The largest fighting dog in the world. What breeds of dogs are fighting - a list with names

Today there is no separate category of fighting group of dogs in any world organization. However, there are a number of breeds that were created a long time ago specifically for baiting animals or fighting with other dogs. Today we are ready to present you the top rating of such breeds.

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Character and intelligence of fighting dogs

If you think that all fighting dogs in the world, by standard, should have natural aggression towards other creatures, then you should immediately dissuade you from the fact that this is not at all the case. Long gone are the days when different types of dogs were used to bait bulls and bears. If earlier these animals were distinguished by an evil character, today such a side can manifest itself only when protecting the territory and family members. But some species can still be included in the top natural aggressors.

However, no one canceled the instincts. And if the dog is “lucky” to fall into the hands of a flayer or an owner with a shift in the psyche, then the aggressive traits of the ancestors may appear in its character. Then this dog can become a danger to society. But, fortunately, this does not happen very often.

Qualities inherent only to fighters

Only fighting dogs can be as loyal as possible, surprisingly reasonable and in some moments independent in making decisions. But the main quality that tops the list of character traits inherent exclusively in these breeds is the impeccable protection of the territory. Only true defenders can be included in the top "fighters".

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Your pet can be an excellent companion and friend, a nanny and an accompanying companion, but no one else can protect you better in case of danger than a fighting dog. This fact can be confirmed by thousands of videos on the Internet or many real situations that can be seen on the street. Are you already impatient to find out what kind of breed it is? We offer a top rating of popular aggressors, but in fact sincere and loving pets.

Alabai is a big and gloomy merry fellow

Perhaps our top will be headed by this breed, which has a unique mind, high intelligence and impeccable qualities of a fighter. To this day, fights between representatives of the breed are organized in Turkmenistan to maintain fighting qualities in it. By the way, the true Alabai will never finish off the enemy, even if he rushes at him with all his might. This giant can only give a stricken opponent a sympathetic look. When buying a puppy, it is worth remembering that Alabai are not entirely friendly in principle to other dogs.

Bull Terrier - an aggressor with the character of a lamb

Compiling the top fighting dogs, you can’t lose sight of the Bull Terrier. Inexperienced owners or just curious people can vying to talk about the evil nature of pets. In fact, the Bull Terrier is a sincerely loving and kind friend, devoted to his master. But let's not deny the fact that earlier representatives of this breed were used for baiting bulls and bloody fights between dogs. But these not the best times are in the distant past. Today they are trying to breed mentally healthy offspring of Bull Terriers.

Bandog - a fierce look from the depths of the soul

If you meet Bandoga on the street, you will most likely try to cross to the other side. This dog looks so scary. Once this breed was bred by crossing the Neapolitan Mastiff and Pit Bull. The resulting puppy has found a list of the best qualities from these breeds. Unfortunately, Bandogs are quite rare today. If you decide to get yourself a calm, balanced ideal watchman with a loving heart, then such a pet will be the best option. The video from the owners shows this in the best way. The breed takes the second place of honor in our top ranking of fighting breeds.

American Bulldog - a thunderstorm in the area

It was also once created for fighting and baiting large animals. At one time, breeders were convinced that the American Bulldog did not have enough liveliness of character and speed of movement to a sufficient extent, and therefore they decided to cross it with a terrier representative. This is how new varieties of breeds appeared, and not everyone was distinguished by the qualities of a fighter. And the American Bulldog itself has long lost its former ferocity and aggression. However, videos with aggression of representatives of this breed are still found today.

American Pit Bull Terrier - watchman and naughty

The result of crossing Bulldogs and Terriers was this very breed, which inherited excellent fighting traits from the former and mischievous liveliness from the latter (see video about the breed). Initially, the breed was created for life in the ring, which often ended there. Today, dogs can live peacefully in the house, adore children and happily spend time with their families, faithfully protecting each of its members.

Interesting: The American Pit Bull Terrier is a one-of-a-kind pet that does not feel alcohol from a person whom he is able to love to the extreme and try to please him in everything.

Akita Inu - a plush toy and an excellent watchman

Surprised? If you read the history of this best and most loyal dog for the Japanese, you will be able to discover its fighting past. This "teddy bear" once took part in bloodthirsty battles and hunting for large animals and is now included in the top. To maintain unique qualities, even today, from time to time, fights are arranged for dogs that do not reach heavy bloodshed. The purpose of such events is to maintain the features of a watchman and a defender, but not to cause aggression in any way. The nature of the pet can be judged by many videos from the owners on the network.

English Mastiff - a giant with a good heart

It is immediately worth noting that representatives of this breed are the largest among all other dogs in the world. This is the oldest species, once bred for hunting and helping in wars. These animals were dressed in special armor and trained in martial arts. In ancient Rome, English Mastiffs even performed in arenas as gladiators. Their rivals were often bears, lions and tigers.

The most bloody and disgusting battles for modern man as entertainment among the Romans were carried out precisely with the participation of these dogs (the videos of the battles have not been preserved). Today, Mastiffs are completely devoid of aggression towards people until a danger or threat to the family appears on the horizon.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is the ideal protector of the family

Having a large size, the Dogue de Bordeaux takes pride of place in our top. His fighting qualities are embedded in the genes and are manifested in the event of aggression from the enemy on home territory. In ancient times, these dogs were actively used in wars, gladiator fights, hunting and baiting. In combat, this dog is capable of bringing the enemy to death, but this can only happen if his own life is threatened or danger arises next to the owner, whom he can faithfully love, like small children (see video of protecting the territory by a dog).

Caucasian Shepherd dog - fluffy fighter

The most beloved pets of children once also took part in fierce battles that people arranged for fun. Today, all over the world, one cannot find such a kind and the same furry dog, a favorite of adults and children. It is hard to imagine that once the descendants of the “Caucasians” dragged their rivals by the neck and ears in the fighting ring. Videos of the fights that are being held today are easy to find on the Internet.

Neapolitan Mastiff - sleepy fighter

In the top fighting breeds, these giants are also worth mentioning. Like other dogs, they used to be used for baiting, hunting, and so on. Fighting between Neapolitan Mastiffs is sometimes heard today. This strong dog can knock down and disable the enemy in a few seconds. But breeders still appreciate such qualities of the breed as the protection of the territory and people, as well as the ability to train.

