Why Prince William didn't want a baby: Kate Middleton's pregnancy could end in tragedy. Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child: latest news Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time

Catherine Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, known as Kate Middleton, is pregnant with her third child. The Western press reports that the news was confirmed at Kensington Palace. A few days earlier, it became known that Kate was hospitalized with complications of toxicosis.

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge

Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time: the reaction of the royal couple

The statement said the Queen was "delighted" to welcome a new great-grandchild, a baby brother or sister to Prince George and Princess Charlotte. "Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their third child," the statement read. “The Queen and representatives of both families are extremely happy at the news.”

Kate Middleton and Queen Elizabeth II

The Duchess has a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum (severe vomiting during pregnancy) which was observed during the first and second pregnancies. “Her Royal Highness will be unable to attend a scheduled event at Hornsey Road Children's Center in London. The Duchess is being cared for at Kensington Palace."

The new child will be 5th in line to the throne under the UK's Succession Act, and the Queen's sixth great-grandchild. Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge are already planning a new work travel schedule. Their eldest child, Prince George, started school for the first time on September 7, 2017.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child - what doctors say

Fans of the royal couple have long speculated that the couple could give Prince George and Princess Charlotte a younger brother or sister. Kate Middleton is pregnant again - will this pregnancy be different from previous ones? The Duchess is again experiencing severe morning sickness, as she experienced during her pregnancy with her first children.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George and Princess Charlotte

Gynecologist and Obstetrician Mr. Mahantesh Karoshi explained that women who experience toxicosis during their first pregnancy are likely to experience it in subsequent ones as well.

“In women who have had persistent bouts of severe morning sickness, studies show a higher risk of recurrence (80%) of severe nausea and vomiting in subsequent pregnancies,” he said. “Although the risk of hospitalization is likely to be lower in subsequent pregnancies, morning sickness may gradually worsen.”

Dr. Mahantesh Karoshi

Dr. Karoshi added that due to Kate's age of 35, she might notice a few differences during her third pregnancy. “Her belly would appear much larger than during her previous pregnancies during the same gestational periods due to repeated stretching of the abdominal muscles,” he explained.

What will Kate and Prince William name their third child?

The Duke and Duchess will most likely choose a name with royal origins. The names of their first two children, George and Charlotte, are the names of former British monarchs, in accordance with tradition. Alice and Victoria are the most likely options if the couple have another daughter, according to bookmakers Betfair.

Prince Philip's mother has been named Alice, as the daughter of Queen Victoria. The name also has special meaning for Kate, who wrote her dissertation on Alice in Wonderland at university. Victoria would be an approving name after Britain's second-longest reigning monarch, whose incredible reign was surpassed only by Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Victoria

While these names are likely options for the royal family, both have fallen out of favor with the general public in recent years. Both names made the top 20 list for girls in the early 1990s, but are now ranked 24th (Alice) and 98th (Victoria) in popularity. If Kate and William have a boy, Betfair predicts they will name him Arthur or Henry.

Arthur is William's middle name, and Prince Charles reportedly originally wanted to name his first child that. The last known Prince Arthur was the son of Queen Victoria. Henry is the name of eight previous kings of England, and is also the official name of Prince William's brother, known as Prince Harry. Both names have seen a resurgence in recent years, with Arthur now the 35th most popular boy's name in the UK and Henry the 13th.

Prince Harry, brother of Prince William

Naming a child after a current family member is considered less likely. The name Catherine has a 20/1 chance, Elizabeth has a 16/1 chance, Diana has a 25/1 chance and Camilla has a 100/1 chance. For the boy, William is 25/1, Philip is 12/1 and Harry is 25/1.

Chances of names for Kate and William's third child, according to UK popularity statistics:

Kate Middleton is expecting her third child, video news:

The current princesses and queens of the world have large families. It looks like the family of Prince William and Kate Middleton will be no exception.

This fall, information appeared about the third pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge. The news was confirmed only on Christmas Eve. According to unofficial data, Kate Middleton is now 7 months pregnant. Presumably, the third heir to the royal dynasty will be born in April this year.

