Happy New Year greetings to teachers. Happy New Year to the teacher of English, biology, geography, computer science, history, New Year wishes to the teacher of literature, mathematics, music, German,

The time of New Year's holidays is approaching, and with it - the hassle of preparing for the school Christmas tree. Caring parents sew carnival costumes, select and memorize poems and New Year's greetings to the teacher in prose with their students. I would like to congratulate my favorite teachers not only with symbolic gifts, but also say good wishes in my own words. We have selected the most interesting ideas for congratulations both for primary school teachers from first graders and for subject teachers.

  • Happy New Year's greetings to the teacher from the parents
  • Happy New Years in prose to the teacher from parents
  • Happy New Year greetings to the teacher from the students
  • Happy New Year to the primary school teacher from first graders

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings of the Yellow Earth Pig to the teacher from the parents in their own words

You can congratulate your favorite teachers in different ways. Some parents together with their children make cards with warm sincere wishes. The teacher will be pleased to hear beautiful New Year greetings for the Yellow Earth Pig from the parents in their own words.

Options for the best congratulations from parents to the teacher for the Upcoming New Year of the Boar in prose

Teacher with a capital letter. We wish you a Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, and the successful completion of the first half of the year. Let the joyful sparkle and genuine interest in children's eyes give a powerful incentive to teach, create, find new non-trivial ideas, and the coming year will bring personal happiness and an endless ocean of love.

You are a super class teacher, reliable friend, sensitive mentor and irreplaceable assistant in all school affairs! Please accept Happy New Year 2019 and thanks for teaching by personal example to love knowledge, strive for lofty goals, seek and find your place in life. May the coming year bring inspirational plans, creative ideas, personal happiness, joy from student success and limitless opportunities for self-improvement.

A talented teacher, a teacher from God, let me wish you a Happy New Year and wish you creative passion, unforgettable lessons, easy school days, inquisitive and hardworking students, unquenchable love and interest in your subject. May the coming year be happy, fruitful and lead you to new successes.

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish students striving for knowledge, adequate parents and loyal RONO employees. Let your authority in the eyes of grateful students grow exponentially.

Dear and beloved teacher! Happy New Year! We would like to thank you for showing so much care to our children and wish you all the most joyful and kind this year. Let your home be full of love, human warmth and fabulous well-being!

The best funny New Year greetings to the primary school teacher from parents in prose

Organizing a New Year's party at school is a troublesome business. We decided to help you by choosing the best funny New Year greetings to the primary school teacher from parents in prose.

A collection of funny congratulations for a primary school teacher or educator for the New Year from parents in their own words

Dear teacher, you work tirelessly, not sparing your vocal cords and your vision. Yes, for a job like yours, you need to give medals! Happy New Year!

To you, a teacher in life and vocation, on a holiday I wish your knowledge and skills to flourish in the bright achievements of your students, so that finances sing hymns of victories, and envy your health and strong nerves, eternal youth and endless creative flight!

A good school is not with walls, but with such magical teachers as you! I wish that your profession remains the most prestigious, your authority is undeniable, and all your graduates become owners of the highest awards in the future.

Happy New Year! I wish at each lesson to go on an exciting journey along the paths of knowledge, patiently overcome the obstacles of ignorance, find new routes, listening to the answers of students and see good signs in their curious eyes.

Our future is in your hands - our children, therefore we wish you patience, inspiration and courage, so that your titanic efforts will make our future happy, rich and cloudless.

Sincere New Year greetings to the teacher and subject teacher from the students

There is nothing more touching for a teacher than hearing sincere words of gratitude from beloved children. Sincere New Year greetings to the teacher and subject teacher from the students will give everyone a magical mood.

A selection of beautiful New Year greetings of the Yellow Earth Pig for the teacher and subject students from students

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

You opened the way and the door for me.

You taught not to be afraid and to believe

And the strength of spirit and ability to measure.

Now, I am like a confident student,

I will avoid bad assessments.

And on the New Year, I wish with all my heart,

So that happiness is an unbreakable wall.

