Coco Chanel quotes about women. Coco Chanel style: basic rules of style Which suit ages a woman according to Coco

1. Take with charm

Direct speech:

“If you are ugly, people will eventually get used to it. But if you don’t pay attention to yourself, they won’t forgive you for it. But so little is required of you: lose a few extra pounds, learn to hold your back straight, walk correctly, sit down. It's not just about clothes: you have to make an impression with your mere presence. If you are not given beauty, you can be charming, this is better than beauty, because it lasts longer.”

There is a lot to learn:

Among those women who admire and inspire us, indeed, not all of them can be considered canonical beauties. Moreover, it is precisely the non-standard appearance, the “wrong” beauty that sometimes becomes the trump card that easily defeats chiseled noses coupled with plump lips.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with lips, noses, or wide-open eyes, if all of these (or even just one) were gifted to you by your genetic mother. But strained attempts to fit yourself into a certain standard deprive you of the most important thing - uniqueness. Isn’t it better to spend your energy on revealing your “I”, framing and designing yourself as a loved one, unlike anyone else (except maybe mom and dad)?

A good hairdresser, the ability to use cosmetics and a suitable wardrobe are what are really worth chasing and learning. Well, as Coco Chanel bequeathed to us, we take care of ourselves and practice our charm.

2. Be elegant

Direct speech:

“Elegance does not depend on money. Elegance is the opposite of vulgarity and negligence. You can be too dressed up, but you can’t be too elegant.”

There is a lot to learn:

In general, an explanation of the principles of elegance comes down to simple principles: good cut, good fabric, good taste. A bold combination of colors or originality of design has absolutely nothing to do with it when you need to look status-conscious.

Many of us are still chasing “interesting things”, believing that a clutter of decor or textures indicates a creative streak, but this is not always the case. In fact, in an elegant look, things should be discreet and understandable. As they say, the best is the enemy of the good.

3. Choose comfort and practicality

Direct speech:

“One day my car stopped quite far from the sidewalk. To get out of it, I had to take a long step, and this was not easy because I was wearing a tight skirt. At the sight of this gymnastics, two workers sitting on the edge of the sidewalk burst into laughter. That day I decided that from now on I would always be among those who laugh, and never among those who are laughed at.”

There is a lot to learn:

One of the most common mistakes when choosing a thing is that we twirl in front of the mirror in a cramped fitting room, carefully studying the fit of the dress, its color, but we hardly think about how we will walk, sit down and stand up in this dress.

Have you noticed how many girls in mini-skirts are around, constantly tugging at the hem of their skirts? From the outside it looks pretty ridiculous. The question arises: “Why was it necessary to choose such an uncomfortable length?” The answer is obvious: most likely, in the fitting room the girl paid attention only to the sexy length, but forgot to walk a little, checking that the skirt did not ride up when walking.

The same story is repeated when choosing tight skirts, low-rise trousers, tops with an extreme neckline or shoes in which you can only stand beautifully. A wardrobe is not real estate; it should be mobile, flexible and match your rhythm of life.

4. Be careful with miniskirts

Direct speech:

“Let women ask themselves a simple question: “Will I become younger if everyone sees my old knees?” And let girls ask themselves: “Will I become more beautiful if everyone sees my ugly knees?”<…>A miniskirt or a dress that is too short cuts the line of the thigh, one of the most beautiful parts of a woman’s body, in half.”

There is something for him to learn:

Self-criticism is a strange thing. When it is not necessary, we are ready to find fault with absolutely everything, and sometimes we do not notice the obvious shortcomings of a thing and us in it. Especially often we are let down by a sober look at ourselves when it comes to minis.

The unbridled desire to show off our legs makes us forget that a miniskirt requires: a) slender hips; b) long legs and c) yes, those very beautiful knees - increased attention will be focused on them. The knee length is much more forgiving in this regard - it wears with more comfort and makes the legs appear longer. Mademoiselle Coco warned us, didn't she?

5. Don't try to imitate men

Direct speech:

“I don’t want women to dress like men. If a woman starts dressing like a man and acting like a man, she's finished."

There is a lot to learn:

It was Chanel who introduced the fashion for women's trousers, but she did this solely for reasons of women's comfort in a new dynamic world, where there is a place for sports, active recreation and active work. But the change in gender guidelines, which all the fashion tabloids are trumpeting, is not for the elegant, luxurious women whose cult Mademoiselle created.

No matter how popular things that are openly masculine in cut may be, their main task is to show a woman even more fragile and feminine in contrast to the rough and voluminous shape. Therefore, when choosing boyfriend fit jackets and jeans, do not forget that it is best to combine them with good styling, fresh manicure and heels.

