The skinniest girl in the world. The thinnest man in the world

The news of recent days struck the community - the fattest woman, an Egyptian, weighing 500 kilograms, asked for help and was taken to India by special transport to have her stomach closed. But she is not the only one - there are enough huge, as well as very thin people on the planet. Let's talk about them ...

Iman is only 36 years old and weighs 500 kg
The heaviest woman in the world, Egyptian Iman Ahmad Abdulati, who weighs as much as 500 kilograms, travels to India for treatment. In the city of Mumbai, she will undergo bariatric surgery - that is, they will cut off part of her stomach.

The woman has already had a stroke; she cannot walk on her own. the patient will be brought to Mumbai in a cargo plane that has been modified specifically for her transport. From the airport, she will head straight to the hospital.

The treatment will last for several months. During this time, she will do all the necessary research, carry out several operations. And volunteers will pay for such complex medical care.

The weight of John Minnoch was officially recorded in 1979 - 635 kg, his height was 185 cm.At least 13 people could even turn him over in bed, and fluid in the body accumulated up to 400 kg. Died at the age of 42

Jeremy Gillitzer, who died in 2010 at the age of 38 after 25 years of struggle with a terrible disease - anorexia. Before his death, he weighed 30 kg.

Mexican Manuel Uribe - 590 kg (lost 187 kg and died at the age of 48)

Carol Ann Yager - 544 kg (fattest woman in the history of medicine, died in 1994)
According to unofficial data, its maximum weight reached 727 kilograms.

Valeria Levitina - 25 kilograms
Valeria Levitina is 39 years old, she lives in Monaco and she is the thinnest woman in the world. Valeria weighs only 25 kg. Levitina has been suffering from severe anorexia since the age of 20 after she went on strict diets in an attempt to lose weight.

Mayra Lisbeth Rosales - 500 kg (before weight loss)
32-year-old Myra Lisbeth Rosales became famous all over the world in March 2008, but not as the biggest woman in the world, but as a criminal. Then she decided to take the blame of her sister for the deceased two-year-old nephew, who allegedly accidentally turned up under the folds of fat and she crushed the child with her weight. The police were satisfied with this version, but the negligent sister, who did not follow the child, was imprisoned for 15 years.
Today the woman has lost 400 kilograms. In this she was helped by sports, willpower and 11 operations.

Paul Mason - 445 kilograms. Lost 305 kilograms
Now Paul weighs 157 kilograms, after losing weight, he had 21 kilograms of skin removed.

Mexican Isabel Caro is also one of the thinnest people in the world. The girl was born in September 1982. Her weight was 28 kg with a height of 163 cm due to severe anorexia nervosa. Died 2010

Keith Martin - 440 kg (unfortunately passed away)
The famous X-ray, instantly scattered across the Internet, belonged to Keith Martin, whose weight at that time was 440 kilograms.

23-year-old Paralympian Tony Stanford - 33 kg
There is no fat in Tony's body, the doctors fought this riddle for a long time and finally realized that he had a rare genetic disease that leads to such weight loss

Michael Hebranko - 430 kg
The amazing story of this man - he lost weight from 430 to 90 kilograms, traveled the world with stories of how he was able to pull himself together, but today he gained again and weighs more than 500 kg.

Joselina da Silva - 406 kilograms, died 1996

Ioana Spangenberg - 38 kg
It has long been dubbed by the European media a "living hourglass". And all thanks to the non-standard proportions of the body, the girl's waist is 50 cm, and the weight is 38 kg. What led her to such parameters - no one knows in the affirmative, and the girl tirelessly insists that she suffers from anorexia.

Pauline Potter - 318 kilograms
Pauline Potter, a resident of one of the American cities of Sacramento. According to Polina, her husband made her get fat, he believed that she was a "goddess of sex", and she herself every day strove to gain a lot of weight. Every day she ate incredibly large portions of turkey and chips. At the moment, Pauline Potter is 47 years old and she is striving to lose weight.

