Wipe your face with vinegar. Apple cider vinegar for your face? Yes! Scrub for cleansing the skin

If your skin is too sensitive to waxing or if you do not have the opportunity to undergo a course of laser hair removal, then a depilatory cream is recommended for you. Among the variety of creams of this type, manufacturers offer depilatory cream Eveline. It is designed to remove hair from the face, bikini area, armpits and legs. Promises to cleanse, moisturize and soften sensitive skin.

Photo: Evelyn's range of creams: 8 in 1, Jast Epil, 9 in 1, Ultra Tight 3 in 1 and Argan Oil.

Contains aloe vera and silk proteins. Does not dry out the skin, does not cause irritation, notes of aloe can be traced in the smell. It is stated to work within 5 minutes, but with longer use it does not cause irritation or redness. The content is white, easy to spread, has a non-dripping consistency. The main advantage of this depilatory product is its painlessness. Regular use slows down hair growth and makes them softer.

Eveline Instruction

To achieve the result, read the instructions for use of Eveline cream. Before using Eveline Depilatory Cream, check for allergies to the ingredients. Apply a small pea of ​​Evelyn's cream to the bend of the elbow and wait 1 hour, then monitor the reaction for an hour. If there are no reactions, and the skin is not covered with spots or rashes, then it can be applied.

Eveline cream comes with a spatula for applying and removing hair from the skin. The skin to be depilated should be dry and fat-free.

We distribute the contents over the surface of the skin, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane, and leave it for a little longer than 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the hair against growth with the supplied spatula. If not all areas of the skin are cleared, repeat the procedure. We wash off the remnants of the product with cool water without soap and alcohol. We apply a moisturizing oil or any product you are used to. After hair removal, it is not recommended to wipe this area of ​​the skin with aggressive agents like alcohol. Also, sunbathing and solarium are prohibited for 24 hours.

Precautionary measures

The exposure time may vary from skin to skin. If the hair is vellus and the skin is sensitive, the time of use can be reduced. For stiff bristles, the dwell time on the skin can be increased to 10 minutes. Growth as stated by the product does not slow down, hair appears 2-3 days after application. Requires joint use with any balm for. It does not remove small and short hairs. It should be noted that the contents are not completely washed off with water, you can use oil with a napkin to remove residues. The skin after the procedure is smooth and silky, no redness or irritation is observed.

Eveline cream advantages and disadvantages

Photo: 3-in-1 ultra-gentle depilatory cream.

The disadvantage of Eveline, like any other cream, is a short-lived effect. After 1-2 days, the hair will appear, but thinner and softer. A significant plus is that after application it does not cause as with other methods of hair removal. And accordingly, all the consequences arising from this, such as acne, pustules are also excluded.


Photo: cream analogues.

There are also similar depilation products such as and. They differ in smell, price, aging time. Veet does not differ in action or slowing effect on growth, but it costs a lot more. Any depilatory product has a composition full of various chemical constituents. That is why, for different girls, the same component of the composition can cause different reactions.


With prolonged contact with the skin, the depilatory product can cause a chemical burn; it is not recommended to exceed the time specified in the instructions. Contact with mucous membranes can cause immediate painful burns. The components destroy the nail plate, therefore, it is advisable to carry out the depilation procedure with gloves. It is impossible to use Evelyn cream on skin with wounds, rashes, injuries. Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications for use. Allergy to any component in the composition. Do not use on severely tanned skin, it will burn. Any malignant formations on the skin prohibit the use of such depilators.

Depilation is a process that many women associate with pain. It is only in the modern world that special means have been invented to alleviate torment. At home, a variety of creams are used for this procedure. They reduce discomfort to a minimum (or eliminate them altogether). A good and fairly common remedy is a product from Evelyn. this one is known in many countries. He is in demand among female customers. But what are the pros and cons of it? How effective is he at his job? Can you trust the manufacturer and believe in a flawless result?

Why is it invented

Depilation is usually called the process of removing excess "vegetation" from various places on the body. It is usually carried out by pulling or burning off the hairs. Previously, depilation was carried out using epilators. But in the modern world they have found an excellent replacement - They contribute to the rapid strangulation of hair from the body at home without pain.

You just need to be able to select such products for your skin and hair type. For example, you can try purchasing Evelyn. This depilatory cream is almost universal. But is it as good as the manufacturer claims?

Try, choose

The first significant advantage of our today's product is its variety. But in moderation. That is, you have an alternative, but without much scope. This allows you not to get confused in the possible means. The range of choice is normal - not large, but not small, which is very pleasing. At the moment, you can find "Evelyn":

  • 3 in 1;
  • 8 in 1;
  • 9 in 1;
  • ultrafast.

