The thinnest waist in the world - beauty or horror? Katie Jung - the woman with the narrowest waist in the world

In different countries and in different eras, the arms, legs, and even the neck were considered the most beautiful part of the female body. However, it is the thin waist that traditionally attracts the attention of men and causes the burning envy of women. A thin waist and lush hips have always been considered not only beautiful, but also served as a guarantee that a woman will bring many healthy children to her husband. However, gradually the topic of offspring faded into the background, only aesthetic moments remained. The thinnest waist in the world - what girl would not be attracted by such a title?

Finding out who was in the world without a corset is very difficult. There is no such section in the nominations of the Guinness Book, you can only remember celebrities. And then Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sophia Loren come to mind. Both had a waist of about fifty centimeters, which is very beautiful, delightful, charming. You can not only envy them, but also imitate them, because neither one nor the second artificially reduced their waist in any way, achieving the beauty of the figure using completely natural methods.

Well, if you list the unnatural ways, then the famous accessory immediately comes to mind, which ruined the health of many, and even cost some ladies their lives. Corset - a cage made of fabric and whalebone. In the century before last, it was widespread and worn for any event: both for walks and games, sports meetings, riding in carriages and on horseback, and for balls. It got to the point that the ladies wore corsets even during pregnancy. And all this for the sake of the title "the narrowest waist in the world."

Stunning fanaticism was justified - the corset emphasized the curves of the figure, reduced the waist, visually increased the chest and hips. They have worn it since childhood, treating it as a normal part of the toilet. The narrowest waist in the world, as it was then believed, was that of a French woman, a famous actress named Poehler (in fact, her name was Emilia Maria Bouchot) - only 33 centimeters. She began performing in Paris at the music hall in the last decade of the 19th century, became an operetta and dramatic actress, acted in films and even wrote a memoir.

Ethel Granger from Great Britain became the lady who intercepted the title of "thinnest waist in the world". Her husband was an ardent admirer of corsets and a figure in the form. He insisted that his wife wear this slimming product. In just ten years, the lady managed to achieve a waist of 24 centimeters.

Well, the most famous lover of these cruel attributes of beauty was the "queen of corsets" named Katie Jung. Her waist is only 38 cm, and she managed to achieve it in thirty years of constant body tightening. She takes off the corset for only half an hour a day. I must say that she was not always like this: at the age of 28 she gave birth to two children and decided to listen to the wishes of her husband, who persuaded her to wear corsets. Now she has more than a hundred of these products, and the lady even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Now the holder of the title "thinnest waist in the world" is already seventy years old, but she continues to flaunt in corsets and reduce her waist. Of course, she has to sew clothes to order, because you simply cannot find a suitable one in the store. However, to follow in Katie's footsteps or not is up to every woman to decide. After all, the figure obtained after wearing a corset is specific and does not indicate good health.

What women do not go to in order to achieve the perfection of their bodies! Some resort to shocking methods - and all for the sake of the notorious "wasp waist". Today our review includes those who became famous for their unnaturally thin waist. But this is not at all a gift of nature, but the result of human obsession. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but are the extremes that undermine health for the sake of a few centimeters in girth justified?

Ethel Granger

Ethel's husband was fixated on thin women's waists, so he forced his wife to wear tight corsets for many years. As a result, the woman got into the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the thinnest waist in the world (only 33 cm). This glory seemed to Ethel a little, and she added extravagance to her image with numerous piercings on her face.

Michelle Kobke

In pursuit of a thin waist, a young German woman mercilessly ruins her health. For several years in a row, the girl wears a corset without taking it off, even in a dream! Without it, she can no longer move independently, since the muscles of the back and abdomen are atrophied. Michelle's stomach also suffers from her obsession - it cannot contain a full portion of food, so the girl eats like a bird, 10 times a day in small portions. Now the result of Michelle Kobke's efforts is 40 cm at the waist, but she dreams of achieving 38 cm at any cost.

Dita Von Teese

Dita became famous not only as the ex-wife of the eccentric rock artist Marilyn Manson, but also as one of the owners of incredible body proportions. With her short stature (only 160 cm), she has a waist with a girth of only 56 cm! The star tells the tabloids that he strictly monitors the diet, consumes vegetable juices every day, does not eat bread and abstains from alcohol. But apart from everything else, from the age of 18, Dita tightens her waist with corsets, which she wears every day. In a corset, the waist of the star is almost 42 cm!

