Care of the Russian toy terrier. Feeding Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers, Small Decorative Dogs

Buying a toy does not mean buying a toy. The diminutiveness of the dog does not mean that there should be less care and attention to the pet. This is a living creature that also needs care and attention. And the size has nothing to do with it. Problems with toys are only a consequence of neglect of the animal. Keeping a toy terrier may seem troublesome only at first.

A long, happy life of a pet and your positive emotions associated with a miniature pet are possible with proper care of the decorative terrier.

You can read hundreds of books and articles on how to care for that terrier, but at the same time be initially mistaken about the breed.

Golden rules from the word "no" that you must feel and strictly observe in the process of caring for an animal:

  • no, that is not a toy.
  • no, that is not a mannequin. The beautiful things that you have already looked after in the pet store should be functional, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.
  • no, it is not necessary to dress the baby in clothes of several layers. The trembling of the Toy is caused, again, by the peculiarity of the breed.

No matter how smart the dog is, it is still not able to take care of itself on its own. The hygiene and health of your pet is your responsibility.

Toy Terrier Puppy Care

Caring for a toy terrier puppy is like caring for a small child. Prepare for the appearance of the child in advance, and here - make all the preparations before the dog comes to live in your house:

  • before a small barking lump appears, purchase a dog enclosure or playpen. Put him in the playpen when you leave him alone and overnight so as not to take him to bed. Finding a dog in such an enclosure will prevent the puppy from injury, and you from spoiled things.
  • set aside space for the puppy. This can be a special house, a couch, a box, or a rolled-up blanket. And immediately teach the dog to him.
  • Identify a place to eat in the kitchen. Select or buy several small bowls for food and be sure to have one bowl for water.
  • for subsequent care, prepare at least a minimum set of hygiene products (dog shampoo, toothpaste and a brush, liquid to clean the ears, nail clipper) and related items (collar, toilet tray, transport bag, toys and special bones).

Obligatory care for a miniature terrier puppy includes:

  • cleaning the ears. The procedure is carried out once a month, but more often if it is heavily soiled. Using a cotton swab dipped in a special liquid for the ears or hydrogen peroxide, the visible part of the auricle is wiped.

using cotton swabs to care for the ears of a small dog is fraught with injury, since it is unlikely that the dog will sit quietly during this procedure.

  • inspection of the peephole. As soon as we notice discharge in the corners of the eyes, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.
  • claw cutting. The claws are trimmed no more than once a month. If the dog is walking on the street, then the claws are mostly grinded off on their own. You just have to make sure that the claws are not wrapped.
  • fur care. When we brush the dog's fur, we remove the dirt accumulated in the fur, dead skin particles and prevent the fur from falling off.
  • weekly bathing for the dog is not required. You can also buy your pet once a month. But after walking outside, be sure to wash the toy's paws.
  • release of the anal glands. The fact is that the dog has "pockets" in the anal area, which are the place of accumulation of odorous secretions. As soon as there is a lot of discharge, the pet begins to experience discomfort. You will see this right away, because she cannot think of anything better than wiggle her booty on the rug. We save the pet from an unpleasant condition by squeezing secretions from the cavities near the anus with our fingers.
  • cleaning teeth from plaque. Periodic cleaning of tooth enamel prevents dental disease. And during the period when the milk chewing organs are replaced with permanent ones, it will additionally help to loosen the temporary tooth.
  • walking in clothes for the weather. In cold weather we walk the dog in overalls, and put on special boots on its paws. It is important to dress your pet for the weather - not to freeze, but at the same time not to overheat.
  • good nutrition. You'd be surprised how much food a little glutton can handle. Overeating and unbalanced diet are the causes of diseases inherent in this breed. In miniature dogs, the liver, pancreas, and gastrointestinal tract are at risk. Therefore, the pet should not eat from your table. It is better to buy food in stores in the form of ready-made feed, where proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins and microelements are already balanced.

it is enough to feed a voracious miniature dog once a day.

  • vaccination. If you take a puppy from a breeder, he will sell it to you with two mandatory vaccinations. And the veterinarian will tell you the frequency of the rest.
  • antihelminthic prophylaxis.

Caring for that terrier girl

You will feel the distinctive features of caring for that terrier girl only when the dog starts to heat. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, monitor your baby carefully while walking.

Well, the pregnancy of a dog, the birth of puppies and the feeding of babies, this is a completely different story.

Caring for a toy terrier boy

In principle, there are no special differences by gender between a boy and a girl caring for that terrier.

In addition to periods, as we wrote above, ladies are in heat and the need to mark their territory in males. As soon as the boy is found, the marks acquire a specific smell, which can only be removed with the help of time and patience.