Suzanne Heman - 225 kilograms The girl eats specifically to become the fattest woman in the world
Susanne Eman's main goal is to become the fattest woman on the planet. Suzanne Heman does not particularly complex because of her appearance, moreover, she herself says that she just wants to fit her body to the size of her extraordinary personality. Today she weighs 225 kilograms

Being overweight is a real grief for a modern person. And the body of curvy people is more susceptible to various diseases, including cardiovascular. Many overweight people, in pursuit of fashion, drain their bodies with all kinds of diets and excessive exercise. Sometimes these desires even develop into mental disorders. Doctors have given this phenomenon the name nervous or mental anorexia. But being low in weight isn't all that good for a person. Often, thin people suffer from diseases of the endocrine system that disrupt metabolism. In our article, you will find out about the thinnest people on the planet.

Maria and Katie Campbell.

These two twin sisters are too thin and weigh about 38 kilograms each. In childhood, they made a promise to each other not to be fat for anything, and did everything possible and impossible for this. But all their efforts turned against them - at 13 years old, they looked like 50-year-old women. With diets, they depleted their body and brought it to a terrible state. Doctors diagnosed anorexia. All treatments did not lead to the desired result.

Many men are not very worried about the extra pounds, but the exception was the model Jeremy, who tried to bring his body into an "ideal" state. Having suffered from anorexia since childhood, his efforts only harmed the body. Realizing his mistake, he tried to normalize his weight, but it was too late. Before reaching his 39 years, he died. Before his death, his weight was only 30 kilograms.

Anorexic model girl from 13 years old is considered one of the thinnest women on the planet. Her mother was a little out of her mind and forbade her to leave the house. She also limited her daughter to food. As a result of such bullying at the age of 28, Isabelle weighed some 28 kilograms. In adulthood, she tried to restore her body and gain at least a little weight, but she could not do this and died in 2010. Her mother, not surviving the loss of her daughter, committed suicide. In the last years of her life, Isabelle tried to help young girls not make the same mistakes as she did.

Muscovite Valeria is one of the three worst people on the planet. In her youth, she and her parents moved to the United States. There she was able to win the title of "Miss Chicago". This victory became a turning point in her life. It was after her that Valeria had a desire to lose "extra" pounds. She went on a diet and, not knowing the measure, brought her body to exhaustion. Now, not having the strength to move independently for a long time, she spends most of her life at home. Every walk of the day is a feat for her. Her body refuses to accept food, and she no longer feels the taste of food.

This American woman is considered the thinnest person on the planet. With a height of 157 cm, she weighs only 28 kilograms. For doctors, the reasons for such a state of her body remain a mystery, because she fully eats and has never been on a diet. But this does not affect her weight in any way. There were no such cases in the girl's family, she is the only one who suffers from metabolic disorders. Lizzie is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the thinnest person.

This girl lived in Mexico in the 19th century. She is considered the thinnest person in history. Lucia had a rare disease of the pituitary gland, which prevented the girl from growing. At 17, the girl weighed only 2.3 kilograms. Due to her small stature and weight, she earned a good living for herself by touring with the circus. But while moving to another city, a train with a circus troupe got stuck in the mountains. Many passengers, including Luci, died from the cold. A unique girl can forever remain the owner of such a record, because a person with the same rare disease is unlikely to be born on our planet.

10 people suffering from excessive thinness.

This girl was born in March 1989 in Austin, Texas. In the family, her affectionately name is "Lizzie."

Its main symptoms are the inability of the human body to accumulate body fat. In addition, Elizabeth also has a weakened immune system, completely blind in one eye and barely seeing the other.

She weighs only 26 kilograms at a height of 1.54 meters - she is the thinnest girl these days. To keep her body alive, she eats 5,500 kilocalories daily and takes food every 20 minutes. This fact was registered by the Guinness Book of Records. In 2013 she was named "the ugliest girl in the world."