6. Don't be afraid of copies

Direct speech:

“Better a copy than theft. There are forty thousand unknown dressmakers in France. Where will they get ideas from if not from us? So don't stop them from copying.<…>If they're going to copy me, let them copy me well. Let them understand my plan."

There is a lot to learn:

The problem of copying and counterfeiting has long been a headache for fashion houses and a matter of choice for their fans. To wear or not to wear labels and their fakes? Is it possible to distinguish a fake from the original?

In fact, all these questions will disappear by themselves if you shift attention from names and regalia to the thing itself, its architecture and mood. If the price tag of a personalized item bites and even strives to swallow the entire budget in one fell swoop, then why not turn your attention to lesser-known, but similar in concept, analogues. But if the name of an Impossibly Cool Designer is on something, then let it be there by right of origin.

7. Wear your age proudly

Direct speech:

“A woman can be irresistible at any age. Over time, youth must be replaced with mystery and not try to pretend to be Lolita.”

There is a lot to learn:

Young girls often try to look more mature, while their older friends, on the contrary, strive to “prolong their youth.” Moreover, while the former sometimes look convincing and sometimes touching in their efforts to “be a big girl,” the latter more often fail.

Young ladies always cause either a smile or regret, but they will only attract admiration when they learn to wear their age with dignity. You can look great even in adulthood, but it will be better to frame your unfading beauty in elegant clothes. If you add a little youthful enthusiasm to your wardrobe, then always with a sense of proportion and good taste.

8. Choose the right perfume

Direct speech:

“Even a very light, almost imperceptible, but correctly chosen aroma is of great importance in a woman’s life.<…>A woman who chooses the wrong perfume is a joke. And if a woman is not wearing perfume, it means that, in her opinion, her own scent is more seductive than the aroma of perfume. But she's wrong..."

There is a lot to learn:

Perfumery is a special part of the wardrobe; it is given not just a separate shelf in the closet, but a special place in a woman’s soul. An “alien” or inappropriate perfume hits the noses of those around you no less than an ill-fitting suit hits the eyes. Therefore, you should not neglect choosing “your” scent.

When going perfume shopping, remember that you cannot choose perfume in a hurry: trying it on should last longer than trying on a dress (since the character of the scent is revealed gradually). And it would be better to acquire not just one perfume, but several - for different situations and different times of the day.

As for the reluctance to “wear” perfume in general, the fragrance can be chosen in modern, weightless and practical forms: eau de parfum, veil, deodorant, and finally. After all, the smell of even the cleanest girl’s skin tends to deteriorate during an active day, and you probably don’t want to risk your reputation as a lady.

9. Wear jewelry

Direct speech:

“I myself only wear jewelry. I think it’s disgusting and provocative to carry billions of francs worth of diamonds and emeralds around your neck and fingers. Jewelry is not created to display wealth, but to decorate.<…>Those women who have real jewelry should wear costume jewelry. But they behave like fools, I don’t understand them.”

There is a lot to learn:

The complex of a scarce past has fostered in several generations of our women the tradition of wearing as much gold as possible, ideally, all that is available. A significant part of gold chains, earrings and rings have not left their place on our necks, ears and fingers for years.

It seems that the prospect of being expelled from home by an oppressive husband, as our mother gave birth to, does not threaten most of us. But we hold on to our treasures with obsessive trepidation, no matter how good or bad, modern or old-fashioned.

Jewelry should just suit our face and dress. And the earrings given by your mother for the prom can be kept warmly in a beautiful box. Of course, unless it's earrings from Chanel.

10. Develop your style

Direct speech:

“The style is always there, even if it is updated. Like a tree. It’s always the same, but every spring it becomes different.”

There is a lot to learn:

This phrase by Chanel is nothing more than a continuation of the legendary saying: “Fashion passes, but style remains.” But in this afterword there is no less wisdom hidden, and maybe even more. Hiding behind the postulate of the inviolability of style, many women do not change anything about their appearance for half their lives.

Meanwhile, style develops, moves, meets fashion and gets along well with it. Clothing style is not the same blouses and skirts in different colors. This is the recognizable character of your wardrobe, a special mood that is associated specifically with you, just as the Chanel style has always been associated with Coco herself.

Today is May 20, 2017, Saturday, and we decided to publish all the answers to the new game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Join us scholars.

Who wants to become a millionaire" answers from May 20, 2017

What does gasoline mix with in a car carburetor?

Possible answers:

A. with water

B. with nitrogen

C. with air

D. with oil

The correct answer is C - with air

How are Holmes and Watson different in the film My Dearly Beloved Detective?

Possible answers:

A. these are children

B. these are women

C. these are animals

D. these are cities

The correct answer is B - these are women

The only chess player who passed away with the rank of current world champion?

