Wishes for the road to your beloved man. Wishes for the road - poetry, prose, sms

Only with you I am truly happy, only with you I feel protected and loved.

I'm tired of missing you, I want to hug you all the time! Speak those gentle words in your ear that make your head spin!

I am the richest person in the universe. I have You, Love and the Whole WORLD!

I don’t want anything, I don’t need anything from life, except for one thing - to have you by my side You know, I’m not joking

Forget your worries, ups and downs
Don't whine when fate is not acting like a sister.

Hurry to him, always walk the road of good.
But if it is bad with a friend, do not hope for a miracle,
Hurry to him, always walk the road of good.

You are my favorite in the world, on our entire vast planet! So I want not to part, to stay with you for a long time!

The main thing in my love for you is trust, please don’t let him down.

How painful it is to love. As if cramps in the heart.

If you are not near, then it will be sad If you are next to me, my soul will not be empty!

Collection theme: Kind words on the road to your beloved man. I pass on to my beloved boyfriend on the planet a million kisses, a hundred hugs and a thousand words “miss”!

I always miss your lips! I miss you here and there. I don’t stop thinking about you, because I love you very much!

Without you I sit in sadness, you are far away and do not call, and I miss you madly!

Now I understand those who have lost their love, or cannot achieve reciprocity in any way.

It's dark for me without you in this life, the moon looks out the window alone, the snow falls quietly, it's not like that when you are not with me

Drop everything and rush to me as soon as possible, I miss you so much that I'm ready to tear you apart, don't say anything, just come!

If you and I broke up, this does not mean that you and I will not get married.

If there is a dream and love, protect them.

Our feelings are getting stronger, and you are getting dearer, I can’t live without you, I won’t be able to!

0I love you like an angel of God, I love you like the light of dawn, I will always love you, only you love me!

You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live for you and for you, because I love you very much!

I will never see you again. Goodbye. I will remember you.

Everyone is looking for their ideal, and I found you. Love you.

You are my man, you are my hero, I always want to be with you! I really like you, come quickly to your beauty!

Love is in me, love is in you, you know how much I need! I always want to be with you, because I love only you!

My heart is crying, my soul is yearning, my lips want to kiss you. Come to me soon, I want you I really miss you, darling!

I will tell you these simple words: how good it is that you are in the world!

My bunny, you are the best! Love you

I love you and wonder how much I can love! I dream about you all the time, you are the main reason to live!

Be patient with me, baby, I will also marry you.

I can feel you even if you're not around

I love you boy, I love your eyes, I love your name and you yourself!

I want to see you, I want to be with you, and I want it right now!

I miss you endlessly, I want to see you, kiss, hug and love you!

When people like each other, they are sure to keep silent about it.

If you can't make a woman happy, don't bother the other.

And more life and a little more, I love you

Forever is the best word when we are together and terrible when we are apart

I expect warm words from you, I feel lonely without you! I miss you very much, I'm waiting for you!

I love it when we are together and do not sleep until late at night. Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much!

I fall asleep - you are in my dreams, I wake up you are in my thoughts. It seems to me that it is easier to do without everything else than without you.

Was there for so long, and I noticed her only now

May this evening be sweet, it will be a mystery for us. May you and I be happy today, my beloved!

I want to see you, my boy, and I don't need anything else at all.

You are like a ray of light for me, in my dreams you are every day. I don’t need life without you, believe me!

I am so far from you, which means far from paradise. Darling, take me away! I miss you madly!

I want to become a snowflake to melt on your tender cheek. I love you very much!

Love is like a needle in a haystack, you can find it, but it is very difficult

I so want to be with you. And there is a reason for that. I love you.

I miss you and I almost cry. You send me an SMS and yourself to boot!

You endure all my whims, my dearest and dearest! Love you.

From your smile, violins play in my soul, I want to fly, laugh and not part with you!

You shine like a sun on me, and illuminate my life. You are the best in this world, I love you with all my heart!

You cannot contradict lovers and madmen.

Sun, have not yet come up with such an affectionate word to say how good you are!

I only need you And when I hear your name, my soul flies away, I love you

I want to retire with you, Drink our love to the bottom, I want to enjoy you After all, you are my dream, alone!