There are still many species of animals in the world that were once created as aggressors. Our top lists the most popular fighting dog breeds, the names of which people constantly hear about. Videos with all these animals are easy to find on the Internet. Looking at the bloody battles, it is worth remembering that only people with an affected psyche can arrange them, since an experienced breeder and a competent dog handler will never specifically train a dog for anger and aggression, leading to murders and injuries.

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Video "Top 20 Fighting Dog Breeds"

The term "fighting" itself implies breeds that are preferable to use in battles. But they don’t become fighting dogs from birth, even if the owners are sure that their dog was created for this. Fighting breeds were bred to participate in battles.

american pit bull terrier

In many countries, a ban on their breeding and maintenance has been introduced. For others, the owners are subject to a special high tax.

This breed was bred in the 16th century in England, where dog fights were quite popular. It was an undefeated fighter in the ring. As a result of crossing bulldogs with terriers, a breed was obtained that combines athleticism, enthusiasm (the first from a bulldog, the second, respectively, from a terrier).

The settlers took her to America and put a lot of effort into the development, improvement of the breed, so that she guarded houses, hunted big game, drove rats that were everywhere on the farm, and was an excellent companion.

In the eyes of many people, this is one of the most dangerous creatures.

In fact, this breed is devoted, loving, full of energy, desire to please the owner. Training a pit bull puppy is easy. But only a person with a strong character can cope with his upbringing.

On the planet, this breed is the largest. Their ancestors made a glorious fighting career. Clad in armor, they fought in detachments of war dogs of the armies of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, fought to the death in gladiator fights. It is believed that they take their origin from Tibetan mastiffs.

These giant dogs need a firm hand. The business of the owner is to educate and train. Mastiffs are easy to train. They make excellent bodyguards, companions, watchmen. These kind dogs treat their owners with love, are obedient, accommodating, they will never bark for no reason.

The Hunting Book (1311-1350) contains the first mention of the Spanish Bulldogs.

Simultaneously with the tribes of the Alans, who invaded the Pirnei in the 4th century, dogs with a short wrinkled muzzle came here. They became extremely in demand in the matter of subduing the restive bulls participating in bullfighting, in protecting the master's possessions, and even hunted the Indians. Later, with the ban on the participation of dogs in the "pacification", Alano were not so popular. And by 1939. it was believed that the breed completely disappeared.

The restoration of the breed began less than half a century ago. Modern Spanish bulldogs are protectors, shepherds, nannies for children. And a critical situation will happen, they will quickly make a decision, restore order in the territory that they are guarding.

Brindis Fighting

The breed is rare, there is not much information about it. It is known that it was bred in Italy by crossing a Rottweiler, Pit Bull and Cane Corso. It is believed that the mastino napoletano participated in its creation. The Brindiz and Albanian mafias directly controlled the breeding of the breed, under their auspices bloody battles were organized. It turned out to be a truly explosive mixture.

But not only success in the arena made this breed so popular. She made an excellent watchdog.

He will need strict training. The dog should always feel the strong, hard hand of the owner. He will be loyal to him, but not to others. You can always expect an attack from him. He is not suitable for the role of a companion.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Only by the 19th century in France, this breed, bred earlier, gained real popularity. They became participants in gladiatorial fights, hunting for a large animal, baiting animals, even wars unleashed by great rulers.

And now the dogs have to fight with dogs of other fighting breeds, however, in illegal fights. One can only be glad that they are more often found in families that love them, that the manifestation of fighting skills from them may be required only when there is a real threat to one of the members of the family in which they live.

Dog is quite zealous about his duty to protect the house. Dog fights are not for him. In addition, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a vulnerable and very touchy creature that does not tolerate shouting, unreasonable punishments. The owner will have to treat his bulky pet with attention.

Lack of attention, encouragement of vicious attacks will lead to the fact that instead of a reliable friend, an aggressive dog will be nearby.

bull terrier

Around this breed, which was bred in England in the middle of the 19th century, there are many legends, the reason for which was their aggressiveness.

The negative attitude towards the breed among the population is formed due to newspaper reports and news releases. But in fact, in the past there were times when some representatives of the bull terriers participated in battles, hundreds of rats were torn apart for the amusement of the public.

The modern representative of this once fighting breed is a good defender, a reliable bodyguard. The main thing is to properly educate him.

The bulldog is a bloodsport poisoning dog

England is considered the birthplace of the breed. His ancestors were the fighting dogs of Ancient Rome (they could not do without bullfights), and even pickling. The very name of the breed in translation means "bull's head". Yes, and this stocky dog ​​looks impressive.

Smart dogs, loving comfort and sleep, have long turned into decorative companions. The bulldog will play with children with pleasure, take a walk, he can, of course, be lazy, but he will quickly figure out what the owner is trying to achieve from him.



This breed was bred in Pakistan during the period when it was an English colony. The history of the breed is similar to the breeding of pit bull puppies. Gul-Dong is similar to him in fighting qualities. Moreover, in their homeland they participated in the hunt for a large animal, they had to fight with bears, even now they are used in dog fights.

Only the right upbringing allows a person to have such a dog as a good friend, a reliable guard. Moreover, the protective qualities are developed in them as an instinct. These dogs are excellent watchmen, they will always help to graze cattle. They are not suitable for home keeping.

But for a person with a weak character, for a novice dog breeder, it is not recommended to start such a dog. Its size, strength, difficulty in training will require a strong hand, rich experience with fighting breeds.

Presso de Canarrio

It is also called the Dogo Canario. It is even believed that in the Canary Islands these dogs were known by their Spanish ancestors.

No attempt has ever been made to breed artificially. The ancestors of the Presso de Canarrio are considered island shepherd dogs and Canarian dogs. Someone even considers this breed the strongest.

Only a couple of centuries ago, when mastiffs were brought to the Canary Islands, their genes were added to the Canarian ones. Dogs have become more aggressive, fearless. Until now, this is one of the most dangerous breeds on the planet. It is impossible to get out of its death grip.

His strong body and massive size allowed Presso de Canarrio to actively participate in the battles, and with the cancellation of the fights, the distribution of the breed stopped.

They are quite difficult to train.

Cordoba fighting

It was bred in Argentina specifically for participation in battles. All the ruthlessness of the mastiff, bull terrier and bulldog was combined in the cordovan. The breed turned out to be unnecessarily “ideal” with a very high pain threshold.