Possible answers:

A. Wilhelm Steinz

B. Mikhaid Tal

C. Jose Raul Capablanca

D. Alexander Alekhine

The correct answer is D - Alexander Alekhine

What is the name of Andrei Sergeevich Prozorov’s wife in Chekhov’s play “Three Sisters”?

Possible answers:

A. Natalia

The correct answer is A - Natalya

What type of cheese is Suluguni?

Possible answers:

A. Solid

C. Brine

D. fused

The correct answer is C - Brine

What did Kotovsky do at the Odessa Opera House on the day of his pardon from the death penalty?

Possible answers:

A. banquet

C. auction

D. prayer service

The correct answer is C - auction

Which suit, according to Coco Chanel, ages the most?

Possible answers:

A. too poor

B. too rich

C. too bright

D. too dark

The correct answer is B - too rich

What was depicted on the walls of the Moscow Kremlin during the war?

Possible answers:

A. tanks and guns

B. house facades

C. portraits of military leaders

D. caricatures of Hitler

The correct answer is B - house facades

What title was given to the work by the author himself?

Possible answers:

A. Moonlight Sonata

B. Girl with peaches

C. divine comedy

D. kiss

The correct answer is B - girl with peaches

The legend of impeccable style Coco Chanel and her secrets

Over the 88 years of her life, the Great Mademoiselle gave her name to a style of clothing, costume, fashion house, and perfume. Tireless inventor, Coco Chanel created a lot of new things, but above all... a woman whom no one knew before her.

The orphan from the orphanage went down in history forever - she chanelized the whole world. How? She had her ways.

1. Every morning Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel began to live again. She methodically got rid of the burden of her unfavorable past. Every new day she crossed out from her memory everything painful from yesterday. Her childhood and part of her youth are shrouded in fog. She created her legend on her own, inventing facts and confusing her biographers. Gabrielle had thrown at least 10 of her years overboard like trash and, realizing this, strangely enough, felt that she had more time. She began to need less sleep and think more fruitfully. With her fate, she proved: the future does not follow from the past; you can start a career at any moment. It was easy for her to close her main brainchild, the Fashion House, for many years, so that later, at 71, when she was no longer taken into account, she could return to business and reach her previous heights.

2. Chanel viewed any obstacle on the way as a sign of a new direction.. At the beginning of her career, she was not allowed to make “real” women's dresses, as she could be prosecuted for illegal competition, because she was not a professional dressmaker. Then Chanel began making dresses from men's jersey and created a fortune from it. All her opening dresses were born in a similar way. When creating, Coco did not refine, but simplified. She did not draw her models or sew them. She simply took scissors, threw the fabric over the model and, while she stood motionless, cut and pinned the shapeless mass of material until a brilliant silhouette appeared. One day, Coco’s gas heater caught fire and singed her locks. Then the innovator cut off her braids and proudly went out into the world. Thus, in 1917, the fashion for short women's haircuts arose. Before Chanel, ladies were required to have long hair.

3. Chanel did not allow random people into her life, so almost no random events happened to her. The criterion was elementary: she sensitively recognized those who did not like her and left them. Her friends were Cocteau , Dali , Picasso , Diaghilev, Stravinsky.

4. Love became Coco's teacher. Lovers were her universities. Through invisible channels of love, she uninterruptedly “pumped” into herself the knowledge and skills of her men. Poet Pierre Reverdy, who anticipated Eluard, Paul Iribe, cartoonist, politician and publisher, Duke of Westminster, the richest man in the world, Grand Duke Dmitry. Each of them was a personality. And Coco for the time being became a tracing paper, a carbon copy, Chekhov’s Darling. From them I learned horse riding, eating oysters, English, playing tennis, hunting foxes and boars, fishing, and publishing newspapers to perfection. Each of her men brought something of their own to women's fashion and to her other endeavors. She was neither a chemist nor a perfumer. But thanks to Prince Dmitry, she met the outstanding specialist Ernest Bo, the son of an employee of the Russian royal court. Beau brought his unique perfumery knowledge to Chanel's service. Coco sniffed, chose, and herself - without her nothing would have happened! - settled on the formula for Chanel No. 5 perfume, consisting of 80 ingredients. For the first time, not a specifically floral, quickly disappearing scent appeared, but an abstract, persistent scent that is still conquering the world.

5. Coco Chanel made paradox a way of her life and the driving force of her talent.. Before her, black was considered the color of poverty and mourning. Women did not dare to wear black clothes without reason. Chanel proclaimed black popular and luxurious. For five years she produced only black, and her "dark" dresses sold like buns, with a filling - with a small white collar and cuffs. White women's pajamas began with Chanel. In general, she “robbed” men, introduced their jackets, blouses and ties, their cufflinks and hats into women’s fashion.