Other varieties are also available, but they are not as common. Which one is the best? Depilatory cream is good in any variety. In their action, they are all approximately the same. And it's almost impossible to pick out the best one! How then to choose? In this case, you will have to pay attention to the area in which it is recommended to apply the product. This will help you make the right choice!


The composition of the product plays a huge role. It differs little from similar depilatory creams. Is that the concentration of specific substances. But only it is not indicated for buyers and is known only to the manufacturer. In the composition, you can find:

  • beeswax;
  • different active ingredients;
  • water;
  • flavors;
  • glycerol;
  • other excipients.

All this is not surprising. In any case, the composition may differ in active ingredients (according to the inscriptions on the packaging). "Evelyn" is a depilatory cream containing a huge amount of alkali. This is indicated by the manufacturer as a warning. Be careful when using products. It is recommended to follow the precautions and follow the instructions.

Learning to use

How exactly should you use our today's product? There is nothing difficult about that. If you have already tried to use depilatory creams, then you are already familiar with the algorithm of actions. It is no different from Evelyn.

The first step is to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Or rather, the area on which it is planned to apply the product. Do not forget to dry your skin, otherwise the result of the procedure will be disgusting.

Next, apply Eveline Depilatory Cream to the skin area. It is recommended to do this against the direction of hair growth. You can use it, but then you need a little more cream - the hairs should be completely hidden. It is necessary to hold the cream for 3-5 minutes (sometimes 10, see the exact time on the package, it depends on the type of product), and then rinse with warm water. No soap or detergents. For faster cleansing, use a special spatula (it will be included with the cream).

Nothing else is required. It is recommended that after depilation for a day or two, do not treat the skin with anything (namely, the depilated area), and also do not apply any perfume products to it. For all this, Evelyn's depilation cream receives mostly positive reviews. Ease of use is what many girls want. After all, this tool is ideal for use at home!

Be on the alert

But, as already mentioned, you need to carefully study the precautions. Otherwise, in addition to depilation, you can provide yourself with several serious burns. Indeed, the cream contains a lot of alkali! This must be taken into account!

Do not start using the product without first checking for allergic reactions. Just apply a little depilatory cream on the elbow (from the back), then hold it for a few minutes and rinse with water. If no side effects have been identified during the day, you can safely proceed to depilation.

Take care not to get Eveline Depilatory Cream in your eyes. Otherwise, rinse them with warm running water. In case of complications (for example, itching, burning, tearfulness or redness), it is recommended to immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Do not keep the cream on your body for more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, you may get burned. Especially important for sensitive skin. In principle, almost no one has side effects and negative reactions to Evelyn (depilation cream). And this pleases the customers. You can trust the manufacturer, but taking precautions is also important!

Price category

Depilatory cream, the price of which is off scale, cannot be considered the best. In any case, customers are often unhappy with this decision. Nobody wants to pay a lot for funds that can be easily replaced with cheaper ones.

Fortunately, there are no special complaints about Evelyn in the price category. On average, a tube of cream will cost you 130-150 rubles. It is enough for 2-3 months (sometimes more, sometimes less). In principle, not very expensive. If anything, a Veet with a similar effect is much more expensive.

So this is the best mid-price depilatory cream. "Evelyn" is what many girls need! Availability is one of the main components of a high rating for any product. And Eveline currently has 100% of it.

Not according to instructions

True, this is far from the most ideal remedy. It also has its drawbacks. Depilatory cream "Evelyn" reviews (ultrafast or any other - not so important) does not get the best for the fact that sometimes you have to violate the instructions during the procedure. All of this just to get the most out of it!

For example, the cream will have to be kept on the skin, as customers say, for about 15, or even 20 minutes. The instructions say that the "holding time" must not be exceeded. You risk getting burned! Yes, there were almost no such cases, but there is always a risk.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is very problematic to wash off the cream with plain water without additional components. As practice shows, this can only be done with soap or shower gel / shampoo / foam. With ordinary water, it will also be possible to carry out the idea, only this process will drag on for a long time.

Plus, even though you need to apply the depilatory product to dry skin, you shouldn't let the cream dry. Otherwise, its main properties are lost. As a result, you will not see any result. If you notice that the cream is dry, either wash it off or moisten it with a few drops of warm water.

"3 in 1"

And now a little about the advantages and scope of each type of Evelyn depilation products. This will help you decide on the choice of a specific option for the procedure.

The first in line is "Evelyn 3 in 1". This is a cream for

Hello everybody!