Russian Toy Terrier Care

Owners of the Russian Mini Terrier breed can breathe easy. There is nothing supernatural about caring for a Russian toy terrier from keeping another decorative dog. Just a few extra touches:

  • don't waste time looking for any special information on how to care for that mini terrier. Recommendations for the care of dogs of the "toy terrier" and "decorative dog" groups are suitable for all miniature breeds.
  • the presence of peculiarities in the care of the mini terrier is associated with the activity of the breed. As much time as possible should be devoted to walking with your pet. Moreover, you need to walk with it not holding it in your arms, but forcing it to move - run and jump. The doggie must dump the energy accumulated in the four walls.
  • do not be afraid of the monotony in the diet of the dog. This diet is excellent for a dog of this breed, which eliminates the problems of the digestive tract and the manifestation of allergic reactions.

How to care for a Russian long-haired toy terrier

The subtleties of grooming the Russian long-haired toy terrier are more frequent brushing. Additional bathing is not required for the dog, it is enough to wipe the dusty pet with a damp terry towel.

Video - How to care for a toy terrier

You can find out the basic rules for caring for that terrier by watching the video.

Quality food and a well-formulated diet are essential to good animal care. Is it possible to feed the Toy Terrier with vegetables and cereals, or is it better to keep the dog on a meat diet? Let's consider in more detail how to properly feed a toy terrier so that the dog grows well and is healthy.

How to feed an adult toy terrier?

To avoid problems with the digestion of an animal, you must follow some rules. Here are some tips on how to feed your toy terrier properly:

  • if you want to introduce a new food to your dog, do it gradually. It is advisable to select the morning time of day for experiments, give a little;
  • Before you decide to feed your terrier only natural food, purchase vitamins from the pet store. But buying drugs on the advice of friends is not worth it, it is better to consult a specialist;
  • remember the importance of a varied menu for your dog. Food should be of high quality, contain plant substances, vitamins and proteins.

Here is a rough list of what you can safely feed your toy terrier:

  1. Meat products. A dog should be allowed no more than 60 g of meat per day. Offer your pet beef, beef offal, chicken very carefully. Do not forget to scald it with boiling water before serving it.
  2. Vegetables should make up about 20% of the dog's diet. It is permissible to feed the animal with cucumbers, tomatoes (but very carefully), carrots and bell peppers. Beets are given as a laxative. Offer cabbage sometimes, but carefully, it causes increased gas formation.
  3. Porridge should make up about 30% of the dog's diet. Rice and buckwheat are good options for your pet.
  4. Sometimes it is okay to treat a dog berries or fruits. But remember who exotic or rare fruits are strictly prohibited. Try some apricots, apples, or pears.
  5. Than of fermented milk products can i feed a toy terrier? Let's boldly, as for their quality, it is preferable to buy special milk for children, since the quality of these products is more reliable.

Based on all this, an approximate daily menu for a dog could be as follows:

  1. In the morning, offer your pet rice or buckwheat porridge. You can fill it with kefir or fermented baked milk. Porridge can be mixed.
  2. For lunch, offer a vegetable salad, some fruit. Fill everything with oil.
  3. Lean meat with porridge for dinner. Porridge can be alternated or mixed.

How to feed a month-old Toy Terrier?

Try not to take a dog younger than 1.5 months old. Ideally, the animal should have up to 6 meals each day, with approximately equal intervals between feedings. Serve some finely chopped meat first. Don't forget to scald it with boiling water. Later, give cottage cheese with kefir. Repeat after a while. Next time, offer very well-cooked buckwheat or rice. The 5th feeding consists of milk porridge, then offer meat again. Never give in to your dog's whims if he doesn't want to eat cereals or vegetables. If you give in, then in the future, except for meat, you will not be able to feed her. Vegetables are very important for your puppy. They saturate the body with vitamins, act as cleaners.

What can not be fed to a toy terrier?

Here is a list of those foods and dishes that should not be given to a dog categorically:

Despite its diminutive size, a two-month-old baby toy demonstrates with all his behavior that he is a real dog, and not a porcelain figurine. And this often baffles the owners of the baby. On the one hand, they are afraid to blow on him, and on the other, they understand that they have got a pet with character! And caring for that terrier at such a tender age should fully take into account both these features of the breed.

So you've brought the puppy home. Do not rush to immediately shove him various goodies. Let him first examine his new home. If at first you decided to limit its territory for security purposes or faster training to the litter box, then let him get acquainted only with the room where he will live.

Show the baby his place. Better if it is a soft dog house, covered with durable fabric. Otherwise, the baby will deal with him in a couple of weeks.