Now Lizzie is involved in medical research at the University of Texas, maintains a personal blog, speaks on forums. She also wrote several of her own books on health.

2. Lucia Zarate

This girl was born in Ursulo - Galvana (Veracruz state). She is of Mexican origin. The reason for Lucia's thinness lies in the genes: her gland in the pituitary gland, which regulates human growth, is disrupted, which led to dwarfism.

With an increase of 45 centimeters at 18 years old, the girl weighed only 2.2 kilograms. However, then her weight increased to 5.5 kilograms, but the waist circumference was still 17 centimeters. The girl was awarded the title of the thinnest girl in the world in its entire history.

But it cannot be said that Lucia suffered from her thinness. Subsequently, she became a circus performer, and she was recognized far beyond the borders of the United States. But the very rehearsal of the stunts was a problem for her. In addition, the girl was always surrounded by attention: she was either mistaken for a doll, or surprised at her height.

Lucia died in 1890 from an unexpected reason: the train in which her circus troupe was traveling was stuck in the snow-capped mountains. Many died of hypothermia, including the dwarf.

The girl was born in 1982 in France, in Marseille.

The reason for her excessive thinness is anorexia nervosa, provoked by problems in the family. The father of the Frenchwoman, Christian Caro, being a businessman, was often on the road, and the mother, the teacher, did not like it. Marie Caro was afraid that her daughter, when she grew up, would leave and doom her to eternal loneliness. Therefore, she forbade Isabelle to walk and go out, forced her to sit at home without leaving. The girl tried to prove herself in playing musical instruments, figure skating and ballet, but in the end she simply began to deny herself food in order to satisfy her mother's desire, slowing down her growth.

At the age of 14, she was admitted to the hospital with malnutrition. This was the beginning of the end: anorexia developed on a nervous basis.

With an increase of almost 1.7 meters, she weighed 32 kilograms.

In 2007, Isabelle starred nude in a photo shoot dedicated to the fight against anorexia. A year later, the girl wrote a book - an autobiography, in which she told her story of anorexia. She also warned other girls about the possibility of this terrible disease occurring with excessive weight loss for the sake of a modeling career.

Isabelle died in 2010 in Paris after spending several days in the hospital with ARVI.

In 2011, Marie Caro committed suicide.

4. Valeria Levitina

The girl was born in Russia, at the moment she is 40 years old. In 1989, she emigrated with her parents to the United States and participated in a New York beauty pageant. Valeria won it, because she had an attractive appearance. However, the decision to lose weight was made.

The 20-year-old girl threw off a couple of kilograms in the shortest possible time. However, she did not stop there: at the age of 25, her weight was 37 kilograms. Valeria fell ill with anorexia. Now she, with a height of 1.75 meters, weighs only 24 kilograms - this is how much a small child weighs.

The girl lives in Monaco: there is a warm favorable climate that helps her to restore health. She still managed to get rid of the eating disorder, but she still cannot gain weight. To maintain good health, Valeria has to take a certain amount of food, as well as consume a lot of caffeine, so as not to faint from low blood pressure.

The girl's mother says that hundreds of letters from teenage girls who want to be like her daughter come to her e-mail every day. She responds to all of them, explaining that "being a living corpse is not good."

This young man passed away in 2010 at the age of 39 after a 26 - year struggle with excessive thinness. The terrible diagnosis "anorexia" was made to him at the age of thirteen. At the age of 15, he discovered the technique of using laxatives in such a way as to lose several kilograms at once.

Since then, he has been a frequent visitor to private and non-profit clinics.

However, at the age of 21, Jeremy still managed to gain kilograms, he began to go to the gym and built up muscle mass, got a pumped-up body. After that, the guy began to work as a fashion model.

Everything went well for several years. In addition, Gillitzer admitted that he was homosexual, began to build relationships with a work colleague, but then broke up with him. At this time, his mother fell seriously ill, and the guy himself several times became a participant in road accidents. The stress made itself felt, and old habits returned.

