Three ages of your man. Simple rules for finding the man of your dreams

Friends, this is not an applied article. There are no specifics and step-by-step instructions on how to find happiness. The article is the author's reflections without pretensions to originality and genius. Low expectations are the key to restful sleep. :)


My friends are divided into two camps: while some willingly share their experiences and give wise advice on how to get married, others sigh that there are no normal men left in this world.

You know, if I didn't personally know these all-round beautiful girls from the disappointed group, I could safely assume that they overestimate their price or leave no chance for normal guys. But it seems to be something else.

Maybe some girls just tend to notice the wrong men? We fall in love with the wrong people, and then we ourselves suffer and cry at night. Yes, of course, in life there are not the most simple situations. But, to be honest, there is no such thing that someone alone is to blame.

Where to find a normal guy

Well, okay, one day you took and grew. I understood and accepted that you like pompous assholes. But you get tired of it too. Any drama, even the most ornate one, sometimes gets overwhelmed, and you want something normal and real. And here a reasonable question arises: where and how to find a normal guy?

If there was some kind of magical place, sort of, where all normal men would be hidden, then, probably, the girls would have lined up worse than for the clothes of the new H&M collection with some famous designer. The girls who graduated from the courses of the guru of women's practices Pavel Rakov would certainly be brought there on special buses, and all broken hearts would be sent for compulsory rehabilitation.

Alas, there is no such place of concentrated male power. Or, I don't know about it. It is clear that all key life meetings always occur completely by chance and unpredictably. But here is a simple applied question: is it possible to artificially increase this probability?

girlish thoughts out loud

I went to the people (on Telegram) and wrote to my friends asking them to tell me where they meet and are looking for non-random connections. The reaction of the girls was funny: from “Well, we talked normally, An, what are you starting” to “A very difficult question. I've never met a normal person." Summed up a friend who wrote: "Oh, Anh, normal guys are an endangered species."

Among the popular answers to the question of where to meet, if you are very lucky, were the university, work, interest clubs, car services, sports clubs, friendly parties, bars and cafes. One friend suggested that Romeo could be safely guarded at some fashionable intellectual parties, although the girl herself admitted that she “isn’t working yet.”

Places vs life hacks

So, what can help meet a normal dude?

1. Dream of meeting HIM. Be disappointed and don't expect anything

It is very important to live with the idea that somewhere in this vast world there is always HE, with whom you have fun, comfortable, free and cool, like with friends. At the same time, there is no idealization of the world. We all always fall in love with the wrong people, and many girls are more afraid of falling in love than guys. Everything in life comes when you let go. You will be disappointed in everything and stupidly score, you do not expect anything.

Usually the most amazing stories come out when you are not even sure that he will call back after a date.

In general, you just need to believe that one day you will meet someone with whom you can be yourself. Someone who loves your friends. The one with whom next to breathe easily. And if you have already met, he will not let you leave (read: do not let him go for anything). At the same time, a special emphasis is placed on the fact that it is desirable to be disappointed in everything before the cherished meeting and not to wait. Just live, and there, you see, the prince is on the horizon.

2. Visualize

If you don't know where are you going, you might end up somewhere else.

The main idea: in order to find something, you need to clearly know what we are actually looking for. They say that visualization is a really working thing.

So, girls, you need to properly tune in to the right Zen and imagine who you want to be with, what you want in the end from him. You represent all the important qualities of the betrothed, but, most importantly, not from the opposite, that is, without any “not” particles. For example, if you want a tall brunette, ask for a tall brunette, and not "not a blonde of medium height, as long as it is not very short." Only real qualities, without negativity and denial. And then you write all this on a piece of paper and send a message to the Universe, which will definitely not let you down. Yes, she may need some time to find her dream boyfriend. But Moscow, you know, was not built all at once.

Of the important: do not get confused in the testimony, girls! We ask the same thing, we say it out loud, otherwise the Universe will get confused.

Another life hack: sometimes it's good to ask your friends to introduce you to someone, you know, to test the spell. The main thing is not girlfriends: it does not work. It's the guy friends.

3. Don't be afraid to take the first step

It's funny that there are two diametrically opposed opinions on this matter. One friend (married, raising a son) has long been calling everyone and me to score on social conventions and says that in fact, in her life situation, she took the first step, while she does not regret anything. Another girlfriend (not married, no boyfriend) recently came to the conclusion that all her first steps did not lead to anything good.

I do not have a personal record of significant first steps to judge their success. But, I confess, I myself have always been afraid to take the first step. It seemed that if the guy does not do it himself, then, probably, he does not need to. And why should I offer something that he potentially does not need? My mother always told me: “Never ask for anything, everyone will come and give it themselves.” So: they won't.

Girls, maybe you, like me, live with the philosophy of a proud heron, and normal guys don’t even catch up that we might like them?

4. Register already on Tinder

Do not forget that many guys are just as tormented by the question: where to find a normal girl? And as my boyfriend stats show, a lot of the normal dudes sign up for general fun. But what if you are the one with whom not only fun, but also happily ever after?

And so you dreamed, visualized, realized that the first step is not dumb. Come on, act! Forward to the barricades!