Katie Jung

American resident Katie Jung was carried away by the idea of ​​an incredibly thin waist already at the age of 38. At that time, her waist was 66 cm. The woman began to tie herself up in belts and corsets, and also underwent plastic surgery. As a result - 53 cm at the waist without a corset and 38 - in a corset. For example, this is the average volume of a mayonnaise can in the United States.

Ioana Spangenberg

The only participant in our rating, which was given a thin waist by nature. According to the Romanian model, she has been obsessed with the idea of ​​gaining weight since childhood. To do this, she eats large quantities of foods high in fat (chips, meat, pizza, sweets), but her weight is still catastrophically small: with a height of 168 cm, Ioana weighs only 38 kg! At the age of thirteen, the girl's waist circumference was 38 cm, today it is just over 50 cm.

Fashion and beauty are too abstract and relative concepts that tend to change. In any era, preference is given to certain criteria and standards. Women at different times dream of miniature feet, pale skin, long hair or curvaceous forms. But for some, dreams become an obsession, and we see the result in the examples of the participants in our rating. Is it beautiful today? Controversial issue. But the fact that it is unhealthy is unambiguous.

Beauty is a terrible force. Many of us, in pursuit of excellence, are ready to go to any tricks and extreme measures, even if it is detrimental to health. Someone tortures themselves with diets, others resort to the services of plastic surgeons, forgetting about the measure, and some dream of such a thin waist that they are ready not to breathe or eat, mercilessly pulling themselves into a corset. PEOPLETALK brings you pictures of women with incredibly thin waists who have managed to survive. Don't try this at home!

Ethel Granger

The first owner of the thinnest waist was the Englishwoman Ethel Granger. She is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, because her waist with the help of a corset was pulled up to 33 cm! Such a waist appeared at the whim of her husband, the astronomer Arnold Granger. He was a big fan of corsets. To please her husband, Ethel went on a diet and mercilessly pulled herself in a corset for 10 years. Bottom line: from natural 56 cm to 33. Unthinkable, but real.

Katie Jung

The waist of 78-year-old American Katie Jung is 53 cm, and her height is 165, but the woman manages to tighten her waist circumference with a corset to 38.1 cm! I tried to imagine this picture in life. It's hard to believe that this is possible. Jung's desire to tighten his waist to a shocking size was not without reason. The woman has a love for Victorian fashion and since the age of 38 wears waist-squeezing belts. Remarkably, Katie did not perform any surgeries and set a record as the owner of the thinnest waist in the world.

Nerina Orton

Englishwoman Nerina Orton (24) from Birmingham has been wearing a corset since she was 14 and has the thinnest waist in the UK. Nerina literally attracts the goggles of others. The natural waist circumference of a young Englishwoman is 56 cm, but Orton pulls it down to 40 cm. Long wearing a corset, of course, could not but affect her health. Orton admitted that when she takes off the corset, she feels the movement of the intestines, which is trying to return to its original position. However, this does not scare Nerin at all, and she does not even take off her corset at night.

Michelle Koebke

The waist of the German woman Michelle Koebke was reduced from 64 cm to 40. She achieved this result not due to diets, but all the same slimming corset. Every day for three years, Michelle did not take it off, even while sleeping. However, the young German woman is not going to stop there and dreams of a waist of 38 cm. Michelle is already getting out of bed with difficulty and cannot eat well. Also, because of the corset, the muscles of the back and abdomen atrophied in the German woman.

Joana Spangenberg

Unlike the previous heroines of our rating, Yoana (30) does not at all strive for a thin waist, on the contrary - she is desperately trying to get better, eats high-calorie foods and sweets, but all is unsuccessful. With a height of 167 cm, the Romanian model weighs only 38 kg, and her waist circumference is 38 cm.

Ann Ward

American model and winner of the 15th season of the show "America's Next Top Model" Ann Ward made our list for a reason. The girl has such a thin waist that you can easily clasp her with your palms! With a height of 189 cm, the waist circumference of the model is 56 cm.Anne admitted that she completes terribly because of her height and excessive thinness. However, despite this, Ward is quite successful in the modeling business and has already appeared on the pages and cover of Vogue Italia.