The couple Kate Middleton and Prince William already have two children - Princess Charlotte and Prince George. It is known that during previous pregnancies the duchess suffered from terrible toxicosis for all 9 months. Therefore, fans believed that Kate would not be able to decide on a third child. Contrary to rumors, the celebrity feels great and is happy to accompany her husband.

Kate's fans noted that the Duchess is enjoying her interesting position. She spends a lot of time walking in the fresh air and relaxing. At the same time, Prince William's wife does not miss social events.

She gladly accompanies her husband on official visits. According to some reports, it has become known that Kate Middleton is pregnant with twins. At the moment, there is no information about whether the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a boy or a girl. But the media are increasingly saying that Kate Middleton and Prince William will have two girls.

The other day the royal family arrived on an official visit to Sweden, after which they went to Norway. There, Prince William and Kate Middleton were solemnly greeted at the airport.

Fans were outraged by the duchess's outfit, which did not look like a winter one. Kate Middleton, who is pregnant with twins, wore a fall coat from Catherine Walker and a light dress with shoes. She received some criticism for this look, since such clothes are not appropriate for the weather.

Fans believe that Kate Middleton is already quite experienced, since this is her third pregnancy. Despite the importance of the trip, in her situation you need to worry more about the fact that the baby is born healthy, and not about his appearance. Fans of the Duchess really hope that these trips in light outfits will not harm Kate’s condition and her unborn child.

During her trip to Essex, the Duchess was in great spirits, smiling at residents and happily chatting with them. But during this visit, an incident occurred with Kate Middleton. While passing through the metal grate, the Duchess's heel got stuck in it.

She was not at a loss and, with her head held high, found a way out of the situation. Middleton gave her smile to those around her and made a good joke about this.

The Duchess also visited a drug rehabilitation center in Essex, where scientists are trying to help addicted people with the help of a newly developed program. According to this technique, treatment lasts two months and contributes to the rapid rehabilitation of the mental and physical health of patients. Kate Middleton, as always, preferred stylish clothes.

She chose a blue goat wool coat. Her look was completed with precious earrings.

Kate Middleton, the wife of Prince William, attracts constant attention from the press. People are very interested in whether Kate Middleton is pregnant, because the latest news today is teeming with similar headlines! Photos from Kate’s social appearances immediately end up in the press; such attention is quite natural, because she has already become an icon of style and elegance.

They note her ability to behave in public and present herself in a favorable light. Kate's life story itself is one of the realized scenarios of the fairy tale about Cinderella. The last time such an unequal marriage took place in the royal family was in 1660, when James II of York married one of his ladies-in-waiting, Anne Hythe. The queen was loved by the people.

Unlike Princess Diana, Kate is from a simple family and did not have any titles. Their pre-wedding romance with Prince William lasted almost ten years. All this time she was, even then, in the spotlight as “the prince’s girlfriend.”

The paparazzi followed her everywhere, and they could never take her by surprise, she was always on top. Agree that not every young girl can withstand such pressure. You need to have a strong character, determination and awareness of your position and future mission.

Photos from the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William

After the birth of the royal couple Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte, attention to Kate only increased. Moreover, the queen treats her grandson’s family very favorably. Little Charlotte is the spitting image of Queen Elizabeth, which pleases her grandmother very much. And the latest news for today is also shrouded in Kate Middleton’s third pregnancy - it’s quite interesting who this child will look like...

There are rumors that, despite the direct heir, William's father Prince Charles, Elizabeth may transfer the right to inherit the throne to William. As a result, Kate Middleton will become a crowned person. This is, perhaps, the happiest plot of the fairy tale.

What's new in Prince William's family

The latest news today only talks about Kate Middleton's pregnancy with her third child, although the rounded belly is not yet noticeable in the photo.

Is Kate pregnant?

At the end of August, the Duchess spent one day in the royal hospital. Before this, she almost never appeared in public. Persistent rumors spread that Katherine was pregnant with her third child. Let us remind you that the spouses already have two heirs. In July 2013, George of Cambridge was born, and in May 2015, Charlotte of Cambridge.

