Remove the pregnant belly after childbirth. How to remove the belly after childbirth at home - exercises for a nursing mother. Video: Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

Nowadays, when the ideas of feminism are quite popular in modern Russian society, no one is surprised that women have their own business, occupy leading positions in government structures, and are often the only “breadwinners” for their families, while their husbands are in search of suitable work. In other words, today a huge number of the fairer sex belongs to the category of "business women", having shouldered some of the male responsibilities on their "fragile shoulders".

However, in order to succeed in the entrepreneurial field, it is very important to be able to dress properly.

Even in order for a girl to get a job as a simple secretary, you need to observe the office style in clothes, and employers strictly monitor this.

In any case, there is no reason for pessimism, since the days when the dress code allowed only one classic combination: a skirt and a jacket in dark shades are gone. The modern office style has somewhat expanded the boundaries of the choice of clothing and its colors.

Of course, today almost every young lady wants to know about what can and should be dressed for work. However, before starting to consider this issue, a few words about when and how the office style of clothing appeared.

A bit of history

For the first time, they started talking about clothes for business ladies at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Until that moment, a woman was viewed exclusively as a keeper of the hearth: she washed, cleaned, cooked, raised children. However, gradually, conversations about female emancipation began to "flare up" in society more and more often, and soon after that the range of interests and responsibilities of the fairer sex expanded significantly. Naturally, there was a need to change the wardrobe.

The style of a long, straight skirt in dark color and a white blouse was invented by the English tailor John Redfern, and initially such an outfit was not intended for work, but for leisure. Gradually, he began to gain popularity among office workers, but the outfit made by Chanel herself made a serious competition for Redfern's suit. The office style of that time, thanks to her know-how, looked quite elegant: a straight skirt to the knee was in perfect harmony with the sleeveless jumper, which replaced the blouse.

Features of a business style in clothes

No wonder they say that they are "greeted by their clothes." And in a business environment, an exquisite and appropriately dressed young lady is qualified by representatives of the business community as purposeful, able to make timely decisions, as well as a charismatic person. It is the office style of dress that prompts such an idea in the first minutes of business negotiations. In any case, the choice of an outfit for business meetings or a suit in which you are going to go to an interview with an employer should be treated with the utmost responsibility.

"Fashion is a capricious lady"

You should always remember that fashion trends are fleeting and easily replace each other.

And vamp, and vintage, and casual, and glamor - all these directions have their own individual requirements, which are classic in nature. Office style in this sense is also no exception. It assumes conservative colors and styles, as well as the impeccable quality of the material.

Not sure what to wear to work? Opt for high-waisted pants, a pencil skirt, a striped shirt, a solid turtleneck or a sheath dress. So that your image is not overly strict, choose accessories such as a belt, watch, scarf for your wardrobe.

Many ladies will be interested to know what colors are allowed in a business style. Of course, everyone knows that it is the color of milk and black. Olive, dark blue, cherry, gray, pale pink, beige tones are also called classics today. As for prints, here it is necessary to mention three: check, small polka dots and stripes.


The modern office style for girls also presupposes well-chosen shoes for the outfit. It is not forbidden to wear both flat and heeled shoes. However, be sure to focus on the size of the latter. The best option, which goes well with trousers and skirts, is a heel with a height of 4 to 6 cm.

Also, do not forget that the shoes should be in harmony with the clothes in color. If you are wearing an outfit of white shades, then accessories for them should also be of the same palette.

Classic pants

It is impossible to imagine an office style for girls without classic-cut trousers. In this case, you should not buy a black, but a gray model. This is because every thread and villi will be visible against a dark background. For gray trousers, you can choose a vest in a coffee shade. This combination can also be considered a classic, since you can choose any plain turtleneck or blouse for such an outfit. However, it must be emphasized once again that accessories such as a belt or a clutch should also be of dark colors and preferably a similar texture (leather shoes and a leather bag).

Sheath dresses

Office style for women is unthinkable without such an attribute of clothing as a sheath dress. They were invented back in 1928, and to this day, many ladies wear them with pleasure. The advantage of this outfit is obvious: it goes well with blouses, shirts, turtlenecks. The image can be complemented with luxurious beaded beads.

If you want to wear an aquamarine blouse under the dress, you can recommend decorating your hand with a bracelet made of natural stones; it will also be useful to complement the image with a wide belt. As for the color of the sheath dress, it is optimal to focus on pastel colors, while the use of more saturated shades is allowed, but you need to know when to stop.