I remove my unwanted hair on my legs exclusively with depilatory creams. I like it so much and I feel so comfortable. I usually use the Veet depilatory cream (Vit). But for a change I also try creams from other companies. In this review, I want to talk about a fairly budgetary version of Evelyn's depilatory cream. And it will be convenient for me to compare my impressions with the Vit, which is familiar to me.

Depilatory cream Evelyn


Full name: Eveline Cosmetics Ultra Fast Depilatory Cream 8in1

Packing cost: about 120 rubles (420 tenge)

Volume: 125 ml tube

Country of origin: Poland

The box contains the cream itself in a soft tube, as well as a spatula of some interesting shape, apparently for convenience. All the information you need is on the box. Also, there is an insert instruction.

8 in 1 - what does it mean? The manufacturer assures us that Evelyn's depilatory cream:

Quickly and effectively removes unwanted hair Perfectly softens the skin during depilation Contains youth coenzymes Q10 + R Contains melon and cucumber extracts Enriched with antioxidants Smoothes Moisturizes Refreshes

Well, just a full-fledged care product! And this is all for our legs?

We are urgently going to watch the composition.

The composition of the product

The composition is not so large and, probably, two times shorter than the composition of Vit cream. Indeed, the list of ingredients contains extracts of cucumber and melon, though I don't know what exactly they give for the skin of our feet.


The cream is applied to dry skin of the feet, evenly spread with a spatula and left on for 3-5 minutes. After that, the cream, and with it the hair, are removed with a spatula, and the legs are thoroughly washed with running water without soap. And gently wipe dry. That's all the wisdom.

The method of application and all precautions are indicated both on the box itself and on the tube with depilatory cream. Read to everyone, especially if you are using it for the first time.

Naturally, the cream should not be applied to the injured skin of the legs (it stings terribly). After depilation, avoid sunburn and the use of cosmetics on the skin of the legs for 24 hours.

Mode of application


As you understand, I have something to compare with and therefore I will describe some of my impressions regarding the Veet depilatory cream.

Well, I'll start, perhaps, with the consistency of Evelyn's cream - it is more loosened, a bit like the consistency of a butter, just without the fat content. Because of this, Evelyn cream spreads on the skin worse than Vit cream. It takes me just three minutes to evenly spread the cream on one leg. I do it with a spatula. The consumption of Evelyn's depilatory cream is much higher. One depilation took me half a tube. And then, it seemed to me that I smeared quite sparingly. A tube of Vit is enough for me at least three times, although it is smaller in volume. Although the manufacturer recommends keeping the cream for no more than 3-5 minutes, from experience I will say that even 5 minutes is not enough to remove all hair on my legs with the help of Evelyn's depilatory cream. After holding the cream for five minutes for the first time, fearing even more, I noticed that not all the hairs were gone. There was no irritation, burning, or unpleasant reactions on the skin. But I do not advise anyone to overexpose this product on the skin, you never know. The scapula certainly does not matter much, but I still like the Vitov scraper more, because it has rubberized edges. As for the fact that the cream "moisturizes" and " refreshes "I can't say anything concrete, but after depilation with Evelyn's cream, my legs are smooth, the skin is not tight and not overdried. And thanks for that.

Depilatory cream applied to the skin

Skin with applied Evelyn cream

In general, I can note the following advantages:

Affordable price Depilation does not cause pain and discomfort Depilation with such a cream does not take much time Evelyn depilatory cream does not have an unpleasant odor Evelyn depilatory cream does not cause skin irritation The skin of the legs after depilation is smooth, soft, not overdried.

And the cons:

Ineffective hair removal - after depilation, single hairs are visible in places Large consumption of cream The time of action of the cream on the skin, indicated by the manufacturer, is not enough for high-quality hair removal. And you don't want to take risks and overexpose the cream.

Unremoved hairs are visible:

Skin after depilation with Evelyn cream

Analyzing my impressions, I will say that I am not delighted with this depilatory cream, but rather I am indifferent to it. Neither yes nor no. Yes, inexpensive. Yes, it removes most of the hairy vegetation. But I want the best effect. You can try and not scary, but you should not hope for a decent result.

Thank you for the attention!

::::::::::: See also my other reviews :::::::::

➨How to make friends with Veet depilatory cream?

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➨ CREAM-assistant for hallux valgus (bone)

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Removing excess hair from the body has always been important, but it was not always possible to achieve the desired effect quickly, painlessly and for a long time. Eveline depilatory cream allows you to get rid of unwanted hairs on any part of the body quickly, effectively and without any discomfort.