The secret to longevity is to eat more fruits and less each other!

The best time for me is the time spent with you! My love for you is limitless.

This is what happiness is on Earth! To love you

I want to live my whole life only with you, my dear and most beloved.

I do not hide my feelings, and I am not silent about my love for you! You are the best I know! I want to see you soon!

I adore you! I need you very, very much!

I thought I couldn't live without it, but no, I'm sitting here eating

My address: Waiting City, Date Street, House of Love. If you can come in.

It's hard to find love to die for.

I am with you as in paradise For you I breathe, for you I sing!

I want to go to a desert island with my beloved and no one else. And you? - Kind words on the road to your beloved man.

The words to your beloved are the most tender. - Who said that I live without love? My love is in you. I will always love only you, give you only warmth and affection. You deserve it all. And I'll give you even more if you want! I, for you, beloved, do not regret anything. And I, you, give myself, without a trace

My beloved, your sexuality kindles in me the lights of desire and passion. And only you can extinguish them with your tender touches, your passionate kisses and your affectionate hugs.

Very gentle words to your beloved. -You are the whole world for me, you are my sadness, you are my pain, you are a ray of light in my heart! With you I feel happy, with you I forget everything in the world! I am writing now and think of you, the most beloved one in the world.

Words about love are tender. -Good morning my beloved! Look at the sun and smile at him, and you will feel the softest, most affectionate and warming kiss from me! Have a confident, good day!

Beloved gentle words. -. I did not love anyone as much as you, my dear. I will always be there, no matter what happens. I want to be close, and I will do everything for this. You are the light. You are the air. You are sun. For me, you are the best in the whole white world.

I love you very much. The most valuable gift you gave is the wings that grew behind my back after meeting you. You gave me your heart - I am ready to give you in return all of me, all of my love.

Pleasant and gentle words to your beloved. -You are my favorite person. I can not live without you. I want to feel you all the time. You give me so much positivity, so much warmth, so many joyful moments. It is impossible not to love you. You are the perfect man for me!

Beautiful tender words to your beloved. - I've been looking for you all my life. I don't need anyone but you. I am ready to shout about my love to the whole world. I love you so much. Do you hear? But I don't need much in return. Just be by my side.

You are my only, dear, gentle, affectionate, desired, wonderful, beloved, unique, beloved.

Affectionate gentle words to the beloved man. - My dear, gentle, beloved, dear. I want to kiss you and whisper in your ear just three words: "I love you!" My dear, I need you and very dear, I feel good with you.

Tender words to your beloved. -I love you every second, minute, hour, day, and night. For weeks, months, years and centuries. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

I wish you an easy road! Let it pass quickly and imperceptibly, kind and sympathetic people will meet. Let the guardian angel be always there and help in any situations. Have a good trip!

Have a nice road! Have a good trip! Let the road be easy and clean. And you will reach your destination very quickly and easily. Quiet road, cheerful company.

I want to wish you a safe journey. May the trip be successful, may this day be easy, may your expectations be justified, may your goals be achieved, may the road cause neither difficulties nor problems.

With all my heart I wish you a happy and good journey. And let this trip give a lot of impressions and only positive emotions, delight of the heart and harmony of the soul. May you be accompanied by a wonderful mood and true luck.

We wish you a happy journey, an easy road, excellent travel companions and vivid impressions.

The earth is round and no matter how much a person leaves, he will definitely return. You should not be sad when seeing off, you need to be glad that soon we will certainly meet. I wish you a good journey, a fair wind, a cloudless sky, a smooth road and a speedy return. I'm waiting for you.

I wish you a happy journey and a lot of positive emotions in addition. Let this trip be an exciting, fun, interesting, highly successful and joyful event in your life. And for this to be so, I wish you more good mood and great health.

I wish you a happy journey and a good journey. May your trip be fun, successful, comfortable and successful. I wish you without stress and fatigue, with gallant strength and absolute confidence, to get to your destination at the appointed time and on the appointed day.

Good luck and good luck to you! Let it be the brightest and most memorable time, filled with new episodes and pleasant emotions. May your path be easy, without any obstacles and unforeseen troubles. I wish you good luck at hand and a faithful guardian in heaven.