Usually toy people quickly overcome fear and easily master in a new place. But, if your baby is experiencing a difficult change of scenery, huddled in a corner, trembles and whines - calm him down. Take it gently on the handles, iron it, give a piece of meat or cheese. Perhaps he was just tired and after sleep he would continue his research. However, you don't need to carry the puppy in your arms all the time. You yourself will not notice how he will make this method of movement his main one.

What to feed?

Caring for a toy terrier at the age of 2-3 months involves four meals a day with a serving size of no more than 30 grams. At 4 months old, you can transfer the puppy to three feeding times, and from 6 months he can eat like an adult dog - 2 times a day, 50g.

Do not try to fatten the puppy by all means. Yes, three to four month old toys often look thin, but for this breed this is normal. The standard clearly states that this is a dog "with thin bones and lean muscles." And yet, by feeding the baby hard, you run the risk of seriously undermining his health and disrupting metabolism.

As for the set of products, for a very small puppy it is minimal. It can be special food for small breed puppies, or porridge (rice or oatmeal), lightly cooked meat plus low-fat dairy products. And there is no need to rush to diversify the baby's menu. At least until all the vaccinations are done. Closer to 4 months, start introducing vegetables, unsweetened fruits, fish into the diet. And, of course, not any products from your table, and even more so bones, smoked meats and sweets.

Usually babies have no problems with appetite. But if the puppy is too picky and often refuses to eat, then the reason for this can be both health problems and rare walks, a sedentary lifestyle. And the owners themselves often pamper pets.

Baby health

In order for the puppy to grow strong and you will have to:
- make sure that the baby does not get injured, do not allow him to jump from a height, arrange fights with other dogs, etc.
- remove all dangerous items (electrical cables, household chemicals, easily chewed and breakable items)
- weekly inspect and, if necessary, clean the puppy's eyes and ears
- do not overfeed and do not give the crumbs food from your plate
- until Toychik's teeth change and his ears stand up, give him multivitamins containing calcium and phosphorus
- do not overcool or overheat the baby.
- once every three months, give him an anthelmintic drug no more than is necessary for his weight
- in the spring-summer period, treat the pet from fleas and ticks with special products for puppies.

In addition, be sure to find a good veterinarian who knows the characteristics of the breed, is always ready to help the baby and give useful advice just by phone. And make sure that there is always hydrogen peroxide, enterosgel, allergy medicine, bandage and cotton in the house.

Walking and toilet

Caring for that terrier will not be complete without regular walks. Your baby is extremely inquisitive and lively creature. And to deprive him of the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around him and other dogs is cruel! In addition, walking with a puppy has a positive effect on its immunity, hardens the baby, and contributes to its socialization.

It is recommended to start walking with the dog after all the vaccinations and quarantine. However, even before that, you can take him out into the yard in your arms and wear it around a little. And before you start to walk fully, be sure to teach your baby to the collar and leash. For his safety, do not let the baby go far away from you and do not let him come into contact with large and stray dogs. On the other hand, games with kids of his age are very useful.

It is clear that caring for that terrier will not do without toilet training. Whatever one may say, but you cannot do without a tray or a diaper here, tk. it is not recommended to take the baby outside in rain, snow and severe frost. But a puppy is not a kitten, so please be patient and persistent, let the baby understand when he goes to the toilet correctly and when not. And no physical punishment! This can ruin everything. It so happens that the puppy himself has chosen a place for the toilet in the house. Then just put the diaper in there, and later put the tray.

We bring up correctly!

Toychik's character is energy and perseverance in achieving goals. And his goals are very different. From "get this beautiful shoes of the hostess" to "urgently beg the owner for a piece of cake." And here is who will win! Therefore, caring for that terrier cannot be imagined without education and training from the first days.

Decide right away what the puppy shouldn't do in your home, and never let him. Do you want your pet to stop barking in vain? - Give a strict forbidding command, knock something on the floor, and as soon as the toy is silent, praise and give a treat. And do this constantly until the dog learns its lesson.

Surprisingly, but you can train a pet in the same way as a large service dog. The same persistence, multiple repetitions, a system of rewards and punishments. You just need to make an allowance for the size of the crumb, and as a negative impact, your severity, a loud sound and a slight jerk of the leash will be enough.

What to feed For small decorative dogs, everyone decides for himself who is comfortable with what, natural food, dry food or canned food.