Such a dog was distinguished by unbalance and aggressiveness; without any reason, it was able to tear apart another dog. It is believed that therefore it is now among the extinct. These dogs were not up to creating offspring.

cuban dogo

This breed was bred as a fighting cross between the Old English Bulldog and the Old Spanish Mastiff (Perro de Pessa), which were imported to Cuba during the reign of the Spanish King Philip II and his wife Queen Mary I of England in the middle of the 16th century.

It is also known as the Cuban Mastiff. She was used both as a guard and as a shepherd dog. And in order to improve the qualities of a bloodhound in it, the Great Dane was also crossed with hunting dogs. Because they found a new purpose - the pursuit of runaway slaves.

The breed is considered extinct.

Ca de Bo

The mention of the Ca de Bou was found on the bas-reliefs of the XVII-XVIII centuries, almost the oldest arena in Mallorca, which also knew bull-baiting. Incredible endurance, devilish agility, tough grip - all these qualities are inherent in the Mallorca bulldogs to the fullest. Without them, to resist the angry bulls, other dogs would be beyond their strength.

Unquestioning obedience to man was always required from this dog. Now they are coming out as devoted bodyguards, indispensable watchmen.

They are obedient, peaceful and unobtrusive next to the owner. These are smart dogs with a strong psyche, very capable and successfully trainable. Yes, and Ca de Bou will not bark over trifles, but will patiently wait until the owner pays attention to him.

Tosa Inu

This breed was bred in the principality of Tosa specifically for participation in battles. Local breeds were crossed with mastiffs, bulldogs, great danes, bull terriers, even Serbernars, which were imported from Europe. The goal was definite: to create an ideal sumo fighter from the world of dogs, a beast with incredible endurance, capable of waging a long fight, boldly attacking.

As a result of the selection work carried out, Tosa Inu appeared, fearless, with a hot temper, fighting without blood, like sumo fighters. Tosa Inu, showing aggression, was certainly removed from the ring and no longer allowed to fight.

This dog will become an excellent companion, watchman, guard, and its owner should be a real leader for it. Moreover, they are easy to learn. Start training at an early age and do it constantly.

Faithful like a brazilian fila

National dog of Brazil. It was brought there by the Spanish conquistadors. Among his ancestors are bulldogs, mastiffs and even bloodhounds.

These dogs had a lot of things to do: to protect the houses and settlements of the colonists, their fields and farms, to escort carts through the jungle, to guard slaves, to drive the owner's cattle into pens or to help catch semi-wild ones, to be participants in the hunt for large animals (including wild cats: jaguars and panthers ).

By the way, even now the filo is used as a cattle dog. She is able to calm down any recalcitrant animal.

In the family, this is a faithful and devoted friend, a full-fledged member of the family, who also becomes its keeper. They get along great with children. And it is impossible to find a better watchman and guard.


They come from China. For a long time, sharpei served as talismans to scare away evil spirits, but it hides the real fighting character of a watchdog familiar with fighting rings. More recently, this breed, as the rarest, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Shar Pei will get along with other animals, but will not tolerate disrespect and may even throw himself at a wolfhound. These dogs are highly intelligent and able to make their own decisions.

These dogs are easy to train and can become a reliable protection for your home and family members.

Training and education can form the character of any dog ​​and its attitude towards a person. You can bring up a beast from the most harmless mongrel, and historically a fighting dog can become an adequate, devoted comrade.

For future owners

Fighting dog breeds are becoming more popular, but before choosing such a puppy, it is better to immediately determine the rules of treatment and quality criteria so that the dog respects you, listens and follows commands. You will have to make a lot of efforts, but training and attention will allow you to raise a smart pet even from a small fighting dog.

Immediately determine which breeds of dogs are classified as fighting, because these are those that can or participate in dog fights.

It is not only about those who are already doing this, but also about those who have the battle laid down by genetics, they have certain qualities of character and body structure.

The basic rules of behavior with these pets are:

  • immediately decide whether the dog will participate in battles or not;
  • with possible fights, you will have to devote time for training and training;
  • start with elementary commands: bring,

When it comes to fighting dogs, people usually think of the Stafford or Bull Terrier, but in reality this list is much longer, and the representatives are so diverse that many may wonder which breeds are classified as fighting. To date, the term "fighting dog" refers to such breeds, for which some features of behavior have been noticed. We present to your attention a list of breeds with photographs.

American Akita (Akita Matagi)

Akita is also called a large Japanese dog, its weight can be 55-75 kilograms, and its height is about 65-70 centimeters. The body of the dog is compact, the muzzle is elongated, but from the profile it seems cut off, the ears are erect, the nose is black and has no spots, with the exception of the white American Akita. There is a distinctive breed of these dogs - this is a blue tongue. Usually the Akita's eyebrows are highlighted in a different color, so the dog's gaze becomes devoted and sad. The tail of the breed is hooked, the coat is double, there is a thick short undercoat soft to the touch.

Akita is not considered an aggressive breed, it is friendly and loyal, although the loyalty of the pet to the owner will have to be earned from birth. The dog is independent, it can only be influenced by affection, which greatly complicates the process of training.


The breed is large, the height of the dog is 65-75 centimeters, its normal weight is 60-65 kilograms, but with improper nutrition it can increase. The muscular body is folded proportionally, the stomach is retracted, the head is large, the chest is developed. The muzzle is elongated, the nose is rounded, the eyes are small and far set. The ears are erect, cropped and triangular in shape, the tail tapering towards the end. The coat of dogs is short, the color is brown, white, black or spotted.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by protective qualities, but require professional training. Periods of activity are replaced by a passive state. Keeping a dog in an apartment is not recommended. When walking, you should be careful, because when you feel danger, it is difficult to keep it.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The dog is quite large, the massive head does not look quite harmonious with the body. Growth reaches 65-70 centimeters, with an optimal diet, a dog usually weighs up to 50 kilograms, but can gain weight and gain an extra 20-25 kilograms. The limbs of the dog are rather muscular, but the look is kind, the eyes are widely spaced, often dark brown. The nose is wide and rounded, the ears hang down and frame the head in the form of triangles. The tail does not lie on the back, it is short and low set. The color of the breed can be red, golden or red-brown.

