Paper snowflakes Christmas tree snowmen. How to make a beautiful snowflake. Schemes of beautiful snowflakes from paper bags

Cold porcelain is an affordable, cheap and most malleable material for modeling today. Working with cold porcelain is absolutely safe and does not require any special skills and knowledge; even a small child can engage in such creativity. You can prepare the material at home, that is, you do not need to run around the shops and look for something special to make your dreams come true, the joy of touching art in order to create a unique decoration or piece of furniture with your own hands.

In its appearance, cold porcelain resembles clay or plasticine, but after drying it becomes very hard. When sculpting from it, you can use any type of jewelry, any accessories, from small beads and beads, shells, buttons, twigs or dried flowers, to textiles of any structure - threads or rags left over from knitting, embroidery or tailoring. The surface of the product using the technique of cold porcelain can be painted, sprinkled with small materials (sand, beads), varnished.

The history of the creation of cold porcelain

The history of this material for modeling dates back to the first years of the 19th century, it was at that time that records about it and the first products date back. According to the data, cold porcelain was invented by the Argentines, but there is no exact information about its origin and the history of its invention. There is much more information about the Russian master Ivanov Petr, who worked at the imperial porcelain factory and already at the beginning of the 19th century created unique products from a special type of porcelain. If you believe the archival documents of this St. Petersburg plant, it was Peter Ulyanovich who created the first flowers from cold porcelain. They were intended to decorate perfume bottles and eau de parfum, which was supplied to the emperor and his family.

But there are earlier confirmations of the existence of this material. In Chinese treatises on art and sculpture, there are many descriptions of cold porcelain molding, but it is called differently, but its recipe is absolutely similar to that used by Ivanov Peter.

Features of cold porcelain products

Products made from this material are unusually beautiful, but no less “demanding”. Store or install them away from moisture and direct sunlight. You need to understand that cold porcelain is polymer clay, which is able to absorb moisture and become sour, lose color from exposure to sunlight. Stucco vases, flowers and other cold porcelain decorations should not be placed on a window or near a water source.

In the premises where objects made of this material are located, the optimum temperature regime for them must be observed. If the air is colder than 10º C, then the structure will collapse, as moisture particles in the composition crystallize. High temperatures also destroy cold porcelain - it simply dries out and crumbles.

You can extend the "life" of cold porcelain products with the help of varnish coatings. They not only protect against moisture, but also help maintain the shape, color and gloss of the surface.

What can be created from cold porcelain

Everything can be sculpted from this material - from women's jewelry to small interior items. Hairpins decorated with flowers from this material look very original. For children, together with children, you can make fairy-tale characters, heroes of their favorite cartoons that will decorate their room.

Many creative housewives decorate potted plants with cold porcelain stucco, frames, lamps and flowerpots.

Garlands of flowers, greenery, figurines of animals or houses, thematic compositions of cold porcelain will become a unique decoration of the interior. In addition, you can make an original and inexpensive gift for friends or relatives.

How to make cold porcelain at home

Preparing polymer clay for modeling is not difficult. The simplest recipe for cold porcelain is rice or corn starch, PVA glue, glycerin and regular baby cream in a ratio of 1: 1 (a glass of glue and starch) and 2: 1 (tablespoons of glycerin and cream).

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10-20 minutes. They will mutually dissolve, and the mass will take on the consistency that is ideal for modeling. In no case should the prepared material be placed in the refrigerator or stored at room temperature for more than 2 hours. You need to sculpt immediately and it is advisable to spend the entire volume of the prepared material.

Some masters add citric acid to the mass. Products made from such porcelain are stored much longer, since the acid creates a conservation effect.

You can find examples of recipes with water content, but such compositions are fragile and not durable. Water, under the influence of external factors, reacts with other ingredients of the polymer clay composition, as a result of which an unpleasant odor may appear, the shape of the product may change, and its strength is significantly reduced.

To change the color, food colorings, chalk are most often used. But the surface of cold porcelain souvenirs can also be painted after it has completely dried, not earlier than a day after the end of modeling.

To work, you will need tools:

  • rolling pin and scissors,
  • tweezers and nippers,
  • stacks or toothpicks,
  • brushes and paints,
  • decorative cosmetics,
  • gloves and cutting board
  • wet wipes,
  • thin wire and glue for mounting the product.