6. Independence was her god, an axiom of life. Even with her first lover, Coco discovered the freedom that money gives if you don’t serve it, but they serve you. Friends lived luxuriously at her expense, she covered their huge debts. This was her principle - to pay in order to forget that they once paid for it. With the help of money, she overcame her shyness, because before in salons she did not open her mouth. Enormous profits gave her confidence and the ability to speak publicly.

7. External beauty in a woman was proclaimed by her as part of success, otherwise it is impossible to convince anyone of anything. The older the lady, the more important it is for her to be beautiful. Chanel said: “At 20, nature gives you your face, at 30, life sculpts it, but at 50, you must earn it yourself... Nothing ages you more than the desire to look young. After 50, no one is young anymore. But I know 50-year-olds, which are more attractive than three-quarters of poorly groomed young women." Chanel herself looked like an eternally radiant teenager. All her life she weighed the same as when she was 20 years old. And one more thing: she gave the ladies not only a new style, but also a new face that embodied the era - “the face of a rebellious orphan with the grace of a fawn.” Two or three times a century, non-standard types of faces appear, which suddenly outshine recognized beauties and introduce a different canon of beauty. Chanel was one of those!

“Fashion changes, but style remains unchanged.” These are the words of the legendary designer Coco Chanel. She died in 1971, but to this day the principles that Coco followed in life and the world of fashion remain relevant. She believed that beauty should be simple. And even today, there is little that compares to the impeccable elegance of Chanel's timeless style.

Gabrielle Chanel is one of the most iconic personalities of the 20th century. Her work formed the basis of the key fashion trends of the century, and her name became synonymous with elegance, perfection and the freedom of creative genius.

Mademoiselle's influence extended far beyond the world of fashion. The years of her creativity coincided with the time when representatives of the avant-garde movement of world art came to the fore: Pablo Picasso, Paul Morand, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Diaghilev - they were all her friends and influenced her creative path, just as she influenced their works .

Coco Chanel on the stairs of the Chanel fashion house, 1954

“I’m not a heroine. But I chose who I want to become and who I am now.”

Chanel called fashion not an art, but a craft, and it is safe to say that her main achievement was her life itself, which continues to serve as an inspiration for a whole generation of designers and artists. We, in turn, decided to remember the iconic creations of Coco Chanel.

Coco Chanel is a woman who had an iconic influence on 20th century fashion. It was she who followed the main principle of modern fashion - luxury in simplicity. These are the ideas we can borrow from the Frenchwoman today.

1. “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.”

Both casual and evening wear from Chanel were comfortable and did not restrict movement. Low heels, sleeveless blouses under jackets, bags with long handles - all this to provide women with comfort. Coco never created “fashion for fashion’s sake”; the comfort of her clients was paramount.

2. Pants make a woman free.

Coco Chanel was the first to design and then wear women's trousers. Coco's bravery was criticized, and this is not surprising, because it was a time of corsets and long skirts. But not much time passed before the women, one after another, began to put on trousers. It is Coco Chanel that we have to thank for the opportunity to wear such a comfortable thing. Coco loved to wear cropped trousers with expensive classic sweaters.

3. The ideal skirt should cover the knees.

Mademoiselle considered women's knees to be ugly, as a result of which she decided that it would be right to hide them under clothes. Chanel designed skirts for business women; they were straight and incredibly graceful.

4. The more accessories, the better.

Coco loved accessories and wore a lot of them. She knew how to combine costume jewelry with jewelry. It was impossible to see Chanel without a string of pearls, chains of rubies, emeralds and semi-precious stones, a miniature brooch, a beret or a hat that she loved to wear on her eyebrows.

5. The ideal suit combines masculine and feminine.

Tweed suits

The great Chanel was distinguished by her cunning and foresight: she was the first to think about using relatively inexpensive fabrics to create clothes, since during the First World War, high-quality silk or luxurious brocade were in great short supply. Therefore, Coco began to use less expensive materials: tweed, bouclé, jersey, knitwear. Things from Chanel were much cheaper than those from other fashion houses, but at the same time they looked much more elegant. Today, tweed jackets are Chanel's calling card. They are worn by royalty, actresses, female politicians, it-girls, stylists and fashion magazine editors. From season to season, Karl Lagerfeld does not ignore the legendary jacket, trying to integrate it into modern trends. The technology for creating things has remained unchanged for 50 years. A tweed jacket can also be found in modern fashion brands, with bolder designs and affordable prices.

6. Elegant shoes can be two-tone.

Coco preferred black and white colors, she loved her black and white shoes. Chanel believed that such shoes visually made a woman's feet smaller and made them sexier.

7. The bag should have a strap to keep your hands free.

“I’m tired of carrying reticules in my hands, and besides, I always lose them!”

