Reasons for divorce. What are the reasons for divorce in the statement of claim

Tatiana Sharanda
practical psychologist
family and marriage counselor
head of the psychological development center

Knowing that you are dumped is hard for both women and men

- It is very difficult to argue that it is harder for someone, men or women, to get a divorce. Firstly, it all depends on the situation, and secondly, on the personal qualities of each person.

Of course, if we talk about general statistics, women are more sensitive by nature, but still the main factor is who left whom. There is almost always someone who has been abandoned. It is usually harder for him. The person who leaves is a priori stronger. The psychological pressure on the abandoned person can be extremely strong. Sometimes men cannot cope with such situations. Moreover, they often look for salvation in alcohol, gambling, and so on.

- But it also happens that the decision is made mutually. The ending is not always tragic.

- Certainly. There are such couples, and I have deep respect for them. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in reaching an agreement. Good relationships between ex-spouses rarely last. But people came to me who, despite the divorce, are still friends. And at the reception they were about problems with a common child.

For example, one baby showed psychological difficulties, and both parents were interested in holding him, helping to understand himself. This is a great example to others.

Get divorced, get married, get divorced again, get married again

- They say that if one of the spouses, in principle, had the idea of ​​divorce, then there is no turning back. Sooner or later, there will be a break.

- And here it is impossible to speak unambiguously. Situations are different. It depends on what roles each person plays within the family, which inner I dominates.

There are couples where both, he and she, are teenagers inside themselves, regardless of their real age. In this case, everything is unpredictable, because for them the relationship is rather a game. In words, the couple get divorced almost every day. Gradually, even those around them get used to their scandals. There are times when people do get divorced. Then they get married again. Then they get divorced again and ... get married (laughs). This is their personal journey of growing up. Often in such marriages the child takes on the role of an adult. Paradoxical, but true! He is the most responsible and wise in the house. He had to become such in order to at least survive.

A marriage, where one of the partners plays the role of a parent, can last for quite a long time, since a mature person understands a lot, is not afraid to take responsibility and knows how to give in.

There are unions where the husband and wife are both independent individuals, both adults. In this case, the reason for divorce is usually very serious, for example, a mismatch in the sexual constitution. When one of the partners is hyperactive, and the second is much less interested in the intimate side of life. Or someone has not just a fleeting connection on the side, but a strong affection, which gradually develops into true love, and being together is simply unbearable.

Society no longer condemns a wife leaving the family

- Based on your experience, who is more likely to initiate a divorce?

- You will probably be surprised: today they are more and more women! They can provide themselves financially, their parents help them, they have ambitions, personal goals, society no longer condemns a wife who has left the family, it has ceased to be a shame. Sometimes it's almost impossible to reach the modern Amazon. If she has decided something for herself, it is difficult to stop her.

- Inner freedom is good. But is the decision to burn the bridges always the right one?

- I am probably a very conservative psychologist. Independence and strength are being promoted today. However, it seems to me that we need to try to save the family to the last. Don't jump to conclusions. After all, then you can very much regret it, but it is not always possible to return everything back.

A lot of people come to me, and I can say with complete confidence that children suffer the most from the separation of parents. These are psychological problems that accompany later in adulthood, and various diseases, the cause of which was the strongest stress on the nervous system. And in adolescence, suicidal thoughts can even arise. And these are not unfounded statements, but real situations that I, as a specialist, had to face. The psyche of children is quite flexible, but boys and girls 13-17 years old are extremely sensitive.

For 47 years, the man carried the excruciating feeling of abandonment

- Is it worth keeping a marriage solely for the sake of children?

- If this is not possible, I always ask my parents to at least try to maintain a warm relationship with each other. This is important for children. Do not swear, do not find out in front of them who is right and who is wrong, try to come to some kind of compromise, because, as I said, the situation of divorce hurts boys and girls a lot. If you do not pay attention to this in time, pain will torment a person all his life.

Most recently, I spoke with a woman who is already 47 years old. Her dad left the family when she was little. This is how the situation developed. She did not see her father. I decided on this only now. I found out the address and visited my parent, who had moved to Moscow long ago. The meeting was very warm. The father was glad of the arrival of his daughter, he showed her the capital, told about his fate. The woman admitted that only now she understood: all her life she felt inferior. And only now it became easier for her. For almost 47 years, the man had a painful feeling of abandonment.