Photo: Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William with children

On September 4, fresh news appeared on the Kensington Palace Twitter page that a third child was expected in the royal family: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are pleased to announce that they are expecting their third child. The Queen and members of both families are happy!”

This is a joyful event not only for the royal house, but for all of England. The only alarming thing is that the Duchess has lost some weight lately. The royal jewelers even narrowed the engagement ring a little.

Photo with children and husband

In the latest news today, in the photo you can see a slightly thinner, but still charming Kate Middleton. Today, rumors about a possible illness have dissipated, since she spent only one day in the hospital and the cause is already clear - pregnancy.

Every public appearance of the royal family is an event that attracts close attention from the press.

The Royal Family

Royal reception at Buckingham Palace

One of the central events at Buckingham Palace this summer (July 12-15) was the visit of King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia. This visit took quite a long time to prepare and was postponed 2 times due to early elections in the UK.

Photo: Kate M., during the visit of King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia

The last time Spanish monarchs visited Buckingham was 30 years ago, during the reign of the current king's father, Juan Carlos I. The reception was at the highest level, with a greeting from the horse guards and a ride in the gilded royal carriage.

An honor that not everyone receives. The eventful visit with Felipe VI's visit to the parliament and a meeting with business elites and other planned events was a success, according to the recognition of the parties. The central event was the royal reception in honor of the arrival of the monarchs. Prince William and Kate Middleton attended the reception.

Everyone's attention was focused on the two most beautiful women, Queen Letizia and Prince's wife Kate. For the Spanish queen, a former TV presenter, this was the first reception of this kind. For him, she chose a fiery-colored lace dress (from Felipe Varela), and the family tiara (Fleur-de-lis) was on her head.

Photo: Queen Letizia and Elizabeth 2

Kate wore a soft pink lace dress (from Marchesa). On her head was a crown with pearls, and on her chest, in a rather open neckline, a family necklace sparkled. It must be said that Middleton has a touching attitude towards Uliyam’s mother Diana.

Family crown

There are rumors that she even had a conflict with Camilla of Cornwall, Charles’s second wife, who allowed herself to speak unflatteringly about Diana. And the fact that she attached the tiara that Diana loved to this reception is to some extent symbolic.

Tour to Germany and Poland

Among the latest news about Kate Middleton, we can’t help but talk about the tour. This was Prince William and Kate Middleton's first official tour (July 17 to 21) to Europe. They flew in with their children and represented the royal dynasty. It should be noted that Duchess Kate is loved not only in England. Her charming smile, elegance and natural beauty conquered Europe. And this was felt by the reception by ordinary residents of these countries.

In the latest news for today, you can see Kate Middleton with her children in the photo as she steps off the plane, wearing a white Alexander McQueen suit with little Charlotte in her arms.

Kate Middleton in a white Alexander McQueen suit

Today we can safely say that the couple of the grandson of the royal dynasty represented the monarchy with dignity. The personal charm and elegance of the Duchess played an important role. The dress code was thought out to the smallest detail.

At a party in Lazienki Park, she wore a dress from the Polish fashion house Gosia Baczynska. A white satin dress with black stitching trim and an original belt fit the Duchess perfectly.

The Duchess in a dress from Gosia Baczynska

In Berlin, Kate appeared in a cornflower blue suit. A light, fitted coat with three buttons emphasized her slender figure. The optimistic blue color matched the duchess's dark hair.

At a party at the British Embassy, ​​Kate wore a scarlet dress from her favorite brand Alexander McQueen. With her curls loose and her shoulders bare, the Duchess looked enchanting. The always smiling Kate Middleton, in the latest news and those coming out today, receives a lot of rave reviews.

Photo: At a party at the British Embassy wearing an Alexander McQueen dress

In Heidelberg, on the 4th day of their stay in Germany, Kate and Prince William competed in a boat competition. Although the prince's team won, the duchess demonstrated that she was in excellent physical shape. Many spectators gathered on the Neckar River to watch this spectacle. The Duchess communicated a lot with people and willingly took pictures with them.