An overview of budget depilatory creams is in the next video.

Description and benefits

Eveline depilatory creams quickly gained wide popularity from the very first moment of their appearance on the shelves. Firstly, they have a low price, and secondly, they help to really quickly and effectively get rid of unwanted hair on the body.

The special formula of this product contains special substances that negatively affect the hairs, softening them at the very root. As a result, hair is not only easily removed from the body with a spatula, but also begins to grow much more slowly. The presence of natural ingredients in the composition allows you to use this product without fear of allergies or other unpleasant sensations on the skin.

They are easy and simple to use, all that is necessary is to distribute the contents of the tube with a spatula in a thin layer on the skin, and after a few minutes remove the mixture from it and wash the body with cool water. The result of this procedure, depending on the type of depilatory cream, can last up to seven days.

But, in addition to high efficiency and low prices, this product has another important advantage, namely a wide range, which consists not only of depilatory creams, but also balms intended for use after it has been carried out.

Their highly effective formula soothes the skin after the procedure, protects it from irritation, as well as slows down hair growth and weakens hair follicles. Regular use of these products in tandem leads to the fact that the hair becomes weaker, thinner and, over time, may stop growing altogether. For women with very sensitive skin, the Eveline brand produces a special line of products dedicated to them. The highly effective formula does an excellent job of destroying excess hair, but at the same time it is absolutely safe for even the most delicate skin.


It is the Eveline Cosmetics company, or rather its products intended for depilation, that are the real sales leaders today, and a wide range of these products also played an important role in such popularity. We present to your attention the most popular hair removal products from Eveline.

  1. An ultra-fast depilatory cream that lasts only 3 minutes. It has practically no scent, it is ideal even for very dry and delicate skin of the body, it is perfect for removing unwanted vegetation in the bikini area. The dense texture provides convenient application and easy removal of cream and hairs, does not cause any irritation. During the procedure itself, there are no unpleasant sensations.
  2. Ultra-gentle depilatory cream 3 in 1. It helps to remove unwanted hairs, slows down their growth and the appearance of new ones, and also nourishes and moisturizes the skin directly during the procedure itself. Has a light and pleasant perfumery aroma. It is easy to rinse off and apply, and the exposure time is slightly longer than that of the previous sample and is already 5 minutes. Ideal for sensitive and allergic skin.
  3. The next product from a well-known brand is 8 in 1 cream. Unlike all other products of this brand, this product not only effectively fights hair removal, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also helps to strengthen the capillaries. The time of its exposure, depending on the type of hairs, can be from 5 to 15 minutes. It is this depilatory product that is the best choice for those women who suffer from varicose veins and increased leg fatigue.
  4. Depilatory cream Eveline Cosmetics 9 in 1 s it is able not only to cope with excess vegetation, but also to nourish, moisturize and protect even the thinnest and most delicate skin. Silk proteins leave it smooth and velvety, and the powerful formula protects against the appearance of new vegetation on the body for a long time.
  5. Depilatory cream "Just Epil" intended for use on the most delicate areas of the body such as the face, arms or bikini area.
  6. For extremely sensitive skin, the manufacturer has released another 9 in 1 "Bio Depil". In addition to its main function, this product also moisturizes the skin, protects it from negative influences and rejuvenates it.

And for effective skin care after hair removal, this manufacturer suggests using a special product aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin, its intensive protection from irritation and slowing hair growth.

Still, depilation creams belong to the category of aggressive caring agents. And therefore, deciding to use them, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • It is imperative to read the instructions and test for an allergic reaction... This will allow you to find out exactly whether this tool is right for you or not, as well as how to use it correctly.
  • To apply the product to the body, you must use a special spatula, which is included in each kit. It is she who provides an even, fine distribution of the cream on the skin.
  • You can not keep the product on the body for longer than indicated in the annotation. Failure to do so may result in severe burns. If the cream does not give the desired result, you can repeat the procedure after a few hours or use another remedy.

A modern woman strives to look spectacular and irresistible, while the skin should be smooth, delicate, fragrant and, of course, without a single hair. Body hair grows back regularly and, accordingly, there are a lot of tools, techniques and procedures to get rid of them. One of the best remedies for solving hair-related problems is Evelin's depilation creams.

The composition includes various substances that soften the hairline. The main component is keratin, which destroys the hair structure. The rest of the ingredients allow you to soften the skin and increase the penetration into the hair root, soften the impact on open areas and protect them from harmful effects.