Nutrition- Straight

If you are already feeding a natural woman, then feed the dog right: boiled not fatty beef (do not salt), it is better to drain the first broth, buckwheat is not salty and not sweet cooked in water, not a lot of sunflower oil (a teaspoon). Boiled chicken breast (do not salt) - I buy ONLY chicken Kingdom breast, Lipetsk city - (Petelenka Piterskaya, Mosselprom - I don’t give breasts from Belgorod and Tula to dogs, but I buy Tulskaya turkey and minced white meat Krasnobor) - often it is better not to give, it is better not more often than 1-2 times a week, you can replace buckwheat with boiled rice (do not salt), it is better to cook the cereal all the same, and not crushed and do not be too lazy to rinse the cereal. For a change, groats can be alternated with noodles, "letters", "puzzles". For an adult dog weighing 2 kg, a serving - 1 dessert spoon with a top of finely chopped meat and 1 spoon of boiled cereal. You can also cook "hedgehogs" from rice (pre-cooked until half cooked), minced meat (turkey or beef) and grated carrots + raw egg - everything is mixed, "hedgehogs" are molded and put in boiling water, cook for 25-30 minutes. Ready boiled "hedgehog" the size of a small apple, a portion for a dog weighing 2 kg. Broth should NOT be given to dogs. You can give a boiled chicken egg, but not often (1-2 times a week) and a little, and only the yolk - for an adult dog (2 kg) half of the yolk.

Is it possible for small dogs Toy Terriers and Chihuahua giving cottage cheese?

It is possible and necessary to give cottage cheese to adult dogs, who give a store cheese in packs or loose (you have to try it yourself and buy only in trusted stores) is not very fatty. For an adult dog weighing 2 kg - 2 dessert spoons. For puppies, I make my own cottage cheese (we have kefir fungi in our house, you can also cook with kefir and milk), calcified cottage cheese is very useful: for 1 liter of milk (for a small puppy, you can make 300 grams - 1 spoon) 3 tablespoons calcium chloride (in vet. pharmacies it is cheaper, but not everywhere) milk boils You add calcium chloride and stir, then put it on a sieve and cool. Cottage cheese "Domik v Derevne" (5.5%) is very fond of both adult dogs and puppies, they eat it with great pleasure. Kefir and yogurt (I buy classic BioMax without fruit), the dogs drink the same and lick them with pleasure. But for each pet, everything is purely individual, it can get bored. DO NOT give milk to dogs.

Is it possible to give to small dogs Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers offal?

Offal dogs Of course they will, but it is better not to give them to adults, not to puppies - all these liver, heart (yes, chicken and turkey), kidneys, ventricles and navels. I have the youngest Toyka at 3 months of age, tried a turkey heart, fresh, boiled (not salted), cut into small pieces - like a grain of buckwheat ... that means ... she vomited the poor thing for 3 hours ... until bloody foam. .. And if adult dogs are given a BOILED beef liver more than three times in a row, they will definitely have a "weak" belly.

Is it possible for decorative dogs Chihuahua and Give fish to toy terriers?

You can give and white and red fish, but only in boiled form (do not salt) and check for the absence of bones. Hake, haddock, cod, sea chicken - from red: pink salmon, trout, salmon. Carcass or fillet. They eat fish with pleasure, but it seems to me that my Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas, fish love more than beef and chicken. It can be given along with boiled buckwheat (do not sweeten, do not salt) or rice, or without cereal.

Is it possible to give Chihuahua and For toy terriers vegetables and fruits?

Dogs, among other things, should receive vitamins in their natural form: raw vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers - it is better from their site, remove the skin, carrots, pumpkin - I sometimes give Chinese salad. Carrots, zucchini and pumpkin can be given in boiled form.) And fruits (a slice of banana, an apple - peel off, cherries, cherries, our little Sonia loves apricots, peaches and nectarines. get trapped - only nitrates.) everything is purely individual and of course in very small quantities. I give vegetables and fruits to puppies from 3 months.

Nutrition - Dry food

When my older dogs were still small, I began to feed them once a day, a little at a time - dry food"Happy Dog" (made in Germany - premium class - junior croc start), by the way, I have never met a smaller feed. Life is different, and when it came time for my girls to become mothers, I thought there was no such crowd I would not feed with meat. In the future, I tried almost the entire catalog of premium and super-premium food from this manufacturer, but for small decorative dogs the food - Tuscany, New Zealand, Ireland - is frankly large. As it turned out later, "Happy Dog" is really the most decent dry food... Some dog lovers have tried to switch to others stern but ended up returning to Happy Dog. I was no exception. But in 2012 the quality of Happy Dog for puppies of small breeds Junior 29 became worse ... My dogs and I also tried "Ekanuba" (Dutch "spill"), though this "Ekanuba" (Yukanuba) only liked the older Toyka - Ksyune. Recently, the quality of Ekanuba (2011) has been poor ... you open a bag of dry food for small breed puppies and each new bag is different in quality from the previous one.