Chanel 2.55 bag

Chanel 2.55 is a legendary bag produced by the Chanel fashion house. In February 1955, Chanel introduced a small rectangular bag on a long chain, which was intended to replace the impractical reticules. The model was named 2.55 - according to the date of creation of the model (February, 1955). Initially, the bag was presented only in black, but less than a year later, multi-colored versions of the 2.55 appeared in jersey, silk and crocodile skin.

8. Worship little black dresses.

Coco first introduced the little black dress in 1926, and it soon became the greatest gift to all women in the world. She wanted to create a dress that was for day and night, sexy and versatile at the same time. If previously black was considered the color of mourning, then thanks to Chanel it became a symbol of elegance. She offered the ladies her own model of the classic, and they accepted it with joy.

9. Jackets should be soft, like jackets.

In 1925, Chanel developed her first soft jacket, which emphasized the figure and did not restrict movement. Chanel offered women fine silk, high armholes and narrow sleeves. All this made the shape elegant.

10. Perfume is as important as clothes. “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.”

Chanel perfume No. 5

“Apply the scent where you want to be kissed.”

Chanel Legend No. 5 was born in 1921, when, at the request of Mademoiselle Chanel, perfumer Ernest Beaux created a fragrance that eluded conventional definitions, going against traditional codes. Restraint, geometric shapes, clean lines of the bottle and packaging - for that time, Coco Chanel’s desires were quite avant-garde. The legend of this unique fragrance was finally cemented in 1952, when Marilyn Monroe, when asked by one of the journalists, answered that at night she only puts on a few drops of Chanel N°5 and nothing more.


Red lipstick

In 1924, Gabrielle Chanel released her first lipstick. It sets the tone for everything that will continue to distinguish Chanel lipsticks: the richness of the color, the sensuality of hand movements, the functionality of the packaging. When creating the 2.55 handbag, Mademoiselle prudently took care of a special pocket for lipstick so that she could always have it at hand. “It is generally accepted that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, why not recognize that the lips are the conductor of the heart?” she said, to emphasize the importance of the lips in expressing emotions.

Read also:
1) Coco Chanel: secrets impeccable style

Gabrielle Coco Chanel is a great woman, a legend.

She created a little black dress and decorated it with a string of faux pearls. She was the first to wear trousers, invented a handbag on a chain, gave her a short haircut, taught women to wear jewelry, and proclaimed that clothes should be comfortable.

Coco Chanel broke boundaries, but always remained a Woman, a Woman with impeccable style and impeccable taste. She will forever remain a standard, a style icon.

My favorite quotes from Gabrielle Coco Chanel:

First of all, it's style. Fashion goes out of fashion. Style - never!

The worse a girl does, the better she should look.

If a girl doesn't wear makeup, then she thinks too highly of herself.

Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is.

Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And this scares men; they cannot stand eccentricity. They like it when people look at their women because they are beautiful.

It is difficult to put a woman dressed in light clothes into a bad mood.

Inside the dress is a woman...

Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. It notifies you when a woman appears and continues to remind you of her when she has left.

If a woman is not beautiful, then she is simply stupid.

Nothing makes a woman look older than an overly rich suit.

If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly.

Nowadays young women dress either like clowns or like little girls. They are wrong. Men don't like little girls, and if they do, they'll strangle them.

Quotes from Coco Chanel about jewelry:
Jewelry is not created to cause envy - at best, amazement.

Imitation is the most honest form of flattery, Chanel asserted. - There should be a lot of decorations. If they are real, it smacks of boasting and bad taste. I make fake ones and very beautiful ones. They are even more beautiful than the real ones...

Those who don't know how to wear jewelry wear gold.

(c) Oksana Savelyeva

Creative (Drupada) What is costume jewelry?

“Costume jewelry (from the French bijouterie - trade in jewelry), women’s jewelry (beads, brooches, etc.), made not from precious stones and metals.”
For quite a long period of world history, costume jewelry, as a type of women’s jewelry, was considered only an imitation of “real” jewelry and was known to be the domain of exclusively ordinary people! In the 18th century, the scandalous and talented jeweler Georges Frederic Strass (in his honor the imitation of a precious stone, “rhinestone,” got its “modern name”) learned to skillfully copy (imitate) diamonds, and, despite all the revolutionary nature and magnificence of his “work” , he still ended up on the pages of history solely as an author of forgeries and an adventurer, which is probably well deserved.

In our age of nonconformism and rejection of stereotypes, the view of costume jewelry as a vulgar imitation and counterfeit of jewelry has sunk into oblivion. Costume jewelry of the 21st century is a work of art, an expensive and, at times, elite product! At the beginning of the 20th century, the well-known Trading House “Swarovski” managed to carry out a kind of rehabilitation and strengthening of the image, plausibility, if you like, of affordable women’s jewelry, namely, costume jewelry. Its founding father, Daniel Swarovski, unlike Strass, did not pass off his works of jewelry as diamonds, emphasizing the fact of imitation. This is how it was possible to make such a long-awaited breakthrough and turn the natural process (“counterfeiting”) of imitation jewelry into a legitimate and, undoubtedly, profitable business. In a timely manner, it should be noted, having satisfied the growing need of wide sections of society for affordable jewelry, expanding the concept of classic jewelry with such a type of accessories as costume jewelry.