Description of the creation of a sakura flower from cold porcelain

For beginner "sculptors" it is easiest to create flowers from cold porcelain, for example, sakura.

Part of the prepared material should be left white, and part should be painted in a pale pink shade. From each to make sticks - blanks for the petals. The white block should be slightly thicker than the tinted one. The blanks need to be interconnected along the length and cut into small rectangles.

The next step is to sculpt the petals. The base of the petal will be pink and the edges white. We glue the petals with PVA, and in the middle with a toothpick or knitting needle we make a small hole for the wire stem.

You can make many interesting things from cold porcelain. It can be brooches, figurines, various decorations. At the same time, porcelain itself is malleable and easy to sculpt. Many are scared off by the high price of the material, but this problem can be solved by making the material yourself. In addition, cold porcelain crafts can be an original gift.

A bit of history

The first mention of this material appeared at the very beginning of the 19th century. Some sources attribute its invention to the Argentines, but little is truly known. But there is information about the Russian master Pyotr Ivanov, who worked at the court of the emperor. According to Petersburg documents, he made flowers for a bottle of perfume, which were then supplied to the imperial family.

Using this material, you can make a beautiful decoration that is perfect for a party or an evening date, or make New Year's crafts from cold porcelain. Although porcelain is processed with additional materials, it is still exposed to moisture and sunlight, so it is better not to wear such jewelry on a hot day, and even more so on the beach.

Material manufacturing

If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase finished material, then you can make it yourself. You will need a certain set of components that must be added strictly according to the instructions, otherwise any quality of the material may suffer. Most of these materials are present in every home:

The cream can be absolutely anything, you can pick up even the cheapest. From it, only a base is needed, which gives porcelain elasticity and suppleness.

In order for the material to turn out to be of high quality, you need to mix the ingredients step by step and in the appropriate proportions:

  • Starch - 1 glass.
  • Glue - 1 glass.
  • Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cream - 1 tbsp. l.

As for starch, the best option would be corn, because visually it looks very good and does not create dark shades in a mixture. Such starch is used to create light compositions. Potato, on the other hand, gives the sculpture a heaviness and a grayish tint, so it is better to use it in the manufacture of interior items, etc.

After all the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking.

To do this, it is better to take an old pan and put it on fire, add glue, glycerin, cream and start stirring the contents. After the mass becomes homogeneous, you need to add starch there, while continuing to mix. The procedure ends when the porcelain begins to roll into a ball and unstick from the walls of the pan.

It is best to put the finished mass on a wet towel and continue to knead. All dishes used during cooking should be washed immediately, later it will be difficult to do. After the mass has cooled, you can remove the material and continue kneading without it. Usually at the same time, the dyeing of raw materials is carried out.

Porcelain can be wrapped in a bag and left in the refrigerator for half an hour. It is recommended to start sculpting at least a day later.

There is a recipe without heat treatment. From potato starch, you can make a mass that is in no way inferior to the previous one. The recipe is as follows: you need to take a glass of starch and mix with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 2 to 1. At the same time, you need to add a pinch of ordinary soda there, then pour in PVA glue, but without stopping stirring. When the mixture turns out to be homogeneous, without lumps, then you can start kneading it with your hands, previously lubricated with cream.

Poor quality raw materials

If the cooked porcelain turned out to be too hard, pieces almost do not detach from it and inclusions of starch are visible, then this is direct evidence of an excess of starch. But this problem is also easy to solve. you just need to add glue and knead the mass again. Then leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

If the consistency sticks to everything and almost does not hold its shape, then the problem is most likely in the glue, which turned out to be too liquid, or the mass is simply undercooked. You can repeat the heating procedure, and if this does not help, change the glue to a better one.

Phosphorus can be colored in two ways: during the preparation of raw materials - this is the most common method, and the coloring of the finished material. For both methods, you can use food coloring or crayons, as well as paints such as gouache or watercolor.

After adding a coloring pigment to the material, it is necessary to thoroughly knead the material so that the color spreads evenly throughout the piece of porcelain.

Making roses and freesias

And now a small master class for crafts from cold porcelain. This material is good not only because its ingredients are cheap and available, but also because it is easy to sculpt, which even a beginner can handle. Even very small details can be sculpted from porcelain, like small jewelry or beads.

