's cubes are a Russian language that you can play with: you can pick it up, examine it, twirling it in your hands, and feel its weight. The author of the methodology pays special attention to tables.

The most complex rules and laws, thanks to his systematization of tables, become clear, understandable and easy to remember. In addition, the table can be called a simulator for vision and posture.

No need to sit still, you can walk and run along the tables in search of a solution. Learning is like a journey. The table is like a map on which many discoveries can be made. The table is always in front of the eyes, the information works constantly, it is repeated as many times as the child looks at the table.

Zaitsev's cubes, a method of teaching reading

To understand Zaitsev's technique, let's remember that in Russian there are consonants and vowels, together they form warehouses (do not confuse with syllables!).

What is a warehouse in the Zaitsev method?

So, there are consonants and vowels, hard and soft, voiced and deaf sounds. No, no, you don't need to explain this to the child, it's just not necessary. You need to remember these terms a little, as they will sometimes appear in the descriptions of the cubes.

Warehouses may coincide with syllables, but may differ. For example, in the word "MAMA" - two warehouses and two syllables, and in the word "ELEPHANT" - one syllable, but three warehouses - C-LO-N. Or the word "SUDDENLY" - one syllable, but four warehouses - V-D-RU-G.

As you can see, the warehouse may consist of:

  • from a consonant and a vowel (BA, VU, PE, MA, etc.);
  • from a consonant and soft or hard signs (Pb, DB, Vb, Sb, etc.);
  • only from the consonant: (N, P, S, etc.);
  • only from a vowel (A, O, U, etc.);
  • warehouses never form two consonants together or two vowels (SD, OU, VD, etc.).

Try to break the words into warehouses yourself: HE, CHILDREN, BOOK, CAT, STORK, and now check yourself: o-n, de-ti, k-ni-ha, ko-t, a-and-s-t.

Warehouses are written on the faces of Zaitsev's cubes.

Zaitsev's Cubes is a game aid for learning to read

The game set consists of:

  • cubes (or, from a cardboard scan, which must be folded into a cube);
  • fillers for cubes (metal corks "wooden sticks");
  • tables;
  • books - manuals for parents;
  • audio cassettes with songs that are used in teaching.

These original cubes differ in 46 ways, including weight. Cubes are divided into large and small, "iron" and "wooden", "golden" cubes with vowels.

  • Small - "soft" warehouses.
  • "Iron" are "voiced" warehouses.
  • "Wooden" are "deaf" warehouses.

There are five double dice separately. These are warehouses with those consonants that do not combine with all vowels (for example, “zh”, “h”)
Zaitsev's warehouses perfectly fit the melody. The author of the technique proposed to sing warehouses, and then he released an audio cassette, on which warehouses are sung to different melodies.

Having memorized the chants, over time the child will easily find the desired warehouse by singing (pronouncing) and following the warehouses in the table with his finger or turning the faces of the cube itself.

Of course, only children of older preschool age and adults can turn the cubes correctly, but kids can look for the necessary warehouses on the table as early as two or three years old.

Warehouse reading technique

Have you ever heard from friends that a child knows all the letters, but does not read yet? Or “reads” by letter, without putting it into a word. The warehouse method avoids such problems, since the child immediately sees the warehouse and pronounces it.

For example, a baby does not read “ke-o”, but “ko” and does not ask questions why it is “be” and “yu”, but for some reason “bu” is read together. If the material is presented correctly, then the warehouse is easier to remember and recognize than a letter.

Cubes and tables are presented all at once. And they immediately show up in action. Words begin to form that can be written with a pointer on the table.

Why all at once? Zaitsev is an opponent of a phased acquaintance with letters, a long “playing out” of the same thing. All cubes at once - this is one of the basic principles of his technique.

Can children absorb this amount of information at once? This question is the most popular among parents. The author of the methodology believes that they not only can, but also learn everything with ease. As an example, he cites, oddly enough, playing cards.