If we briefly mention high fashion, the founder of the Pret-a-Porte trend, Pierre Cardin, once said:


Mademoiselle Coco Chanel made costume jewelry secular. The desire of many women to dazzle others with expensive jewelry repulsed her:


Costume jewelry is a wonderful and modern alternative to traditional jewelry made from precious metals and stones. Every woman, without exception, has the right to look impressive, fashionable, stylish, beautiful and modern! Expensive jewelry is not accessible to everyone, unlike costume jewelry. In addition, classic jewelry is not able to fully adapt to changes, and democratic jewelry may well correspond to rapidly changing fashion trends, allowing (with a strong desire and rather modest financial capabilities:) to purchase jewelry and accessories in sufficient immodest quantities and the widest range for this purpose. to transform you every day!

Creative (Drupada) Jewelry has a better sedative effect on women

Buying new earrings helps relieve stress
Buying new earrings or a ring helps a woman relieve stress and lifts her spirits. And trying on jewelry causes something like a trance and makes it possible to abstract from everyday thoughts.
This leap from reality is more beneficial for the nervous system than eight hours of sleep, psychologists say.

Scientists conducted a study in which they came to the conclusion that jewelry has a great impact on women's health. They believe that in order to calm down in the evening or before an important meeting, it is enough to scatter your favorite jewelry on the table and spend a few minutes looking through it, admiring it. The bright shine of colored glass will help you relax.

Moreover, jewelry can also heal physically. Especially if it is made from natural materials. The tree contains aromatic resins and oils, which, gradually evaporating, provide us with invisible aromatherapy sessions. Sea shells contain substances that have an analgesic effect. It has been noticed that lovers of mother-of-pearl jewelry are less likely to drink analgin and consult a doctor.

Another positive effect is provided by jewelry due to its multi-colored nature and can become part of color therapy. According to experts, pure colors affect a person’s energy balance. Therefore, with the help of bright jewelry you can simulate your mood. For example, yellow encourages work, red adds strength, blue curbs appetite, brown calms, orange reduces fear. All you have to do is put on a bracelet or ring of the desired color - and you are guaranteed a successful day.


Creative (Drupada) Decoration as a reason to get acquainted
Decoration attracts attention
It is no longer a secret to anyone that men love with their eyes. Let’s not hide the fact that women, knowing this male tendency, strive to please the male eye with all their might. The entire fashion industry is dedicated to creating new items, finding bright solutions, original ideas for this interesting activity. Every year women spend millions on new outfits, not knowing one, but very important secret! ..

It is generally accepted that men are not able to notice a new hairstyle, and often mistake their favorite skirt from school for a new addition to your wardrobe, and perceive the entire image. We will tell you a secret - the first thing a man always reacts to is a bright, original detail in your image! She, as it were, gives him a signal about your confidence in your own magnificence, and convinces him of this too. According to men, it is very difficult to single out just one from a huge number of pretty and sweet girls. A bright and stylish piece of jewelry will always help a man pay attention to you.


When going to a party, give your preference to bright and bold decorations. With them, you will easily become the star of the evening, and men will look at you with admiration.


It has long been proven that jewelry can increase a woman’s self-esteem and make her much more sociable. You've probably noticed that spectacular earrings or a necklace make you feel incredibly attractive and confident. In addition, your original jewelry is an excellent reason for a man to make a sincere compliment and start small talk.


The image of each of us is unique and inimitable. The decoration creates the right mood and, if desired, each of us can turn into a bright and bold “tigress”, and into a soft and affectionate “kitten”, and into a reckless girl, and into an impregnable cold beauty.

The purpose of decoration is to attract attention and create a mood. It definitely won’t leave you deprived of male attention. With Sophie brand jewelry you will easily and cheerfully play with new styles and looks.

Creative (Drupada) Dear customers, novice craftsmen, connoisseurs of creativity! When people come to our studio, they often ask, why is handmade so expensive? I found an article on the Internet that answers all your questions very well, read it)))
Dear connoisseurs of handmade work or simply buyers, the time has come when I am ready to write this instruction to the buyer. Very often we hear complaints and complaints from craftsmen that you, our beloved customers, whom we love and wait for, so often offend us craftsmen with your thoughtless phrases of the following content: “why is it so expensive”, “what if it’s the same, but cheaper”, “you can buy it three times cheaper in a nearby store”, “what’s that kind of money for?” I will try to very clearly break down and explain the ominous question “why handmade is expensive.”
To begin with, I will tell you a parable about a master.