Do the ends justify the means? magazine has published an article about the owners of the thinnest waists in the world! Beauty or an imposed idea of ​​it is up to you.

Go in for sports, take care of your health and!

Emilia Marie Bouchot
A 33-cm waist in a corset was worn by the French actress Mademoiselle Polep (Emilie Marie Bouchaud - Polaire, bearing the name Emilia Marie Bycho). From 1909 to 1935 she acted in films, often under the name Pauline Poehler, starring in more than thirty films by French, American and Italian directors. She left her memoirs. She died in 1939.

Ethel Granger
Ethel Granger had the smallest waist in the world - 33 cm. However, such a thin waist was not natural for her - the woman was influenced by her husband, William Granger, who was obsessed with the idea of ​​a wasp waist in women.

Nerina Orton
Nerina has been wearing a corset since she was 14 years old. She is only 22 years old, now her waist circumference is only 40 cm. Nerina works as a dancer in a burlesque show. She does not take off the corset even at night, she sleeps right in the corset.

Katie Jung
Currently, Katie Jung holds the record for being the most alive in the world. Her waist is about the same size as the mayonnaise jar.

Mister pearl
He is 43 years old, he wears a corset 24 hours a day, he takes off only in the bathroom. He was inspired to wear a corset by his childhood memories of his grandmother. He is "Corsetier" or a corset maker, making corsets for many stars: Kylie Minogue, Victoria Beckham, Jerry Hall.

Michelle Koebke
The waist of 24-year-old Michelle Koebke has decreased from 64 cm to 40 cm as a result of wearing a corset every day for three years, even while sleeping. Despite the fact that her waist is smaller than that of most supermodels, the German woman wants to reduce it to a record 38 cm. Michelle can hardly stand up, as her belly has atrophied because of the corset.

Joana Spangenberg
The height of 30-year-old Yoana is 167 cm, weight - 38 kg. She claims that she eats three times a day and does not deny herself fatty foods like chips, pizza and kebabs. When she was 13 years old, many of her friends could clasp their hands around her 38-centimeter waist. Now her waist is 50 cm.

Ann Ward
Ann's waist is so thin that a person can easily wrap her arms around her. Given that her height is 189 cm, it is understandable why the audience of the show "America's Next Top Model" was shocked. Ann's slender waist impressed show organizer Tyra Banks and the jury, so Ann won the 15th episode.

Dita Von Teese
In 2012, Dita von Teese celebrated her 40th birthday. The Burlesque Queen, who was the wife of rock singer Marilyn Manson from 2005 to 2007, believes she is in better shape than she was 20 years old. The star is only 162 cm tall and weighs about 50 kg. She explains that she maintains her 55cm waist with thanks.

Valeria Lukyanova
A few years ago, the 21-year-old Ukrainian made a splash in her native Ukraine and neighboring Russia due to her resemblance to a Barbie doll. She has undergone a bunch of plastic surgeries, from surgery to reshape her nose to removing ribs to reduce her waist. And her waist is definitely very thin.

A graceful thin waist has always attracted the gaze of the opposite sex, so some young ladies, in pursuit of incredible shapes, have created the simply impossible with their own bodies.

What women do not go to for a slender waist! Today, the Internet offers a wide selection of fast, effective, and healthy diets to get rid of extra centimeters. Some of them will definitely suit both in terms of the composition of the products and in terms of duration. But patience and willpower are often lacking.

Here, either specific assistants come to the rescue, who, purely physically, do not allow to fill up to the dump. It's about corsets. Not so long ago, ladies could not imagine leaving the house without a corset. Even their various types were created: for physical exercises, for gala evenings, and even for pregnancy. Corsets are essentially similar to lotus feet in Japan. The difference is that the leg is deformed there, and here is the waist.

Standards of female beauty change dramatically from time to time. However, even nowadays, some beautiful ladies, endowed with a thin waist by nature, sincerely believe that you can endlessly improve. Such originals sometimes even fall into the Guinness Book of Records.

1.Ethel Granger: waist 33cm.