Protected you from unnecessary troubles,

So that love, goodness and joy are together,

For you always, everywhere there was a mountain,

Good luck to make the rod steel!

Our dear teacher

Your emotions, without hiding,

We give you for the New Year,

Good words, great flight!

Health, vivid impressions,

To learn from children aspirations.

So that the fives knock on the door,

So that they are never upset!

So that the children come to class

No delay every time.

And we will help you,

We sincerely congratulate you,

Happy New Year to the whole crowd.

We wish you health

With all your childish soul.

May adversity and sorrow

Disperse in all directions.

So that they do not grieve

You are nowhere and never.

Finally decided

Take an example from you, teacher.

You have dashingly inspired us,

Conquer all the peaks.

We wish you very much,

From the heart, and what is urine.

All dreams to come true

The class leader of the best, although obstinate at times,

We wish you a Happy New Year with the student crowd.

We wish you a stick and a sweet carrot in work to skillfully combine,

And let Santa Claus give you the mood for "five"!

For the New Year to the teacher,

We wish the residents

This planet to be

Who will live

To the fullest:

From heels to crown!

So that happiness fills

Educators spend several hours with students every day, not only teaching them various sciences, but also providing support and care. Therefore, it is not surprising that children become attached to teachers, and the first teacher becomes practically a second mother for them. And on the eve of New Year's holidays, both children and parents are looking for New Year's greetings to the teacher, and also pick up small presents for teachers. And despite the fact that there are many students, it is very pleasant to accept New Year's greetings from parents and students to the teacher, because kind words and good wishes on the eve of the holidays are the best proof that students value and respect him. And it doesn't matter if there is a congratulation in poetry, prose or in your own words - the main thing is that it is sincere and sincere. And here we have posted several selections with New Year's greetings to subject teachers from high school students and parents and a primary school teacher from first graders, which you can write on a postcard or include in a script for a festive matinee.

  • Happy New Year greetings to the teacher from the parents in their own words
  • Happy New Year's greetings to the teacher from parents in prose
  • Happy New Year greetings from students to the teacher
  • Happy New Year greetings from the first graders to the primary school teacher

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to the teacher and educator from the parents in their own words

Before the New Year's holidays in schools and kindergartens, matinees and solemn lines are held in honor of the upcoming holiday, which are attended by children, teachers and parents. And the script of these events necessarily includes New Year's greetings to the teacher from the parents in their own words, because dads and mothers sincerely want to thank the teachers for their work and wish them happiness and inspiration for further work in the coming year.

The best congratulations on the New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig to the teacher

Happy New Year to you! You are a wonderful teacher, a standard for everyone. We want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. May good luck accompany you in your life, may the students and the team respect you, strong nerves and a big heart to you. We also wish you productive work, good health, and well-being in the family. Happy Holidays!

Dear teacher! On behalf of the parent team, please accept my sincere New Year greetings. We wish the children always delight you with their success and behavior, the management encouraged you with prizes and awards, and your personal life was full of fabulous moments!

Dear and beloved teacher! Happy New Year! We would like to thank you for showing so much care to our children and wish you all the most joyful and kind this year. Let your home be full of love, human warmth and fabulous well-being!

Dear teacher! On behalf of the parents of the students, we wish you new victories and achievements, health and prosperity in the New Year, so that our children will please you with their high results, win the Olympiads of the highest level, and the team of teachers and the director are rightfully proud that such a high-quality teacher works in our school!

Happy New Year, dear teacher. Let it be easy, successful, happy and kind for you. We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, good health, successful endeavors, your interest and great joy in every day of the new calendar.

Happy New Year to subject teachers from parents in prose

Parents of high school students, as a rule, communicate not only with the class teacher of their child, but also with subject teachers. And of course, for these teachers, they are also looking for beautiful New Year's greetings to teachers from parents in prose to write it on a postcard, and then present it on the last day before the holidays, along with a box of chocolates or other small present. At the same time, congratulations from parents to teachers do not have to be formal - young teachers of mothers and fathers often send funny and cool congratulations on the upcoming holiday.