To make a bouquet of roses or freesias, the following tools are needed:

  • Super glue.
  • Basis for hair clips, stacks and shapes.
  • Porcelain (green, lilac, yellow).
  • Napkins, gloves and a rolling pin.

The actual process of making a cold porcelain product with your own hands begins with a plan: you need to imagine or draw a future composition. When making a hairpin, you can come up with any bouquet. You need to be more careful with earrings, because asymmetry will greatly spoil the picture.

Freesia is very easy to make. They are pink, purple or white. The first step is to make a small ball, from which a drop is then formed. Then you need to divide the thick part of the drop into two parts, and then divide the rest. Thus, a flower on a leg is made. In this case, the petals need to be smoothed out, and stamens can be inserted inside the flower to give it a natural look. Several such flowers need to be made.

To make a rose, you need to prepare several balls. Take, for example, yellow. From these balls roundish-flattened petals are created. From which the flower is then assembled. The first petal must be twisted into a tube, the subsequent ones are applied to the base. It is important that each next element is higher than the previous one. The final petals curve outwards, indicating the openness of the rose.

From green porcelain you need to make leaves. They are made using special molds or manually. After all the elements are ready, they must be left to dry for 24 hours. Then the whole thing can be painted with a colorless varnish.

The final step will be the assembly of the entire structure. Leaves are glued first, then roses and freesias. All remaining space can be filled with foliage. In addition, the composition can be additionally decorated with beads and beads.

Absolutely everything can be sculpted from this material: various toys, for example, a monkey, other animals, vases, candlesticks, souvenirs, New Year's crafts, etc.

Various decorations look very nice. For children, you can make their favorite characters or crafts from cold porcelain for the New Year.

Product drying

After completion of all work, it is important to properly dry the product. Depending on the size of the structure, the period of complete drying ranges from 1 to 7 days. If you need the product urgently, you can dry it in the microwave at the lowest temperature. After the product is completely dry, it will slightly decrease in size - this should be taken into account when sculpting.

When sculpting products from this material, people who suffer from diseases of the joints and bones are of great benefit. When sculpting a warm mass, pain in the hands decreases, blood circulation becomes better, and help is provided for exacerbation of arthritis and arthrosis. And also, when working with small details, fine motor skills of the hands improve, which also undoubtedly has a positive effect on brain activity and the nervous system.

Attention, only TODAY!

DIY cold porcelain crafts

Cold porcelain- this is a very malleable material, so even very small products can be sculpted from it. Of course, other materials may be suitable for modeling, for example, salt dough or polymer clay, however, they need to be baked in the future, and porcelain hardens in the fresh air after 2 days. It is convenient to work with him, so needlewomen are very fond of this material. You can look at the cold porcelain recipe on our website, and in this article we will tell you how to make a spring bouquet of flowers.

Materials for making flowers:

- plastic spoons;
- cold porcelain of several colors;
- a form for cookies;
- cutting board;
- wire;
- knife;
- rolling pin;
- green tape
- plastic grass;
- a basket for a bouquet.

DIY cold porcelain crafts

1. To create a beautiful flower bouquet, you will need cold porcelain of different colors or you can use a solid mass.
2. Roll out porcelain in the same way as dough. Cut out the petals with an iron mold. You can make your own from a beer can or use a cookie cutter.

3. If you are working on a glass cutting board, press each petal firmly against it and get a nice texture. You can also press it against another corrugated surface.
4. To make the petals arched, place them on disposable plastic spoons.
5. Wrap the wire with green tape - these are our stems.

6. Take yellow or orange porcelain. Also roll out and cut into small triangles.
7. Finely cut the base of the triangle, roll the triangles into tubes and you will get beautiful pistils.

8. From yellow porcelain, stamens must also be fashioned. Additionally, coat them with PVA and dip them in fine corn grits to create the effect of pollen.

10. In two rows, 6 petals are glued to the stem.

11. Cover the stem with green porcelain and hang the flowers so that they dry and do not change shape.
12. Ready-made flowers are placed in a basket, or simply collected in a bouquet and tied with a ribbon.

From cold porcelain you can make not only crocuses, but also tulips, roses, lilies of the valley and other flowers. It is not necessary to paint porcelain during the preparation of the mass, you can then cover the finished products with oil paints. Caring for porcelain flowers is simple, just blow on them with a hair dryer to fly away the dust.

Watch a video on the topic: do-it-yourself cold porcelain flowers crafts

Porcelain crafts do not lose their shape and do not crack over time, so they can become a beautiful interior decoration or durable.