- Have there been cases in your practice when people regretted that they got divorced?

- I ask about this, and usually a positive answer to this question is given by people who are well over 35.

- What is the main reason?

- The connection on the side that the partner could not forgive, even if it was actually something not serious at all.

I only know three good reasons for divorce

- How to understand that a divorce is really necessary, because there are such situations?

- For you to understand better, I will tell you a little story. Back in the Soviet Union, I read a letter from a woman in a very serious magazine. It was a kind of message to all people. She wrote about her life. The storyteller had a wonderful family: a good husband and two children, peace of mind. But the woman began to notice that her husband began to move away - he devoted all his free time only to the kids. At some point, the wife began to ask questions. The husband honestly replied that she was very dear to him and he respects her immensely, but ... only as the mother of their children, it so happened that he fell in love with another.

The woman cried, was offended, cursed. He endured and did not make excuses. The man was very attached to children, he could not leave his family. Yes, his wife inwardly did not let him go. Slowly and painfully, but the realization came to her that the person dear to her was simply dying before her eyes. A conversation took place and they parted.

Without waiting for the morning, taking some things, he rushed to his dream. However, he was in such a hurry that he lost control and crashed. In an instant, all hope and support disappeared. In the letter, she asked not to repeat her mistake, but to understand and accept the feelings of the other and, no matter how painful it was, to let go.

Why this story? Love is the main reason... If you feel that they are not lying to you, that a serious feeling makes a person leave, then you need to come to terms with it.

The second reason is any addiction of a person, whether it be alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction. If a person is not ready to fight himself, it is impossible to pull him out of the swamp, no matter how hard the spouse tries, he will have to drown together. Here I have a rather tough position, because it really is. Too many broken destinies. There are no former people with addictions.

The third reason is violence. I think everyone understands this. Don't wait for the aggressor to eventually cripple you physically or mentally. Pack your things, seek help, support and leave. There are always options.

I think there are three main factors. In all other cases, I advise you not to rush to a decision.

Take off your rose-colored glasses!

- Maybe you should ask yourself some questions in order to better understand what is happening in your soul?

- Without visiting a psychologist, you can go through the projective techniques of unfinished sentences on the topic "Family relations". In them you just need to finish the dictum. It is advisable to do this together, and then exchange the results obtained, they will surprise both. Only I recommend going to serious psychological sites.

When we get married, we often confuse expectations with reality, endowing a partner with non-existent qualities, perceiving his behavior from a convenient position for us at a given moment in time. And as experience shows, taking off your "rose-colored glasses" and seeing a person from a different angle is very painful.

If partners just decide to talk to each other - this is already a serious step forward! I take off my hat to such people. Unfortunately, more and more couples come to me, where he or she almost in a commanding tone demand: "Explain to my husband (wife) what he (she) must (must) do!" Such statements have long ceased to amaze me. Unfortunately, we hear only ourselves and our pain, without thinking about what is going on in the soul of another person. I always want to say to such people: "It's time to take off your rose-colored glasses!" Although this had to be done before marriage. If you are not ready to accept the other person, then it is better not to enter into a relationship. And if they change, then only together.

Another little sketch. I often observe people. What to do, the job is like this. So I remember one scene well (although it is repeated more than once in other interpretations). In the underground. The train came up. A young couple at the station says goodbye. He kissed her, she went forward. At the very doors of the transport, the girl turned to look at the guy. But the young man had already taken out his phone and buried his nose in it. Not a very pleasant situation, you must agree. The girl never received the message she hoped for.

It would seem nonsense! But it is in the little things that the truth can be traced. I can predict the future relationships of people from this story alone. And my verdict will be hopeless. The relationship is at the initial stage, but already here it is worth asking yourself whether this is the right person and whether we really need each other.

Freedom is too tempting

- Today it is fashionable to say “we took a break”, when the couple decided to part ways for a while, to live separately. Is this method helpful?

- I guess, yes. However, there is one but. Freedom can be too seductive. Primarily for men.

Why do problems start in marriage? There are no obligations in the candy-bouquet period. Today we met, went to the cinema, tomorrow we decided to rest. There are more positive emotions, and it's too early to make any claims. And then you have to be with a person constantly, overcome obstacles together, get used to each other. And for some it is extremely difficult. So it is here. If you feel the taste of freedom again, there is a tempting desire to fly away forever. When the wave of joy from independence subsides, it may turn out that this freedom was not really needed.