A selection of congratulations for subject teachers from parents

I wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you more capable students who will delight you with their success in learning a foreign language. I wish you enjoy your work and always be positive. Let all your plans come true, and Santa Claus will definitely bring you fabulous gifts and excellent mood.

Happy New Year, congratulations to the wonderful teacher of mathematics. We sincerely wish you New Year's joy and happiness, great success and true luck, wonderful ideas and cheerful mood, magical moments of life and good health.

Dear (name, patronymic). Thank you for your noble work, patience and responsiveness. Our children are always happy to attend your lessons. Your professionalism makes each lesson interesting and memorable. We would like to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and good mood. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I never cease to thank fate that I was lucky to meet such a wonderful, talented teacher from God, thank you for your titanic work! I wish you not to lose yourself, faith and tolerance for your students, cherish love for your vocation. Take care of your health and nerves, yours and your loved ones!

Dear teacher, I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Let there be fewer mistakes in the notebooks, the students will be quieter and more obedient, and the work will bring joy, material and moral satisfaction. I wish you health, strong nerves, patience and strength in the New Year!

The best New Year greetings to the teacher from the students in verse

Beautiful and sincere New Year greetings to the teacher from the students will surely sound at all matinees and evenings in honor of the New Year of the Boar 2019. And the selection below includes the best congratulations to the teacher in verse with sincere wishes of all the best for the coming year.

Heartfelt congratulations to the teacher from the students

Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart

We are in a hurry to congratulate you!

We wish this holiday

A lot of joy and light

To Santa Claus

I brought you a lot of happiness,

So that you smile more often

So that dreams always come true

And may this New Year

Magic will come to your home!

They put a lot of effort into me,

They helped me to believe in myself.

They taught sincerely, with passion -

A fire was lit in my soul.

I wish you success on your holiday,

Delight from your favorite things.

Health, strength, smiles, laughter,

So that the heart sings, the eyes burn!

May a miracle happen in the New Year

May your dreams return to your childhood.

Although it is so difficult to carry the light of knowledge,

Let the work bear fruit!

Happy New Year to you, teacher,

It's time to congratulate.

Let me wish you

Happiness, joy, kindness.

We respect you very much.

Let your career go up!

We sincerely wish you all,

So that your dreams come true.

Do not be sick, do not be sad,

Smile at us more often

And if we’re naughty, forgive me.

In the New Year - good luck to you!

Soon the best holiday

Knock on the door to us.

May all wishes come true

You will be rewarded according to your labors.

Happy New Year, my teacher!

I wish you

Never knew sorrow

We lived in joy, in love.

May only the year bring happiness

And it will take away the disease.

Throwing away troubles,

He will enter your house with kindness.

Anyone will remember you today,

After all, you bring light and knowledge.

So let the New Year fulfill

All your dreams and desires.

May your life be rich.

Good luck! And nothing else.

So that for decent work wages

Was payment, not change.

Thank you disciples,

Calm days under the school arch

Colleagues are courteous, solidarity.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to the primary school teacher from the first graders

Happy New Year greetings to the primary school teacher from the first graders are the most sincere and kind, because small children pronounce them with all sincerity and spontaneity. These simple texts in poetry and prose are able to move the teacher to tears and cause in her soul the joy of love and gratitude of little students.

Cute Happy New Year greetings to the primary school teacher

We wish you that in the New Year

Dreams come true easily

Let the heart sing sweetly

So that on this night you have fun!

We wish the academic year

Was full of new achievements

May he bring joy

And a sea of ​​colorful moments!

Our dear teacher, Happy New Year! I wish you have a lot of patience and fresh ideas in the New Year. Let harmony and good mood reign in the family. So that all the cases started have a good result. You have a lot of achievements and goals.

Happy New Year, our teacher,

Congratulations guys.

They wish you happiness and good

Salary increases.

Santa Claus will come to us soon

We will bring him to you,

Together we will tell all the verses,

He will give us gifts.