Many children of four or five years old enjoy playing "The Fool", "The Drunkard" and other games on both 36 and 52 cards. Cards are taken and remembered by them all at once. Why can't 33 letters be learned in a few months?

The fact is, according to Zaitsev, that the cards are "a brilliant design and methodological development." The letters are small, all black. Of course, they are not similar to each other, but looking for differences in them is boring and difficult. And the cards are easy to remember, they are bright, instantly deposited in memory.

The cubes created by Zaitsev differ in 46 features. Show them to your child like cards - all at once, and not 1-2 cubes per lesson.

  • First, you will need almost all the blocks to start writing words. This can and should be done already in the first lesson.
  • Secondly, when playing with all the cubes, it is easier for a child to remember them - those same 46 signs - signals - are included in the work.

Zaitsev against!


Zaitsev opposes numerous alphabets, where the names of the letters are tied to pictures: watermelon - A, banana - B, bucket - C, goose - G, etc. Having met the word CHAIR, for example, a child will remember an owl, a tiger, a duck, a frog, which need to be recoded into a piece of furniture. Not an easy task, right?


“Letters have not yet been introduced, but the terms have already been laid out: hard, soft, voiced, deaf, vowels, consonants,” writes Zaitsev.

It turns out that learning does not go from the concrete to the abstract, but vice versa.

Methodical tales

In addition to confusion in the head, wasted time on stupid fairy tales and unnecessary terms, such "literature" does not give anything else. “ABC studies”, “A mistaken place”, “Mistake”, “Mysterious Phoneme”, “Bukvinsk”, “Skladisk”, “Chislyandiya”, etc., according to Zaitsev, should not surround the child.

Acquaintance with Zaitsev's cubes

The first acquaintance is only with the name, says Zaitsev. Write the name of the baby in cubes, show, twist the cubes - the name may change.

Wrote a name. Now you can make it out of cubes and write with a pointer according to the table MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BU-SH-KA, KO-T, KU-K-LA, the names of mom, dad, friends.

Now the child himself chooses the word that you write to him in cubes, and then show it on the table. Everything is fast, neat, no board, no chalk, no pencils and paper is required.

And most importantly - write the cubes themselves!

Mathematics according to Zaitsev's method

The trouble with all initial mathematical programs and the manuals and textbooks that follow from them, Zaitsev believes, is their general attitude to first separate “one” and “many”, then count for a long time within 10, then 20, etc.

Zaitsev does it easier. His manual "A Thousand Plus and More ..." teaches children to count within a thousand.

This is a four-color tape made of cardboard with numbers from 0 to 99 in numbers and in the form of grouped objects - circles and squares. Even three-year-olds pretty soon from the beginning of classes begin to find any named number on the tape. Even and odd are distinguished by color. The composition of the number is also clear to everyone: the number of tens, units.

Split cards represent a number in relation to a hundred (for example, in a 10 x 10 matrix, there are 54 filled squares and 46 unfilled ones).

Children of four or five years old easily move on to addition and subtraction within a hundred.

Six cubes and the second table will help children learn to write and read three-digit numbers, create figurative ideas about their composition - the number of hundreds, tens, units.

The third table introduces children to the entry and name of multi-digit numbers.

The most important thing, Zaitsev warns, is not to bother the child with allegedly methodical approaches: what is more, what is less, by how much, the composition of the ten, the composition of the number, etc. But walk along the tape, count along it, transferring the pointer to the next right when naming the next number cell, it is absolutely necessary for children to look for the given numbers.

What is interesting about Zaitsev's technique

Zaitsev's cube training methodology is certainly interesting and unusual. The “warehouse principle” of teaching reading is interesting in itself. Indeed, the baby will not need to break the word into syllables (there are a lot of syllables, and it is not always possible to distinguish them accurately), add letters to get a syllable, wondering what will come of “p”, “a”, “p”, “a ".