I wish you live easy and simple
Among the successes, among the victories,
And let at every intersection
The green light is on for you.

In business? success and luck!
In the shower? warmth and kindness!
Life is interesting, in a mood,
Believe in luck and dreams!
Give love to family and friends,
Greet a new day with a smile
And all that is the best in life
To be able to see and know!

Spreads like a tablecloth
The path is before you.
Easy, calm, short-lived
Let it be for you.
Travel companions are not annoying
The sun is shining from the sky
Nothing makes you sad
On this road, let him!

I believe there will be a passionate meeting
And you will miss me!
The road will be fleeting
And you will soon return to the house!

May the pleasure of the road be stronger than fatigue.

Let it be an easy road, let it lead to the destination, and let the alarm go around you, you will get there without incident.

May the road be successful and the weather will help the ride!
Let the speed develop faster, and there will be few bumps!
And on the way, let there be happiness, all bad weather will bypass!

Do not get tired, do not get lost and do not fall into a ditch, All that you are looking for is to find a Good way for you!

I wish you before the long road
Wake up in the dawn of all forces.
So that the trip looks like raspberries
To make the whole world seem cute.

Have a good trip!
Have a good trip!
Sincere wish for GOOD LUCK!
Good luck to you! Peace and love!
You blind cops and rubber pillars!
Warm and passing track,
Let it be cool and affectionate!

Regardless of how much you are together and what kind of relationship binds you - a time-tested family union or a feeling of falling in love - every person will like hearing pleasant words in relation to yourself. Give love, and it will not go unanswered!

Pleasant words can be given to a loved one for various reasons - a surging feeling of gratitude, a desire to take care, longing at parting, significant dates, a desire for reconciliation after a quarrel. Gentle phrases cheer you up, create an atmosphere of warmth and understanding.

There are many ways to convey pleasant words to your beloved man. In addition to live communication in private, by phone and skype, there are regular and electronic messages, SMS, social networks.

From boring vanity
I want to run away
Wherever you can
Press me to my chest.

Where I am with you alone
I will share all thoughts.
The smartest of men
I love you so much!

I'm not afraid of anything in this world,
When you are near, my dear boy!
You have become an amulet of a happy life
So be always, please, with me!

And even if the heart is cloudy,
One look of yours will bring me peace.
The door to Love itself is open to me!
But only when you are next to me!

I have you - the sadness goes away.
People will not understand - well, let it be.
The main thing is that there is, darling, you -
My only thoughts and dreams are about you.

My only man! You know,
Only you alone understand me that way.
Without you, there is no happiness in my life.
Do you love me? Quickly give an answer.

Having closed the doors behind him,
I will slide into your soul as a kitten
I lie next to you on the bed
To listen to the heartbeat

And inhale, enjoying, Your scent
And watch Your dreams, hiding
And tucking his paws under him,
I will wait for you to sleep off

I will warm you with all my body,
Give all the heat irrevocably!
And purr not loudly is not daring
So that sleep does not suddenly break

I dare not wake you up,
I'll just be quietly near
I will warm myself defenselessly at the shoulder
And I will straighten Your blanket

My dear
Thank you for everything!
After all, I was not so happy without you!
You took possession of my heart

he wanted to make me his own
And here I am yours, one is yours,
and you are my only man forever!

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SMS to a beloved man who is far away in prose

I love and miss ... Do you know about this? This thread can never be broken as long as your heart beats to the beat of mine - even from a distance. Can you hear this gentle knock? Any melody cannot be compared to him in beauty ...

My hands keep the warmth of your tenderness, my lips have not forgotten the parting power of your love. Let the moon spread its path on the dark water - I will run along it towards you, and not a single wave will hold me back.

I love and miss ... Our bench, on which we met, has already covered with winter snow, the cherished path, strewn with colorful leaves, has already disappeared under it, along which we walked towards each other. Towards our love. And she is not afraid of kilometers of separation, she will not be affected by adversity and sadness.

And on a clear day, and in bad weather, near and at a distance in my heart there is no place for anyone. There is only your image, pure and bright, only your farewell look, full of affection and tenderness, only your voice, giving hope for a quick meeting. Peering into myself, I see your reflection ...