These dogs are very smart, kind and mature, friendly to children. The breed is not aggressive, very touchy, they are distinguished by a high degree of devotion.

Brindese fighting dog

This breed of fighting dog is rare. There are no main characteristics of appearance, since representatives can differ both in color and in the length of the coat. The height of dogs of this breed is approximately 55-57 centimeters, weight is about 50 kilograms, they have a strong muscular physique, powerful and wide chest. The muzzle is elongated and as if cut off, the head is large, the nose is rounded, usually without pigmentation, but the presence is not excluded. The ears are pointed, the tail is docked. Common colors include pink and navy blue.

This breed is characterized by aggressiveness, its upbringing requires a tough hand, from childhood it should be taught to obey, otherwise aggression can even manifest itself towards the owner.

bully kutta

A large breed with a powerful skeleton, developed chest and strong muscles, the height of the dog can be 75-110 centimeters, this giant can weigh 65-90 kilograms. The muzzle is always black, pigmentation may be present on the nose, the tail is long and tapers towards the end, even when excited it does not lie on the back. The limbs are long with round wide paws. The coat is hard and short, its color can be yellowish-brown, white, brindle, red, red, spots may be present.

The dog is brave and devoted to the owner, the family is friendly. It is usually neutral towards other pets, but during the game it can harm them, because it has an impressive size. The dog is sensitive to any danger, so you should be careful when walking.

bull terrier

The appearance of this fighting dog is not to everyone's taste, its muzzle is elongated so that it resembles a rat's, it is disproportionate in relation to the body. The breed has a muscular, strong and dense physique, the chest is developed. Growth at the withers can reach 30-40 centimeters, weight 20-30 kilograms. The eyes are small and narrow and triangular in shape, usually dark brown. The ears are set high and also triangular, the nose of an unusual shape. The tail is small and tapers towards the end. The color of the short coat is black, white or colored.

The peculiarity of the breed is an explosive character, the dog is active and hardy. The owner must be tough on her, but not cruel, she can hold a grudge. She loves to play, but her patience is not unlimited. A brave dog may behave aggressively with other representatives or suspicious bystanders.

Gampr (Armenian wolfhound)

This breed is quite large and looks powerful, the height is about 64-68 centimeters, but there are specimens of about 90 centimeters. The weight of the dog varies between 49-64 kilograms, a significant part of it falls on the coat. The muscles are developed, the body is rather massive, the chest is wide. The ears hang down, the eyes are dark, there are slanted brow ridges, due to which the look looks benevolent. The color of this breed varies, most often it is sandy, but the muzzle is always black or gray. The coat is long, the tail, even in a state of excitement, does not lie on the back.

Gampr is a kind and caring dog, she does not like fuss and clearly follows commands. It usually shows a reverent attitude towards children, remains neutral towards other animals. The dog behaves calmly in training and appreciates rewards.

Gul Dong

Large strong and powerful breed, whose height is 75-90 centimeters, and weight 45-70 kilograms. The abdomen is retracted, the head is conspicuous due to disproportion to the body, it is large, the ears are mostly cropped, they are highly erect. At the end of the elongated muzzle is a round nose, the eyes are wide set and usually dark in color. The breed has powerful paws and developed limbs, hard pads. The tail is thin and tapers towards the end, it does not rise high. The coat is hard and short, its color is brown, white, brindle, black or gray.

Gul-Dong is a smart dog, but jealously guards its territory, the breed is not suitable for playing with children. He does not get along with other pets, he usually behaves aggressively on a walk.

Ca de bou (Mallorcan Bulldog)

The breed is physically developed, strong and looks powerful, growth usually does not exceed 60 centimeters, and weight with proper nutrition is 30-40 kilograms. The body is slightly elongated, the dog has a large head, the nose is black. The oval eyes are dark brown, they are widely spaced, the ears are set high. The back of the dog is not straight, the stomach is tucked up, the tail is thick and hanging down. Rough short hair can be red, black, brindle or fawn.

The breed is active, patient and loving, loves to participate in family affairs. It lends itself well to training, but it is better to encourage her than to be rude, because she may be offended. Friendly to children, can get along with other pets.

Kangal Karabash

Large breed, growth reaches 90 centimeters, and weight varies between 45-70 kilograms. The physique is large, the muscles are developed, the hind limbs are slightly longer than the front ones. The muzzle is slightly elongated, the nose is black, the deep-set eyes are mostly dark in color. The ears are triangular, not docked, they hang down on both sides, the long tail is twisted into a ring, it is set high and often raised. The color is different, most often there are shades of red, grayish-brown, sandy, a distinctive feature is a black “mask” on the muzzle.

The breed is intelligent and independent, not inclined to show excessive aggression, but, sensing danger, will undoubtedly rush to the defense. Children are friendly, neutral to other pets.

Cane Corso

Not too big breed, with a growth of 55-65 centimeters, its weight is 35-45 kilograms. The body is powerful, the head is large, the neck is long, as are the limbs. In profile, the muzzle of the dog resembles a cube, the nose is black, the ears are set high and docked in the form of a triangle, the eyes are oval. The dog's belly is tucked up, the tail is straight and thick. The coat is short, double with a small undercoat, its color can be dark gray, brindle, black, red is quite rare.

The breed is calm, smart and playful, appreciates independence and freedom, on the street it does not behave aggressively towards other representatives. He loves children, gets along with other pets, is wary of strangers, but will not rush.

The breed, thanks to its voluminous wool, looks menacing and powerful, its height is 60-65 centimeters, its physique is powerful. The weight of an adult varies from 50 to 90 kilograms. The large head is proportional to the body, the muzzle is elongated, the nose is black, the eyes are dark brown. The ears are medium, docked, and set high. The dog has long limbs and large paws, the fluffy tail is usually lowered down. The length of the coat is short, medium or long.

This breed has a generally balanced and friendly character, it can become a loyal friend and family member. She is patient with childish pranks and loves to be involved in family affairs. The dog is smart, easy to train, can get along with other pets. On walks, you should be careful, as she can show aggression towards strangers.

presa canario

The breed is not too large, growth varies between 55-65 centimeters, such a dog can weigh 37-48 kilograms. The muscles are developed, the back is straight, the head is massive, but short. Oval eyes, far-set ears are of medium size, a straight neck is rather muscular, a slight dewlap is formed from below. The coat is short, brindle or fawn, with white markings.