Zaitsev includes in the work all the channels of perception of information in the child, and the child himself chooses the “suitable” ones for him. Visuals can examine the material, kinesthetics - touch, twist in their hands, auditory - listen and pronounce (sing).

While doing mathematics, the child quickly moves on to operations with two-digit numbers, thanks to mathematical tables from the first lessons they get acquainted with tens.

Doubts and shortcomings of Zaitsev's methodology

There is an opinion of a number of teachers that children taught to read according to the Zaitsev method subsequently experience difficulties in morphological parsing of words (by composition). It can be difficult for them to distinguish prefixes and roots, suffixes and endings.

For many, this entails a misunderstanding of spelling and illiterate writing. This fact has not been proven, however, an opinion exists and is often cited by opponents of Zaitsev's method.

The disadvantages in the performance of visual material using this technique include the fragility of the cubes. Even cubes reinforced with additional liners in the hands of a two-year-old can quickly become unusable. Hence the reluctance of many parents to give the material into the hands of the crumbs, which contradicts Zaitsev's approach of "giving everything at once."

Read this article:

Today, teaching a child to read is more of a task for parents than for schools, where most children go with some knowledge. And the ability to read is one of the most important. At the moment, various teaching methods already exist and continue to develop. Increasingly popular among them is the method of Zaitsev Nikolai Alexandrovich, a St. Petersburg teacher and a leading specialist in the field of approbation and development of educational methods in the Russian Federation.

Nikolay Zaitsev and his methods

The main principles of the methods of this teacher coincide with the generally accepted didactic principles of the modern education system, but here they are strictly observed. This:

  1. Compliance with the system in the submission of material.
  2. Clear algorithms for all learning activities.
  3. Various aspects of the child's perception of information are involved in the training, and in accordance with the principles of their work, the presentation of material is organized according to the principle of visibility.
  4. The physiological features of the child's perception of new information are taken into account.
  5. Educational materials and knowledge are presented in the ratio of particular-general, which allows the child to freely and independently build analogies in the future.
  6. Concrete-figurative material is in direct connection with visual and logical-verbal (verbal) educational material.
  7. The health-improving and preventive moment of the learning process is taken into account.

At the moment, Zaitsev implements educational and experimental developments on the basis of a limited liability company under the same name "N. Zaitsev's Methods". Its educational programs are designed for the active participation of not only educators and teachers, but also for parents, whose role in the education of the child is extremely important.

The main teaching material is an information field, which is recorded in the form of tables and placed in a conspicuous place in front of the child's eyes, for example, on the classroom walls. Nikolai Zaitsev's methodology is designed not only for individual learning, but also for group classes and includes teaching children all the basic basic skills, such as reading, writing, the basics of arithmetic and mathematics, and foreign languages. Didactic techniques are designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age. Interactive forms of learning involve the rapid disclosure of the potential of each child, both in group and individual classes, which helps the teacher or educator to track the speed of children's perception of information and find out which of them needs more attention from the teacher.

At the moment, the educational programs of Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev are becoming more and more popular. They have already been translated into several languages. For example, there are programs in Kazakh, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Latvian.

Visual aids

The most popular of the methodological developments of N. A. Zaitsev is developing cubes. For more than 20 years, this find of a talented teacher has been a success both in kindergartens, schools and development centers, as well as with parents who work with the child on their own. Cubes are a familiar material for every kid since childhood. Children, as a rule, perceive it with pleasure and as a developmental tool. Blocks are used to teach a child to read. The principle of teaching is reading not by letters or syllables in the quality in which they are presented in scientific Russian grammar, but by “warehouses”. The division into warehouses is based on the sound of live colloquial speech, well known to the child. For example, letter combinations are divided into those from which it is easy to make words - “gu”, “bu”, “me”, “sy”, “n”, “d”. Of these, a child can easily and naturally compose words by analogy with real syllable division in sound - “copper”, “bu-sy”, etc.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev assures that such presentation of information is closer and more understandable to children, and numerous positive reviews from teachers and parents confirm this fact. At one time, the idea of ​​such a technique was outlined by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who, as you know, was also a talented teacher and even founded his own school in Yasnaya Polyana, where he taught peasant children to read and write. Learning with the help of cubes also implements one of the fundamental principles of all the researcher's learning activities, namely, concrete-shaped material (a toy). With the assistance of a teacher, he, educators or parents, explaining the meaning of letters and syllables to the baby, becomes visual and subsequently (after the child realizes the semantic load of letters) turns into a logical-verbal (or verbal, which is the final result of the learning process).