My dogs tried different dry food of all kinds of manufacturers "Pro Pak" (USA) a lot of manure and dogs drink a lot of water (cheap food is cheap in Africa ...) , the breeders fed him the vaunted Hills - the puppy's skin was dry). Very decent dry food"Advance" (Spain) especially for small breed puppies. German dry food"Bosch" is not very good, Chihuahua friends combed it out from him and we "left" without waiting for him. Dry food "Belkando" (Germany) is even better. We tried Swiss "Bio Mil" - nothing special, just a high price, and his dogs somehow did not understand that Chihuahuas or Toy Terriers. "Pro Plan" ("Purina" - France) excellent dry food, but not on chicken, but on salmon with rice. True, it should be noted that the dogs gained weight from him, but feed almost completely assimilated and there was little manure. At the moment we have settled on dry food Royal Canin for Chihuahuas and small breed puppies. Dry food everyone selects for their animals, you can get the result only by personal experience - trial and error ...

Food - Canned food

Canned food"Happy Dog" my dogs eat "with a bang", it is ready-made canned food: veal with turkey, veal with heart, veal with rice, lamb with rice, veal with vegetables as not very much - probably because of carrots. This can be said already in the past, the quality has become worse - I will not buy it anymore, it still did not go well with rice ... and they were heavily salted ... the dogs drank water and, accordingly, allocated not sickly ... batch of 60 = cans from the exhibition Russia 2009 bought only 30 = rubles for 400 g (in zoo stores 50 =, only in Dinosaur 45 = who has a discount then 40 = almost like for nurseries at home) I think the latter ... Looks like production in the Moscow Region had a strong influence on the quality ... the representatives of the brand obviously did not finish it ... Canned food for dogs"Belkando" (Germany) are very tasty - if you feed the dog, do not hesitate to lick a spoon, given that the price is twice as expensive as stew for people (the price has increased greatly - 120 = - 130 = rubles for a can of 400 g) Canned food Dr. Alders (Germany) is very good - they remind "Belcando" (they used to remind, now this substance looks more like red sausage mince) but less moisture. Excellent canned food "Kredo" - Credo (Russia). The price is also not bad - for a jar of 250 grams, 55 = rubles and 78 = rubles for a jar of 340 grams in the Beethoven Pet Shop, plus anyone has a discount. Canned food MyLord and Edel Dog are frankly rubbish, so incomprehensible pieces - something cereal, and they smell like fish, like sprats, if you take Edel Dog so only pâté jars of 300 grams are a great choice (now they have risen in price in Zoo stores Dinosaurk without discount 72 = rubles, and in Beethoven 79 = rubles, and in Bibirevo 94 = !!!). Boxes of pâté 150 grams each in 2011 became more expensive than 60 = rubles ... Canned food"Willie Tail" - one bone meal and a lot of moisture. Canned food for dogs"Pedigri" - so-so, bags "Pedigri" - should be given with caution - possibly addictive, it tastes almost edible .... I remember they sold a Chihuahua puppy - which I "chose for myself" from the owners canned food"Oscar" and did not want to eat anything else. Canned food"Exi" - quite natural pieces of beef with buckwheat and carrots. You can just do it with meat. Take a closer look at the jar, under the blue lid, the jar is often swollen ...

From the last (2010 food): tried canned food(a can of 340 g) and pates (a can of 240 g) of the Four-Legged Gourmet SUPER-PREMIUM firm, I prefer to buy with beef - a very natural and high-quality product, our Russian. What is written on the can is what it should be, if we compare canned food at the level of Kredo. Dinosaurik stores are a little expensive (on Savelovskaya 90 = rubles for 340 g), and in Beethoven (71 = - 72 = rubles for 340 g) minus the discount .... it's still tolerable, but it's cheaper to order at home ... And the assortment is richer than in pet stores. At the EuroAsia 2010 exhibition, representatives of the Chetveroniy Gourmet sold a 340 g jar at 50 = rubles, 240 g pâté at 30 = rubles. Nursery home prices are about the same ...

It also happened on the occasion of eating dogs canned food firm ZooGurman, the plant is located in the city of Naro Fominsk M.O. where Happy Dog is also produced - it reminds Happy Dog, but much better ... meat comes across ... you can eat it. ZooForm - from the same plant - the price is not high at the level of Happy Dog, but there is no desire to try ...

Food 2011, pates(meat soufflé) in assortment: Happy Dog and Zoo Gourmet, jars of 125 grams (plant one), the quality is about the same, only Happy Dog is 25% more expensive than ZooGourman, but this is understandable Happy Dog is a world-wide brand ...