And yes, I wouldn’t believe it myself if the number of stories “met on Tinder - happy together for 2, 3, x years” among my own acquaintances did not grow exponentially. Important: Tinder is an example of an easy way to screw up dates. It doesn't matter where you find them, it matters that you go to them at all.

A reasonable question: can something normal come out of dating on the Internet? I will answer with the words of the American uncle of my friend Christina, who recently wrote on my Facebook wall and instantly fell in love with my friends:

Every woman wants to love and be loved. However, meeting the man of your dreams is not so easy, not every woman succeeds. It is necessary to show patience, waiting for the one who has been dreamed of for so long to appear on the horizon. But it also requires effort on your part. To achieve any result, you need to act. The most important thing is to know how to find the man of your dreams and prepare for a fateful meeting. To do this, a woman must be fully armed.

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    How to meet a real man on New Year's Eve

    New Year is associated with the anticipation of miracles, this is the right time to start a new life. To meet your soul mate on this wonderful holiday, you need to prepare. To begin with follows. Until a woman loves and accepts herself for who she is, she is unable to attract a worthy man into her life. The fair sex will attract partners who bring sheer suffering. To meet, you need to work hard on self-esteem and your own perception.

    There are settings that will help any woman meet her chosen one in order to enjoy a romantic, dizzying and happy relationship in the new year.

    The crisis of 30 years in women

    Creating an image of an ideal life partner

    In the soul of every representative of the fair sex lives the image of an ideal man. From early childhood, a woman has been watching cartoons and listening to fairy tales about beautiful princes. Entering adulthood, she reads books and watches films about unearthly love. As a result, an image of an ideal man is formed in her head, which does not exist in nature. It is important to realize this and get rid of illusions.

    In order for the law of attraction to work clearly, a woman needs to determine what she wants. It is best to make a list of qualities that she wants to see in her future husband. Many representatives of the weaker sex remain lonely, because they themselves do not really know what they need. They simply dream of having a companion nearby, as a result they attract unworthy partners into their lives and suffer while in a relationship.

    Before the start of the New Year, a woman needs to think and imagine the image of a man who is perfect for her. The chosen one must be abstract: with a certain set of character traits, but without a name and appearance. When the woman has done this, she can make a wish. After that, she remains to patiently wait for its embodiment into reality.

    How to make a man happy


    The French advise dancing even for those who do not know how to dance at all. Daily practice will help a woman become more attractive, graceful and self-confident. At parties and at a party, where there is a huge number of brutal men, you should not be shy and show your skills to the representatives of the stronger sex. Self-confidence emanates from a relaxed, gracefully moving woman, and men feel it. It is not necessary to do complex steps and climb on the bar, a few simple movements will conquer the guys around you.

    Stay in high spirits

    The key to success lies in a good mood and a sincere smile on your face. The representatives of the stronger sex are not attracted to sad personalities prone to depression and sudden mood swings. A positive attitude can bring good luck to the life of any beautiful lady. The morning of the first of January must be met with a smile. This will help the woman program herself for happiness, good luck and joy for the next 364 days. Scientists have proven that if you stretch your lips in a smile, even for no apparent reason, the body produces endorphins, and the mood improves. A cheerful, positive woman will definitely attract a worthy man into her life.

    positive thinking

    Bright thoughts about the future inspire hope for a better life. A person without a dream does not live, but exists. Indulging in dreams, a woman sends a sketch of what she wants to achieve into space. Ideally, the desire should be specified to the smallest detail, then the possibility of translating into reality increases significantly. New Year's Eve is a great time to make your deepest wishes.

    Farewell to the past

    No need to carry the burden of past grievances and sorrows into a new life. Almost every woman had her sad experience. But this does not mean at all that you need to spend the rest of your life feeling sorry for yourself and turning into a dull person. If the fair sex wants to be truly happy and meet a worthy man, she needs to forget about all past misfortunes, bitterness and resentment and keep only warm memories in her soul.

    To meet a worthy partner, you need to be open to relationships. If a suitable representative of the stronger sex does not appear on the horizon, you do not need to rush to the first guy that comes across and plunge headlong into a relationship. So you can miss a person who is destined by fate. Keeping the image of your man in your head, you can go on dates with different partners, then the chances of happiness increase.

    We must not forget about working on ourselves. A woman must correspond to a real man, for this she needs to develop new qualities and good habits. A self-confident and purposeful woman has a much better chance of a happy family life. To create a harmonious union, it is necessary to be filled from the inside.

    It is impossible to meet the handsome prince, sitting within four walls and traveling along the route "home-work". Dating on the Internet, as a rule, brings some disappointments. New acquaintances endow each other with non-existent qualities, and at the first meeting they are disappointed. In order for the chances of meeting your man to increase several times, you need to get out of the house to crowded places as often as possible. Enrolling in a fitness club or gym is recommended. This is useful for self-esteem, maintaining a slim figure and increases the chance to meet the second half without bad habits.

    With all your heart wanting to find happiness in your personal life, it is important not to dwell on it. Men feel female hunters and try to avoid them.