Our dear teacher, we wish you a Happy New Year. And since we are still at the start and with us you will need a lot of strength, patience and inspiration, we wish you this. May the cherished dream come true in the New Year, may there be a lot of happiness and luck.

Thanks for taking care of me,

For important work.

We adore you so much


Good luck and patience,

In the affairs of all inspiration,

Development and growth,

There is only an increase in the salary!

Teacher you are from God,

Success is only a road

Would rather lead

We wish you a New Year!

Happy New Year to the teacher

Winter, holidays, and now,
The New Year holiday has come to us.
My teacher, I want to congratulate
And send congratulations.

I will send you a Snowman
I blinded his sides myself.
Carrots in the nose! He is a postman
And he will congratulate you now.

Happy New Year my teacher
With new happiness at this hour.
Santa Claus deputy,
I will be for you now.

I will deliver you a gift,
As it should be in winter
I'll fix all my deuces,
To make you proud of me.

Quite logical, very true,
That the holidays are at the same time
That your most important day is the first
And in September and January!
Happy New Year to you,
We all want to wish you
So that life is a merry round dance
Grace has brought you!

In the hours of New Year's bustle,
In cares, in tireless labors
We will have time to tell you today
That we love you all the time!
Congratulations from us!
Health, kindness, understanding
And bright mood for you!
May all your aspirations grow stronger!
May your wishes come true!

We want to congratulate you on the New Year.
And we want to wish you a lot.
Of course: love, happiness, health,
In order for you to enjoy life, do not be ill.

And the main thing is that you have students,
They were diligent, literate, honest.
And so that pride takes you for
That you once taught them.

New Year is coming soon.
We want to congratulate you on the holiday.
We wish you to be as strong
So that you can continue to teach us.

It's very nice that we are taught.
A good person like you.
And we sincerely wish you happiness,
So that you are always cheerful.

For the teacher, probably New Year
Comes from the first morning of September.
But let it bring good luck
You and the last day of December.

Without blots, without mistakes, let
A new leaf will start in January.
Let the disciples bring joy.
After all, you carry it to the kids.

Teacher! Happy New Year
We sincerely want to wish you
There would be no bad weather in my heart,
So that you can achieve everything,
Let the disciples bring joy
Let the invested be given back in full.
And even though it's winter now, so that it turns out
that there is eternal spring in your heart.


More for Teachers on our website:,!

Congratulations to your beloved teacher and wonderful teacher. Let all the best wishes on this New Year's Eve come true. Let all the most long-awaited dreams come true. We wish you goodness and prosperity in the New Year. Let him become one hundred percent successful and happy for you. Happy New Year!

Dear teacher, I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Let there be fewer mistakes in the notebooks, the students will be quieter and more obedient, and the work will bring joy, material and moral satisfaction. I wish you health, strong nerves, patience and strength in the New Year!

Favorite teacher! We wish you a Happy New Year and wish you infinitely long happiness! May this holiday bring you a lot of luck, strength and joy!
Always stay as kind, beautiful and smart as you are now! Don't stop delighting us with your wonderful smile and interesting lessons!

My dear teacher, I wish you a Happy New Year. And may he give you new opportunities and new hopes, may his every day be happy and successful. I wish you to start this year with a magical good New Year's fairy tale, I wish everything that your heart dreams of and aspires to, by all means achieve.

Let the New Year's fairy tale give you only magical moments and wonderful moments! May your smile shine even more often in the New Year, and all your students will become even smarter, because you are the most wonderful teacher in the world! Be happy and always be in a great mood!

Happy New Year, my teacher! May you always have health, prosperity and happiness. Let all your students be obedient and well-mannered, and you get pleasure from your work. Comfort, prosperity in your home.

Happy New Year, teacher. I wish you health, optimism, beauty and happiness, I wish you to step forward in the New Year with great hopes and grandiose plans. And let Santa Claus give you a bag of luck and great opportunities so that you can realize all your dreams. Be happy, successful and loved in the New Year!