The model began to lose weight steadily. All attempts to gain weight were in vain.

At the time of his death, Jeremy weighed only 30 kilograms with a height of 1.8 meters.

The model with Romanian roots is a living "hourglass": her waist circumference does not exceed 49 centimeters. The girl in every possible way denies that she suffers from anorexia and that the modeling agency forced her to lose weight. She explains this by the fact that “at home, in Romania, being overweight speaks of the financial well-being of the family. So with such thinness she is doomed to loneliness. "

But in 2005, Jan, a young man of German descent, noticed her, and they got married. Subsequently, Ioana began to work as a fashion model. Designers are delighted with it, because things are ideally sewn on the "hourglass" figure.

Model figure parameters: 80-49-80. This is almost a barbie doll, enlarged to its real size.

Two twin girls were born in 1981 in the UK.

At the age of twelve, they heard a harmless remark from their father that "they are growing up, and the first sexual characteristics are already beginning to appear." These words offended young girls, because they did not want to become adults. And an agreement was made according to which none of them would ever get fat.

From that moment on, they completely denied themselves food: they hid full plates of food, fed it to dogs and forever considered the energy value of food.

Soon the parents sounded the alarm: Katie and Marie were exhausted. They were separately sent for treatment to special clinics, but even there they managed to outwit the orderlies, still malnourished. After that, they began to live separately from their parents.

The two sisters curse in every possible way the day when the agreement was concluded, because it ruined their lives. The once beautiful and cute girls are now skeletons covered in leather.

Nowadays they are under forty years old, but their life is finally broken: they have serious health problems, progressive anorexia. Most likely, they will never have a family and a happy marriage.

Mary and Katie have medical education, they are aware of the complexity of their situation, but they cannot cope with the disease.

Doctors say that there is still hope for salvation, for a start it is worth normalizing food.

Popular soccer player David Beckham's wife, Victoria (nee Adams) used to be a curvy girl who sang in a popular 90s pop group.

But once the producer of a music agency told her that “it would not hurt her to remove a couple of fat folds,” and this caused the girl a psychological trauma.

Since then, Victoria began to eat only a few leaves of greens and a few fruits a day, thinking that this would not harm her health. Ovarian disease brought her to her senses, but for a short amount of time.

Victoria did not cope with pregnancy due to anorexia, because an exhausted body simply cannot bear a healthy child.

Currently, the girl says that she is eating well, but she is still looking at the energy value of the products. It is also rumored that she is on a drinking diet.

Now her height is 163 centimeters, and her weight ranges from 42 to 45 kilograms.

The American fashion model, the adopted daughter of a star of the 80s and 90s, in every possible way denied her problems with eating behavior. In 2006, she admitted to a foreign magazine that "now she looks far from healthy and does not want teenage girls to look at her and say that they want to look the same." After that, she was admitted to the hospital with low blood glucose.

In 2007, photos of the star jogging on the Malibu beach excited the world: with an increase of 158 centimeters, she weighed 39 kilograms. Anorexia is evident.

She was forced to resort to losing weight by participating in television programs, because her partners were thin socialites, while Nicole herself weighed 75 kilograms.

The pursuit of the ideal turned into a tragedy for her: the weight of the actress became critical for her height.

After some time, she gave birth to a child: this served as an incentive to defeat the terrible disease.

Now Nicole has normalized her weight to 54 kilograms and coped with anorexia. She states that "it was the birth of her daughter that made her life better."

The British singer was born in 1983 and died in 2011 in London.

Despite her success in her musical career, the rock and roll singer, who won half a dozen Grammy awards, suffered from a mental disorder. On the personal front, everything was not so smooth: she often quarreled with her manager due to her difficult nature.

Previously, she was a girl with forms, but her addiction to alcohol and psychological difficulties took their toll: Amy began to lose weight.