- Can you give advice on how to preserve your marriage?

- Tell each other about your shortcomings. When I say this to my clients, their eyes widen. And yet, yes, let the man honestly say that from time to time he throws socks all over the apartment, that he does not know how to hang frames on the walls, and so on, and the woman admits that she only knows how to cook fried eggs, and sometimes gets upset over the little things.

Removing the mask of ideality, we begin to move towards each other. Before marriage, both men and women often idealize a partner and expect a certain attitude in advance, and then it turns out that everything is not as beautiful as it was in dreams.

In any situations, try to conduct a dialogue, not a verbal duel, put yourself in the shoes of your partner, think, then do. This does not always save the marriage, but believe me, it will save your nerves and respect for each other.

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When filing a lawsuit for divorce in court, the spouse who initiated the dissolution of the marriage is faced with a very delicate problem: is it necessary to indicate the reason for the divorce and how to write it correctly if this reason is spicy or purely personal?

Alas, when drawing up a statement of claim for divorce, it is advisable to set out in detail the circumstances that led to the termination of family relations. This follows from the provisions of the legislation (general requirements for claims in Art. 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation) and from the established practice. In, attention is also paid to the reason for the termination of the marriage relationship.

When you need to write the reason for divorce in a lawsuit

If there are no objections and attempts to resist the dissolution of the marriage from the second spouse, it is not at all necessary to indicate the real reason for the divorce in the statement of claim.

You can simply refer to the fact that it is impossible to continue family life for personal reasons or in connection with the difference in views on future life. This will be enough for the court to make an appropriate decision, but only after the judge is convinced of the reciprocal desire to end the marriage.

In cases where the second spouse is categorically opposed to divorce, it is necessary to describe in detail the reasons why you consider it impossible to continue family life. This will significantly speed up the process of divorce, because if the applicant spouse did not indicate significant reasons for the end of the marriage union, and the defendant spouse is categorically against the divorce, the court has the right to try to save the family and set a period for reconciliation of the parties up to 3 months.

Personal and household reasons for divorce

The most common reasons for the breakdown of a marriage are personal or domestic troubles. For example, after some time, the spouses realized their complete incompatibility, the difference in outlook on life and on family values. Such a misunderstanding is rapidly destroying trust and mutual understanding, violating the fundamental principle of Family Law, set out in Art. 1 of the RF IC, namely the construction of family relations based on the principle of love and mutual respect. If respect and love left the couple, then no family life will work out.

Typical personal reasons leading to the destruction of family ties:

  • Lack of love, loss of mutual respect;
  • Feeling dislike for each other;
  • Domestic tyranny: insults, humiliation, beatings;
  • Different views on life and family, as well as the inability to find a compromise in relationships (for example, the husband wants to see his wife as a housewife, and the wife dreams of a career).

These are just the most common reasons for divorce, and in practice, all of them or several of them can be simultaneously indicated in the application, if they take place in a relationship.

Among the common reasons for divorce are often found:

  • Alcohol or gambling abuse;
  • Drug addiction;
  • Unwillingness to provide for the family, parasitism of the spouse;
  • Reckless lifestyle, immoral behavior.

When referring to any of the above reasons, it is necessary to confirm what was said with evidence in the case. Alcoholism - a certificate from a medical institution, testimony of witnesses or documentation of regular prosecution for drunken brawl. Parasitism and unwillingness to work - a certificate of their income and information about the financial situation of the spouse. Etc. Any argument must be documented for the court.

If you have any problems with the collection of evidence, the lawyers of our portal will provide you with free legal advice online. You just need to ask them your question!

Cheating and sexual reasons

Another very popular reason for breaking the bonds of marriage is the betrayal of a spouse. If there is such a reason, it is not at all necessary to describe all the circumstances in detail, which is called "where, with whom, when." Just refer to the fact of adultery, if necessary, support it with testimony.

The real problem to be reflected in the claim is the so-called reasons of a sexual nature. Not as common as the more "traditional" grounds for divorce, but they do occur. For example, the husband's addiction to various perverted directions in intimate life, or a tendency to sexual violence.