They say that everything that exists in the world was once someone's dream. I am beginning to believe in this because my dream has come true. And I no longer understand how I could live without your warm embraces, without your affectionate words, without our joint plans. I'm sure they will come true too ...

We painted our bright rainbow with all the colors of our love! And it turned into a bridge that forever connected two lonely hearts, two restless souls. And it cannot be destroyed, no one dares to extinguish its radiance. Do you see me running towards you? Meet soon!

I know that the separation will end and we will meet again. And we will never part! Even if we happened to be wrong, it's not scary. Loving people are able to stay together. And not at all because they forgot the mistakes, but because they wanted to forgive them and were able to do it. See you, dear!

I love and miss - the text in my own words, I am waiting for an SMS to my beloved

In the universe of each of us, everything happens that we have the courage to believe. I believe in you and our love. And I do not need to wait for an abundant star shower to have time to make a secret wish. It has already been fulfilled: our meeting has taken place! And the brightest star became a guiding ...

The thoughts we choose are like the colors we use to paint on the canvas of our lives. In my thoughts - only you and your love! And my life becomes explosive in a festive way, filled with deep light. This could not have happened? I do not believe! There are no black paints in my palette.

The whole world is retreating to make way for someone who knows where he is going. And I'm going to meet you, the one and only long-awaited! I run to you along the path, strewn with rose petals. I fly to you on the wings of true love and light tenderness. And no one can stop me!

I am very thirsty! But when you love, you don’t want to drink other water than that which you find in your favorite spring. Therefore, I look forward to the moment when we will meet again and I will come to life again. And now loneliness is my faithful companion. Drive him away quickly!

For a long time I did not even imagine that to love is to experience a burning desire to live. Now I am able to enjoy even the rain, when others just get wet. And I don't need an umbrella. I am happy that the same rains are beating through your window, humming a melody about true love ...

And I firmly believe that no one and nothing will darken our future meeting. After all, if you always expose your face to sunlight, all shadows will be left behind. You are my sun, you are my light, you are my embodied tenderness. And the warmth of your strong hands keeps me warm even from a distance.

I love and miss you ... Since I met you, any of my morning has become truly kind, every day, without exception, is noticeably useful, and the evening is enchanting and memorable! And the distance of temporary separation is not capable of changing anything. It will melt and disappear, but love will remain and inspire!

It's simple and straightforward. And this is the surest sign of the truth. After all, only a lie is always complicated, pretentious and verbose. And in order for two hearts to unite into one, only three of the simplest words are enough. And you will hear these words when you meet: I love you ...

I love and miss ... And I just want to keep quiet ... After all, words often spoil what a sincere heart wants to say. So I will not say anything when this separation is over, but I will just snuggle up to you, my affectionate and tender. You will understand everything anyway. And you will answer me the same ...

On the roads, good and not so
Drive our cars around the country.
Winter or autumn is not a hindrance to them,
They carry all the cargo they need.
We wish those who have them
Immediate relationship -
May they never get sick
And they work with inspiration.

Let the traffic jams part in front of you,
May the traffic lights always turn on the green light for you,
May every new life and road turn
It brings you joy, inspiration, positiveness.
Let the traffic cops always let you through with a smile,
Let luck reliably help in all matters,
Today I congratulate you sincerely and purely,
Happy Holidays, Happy Motorist Day!


Speed ​​is very dear to you, beloved,
But don't you ever forget that there are horns
If you don't come home again in time,
You will certainly get the most branchy ones.
And if your typewriter is much more important to you,
Then in the garage in love and affection you will live with her,
I warn you for the last time, dear,
I forgot something! A! Happy holiday, congratulations!


I wish that the engine never stalls,
Today, Happy Motorist holiday, you, driver,
May your favorite car never know
What is service station and bald rubber,
Let it be grateful for high-quality gasoline,
And without shaking, he takes the children to the garden and his wife to the store.
In general, friend, happy holiday, so be it:
I propose to roll a little in honor of him!


Today is the Day of the Chauffeur or Motorist,
A fearless man looking for risk
A man who knows no fear at speed
For whom there is nothing worse than crawling like a turtle.
Fly, dear, to your cherished dream
May the house be always open to your kindness,
You will certainly find your victory, too,
And he will not be like everyone else!