Test on an inconspicuous scalp before applying to the body. The depilator is not suitable for all types and may cause allergic reactions. The reason is keratin or carelessness in use.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and adhere to it when carrying out the depilation procedure. The cream is applied to the scalp with a thin layer and kept for 15-20 minutes (in accordance with the instructions), then washed off with warm water.

If you overexpose it, then unpleasant consequences are possible - burning, itching, skin damage and more. After the end of the procedure, it is necessary to avoid contact with the skin of various perfumery products. It is allowed to use only special products after depilation (moisturizing creams, oils, etc.).

To prevent the harmful effects of the cream, you need to choose it correctly. The main types of cream are used for different parts of the body:

  1. For legs and arms;
  2. Armpits;
  3. Especially for the bikini area;

There are also various combination creams on sale: universal, hypoallergenic, etc.


Depending on the purpose, they contain a different amount of main and additional components. If the hair on the legs is hard, the skin is elastic and resistant to influences - more keratin is required, then for a face where it is delicate and fluffy, its delicate effect is required in a small amount. Conversely, for the face it is not suitable for removing hairs on the legs.

When using any depilatory product, choose it for its intended purpose, with a moisturizing, toning effect, enriching the skin with vitamins.

It should be noted that depilatory products have a number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • The presence of damage to the epidermis (scratches, wounds);
  • Moles, spots and other skin lesions;
  • The presence of any dermatological, oncological diseases and formations.

When buying a depilator, you need to pay attention to it: purpose, shelf life and holding time on the scalp.

The shorter the exposure time on the hair, the stronger the concentration of keratin and you need to be extremely careful when using it so as not to damage the skin on the body.

EVELIN depilatory cream is easily matched to all skin types and body areas.

Depilatory cream 8 in 1

Designed to remove dark and coarse hair from normal skin. The action of the cream is ultra-fast, and the presence of an extract from melon and cucumber allows you to normalize its moisture content. Melon and cucumber extracts reliably protect the skin from the effects of the cream. It becomes soft and supple.

Depilatory foot cream with aloe vera and melon extracts

Dermatologically tested. Effectively removes hair, leaving the skin soft and smooth. Additional components slow down the growth of bulbs and hairs. Has a complex of vitamins that protect and restore the epidermis.

According to customer reviews, the cream has a delicate and pleasant aroma. The skin becomes soft to the touch and silky smooth. Hair begins to grow in 5-7 days. Low price.

Fast hair removal cream

Thanks to the extract from aloe and peach, it protects the skin from negative effects already during the depilation process. Has a fresh, pleasant aroma. Removes hair in three minutes. Thanks to the soothing and moisturizing ingredients, it is painless and pleasant to use.

Products for delicate skin

EVELIN has launched a new product for sensitive skin with care for all skin types. This cream contains an increased amount of moisturizing and soothing ingredients, chestnut extract. Together, they provide comfortable depilation for dry and sensitive skin, as well as guarantee the safety of the skin.

Ultra-gentle depilatory cream Evelyn 9 in 1 is suitable even for the face

This cream has nine features for depilation and skin care. They allow you to apply this cream once every 1-2 weeks, providing a full range of vitamins to the epidermis. Ultrafast depilation guarantees complete safety, while destroying the structure of not only the hair, but also the bulb. The skin does not dry out under the influence of aggressive substances, it becomes soft and silky.

Bio extract removes irritation and itching, the presence of coenzymes, completely restores the treated skin areas during the procedure. The main feature is that even after the first treatment, a noticeable difference in softness to the touch is visible.

Ultra Moisturizing Bikini & Underarm Formula

This product is characterized by a less aggressive amount of agents and has a softer and more soothing effect on delicate and sensitive skin.

During the procedure, the effects of the Tahiti and Shea butter contained in the cream have a beneficial effect on the skin, softening it and reducing the effects of keratin. And the mango extract refreshes and moisturizes the skin abundantly, which reduces the discomfort during depilation of the bikini area and armpits.

It is allowed to use this product in other parts of the body if the effect of typical creams is irritating.

One of the best is "3 in 1". Depilatory cream for the bikini area is ideal for cleaning the delicate areas of the body from unnecessary vegetation. After the release of this product on the market, you can independently, without visiting expensive and painful procedures, clean the bikini area. It is necessary to carefully apply the cream to the areas with hairs and rinse off after 5 minutes with warm water. The components of the cream will provide the treated skin with a complex of vitamins, moisturize and make the depilation procedure without feeling discomfort.

D-panthenol product

This cream can be used to remove unwanted hairs from the face. The components of the product are selected in such a way that they guarantee high-quality results and absolute safety when used according to the instructions. Also, studies were carried out by cosmetology specialists in specialized laboratories.