The star joked that she had a little bit of everything from both anorexia and bulimia. She said that "she feels more like a guy than a girl, but she is not a person of non-traditional sexual orientation."

The singer died of an alcohol overdose. She was 161 centimeters tall and weighed 42 kilograms.

2017.08.12 by

The thinnest girl in the world weighed only 28 kilograms and died at the age of 28 from SARS. All about the worst people in the world.

Lucia Zarate - tops the list of the Worst People in the World

The worst person in the world in history, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is a girl named Lucia Zarate. She lived in nineteenth century Mexico. Lucia was born on January 2, 1863 and suffered from pituitary dwarfism, and in simple terms - lilliputia. By the age of seventeen, she had grown to only 43 centimeters. And she barely broke the world record in this indicator. Its weight turned out to be unique - only 2.3 kilograms. Lucia Zarate was petite and diminutive to the point that some mistook her for a doll while she was sitting and not moving. Even in the nineteenth century, there were smart people who decided to make a fortune on a unique girl. 12-year-old Lucia was brought to an exhibition in the United States. There she was quickly noticed, she began to quickly gain popularity, and later she was invited to the circus.

Lucia Zarate constantly had to train exhaustingly and rehearse acrobatic numbers. But this work bore fruit, the petite girl earned up to $ 20 an hour. In those days, this was unheard of wealth. Over time, Lucia was able to "get fat" and reached a weight of 5.9 kilograms. Moreover, her waist was only 15 centimeters. Physical disabilities helped the Mexican woman to provide herself with a comfortable existence. And her fortune would have continued to grow if tragedy had not happened. The train on which Lucia Zarate was traveling got stuck in the mountains. Most of the passengers died of hypothermia. Among the victims was the thinnest girl on the planet.

Isabelle Caro is the thinnest woman

Mexican Lucia Zarate's record has yet to be broken. And this is hardly possible at all, because the girl had a unique weight with an almost unique height. But among people with the usual height there are those who are distinguished by their thinness. The worst person is a French girl named Isabelle Caro. She was born in Marseille on September 12, 1982. The girl had a tiny weight due to severe anorexia nervosa.

The thinnest people in the world suffer from anorexia

Isabelle has been suffering from the disease since the age of 13. It was caused by his own mother, who was constantly depressed because of her husband - he was almost not at home, he traveled on endless business trips. The woman developed a fear of loneliness, and she began to be haunted by the idea that her daughter, too, would one day grow up and leave her. Then she began to forbid Isabelle to go out. The lack of fresh air, she decided, would contribute to her daughter's slow growth. Meanwhile, little Isabelle, who loved her mother very much, herself stopped claiming any contact with the outside world and even began to limit herself to food.

Later, Caro wrote a book about her life, "The Little Girl Who Didn't Want to Get Fat." And after realizing all the mistakes of upbringing, she began to draw public attention to the dangerous consequences of refusing to eat. Isabelle showed off her body as an example.

In 2007, Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani organized a photo session titled “No anorexia”. In the photographs, Isabelle Caro appears naked. At that time, her weight was only 28 kilograms, with an increase of 163 centimeters. Toscani's advertising campaign was designed to draw attention to the problems of anorexia and to help people who are sick with it.

Isabelle Caro died on November 17, 2010 at the age of 28. She spent the last days in the hospital with an acute respiratory illness. However, the true reasons for her death are still unknown. A few months after the death of her daughter, Isabelle's mother committed suicide.

Lizzie Velazquez is the world's thinnest man

Now the owner of the title "The Worst Man in the World" is Lizzie Velazquez. The 22-year-old American lives in Texas, studies at the university and leads a normal life. She has a normal height - 157 centimeters, but there are obvious problems with weight - only 28 kilograms. And, interestingly, the girl does not suffer from anorexia. The culprit of thinness is a mysterious unknown disease. Doctors constantly examine Lizzie and take her tests, but they do not find any abnormalities.