    Marriage after 30

    A woman aged, namely after 30 years, is especially acutely worried about her own loneliness. After all, the true goal of the fair sex is to create a family and have children. Career and financial wealth are in the background. It often happens that a girl in the initial stages devotes all her time to her studies and career, postponing marriage indefinitely, and after 30 years she begins to think about a family. You can at any age, because this is not a problem, but a goal.

    The most important thing is to get rid of stereotypes.

    • The first stereotype: after 30 years is difficult. Such a negative attitude will only interfere with the meeting with the future chosen one. You should not grab the first person you meet and drag him down the aisle, because this will not bring happiness. The fear of loneliness often pushes a woman to such an act. You should pull yourself together and not panic.
    • The second stereotype: after 30 it is difficult to give birth to a healthy child. Scientists have completely refuted this judgment and proved that if there are no serious pathologies, the chances of giving birth to a full-fledged baby are quite high. Until the age of 30, the body copes with this function of childbearing a little better, but creating a family is an important step in a person’s life, not a marathon. This must be taken seriously, you can not get married just because "it's time."
    • The third stereotype: all decent men were taken apart. A very stupid statement, which, moreover, is not supported by any facts. You can get married at 19 if you set a goal to tie the knot at any cost. But there is no guarantee that a woman met exactly her man, and not just got married out of stupidity or out of fear of being left alone.

    You don’t need to sit on dating sites around the clock, it’s better to actively monitor your appearance, play sports, read books and enjoy life.

    To find your female happiness after 30, you should not wait for a real man to knock on the door. You need to get out of your comfort zone, get to know each other, communicate with new people, travel, improve yourself, develop and enjoy freedom. Then a worthy partner will not keep you waiting long.

    It is important to understand: 30 years is a young age when a woman is still ahead.

    It is necessary to set a goal and, having a positive attitude, move towards it. A woman who does not value and respect herself can never be happy, even if she gets married. And a confident and self-sufficient person will not worry about the fact that at 30 he is still free.

    Marriage at 40

    To tie the knot after 40 years is a conscious decision of the fair sex in adulthood. A woman makes her choice based not only on emotions, she listens to the voice of reason.

    Most often, a representative of the weaker sex wants to get married after 40 years for several reasons:

    • financial instability. A rare woman in adulthood is financially secure. Most often, she is looking for a partner in order to make life easier and solve her money problems.
    • Divorce. After parting with her husband, a woman wants to build a new family and find happiness.
    • Loneliness. Careerists forget about their personal lives, giving all their strength to work. After reaching the age of 40, they have a strong desire to tie the knot with a worthy man.

    To after 40, you need to follow these recommendations:

    • Look after yourself. Men love to look at an attractive, well-groomed female body. At the first meeting, the representative of the stronger sex pays attention to how a woman looks after her appearance. Regular visits to the gym and beauty salon will be enough to maintain excellent shape.
    • Stop obsessing. You should not see a potential chosen one in every man. Not a single representative of the stronger sex will like it. Such behavior causes only one desire - to stay away from the woman.
    • You need to get rid of all the stereotypes. Thinking in a negative way, a woman will only attract trouble.
    • Go on a trip. This will favorably affect the mood and self-awareness of the fair sex. In addition, there is a chance in a new environment to meet a future spouse.
    • Get rid of depression. An extinct look, negative energy emanating from the fairer sex, can repel any man.
    • Visit a training. To attract a worthy partner into your life, you need to have a rich inner world. Personal growth training will benefit any beautiful lady.
    • Make an appointment with a psychologist. If a woman cannot cope with her problems on her own, she needs to contact a specialist. He will identify the root of the problem and help.
    • Place an ad on dating sites. In the search for true happiness, all means are good, so you can try to find your destiny in the vastness of the worldwide web.
    • Contact a marriage agency. Professional matchmakers will select the most suitable partner for each woman.

    For an active woman, the chances of finding her life partner after 40 increase. It is recommended to visit cafes, restaurants, gyms, swimming pools, theaters, cinemas, picnics, parties, cultural events, walk in the park or square. You can go to a boarding house and spend time there with benefits for mental and physical health.

    Meeting your destiny at 40 is quite real. All you have to do is set a goal and work hard to achieve it. You need to not lose heart, think positively, work on yourself, believe in success and act. Then you can achieve everything that the soul sincerely desires.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

The problem of loneliness today is quite acute. We have become modern and creative, and today it is much easier for many of us to break off relationships than to try to save them. And rush in search of a new love ... In the meantime, you won’t be bored anyway, in our age of modern technology! One Internet is worth something, here you can find everything you want, including your soulmate.

There is another moment of today - a large number of single women who are building a career and do not want to get married, according to them. Or, on the contrary, women who constantly say: “I want to get married!”, But at the same time they absolutely do not want to change anything in their lives.

If you really want to get married and are thinking about how to meet your man, then this article is for you!

I want to get married but I can't!

What is the reason? In the crown of celibacy? In the degradation of men (or women)? In the wrong nose or in the shape of the eyes? Absolutely not! The reason lies precisely in this very notorious desire to get married and in the energy that you put into this desire. I have repeatedly raised the topic of two energies - Love and Fear.