Do I need to state these reasons? It is necessary, but only limiting ourselves to purely official formulations, without exciting details. If the court needs to know the nuances, you can always ask additional questions during the trial.

How to keep the reason for divorce secret from third parties

In cases where the reasons for divorce are sexual or other personal characteristics of family life, which will have to be disclosed when confirming their position on the case, it is better to apply in advance for a closed court hearing.

The current legislation gives such a right to the parties to the case and the court, more often than not, decides to conduct a closed process in order not to disclose juicy details and information about private life.

Such a petition is especially relevant in a dispute, where relatives and onlookers from each side strive to take part in the process and find out vital details for further gossip. A closed court session will exclude the possibility of the presence of unauthorized persons, and even witnesses will be removed after interrogation from the courtroom.

Approximate wording of the reasons for divorce

If you still have difficulties with drawing up a divorce statement and find it difficult to correctly formulate the reasons for the termination of the marriage, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several examples of the reasons for divorce in the statement of claim.

Universal reasons for divorce

These examples are ideal for situations where the other spouse has no objection to filing a divorce lawsuit.

  • "Living together is impossible due to the lack of a feeling of love and mutual respect, which excludes the development and maintenance of relationships."
  • "The extinction of feelings led to the adoption of a mutual and confident decision to end the marriage relationship"
  • "Different views on life, opposite characters and unwillingness to give in in relationships makes our life together impossible"

Approximate wording of the reasons for divorce in the lawsuit of the wife

  • “I think it is impossible to keep the family because of the spouse's alcoholism. His behavior endangers the well-being of his family and children, excluding their normal development and upbringing. "
  • “The spouse's passion for gambling and alcohol abuse leads to regular scandals and the use of violence against me and children. Under such circumstances, maintaining family relations is not only impossible, but also dangerous both for me and for the health and development of our children. "
  • "Regular infidelities of her husband, which he does not even think to deny, make our life together impossible and meaningless."
  • “For a long time, the spouse has been unemployed. Unwillingness to look for a suitable job, as well as evasion of responsibilities for the maintenance and upbringing of children excludes the preservation of marital relations "

Approximate wording of the reasons for divorce in the husband's claim

  • “The wife leads a riotous lifestyle, regularly stays late in unknown places and has been repeatedly convicted of treason. In such a situation, I consider marriage to be meaningless, and maintaining the relationship is impossible. "
  • “I believe that our future life is impossible, since my wife does not devote any time to housekeeping, does not monitor the cleanliness of the house, does not cook, and at the same time refuses to look for work. Such apathetic behavior indicates a lack of feelings and a desire to continue the marriage relationship "
  • “The wife was convicted of treason, the fact of which she does not deny. I consider the marriage relationship finished "

Difficulty filing a divorce statement

A competent formulation of the reason for divorce is the success of the prompt resolution of the case without a long period for reconciliation, if you do not need it. Indeed, with reconciliation, the divorce process can drag on for another three months.

At the same time, plaintiffs often experience difficulties with the correctness and correctness of the wording of a divorce, including:

  • The vagueness of the reasons due to which the court decides to grant the spouses a period for reconciliation;
  • Their simplicity or rudeness, unacceptable in official documents;
  • Reluctance to disclose personal information, coupled with ignorance of the possibility of filing a motion for a buried meeting.

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Legally illiterate people very often confuse the grounds for termination of marriage and the reasons for divorce, which are contained in the application for divorce. The basis for the dissolution of marriage is the onset of a legal event, the result of which will be the termination of the existence of the family union. The reasons why the terminating relationship decided to dissolve the marriage, these are the actual circumstances due to which one of the spouses wrote a claim for divorce. For example, the concept and grounds for termination of marriage are the death of a spouse, recognition of him as incompetent, etc. And the reasons indicated in the application for divorce are the betrayal of the spouse, drunkenness, domestic violence, etc. it is necessary to know and understand the difference between these two concepts.

Further in the text, we will consider in maximum detail the concept of the basis and the procedure for terminating a marriage. We will also touch on the topic of whether it is necessary to indicate the reason for the dissolution of the marriage, and what reason is indicated most often (regardless of what actually happens in the family).