Teaching reading is not the only development of Nikolai Aleksandrovich. He also owns auxiliary materials for the development of a child's fine motor skills, logic, attention: developing ornaments, large visual tables and interactive board games for teaching a child to count, children's books, for example, a collection of Krylov's fables, adapted to the reading system "in warehouses". The lowest age limit for N. Zaitsev's visual aids is 2 years.

Teaching reading according to Zaitsev's method

As mentioned above, the main principle in Zaitsev's method of teaching reading is the principle of reading in warehouses, combinations of sounds that are maximally adapted to speech. The most striking positive effect of this technique lies in its speed. A child of 4-5 years old masters reading literally in 15-20 hours of classes with developing cubes, while he does not have to stay in one position for a long time, for example, sitting quietly at his desk. Learning takes place in a playful way, so that the baby does not feel tired from the information received - it is perceived organically, during the game, and does not seem to be imposed on the child from outside. Of course, you should not try to set records in mastering literacy, but if you start studying with a child early enough, somewhere from the age of 4, then by school his reading will be fluent and meaningful. This will make it easier for the baby to learn and adapt to school. After all, awareness of the depth of our own capabilities always makes us more confident, especially in an unfamiliar environment, in a new team.

For the smallest cubes, N. Zaitsev also takes into account the auditory aspect of perception. The cubes are filled with materials of different sound and are divided by sound into “iron”, “wooden” or, for example, “gold”. In some sets, parents are invited to assemble and fill the cubes on their own, but there are also ready-made sets on sale.

But some teachers argue that this progressive technique also has a number of disadvantages related to the fact that, for all its useful properties, it is at odds with the official school curriculum, which involves traditional syllabic division instead of storage and an emphasis on working out the letter composition of words. However, a harmoniously developed child is unlikely to face such difficulties. At the initial stage of school education, they are not yet considered within the framework of the program, but by the time of studying phonetics. in grades 3-4, the child will easily catch the subtleties of word formation.

Since progress in modern society does not stand still, today there is even a specially released application for the i-pad "Learning to read" according to the method of Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev, designed for children from 4 years old. For older children, books adapted to the "warehouse" method of reading will be relevant.

Interactive learning

The manual, which is attached to each development kit from the arsenal of N. A. Zaitsev’s methodology, tells about the many entertaining educational games that you can play with your child using the kit. The age range is quite wide, from the youngest children (2 years old) to primary school students. The method of interaction with the child as part of the learning process is described step by step, which simplifies its implementation for both teachers and parents.

Interactive learning reduces fatigue in a preschool child, the information received is perceived by him more organically. Bright, colorful visual aids, large learning tables and cards are more interesting than traditional notebooks and copybooks. As part of the game, the child is invited not only to try to read, count and try to independently compose words from cubes, but also to sing them, get acquainted with the laws of physics at home and engage in “musical mathematics”.

Parents who use the materials developed by Nikolai Aleksandrovich in preparing their child for school, as a rule, are pleasantly surprised by the result. Children are also delighted with such teaching methods. Especially for dads, moms, as well as teachers and educators of kindergartens and development centers, seminars and master classes are held to teach how to work with children using this system. But you can easily get acquainted with it and start applying the methods of N. Zaitsev in practice on your own.