And today I will raise it again, because this is precisely the reason for everything. A large number of women really want to get married, and they order their betrothed in the Universe or make endless wishes on this topic, but it's all about the radiated energy, and not about the techniques. The fact is that the desire to meet your man can be made in three energy states that are different from each other - this Goodness, Passion and Ignorance. The first state comes from Love, the second two - from Fear. Any thought or deed can be related to these three types of energies.

If you lie on the couch and dream, doing nothing, then you are in ignorance.
If you are moving too actively towards the goal, sometimes walking on other people's heads, then you are in passion.
If you selflessly do something for others and take care of them, then you are in goodness.

“So where do these energies and the question of how to get married?” – you ask. And the point is that you can attract your man only in a state of goodness, or, to put it more simply, in a state of unconditional love. Below I will give you descriptions of each state, “try them on yourself” and draw conclusions.


You live in the energy of ignorance if you often:
- yearn and be sad;
- criticize, blame and scold yourself;
- feel envy of married girlfriends;
- avoid men and prefer to sit in "your own house", dreaming about ;
- Doubt that you deserve a good man;
- pay little attention to your appearance;
- do not believe in the help of the Higher powers;
- suffer, complain and cry;
- meet unloved men for the sake of "health" (until the beloved appears);
- you are afraid that time is running out, and you will not have time to start a family;
- afraid of the men themselves;
- do not like men, consider them all moral freaks, womanizers, and so on, and think that "your" man will be different;
- keep a grudge against your ex or hope to return him;
- you can’t say exactly what kind of man you need;
- do not know what you are ready to give this man;
- it seems to you that there are no worthy men next to you at all.

If you recognize yourself in this description, or at least in most of them, then this means that you are living in ignorance. Living in such energies, you reduce the chance of meeting your man to zero. Even if you meet him, either he will pass by, or you will not notice him. Such energies lead to an imbalance of the state and a decline in strength. The mind is simply asleep and the soul cannot reach it.

Read also:


You live in the energies of passion if you often:
- you actively read various books, visit a psychologist, superficially went through a bunch of different trainings, while not putting anything into practice;
- actively looking for a man, visiting all clubs and parties and registering on all dating sites in a row;
- worked out and played the whole scenario of your meeting and further life together;
- the most important quality of a man for you is his financial stability;
- many men are attracted to you, but you think that they fall short of your ideal;
- intensively develop your sexuality, learn all sorts of tricks, wear sexy clothes, believing that it is through sex that you can attract and keep a man;
- be very proud of yourself and consider yourself higher and better than everyone else;
- meet several fans at once;
- very greedy for compliments from men;
- quickly disappointed in men;
- quickly get annoyed if a man does something wrong;
- as soon as you meet a handsome man, you think that maybe this is your betrothed;
- hurry up time and events;
- show a man your best qualities, hiding the worst;
- met or are dating a married man, thinking that he will divorce for you;
- compare yourself with other women and compete with them;
- you want to solve your problems with the help of a man (from financial to moral).

If you saw yourself in this description, then you live in the energies of passion. You are active and moving towards your goal, but at the same time, unfortunately, you are losing your lunar feminine energy and feminine qualities. Activity and enthusiasm are masculine qualities (a man is the Sun, a woman is the Moon). With pressure, passion and strength, men win, but not women.

Your mind is very restless, and you do not hear the soul at all. You by all means want to meet your man and do not want to wait. Living in such energies, a woman, after the first date, five minutes after parting, is already waiting for a text message from a man, mentally already going with him to the registry office. When she meets a man, she constantly torments herself with the questions “why is he silent”, “why is he not calling”, “does he like me”, “does he want to marry me”. Such women agree to sex very quickly, sometimes even on the first date.

The energies of passion do not allow you to relax and look into the soul. Living in the energies of passion, a person focuses on the external, completely forgetting about the internal. These two energies come from the main one - the energy of Fear. But in order to meet your man and build a long, lasting and happy relationship with him, you need to stay in the energy of Love, be in the energy of Goodness.

If you do not know how and where to meet the right man for you and want to find out, then take a simple and truthful test here >>>


Being in the energy of goodness, a woman attracts her man from within, as her heart is open. It radiates the energy of love, and it is into this light that a man comes. Yes, men also come to the energy of passion, but the question is: “For how long?” Passion passes with time, and it will never replace true love.

You don't have to make too much effort, you just need to learn how to fill yourself with love. You can do meditation » , fill up, fill up and fill up with love. Of course, without forgetting to take care of yourself and your body, monitor your health and improve yourself.

So, how to tune in to the energy of goodness and finally meet your man:
- reveal and cultivate feminine, lunar qualities in yourself;
- daily replenish the reserves of female energy (read about this and);
- fill yourself with love and constantly feel it;
- breathe happiness (the article has a good exercise "Breath of happiness", I advise you to do it daily);
- thank life for everything that it gives you and for everything that it gives you (thank you for the fact that your soulmate is on earth and you will meet soon);
- reveal your talents and abilities;
- do not destroy other people's families;
– see good qualities in men and inspire them;
- realize and understand what kind of relationship you want and what you are ready to give;
- do not demand and do not expect love, but give it yourself;
- be natural;
- accept the time of loneliness as a blessing and a period for self-development, and not as a punishment;
- refrain from sex without love;
– communicate with nature as often as possible and listen to beautiful music;
- reveal your uniqueness and individuality, engage in self-development.

