Sabina: a name for different nations. What does the name Sabina mean?

The mysterious, euphonious and unusual name Sabina came from ancient times and came from the word "sabinanka"... In the modern interpretation, it is translated as "beautiful", "cute", "attractive". If you believe the history, then the emergence of the name is rather ambiguous. It is believed that it came from the people - the Sabines, with whom the ancient Roman warrior Savin fought.

He conquered a proud people, and took the most beautiful women into his harem and made them concubines. Since then, it has become customary to call beautiful Muslim women by the name of Sabina.

In Arabic, this word is translated as "small sword". And some historians attribute to him the meaning of "wise", "baptized".

Sabina is an unpredictable girl. She is at the same time sweet, beautiful, capable of charming any person. At the same time, she is distinguished by intelligence, ingenuity and great wisdom, even at a young age.

That is why Sabina is called the only daughter in a Muslim family. After all, it is given to the joy of parents, like a beautiful flower that they must cherish and cherish. Allah turned out to be merciful and gave the parents this sweet and fragile creature. For boys, names are chosen so that they reflect the masculinity and strength of a man.

For Muslims, it is extremely important that the name of the girl is gentle and pleasant. It does not carry any information or special meaning, but the girl should be comfortable with it. In addition, the father should like the name, because in the future the girl will marry and her name should caress the ear of her husband.

Sabina - among Muslims, the name has no specific meaning, but it is extremely popular among followers of Islam.

Sabina's personality in her youth

If parents decide to give their daughter this amazingly beautiful name, then they must be prepared to constantly fight this wayward person. From a young age, she begins to demonstrate her uncomfortable character. If the parents do everything exactly the way she wants, then they will get the prettiest child in the world. But if her whim is not satisfied, then Sabina turns into a cute little monster who will defend her rights with all her might.

In most cases, the Sabines are very beautiful. At school they have no friends, but because of the girl's arrogance, but because they envy her beauty and the ability to win the heart of any guy with one wave of eyelashes. But she has a lot of representatives of the opposite sex in her friends. The boys are just crazy about this young beauty.

Adolescence is given to a girl with great difficulty. All the negative qualities of her character tend to break out. She can humiliate any girl or guy with one word. Power and strength mean a lot to her.

Love relationship

Knowing what the name Sabina means, it is easy to understand: in love, she does not know rivals. But she has a special, very practical mindset, which does not allow her to relax, even when she falls in love. In this relationship, there is always a cold and firm calculation. Sabina attaches great importance to money and wealth, gifts and power. Therefore, among her fans there will never be those guys who have not a penny to their hearts.

In sex, a girl is extremely suspicious, and therefore even the most ardent and tender feelings can be interpreted as a way to seduce her and leave her. Often because of this, they remain alone for a very long time, and sometimes they do not get married at all.

Sabina is able to crush any man with her pressure, whims and demands, so only the most persistent and hardy man can tolerate this wayward beauty next to him.

After she gets married, the girl becomes docile and calm. Choosing only a wealthy person as her husband, she gets everything from life. And therefore, she becomes just an amazing housewife. The young lady will always have something to cook on the stove, at home it will be clean and fresh, and the husband is well-groomed and satisfied.

Sabina is a wonderful mother. She treats her children like a real treasure. She is able to deal with them from morning to evening, not getting tired of giving her tenderness, love and all knowledge. You shouldn't touch the children of this mother. And even more so to try to offend or infringe on their rights. She is able to come to school and throw a grandiose scandal if someone dares to offend her little ones.

Work and career

The name Sabina, the meaning and origin of which completely determines the fate of a woman, makes her completely unable to start her own business, or just work and build a career. She gives her life to a patron who will provide for her life.

But there are cases when Sabina made a good career. Such professions are suitable for her as:

  • actress;
  • model.

You can also often find women with this name in the area:

  • restaurant business;
  • floristry;
  • design;
  • choreography.

It is in them that a woman can show others her amazing taste.

The meaning of the name Sabina for a girl and a woman is very ambiguous.... It contains unbridledness, stubbornness, materialism and self-confidence. The character of this lady will not be to everyone's taste. Someone will be terribly afraid of her, and someone will idolize.

Like all others, this name has its own special secret. A woman has just amazing intuition, which she sometimes does not attach any importance to. She knows in advance everything that can happen to her or what threatens her next to this or that person. Intuition very often helps her out when she is at the mercy of the senses. It is almost impossible to deceive her, but she cheats a lot.