Mrs. Granger is officially named the tightest-waisted lady on the planet. She is even included in the Guinness Book of Records. Her waist circumference was only 33 centimeters, and she achieved such volumes to please her own husband.

Ethel was born in 1905, when the fashion for corsets had already passed. At the age of 23, young Ethel preferred the then topical baggy dresses that annoyed her fiancé William. Once he told Ethel about his secret fantasy of seeing a corset on the bride, which would make her waist fragile and refined. Once the girl put on a coveted wardrobe item and tightened her waist to 61 centimeters. The husband was delighted. Over time, her husband insisted that she not take off this piece of toilet, even during sleep.

2.Katie Jung: waist 38.1 cm.

American Katie was born in 1937 and today holds the record for the thinnest waist in a living person. At 1.65 meters tall, she had a waist circumference of only 38.1 centimeters, which is comparable to a can of mayonnaise. This result was achieved without surgery, by constantly wearing a tightening element of clothing. Katie was so impressed by the movie "Gone with the Wind" that she decided to try on a corset. She first put it on when she was twenty-two, and then became interested in Victorian styles.

Katie wore corsets even while carrying children. After three births, her waist was 66 centimeters. But the woman continued to reduce the belt to 38 centimeters.

Katie's husband, who worked as a surgeon, monitored his wife's health, and, in his opinion, the woman was absolutely healthy. However, Katie can only take off the corset for a short time, since her muscles are no longer able to fix the skeleton in a natural position. In addition, her lungs were significantly reduced in capacity.

3. Nerina Orton: waist 40 cm.

Already in her early twenties, Briton Nerina Orton attracted public attention with the fact that her waist circumference was 40 centimeters. The girl said that at the age of 14 she set a goal - to "make" herself the narrowest waist and began to wear a corset all the time.

The young lady did not bother herself with any exhausting diets or workouts. She wears a specific element of clothing without taking it off, since, according to her, without this device, the intestine is trying to take its natural form. Nerina even sleeps in a corset, without which her waist circumference is 56 cm.

The girl works as a dancer in the world of burlesque, and her main desire is to break Katie Jung's record.

Now Nerina is the owner of a real collection of unique corsets worth about £ 15,000. The girl wears this wardrobe item 22-23 hours a day (60 minutes is spent on water procedures), and it takes about 2 hours to lacing it. However, Nerina is very happy, perceiving herself weightless, refined and graceful.

4. Michelle Kobke: waist 40 cm.

German Michelle Kobke in just three years managed to reduce her waist circumference from 64 to 40 centimeters. To achieve this goal, she wore a special corset almost around the clock.

Today, 24-year-old Michelle works as a sales assistant. She sincerely believes that some men admire her slender waist, while others are shocked by her, nevertheless find her owner gorgeous.

Doctors strongly advise to slow down on the result, although Michelle would like to reduce her waist to 35 cm.But this can provoke various diseases in the gynecological sphere and problems with the digestive tract.

Due to experiments with health, Michelle today cannot do without corsets, because without them it is difficult for her to move and get up, since her back muscles almost do not function. The girl's tummy is so flat that she is no longer able to eat ordinary food, but eats in micro portions ten times a day. Nevertheless, she considers herself elegant and graceful.

5. Ioana Spangenberg: waist 50 cm.

Romanian model Ioana Spangenberg has a naturally slim waist measuring 50 centimeters. The girl claims that she is not doing anything to improve her natural beauty. She eats three times a day, snacking on chips and chocolates. Ioana's usual daily menu: toasts with butter and jam in the morning, meat and potatoes for lunch, and a cheese sandwich in the evening. The secret lies in the fact that the capacity of the girl's stomach is very small, and the model takes food in miniature doses, and from large doses she becomes ill.

When Ioana was 13 years old, her waist turned out to be wrapped around her palms, and today her circumference is slightly larger than a standard music disk. The figure of the model is very similar to the famous Barbie doll. Ioana is completely happy and feels feminine and graceful, and her husband does not get tired of repeating that she is a unique, delightful and beloved woman.

Of course, a thin waist is an object of admiration for men and envy of women. But some of these girls, in pursuit of the ideal, forgot about the most important thing - about their health. And whether the resulting effect is worth the sacrifices made, everyone decides for himself.

Video about a woman with a thin waist