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The reason for the change and termination of family relations occurs upon the occurrence of a legally significant event. For example, the wife decided to file a claim for dissolution of marital relations due to the fact that her husband often drinks and uses physical force against her and the children. In this case, the reason for breaking the marriage bond will be the behavior of the man, and the basis for divorce is the fact that the application is submitted to the court. What does the law refer to as grounds for terminating family life:

  • a written claim and filed with the courts with a requirement to divorce or an application to the registry office (that is, the desire of one of the spouses or the desire of both, depending on the circumstances, is necessary);
  • the death of a husband or wife (in fact, after the death of one of the married couples, the marriage automatically ceases to exist);
  • recognition of one of the spouses as deceased in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • a statement by a person who is the guardian of one of the spouses, who has been declared legally incompetent;
  • the marriage was declared invalid through the court.

Although in the case of the "invalidity" of the family union, here it is necessary to speak not about the termination of family life, but about the abolition of the marriage completely. Accordingly, the legal consequences will differ. Each of the above grounds needs to be considered in more detail.

Invalid Marriage Ties

A marriage is annulled through a court if, at the time of its conclusion, the norms of domestic legislation were violated or one of the spouses (or both) did not have a goal to create a family in the literal sense of the word. The concept of the grounds and the procedure for terminating a marriage on the fact of its invalidity can be considered only taking into account the court proceedings. There may be several reasons for going to court in such a case:

  • if one of the spouses is in one way or another forced to enter into a marriage union (that is, lack of goodwill);
  • if one of the lovers in a hurry to get married has not reached the age of marriage and no special permission for this action has been received from the guardianship authorities and parents (in our country it is permissible to marry at sixteen, but with the above approval);
  • the official registration of relations for one of the spouses is not the first (that is, there is already one spouse behind him, but there was no divorce);
  • if people who are in close family relations got married;
  • one of the lovers hid from the other that he is the carrier of incurable sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fictitious marriage, when one of the spouses marries / gets married with a certain intent (for their own purposes, but not to create a family).

The legal consequences of divorce and marriage invalidation differ. In the second option, family ties are canceled, which means that all obligations between spouses are canceled. Including jointly acquired property between them cannot be. We'll have to collect receipts and prove who bought what. More information is available on invalid marriages.

Divorce on petition

Another reason for the termination of married life is the filing of an application for divorce on behalf of one of the spouses. You can divorce on application or, depending on the accompanying circumstances. The choice between the registry office and the courts (world and district / city) will depend on:

  • whether the divorcing children have under the age of majority;
  • whether the spouses were able to agree on who the children will live with and in what order they will communicate with the second parent (this can also include the solution of all issues related to alimony);
  • were the divorces able to agree in advance about who gets what property.

It turns out that the more contradictions between a married couple, the more complicated the procedure for terminating official relations. And the more likely you are to drag out the divorce proceedings.

When you can get a divorce at the request of one

In the case of filing an application with the registry office unilaterally, there are also grounds:

  • recognition of the second spouse as missing (only through the courts);
  • recognition of a spouse as legally incompetent (only through the courts);
  • one of the married couple has served a prison term of more than three years (an application can be submitted from the moment when the sentence on the punishment comes into force).

Also, in the registry office, you can divorce together, if you have not yet acquired joint children and agreements have been reached on all the circumstances of the divorce. In all other cases, the desired freedom can be obtained only through a legal process.

It should be borne in mind that it is not enough to write an application correctly to the judicial authorities or to the civil registration authorities of our compatriots. It is also necessary to prepare the necessary documents, and in some cases also collect evidence. When the property is divided, the help of experts in its assessment may be required. You can read about the courts here.

About the reasons

In this article, it is necessary, at least briefly, to mention the reasons for the termination of marriage. Reasons for divorce are a person's personal motive. Actual circumstances due to which one of the spouses does not see an opportunity to continue family life in the future. These include personal and material motives.

In general, these are:

  • adultery (in other words, adultery);
  • physical and mental abuse of family members;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • addiction;
  • unwillingness to work;
  • cooling of mutual feelings (both on the part of one of the spouses and in mutual order), the appearance of hostility and loss of respect (the most common reason indicated in the claim);
  • lack of attention to their own children;
  • "new love";
  • sexual dissatisfaction.