The dog is sociable and friendly, but distrustful of strangers, will not show aggression unreasonably, and will not attack without warning. The breed is intelligent and slightly phlegmatic.


The dog is quite compact and squat, the physique is powerful and muscular, it can reach a height of 56-68 centimeters, while its weight usually does not exceed 50 kilograms. The breed is characterized by a slightly elongated muzzle, black nose, triangular, drooping ears, not docked. The eyes are dark brown, due to the color it seems that the dog is sad. The coat is short and harsh, and is always black with reddish-brown or red spots.

The dog, vigilant, courageous and smart, quickly learns commands, she likes to feel involved in family affairs, she is excellent in terms of defender and guard. The dog is friendly to children, but does not tolerate bullying.

old english bulldog

The breed is strong and squat, the height of the dog is 30-40 centimeters, and the weight is 24-26 kilograms. The muzzle of the dog is short, but wide, wide-set eyes of a dark color are located quite low, there are folds near the nose, his earlobe is black. The ears are thick, soft and hanging down, there are folds on the body. The chest of the dog is wide, the legs are muscular, the paws are neat, the tail is thick. The coat is short, the color is red, white or brindle.

The dog is very kind, calm and serious, attached to the family, loves children. With proper training, it is not inclined to show aggression, it is usually neutral towards other pets.

staffordshire bull terrier

A small dog, whose height usually does not exceed 40 centimeters at the withers, and weighs 11-17 kilograms. The physique of the breed is proportional, muscular and strong, the chest is wide, the skull is wide, the head is voluminous, the limbs are set wide. The nose is black, the lips are close to the jaw, the ears are rose-shaped or tulip-shaped and set high. The eyes are dark or light brown, their shape is rounded. The coat is close fitting, short and harsh.

This breed is affectionate, sociable and loyal, they usually quickly become attached to the owner. You need to start socializing as early as possible and accustom other pets to society so that he does not show aggression. This dog requires a lot of attention, affection and communication.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Irish)

The breed is muscular and strong, the height of the dog is 44-60 centimeters, the weight is in the range of 25-35 kilograms. The head is broad, the jaws are strong, the muzzle is short with a black nose, the eyes are round brown. The ears are semi-erect and shaped like a rose, the neck is short, the chest is quite wide. The coat is short, predominantly white and black, spots may be present.

The dog is obedient, loving and playful, loves children, participates in family affairs, easily gets along with pets. Usually he is neutral towards strangers, but if hostility is shown, he will react accordingly.

Tosa Inu

The breed is massive, the physique is proportional, the height is 55-60 centimeters, such a dog can weigh 30-40 kilograms. The skull is wide, pronounced occiput, triangular-shaped ears hang down. The dog has a wide chest, a tucked up belly and a straight back, a thick tail is set high, the limbs are muscular and straight. The coat is thick, hard and short, its color is brindle, black, fawn or red.

The breed is calm, intelligent and unobtrusive, these dogs are serious and balanced. But education should be started very early, since the breed was bred exclusively for fighting, if it is not socialized, it will become distrustful and vicious in relation to others and other dogs.

Fila brazileiro

A large breed with a powerful and proportional physique, height is 60-75 centimeters, weight - from 50 to 90 kilograms. The head is wide, heavy, large, the muzzle is convex, the large ears hang down, the eyes are set far away, the look is sad. The limbs are even and muscular, the body is powerful, the tail is of medium fit at the base. The skin is loose and thick, folds may form on the shoulders and withers, the coat is dense and short. The color is usually yellow, ash, brindle or white with spots.

The dog is decisive, but devoted and obedient to the owner, patient with children. The nature of the breed is calm, its confidence cannot be undermined by loud noise, but it shows distrust of strangers. If danger arises, the dog confidently defends itself.


The constitution of the dog is strong and dense, the height is 45-50 centimeters, it weighs from 20 to 25 kilograms. The head is large, the skull is flat, there are folds on the cheeks and forehead. The nose is wide and large, the lobe often has an elevation or a small tubercle. The eyes are dark, and the look is gloomy and sad, the ears are small, triangular, set high. The tail is set high, it is thick and tapers towards the end. The dog's coat is bristly and hard. The color is different, but the exception is white.

The breed has a high intelligence, the dog is calm and independent. Education should be given attention from puppyhood. Despite the fact that the dog loves to be a leader, it is not aggressive, the breed is obedient, loyal and understanding, loves care and affection.

As such, there is no fighting dog category in any cynological organization today. This type of competition, according to experts, is abnormal. Nevertheless, they are held regularly and strong representatives of the animal world participate in them, and we will talk about them in this article.


The first in the top ranking of the best fighting. This pet is characterized by high intelligence, brilliant mind and excellent fighting characteristics. By the way, in some countries of Central Asia, competitions are still held in which these fighting dogs participate.

It should be noted that a real alabai will never finish off his opponent, even if he, already exhausted, attempts to attack. By their nature, Alabais are generally aggressive towards other animals, plus they are a very strong dog, so it is better to take this into account when buying a puppy. But if the dog is trained specifically to participate in battles or protect the territory, then aggression will certainly be present in his character.

bull terrier

The next step in the top rating is the bull terrier. Often, from inexperienced dog breeders who have encountered bull terriers only on the street, one can hear about the evil nature of these animals. However, in fact, the Bull Terrier has a loving and kind temperament, he is always devoted to a person.

Of course, they can be very aggressive if necessary, and in the past these fighting dogs were used for baiting fights and were among the best in dog fights. But today these times are over and breeders have been working for a long time to bring out mentally healthy descendants of these dogs. In part, they succeed, but it should be borne in mind that negative character traits can only appear in ill-mannered dogs.


Some of the best in the world and our top list are bandogs. Seeing this pet on the street, you are unlikely to want to mess with him. As can be seen from the photo and video, this type of fighting variety has a frightening appearance. Today, these fighting dog breeds are not common. But if you need a calm and balanced dog, then the bandog is the best candidate in the world.