Due to the peculiarities of preschool education and training, we all sculpted from plasticine in one way or another in childhood, and this process captured, carried away, lit a fire in the eyes of many, made it possible to feel like a creator.

What happened when we grew up? Where did the desire for creative self-expression, for the transformation of reality, for the cultivation of one's hobby, go?

So,When I visited an old friend, I was amazed by what I saw. Marina is fond of sculpting from polymer clay and her working window sill was full of all sorts of boxes, bags, bubbles, blanks and other things. Her eyes burned and, telling me about her work, Marina did not control herself - she could not stop in any way ... Of course, her story captivated me, especially since I was not deprived of artistic abilities and creative I get to know this type of creativity more closely, like modeling from polymer clay. Preliminary, of course, clarified the price of this issue. I typed "buy polymer clay" on the Internet and found out that the range of costs for everything you need to start modeling from polymer clay is very different and there are very affordable options.

There is an abundance of information about polymer clay on the Internet, but most of the material presented is designed for an advanced user. I spent quite a lot of time until I found simple articles that talk about polymer clay in simple language, using simple examples that are accessible to the perception of a completely unprepared person. What did I find out.

1. What is polymer clay or plastic. This is a substance that resembles ordinary plasticine in consistency, from which it is convenient to sculpt various objects or details. Upon subsequent heating (in the oven), polymer clay hardens and the created product can be used for its intended purpose. Polymer clay is a chemical compound of not entirely harmless substances and a number of safety rules must be observed when working with it.

2. Safety precautions when working with polymer clay.

  • Tools used in working with polymer clay should not be used in other activities, especially in the process of cooking.
  • Always wash your hands after working with polymer clay.
  • Do not bake products made of polymer clay in a microwave oven; when baking in an oven, thoroughly wash the latter from clay residues.
  • Avoid contact with clay in food.
  • If during baking the temperature regime was violated and an unpleasant smell appeared, urgently ventilate the room.

3. What can be done from polymer clay.

In the age of technological progress, when the industry overflows the shelves with goods and there are no problems with the purchase of finished products, a person wanted to create with his own hands. And the Internet unites all creative people into communities. So, there were many needlewomen who were carried away by cold porcelain. Those products that they produce and demonstrate on their pages on the Internet are very beautiful. A flower made of cold porcelain or polymer clay is sometimes impossible to distinguish from a living one!

No one argues that for such creativity one must have the ability to draw, sculpt. But who said it can't be learned? It is enough to make the first products according to the proposed master classes. When the mastery of technique comes, the ability to mix colors and an understanding of the behavior of the material, then ideas for further creativity will come. The easiest way is to buy ready-made and try it in action. But still, flowers are more beautiful from

Today, on the Internet, many needlewomen demonstrate their talent and products created by them. Seeing this, I want to try to do something similar. For a hobby, you will need some tools and materials. This:

Devices with different tips;

Roller for dough;

Forms for cutting;

Wire of two types;

floral tape;


To make a white rose that will not differ from a living one, you will need a special form. Petals roll out on it: they become as similar as possible to pink ones.

DIY Material Recipe

You can buy ready-made, or you can make your own porcelain. Flowers, the manufacturing master class of which is described below, are molded from a home-made mixture. In order to cook porcelain at home, the following materials are required:

Starch, maybe corn;

PVA glue;

Oil for children "Johnsons baby";

Vinegar or lemon juice;

Oily hand cream.

Starch and glue are taken in 240 grams, the rest of the ingredients - 2 tablespoons or 50 grams each.

Cooking sequence

All ingredients are mixed in a bowl and placed in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then the mixture should be taken out and mixed well. The action is repeated three times. The last time the mixture will become so thick that it can hardly be stirred.

In this state, it is transferred to a cutting board, greased with a fat cream, and thoroughly kneaded until elastic. This is how cold porcelain is prepared and other products made from it do not need to be heated or dried under special conditions: they dry out, being open, in the air.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the prepared mass does not lie open before sculpting. The finished product is tightly wrapped in foil and stored in the refrigerator. To sculpt a flower from cold porcelain, it is enough to take a small portion of the material. Close the rest and place back in the refrigerator. There are several other recipes for preparing the mixture, but this one is optimal and easy to manufacture.