Some people get divorced even due to the fact that their other half does not close the toothpaste correctly. Although the court does not consider such reasons sufficiently compelling and the plaintiff will be denied divorce. If you get divorced through the registry office about the reasons, most likely, they will not be asked. But in court (especially when the second spouse does not agree) the judge will ask questions in order to decide whether it is still possible to save the family, whether the spouses need time for reconciliation.

Termination of family relationships

The marriage is terminated through the civil registration authorities the moment the event is recorded. In a judicial proceeding, people become free from marital obligations on the day when the judge's decision becomes legal. More precisely, after the deadline for appealing the court decision has passed, you will have to wait about three more days until the court sends the extract to the registry office.

Divorce proceedings can have many nuances and pitfalls, in order to cope with everything as quickly and at no cost as possible, get a free consultation from a family lawyer on the Court.Guru website.

An indication of the reasons for filing an application in a claim is necessary so that the judge can assess the scale of the tragedy. In some cases, the court will set a period for reconciliation, in others, it will divorce immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully indicate the reasons for the divorce in the statement of claim for divorce.

It is the presence of good reasons that will become the main condition for how soon the union will be terminated. At the same time, the majority of citizens do not want to reveal personal secrets. Consider how to correctly describe family problems for the court and examples of the reason for divorce in a statement of claim for divorce.

When you need to write the reason for divorce in a lawsuit

The initiator of the divorce, applying with mutual consent, is in a better position. He has no problem with what reason to indicate in the application for divorce. In such a statement, you can indicate general grounds:

  • lack of mutual understanding;
  • different views on living together;
  • conflict of characters;
  • loss of feelings of mutual respect and love.

With the consent of the spouses, the court will not go into details. It is not advisable to give a real reason. Citizens may have to maintain a relationship to raise a child together and further conclude an agreement on the division of property. Therefore, it is better to avoid clarification of relations and mutual claims in court.

The situation is more complicated if the second spouse objects to the dissolution of the marriage union. In accordance with Art. 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, it is required to set out the reasons in detail so that the court can comprehensively assess the requirements and evidence.

Relationship problems

The reasons for divorce in the statement of claim must coincide with the real grounds for dissolution of the union. The applicant will have to prove his position in court. The other side will try to refute them.

A popular reason for divorce is the personal relationship of the parties. They are:

  • in the inconsistency of characters (a different view of life, a career);
  • desire / unwillingness of blood and adopted children;
  • in domestic tyranny (physical and emotional abuse);
  • in the termination of mutual feelings.

Personal reasons for divorce in the statement of claim must be indicated in the statement. The union between a man and a woman should initially be based on personal relationships. The lack of harmonious relationships makes an individual unit of society unhappy.

Household problems in the family

The second most popular reason is domestic turmoil. At the beginning of the relationship, the parties are deprived of the opportunity to assess the everyday qualities of the partners. Therefore, they often become an unpleasant surprise for the spouse. The main problems are:

  • subjective everyday habits;
  • the presence of bad habits (alcoholic, drug, gambling addiction);
  • unwillingness to make a material contribution to the family budget.

Subjective everyday habits are revealed exclusively when living together. For example, a man lived with his mother and grandmother. The women provided the child's everyday life in full. They cooked food, washed and ironed things, provided money, turned a blind eye to his rudeness. In marriage, he expects such an attitude from his wife. The wife may not be ready to become a servant.

Identifying addictions before marriage is not always possible. They tend to progress over time. In addition, addicts tend to hide their hobbies until the degree of addiction begins to affect other areas of life (the emergence of debt, problems at work).

It is not always possible to identify material difficulties in the chosen one before marriage. In Russia, it is not customary to be interested in the sources of income of the second half. Therefore, the lack of a permanent job, the presence of large loans can be revealed already during the marriage. This approach has not been adopted in European countries. The parties conclude a marriage contract in advance and ask lawyers to study the financial capabilities of the future spouse.

Describing the domestic reasons in the lawsuit does not need to go into details. A brief and maximally general description is enough. The court rarely divorces the first time citizens who indicated many domestic reasons in the claim. Emotional description can be the reason for a momentary decision. Therefore, the consideration of the claim will be delayed in time.

Sexual reasons

The reasons for filing for divorce, which are intimate, can be divided into:

  • family problems;
  • infidelity.

Every woman believes that it is she who will stop the womanizer. Unfortunately, the often dissolute spouse does not stop in his hobby. The offended wife files for divorce after learning about the incident. It is fair to say that the percentage of female infidelities in marriage is slightly less.