Kate competed in a boat competition, Germany

A parallel has long been drawn between Kate and Princess Diana, because they gained the love of ordinary people and were always open to them. The only thing Kate is not allowed to do is sign autographs. Thus, the royal dynasty is trying to protect itself from the forgery of their signatures.

Visit to Belgium dedicated to the Battle of Ypres

At the end of July (30, 31) the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William visited Belgium. It was timed to coincide with the events of a hundred years ago, the Battle of Irpa, between the Allied and German troops, during the First World War. It would be more correct to say that 4 battles took place there, as a result of which many soldiers died. This is the largest military cemetery, where about 5 thousand people are buried.

Kate was dressed soberly, as appropriate for such occasions. A white fitted coat and an elegant white hat. A poppy, a symbol of mourning, was attached to the lapel of the coat; the duchess pinned a brooch with large pearls on it.

Visit of the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William to Belgium

In the evening they took part in a concert with special lighting effects and reconstruction of battle scenes. Kate talked a lot with the descendants of the military, whose relatives died then.

Attendance at Sunday service

The last time the royal dynasty was seen publicly was at Sunday service at Balmoral. This is a long-established tradition, and almost all members of the royal family were present, including William's brother, Prince Andrew. Since this is not a completely open event, we were only able to see a photo of Kate in the car, wearing an elegant brimstone hat with large brims. But even from these pictures you can judge that she looks good.

Photo: At Sunday service at Balmoral

Pippa Middleton's sister's wedding

It is worth mentioning another important recent event related to the Duchess of Cambridge, which occurred a little earlier, at the end of May 2018. This is the wedding of her sister Pippa Middleton to millionaire James Matthews.

Photo: Kate Middleton at her sister Pippa's wedding with millionaire James Matthews

Lovely George and Charlotte were pages. A photo of Kate giving parting words to little Charlotte on how to behave has spread all over the internet. She herself was at the ceremony in an elegant pastel pink dress, emphasizing her slender figure, and a hat of the same color. She shows concern for her sister by straightening her long veil as she heads to the wedding ceremony.

The story of Kate's ascent once again confirms the truth that aristocracy, elegance, and worthy character traits can be inherent not only to those who are born already titled.

All the latest news for today is only encouraging, because Kate Middleton is pregnant with her 3rd child, and she looks so good!


The question of whether the royal couple will stop at two children, or will follow the example of Elizabeth II and plan for at least four, has interested everyone for the last two years. The gossip that circulated in the press added spice to the intrigue. It was rumored that Kate wanted to give birth to another baby in order to tie her husband closer to her. And her husband, whose swan-like fidelity after a cheerful bachelor party in Switzerland is hard to believe, allegedly had no desire to expand the family. Apparently, Kate and William managed to find a compromise: Middleton is again in an interesting position. Woman.ru recalls the difficult path of Duchess Catherine to the much-desired third pregnancy and finds out which rumors about her turned out to be true and which were fabrications of anonymous “well-wishers.”

Information about Kate Middleton's possible third pregnancy has been discussed in the press for a long time, but no one was in a hurry to believe the ubiquitous anonymous people close to the royal family, because the figure of the duchess, who ignored the existence of fashionable oversize outfits, remained girlishly slender. However, in the summer of 2018, even the most persistent skeptics doubted whether the tabloids were really wrong?!

Many found it strange that since July of this year, Prince William’s wife stopped appearing in public. At the end of August, the Australian online publication Women’s Day released interesting news: an insider told the portal that Katherine was hospitalized. The anonymous source did not name the reason for the hospitalization, but said that the very next day the Duchess of Cambridge was discharged from the clinic and she returned home safely. Then many fans of the British royal family remembered Kate’s two previous pregnancies: during them she felt unwell due to very severe toxicosis and sought help from doctors. Apparently, this time the scenario has not changed, because on September 4, the press service of Kensington Palace officially confirmed that the 35-year-old Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will become parents again.

“Catherine is expecting her third child. The Queen and members of both families are very happy about this news. As in her two previous pregnancies, the Duchess suffers from severe toxicosis. That is why Her Highness canceled a planned visit to a children's center in London. The Duchess is now at Kensington Palace, where she is receiving the necessary assistance,” the statement says.