The production of meat soufflé Zoogurman (can of 125 grams) was transferred to Veliky Novgorod ... since May 2012, one can say that the plant is good, but has its own specifics ... the soufflé now does not look like a souffle, but a rather dry substance - like canned food "Hills" or "Pedigri" are almost greasy ... you can't shake them out of the can ... But then I accidentally discovered "Eat without problems" (one of Zoogurman's brands) pates of 125 grams and, most importantly, what makes them Naro-Fominsk plant, for puppies with beef to taste like Zoogurman meat soufflé with a rabbit ... Sold in the same Ashan City for only 20 rubles ...

Everything is individual. I believe that the owner of the dog (puppy) should have a complete understanding of what his animal eats.

Daily nutritional allowance

Toy Terrier - There is no difference between Toy Terrier, just like Chihuahua, food norms, how much food to give, all this must be applied according to the size and weight of the animal, because you cannot give a portion of a super-mini puppy (the weight of an adult dog is 1.2-1, 4 kg), a standard size puppy (2.5-3 kg)? It is impossible - the puppy will be hungry and will not finish eating, lose weight, in the same way, the portion for a standard-size puppy will be large for the Mini puppy, he will either overeat and for some time in the future, he will refuse to eat or will not eat, and the owner will think that the puppy has a poor appetite. It is best to get instructions from the breeder how much to give food and how often per day, for each particular puppy, the age of the puppy is also taken into account. As the puppy gets older, the portion increases and the number of meals per day decreases.

Dry food and boiled water can stay with the puppy (dog) all the time - the puppy will not eat too much. I do not measure dry food with any spoons or grams. If the puppy is on natural food and he is "not enough", since it is still a growing organism, he can always eat dry food and "get" ... if he has not eaten enough ... but this is usually an exception ... after natural food is dry not everyone will eat food, only hungry and, as a rule, a large standard individual.


I would also like to mention the vitamins of the company "Eight in one" (USA) "Calcidi" and "For wool", and about nutritious paste ("for puppies" and "for adult dogs") from the same manufacturer - it can be very useful especially when the animal refuses to eat, increases appetite, contains vitamins and nutrients.

Today, the baby toy terrier is especially popular and loved among dog lovers. These cute dogs with fawn eyes, along with a "cute" appearance, have a solid character, although not aggressive.

Today, many owners do not have enough knowledge about these dogs, in this article we will take a closer look at the toy terrier, a detailed description of the breed and photos, learn the intricacies of care, how long miniature pets live.

Description and characteristics

Toychiki are small dogs, smaller than an adult large one, with long legs in relation to the body, but at the same time the physique is compact. The dog has an interesting shape of the ears: the ears that are wider at the base taper towards the top, form the shape of a candle light. There are two breeds with similar characteristics: the English Toy and the Russian Toy.

Coat color: English breed - black and tan. Russian has a wider spectrum - brown and tan, pure red, light red, peach, black and red.

Length of wool: English - short, thick, harsh. The Russian breed has two varieties: smooth-haired and long-haired (with long wavy hair).

Molting for Toy it takes place in spring and autumn, this is considered the norm. Bitches usually shed before estrus, after puppies are born.

Height at the withers: from 25 to 30 cm in both breeds of Toy.

The weight: 1-3 kg. Life expectancy: 12-15 years on average.

Advantages of the breed are in the incredible activity and friendliness of dogs, playful and agile, despite their small stature, these crumbs infect with a positive. Although with a good disposition, in the event of a threat to the owner, it fearlessly rushes even at individuals that are huge in comparison with her.
From disadvantages of the breed you can highlight the reluctance to succumb. Dogs are too attached to one owner, in case of separation they experience severe stress, they constantly need company: they cannot stand loneliness.

English breed recognized by the English Kennel Club and FCI... Russian toy in 2005 recognized by FCI as an independent breed. Both breeds are identified in FCI group 9: decorative, companion dog.

This is an ideal lap dog that does not require too frequent and long walks, although it does require careful grooming and care from its owner. Kids are happy to communicate with people and other animals in the house.

She, like a cat, can be trained to pee in a litter box, by the way, this is almost the only breed that is allowed into all public places: hotels, restaurants, etc.

History of appearance

The English breed of black and tan terrier, on the basis of which the English Toy appeared, has been known since the Middle Ages. Initially, Toi performed the function of rat-catchers, which swarmed with cities and dwellings in those days.

Later, their diminutive appearance attracted the attention of noble ladies. For the first time at a dog show, the breed was presented in 1826, and the English Toy Terrier was officially recognized as an independent breed in 1920.

In Russia, the peak of popularity fell on the 18th century. And the long-haired breed was bred by the breeder Zharova Evgenia Fominichna in 1958, for some time they were even called Moscow Toy.