So this hectic year has come to an end. Your students become one more year older. I would like to wish you a peaceful sky, grateful students, calm working days and the most joyful holidays. Let the whirlwind of New Year's life overwhelm you. I wish you success, endless patience and good stress resistance.

You give us knowledge, do not spare your efforts and time. We want to say thank you and present a drop of warm feelings to you for the New Year. With great respect and admiration, we wish you health, such as a "solid sign" in the Russian language. Boundless happiness, like the Pacific Ocean. Love is beautiful, as in the films.

Dear teacher, please accept my Happy New Years! I wish the next 365 days to be successful, eventful, joyful and happy. Let the students be obedient, greedy for knowledge, the lessons go with a bang, the salary pleases the wallet, and I want to go to work with pleasure!

In English, without saying goodbye,
Let the old year go away
Well, let the new luck
Will bring you a gift.

We wish that English
Everyone knew, as their own,
Happy New Year,
You, dear teacher!

We wish you success
We are in the field of learning
We promise in the lessons
Only joyful moments.

Math teacher

Happy New Year, we congratulate
Lord of numbers and xs,
For the whole year to come, we wish
You have more advantages from life.

For a math teacher,
Numbers, as for other alphabet,
May the New Year bring joy
And it will reward you with success.

So that your happiness multiplies,
And the joy was shared with everyone,
So that love is extracted from life,
And it’s good to be introduced to the degree.

Geography teacher

New year sledding
Rushing across the planet
Geography visible
He studied with you.

Knows countries, cities,
Villages and villages,
You, teacher, happiness
Let the new year bring.

We wish you
Cross the borders
Meet personally
With every capital.

So that everyone is familiar to you
Corner of the planet
So you tell us
About everything in the world.

Literature teacher

New year is coming merry
And his steps are light
Literature lesson
We will prepare poems.

You teacher, congratulations
And we wish you New Year,
May wishes come true
And let success come to you.

We wish you excellent,
So that everyone knows your subject,
So that we read books,
Didn't torment the Internet.

May the holiday be fun
May he bring joy
We sincerely wish you happiness
We are for you this New Year.

Biology teacher

Biology teacher,
To you on New Year's Eve
Together with Santa Claus
Darwin let him come.

We wish you happy
This year has become for you,
There are more excellent students
Let him bring you.

To know biology
All classes by heart,
So that the great Darwin himself
He could be proud of us.

History teacher

History teacher, you
We are in a hurry to wish you a Happy New Year,
And we promise you deuces
Fix everything this year.

We wish you patience and strength
And we are waiting for new stories
Who won where and who,
And who, and for what was punished.

May the New Year be for you
Particularly successful and important
Let history come to life
In your lesson everyone.

Computer science teacher

Happy New Year presentation
We will make up the whole class,
And to you, computer science teacher,
We will send you an e-mail.

So that you can immediately see
That you did not try in vain,
Knowledge in our heads
All the same they were delayed.

We are far from hackers
And hacking is too tough,
But all the same "Enter" with "Delit"
No longer confuse us.

May the New Year bring you
The love of our hearts
May in the future be jealous
You will be Bill Gates himself.

Music teacher

For a music teacher, we
Let's sing a New Year's song
Wishes for kindness and love
We will weave our verses.

We wish you happy days
And melodies of eternal flight,
So that you are always by your side
7 your faithful friends, 7 notes.

May the new year bring good luck
And let him sing new songs
And let the music take you away
Together with you we are in a wonderful world.

OBZH teacher

The holiday is knocking on our doors
We are all ready already,
Happy New Year
You, OBZh teacher.

Life safety is the main
And a responsible subject,
And no matter how long you live
You have been in the world for years.

We promise you a teacher
We do not spoil with fire,
To have fun, happily
We all celebrate the New Year.

German teacher

Happy New Years
They grow like a snowball
Congratulations, teacher
And we wish you “zer gut”.

We promise that German
We will teach all year
So that the Germans are not ashamed
Then there was talk.

In the New Year, we wish you
Nerves strong and steel,
To talk more often
The long-awaited "Richtig".