I congratulate you on the Day of the Motorist,
May it always be on the way and in thoughts clean,
May your wife always let you go to friends
And he never reproaches with delays from work.
May the road always be flat and smooth
And with money in your wallet, so that everything is in order,
Let the traffic police not see you point-blank,
May fate never offend you on the road!


Your car is so beautiful, so beautiful
And you are a cool driver - anywhere!
I'm not afraid to ride with you and not dangerous,
After all, you like a normal, quiet ride.
And today is your holiday, beloved,
I wish you to change many more cool cars,
So that there was both a Mercedes and a Lexus some unimaginable,
So as not to stand in the garage Lad - Kalin.

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Since ancient times, going on a journey has been considered a risky business. Therefore, our ancestors wished only all the best for the traveler. Wishes for the road are a talisman that accompanies the farewell ritual of the Slavs.

Rituals before the road

Modern wishes for the road are the surviving echoes of Slavic pagan customs, which are steadily rooted in Russian culture. Until now, the ritual "sit on the path", which has a practical meaning, is still relevant. A person has the opportunity to think over everything well, to remember if he has forgotten any important thing. Also, our ancestors had a common ritual to grab the corner of the table before traveling. The corners of the Russian hut and furniture were a concentrate of strength and special energy. The traveler took with him a part of the protective energy of the house. If you forgot something at home, then you must definitely return and look in the mirror. This brought the traveler good luck and saved him from the dark forces.

The creation of an amulet for the traveler was considered important in the farewell ritual. God Veles was the main patron saint of travelers. Therefore, on the road, amulets were made of pine in the form of a human figure. Such a talisman had a powerful effect if a conspiracy was read over it. However, the most popular amulet was the travel guide - a figurine made of cloth twisted with a hemp rope. If the rope remained intact, then the traveler was not threatened with danger and trouble.

Today, amulets and rituals have become just wishes for the journey. However, the belief that they have a protective function has survived to this day.

Modern wishes on the road

A modern person associates the road not only with walking, but also with a car, plane, ship, train, etc. Therefore, wishes for the journey have become more diverse, but retained their protective function. The most common parting words are "happy (good) journey", "good luck", "sit down on the path",
"Pleasant trip", "comfortable ride", "early return", "take care of yourself", "God bless you" and their options.

They wish the motorist a "fast path", "smooth (smooth) road", "be careful on the road", "interesting fellow travelers", "fewer sharp turns", "let there be no congestion, no traffic jams, no accidents", etc. If you have a flight waiting for you, then they wish you “to get there and not get lost in your luggage”, “take off without delay”, “have a pleasant flight”. The expression "like a tablecloth road" originally meant the desire for a flat and smooth road. However, now this phrase is ironic.

Alas, life's circumstances separate people who would like to be together. Sometimes the sadness of loneliness, the inability to see a loved one and touch him leave a feeling of bitterness, disappointment. Love can, both intensify during separation, and, on the contrary, become weaker and go out completely, especially if someone is forced to rarely write, say little about their affairs simply because they have not yet formed, and the other side decides that they don't love her anymore and they forgot about her. Simple SMS to a guy who is far away from you and is waiting for a kind word will help you solve such a problem. But it happens when it is difficult to describe your feelings in words and instead of pleasant words, you respond with clumsy phrases. This is easy to fix if you read good literature and write a ready-made SMS to a guy who is far from you.

I have already counted all the stars in the sky,
But I still can't sleep
Thoughts only about you:
If you are awake, call!

I'm sad and sad without you
I miss ... and the white light is not sweet to me!
Understand that my life cannot be happy
When you are not with me!

What a pity that you are not with me, now,
This is a dream only once a year
But words are a hundred times dearer to me,
Your eyes are dear at dawn.

Let the night embrace you for me,
The light wind will kiss you tenderly.
Falling asleep, remember, in this world
My heart longs for you

I write here - you read there,
And surely you know from whom!
And the heart cries and suffers
What is far from each other!

The sun will stroke you on your cheek,
The wind gently ruffles the strands,
Let the rain whisper: "I miss you!"
Will convey how I dream of you!