Currently, Russian toy terriers are represented by smooth-haired and long-haired dogs, as can be seen in the photo, their structure and general appearance are similar.

How to choose a puppy correctly?

A competent choice of a dog consists in the following rules:

  • The purchase must be carried out from the breeder of the breed or in special nurseries.
  • The puppy must be 45 days old, he must have all the accompanying documents, including a veterinarian's certificate.
  • A healthy puppy is active, curious and playful. Be sure to check your eyes, ears: they must be clean; in long-haired toy terriers, pay attention to the coat: it should be soft and shiny, without tangles.
If you are an inexperienced dog owner, then the optimal puppy age for you is about three months. At this age, he passed the first vaccinations, the first training (leash, tray), you do not have to mess around like with a baby.

Did you know? Miniature dogs have attracted the attention of many celebrities, for example, Paris Hilton, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Mickey Rourke, Madonna, Dwayne Johnson.

Puppies up to this age require a lot of attention both for health (changing teeth) and psychologically (they are afraid of being alone). However, there are pluses and minuses in everything: kids get used to the owner faster than adolescents. This also applies to training, it is easier to teach the little ones to follow your commands.

Conditions for a pet of 1.5 kg

For a mini toy terrier, special conditions are needed so that it does not get injured or gets stuck between pieces of furniture. The photo below clearly shows how small it is. Since dogs are curious, it is imperative to isolate all the wires from its curiosity, if the baby takes a bite, the electric shock can kill him.

It is advisable to cover slippery floor coverings with a carpet or a path; toychiks have long and thin legs, which it can injure if it slips. Arrange a berth in a quiet place, not a walk-through, away from heating appliances, drafts are also contraindicated.

It should be soft, but don't use foam or feather pillows. It is necessary to clean and change the pillowcase from wool and animal odor. Playful pets can be equipped with a mini playground.

Meals should be organized according to the following scheme:

  • 3 months - about five feedings per day, in small portions;
  • 5 months - three feedings;
  • 6 months - two balanced meals a day is enough.

How to care for the breed?

In addition to caring for the dog, observing its health, eating and walking, it is also necessary to play with animals, as this helps to strengthen mental health, develops the ability to communicate.

Checking the eyes and ears

The mucous membrane of the dog's eye must be examined daily, if there is any discharge in the corners of the eyes, they must be removed with a cotton swab. In order not to irritate the mucous membrane, the stick is moistened in eye drops, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.
If there are frequent mucous lumps, you should contact your veterinarian. In a healthy dog, discharge is only after sleep.

The ears must also be kept clean: they must be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with a special solution, but at the same time it is impossible to penetrate into the auricle, only around it. It is necessary to monitor the accumulation of sulfur, in large quantities it can cause an inflammatory process.


Bathing toys often should not be, in accordance with the recommendation of veterinarians smooth-haired bathe about four times a year, long-haired up to six times. Dogs have thin, sensitive skin that is prone to irritation, so it is better to take a closer look at the coat than to bathe often. Of course, washing your paws after a walk is sacred.
There are special shampoos for washing, it is better to choose the mildest one so that the dog does not have dandruff. The water should be warm.

Important! After vaccination, the bathing procedure cannot be carried out for two weeks.

Hair care

If the toy terrier is smooth-haired, then it needs to be brushed with a brush or a special mitten, if it is long-haired - combed out with a comb or comb, preferably daily. Frequent and regular brushing will prevent felting and tangling.

The only difficulty can arise with a long-haired dog, which needs to be combed daily.

Trimming nails

Toychiks rarely walk in winter, as they are extremely thermophilic. During walks, the claws of the dogs grind off. But during the period of rare exits to the air, the claws need to be cut.
The first procedure is carried out when the puppy is ten days old, then, if necessary, every 2-3 weeks.

For matured dogs, a haircut is carried out once a month. The procedure can be performed in any animal clinic or you can do it yourself. At the pet store, purchase a special tool for trimming the claws, while you need to know that only the rounded part of the claw is trimmed.

Dental care

Toy Terriers need constant examination and dental care. The first examinations are carried out when changing milk teeth to permanent ones.

The growth of permanent teeth can go wrong, behind or in front of baby teeth, incisors and canines will grow crooked, deform the jaw, which will affect the chewing ability and appearance of the pet.
Therefore, a professional doctor should monitor the growth process and remove milk teeth in time, and the owner's task is not to miss this moment. The teeth begin to change at about four months.

But that's not all. After the appearance of permanent teeth, they need to be brushed.

If you are ready to brush your pet's teeth yourself, you will need to purchase a dog paste, a brush, a tartar hook and a wooden stick.