This name can mean a lot. The girl never changes her mind. She just has iron willpower. No matter how you trust her, she will always remain subjectively attuned to a person. At the same time, nationality does not play any role, as does upbringing. This is her essence, and no matter whoever they try to instill in the girl, she will grow up wayward and stubborn.

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The name that caresses the ear, Sabina, spread throughout the world from the ancient people of the Sabines, consisting of beautiful people, who gave the name the translation "beautiful". With this name, you can compliment a girl by praising her beauty.

In the world, the name is widespread as Sabina, only in Germany it is more sonorous by ear - Zabina. Recently, the name Sabina has been popular in Muslim countries because of its euphoniousness.

Affectionate form of the name: Sabinochka, Sabochka, Sabinushka, Saba, Sabbi, Inka, Binka, Ina.

Martyr Savina Smirnskaya is the patroness of Sabina in the Orthodox faith.


Depends on the time of birth of Sabina:

Winter - Talented, with a complex character, has a beautiful appearance. Breaks men's hearts with ease.

Spring - Power-hungry and selfish, loves to manipulate people. Until a late age, he is financially dependent on his parents.

Summer - Shy, modest. She is afraid of men, it is very difficult for men to win her heart.

Autumn - The most conflict-free of those born in the rest of the seasons, kind. Fall on flattery. Easily create a strong and reliable family.


In the family, Sabina is most often the only and beloved daughter, which is why she is very spoiled and capricious. He has a difficult relationship with his mother, adores his father, but he does not always obey him either. Since childhood, he has shown various talents, does not like to study, but science is easy.

Knows how to be friends, from childhood surrounded by friends, easily meets new people. Strives to gain authority from others. The transitional age is difficult, it is not easy for those around her during this period - the slightest dispute leads to a serious quarrel.

In adulthood, Sabina becomes unpredictable, freedom-loving, often turning into a difficult woman to communicate. In disputes, he does not know how and does not want to give in, adhering to his point of view to the bitter end, even if he is wrong. Vindictive, can take revenge on the offender.


Sabina grows up as a weak and sickly girl. Later, all children begin to walk due to weak leg muscles. Almost all girls named Sabina do not get out of colds. They need to protect the throat and lungs.

Winter - Weak nerves, frequent mood swings. Thyroid problems are not uncommon.

Spring - Suffers from otitis media, you need to protect your ears. Immunity is weak, infections often catch.

Summer - Angina - a constant companion of her life. Physically poorly developed, it is necessary to go in for sports.

Autumn - Susceptible to colds that follow her into adulthood. Due to frequent colds, complications in the form of sinusitis are not uncommon.


Sabina has leadership qualities, but due to her conflicting nature, it is difficult for her to lead a team. She is indifferent to money, can easily sit on the neck of her parents or husband. Can succeed in business, becoming a business shark without pity for competitors.

He chooses a profession based on its prestige, the opportunity to become famous. A wonderful actress will come out of her. Career in her life is far from the first place, she is able to quit work in favor of the household.


Sabina has a very effective appearance, charm, which easily makes the opposite sex fall in love with, but repels them with her difficult and conflicting nature. The man she fell in love with prefers to tie to herself with the help of sex. If she has no luck with men for a long time, then she can turn into a neurotic.

A family

Sabina chooses her future husband carefully, he must meet her high criteria, be able to provide for her family. Between money and love, he will always make a choice in favor of financial well-being. Most often, she gets married late, after carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Despite her difficult character and capriciousness, Sabina will sacrifice everything for the sake of her family, including her own career. After marriage, she magically turns from a capricious and unbalanced woman into a caring wife, an excellent housewife, and a loving mother. For the sake of children, I am ready to "gnaw the throat" of anyone.

Like many other names, the name Sabina has not one, but several versions of the origin.

The main version of the origin and meaning of the name will be the Roman version. According to this version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman nickname Sabinus, which means "Sabine". It turns out that the name Sabina means "Sabine", that is, a representative of the Sabine people. This people inhabited the north of modern Italy even before the formation of the Roman Empire. The beauty of the Sabine women was almost legendary, so to call a Sabine woman is almost a compliment. Subsequently, it was believed that the name Sabina means "beautiful"... As you understand, the second value leaves the first, but with some addition.