In a business style, such a wardrobe attribute as a blouse is welcome. Such clothes are of a universal nature, it is customary in it both to negotiate with business partners and to use them for everyday work. If we talk about the material, it is better to give preference to polyester products, it perfectly follows the contours of the body and does not wrinkle, which is very important when meeting with business partners.


Office clothing for women includes such an integral part of the wardrobe as a suit. He should sit on the female figure just flawlessly.

Today's fashion trends allow for various variations on this classic model. You can wear tight, pleated or straight-cut skirts with a fitted or cropped jacket. A combination of narrow and wide trousers with the above outerwear is also allowed. Remarkable is the fact that fashion trends provide for the replacement of classic pants with straight knee-length shorts, which should be made of dense, solid-colored fabric. It is optimal to choose models of a dark color. If you want to wear tights, then their range should be similar to shorts.

If we are talking about business negotiations, then, of course, such an outfit is unacceptable, and it is better to use the classic version.

Business taboo

Of course, when choosing an office style in clothes, you should always remember what its rules do not accept. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the things you buy. Too cheap wear out very quickly, which proves the manufacturers' dishonesty. It is better to get an ordinary thing, but made of good quality material.

Also watch out for the color combination of your outfit. Some tones can be downright ridiculous.

Also, you cannot wear sportswear to work in the office. Naturally, your business negotiations are doomed to failure if you carry them out in tights and trainers.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The modern office style of clothing for women involves the use of almost all wardrobe items and any colors. A bow can consist not only of a trouser suit with a flesh-colored blouse, but also of a stylish jacket, elegant dress, cardigan, sundress, loose shirt. A little imagination - and a business image that meets all the requirements of the dress code will become fashionable, feminine and individual.

A bit of history

Back in the 19th century, the concept of "office style for girls" did not exist. The women of that time did not strive for independence and did not occupy significant posts, so their wardrobe consisted of extremely sophisticated and solemn dresses with numerous flounces, ruffles, and fringes.

The first prototype of the female office style was created in the early 20th century by designer John Redfern. It consisted of a snow-white blouse with a high collar, a long narrow black skirt and the same jacket. Short gloves, a tie and a travel hat were offered as accessories. In the cold season, an elongated jacket was added to the outfit.

Uncomfortable and masculine office sets were replaced by the creations of the most talented designer of the 20th century, Coco Chanel. Her office outfit consisted of a skirt, cardigan and jumper. Girls wore it not only to work, but also to social events and dates.

Over time, the boundaries of business style became more spacious, and it began to attract even those young girls who did not need to adhere to a dress code. Today the most popular office suits are produced under the brands Hugo Boss, Donna Karan, Chanel, Armani, Denifess (Russia). In clothes from foreign and Russian designers, there are not only official features, but also playful, youthful and even romantic ones.

Varieties and features

Business style is divided into 4 subcategories, depending on the severity of the requirements and the places where they are used:

  • Business Formal. The same boring, expressionless style that is used in legal, banking, insurance, political institutions, schools, interviews.

  • Modern Business. A less formal style that allows you to express your personality. Relevant at exhibitions, meetings, other events and workplaces where there is no strict dress code.
  • Business Casual. An informal style that allows you to look spectacular and fashionable. Used in companies where there is no dress code at all. It can be used when going to an informal meeting, to the cinema, on a date.

Description of the style and rules for drawing the bow

The business style philosophy is conservative. But strictness in appearance is not presented in order to deprive the image of individuality - things of a restrained style help to look more confident and make a positive impression on partners and clients. The ability to prove yourself through professional qualities, not clothes, is valued in the business sphere. Therefore, it is better to save fancy outfits for the weekend.

Requirements for different types of business style differ, for Business Formal they are the most stringent, for Business Casual they are democratic. But there are several general rules for drawing up an office bow.

The main rule that should be taken into account when drawing up a business look is neutrality in colors and styles. Clothes should fit into the canons of the classics. There is no place for overt sexuality, deep neckline, slits on skirts, colorful colors and patterns.

To create the image of a successful business woman, you need to choose things from high-quality fabrics that do not wrinkle and perfectly fit the figure. Mainly natural materials are used: linen, cotton, silk. Preference is given to clothing with a simple cut. It's worth experimenting a bit with the style:

  • The jacket can be straight or slightly narrowed, up to the center of the thigh. The skirt should be the same shape and length to the knee.
  • Office trousers are mostly straight, with a raised waist. Flared is back in fashion, pants with prints are in trend. It is worth choosing a chiffon blouse with a dull ornament for skinny trousers - it will give the image a little eccentricity.
  • Among the dresses, a case is a win-win option. You can wear other styles of dresses, but they must necessarily obey the canons of the classics.
  • Shirts must have at least a quarter sleeve. Denim shirts have recently come into fashion, they are in perfect harmony with skirts made of a similar material.
  • Blouses can be of any pastel shade. To make a formal look more feminine, you can purchase a blouse with flounces or ruffles. Silk blouses look good with fitted jackets and straight jackets.