These dogs do an excellent job of guarding the house and protecting the owners. They are not particularly demanding in care and can live both in an apartment and in an aviary on the street in a private house. If you are a family man, then from childhood, start teaching your puppy to follow your commands. Otherwise, a naughty dog ​​can grow out of it, and in combination with excellent fighting qualities, this can be dangerous.

american bulldog

The English Mastiff is characterized by large dimensions. This species is considered one of the most ancient, it appeared as a result of selection specifically to help people in hunting. In ancient Rome, dogs were dressed in armor, they also participated in gladiator fights. As a rule, the largest dogs in the world fought with bears and tigers.

The next place in the top list is occupied. Thanks to excellent fighting characteristics, this Great Dane is an excellent guard. Dogues of Bordeaux were bred to participate in hunting and gladiator fights. As a rule, during the fight, the dog can fight very aggressively, but usually never kills his opponent. He can only do this if he feels a threat to his life.

In life, these animals are very devoted, they are characterized by outbursts of affection. The dog will get along without problems with all family members and even other animals until they try to declare their dominance. As is the case with other breeds, these pets need to be raised from an early age so that there are no problems later. There are also no problems with care, it is only necessary to periodically clean the folds on the pet's body, ears and eyes.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The place of honor in the top list is occupied by and. Dogs of this breed were also faithful hunting assistants in their time, but many breeders know about the fighting characteristics of these animals. Such a pet can easily knock down his enemy and make him immobile in a short time. However, their protection qualities are more in demand.

Our top list does not list all fighting varieties, but only some of the most popular and well-known. But there are many more species in the world, bred specifically for participation in battles. Remember that a good dog breeder and owner will never give his pet to participate in such an event. Don't let the menacing look scare you - these dogs get along well with both people and other animals. But never forget about education, this is the basis of a good character.

Character and intelligence of fighting dogs

Many people today believe that all fighting animals without exception should be at least aggressive towards other animals and people in particular. However, we hasten to report that this is fundamentally not the case. Long gone are the days when fighting animals were used for their intended purpose, as well as for hunting bears or baiting bulls. Of course, at that time such pets were characterized by anger, aggressive character and hatred towards their opponent.

However, today these qualities in a dog can manifest themselves only if it is necessary to protect its owner, his family members, or the territory that. Also, in any case, the dog will show aggression if he realizes that something threatens his life. Naturally, several breeds can still be added to the list of natural aggressors.

But instinctive behavior must also be taken into account. That is, if the animal falls into the hands of an abnormal person who will beat his pet and mock him, then this is another matter. Then, with absolute certainty, we can say that at the first opportunity, the dog will rebuff the flayer. And if this happens on a systematic basis, then the animal will simply become dangerous to the people around it over time. Therefore, even when starting a fighting dog, think several times before offending it.

Fighting dogs, gladiator dogs are the names of service breeds that were bred to work: protect the owners and their property or help a person in the search and capture of intruders. Quite undeservedly, pets are classified as dangerous evil animals. Often, quality puppies from a proven pedigree without mental or physical abnormalities make good house dogs, loving and loyal.

Of course, certain living conditions must be selected for service breeds (most often, pets are quite large). It is also necessary to develop a personal schedule of training and physical activity. Fighting dogs need to be trained seriously and for a long time, and only a trained experienced dog breeder can do this.

This is not a pure breed group. The word "terrier" itself is translated as "earthen" or "burrow". The dogs were bred exclusively for hunting, they are small in size and cute in appearance.

As for the fighting species, their ancestors are not only Terriers, but also the world-famous Bulldogs. The breeds were indeed bred for fighting, most often for dogs. But in the middle of the 19th century, this entertainment became forbidden. Therefore, all such fighters were waiting for selection work, during which the characters of the dogs were radically changed.

Now most of the former bloodthirsty dogs have become cute pets. However, often fighting terriers are also used for service.

The shortest of the group, at the withers reaches 30-40 cm and weighs 8-13 kg. These are small, stocky dogs with well-developed muscles. A distinctive feature is an elongated convex skull and a round bridge of the nose, which gives the animal an awesome look. Fighting feature - large teeth in a full set (42: 20 in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower). Permissible colors: white or colored (brindle, brown, red), spots are allowed.

The character of the Bull Terrier depends on heredity. The cons are often said by those who have never kept the breed. If the litter is of high quality and without deviations, then the puppy will develop normally, without bursts of aggression or anger towards the person. Basically, Buli are affectionate to the owner, love children, they are active and playful. Good physical shape makes them unsurpassed defenders, strangers are treated with caution, with proper training they will never attack first.

Of the minuses, it is worth considering jealousy, intolerance to loneliness, cockiness. These pets will never miss the opportunity to show their leadership in the circle of other pets. To avoid this, you need to properly socialize the animal from the first days of training: introduce people, with tanks, walk in noisy places.

Animals are rarely kept on the street, they are intended for apartment and home maintenance. Due to the short coat, the Bullies are susceptible to sudden climatic changes, do not tolerate severe frosts and abnormal heat. They are easy to care for, but require long walks and constant training.

Fighting breed, bred on the basis of Molossian dogs, bulldogs and terriers for fighting. Breeders were in dire need of a compact, but strong and terrible animal, as a result of which the Bull Terrier appeared. At the withers he 35-40 cm, but weighs 11-17 kg. Due to their small size, dogs were the best figures in dog fights, held in closed pubs and restaurants.

Outwardly, the Stafford is low, short-legged, but strong and muscular. The owners note that the animal knows how to smile and be sad, this is due to the accumulation of wrinkles on the face and head. The ears of the dogs are semi-erect, long, but not large. These Bullies look more like Bulldogs than Molossians.

Dogs have not been used as fighting dogs for a long time, their character has been completely changed to the desires of dog lovers. Therefore, the Staff Bull is considered one of the most loyal and best family fighting dogs. They are more like companions than working service pets.

Dogs are devoted to the owner, love and protect children, are not aggressive towards a person, even towards a stranger. . Genetically, Bullies may not like their fellows, but they are not aimed at eliminating the enemy. Representatives of the breed strive to demonstrate their leadership, to establish themselves in the team due to physical superiority.

Despite the fact that the breed is completely human-oriented, Staffbulls are often stubborn and try to take a dominant position in the house. They need serious education and physical activity, in all other respects the animals are unpretentious.

Daughter breed of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. It was bred in America after the prohibition of animal fighting clubs in England. Bull Terriers were taken to the continent to improve their skills. During the selection, the Pit Bull Terrier appeared, abbreviated - Pit bull.