If you do not know where to start, then visit our women's club and choose the training that suits you, but do not scatter over several courses or trainings at the same time. Pick one and work on it. You can see the list of trainings in our trainings. The most popular among women are trainings "Woman - Dream", "Married in two months" and "Aphrodite Awakening". These trainings are the most popular and in demand (bestsellers), but you can choose something else for yourself.

I advise you to visit the websites of famous coaches, you will find links to them in the article

There you will find a lot of useful articles and videos that can help you look at yourself, your relationships with men, and life in general, in a completely new way. The result of all this can be very unexpected for you - from a crowd of men in love with you to understanding that you still don’t want to get married at all.

Just live and enjoy every day. You have a choice - in which of the three states you live and what energy to radiate.

Choose happiness and live in happiness!

I also bring to your attention hypno-meditation, which has helped many women meet their love. You need to listen to it before going to bed, with headphones, for 21 days.

If this article was useful for you, and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much!

Reasonings of a psychoanalyst-sexologist about the problems of creating a family for middle-aged women.
Imagine a divorced lady in her forties who wants to remarry. Surely among your friends and acquaintances there are one or two women of the described type - take a closer look at them. Such a woman is confident enough in herself, her professional career has already taken shape, she is not stupid, she is not poor, she probably has children from her first marriage, some experience in family life and definitely a great desire to be needed by someone. Add at the same time that she looks good for her age - and we get a typical client of all the marriage offices of the capital, dating sites and evenings "who are over thirty" or their modern counterparts. A woman at this age is actively looking for her partner "for the rest of her life" so that "there is someone to give a glass of water to." Alas, these searches very rarely end with the creation of a family! ..

Ladies often blame dating services for everything, calling them idlers and parasites, they try to take their money to take it to new marriage offices, where, perhaps, they will be better helped ... But this does not happen, women develop an inferiority complex, a justified statement ripens that all men are "goats", quite often these ladies become clients of psychoanalysts who are trying to restore faith in themselves to these women, trying to gradually open their eyes to the realities of this world. But this is what our women of Balzac's age are most afraid of - anything but reality, it's better to blame everyone, but continue to live in the world that they themselves have created for themselves, live with their eyes closed. Let's see if this is always justified for them, and isn't it better to start your journey to a man by changing your own mentality?

Let's start with the fact that only the rarest psychologists in the world are seriously studying the peculiarities of the thinking of men and women, and practically no one (except journalists) popularizes the applied component of these differences. Yes, we know that different hemispheres of the brain can work in men and women when solving similar problems, yes, we know that “female logic” is very little like logic, and in stressful situations (for example, on the roads), a woman can fear just close your eyes. So what? And the fact that the features of our behavior entirely depend on our gender and are subject to the law of conservation of the species. Now we are civilized - we are engineers and accountants, computer scientists and top managers - but somewhere deep in the subconscious we feel like only men and women, males and females, and the instinctiveness of our behavior dominates our whole life!

There is a theory that women prefer a dominant alpha partner, just as it happens in an animal herd. If we take, for example, a herd of elephants, then 90 percent of the females in it at any given time will be pregnant (10 percent of the females are those that have just given birth), - that is, in nature, the female is always in demand! The problem of a single female, which no one wants, simply does not exist in a herd of animals!

Where did this unnatural problem in humans come from? Where are its origins? The origins should be sought all in the same place - in the animal herd. Studies by zoologists show that of all the elephants living in this very herd, only 4 percent of the males are fathers of baby elephants. Terribly unfair, we would say, this means that out of a hundred elephants in the herd, only four are given such a cool mission to cover females, while the remaining 96 elephants are forced to pretend that they “didn’t really want to” ... Alas, alas, natural selection, their laws of species survival.

In the human community, this trend is veiled, but it can also be seen quite clearly. Dating service workers and marriage agency managers can especially tell a lot about this - this is where the real statistics are, this is where the knowledge of psychology is coupled with demographic trends, and the paradox is that they have to communicate with people who for the most part do not hear them, and do not listen to their advice!!!

So, girls who are promising in all respects, young people, as a rule, are taken apart even before they come of age. Even at school, several girls compete for the love of such a guy - these are recognized leaders, born "alpha", who will be accompanied by unsurpassed success with women all their lives. Being the wife of such a man is prestigious, pleasant, but it imposes many responsibilities, since you have to comply - there is a lot of competition! If a young man still walks unmarried after 25 years, most likely he is too modest and shy and could not present himself advantageously, but it’s not scary, he will be taken away by those girls who remained unmarried until the age of 28-30, because they don’t paid attention, or they lost their battle for the "alpha male" and are forced to lower the bar a little. If a man after 30 years is still lonely and suffers from this (that is, loneliness is not his conscious decision to have a wild sex life), then he does not correspond to women's ideas about an ideal man so much that none of the ladies can fall in love with him in order to want to see him as her husband. A certain correction is already required here, if this man loses outwardly (little shabby), he urgently needs to raise his social status, acquire either money or education and fame in some area that can attract a crowd of female fans to him. Women gravitate towards leaders, which is why university professors, as a rule, can always count on an affair with a student. If you want to be guaranteed to find a life partner - become a professor!