One girl decided to order a dress from a famous tailor because he sewed beautifully and always conscientiously. True, she thought that his dresses were too expensive. Therefore, when I arrived at the workshop, the first thing I decided to do was negotiate a price.

“You charge a lot for your dresses,” she said.
- Really? “I don’t think so at all,” the tailor objected.
- How expensive it is! Judge for yourself - sewing a dress for me will require no more than two meters of fabric. So?
“Yes,” he agreed.
- Well, if you add to the cost of the material the cost of threads, needles and even scissors with which this dress will be cut, it will still turn out to be at least half the price. So I have to pay you, accordingly, half as much.
The tailor was silent for a minute, and then answered:
- Well, young lady, you almost convinced me. So much so that I even agree to charge you half the original cost. If you insist, of course.
- Of course, I insist! - the girl was happy.
- Agreed. Now I will take the necessary measurements, and in a week the messenger will deliver your order directly to your home.
All week the girl was bragging to her friends about how cheap she would get a dress from a famous tailor. They didn’t believe it and wanted to make sure for themselves that they weren’t being deceived. At the appointed hour, everyone gathered at her house. The messenger also came with a box. The girl solemnly removed the lid and took out... two meters of fabric, a couple of spools of thread, needles and scissors.
In anger, she rushed to the tailor.
- How dare you deceive me? ! - she cried as soon as she crossed the threshold.
“There was no deception,” the tailor shook his head. - I put everything that you listed in a box. If there is still something missing, then perhaps it is because you forgot to pay for it.

Well, this is a fairy tale parable, and now let's go back to the present. I am of the opinion that handmade work cannot be cheap! And that's why.

1. Every master puts into his work, no matter how pretentious it may sound, not only his skill, but also his soul. Sometimes masters carry an idea in their heads for weeks, but something is always missing to implement it. And here we will dwell in more detail:

a) There is not enough time. Masters do not sit all day long at what they do, even if they love it. At least not every day. Most have a main job and hopefully everyone has a personal life. And the machines in Chinese factories have no personal life, the result of which you can see in the machines - grabbers for 10 rubles. Therefore, if the master has already come up with his idea in his head, has carved out time for its implementation (and he also carved out time because falling asleep with an idea is oh so hard) - you get a single original work with an idea.

b) There are not enough materials. And craftsmen have to look for the necessary materials for creativity for oh so long and wherever possible. As a rule, these are neighboring republics of the CIS, but even this space is not enough for our masters; they encroach on more - non-CIS countries. It’s probably worth drawing your attention to the fact that the materials do not arrive for free; the master needs to pay a pretty penny or a lot for their delivery. You, as buyers, don’t know this.

2. Individuality of work. Any master knows that even his work can be repeated with

Creative (Drupada) 100% accuracy is impossible. A self-respecting master always focuses on this, that he will do your work based on this or that work, but “based on it.” Individual work is expensive all over the world. You know this too, dear customer, but for some reason you think that craftsmen in our country must be “hungry”.

3. Implementation of the idea. You can always agree with the master to make you the same “but with mother-of-pearl buttons.” And I also want to enlighten you. If work is done to order, it is always more expensive than finished work from the same master. Because not just a thing is being made for you, but your thing. There simply won’t be a second one like this with 100% accuracy. You will be the owner of an exclusive.

4. Quality. I sincerely believe that at handicraft fairs there are rare people who want to buy a copy of a store-bought item (or, even more seditiously for craftsmen, a copy of an original item), but at a lower price. But believe me, this happens very often when at a fair people are surprised, “What’s that money for?” I apologize, now I am writing specifically about the masters and their works, as well as about the prices for the works of the masters. Please do not confuse masters and beginners in this business, who, having looked at the work of more experienced comrades and seemingly copied it, sell something similar, but cheaper. At first glance, it “seems to be similar,” and then “it seems to be” turns out to mean that you simply throw this thing in the trash. No one has canceled the saying “the miser pays twice” and it was not me who came up with it, but it came from the people. Craftsmen care about quality, at least because they enjoy working with good materials. As a maximum, so as not to be ashamed in front of the buyer. An example not entirely related to the topic: felting needles for 80 rubles break more often than for 260, the latter are still alive...
Probably one of the most common thoughts after seeing work at a sales fair is “Wow!”, “I could do it myself!” Welcome to the master classes section! If you don't find it, ask the master for a hint. Most will advise and help. I have never been rejected yet and THANK YOU so much for that! When you try, then you can confirm. Let me give you a simple example. I make designer jewelry using flowers from polymer clay. Everything seems to be great, everything is working out, then it dawned on me to try making flowers from a different type of clay (self-hardening), well, I love flowers in all their forms. I won’t explain that this is a completely different technology, in general I decided, first I agreed with another master to take a master class. She arrived, we played around with her a little, and under the guidance of the master, at least something worked out. I came home, found a free evening and decided to sculpt. In general, after a wasted evening, I realized that I am one-armed. But I'm stubborn. Now I have one more direction in which I will study. I gave this example so that those who think that it is so simple will think a little that masters do not achieve perfection in their craft in one day or one hour.