The breed is distinguished by extreme instability of external and growth. At the withers, individuals reach from 43 to 53 cm, resemble either bulldogs or terriers. A characteristic feature is a toned body and long muscular paws.. The muzzle can be both short, wide and elongated. Color can be solid and brindle (except merle).

Despite the high popularity in America and the world, active use in the 19th and 20th centuries, the breed has not yet been recognized by the world cynological organization. Dogs do not have a clear standard, breeding, to a greater extent, is random. That is why Petes can be very different in appearance and character.

Pit Bulls are the most aggressive and uncontrollable of the Fighting Terrier group, all because character development is difficult to follow. Not every kennel has family books, so it is difficult to analyze the shortcomings of the ancestors of a particular puppy. Dogs are banned in many EU countries and America. In other states, strict rules for keeping and walking for the breed have been introduced, because it is listed among a number of potentially dangerous ones.

In fact, healthy, adequate Pit Bull Terriers do not have aggression towards humans. Their anger is directed at animals, dogs in particular. A well-mannered Pete will be affectionate and friendly even to strangers.

The American Staff or Amstaff is a pedigree branch originating from the Pit Bull. Unlike their brethren, the Amstaffs are registered and recognized by the world. They have a relaxed disposition, though still not as kind as Staffbulls. Their direct goal is to protect themselves and the owner, to eliminate the threat.

Outwardly similar to the Petes: long-legged, tall (43-48 cm), strong and muscular. However, their type is terrier. The muzzle is narrow and elongated with a deep stop and a minimum of wrinkles. Unlike the Staffbulls, the ears of the Staffy are cropped. In addition, this breed cannot be white, liver or tan.

By nature, Amstaf is a true leader, a winner.. Animals are hardy, strong, with a high pain threshold and a strong nervous system. They show good results in training and are best suited for service in military structures. Dogs are friendly to people, although strangers are better off staying away from them.

Group of fighting mastiffs (molossoids)

It is difficult to imagine a dog from the Molossoid group as a home sofa dog.. Indeed, mastiffs were bred to serve man: hard work, animal baiting, gladiator fights. They were trained for fierce battles, so modern representatives of the breeds still have not lost their former courage.

A common feature for all mastiffs is size. Animals are large and dangerous for a stranger or dog. They require a lot of space, training, food and attention.

The nature of mastiffs

All molossoid dogs share the same traits:

  1. Phlegm, laziness, poise and composure;
  2. Good nature, family (a puppy who grew up in a family will be devoted only to her, will never run away, will not offend the household);
  3. Love for children, tolerance for small animals, non-aggressive attitude towards strangers;
  4. Alertness, sensitivity to others, quick reaction;
  5. Good guarding instincts;
  6. Stubbornness, a tendency to dominate;
  7. Without education, animals can become uncontrollable.

It is the largest and heaviest of the European Mastiffs. At the withers can reach 75 cm, no weight limit: may be more 100 kg. It gives the impression of a huge dog, similar to a pug because of the similar color and wrinkles on the muzzle.

Correct coat colors: fawn, brindle, apricot, fawn, there must be a black mask.

Animals are not used for their intended purpose. They are often bred by wealthy families in Europe to protect property and as companions. Dogs really need a lot of free space where they can run and rest.

Despite the fact that in ancient times English mastiffs were used as pickling, now pets are obedient, calm and friendly. Although they are recommended only for experienced dog breeders who are ready to work on the behavior of the dog.

The breed was bred in England in the course of selection work between Mastiffs and Bulldogs. Foresters needed a quick and ruthless assistant who could punish poachers. But due to their ferocious nature, Buli would tear people apart, which was considered unacceptable. After the improvement, the dogs became more docile, but did not lose their working qualities.

These are very large pets (50-70 cm at the withers), which have all the characteristic features of Molossians: a strong physique, a wrinkled muzzle and head, a wide skull, hanging ears and long paws. They may be red, tan or brindle, with a white chest patch and a black mask allowed.

The Bullmastiff still serves in law enforcement agencies, he is quite ferocious and adamant. Although in the family it can become an accommodating dog, it will never touch a baby. They require specialized education.

It was bred during crossing and. Animals don't get smaller 50 cm and 45 kg. The world organization did not recognize the breed, so there is no general standard for it.

Animals were taken out for night guards. During the day they were kept in cages or on chains, and released at night. Everyone who came across the Bandogs regretted it very much.

Externally, the dogs are very large. Their muscles are much more developed than those of Pit Bulls. Animals look menacing and dangerous. Unstable in character due to random breeding. They have Molossian traits, but due to dubious pedigrees, puppies often become aggressive and uncontrollable.

An unpopular breed, known mainly in India and Pakistan, because it was bred there.. In Russian, the name is translated as "very wrinkled dog." Dogs are typical molossoids: large (75-86 cm), strong and with skin folds on the muzzle and body.

Animals are used as watchmen and protectors. Despite the good nature and love for people, Bully is considered a dog with increased aggressiveness. It is not recommended for families with children. Pets require enhanced training and constant training.

French breed of guard and draft dogs. They were often called butcher's helpers because the animals often had to carry carts of meat, guarding them from thieves. Bordeaux are very heavy: with growth 65-66 cm their weight can reach 100 kg.

The external feature of the breed is a uniform color (shades of red) and a black or red mask on the muzzle. Because of her, they even wanted to divide the dogs into French Great Danes and Bordeaux, but after two world wars, the dogs acquired a single standard.

Restrained, lazy, stubborn by nature, but infinitely loving and devoted. They are ready to protect the entrusted territory, protect children and people.

A pickling dog from the Balearic Islands, bred by sailors and coastal dwellers to guard houses and bait large animals. One of the shortest mastiffs: 52-58 cm at the withers.

A typical mastiff with a large rounded head. Distinctive features are rose ears and a long tail, which is not customary to stop. In color they can be black, deer and brindle (dark tones are preferred).

By nature, Ca-de-bo are good-natured, positive, active. They do a good job of protecting and guarding, but they will never be the first to attack. They are not characterized by outbreaks of aggression, especially in relation to familiar people.

An Italian breed bred for the direct purpose of herding buffalo and cattle. A secondary function is the protection of the home and property of the owner. Stately and beautiful pets with long straight limbs. Often used for work in police departments for investigation.