According to Western glossy publications, Kate Middleton is approximately two or three months pregnant. The baby is expected to be born in April or March 2018. The royal family has decided to no longer hide the interesting situation of the Duchess, since due to poor health she will not be able to perform her duties and will rarely appear in public. Most likely, Katherine will go on maternity leave early again.

Prince Harry, who recently returned to the UK from a romantic trip to Botswana with his beloved Meghan Markle, already knows about the good news. According to the uncle of Prince George and Princess Charlotte, he is very happy for his brother and daughter-in-law. “I hope Kate is okay,” Harry told reporters during a charity event on September 4.

By the way, the well-known Gary Goldsmith is also aware of his niece’s third pregnancy - it was the British millionaire who helped his sister’s eldest daughter win the prince, paying for her education at a prestigious university, expensive clothes and vacations at luxury resorts.

“This is by far the best news this year. Being a mother suits her very well. I wonder if she will stop at three kids? Honestly, I don't think so. She and Will dote on children,” the businessman told The Daily Mail.

It is curious that not so long ago, Kate and William, according to rumors, were not eager to expand their family - the spouses were completely satisfied with the fact that they already had both a son and a daughter. Woman.ru recalls the gossip and myths that preceded Duchess Catherine's third pregnancy, and understands why she decided to give birth to another baby right now. At first glance, it seems that Prince William and Kate Middleton are happily married. However, one has only to take a closer look at the royal couple, as our psychologists did, and it turns out that not everything is ideal in their family. However, you don’t need to be an expert in the field of relationships to predict the Duchess’s reaction to her husband’s reckless behavior.

In March of this year, William and his friends went to Switzerland, where they spent several days at the Verbier ski resort. According to anonymous sources, during this trip the Duke of Cambridge behaved like a bachelor, flirted left and right, and did not limit himself to flirting...

Upon returning home, what awaited William was not a table set with bread and salt, but a completely cold welcome. Insiders claimed that Katherine refused to talk to her husband for several days.

“Kate seriously believed that William’s parties and dubious friends were a thing of the past. She considers this situation very humiliating and is terribly angry with her husband, even if there is no talk of separation,” a Buckingham Palace insider told Vanity Fair.

However, a few weeks later the couple again smiled tenderly at each other in public. It is quite possible that meetings with a family psychologist and sexologist, who helped them overcome the crisis situation, had a beneficial effect on the couple.

Interestingly, one of the anonymous people then suggested that after the incident with the bachelor party in Switzerland, Kate would become pregnant with her third child. According to the source, Middleton, who suddenly realized that her husband might leave her, should have thought about a kind of “safety cushion” in the form of another baby. However, some fans of the British royal family are sure that this is not a matter of hypothetical betrayal. Kate was said to be desperate to get pregnant for a third time before Prince George went to prep school and she was forced to return from her extended maternity leave. Just from the beginning of this week, Catherine was supposed to plunge headlong into royal duties and appear at events more often, but instead she announced an interesting position.

Insiders have long been outraged that the Duchess of Cambridge is constantly shirking work. They say that Queen Elizabeth II is not at all happy about this either.

Recently, the wife of Prince William was even called the laziest representative of the British royal family: she rarely speaks in public and often cancels meetings at the last minute.

However, the young mother also has defenders who are sure that she needs to spend more time with her children while they are small. In addition, according to British media reports, Katherine is very worried when she has to make speeches in front of a large number of people - supposedly she has developed a real phobia that is poisoning her life. According to another version, Katherine decided on a third child without even consulting with husband. In July of this year, the American magazine Life & Style wrote that Prince William does not even want to think about another baby. The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II is glad that he has a son and a daughter. “He is sure that their family has already been formed. And Katherine dreams of a third, because she herself grew up in a large family,” the insider said. According to the anonymous author, the heir to the British throne was not mentally prepared for the next addition to the family.

A few months ago, journalist Phil Dampier spoke with the duchess at one of the receptions. During this conversation, Kate jokingly admitted that if she gave birth to a third child, Will would have left, slamming the door.