The derivation of names from a generic name is more the rule than the exception. So from the generic names came the names Albina, Camilla, Claudia, Emilia and many others. Of course, a similar practice is observed among male names. This is, for example, the name Maxim.

Another version of the origin of the name Sabina can be called Aramaic origin. According to this version, the name Sabina comes from the Aramaic "saba", which means "unpretentious" or "wise". It turns out that following the logic the meaning of the name Sabina is either "wise" or "unpretentious"... Which version to believe, of course, you will decide.

The meaning of the name Sabina for a girl

A girl named Sabina grows up as a sweet and kind girl. She easily finds a common language with other children and loves noisy games. Sabina has a tendency to whims, so if not enough attention is paid to the upbringing of a girl, then the girl can grow up to be capricious and even cruel. This can be said about almost any spoiled child, but Sabina is in a special risk zone, given the influence of the name on fate.

In her studies, Sabina does not achieve much success. She rarely gets top marks, as she does not like to be zealous with her lessons. For her, studying is a compulsory necessity, almost like a punishment. She considers herself worthy of something more, without having any reason for it. A girl with such behavior often conflicts with teachers and other students.

Health usually pleases Sabina's parents. She is rarely more and her vitality allows her to easily endure increased physical activity. The girl is mobile and loves physical education. He may even start to get involved in sports and then achieve good results. Sabina has no obvious weaknesses in her health.

Abbreviated name Sabina

Ina (Inna), Inka, Bina, Binka, Sabinka, Sabbi.

Diminutive names

Sabochka, Sabinochka, Sabinushka, Sabinchik.

Name Sabina in English

In English, Sabina's name is spelled Sabina.

Name Sabina for passport- SABINA.

Translation of the name Sabina into other languages

in Bulgarian - Savina, Sabina
in Danish - Sabine and Sabina
in Spanish - Sabina
in Italian - Sabina
in Chinese - 沙芬 (transliteration)
in German - Sabine
in Norwegian - Sabine and Sabina
in Polish - Sabina
in Portuguese - Sabina
in Romanian - Sabina
in Ukrainian - Sabina
in French - Sabine
in Czech - Sabina
in Swedish - Sabina
in Japanese - サ ビ ナ (transliteration)

Name Sabina in church(in the Orthodox faith) - Savina. Saint Savina of Smyrna, who was killed in the year 250, during the reign of Emperor Decius, is revered in the calendar. Savina of Smyrna is venerated as a martyr.

Characteristics of the name Sabina

For Sabina, such features as waywardness and heightened self-esteem can be called characteristic. She, unfortunately, judges the actions of others rather strictly, but turns a blind eye to her own sins. Sabina can be called vain. She is characterized by a love of ostentatious luxury and a life on a grand scale. She likes to be envied. According to Sabina, if no one knows about your wealth, then there is no point in it. Such traits are characteristic of Sabina's youth and lead to alienation from those around her. Over time, Sabina will change her attitude towards the world, but this will happen against the backdrop of a painful life experience.

Sabina does not like to work, but if she still has to work, she will choose a profession associated with beauty and luxury. She will make a good restaurateur, since she knows a lot about chic and luxurious interiors. Sabina can also be a good interior decorator or, for example, a florist. In principle, everything connected with ostentatious wealth is her path.

The family will greatly change Sabina for the better. Firstly, Sabina is very serious about choosing a partner and is ready to look for a worthy man for a long time. After marriage, and especially with the birth of children, Sabina becomes more tolerant, softer and kinder. She is a wonderful mother and devotes a lot of time to children. She is a good housewife and knows how to bring warmth and prosperity into the house. It is in household chores that Sabina truly finds herself. She loves to receive guests.

The mystery of the name Sabina

Sabina's secret is her vulnerability. She is very sensitive to criticism. Even if she does not show that she is offended, then she will certainly remember the offender. Sabina is vindictive enough and knows how to wait in the wings. It is better not to offend her once again, so as not to make yourself unnecessary trouble.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Hedgehog.

Name color- Dark blue.

Wood- Willow.

Plant- Valerian.

Stone- Pearls.

Origin of the name: There are several versions of the origin of the name Sabina. According to one of them, it is translated from Arabic as "small sword". According to the other, the name Sabina comes from a generic nickname and is translated from Latin as "Sabine", and translated as "beautiful, strong".