And yet, if we really look at the social cross-section of men after forty who want to start a family for the first time, we will see that basically these are men who have already been repeatedly rejected by other women, either because of external data and sexual unattractiveness, or because -for social disorder. But what about our typical representative of the Balzac age, from which we began the article? She is just the opposite, a successful and attractive woman who values ​​herself and, alas, rejects such applicants right away, she loves herself too much to be an altruist to agree to what her comrades have already rejected, “on you, God, what do we not good” - this is not about her ... Thus, a fairly large percentage of candidates are rejected at first consideration. There is still a small number of recently divorced men. But we remember that for the most part women think the same way, what one likes is likely to be liked by the other, therefore, the trouble is, we always choose the same men. A good "rated" divorced man, as statistics show, remains such for a very short time, here - whoever did not have time is late! The most advanced specimens never reach marriage agencies at all, but, so to speak, are sorted out on the outskirts.

There are gradations here. Most likely, a divorced man will have a bad character, hidden complexes, or premature ejaculation - he couldn’t just get a divorce! The more hidden the defect, the less it affects the choice of a woman, such men quickly go under the hammer, but the problem of a subsequent divorce may arise, from which, of course, no one is immune. Such men marry five to seven times until they understand what exactly does not suit a woman in them and try to change it. There is also a contingent of forty-year-old divorced men, as a rule, businessmen who have changed their status, having finally achieved a lot in life, and an old forty-year-old wife has ceased to correspond to his idea of ​​a woman. Such men are a very tasty morsel for our ladies of Balzac age, because many of them were abandoned by just such a man and they are subconsciously looking for him. Such ideal suitors from an excess of money even pay for the services of marriage agencies, but, as a rule, they do not come on dates, because, although they declare a desire to start a family with a woman of their age, in reality, they most likely marry their young secretary or the girl they like on call! The more socially rated a man becomes, the more young women begin to surround him, this is a reality, and our forty-year-old heroine is unlikely to break off here ...

But it is very difficult to come to terms with such a situation. Why? Because a woman is always a woman, even in old age she does not cease to feel her genetic self-worth, in her mind the stereotypes of behavior that guided her twenty years ago when choosing a partner continue to exist. Which? A man must be attractive, promising, and most importantly - reliable in his feelings, he must prove his love - with gifts, attention, a long period of courtship without sex! Is this all realistic today? Alas, no, especially despite the fact that even the most well-groomed elderly woman has a lower hormonal background compared to a young girl. A forty-year-old lady has a huge competition in the face of practically her daughters, modern-minded and erotic, and she must either become like them, buy new intimate lingerie and demonstrate her sexuality in every possible way, or reduce her demands on the opposite sex. As practice shows, both of these processes are extremely difficult for these women, as they say, one step forward, two steps back - and men will not wait, and years will not add to her attractiveness.

Summing up all that has been said, I want to note that a forty-year-old woman has only one chance to create a full-fledged family - to grow wiser, look deep into her consciousness, understand at what points her views on men are insanely outdated and try to change them. If this woman has a good heart and compassion, she can make an excellent match for a man whom the fair sex has not paid any attention to for half a lifetime, and he will carry her in his arms! If a woman is by nature very proud and wants to have only the best, it is worth learning the art of delivering sexual pleasure, and then she will be able to leave far behind all young fools who are not liberated in bed. And finally, you should stop thinking that someone will arrange your family happiness instead of you, giving you a prince on a blue border. You will have to find the prince, wash him and put him on a white Mercedes yourself! When a woman believes that happiness is only in her hands, it will come to her. OUTSIDE OF ANY DOUBT!

Any woman or girl dreams of finding a handsome man with whom you can confidently go through life. Indeed, for most female representatives, a guy is a support, protection, friend, and so on. How and where to find a man?

Where to start?

First of all, you should understand yourself, realizing your nature. That is, to understand their preferences, interests and character. Only in this way will a woman be able to understand what kind of man is able to make her happy.

You also need to try to do self-improvement. To do this, it is recommended to attend several trainings that teach this skill. If it is not possible to go to such an event, then you can read the relevant literature. The main thing is not to stop there and try to make your manners more secular, and your behavior ideal. In addition, you need to pay attention to facial expressions, gestures and many other little things that may seem insignificant at first glance.

Psychologist's advice will help to find a man. For example, experts recommend mentally imagining your ideal companion. It is best to make a list on paper of the character traits that you would like to see in a man. You should also think about his appearance, manner of communication and other little things that the girl will seem significant. In addition, it is worth thinking about bad habits and negative qualities, realizing for yourself which of them are acceptable and which are not.
Having made a list, it is recommended to put the pros and cons in front of all character traits. So, the first is put if the girl has this or that quality, the second - if there is no such quality. This ratio will help to understand the difference in characters, as well as tell you where to start improving your own behavior.

The main thing is to think carefully when compiling a list. It is better to spend several weeks writing it than to constantly change something in the future. Acting according to the second option, the girl will never be able to create an ideal image.