The dog should be taught to the procedure gradually. Put the dog on your lap, try not to make sudden, frightening movements. Talk to him in a calm tone.
First, go over the teeth with a brush and paste (if the toothpick is too small, you can use a cotton swab), then, if necessary, remove the stones, which are most often formed on the posterior incisors, with a crochet hook.

With the crochet, act very carefully, it should be carried out in the direction from the gum to the edge of the tooth. A wooden stick removes uncured plaque.


The puppy is often walked, he must get used to the sounds of the street, to other animals and people, to learn how to adequately respond to them. For adult dogs, it is enough to walk three times a day.

It is advisable to find a quiet courtyard or park where there is little traffic so that you can let go of the leash.
Veterinarians do not recommend frequent use of a leash for these breeds, due to the possible curvature of the spine.

In the cold season, it is advisable to think about a blanket for a toy, he does not like cold and dampness. You can shorten walks at this time, and for the setting of natural needs, train in the tray in advance.

How to feed that terrier?

You can prepare food for your dog yourself if you don't trust the food manufacturer. Especially carefully it is necessary to draw up a menu for a puppy, on how and what he eats his further development and health will depend.

The dog's diet should be balanced with vitamins and minerals, fiber and proteins. The list of products includes:

  • meat, offal, fish (without bones);
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet);
  • fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese;
  • egg yolk;
  • raw or cooked vegetables and fruits.

Preferably finely chopped meat, give preference to beef and chicken. Fermented milk should be given every three days, but milk from animals is poorly absorbed, it should not be given. Cottage cheese is essential in puppyhood, especially as it is a source of calcium.

Important! Fried, fatty foods with excess salt, seasonings and preservatives are prohibited for dogs. This can hit the liver, and sweets can lead to dental problems. Do not give your pet nuts, macadamia nuts are known to cause death in dogs.

In the case of eating ready-made feed, do not even remember about economy class. These feeds are made from cheaper raw materials, often with an excess of minerals and allergenic compounds. For a delicate digestive system, toy is preferable to premium and super-premium foods, for example, Royal Canine, Acana, Orijen.

Training and education

Training in puppyhood up to six months is carried out exceptionally playfully. Raising your voice or punishment will scare the dog away and discourage the dog from studying. If your puppy resists, doesn't listen to you, take a break.
Optimal training technique: After following the command, reward the dog, feed the dog, pet and praise. Try to explain as clearly as possible for the dog what you want from him.

Toychiks are not stupid, so disobedience can be associated with dog stubbornness, a desire to play, not learn. As a punishment for disobedience, you can ignore the dog for a while, go to another room. This fidget will not last long and, in the end, you will achieve the result.

A more serious approach and the allocation of more time for training begins after six months.

Did you know? Peter I had a toy terrier named Lisette, after the death of his favorite, the tsar ordered to keep her stuffed animal. It is still kept in the Zoological Museum of St. Petersburg.

Diseases and other complications

Typical problems of a toy terrier dog are mainly associated with skeletal apparatus, ophthalmological problems and teeth, allergic reactions. The rest depends on the owner's attention and knowledge about caring for the breed. For example, an unhealthy diet can cause diseases of the digestive system.
Diseases of the kidneys, respiratory tract in a dog can cause hypothermia. Again, the owner in the cold season must buy warm clothes and control the time of the walk.

Toy allergies can be hereditary. Your dog may react to flowering plants, insect bites, certain foods or detergents.

Problems with teeth are described above, so we will not dwell on them. Do not forget about the prevention of canine dental diseases, and the veterinarian will tell you the frequency of visits to the clinic.

Timely vaccinations will serve as prophylaxis against infections.

The Toy Terrier is mobile and playful, injuries often occur due to paws disproportionate compared to the body, especially at puppyhood. Be sure to watch his games, jumps and running around. When choosing a puppy, study its pedigree, as there are genetically transmitted diseases: necrosis of the femoral head, dislocation of the patella.
Genetically determined and eye problems - cataract and conjunctivitis. Here you can help and correct the situation with the help of a veterinarian.

Surgical intervention is indispensable for atlantoaxial instability. This problem occurs when an injury with displacement of the vertebrae of the neck, they compress the spinal cord. The pet is in pain, cannot eat or move.

It is not difficult to detect the symptoms of diseases, it is enough to carefully observe the pet and its behavior:

  • lethargy, apathy to everything;
  • lost appetite;
  • dry nose and hot skin;
  • constant thirst;
  • unpleasant discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • convulsions;
  • vomiting and / or diarrhea.
At the slightest hint of these symptoms, see your doctor.

In conclusion, if you need a friend and companion, this is your dog. But any friendship requires commitment. Play with your pet, walk with him, follow not particularly tricky recommendations and the toy will answer you with love and devotion.