Short name form: Bina, Sabinka, Sasa, Bibi, Binchen, Inna, Saba.

Foreign name forms: Sabin (France), Savina (Italy, Spain).

Characteristics of the name Sabina

Positive traits of the name: Sabina is a kind and flexible girl, but she is very sensitive to screams and rude treatment. You must behave calmly towards the girl, not allowing yourself to raise your voice to her. Sabina has an attractive, pretty appearance. She is not envious, does not know what jealousy and revenge are. It will be quite condescending to be on the side of your partners. Day of Sabina, the main thing in a relationship is the presence of spiritual closeness, similar interests and understanding. A wonderful hostess, Sabina will easily support any conversation, she often receives guests at home. A well-developed intuition and a practical mindset are inherent.

Negative traits of the name: Since Sabina is often the only child in the family, she grows up as a spoiled girl. Sabina's temperament and irascibility often create problems in her life. She can sometimes calmly say what she thinks, causing general disapproval with such behavior. Can speak quite harshly and uncompromisingly. The girl has few friends. And if there is, then these are people with endurance and strong character. She can intrigue with ease. In Sabina, charm and danger are at the same time. Likes to subjugate people. It can be impulsive and ambitious, but behind all this there will be logical actions and cold calculation. Sabina is vengeful and touchy.

Choice of profession: For Sabina, social life, society, people are very important. Therefore, her desire to be useful and to assert goodness in the world and mercy finds application in psychology and the social sphere. Can become an excellent restorer, researcher or artist. Resolute and practical Sabina in almost any field of activity is able to achieve success, if only she wants it. Which doesn't happen very often.

The impact of the name on business: Bearers of the name Sabina are quite often completely indifferent to money, especially if they do not have an urgent need for it. For them, social prestige, fame and success are more important than wealth. May be financially dependent on help from parents.

The influence of the name on health: A girl is born with a small weight, and it can take a long time to get used to the home environment. Predisposition to infectious diseases. There may be problems with gas evacuation. It is advisable to temper Sabina from the first days of her life, to introduce her to sports at an early age. Volleyball or basketball classes will help strengthen the muscles of the arms and back. Due to the fact that she is afraid of becoming a burden for those around her, her illnesses can be prolonged, preventing her from finally recovering. Her inherent ear illnesses and migraines can disrupt the normal rhythm of Sabina's life.

Psychology: It is very important for Sabina that her activities are approved, supported her aspirations, especially given the fact that innovative ideas can be significantly ahead of time. She is much more pleased with a sense of usefulness and necessity than fame.

Name compatibility: Sabina can often experience unrequited, unrequited love. She will hide her feelings, sufferings and experiences under the mask of cold indifference and independence. It is difficult for men with her, because of her imperiousness and capriciousness. For Sabina, early marriage often ends in failure. The alliance with Sabina is favorable for Albert, Heraclius, Rodion, Erasmus. Relationships with Erast, Alfer, Ditmar can be difficult.

Famous name carriers:

  • Sabine Meyer (clarinetist)
  • Sabine Lancelen (cinematographer)
  • Sabina Azema (actress)
  • Sabine Klassen (vocalist)
  • Sabina Imaykina (figure skater)
  • Sabine Spielrein (psychoanalyst)
  • Sabine Bergman-Pohl (politician)
  • Sabina Azema (actress)

If your daughter was born under the constellation Libra, and you still have not decided what to call her, you should familiarize yourself with the meaning of the name Sabina. Perhaps this is what you need, and it is precisely such character traits that are inherent in him that you would like to see in your child. What is the meaning of the name Sabina and what imprint it leaves on its owner, we will consider in this article.

Origin story

Sabina is a rather rare name that has ancient Roman roots. It comes from the name of one of the peoples who lived on the east coast in the central part of the Apennine Peninsula.

There is a legend that the young men who built Rome under the leadership of Romulus, having decided to settle in this area, wanted to intermarry with the Sabine tribe who lived in the neighborhood. However, the elders did not want such a relationship and did not give their daughters to wives. Romulus and his friends decided to achieve their goal by cunning. They threw a party dedicated to Neptune and invited their neighbors to visit. During the festival, they kidnapped the Sabine girls, which caused a war between the two peoples. The women, who at that time had already become the wives of the kidnappers, were able to reconcile the opponents, since they wished to stay with their husbands.