Dreams Come True

Do not assume that describing the ideal man is a waste of time. Scientists managed to prove the theory that if you constantly say your dream to yourself, it will certainly come true. However, it should be borne in mind that the image of a man must be made sincerely, without being guided by the opinions of other people. Only left alone with her desires, a woman will be able to recreate her cherished dream.

If the description is drawn up in accordance with any accepted norms or on the advice of loved ones, then most likely the girl will be disappointed. After all, every day people impose their desires and ideas on each other, completely dissolving their "I" in the general crowd.

In search of happiness, do not forget about your appearance, because it is a considerable guarantee at the beginning of a relationship. It is worth thinking about fitness classes, stop eating unhealthy foods, and so on. Sporty and will bring out the natural beauty of a woman.

Search for a soul mate

Of course, a test from a magazine will not help you find your man. This matter should be approached thoughtfully. When looking for your companion, you need to focus on your own lifestyle and preferences. For example, an intelligent woman leading an active lifestyle will never find happiness with a rustic guy who is full of bad habits. However, a young man should not be completely like a girl, because strong relationships are built on the constant complement of each other. Regular discoveries of new qualities and positive character traits will eventually lead to a harmonious and happy life together.

It doesn't have to be done

How to find the man of your dreams and what not to do in the search process?

Very often, a woman who fiercely wants to get a man completely overshadows her mind. In search of her betrothed, the girl resorts to extreme measures, making a bunch of mistakes and only pushing away the representatives of the stronger sex. How to find the man of your dreams and what not to do during the search?

First of all, you should forget about dubious ways to attract a young man. We are talking about visiting magical salons and folk witches who promise to find a life partner in a short period of time. Also, you should not try to bewitch or hypnotize the man you like on your own - this will not lead to anything good. Firstly, the young man will simply get scared or think that something is wrong with the girl. Secondly, such unprofessional actions can lead to more serious problems.

In addition, turning to pseudo-fortune-tellers costs a lot of money, but in most cases, desperate girls end up with charlatans who only care about profit. Frequent appeal to such "sorcerers" will lead to a breakdown and disappointment, because the promise to meet a decent man in the near future will most likely never come true.

Thinking about how to find your man, you should not stare at married guys. Even if a person likes you a lot, you can’t take him away from their families, especially if there are children in it. Whatever feelings flare up between two people, they will still go out, and a man who has committed adultery once will repeat it again. Moreover, a woman who has destroyed someone else's life can attract misfortune, which in any case will return to her like a boomerang.

You can not treat a man too fanatically, almost deifying him. By such actions, the girl loses spiritual values, mentally putting the young man above all that is holy. It is believed that such behavior will not be successful, and the man will soon leave the woman, breaking her heart.

In no case should you resort to "dirty" methods. In this case, it refers to attempts at blackmail (it happens that a girl, having invented an ugly story that can darken the reputation of a man, tries to keep the young man near her, threatening to tell everyone her fable). This also includes lies, for example, very often women invent a fairy tale about pregnancy so that the representative of the stronger sex does not go anywhere. Just don't assume that young people are much dumber than girls. The deception will soon be revealed, and the relationship will be ruined forever. No need to try to drag a young man into bed on the first date, thinking that after that he will not go anywhere. In most cases, everything turns out the other way around - taking advantage of the easy accessibility of a young lady, a man will leave her and start looking for a devoted and decent woman for a serious relationship.

In general, it’s not in vain that the saying goes among the people: “You won’t be forced to be nice.” If women listened to her more often, then their personal life would be much calmer and happier.

Looking for a man right, or What methods are meaningless?

1. No need to believe that happiness will find its own way. A meaningless existence and life with the flow will leave the girl alone. The prince himself will not ride on a white horse, as is told in all the fairy tales that their parents read to the girls. A girl who does not take any action in search of her other half will remain alone until old age.
2. No need to feel sorry for yourself and suffer. Very often, a desperate woman drives herself into depression and begins to kill herself about the senseless years lived. Everyday experiences are reflected in the behavior and appearance of the girl, making her unattractive and dull.
3. Desiring change, but being afraid of everything new is completely absurd. When a girl every day talks about drastic changes, but at the same time leads her usual lifestyle, a young man will never appear. In order for pleasant events to appear in life, you need to try for a long time and go towards your goal. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new, communicate, get to know each other and try to always be in a good mood.
4. Before trying to get acquainted with a solid and handsome man, you need to put your appearance and inner world in order. A stately young man will not pay attention to an untidy girl with whom there is nothing to talk about. So, first of all, you should do self-improvement in order to match the male representative you like.

Where to find a man who will become a life partner? Naturally, in order to meet an interesting young man, you need to visit various institutions. However, in this case, you need to take into account your age and the age of the man you would like to meet.

Looking for a man: where to go to meet the guy of your dreams?

The most banal way to get to know a young man is to meet him among mutual acquaintances or friends. This option is the simplest, and therefore common. Moreover, acquaintance through friends is safer. After all, you can ask your friends about the guy you like, thereby saving yourself and your time, if the representative of the stronger sex is the complete opposite of the ideal.

When friends do not plan any parties, it is recommended to arrange your own. It is not necessary to organize a feast. It will be enough to call your friends to play board games or just have fun. At the same time, friends can be asked to come not alone, but with their acquaintances.