Important! When describing sexual problems, you must be as careful as possible. As practice shows, women tend to forgive a cheating man. Therefore, the court will also give a time limit for reflection.

Pointing out a partner's problem is tactless. In addition, the spouses may be bound by a subsequent division of property or joint children. Discussing intimate issues with third parties rarely improves the family environment.

How to keep the reason for divorce secret from third parties

The law provides for the possibility of filing a petition for the consideration of a statement of claim in a closed session. Experts recommend that all spouses take advantage of this opportunity when resolving controversial issues.

If the other spouse objects to the divorce, the applicant must file a closed-process motion together with the statement of claim. Thus, the parties will be exempted from the presence of third parties in the meeting room.

The court will consider the petition and decide on its satisfaction, in order to preserve the privacy of the parties. A feature of a closed session is the removal of all persons not participating in the process, and even witnesses.

Sample reasons for a claim

It is necessary to indicate the reasons for the dissolution of the marriage as succinctly and correctly as possible. Consider examples of reasons for divorce in a divorce statement that are appropriate for each party:

  • the preservation of marriage is impossible due to the loss of feelings of mutual respect and love;
  • the fading of feelings makes it impossible to maintain and develop relationships;
  • lack of mutual understanding, unwillingness to seek compromises, different approaches to raising children and opposing characters prevent the preservation of the union.

These are options for universal reasons. In addition, you can consider the special wording of the reasons for divorce in the statement of claim for each of the parties.

Wife wording

Consider what reason to indicate to the wife in the application for divorce:

  1. The spouse does not have a permanent job for a long period of time. He turns out to make a financial contribution to the family budget, although there is a need for additional income.
  2. The husband has repeatedly been convicted of treason. I consider the further preservation of the family impossible.
  3. Alcohol abuse is the reason for the use of physical violence against me and children. The passion for gambling caused the family's financial problems. Keeping a family together can have negative consequences for me and the children.
  4. The spouse's alcoholism led to the decision to divorce. His treatment for a long time did not give a stable result. The spouse sets a negative example for children, hindering their proper development and upbringing.

Husband wording

Reasons for divorce in the statement of claim for the husband:

  1. The preservation of the union is impossible due to constant betrayal. The wife abuses alcohol and leads a riotous lifestyle.
  2. My wife does not pay due attention to me and the children. He is constantly on business trips, giving his career more value than his family. Ignores household chores and raising young children.
  3. The wife does not have a job for a long time, refuses to search for a job. Housekeeping is completely my responsibility. An apathetic attitude in family life is an indicator of her unwillingness to save the marriage.

A sample statement of claim for no children can be downloaded

Problems with wording

Don't underestimate the importance of stating reasons in a claim. If there is a lack of grounds for the court, the issue may be extended for additional time. The main difficulties in drafting a claim include:

  • a superficial statement of the reasons (tired of enduring, relationship problems);
  • blurred reason (angry, bad, rude, boring);
  • rudeness (abusive and obscene words are prohibited in official documents);
  • excessive emotionality of the claim;
  • too detailed presentation (And he told me ... and I told him ...).

Attraction of a specialist

Drawing up a statement of claim during a period of resentment against a spouse, conflict relations and with the mood for his refusal to divorce is not a good idea. In such cases, it is advisable to involve a specialist. The lawyer will help you to competently collect the documents, draw up a statement of claim, correctly formulate the reasons for the divorce and the requirements for the defendant. He will advise and help you file a closed trial petition.

An additional plus is the possibility of inviting a lawyer to the meeting as a representative. An emotionally tense situation can prevent the plaintiff from independently soberly assessing the possibilities.

Important! A representative can even participate in a closed process.

Thus, the wording of the reasons must comply with the following rules. The reason must accurately reflect the cause that has arisen. You should not express your reasons too emotionally. No need to blur the wording. In the absence of the consent of the second spouse to divorce, together with the lawsuit, it is necessary to submit a petition to determine a closed process.