You left, it was so necessary
I'll wait for you, don't rush.
Let the longing around the heart spin
Just call and write more often.

Separated from you, as in a dream
And I can't get out.
I just keep, shore
All your thoughts are about me.

I'm a faithful she-wolf at the door
I look forward to returning back.
May your road be easy
Let your tender look be cheerful.

We are torn apart by rivers and seas
But I'm not scared, you are in my soul with me.
I know you will come back my dear
You hug without saying anything.

Hug me from afar
With a gentle word, a look to the heavens.
The clouds are longing high
I will see your eyes in them.

Faithful cat, quiet mouse
I'm waiting for you, you're far away.
Just to be your baby
It's easy for me to wait then.

We were separated from you by the distance
I send you my love and attention
I will seal them in a letter, I will dream,
With love I will write to you: "I miss you!"

I miss you so much love!
You are my dear and my unique!
I'm suffering madly for you now
I dream of a time together!

I know what was needed
This path is for you to go.
You are far away, you are friends with the wind,
I'm waiting for you, I'm sorry.

My tender, sweet sun,
I miss and sad at times.
Let the winds fly through my window
Bringing an echo of yours.

You are there now, where there is no furniture,
And, alas, I can't come to you.
But I know you are my destiny
And I remember tender eyes.

On a long road the path winds
And he separated us.
You are far away, but just don't forget
How dearly you loved me.

I miss you,
I'm alone in the whole world
Like a candle burns in the dark
I burn without you.

As a symbol of the feeling of a saint,
I write to you over and over again:
"My dear, I love you!
I miss, I believe, I look forward to it! "

Your eyes are always with me
May you be far away, my dear.
But I'm the guiding star
I'll show you the way home.

Kilometers multiply on the road
Count hundreds from me.
I went far from the threshold
But I still love you.

Far away, my dear, you are now
But I will not give myself up to longing.
I know that fate will bring us together again
And everything will be wonderful with us.

Do not forget your own threshold,
There in the distance of this stranger.
Among hundreds of all the winding roads
The best one always leads home.

Let the sun tell you how I miss you
Let the rain quietly whisper again
I embrace through the distance
Sending only your love!

You are so far! I miss you so much!
I constantly remember you in my soul!
May the wind bring you only affection
Enveloping you in my good fairy tale!

The distant sun shines on me
A smile and a sad look
I'm not happy that you left,
So come back soon.

Maybe I'm a little sad
Don't be angry with that.
Let the road be brighter
Well, you come back soon.

Darling, you are far from me!
It’s very difficult for me without you!
I miss you madly
I send you my love without edge!

My dear, beloved, I miss you!
I'm burning out of longing for you,
So I dream to be near
Plenty of kissing, hugging!

I have to confess something to you
I can't hide it from you anymore
But you should know
That I missed you!

You are very reliable, calm and empathetic,
My most beloved and dearest.
And I look forward to counting the minutes
When we are apart from you ...

Every moment is like eternal torment
I yearn and cry alone.
I believe the separation will soon pass
I know the meeting will be tender.

I have been waiting for you for a long time
We will meet, I know, with you.
Let me hurt a little.
We are tightly bound by fate.

I love you and miss you!
I don’t notice any other guys.
I only need you, darling!
I will be happy with you!

How difficult it is for me now alone
In this dark wilderness of the night;
How I want to be with you
My beloved and dearest.

I can't catch up with you on the way
Don't even try.
I'll just wait for you
And stay faithful.

Only the more I love
From what is not next to me.
I wait for you and endure separation
I know that you will return home.

Separation does not interfere with love,
My feelings are stronger only for you.
It means that fate needed
To share with you for a while.

You are far away now, but you will come back
Well, I just have to wait at the window.
I'll wait for you through hundreds of obstacles
I'm still not alone in my soul.

When you're not around again
I will cry quietly, I will wait faithfully.
I'm alive with one look of yours
You are far away, and I will miss you.

You had to leave
But this is not forever.
And I will be a distant echo
Conquer cities with you.

My dear, you are so far away!
I'm so sad without you, it's not easy!
I miss you, I suffer a lot
Until the meeting, I just count the minutes!

I go to bed and fall asleep:
In a dream I see your image
I get up and wipe my tears
I need to meet you!