Middleton herself did not even hide the fact that she really wanted to become a mother again. During a recent official visit to Poland, she was presented with toys for babies. The Duchess thanked her for the gift and, looking at her husband, said meaningfully: “Now we need another baby.” Last week, foreign media started talking about the fact that Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, is preparing to become a mother. And although there has been no official confirmation of information about Pippa’s pregnancy from her family or reputable magazines, fans are confident that this is about to happen.

“Kate and Pippa have long dreamed of one day being pregnant at the same time. Apparently, they will succeed. Catherine now lives in London because Prince George will go to school there. And Pippa’s apartment with her husband is located in the center. Just imagine how great it will be when the sisters go together to a children's store to buy clothes for future babies or go to yoga classes for pregnant women,” a family friend told Us Weekly. Well, we can easily do this! Another interesting, but, frankly speaking, somewhat dubious rumor was circulated in the media a couple of months ago. Insiders claimed that Kate does not want to have a child in the near future because of Prince Harry's girlfriend. According to anonymous reports, Middleton was annoyed that her brother-in-law’s chosen one was becoming more popular day by day.

Like, the Duchess of Cambridge thought with horror about what would happen if she became pregnant at the same time as Meghan Markle. Katherine likes to have all the attention on her, especially when she's in an interesting position.

If we follow the logic of insiders, we can assume that Prince William’s wife simply decided to hurry up and get pregnant before Megan. Overtaking Markle on all fronts is a matter of principle for Middleton.

Reports that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child appear in the media, especially those that publish materials about the social life of stars and celebrities, with enviable regularity, as soon as her daughter, Princess Charlotte, reached the age of six months.

Is Kate Middleton pregnant again?

Another news that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time appeared on the pages of the American tabloid Life & Style at the beginning of the new year 2016. Referring to messages from an insider (a person close and privy to the details of the royal family’s personal life), the publication reported that the Duchess of Cambridge announced her interesting position at the Christmas dinner.

They also talked about the reaction of members of the royal family to this good news. According to the same source, Queen Elizabeth II took this news with her usual restraint, and the most violently joyful reaction was shown by the uncle of the children of Kate and Prince William -.

Also, as evidence that Kate Middleton is pregnant again, photographs taken by the paparazzi during the duchess's shopping trip shortly before the New Year were cited. According to the publication, Kate looked pale and exhausted, which is very typical for her while expecting a child, because during her previous two pregnancies she was greatly tormented.

Finally, the publication called the last argument that the royal family, although it did not confirm, did not deny the news that Princess Kate Middleton is pregnant again.

Refutation that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the 3rd time

Rumors about Kate Middleton's third pregnancy were not officially refuted, but their dubiousness was suddenly highlighted by other tabloids, especially English ones.

The fact is that Life & Style is published with similar headlines with enviable regularity. Thus, a pregnancy with a second child was reported approximately 15 months before Princess Charlotte was born, and a third pregnancy was also reported twice. Moreover, each time issues with such news are accompanied by a large photograph of the Duchess of Cambridge on the cover, as well as a loud, flashy headline. It is not surprising that the issue with such an announcement sold like hot cakes, and the unofficially unconfirmed rumors were picked up by other newspapers and magazines that closely follow the lives of celebrities. So regular reports about Kate Middleton’s pregnancy look like a desire by the magazine’s editors to earn more money by selling issues with high-profile, albeit dubious, news.

This time again there was a public outcry, but it was not supported at all by the English media. According to many journalists, if such news were reported at the Christmas dinner, then by the beginning of January there should have been an official announcement about it. In addition, an additional argument against the fact that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time was an analysis of the officially published schedule of visits that Kate and William will make during 2016 as representatives of the royal family. It's quite dense and busy that it would be strange if Kate was going to be a mother again.

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If we take into account the not very successful photographs of the paparazzi, which Life & Style considers to be confirmation of toxicosis, then it is worth remembering the fact that Kate Middleton and Prince William have two small children, the youngest daughter was barely 7 months old, and Prince George just went to school. kindergarten. That is, Kate, who spends a lot of time with her children, may well look tired.