Young people and girls remember their wedding day for the rest of their lives. This day gives a lot of joy to the bride and groom, relatives and friends. And this is not surprising, this is a very joyful event - the birth of a new family. It seems that now the young will go hand in hand all their lives, they are sure that their happiness will be eternal. But, unfortunately, many marriages soon break up. There are three divorces for five marriages, and the figure is getting higher from year to year. Sociologists argue that divorce is the problem of the century. Family and marriage are influenced by numerous social and personal factors. These are politics and economics, traditions and customs, ideology, morality, peculiarities of upbringing people, character, individual characteristics of a person. The reasons for divorce can vary.

The main reasons for divorce

So, the main reasons for divorce are:

  1. everyone will agree that the main reason for the death of a family is the alcoholism of one of the spouses, most often the husband. Household drunkenness leads to a deep disintegration of the personality. Such a spouse cannot raise children, feed a family, be a good husband;
  2. another important reason for divorce is jealousy. The number of divorces due to jealousy is enormous! An interesting fact is that this trend is true for couples who are officially married. Couples who are bound by civil marriage have fewer problems on this basis. Mistrust on the part of spouses has a negative effect on emotional harmony, the intimate side of life;
  3. the next reason for divorce is treason. The perception of infidelity is different for men and women. For a man, the physical infidelity of his partner is a great stress. It is difficult for a woman to realize emotional betrayal when a partner develops a spiritual and physical interest in another woman;
  4. forced, for example, due to pregnancy, or rash marriage;
  5. the struggle for leadership in the family;
  6. emotional immaturity of partners.

Unless problems arise from alcoholism, cheating and fidelity, there are other reasons for divorce. There are five factors, the discrepancy in which the partners cause conflicts.

These factors are:

  1. partners have the same idea of ​​cleanliness and order;
  2. the spouses have similar tastes in literature, cinema, music, television;
  3. both partners have similar eating habits;
  4. they like the same pets;
  5. the spouses have similar opinions about watching erotic films.

The discrepancy between desires, tastes and seemingly frivolous factors has a destructive effect on the bonds of marriage and becomes the cause of divorce. According to psychologists, if 2 out of 5 positions are different, the chances of maintaining a strong and friendly family are practically reduced to naught. Each of the spouses will defend their position, and this will lead to conflict. If this situation repeats from day to day, this may well become the reason for divorce.

Reasons for divorce in Russia

Numerous opinion polls have revealed the main reasons for divorce in Russia:

  1. drug addiction and alcoholism. This reason is the most common, because of it 41% of marriages break up;
  2. there is no home. 26% of married couples get divorced for this reason;
  3. interference in the family life of relatives. This is the reason for divorce in 14% of couples;
  4. there is no way to have a child - it causes 8% of divorces;
  5. separation for a long time - about 6% of divorces;
  6. imprisonment - about 2% of divorces;
  7. long-term illness of a spouse - about 1%.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of reasons why spouses cannot divorce. The most common: it is difficult to "divide" children; difficulties with the division of property; dependence of spouses in material terms; the disagreement of the wife or husband for divorce.

Reasons for divorce in the application

The divorce procedure is quite simple in Russia. The spouse or one of them is applying for divorce. In the registry office or in court, the marriage can be dissolved. In the registry office, you can get a divorce only if the spouses have no minor children and their desire is mutual. Together with the application for divorce in the registry office, the spouses provide a marriage certificate, their passports, a paid receipt of the state duty for divorce. You can pay for this receipt at the register office or through any bank. A month is given to the spouses to think about the decision. If, after the end of this period, they do not change their minds, they will receive a divorce certificate, and, accordingly, they will make a note in their passport - the marriage will be dissolved. If there are minor children, the divorce is carried out through the courts.

When submitting an application to the court for divorce, you must indicate the reason. Usually the following reasons are indicated:

  1. family life did not work out;
  2. did not get along;
  3. there is no close relationship in the family;
  4. there is a marriage relationship with another person;
  5. long-term separation;
  6. conflicts in the family, ruthless attitude towards a spouse or children;
  7. alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse of the spouse;
  8. adultery;
  9. the spouse's place of residence is unknown;
  10. the presence of a spouse in prison.

Testimony that supports your case is evidence in a divorce case.

Divorce is a deep family tragedy, no matter what the reasons for the divorce are. Children are especially deeply affected by their parents' divorce. Before you file an application for divorce, you need to think very hard, weigh the pros and cons, if there is even the slightest opportunity, try to save the family. There are always two to blame for the cause of divorce.