One of the dominant features of office wear for girls is its shade. The classic colors include black, blue, brown, gray. But such gloomy things can be complemented by blouses and accessories in pastel shades. With a less strict dress code, suits in light colors are allowed: white, caramel, beige. Neutral patterns, stripes, cells are allowed. The main thing is that the wardrobe items are not defiantly flashy: too bright, with leopard prints, floral patterns. In order for all the components of a business image to be in harmony, you should not use more than 3 colors when creating it.

Shoes are selected exclusively closed, both in winter and in spring. The classic version is pumps with small heels to match the jacket or black. If the base of the bow is a skirt, cover your legs with transparent tights 10-15 denier. Thicker tights and leggings are inappropriate in the office.

To complete the image, it is allowed to use not too flashy accessories, for example, a stylish shawl, scarf, handbag and jewelry made of gold, silver, pearls. The main thing is not to overdo it with decorations. According to etiquette, there should be no more than 3 of them, including the wedding ring.

Examples of office images

The easiest way to replenish your wardrobe with suitable items is to purchase a three-piece or four-piece suit. These sets include a skirt, trousers, a jacket, a vest - the basic elements of Business Formal. It remains to buy a few blouses - and the other basis for creating a daily look is ready. But if you want to stand out from the crowd of employees, you should devote more time and effort to updating your wardrobe.

Office style of clothing is appropriate for young girls and women of advanced years, skinny and overweight. When composing your own bow, you need to take into account the age, shape parameters and the weather outside the window.

Examples of drawing a bow:

  • Look for women over 40: midi skirt + pastel-colored blouse + strict or knitted cardigan + pumps or shoes with small heels.

  • An image for thin people: a cropped dress of a free cut in beige or sky-purple shades + a fitted jacket + ballet flats without a heel.

  • Youth look: straight trousers + tight-fitting blouse or turtleneck + fitted jacket + low-heeled shoes.

  • An image for the overweight: a sheath dress + an airy blouse + a cardigan that hides figure flaws and accentuates its merits.

  • A universal look for autumn-winter: a standard outfit + a cardigan or a jumper made of wool in a delicate shade. Remember not to wear tight tights.

A stylish bow should be complete and thought out to the smallest detail. That is, you need to pay attention not only to the wardrobe, but also to small details: hairstyle, manicure, make-up. Nails should be well-groomed, the presence of bright and unnatural varnishes on them is unacceptable. Hair is best collected or neatly styled. Use cosmetics in natural and subtle shades to apply makeup.

Examples of office-style outfits for women in the photo:


Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Life in a modern city leaves a certain imprint on all spheres of a woman's life and the wardrobe is no exception. The business style of clothing for girls and women of the age has its own distinctive features. A lot is dictated by a strict dress code, but some are influenced by seasonal fashion trends. The proposed office fashion in 2019 is distinguished by a certain color palette and the ability to complement the bow with various accessories, including textile ones.

Women's business style of clothing is traditionally subdivided into types used depending on the current situation. There are images for negotiations and everyday office visits, business trips and corporate events. All these subtleties should be considered. You can read about how to choose women's clothing for a business wardrobe for 2019 in this article. You can also look at the photos of new products and types of office style, some models of suits and skirts, blouses and jackets:

What forms the business style of clothing for girls in 2019 (with photo)

What makes up your everyday wardrobe? Of course, from the basic elements of clothing, which, with the right choice, should be combined with each other and complement each other. Women's business style for girls in 2019 is no exception - trendy novelties have not appeared here, everything is quite standard and prosaic. These are classic trousers and pencil skirts, blouses and shirts in traditional white colors, complemented by pastel shades. However, for those places where smart casual style is allowed in a casual look, the blouse can be rich blue, blue, burgundy and green.

All sorts of forms of suits firmly fit into the women's business style of clothing. It is more profitable to have a three-piece or four-piece suit. In this case, the set includes a skirt and trousers, a jacket and a vest. These office wardrobe essentials are paired with a few blouses, turtlenecks and shirts to create a solid foundation for a day-to-day look. You can complement it with a beautifully knitted silk scarf and sophisticated pumps.