Online dating

Is it possible to meet online? Yes, this is the easiest way to meet. However, on the World Wide Web, you need to be careful when looking for a young man. After all, the monitor cannot convey the character of the guy. Yes, and in many cases it is not possible to see the appearance, because instead of a real photo, many install pictures or images of celebrities.

How to find your man on the Internet? Having decided all the same to get acquainted through the Internet, you need to go to a site with a relevant topic. On it, a woman will be asked to fill out a questionnaire in which she should describe herself as clearly as possible. To make the answers interesting for men, when filling out, it is recommended to seek help from a male friend. Thus, the real facts from the girl’s personal life will be presented in an interesting light for guys.


Where to find Another way to find your life partner is to attend any courses or educational institutions. So, if a girl studies at some university or institute, she should take a closer look at the young people who surround her. This group of institutions includes driving schools, dance lessons and language courses. By the way, the last place is the most successful. Since young people attending foreign language courses, in most cases, already clearly know their position in life and have planned their future life.

If a girl is looking for an athletic young man, then she should enroll in fitness or surf training courses. In these places, a lot of beefy guys with beautiful cubes on the press.

The main thing, choosing a lesson for yourself, is to choose one that will be interesting. In this case, it will be easier for a girl to navigate her studies, and if a young man speaks to her, then at least one common topic is provided.

Public Very many people like to play bowling or billiards at their leisure. Therefore, a girl who wants to find her happiness can safely go to one of these places. If a girl is well versed in these games, it will definitely attract the attention of young people. Not so often there is a representative of the weaker sex, who over and over again knocks out a strike or one whose accuracy allows you to drive all the balls into the pockets. If the girl does not have experience in these two games, this may be the reason for dating. It is unlikely that the guy will be able to resist the request of a cute charmer who asks to teach her how to play. Moreover, in this case, the young man has a great opportunity to show his skills, and few people refuse this.

Forums or online games

Of course, this item could be attributed to online dating, but in this case, you should act a little differently.

How to find your man on the forum? You need to choose your topic carefully. For example, on a forum on how to crochet, it is unlikely that you will be able to meet at least one young man. But a lot of men are going to talk about the automotive topic. The main thing is that the girl herself should not lose face in this difficult topic. Before you start writing something, it is recommended to read a little information on this issue. So the girl will have much more chances to interest the young man.

The same goes for online games, because they are all dedicated to different topics. You should not look for a boyfriend in very violent games. Since such entertainment will surely seem too gloomy to girls. Another thing is various simulators in which a woman can easily navigate. In addition to the game process, be sure to share your thoughts in the general chat, which is visible to all other players.

Night clubs

How to find your man in a nightclub? In these establishments there is always a cheerful atmosphere conducive to acquaintance. A cheerful, incendiary dance can be an excellent occasion to start a conversation in the future. If the young man himself took the initiative and invited the girl, then we can assume that half the battle is done. The main thing is not to forget about manners and behave with dignity, so that the guy is as interested as possible in further communication.

Where to find a grown man?

How to find your man at 40? Representatives of the stronger sex, who have already celebrated their fortieth anniversary, are much less interested in online games or similar entertainment. They also very rarely visit nightclubs and bowling alleys.

If you are interested in dating serious men, then you should start looking for them at various banquets and similar events. To get to such a party and make a positive impression there, you should definitely prepare carefully. Everything should be perfect: hair, makeup, clothes and even small accessories that complement the overall look. Good taste and excellent manners are guaranteed to interest the stronger sex.

Where to find a young man? You can try to talk to him in a traffic jam. Light flirting will be much better than nervous anticipation. Who knows, maybe the conversation will turn out so interesting that you want to continue it in the future.

You can also try your luck at the airport or train station. A tiring wait, a flight or a long trip brings people together. They begin to communicate, it turns out that a man and a woman have a lot in common, they are interested together, and so on. The main thing is to try not to touch on too personal topics during a conversation, otherwise fellow travelers will remain fellow travelers who will never meet each other again.

A good option is the wedding of friends. There is always a romantic atmosphere at this holiday, conducive to the beginning of a casual conversation. Moreover, it will be possible to find out about the gentleman you like from mutual friends.

If a woman works in a respectable place, then she should look around. Especially if men are employees of banks, large offices or companies. Choosing her soul mate among such an environment, a girl can be sure that her future companion will be reliable and stable.

Women who are thinking about how to find their man should remember that such representatives of the stronger sex have already lived half their lives. Therefore, they are much wiser and more reasonable than twenty-year-old young people.

Where not to look for a young man?

At a car dealership. Firstly, with a serious purchase, any person is very focused. Therefore, if you start a conversation with him, a man may simply not pay attention or even be rude. Secondly, in our time, it is a mistake to assume that a guy in an expensive car is rich. In most cases, cars are bought on credit. So it will not be possible to identify the financial situation by this factor.

Group tours are also not suitable for dating. do not like to attend such events. So, most likely, in the group of tourists there will be almost only women with the same problems. It is better to buy a ticket to the resort, where the probability of meeting an interesting man increases several times.


Now you know how to find your own. No matter which method is chosen, the main thing to remember is that in order to find your happiness, you cannot do nothing!