At the same time, the rest of the Velazquez family members are absolutely normal: both parents and brother and sister. Lizzie herself was born with a weight barely exceeding a kilogram. And the doctors at the maternity hospital immediately warned the parents that their daughter would have a short life. Nevertheless, Lizzie is doing great, cheerful, cheerful and optimistic. The only inconvenience she has to experience is constant meals. The girl needs to eat every 15 minutes. The American menu includes only cakes, hamburgers, in a word, everything is high in calories. Lizzie consumes up to 8 thousand calories a day. But they don't stay in Lizzie. The worst person in the world has already written a book about herself and her life. It is dedicated to how you can eat everything and in unlimited quantities.

The thinnest man in the world

Hopkin Hopkins - The world's thinnest man lived in the 18th century. He was born in 1731 in British Wales, in the city of Llantrisant. He suffered from chondrodystrophy, that is, an inferiority of cartilage tissue. At the age of seven, the boy weighed only 8.6 kilograms, and at 17, shortly before his death, his weight was 6 kilograms.

Another champion of thinness was Claudia Ambrosimus Seuart. With a height of 160 centimeters, he weighed only 16 kilograms. And there was no hope that he would get fat. The thinnest man on the planet ate only a hunk of bread and a glass of wine every day. Seuarta was born in France on April 10, 1797. His parents were not rich and, in appearance, very stocky. After the birth of Claudius, everything indicated that the boy had inherited the complexion of his parents. And as a child, he was an absolutely normal child of average height. But over time, Claudia grew, but did not gain weight. At a fairly mature age, the distance from the spine to the sternum was only seven centimeters. In the bright light, you could even see his heart beating.

The second half of the thinnest people in the world

There is an unspoken belief that opposites attract. This rule at least applies to relationships between very fat and very thin people. So, a famous thin man named Peter Robinson, weighing only 30 kilograms, married a certain Bunny Smith, who weighed 240 kilograms. And in 1930, 40-kilogram Gerald Lindoff married 300-kilogram Bertha Lilley. These marriages were very successful at the box office.

The editorial board of "KnowEverything" also offers to read an article about the fattest people in the world.
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How often do we hear the phrase: "Beauty is a terrible power!" Sometimes you can agree with her, and 100% more. When the thinnest person in the world appears before your eyes, even in the photo, and you involuntarily begin to worry about his life.

Why people are losing so much weight and how to avoid it, we will tell in this article, as well as introduce you in absentia to the worst citizens of the planet.

Rating of the scariest weight loss stories

1st place: Valeria Levitina - thinness in pursuit of a slim figure

With a height of 172 cm, her weight is only 25 kg, as a six-year-old girl. The worst thing is that the woman herself brought herself to what is happening to her now.

The heroine's story began in 1989, when she and her parents left Moscow and moved to the United States. The young lady was so beautiful that in 1994 she easily won a beauty contest, she got the title of "Miss Chicago". At that moment, the girl did not know that this was the beginning of the end.

Since the women in Valeria's family had problems with being overweight, the girl from childhood got the habit of regularly weighing herself, and her mother taught her from early childhood, worrying if her baby was too dense. After winning a beauty contest, Levitina decided to become a model and began to desperately lose weight. Within a short time, the 19-year-old beauty lost a lot of weight, but did not stop there. At 24, her weight was 38 kilograms.

Now the thinnest woman in the world lives in Monaco, thanks to her she can somehow exist. Levitina practically does not feel the taste of food, and the shopping trip turns into a real test. An eating disorder has plagued the woman for twenty years, and only recently has she managed to get rid of it. Weight gain is still a dream.

2nd place: Lizzie Velazquez - the disease caused thinness

The story of this girl was in second place in the ranking. A complex disease led the girl to excessive slimness.

She was born in 1989 with a rare diagnosis that sounds like neonatal progeroid syndrome - the inability of the body to accumulate fat masses. The girl's weight today is 26 kilograms.