In summer, suitable shoes are sandals and open-toed shoes. In the autumn, it can be classic ankle boots and boots with a bootleg height just below the knee. Treads in this version is a rather awkward option for choosing shoes

Look at the photo of the new business style of clothing for girls for 2019:

The presented bows include a variety of options for blouses and jackets, skirts and trousers. But what styles are better to choose in this or that case - we will consider further.

Types of business attire: classic office, formal and casual

Even in such an area as business, there is always room for creativity and imagination. The types of business style of modern woman's clothing are subdivided according to their purpose. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to constantly wear a strict jacket buttoned up. There is the so-called casual business style of a woman's clothing, which implies a looser form.

Small prints on the skirt and jacket, multi-colored blouses, bracelets and rings will be appropriate here. As part of such a bow, sundresses and vests, sleeveless jackets and skirts with an elegant type of cut - year, pleating, pleat, flared are often used. This also includes knitted cardigans and vests, thin sweaters, etc. The opposite is formal business attire, with classic office wear in the middle. Look at the photo examples of such bows and choose exactly what is closer in your situation:

Modern business dress styles are at times actively undergoing transformation under the influence of the dominant fashion trends of the year. In 2019, a similar bias is observed mainly in the area of ​​comfort. Elastic, practical fabrics are in vogue, which are less wrinkled and practically do not hinder movement. Knitted blazers and skirts become the basis for many office looks. A thin turtleneck or knitted top often replaces the classic one.

Consider the classic office style of clothing, which presupposes a certain combination of colors and cut of products. It includes all straight skirts and trousers, strict blouses and shirts made of cotton and silk, plain scarves, fitted double-breasted jackets. No deviations in the direction of replacing the upper part with a light sweater or blouse are allowed here.

Basic color palette: black, gray, brown, dark blue, white. It is better to refuse all shades of pink, blue, purple and green here. Look at the photo examples of the classic business style of clothing for women:

The strictest is the official business style of clothing, which includes only things of a certain format. Its distinctive feature is the high cost of the suit and expensive fabrics. Here it will be unacceptable to take a suit made of cotton linen and complement it with an openwork T-shirt.

Strict lapels of the English collar of the jacket, the complete absence of decorative trim on the skirt or trousers, the perfect fit and a white shirt without ruffles and flounces. It is this bow that will be considered the official business image. Please note that it is inappropriate to use any other footwear except strict black pumps or boots made of smooth natural leather without straps and other decorative trimmings.

Suit with a jacket, skirt and trousers in a business office style

A suit in a business office style can include both pants and skirts. Moreover, experienced women of fashion can successfully combine a jacket from one suit with a pair or three of skirts carefully matched to it according to the texture of the fabric in the color scheme. The situation is similar with trousers.

When choosing a suit with a skirt, you should think about the possibility of combining a jacket with trousers, and sometimes with jeans of a standard cut in the future. The photo shows options for combining these things in a casual and classic office style of images for girls and women:

Jacket styles include, jackets, basque models. All this is quite appropriate with a free style of office wear. If there are no special requirements, then the jacket can be linen in the summer, satin, stretch and even denim. Especially popular in 2019 will be English cut denim jackets with a one-color delay. Suitable denim colors are black and dark shades of gray.

Blouses should be chosen with the utmost care. It should be remembered that the shirt itself should be strict and go well with the skirt. A harmoniously composed look can be completed by a scarf or tie. Also, do not neglect the possibility of using vests and sleeveless jackets.

Among the colors, the favorite is white, nude, beige, sky blue. Small cage, thin vertical stripe is welcome. From fabrics you can choose cotton, silk, satin, chiffon, soft thin jersey. Any prints should be left for free time.

Models remain a definite trend in office fashion in 2019. They should be up to mid-knee length. The preferred fabric is fine wool for fall-winter and linen for spring-summer. The currently popular colors are wet asphalt, deep blue, standard black, brown. In some cases, the burgundy color of the wine berry will be appropriate. The minimum number of buckles, wide shoulder straps, a semicircular neckline, patch pockets, a fitted silhouette - all this will be relevant throughout the year.

Pants for the office are a rather difficult choice, since you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​purchasing a fashionable bell-bottom or tight-fitting pipes. Standard leg width, straight fit and high waist are basic requirements. The length should be about the middle of the heel used. Preferred colors are burgundy, gray, white, black, brown.

Colors, accessories and shoes in a woman's business wardrobe

Colors and shades are decisive. One and the same style of a skirt can be strict office if it is made in gray tones, and festive if it is a shiny material with a rich scarlet hue. The most popular colors are the whole gamut of calm tones, from pure black to all sorts of shades of gray. White and pastel, brown and dark blue are always in demand. Green may be in demand depending on the corporate style of the company.