Sabine women possessed incredible beauty and attractiveness, and the men of this people had tremendous strength. Apparently, therefore, these characteristics are reflected in the name of Sabin. Today this word means "strong", "beautiful".

However, there is another version of the origin of the name Sabina, according to which it has Aramaic roots. The word "saba" means "wise", "unpretentious". Initially, this name was given to men in the Aramaic peoples. However, later it began to be used for the female population. According to this origin of the name, "Sabina" means "unpretentious, wise woman".

Character traits

Girls with this name are active, smart, purposeful. They have a good quality - to bring the work started to the end. Being a bright and extraordinary person, she gets along well with the people around her and always comes to the aid of friends in trouble. But, despite the positive aspects, a girl named Sabina has a difficult character. Her main drawback is her explosive disposition and excessive impulsiveness. If you wish to offend Sabina, wait - she will express everything that she thinks of you. Having committed a bad deed by chance, she will be tormented by remorse for a long time.

The female name Sabina endows the owner with such qualities as straightforwardness, morality, purposefulness. These traits will appear in girls from an early age. Sabina is a domineering and strong woman. She is frivolous about other people's advice and does not listen to other people's opinions. She is characterized by the rule: "I'm right, no matter what."

Sabina as a child

The meaning of the name Sabina leaves an imprint on the character and fate of the girl from birth. Such personalities are strong, morally and physically stable. Their impulsiveness and unbridled energy help to realize themselves in sports. So that these character traits do not prevent the girl from studying normally, parents should take care of organizing the child's leisure time. Sabina can be sent to any sports section or to a circle where she can show her creative abilities.

A girl with this name is very sociable, so she always has many friends among her peers. In terms of study, there are no problems, since it is very easy for Sabina. Nature has endowed her with excellent memory and intelligence. Sabina is overly emotional, she can be immensely happy, but after 5 minutes (if there is a reason), she will cry bitterly.


Sabina loves to be in the center of events, although she does not suffer from "star" disease. As an adult, she prefers to travel and go in for tourism. Active rest is to her liking, so very often she chooses a profession where you can combine business with pleasure. Sabina can be an excellent tour guide, researcher, geologist or tour guide. The owners of this name are very straightforward, so they are not ready to cheat in order to please the management. Sabina's career is not a priority, but if she gets a chance to advance in the service, she will not miss it.

Love relationship

As a rule, girls named Sabina have incredible beauty and charm. However, their character is quite difficult to endure.

A woman named Sabina is a secret for men. She can flirt with a guy, give him hope for a serious relationship, and at the very last moment say a firm "no". An ocean of passions seethes around her, but the girl is in no hurry to opt for a specific man. The ability to manipulate the stronger sex often leads to the destruction of someone else's family. That is why many people dislike Sabina.

Falling in love is not her strong point, so you should not expect that from love she can lose her head. She condescendingly accepts the attention of men, however, if on the way there is a strong, bright and charismatic young man who will not please Sabina and indulge her in everything, she herself will show interest and will seek it.

Family life promises to be stormy and not boring: from love filled with passion to scandals with breaking dishes.

Sabina name compatibility

The meaning of the name plays an important role in the creation of family life, as it gives its owner the characteristic features. So who can Sabina have a wonderful alliance with? The most suitable character for her will be a man who has one of these Dmitry, Maxim, Semyon. It is not recommended to marry Roman, Terenty, Eldar, Osip and Jean.


Fate is favorable to a girl named Sabina. Nature has endowed her with good health and endurance. In addition, since childhood, Sabina has good physical fitness. The only thing that can disrupt the usual rhythm of life is migraines and ear diseases.


The name Sabina is not Orthodox, therefore Angel Day is celebrated according to the Catholic Church calendar. There are three such dates in a year: August 29, October 27 and December 5.

Famous women named Sabina

  1. Poppaea Sabina. This woman was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero. According to legend, she adhered to the religious teachings of the Jews and even helped to free the Jewish high priests.
  2. Sabina Nikolaevna Spielrein-Sheftel. She was a student of the famous psychiatrist Karl Gustov Jung. Field of activity - psychoanalytics and teaching practice.
  3. Azema Sabina. This actress is popular in France. She won the Cesar Award for her participation in the film Sunday Out of the City.
  4. Sabine Meyer is a famous German musician and also one of the best clarinet teachers. Winner of the ECHO-Classic Prize and other music awards.