Friendly with everyone: small animals, children, people. Easily recognize the enemy and danger on their own. They can act without commands, based on intuition. With directional training, they become ideal fighting or guard dogs.

Characteristic differences: growth 64-68 cm, high-set cropped ears, glossy short hair, various colors (solid and brindle) with a mask and a white spot on the chest.

The rarest representative of the Molossian, the only one bred in Japan. The peculiarity of the breed is a refined physique, uncharacteristic for mastiff-like ones. Dog Growth Begins from 55-60 cm, the standard does not limit the height of the animal, the weight varies from 40 to 80 kg.

The Tosa Inu has practically no wrinkles on the muzzle and head, thin long limbs and a large body with developed, but not visible muscles. The color can be either light: peach, brown, apricot - or dark: black, brindle.

By nature, the breed is incredibly stubborn, it is very difficult to train and educate. Although the features of the Molossians are present in full: love for children, people, good guarding abilities.

The breed was bred in Brazil, the structure of the body is similar to the English Mastiff, but smaller in size (65-75 cm in height). Expressed skin folds on the neck, forming a collar. The skull is voluminous, round, the muzzle is of medium length.

The standard of this breed officially recognizes aggressiveness towards strangers.. Even at shows, a dog may react negatively to the judges and will not be disqualified. Although in the family and among friends, Phil is an absolutely calm and docile dog. Dislikes training, very lazy.

Now Sharpeev, for the most part, is perceived as decorative domestic dogs, attracting attention with their unusual appearance. But their past is really connected with fighting, guarding and even hunting. So far, dogs have done an excellent job of protecting humans.

Even a child recognizes Sharpei by his appearance. Its entire body is covered with thick skin folds. In addition, the dog has a blue-black tongue. The color of animals can be solid or pigmented. The most common colors are beige, apricot, brown, gray and red.

Despite the fact that such pets look like affectionate bears, they are wary of strangers. Dog training should start at an early age.

This breed is not recognized by the world cynological organization, therefore it does not have a certain strict standard. Of course, she, like all Molossians, has deep wrinkles, a wide chest, strong bones and developed muscles. It was bred by mixing African native dogs with European Great Danes, which were brought to the mainland by the colonialists. Perfectly copes with the protection of home and work in the services.

Statistically, not all Boerboels are created equal.. Officially, the dog must be balanced, calm, restrained towards humans and animals. But due to poor-quality puppies resulting from random breeding (more often in Africa), the entire pedigree line deteriorates and the aggressiveness gene is discovered. It's hard to find a purebred these days.

Shepherd mountain dogs

A group of dogs bred to work near humans, protect livestock and property, as a rule, animals cannot be attributed to gladiators and fighters. However, due to their huge size and the functions of protectors from predatory animals, dogs are called dangerous.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai is an aboriginal breed that has not been improved by breeding. Belongs to the Molossian group, but functionally a mountain shepherd breed. It has long been used for cattle driving. Although there is evidence that in ancient times she participated in gladiator fights.

It is a massive dog resembling a bear. A characteristic feature is soft wool of medium length. The color can be any, except for liver, chocolate and blue. According to the standard, height should not be less than 65 cm.

It is difficult to educate and raise a breed; many experienced dog breeders cannot cope with this. The fact is that animals belong to a number of late maturing. Full completion of development falls on the 3rd-4th year of life. Although in general, pets are friendly and accommodating, they do not like strangers.

Gamprovs are called Armenian wolfhounds. Large animals: 67-77 cm. The first name is translated as "strong" or "powerful". The breed is native, has not changed its appearance and character since taming.

The dog is considered multifunctional. It serves both for the protection of livestock, and for the hard work of a draft dog, and for hunting. Often performs the tasks of a shepherd, nanny for children, guardian of property. Outwardly intimidating, but only because of its size.

The character of Gampr is flexible, soft. The animal cannot be called the most obedient. Like Alabai, the Wolfhound develops for a long time, therefore it requires special training and proper education.

A large ancient breed originally from the Caucasus. Widely used to protect private and public facilities throughout Russia. Dogs are large, strong and hardy. There are three types of shepherds:

  1. Long-haired (characterized by long fringes on the neck, tail and paws);
  2. Shorthair;
  3. Intermediate (guard hair is long, but there is no decorating hair).

Despite the differences in appearance, all animals are balanced, restrained, with a bright guard instinct. They are devoted to the family and owners, they cope well with the tasks of the guard. They require a lot of free space and high-quality training.

Fighting Bulldogs (English

All Bulldogs have increased aggressiveness towards relatives, but a peaceful attitude towards humans. They love children, are active and cheerful on walks, resistant to any weather conditions. However, like all fighting breeds, they need serious education.

Other fighting breeds

In addition to molossoids and similar dogs, mountain large animals, there are other breeds whose character and physical data clearly speak of a fighting nature.

A variation of the originally Japanese breed, which was brought to America. Unlike his brother, the American Akita is not a hunting dog, but a guard dog. Since the breed was improved in the course of selection, it has a softened character in relation to humans. Japanese representatives are unfriendly, capricious, they are difficult to train.

In protection, the Americans showed themselves excellently. Akitas follow the orders of the owner, do not attack first, do not show excessive aggression. The only negative is a cute friendly appearance that does not frighten an intruder.

Now many fans are eager to start a fighting breed, not only for protection, but also as an intimidation of others. However, such dogs are intended only for experienced people who have had the opportunity to communicate with such animals and know how to train them.

The dog is considered quite dangerous and even bloodthirsty. Without proper training and education, it can be aggressive. This breed is even included in the list of especially dangerous in such countries as: Ukraine, Spain, France, Italy, Romania. Not everything is as bad as it might seem, because with proper upbringing, the Rottweiler will become an excellent companion and faithful guard, an example of this is such a prevalence of the breed in Russia.

Large size: approx. 70 cm, the weight - 45-50 kg. Rottweilers have high intelligence, therefore, with the right approach, it is not difficult to train them, the main thing is not to let the dog dominate, and to be able to show who is the boss.

Video: 10 most dangerous dog breeds

It is also important to purchase a fighting dog only from trusted breeders in order to avoid mixing blood and unlocking an aggressive gene. Having fulfilled these conditions, getting a balanced healthy friend is much higher.