Accessories and footwear play a huge role. In the modern business wardrobe of a woman, there must be a collection of neckerchiefs and silk scarves that can instantly transform a bow. You also need two pairs of boats (beige and black), sandals in a simple style, boots for trousers, knee-high boots, ankle boots (as needed).

From accessories, you should choose neutral products that do not attract attention. It can be stylish brooches, small in size, thin gold bracelets. Hair accessories should always be in the same color scheme with a common bow. Do not use bows, headbands with flowers, acid-colored hairpins.

If a woman dominates not only in the kitchen, at the washing machine or in the children's room, with an iron, a vacuum cleaner and homework, then she is a working mother. Or not a mom yet, but definitely working! You want to stay feminine, attractive and stylish everywhere and always: with a bowl in your hands, on the treadmill, in the theater and, of course, at work. Moreover, in the office, most likely, there is more competition than an ironing board. And if a business lady does not and cannot have competitors, and if she is not interested and does not need it, all the same, a slight girlish egoism with an inner voice tells which skirt will emphasize the waist, and which outfit will even be able to win the favor of her superiors.

Where did the origins come from?

So, office style. It came from a very young business style, which in turn took beginning from the classics and puritanism of England... The direction is the same, the only difference is that the English style does not allow any deviations from traditions, the classics is an unbending vector of severity, and the official business (office) style is a mix of classics and functionality, seasoned with fashion.

All the same severity of cut, elegance of materials and sophistication of accessories, but almost completely dictated by modernity. If a strict dress code is entered at work, it is appropriate to recall the suits in. Black and white outfits, suits of two, three, the obligatory presence of a jacket. Inalienable attributes of office fashion are classic footwear, formal dresses (sheath dress, tuxedo dress). Hands, neck, face, legs below the knee can remain open.

If the dress code at the enterprise is limited to a strict business style of clothing - there will be enough space for a flight of imagination! Office fashion can include elements of country, military style, and even sports. Of course, a crimson skin-tight dress or sneakers for the office is not just a lyrical digression, it is pure frivolity. However, it is not at all necessary to sew into a "penguin suit"!

Basic rules for a business woman's office suit:

  • black and white gamut;
  • modesty and sophistication;
  • convenience and functionality;
  • femininity and elegance.

What's on top?

Cardigans, jackets, boleros, jackets and blazers (club jacket) of various styles and lengths, designed in a specific style and color scheme.

What's below?

Of course, today the best version of the "classic bottom" of a woman's office suit is a skirt. This beautiful piece of women's wardrobe begins somewhere just above the knee and may end only at the very ankles. The optimal length is a tribute to the classics - knee-deep or slightly lower. You can wear a tulip skirt, a pencil skirt, and even a flared sun is appropriate in the office if you combine it with a strict virgin-closed top. This season patch pockets with various prints are relevant. It is quite acceptable to use a different fabric, color, as well as decoration with drapery, zipper, buttons or lacing. Pants are also part of a business suit. If this is not an element of an outfit of a two or three, you can play with shades and material. The jacket and trousers may differ in color and texture, however, it is imperative to adhere to the style orientation.

A shirt is a must-have attribute of a business woman's wardrobe. At work, not only options for suits with shirts are possible, but also various tops, turtlenecks, blouses. The color may differ from the main suit, the presence or absence of buttons is not important. It is worth remembering that a business suit requires the presence of a jacket or its equivalent over a blouse.

This season, the actual and fashionable thing called frill is complemented by an independent (separate) collar. It can be a great decoration both in tandem with cuffs, and by itself. There are a lot of options for such collars: these are lace products, and metal, from beads, beads and bugles, fabric, leather. In short, everyone will find something to their liking, and at the same time show the impeccability of style!

On my two

Let's talk about shoes. Naturally, the shoes-pumps occupy the shoe podium in a business style. However, they are not inferior to such fashionable models for several seasons in a row with high heels and a platform (it can be both hidden and quite obvious). The size and style of the heel is a purely individual choice. Lacquer, suede, leather or textiles: if only not like on wooden stilts. You need to soar not only in the dance, but also at the office table.

Than calm your heart

Accessories, accessories and more accessories. Neck scarves, scarves, ties, bows, frills, collars. Expensive jewelry that allows not only pendants, but also fairly large beads, earrings, bracelets and rings. A business lady should not look like a Christmas tree, but it is not necessary to put stylish decorations far into the box.

When choosing a bag, preference should be given to a briefcase bag, a valise or a tablet bag. A clutch or bag in casual style will not give the volume and shape necessary for storing documents. Expensive materials: leather, suede, varnish and textiles are acceptable.