Lizzie's birth weight was 1.2 kg, and for 24 years she never managed to exceed the bar of 27 kg. To have a chance to survive, a girl needs to eat every 10-15 minutes and consume 5000-8000 calories a day.

Despite her life-threatening illness, she never lost heart, took up educational activities, published her own books and became the organizer of about two hundred performances.

3rd place: Lucia Zarate - thin and petite

This unique girl lived in Mexico in the XX century and during her lifetime got into the Guinness Book of Records. Lucia Zarate suffered from lilliputia, scientifically the diagnosis sounds like pituitary dwarfism.

At the age of 7, she stopped growing, at that time her height was 43 centimeters, and her weight was 2.3 kg. When the girl sat and did not move, she was mistaken for a doll. However, even at that time there were a fortune who were smart about her uniqueness. At the age of 12, Lucia was brought to the USA for an exhibition, and later she was invited to the circus.

She had to constantly rehearse acrobatic stunts, but the result was not long in coming, and soon the petite girl was earning $ 20 an hour - this was unheard of wealth. Over time, she was able to "gain weight" a little and her weight increased to 5.9 kg. Thanks to physical disabilities, Lucia secured a rich future for herself, and her fortune would continue to grow if it were not for a terrible tragedy: the train got stuck in the mountains, among the people who died from hypothermia was a miniature girl.

4th place: the history of anorexia Isabelle Caro

Mexican Isabel Caro is also one of the thinnest people in the world. The girl was born in September 1982. Her weight was 28 kg with a height of 163 cm due to severe anorexia nervosa.

The cause of the disease was the girl's own mother, who suffered from her husband's lack of attention and was afraid that someday her daughter would grow up and leave her too. The mother forbade the baby to communicate with peers and go out, believing that the lack of fresh air would slow down growth. Over time, Isabelle herself refused to communicate with the world and began to limit herself in food, so as not to grow and please her mother.

Over time, the adult Karo realized the mistakes of her upbringing, which led to dire consequences, and wrote an autobiographical book "The Little Girl Who Didn't Want to Get Fat." The girl drew public attention to the dangerous consequences of refusing to eat by showing her body.

Isabelle in November 2010, spent the last years of her life in the hospital with a diagnosis of ARVI. After the death of her daughter, the mother committed suicide.

5th place: Ioana Spangenberg - Miss Slimmest Waist

Behind the scenes, a girl weighing 39 kg is called an hourglass, thanks to her waist - 50 cm.

The thinnest model has never been on a diet, did not limit herself in food, but the size of her stomach does not allow her to eat more than the individual norm at a time. The reason for the extreme thinness is unknown, the girl denies that she has anorexia. In 2006, she got married and is now working as a fashion model - the designers, apparently, are delighted with the "living mannequin".

6th place: The thinnest man

Sometimes men strive for beauty at any cost. Jeremy Gillitzer, who died in 2010 at the age of 38 after a 25-year struggle with anorexia, was a striking example of excessive thinness for the sake of a career. Before his death, he weighed 30 kg.

For the first time, the boy heard the terrible diagnosis at the age of 12, and at 14 he swallowed a laxative so that he lost more than one kilogram of weight at a time. For several years the young man wandered around the clinics, and by the age of 20 he managed to gain kilograms, he began to play sports and work as a model.

But unexpected happiness quickly disappeared, in 2004 Jeremy broke up with his boyfriend, got into two car accidents, survived his mother's illness. Depression pushed Jeremy to take up the old, but this time the treatment did not help - the man died a few years later.

Anorexia - no!

A small ranking of the thinnest people in the world introduced you to. Perhaps for someone they will become instructive, and before giving up food, people will think about the consequences. Not all the heroes of our stories became the perpetrators of their tragedies, many of them lost excessive weight due to their health condition. But if a person is healthy, you should not sacrifice your weight for the sake of imaginary beauty, it is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, including "thin beauty".

Video with photos of thin girls: