Scheme for applying colored concealers. Everything you wanted to know about facial concealer. What is the difference between corrector and concealer

Concealer is especially relevant during this cold season, when we are increasingly tired and trying to look more alert. There is no trace left of the summer tan, we are constantly overwhelmed by stress, so the area around the eyes takes noticeable damage. You should not neglect both the care and camouflage of this area - the battle for beauty is always difficult, but it can be won. So, let's find out what mistakes you make when applying concealer.

1. You're not moisturizing the skin around your eyes.

An essential step is to apply a good eye cream. And not only in the morning, but also in the evening - care should be regular. But many girls neglect this stage or use only daily face cream, despite the fact that thin skin in this area requires special attention and care. In addition, if you pre-moisturize the skin under your eyes, the concealer will go on more smoothly and effectively. Another way to smooth out skin texture and avoid the unpleasant tendency of some concealers to bunch up is to use a makeup base.

2. You apply concealer first.

At the beginning - the main skin color-evening product, makeup, and then concealer. Most makeup artists recommend applying it last. Firstly, you will save this area from crumbling shadows and other “precipitates” of products during makeup. Secondly, this way the concealer will more successfully “highlight” the area under the eyes and hide all traces of fatigue.

3. You use foundation as a concealer.

The foundation will not adequately cope with such a difficult area as the area around the eyes. Still, its main task is to even out the tone of the face. Moreover, make-up artists generally do not recommend applying tint under the eyes, since it is not suitable for such sensitive skin. Blending your face makeup all the way down to your under-eye area seems like a natural step, but that's not entirely true. In fact, concealer will be quite enough. Foundation won't hurt, but it won't help either - it will just add an extra layer to your makeup.


4. You “bake”

The fashionable term “baking” or “baking” refers to the process of applying powder with a damp sponge on top of an already applied makeup. After 5-10 minutes, the remaining powder is removed with a fluffy brush - the perfect makeup for important events is ready. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this technique - it dehydrates the skin under the eyes, which, as a result, will age faster.

5. You choose the wrong shade of concealer.

In general, there are two rules: choose a concealer that matches the tone or is a tone lighter than your skin. The first option is perfect for giving the necessary shade that will help you look as fresh and rested as possible: peach, orange, pink (if the area under the eyes is olive) or yellow (if the area under the eyes is closer to blue and purple). The second option is suitable for those who consider their bruises and bags to be too noticeable and want a more pronounced camouflage and “highlighting” effect. Be careful not to choose a shade of concealer that is too light or dark, unless you want to turn out to be a panda or a raccoon.

6. You're using concealer that's too dry.

Every concealer is different: when you find that perfect concealer that covers everything and more, chances are it will settle into your creases and dry out your skin. So pay attention to the word "creamy" or "shiny" when choosing a concealer - not only will it give good coverage, but it won't look too dry. Also be careful with correctors - they have a much denser texture and are designed to disguise complex and problem areas of the skin.

7. You only apply concealer under your eyes.

You want to hide, not emphasize, flaws? One of the main rules for applying concealer is the triangle rule. Proceed in several stages: first draw a triangle and apply coverage to the entire lower eyelid area, blending down and sketching the triangle. Or just move from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples through the apples of the cheeks, drawing the same triangle. Don't forget to blend the concealer with a damp sponge, brush or fingers - whatever you prefer.

The modern beauty industry offers girls many ways to achieve and maintain an ideal appearance. Decorative cosmetics allow you not only to emphasize your advantages (for example, highlight your lips with color or visually enlarge your eyelashes), but also to hide your flaws. By the way, the desire to cover up pimples or scars is often a factor due to which the fair half of humanity discovers the world of makeup. However, with practice many problems arise. Why do red spots still show through? How to prevent powder from rolling off? For what purpose are pink and green corrective agents used? This is just a small part of the questions that newbies have. In this material you will learn how to properly use face corrector step by step with a video and analysis of the colors of the palette.

What kind of remedy is this

You can guess the main purpose of corrective pigments based on their name. Its main goals are:

  • masking acne, pimples and redness;
  • tone alignment;
  • visual elimination of irregularities;
  • contouring features;
  • hiding bags and circles under the eyes;
  • eliminating traces of fatigue and lack of sleep.

It is worth noting that camouflage cosmetics only help to create the effect of getting rid of problems. It will not get rid of pimples, but will only hide them. Skin problems need to be treated by specialists, and corrective products make you feel more confident and beautiful. By the way, sometimes you can get a “medicinal” effect from them: some types dry out slightly, but this, of course, does not replace medical creams.

How to paint your face with correctors: we understand the varieties

Cosmetics manufacturers market concealing products in a variety of forms. Among them, both a professional makeup artist and a simple amateur will be able to find the most suitable version. They all differ in structure, configuration and mechanics of use.

In the form of lip gloss

Inside such a jar most often there is a liquid cosmetic product, which is applied using a special brush. This type is very convenient for camouflaging large areas of skin. You can apply it to the area under the eyes, cover up redness on the forehead or chin. Sometimes it has too dense a texture, and therefore often gets clogged into pores and rolls off. To avoid this problem, it is worth applying the product in a thinner layer. In this form, highlighters and concealer cosmetics are produced in different colors.


In texture, it resembles something between lipstick and butter (hard cream) for business. Most often, the stick is used to spot mask imperfections. Did a pimple pop up suddenly? No problem! A corrective will help solve this problem. In addition, such a corrector is very convenient to carry with you. It is compact and quite dense, which means it won’t spill all over the bag. Sometimes antiseptic substances are added to its composition. They dry out the pimple a little and promote its speedy healing.


The correction rod does an excellent job of masking very minor imperfections. With its help, you can remove or draw on (if the image requires it) freckles and moles, hide blackheads and small pimples. The pencil is also often used to draw the contour of the lips: this allows you to make them larger. With a white tint you can visually enlarge your eyes. To do this, you need to draw the growth line of the lower eyelashes. Face correction using pencil-shaped correctors gives a very lasting result.


This is the most common type of corrective substance. Makeup artists and hobbyists buy it for its convenience, versatility and benefits. The texture of cosmetics in such sets can be creamy or dry. Under one lid in different cells there can be from two to twelve (and sometimes more) different masking agents. The kit usually includes highlighter, contouring and enhancement products. Among the color palette you can see shades of brown, flesh, green and pink.

Separate jar

Applying concealer to your face can be a real art! In this case, the creators are professional makeup artists. They often choose powder concealer products to work with. They contain no unnecessary binders, which gives purity of color and texture. They are applied with a brush. The dry structure allows you to independently control the saturation and density of makeup application. You need to be extremely careful: there is a high chance of overdoing it.


Many girls who are just beginning to learn the basics of camouflage make-up are primarily interested in how to properly apply the palette and use color correctors for the face. The bewilderment is quite justified: in a palette you can often find almost the entire “rainbow” of colors! In fact, each of them is designed to correct different areas. All of them are used in different situations and somehow magically cope with their mission.


It perfectly eliminates red color. It should be used if you have the following skin problems:

  • acne;
  • strongly protruding vessels;
  • burns;
  • redness.


This color works well in dark places:

  • circles and bruises under the eyes;
  • dark spots;
  • hematomas;
  • inflammation near the wings of the nose.

Purple or lilac

The shade is able to neutralize yellowness. It should be used to eliminate the following shortcomings:

  • yellow spots;
  • bruises;
  • too dull skin;
  • sunburn.

It is worth noting that this color is not suitable for dark-skinned girls.


This is a real must-have for eliminating excess blue stains! You can use it to disguise:

  • signs of lack of sleep;
  • translucent wreaths;
  • pimples and small hematomas.

To ensure that it “lays” well and does not get caught in small folds and pores, it is better to mix it with powder.

Shimmering white

The scheme for applying correctors to the face often involves placing accents. This is most conveniently done using a highlighter. It allows:

  • visually enlarge the eyes;
  • give the skin a fresh, healthy glow;
  • visually correct the shape of the skull.

The main thing in this matter is to stop in time. It's easy to go overboard when working with shiny particles.


This color comes in several shades in palettes. All of them are great for contouring. With their help you can:

  • draw cheekbones;
  • darken the upper part of the forehead;
  • correct the shape of the nose.

When sculpting, it is important to shade the cosmetic well. This will help create a natural shadow effect.

Light beige

It looks more like a concealer. It's great for covering up dark circles, blemishes and redness.


One of the most important steps to understanding how to apply facial concealers is the composition of the cosmetics. Having a good understanding of this topic, you will be able to choose the right product for your skin type, and then your makeup will lie smoothly and harmoniously.


The form of this product is similar to a light fluid or foundation. It is ideal for dry and normal epidermis types. It can often provide additional hydration. Due to its texture, it blends out perfectly. It is best to use a sponge or a thick brush with it.


In operation, it can be compared to a body butter or cream shadows. It adheres very well to the skin, but is quite difficult to blend. Girls with increased secretion of subcutaneous fat are better off avoiding cosmetics with this structure: it can impart an inappropriate oily sheen.


To produce this product, pure pigment is pressed with mineral binders. The result is something like powder. It is best used by girls with dry and normal type of epidermis. The crumbly product lays down in a light layer and looks quite natural.

To achieve the effect of visual plasticity, just follow the following basic steps.

  1. It is important to ensure good care before applying makeup. Wash your face with cleansing foam or milk, then use a toner and apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
  2. Apply a primer or base - this will guarantee durability.
  3. Create an even tone using powder, BB cream or foundation.
  4. Using a color that is two shades darker than your natural color, draw two straight lines along the edges of the bridge of the nose.
  5. Highlight your cheekbones. To “find” them, you can pull your cheeks in like a fish and draw stripes along the sunken areas.
  6. A photo of how to properly apply concealer to your face often involves darkening the top of your forehead. Apply a few strokes of dark cosmetics along the hairline.
  7. Highlight the apples of your cheeks, add a little highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes, as well as to the bow of your upper lip, under your eyebrow and on your chin.
  8. Blend your corrective makeup. Start with light areas and then gradually move to dark areas. Stop periodically to check your makeup in good lighting conditions. Make sure that the sculpting looks as natural as possible.
  9. Complete your makeup with other details: apply eyelashes, lipstick and eyebrows.

How to use a face corrector palette: step-by-step instructions for disguising dark circles under the eyes

Small bruises under the lower eyelashes can appear in any girl. Dehydration, lack of sleep, anatomical features... One way or another, no one likes to walk as a “panda”. Below are instructions on how to fix this.

  1. Use your standard skincare products and then apply base.
  2. Smear the pink or yellow corrective product over the entire problem area. You can also use a light concealer. It is best to do this with a sponge or your fingers: you need to “drive” the pigment in with light taps.
  3. Apply tone. This should be done especially carefully in the area under the lower eyelashes. All this is also convenient to do with patting movements.
  4. Use powder if necessary.

Age leaves its mark on the face, but this is not a reason to stop taking care of yourself. With the help of simple techniques you can turn all disadvantages into advantages.

  1. Choose a very light foundation. You can also use an emulsion or filler.
  2. A yellow or beige tint will help hide facial wrinkles. Apply a little makeup and then set it with powder.
  3. You can get rid of wrinkles in the nasolabial folds using a light pink pencil. They can also be used to accentuate the arch of the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye.
  4. It is better to apply cream or gel shadows with shimmer on your eyelids. Instead, you can use any light product from the corrective set.

Errors during use

It is very difficult to achieve an ideal result the first (and sometimes even the second and third) time. Even experienced makeup artists sometimes encounter small mistakes. The most common of them are collected in the list below.

  • Wrong selection of cosmetics. A discrepancy between the skin type and the texture of the product can greatly affect the quality of the make-up and aggravate all imperfections.
  • Wrong choice of shades.
  • Insufficient shading. If you don't blend the cosmetic product to the right extent, it will look unnatural and awkward. At the end of the makeup process, make sure that all the brown streaks create a shadow effect, and the green, lilac and pink strokes are well hidden by the tone.

A step-by-step photo of how to properly apply concealer to your face will help you understand the secrets of the skill only if you have high-quality cosmetics.

Below is information to help you choose one.

  • Look at the expiration date. Expired goods lose their properties and often cause allergies and redness.
  • Use testers. Apply a little pigment to your wrist to check color and texture compatibility.
  • Buy from trusted places. Nowadays, it is not difficult to stumble upon a fake from an unscrupulous manufacturer. Only a good supplier will help you avoid this trouble.

Makeup is not an easy task, but very interesting! Many skills come with practice, and therefore we advise you to quickly arm yourself with the necessary tools and head to the mirror. Now you know how to properly use face concealer step by step. Good luck!

  • What is a proofreader for?
  • Facial color correction
  • A few more tips for using concealer

What is a proofreader for?

The corrector is used to disguise skin imperfections - redness, pimples, age spots. It is often confused with concealer: these products actually have a lot in common, but there is still a difference between them (read more about this in ours).

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The most important thing when working with a proofreader is to answer three questions in advance (and act according to the situation!):

  • where it should be applied (for example, in the area under the eyes or on the “wings” of the nose),
  • what kind of defect needs to be masked (redness, dark circles),
  • What color concealer should you use?

What types of texture correctors are there?

Correctors vary in texture and, depending on its features, are used for different purposes.

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Liquid corrector

Easy to use, it makes masking problems in the area around the eyes as easy as shelling pears. As a rule, the kit also includes an applicator, but you can even distribute such a corrector over the skin using your fingers. Liquid concealer labeled “reflective” is used to “hide” puffiness under the eyes.

Corrector in stick format

It has a denser texture than liquid, so it is able to cope with minor local redness and scars. Apply the product to the problem area, press lightly with your finger and wait until it “settles” on the skin. You can apply another layer of corrector on top.

Pencil corrector

It has a dry texture and often also contains antibacterial components, so this product is ideal for problem skin. In addition to correcting imperfections, it is also useful for other beauty manipulations: it can be used instead of eye and lip primer or highlighter.

Cream corrector

Another popular format. Thanks to its fairly dense texture, it has good covering ability; they can be used to mask dark and age spots, scars, and acne marks. They are often sold in palettes containing several different shades that can be mixed together to achieve the ideal tone.

Dry corrector

Not the most common phenomenon, but a real salvation for girls with very oily skin. Choose colored dry correctors to solve the problem of age spots or reddened skin.

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Facial color correction

Facial correction with help is a real art. The most important thing is to understand what colors to use for what. There are seven basic colors for correcting facial tone: green, purple, pink (peach), yellow, orange, white and brown. What is each of them for?

Green corrector

A green corrector will help you eliminate any redness on your face. It will come in handy to hide red spots, signs of allergies, and sunburn.

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Purple corrector

If you want to remove yellowish spots on your face, feel free to use a purple shade of primer, corrector or concealer. In addition to masking, it will also give your face a fresh and healthy look.

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Pink (peach) corrector

Any girl at least once in her life has encountered such a problem as lack of sleep and... To eliminate this problem and disguise unwanted circles, use peach-colored products.

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Yellow corrector

Yellow correctors are ideal for hiding spider veins around the eyes, circles under the eyes, and purple wounds on the face. This corrector will also become a faithful assistant when applying makeup “on the go”, because it gives the face a boost before applying the makeup base.

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Orange corrector

If you have fair skin, this color corrector is definitely not for you. But there is an exception: it can be used on the face to highlight certain areas of the face and highlight the advantages. Well, those with dark skin are luckier: orange color will help hide dark circles under the eyes or any other change in complexion.

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White corrector

This color is the most “dangerous” when used. If you overdo it, your face will look like you applied flour to your face instead of concealer. It is better to use this color as a highlighter, that is, wear it on the upper part of the cheek, on the inner corners of the eyes, in the area under the eyebrows and on the “swoosh” above the upper lip.

Brown corrector

The most widely used type of concealer. Girls who do not suffer from the constant appearance of unwanted pimples and redness are the luckiest. It is enough to apply a small amount of this product - and all minor irregularities will be eliminated, and the skin will look smooth and beautiful. The color should match your skin color or be one shade lighter. In addition, it is very often used as a base for lipstick to extend its durability.

How to use the color corrector palette is described in detail in our training video.

Let's look at how to properly apply concealer to the face, in practice - in step-by-step photo instructions.

Prepare your skin for makeup: wipe your face with toner, moisturize your skin with cream or serum, or use according to your skin type. Then apply a greenish corrector to neutralize the redness with a small faux bristle brush. Apply the corrector locally, only onto defects, and gently blend the edges. A green corrector will be useful to you if the redness is really obvious, because a regular concealer or foundation can easily cope with minor defects and capillaries.

Apply pink concealer under the eyes if the bruises have a green or brown tint. If the circles under the eyes have a blue or blue undertone, neutralize them with a peach corrector.

Gently blend the correctors with a brush or finger (as on the left side of the face), and then apply the foundation using stamping movements, for example, using.

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This step can be performed separately from the first if the dark circles under the eyes are mild and can be easily covered with a nude cream concealer. Apply a beige concealer one or two shades lighter than your skin under your eyes in the shape of a triangle, you can also add it to the bridge of your nose, the center of your forehead, the tick above your upper lip and the dimple above your chin. It can also be used to highlight nasolabial folds to remove unwanted darkening and smooth out facial contours in this area. Blend the edges gently with your fingers or a faux brush.

Women use cosmetics every day. Decorative compositions help the fair sex to hide imperfections and make their skin perfect. This article will tell you how to apply concealer. You will learn the main secrets of using this product, as well as get acquainted with its types. It's definitely worth mentioning different color schemes, like how to apply green concealer.

What's happened

Before applying it to your face, you should get acquainted with this type of decorative cosmetics. If you have perfect skin without any imperfections, then you don’t need this product at all. You should not pile a lot of decorative products on the natural and beautiful dermis. This will only make your image ridiculous and add several decades to your look.

The purpose of the concealer is to visually rejuvenate the skin and improve it. This corrector perfectly hides imperfections: freckles, pimples and rosacea.

Types of concealer

The corrector can be of several types. This is an ordinary hard pencil, a twist-out stick, a tube with liquid contents and an applicator, and so on. Depending on your skin type, you should choose the appropriate type of product. Owners of dry and fading dermis should give preference to liquid formulations. If you have oily and problematic skin, then purchase a stick or pencil.

How to apply concealer on your face? There are several rules for this manipulation. Be sure to take into account all the instructions and tips. In this case, you will achieve the most even tone and ideal image.

First step: preparing your face

Before applying concealer, you need to cleanse your skin. This should be done using a special mask, scrub or peeling. However, if your exit is planned in the next two hours, then you should postpone these procedures to another time. In this case, just wash your face with your favorite composition.

After this, you should moisturize your skin. To do this, choose non-greasy and light textures that are absorbed very quickly.

Second step: tone alignment and examination of defects

Before applying concealer, you need to use foundation. Remember that this can only be done if there are any deficiencies. If you have an even complexion, then simply skip this step and go directly to masking.

Everything that the foundation could not hide will be carefully hidden by the corrector. However, you need to know how to properly apply concealer to your face. There are many shades of this product. All of them are designed for specific areas of the skin and masking certain defects. Take a close look at your face. Do you have red spots and pimples? Or maybe you want to get rid of those hated dark circles under your eyes? Need to cover up freckles and blemishes? For all these purposes, it is not enough to choose just one concealer. You will need several different shades.

Third step: choosing a color scheme

How to apply concealer correctly? The main and perhaps most important step is choosing the color of the corrector.

  • Red pimples and inflamed areas will help hide the olive tone of the concealer.
  • Couperosis and dark circles under the eyes will perfectly disguise the warm yellowish tint of the product.
  • will also hide protruding veins and bluish areas. However, only dark-skinned girls should choose such a corrector.
  • If you want to hide freckles, bad tanning or pigmentation, then purchase a corrector with a purple tint.
  • If there are old bruises on your face that have acquired a yellowish-green tint, then use a soft pink corrector.

Step Four: Apply Concealer

How to apply concealer correctly? Take a pencil and apply it to a facial defect (pimple, redness or age spot). After this, use a clean, small brush. Blend the mixture thoroughly and repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to apply concealer under the eyes? If you did not use foundation or base, then this area must first be moistened with a non-greasy cream. The corrector usually has a fairly thick consistency. This composition can get caught in fine wrinkles around the eyes and visually add years to your appearance. To avoid this, you need to apply a thin layer of cream to this area and only then begin to apply the corrector. Use a liquid composition. Make a few vertical strokes on the lower eyelid and blend them with a brush.

Fifth step: fixing the corrector

After you have masked all the areas, you need to secure the result. This can be done using compact powder. You should not choose cream foundations, as they can smear your results.

Using a powder puff or brush, apply a thin layer of powder all over your face. This manipulation will help your concealer stay on for a long time and not smudge. After this manipulation, you can apply the remaining makeup.

How to apply a concealer palette?

Recently, manufacturers of decorative products prefer to produce sets that contain several shades of corrective products. It is very comfortable. Women will no longer have to purchase different pencils and liquid products. All you have to do is open the palette and choose the appropriate shade. Most often, six to eighteen colors are included here.

This product should be applied as follows. Place purple and white shades in the area of ​​the lips and nose. This will help disguise facial wrinkles and hide age-related changes. Apply beige tones that are slightly darker than your skin tone to the T-zone area. This will hide small pimples, blackheads and remove oily shine. Place a small amount of a light shade under the eyebrows and on the upper corners of the eyelids. This will make your look more expressive and open. Apply a grayish-purple concealer to your cheekbones. This will help highlight the specified area and make the face open. If necessary, use individual shades from the palette to mask imperfections and blemishes. Remember that all strokes must be shaded with a brush.

How not to apply concealer: basic mistakes

  • Often the fairer sex uses concealer instead of foundation. This application can make your face look porcelain and unnatural.
  • You should not replace concealer with foundation. Especially when it comes to bruises and pimples. Otherwise, you will only enhance the effect of the shortcomings.
  • When covering up pimples or blemishes, don't forget to treat the surrounding area. Otherwise, you will end up with heavily highlighted areas that are conspicuous.
  • If you have very dry skin, don't try to blend the concealer. Wet the brush in water and blot with a napkin. After this, you can gently distribute the color over your face.
  • On oily skin, do not smear the composition with your hands. This will result in unsightly streaks. Use a sponge or sponge for this purpose.
  • You should not use only concealer in your makeup. If you have painted over defects, then at a minimum you need to cover the skin with powder. Otherwise, your work will be visible to the naked eye and will create the opposite effect.


Now you know how to properly apply concealer to certain areas of the face. If you do not yet have experience in using such tools, then you should turn to professionals or experienced girlfriends. They will not only tell you, but also show you how to apply this disguise correctly. Over time, you yourself will understand what exactly your skin needs and what color corrector you should choose for a particular defect. Apply and be beautiful!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


What girl doesn't dream of having perfect skin? The rhythm of modern life and environmental conditions do not have the best effect on the skin. Lack of sleep, polluted air, unhealthy diet, stress - all this is first reflected on our face. It’s good that there are cosmetics that help hide any skin imperfections - concealers. How to use facial concealer? Let's look into this issue.

What is facial concealer

Concealer (other names often used are “corrector” and “camouflage pencil”) is a special product designed to spot conceal problem areas of facial skin. Unlike foundation, concealer has higher coverage and pigmentation, thereby effectively hiding minor imperfections. This product is used to disguise:

  • blueness and redness of the facial skin;
  • circles under the eyes;
  • red pimples;
  • acne;
  • age spots;
  • scars.

Concealer does not heal, but only masks problem parts of the skin. Although many modern products contain antibacterial additives. Such products not only hide skin imperfections, but also actively fight the inflammation process. Some products contain antioxidants, vitamins, and other beneficial biological ingredients that protect facial skin from excessive drying and premature aging.

What types are there

Helping to visually hide facial skin imperfections, concealer makes a girl more attractive. It is applied quickly and easily, within 2-3 minutes maximum. Cosmetic stores offer different ones, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Liquid. Perfect for application around the eyes and lips. This product will help mask the redness of the nose and eyelids. Liquid concealer is easy to apply and blend. However, if you overdo it with the amount, the skin will look unnatural in daylight conditions, so you need to apply the corrector pointwise. It does not hide pimples or blackheads well.
  • Creamy. Concealers with this structure contain various components that moisturize the skin well. After application, a dense opaque layer forms on it, so creamy products perfectly hide even large problem areas - for example, they will help. With regular use, the creamy concealer prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

  • Stick. Concealers available in stick form have a dry texture and are not recommended for use on the skin around the eyes or for hiding pimples. But the sticks effectively hide scars and unevenness on the face. After applying this concealer, the skin looks natural, and the makeup lasts for a long time.
  • Pencil. Concealer in the form of a pencil is applied pointwise and hides small defects - pimples, red capillaries, small wrinkles. It does stretch the skin a bit, so you need to be careful when applying this concealer under your eyes.

How to choose a concealer: color palette

Most girls are accustomed to the fact that the concealer should have a nude or close to it shade, but stylists use a lot of colors to achieve the optimal effect. This is justified by the fact that each skin defect has a specific color. Bruises under the eyes are blue or purple, pimples on the face are reddish. To find the perfect concealer for you, use this guide:

  • A corrector to hide skin hyperpigmentation should have a dense, creamy structure.
  • For application to the area around the eyes, experts recommend using a product with moisturizing ingredients and a loose texture.
  • To disguise acne, choose a concealer stick with an antibacterial effect. It is applied pointwise. The product will dry out the pimple and speed up healing.

  • Liquid concealers are optimal if necessary on young skin.
  • Convex defects are almost always hidden in a dark tone, for example, brown.
  • The color scheme below will be the best help when choosing a specific shade of the product. Remember: to neutralize visible skin imperfections, you need to choose a concealer with the opposite tone. This effect is called color complementarity. For example, blue veins are masked with apricot or yellow, freckles with purple.

Corrector models are available in different color options. Each color is optimal for concealing one or two external skin imperfections. To decide for what purposes to use the most common shades, and which concealer is ideal for you - dark, light or colored, understand these nuances:

  • The yellow corrector perfectly hides defects of purple and bluish shades (protruding veins, bruises). This light tone visually softens the skin tone and makes it warmer.
  • Concealers in orange or apricot tones work well to hide circles under the eyes. But remember: the closer the color is to carrot, the more likely it is that this concealer will not suit your skin specifically.
  • The purple corrector perfectly hides the yellowness of the skin and masks pigmentation.
  • Green concealer will cope with the task of neutralizing red defects (spots, redness, allergic irritations, pimples, scars).
  • The pink product perfectly masks greenish dark circles under the eyes. Applying such a concealer to areas of the face that have a blue tint should be avoided. This will make them even more noticeable.

How to apply concealer: rules and diagram

When applying a concealing cosmetic product to the skin of the face, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before applying concealer, moisturize and cleanse your face.
  • The concealer can be applied with a brush or fingers. If you need to hide a pimple or other small defect, use a brush. With its help, you can better shade the boundaries without wiping off the product from the problem area. It is much more convenient to apply the product to the side areas of the nose with a brush.
  • The eye corrector is applied pointwise: to the inner corner, then to the middle of the eyelid and to the outer corner. After this, the product is carefully shaded towards the temples and powdered a little.

  • Remember, thick concealer should not be applied to areas of skin with wrinkles, it will make them more expressive. For wrinkled skin, a light, almost airy corrector that matches your skin tone is suitable. Apply concealer to the edge of the brush and gently brush over the wrinkle. The concealer should dry for a few seconds.
  • “Depressed” irregularities are filled with liquid corrector using a thin brush. You cannot rub the product; foundation is applied on top of it.
  • Apply green or yellow concealer before foundation.
  • If the shade of the concealer matches the color of the foundation, the order of application is not important.
  • Highlighters and correctors containing reflective particles are applied over the foundation.
  • The product will most effectively hide skin imperfections if applied over a makeup base.
  • The corrector can be used to model the ideal face shape. Apply different shades of the product to the desired areas of the skin using a special technique - as shown in this picture:

Video tutorial: how to use concealer correctly

The technique for applying the concealer differs depending on what specific defect you want to hide. If you use concealer incorrectly, the imperfection you were trying to disguise can become even more noticeable. It is not difficult to master the technique of applying the product, even if you have no experience in this matter. Everything will definitely work out on the second try! Follow a few important rules. Watch the video for valuable tips on using this concealer:

Most girls make typical mistakes when applying concealer to their face. As a result, instead of ideal-looking skin, they get spoiled makeup, on which the outlines of skin defects are clearly visible. To avoid this result, listen to the advice of specialists on the correct application of concealer:

  • Don't try to use foundation instead of concealer. It is possible to cover up dark circles under the eyes with foundation, but in this case the shade should be lighter than the complexion. But many people forget about this, covering their entire face with the same shade. The big advantage of concealer over foundation is that the latter settles into small wrinkles around the eyes, making the skin look unnatural.
  • Few representatives of the fair sex have the technique of spot-applying concealer. If you need to disguise a pimple, girls often make the mistake of squeezing the corrector on top of it and trying to blend it out. In this case, there will be no result even after several layers applied. To apply the corrector correctly, use a thin brush to apply the product around the pimple, gradually approaching the center.

  • It is difficult to blend concealer on dry skin. Therefore, makeup artists recommend slightly moistening your face with plain water before applying concealer.
  • Experts do not recommend shading the concealer with cold hands. First you need to warm them up. An important point: those with oily skin should not apply the concealer with their hands; they should use a special brush.
  • When applying concealer, you do not need to use a magnifying mirror.
  • If necessary, you can apply the massage product in several layers.
  • Avoid using concealer to cover open wounds or abrasions, as this may cause inflammation.

Which manufacturer's products should I choose?

Among corrective products, 4 products are popular:

  • Maybelline better skin concealer with Actyl C vitamin complex. The product allows you to improve the overall appearance of your skin after just 3 weeks. Covers the skin well, perfectly hides redness, pimples, circles under the eyes. The texture of the product is light, not greasy. It is important to apply and blend it quickly; the concealer dries out quickly. “Maybelline better skin” is a long-lasting product that, judging by user reviews, lasts well all day.

  • The line of liquid corrector “Essence all about matt” contains only 2 highly pigmented shades. It is produced in 12 ml bottles. Perfectly mattifies, hides bruises, wrinkles and evens out skin unevenness. Consecutive application of several layers of the product is allowed. After application, the skin looks natural and well hydrated.

  • The light texture and excellent coverage of the Nyx hd photogenic concealer series concealers make them excellent assistants in hiding any facial skin imperfections. Lavender color is used to neutralize yellowish blemishes, green is used to disguise redness, yellow is used to hide blue circles under the eyes. The composition contains reflective particles, making the product suitable for use in bright studio lighting conditions.

  • The “Vivienne sabo radiant concealer” corrector contains natural chamomile extract, hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, and beeswax. Thanks to these ingredients, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and protects it from premature aging. There are only 2 colors in the line. Vivienne sabo radiant concealer has excellent coverage. It is important to apply it in a thin layer, otherwise the product will not hide skin defects well.

Where to buy and how much it costs

The price of popular facial concealers on the domestic market is as follows:

  • “Maybelline better skin”: 300-330 rubles;
  • "Maybelline Affinitone": 320-360 rubles;
  • “Essence all about matt”: 150-180 rubles;
  • “Nyx hd photogenic concealer”: 350-370 rubles;
  • “Vivienne sabo radiant concealer”: 200-220 rubles;
  • “MAC Studio Finish SPF 35 Concealer” - 210-230 rubles;
  • “L’oreal Lumi magique” - 380-420 rubles.

You can buy correctors from popular manufacturers in Moscow at the following specialized cosmetic outlets:

  • Network "L" Etoile (Manezhnaya Square, 1, shopping center "Okhotny Ryad"; Novy Arbat St., 11, shopping center "Novoarbatsky", etc.).
  • Network “Podruzhka” (Chertanovskaya St., 32; Novocherkassky Boulevard, 13, etc.).
  • Network “7 days” (Butyrskaya St., 4; Perovskaya St., 32, etc.).
  • Chain "Rive Gauche" (Orekhovy Boulevard, 22A; Kashirskoye Shosse, 1, shopping center "Vegas", etc.).

Or in online stores:

  • "Beauty Home" -
  • "DevaShop" -
  • "Aroma Butik" -

Photos before and after using facial concealer

When used correctly, the concealer literally transforms your face. Dark circles under the eyes, pimples, abrasions, acne, scars,