MK: cold porcelain, flowers

The finished material is white. But for sculpting products, it is required to give it a certain color. You can use oil paints for this. Some needlewomen add color to porcelain by adding cosmetics to it: blush, shadows. A little dye is added to a small amount of the mixture and mixed well so that the color becomes even and the desired shade. In its consistency, it resembles plasticine, but which hardens.

When cold porcelain is ready, flower molding is very fast. For this, a blank is made of wire, napkins and PVA in advance: a bud for a future rose. Rose petals will be superimposed around it. Before starting work, hands are generously lubricated with cream.

Sculpting rose petals

A small piece of the mass is plucked off and rolled in the palms. Then it is kneaded, given the desired shape, the excess is cut off. Using a tool with a round tip, the edge of the petal is smoothed. It is made thin: much thinner at the edge than in the middle. Sculpting flowers from cold porcelain is a painstaking task that requires patience.

You can make the tool yourself: a bead is put on the tip of a wooden skewer, which will play the role of a stack. The resulting small petal is smeared with glue and applied to the workpiece. Excess glue is wiped off. It is necessary to make several small petals that completely cover the bud.

Next is a line of large, blossoming petals. They will be of medium size and should be glued so that they go one on top of the other. The upper ones are the largest petals; a larger cake is rolled out for them. They are also brought to the condition of the bead.

If there is a relief form, then on it. Or you just need to apply notches. The cold porcelain flower is assembled and should be sent to dry. It is recommended to place the rose head down, hanging on a wire stem.

Stem and green leaves

To decorate the so-called greens, you need a mass of green. It can be purchased, you can add a little paint to your white porcelain and knead until the color is evenly distributed. There are special molds for leaves, they can be used.

It is rolled out on a board smeared with cream, a layer 1 - 1.5 mm thick. Leaves are squeezed out using a mold. Notches should be made on them and give the appearance of real, living leaves. When making flowers from cold porcelain, you need to stock up on thin wire, on which the greenery will be glued. The wire is wrapped around cooked. The tip is smeared with glue and pressed into the porcelain leaf. Excess glue is wiped off with a napkin. The leaf is then attached to the stem of the rose.

Some needlewomen use elements from artificial flowers in their work: they press the sheet against porcelain so that the relief is printed and the leaf looks realistic. They are shaped by the stack. When all the parts are attached to the stem, it should be completely wrapped with floral tape and all fasteners should be hidden.

Cold porcelain flower

The finished product should be left to dry. When the rose is dry, it can be varnished. But I want to note that fresh flowers do not have shine. Therefore, varnish can give out their artificial origin. The finished product can be left as is, with a matte surface. It all depends on what these flowers are for. If you put it in a vase, then not everyone will understand that this product is molded from artificial material. Lacquered for decoration.

Having prepared several roses of different sizes, you can make a beautiful decorative bouquet from them. For this, satin ribbon bows are added and a bouquet is assembled, which is beautifully tied.

different types of flowers

There are several recipes for making cold porcelain at home. Flowers, the master class for creating which is described above, is just the beginning of an interesting hobby. Having mastered the technique and all the nuances, the craftswoman can no longer stop: after all, there are a huge number of flowers in nature and everyone wants to be captured in fine porcelain!

In addition, passion will always help solve the problem of a gift: after all, no one remains indifferent to porcelain products. And what is done with your own hands is exclusive works. It is difficult to repeat the made flower: each one is special.

Additional Porcelain Recipe

Many use the first version of the recipe. But some get a mass that is not elastic enough or cracks when it dries. Therefore, you can use another method of making porcelain, in which two ingredients remain unchanged. This is cornstarch and PVA glue. They are taken in equal quantities: for a full serving - 250 grams each. 50 grams of glycerin and 50 grams of vinegar or citric acid are added to the mixture. Everything is mixed and heated in a water bath with constant stirring.

When the mixture has cooled down a bit, it can be kneaded until elastic. The board and hands should be generously greased with a greasy cream. As in the first case, the finished mass is hermetically wrapped in a film and stored in a cold place.

Beautiful flowers that are obtained from this material can decorate a home, making it stylish and original in its own way. Gradually, needlewomen begin to make amazing bouquets of different types of flowers: made up of a bunch of lilacs or autumn asters. It can be whole compositions, which are folded according to the rules of floristic art. Passion for porcelain is a beautiful and original hobby.