Handmade work should cost a lot, but our craftsmen have some modesty and exhibit work close to cost, forgetting about the “price of an idea.”

Maybe I missed something else, I hope the experts can help me. And once again I ask you, our dear customers, do not offend us with words like “why is it so expensive.” I wanted to wrap it up, but then I remembered another example that the master told. At her master class on making floral flowers, after completing this lesson, the master suggested to the students, “Now let me buy a flower from you each for 5 dollars.” I dare say that the master class lasted the whole day, so each student made 1 flower per day. To which the students responded, “No, it’s very cheap.” Then the master said, “Now, you understand why this work is expensive.” I hope I didn't bore you. If you stuck it out and read my story to the end, thank you very much. Perhaps now you will be a little more understanding towards the masters. Who knows…

Tags: The older the woman, the shorter the haircut, Coco, Chanel

The French say - The older you get, the shorter your haircut. And take care of your figure, and we will draw your face.

Why does the older a girl get, the shorter her hair? It should be the other way around | Topic author: Lilia)

Vitaly  This is what Coco Chanel said: the older a woman gets, the shorter her haircut should be. But I strongly disagree with this

Yaroslav  You need to take care of long hair

Valery  Hair falls out more and more often over the years... And for a married woman there is less time for hair care. so it's easier to get a haircut

Edward  Atheism, atheism in her brain!
Their slogan: take from life
that's all until you're in eternal hell!

Yuri  Long hair makes women look even older than girls. Short haircuts are, so to speak, “refreshing.”

Dmitry  For me it’s the other way around))))

Alexandra  With age, everything needs to be made beautiful in larger places))) Not up to the hair anymore.

Stepan try to look after them yeah)

Valentina  It’s a pain to have long hair. While you’re young you have time to take care of it, and you can afford a careless hairstyle. But when you’re older, you don’t have the time, and you can’t afford a careless hairstyle anymore)))
So that!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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A style icon who revolutionized the fashion world, the creator of the little black dress and the legendary Chanel No. 5 fragrance, the magnificent Coco has always been distinguished by her wit and her own view of everything. It was these qualities that helped her become who she became: “The world is full of all sorts of duchesses, but only one Coco Chanel,” said the trendsetter. And I was not mistaken.

website believes that advice from a woman with impeccable taste will not harm anyone.

  1. Beware of originality - in women's fashion, originality can lead to masquerade.
  2. Only young women can afford to invent their own fashion. Mature and aging women should follow the prevailing fashion.
  3. Caring for beauty must begin with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.
  4. It is difficult to put a woman dressed in light clothes into a bad mood.
  5. Lace is the most beautiful imitation of nature's fantasy. And pearls are always right.
  6. At 20, a woman has the face that nature gave her, at 30, which she made for herself, at 40, the face she deserves.
  7. Hands are a girl’s business card, neck is her passport, chest is her international passport.
  8. Age is not the most important thing for a woman: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.
  9. Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unrivaled fashion accessory. It notifies you when a woman appears and continues to remind you of her when she has left.
  10. If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly.
  11. A woman's best fashion accessory is a handsome man.
  12. Nothing makes a woman look older than an overly rich suit.
  13. “When should you wear perfume?” - asks the young woman. “When you want to be kissed,” I answer.
  14. A woman who doesn't wear makeup thinks too highly of herself.
  15. Beauty remains, but good looks disappear. But for some reason women don’t strive to be beautiful, they want to remain pretty.
  16. The worse a girl does, the better she should look.
  17. It is generally accepted that luxury is the opposite of poverty. No, luxury is the opposite of vulgarity.
  18. Men like women who dress well but are not too conspicuous.
  19. People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold.
  20. Don’t try to look young; at 50, no one is young anymore. But I know many 50-year-olds who look more attractive than unkempt young women.
  21. Be a caterpillar during the day and a butterfly in the evening. There is nothing more convenient than the form of a caterpillar, and no form is more suitable for love than the form of a butterfly. Women need creeping dresses and flying dresses. The butterfly does not go to the market, and the caterpillar does not go to the ball.
  22. A beautiful dress may look nice on a hanger, but it doesn't mean anything. A dress must be judged when it is on a woman, when the woman moves her arms, legs, bends her waist.
  23. When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.
  24. The main thing in a woman is not clothes, but nice manners, prudence and a strict daily routine.
  25. Freedom is always stylish.