Fabric jewelry on the neck. Original jewelry with your own hands. Jewelry ideas. Step-by-step instructions for making jewelry from a shirt collar

Nowadays, it is not difficult to buy neck jewelry. But if you want others to pay attention not to the high cost of a decorative product, but to its uniqueness and originality, it is better to make jewelry on the neck with your own hands.

For this, hand-made craftswomen use beads, buttons, pieces of lace, strips of fabric. You can buy supplies and fasteners at a craft store, supermarket, or order online.

Knitted jewelry. Crochet technique

If you buy a ball of beautiful acrylic or cotton threads, you can crochet an openwork collar, scarf or neckerchief - traditional knitted accessories. Another option is to make a graceful necklace for an elegant V-neck dress.

White necklace. Crochet No. 1.5 from white cotton Maxi yarn (100 g / 565 m)

The decoration consists of 4 separately made snowflakes - they are crocheted using air loops. Knitted snowflakes begin to weave with 6 air loops, closing them into a ring. Further work continues according to the scheme:

  • 1 row. 12 single crochet stitches are knitted in the middle of the ring, close the row with a connecting post
  • 2 row. * Collect 3 air loops, skip 1 loop, knit a connecting column into the next loop *. Motive * - * repeat 5 times
  • 3 row. A connecting column is knitted into the initial arch of the 2nd row, 3 air lifting loops, 2 double crochet, 2 air loops and 3 double crochet are recruited. * Collect 3 air loops, knit 3 double crochet, 2 air loops and 3 double crochet into the second arch. Motive * - * repeat 4 times. Finish the row by tying 3 chain stitches. Close the row by tying a connecting post into the third lifting air loop
  • 4 row. * Knit a connecting post into an arch of 2 air loops. Crochet "pico": dial 3 air loops and knit a connecting column in the first of them. They knit a connecting column into the second arch of 3 air loops, perform 1 single crochet, 1 half crochet, 1 double crochet. Repeat "picot", knit 1 double crochet, 1 half-crochet and 2 single crochet. * Motive * - * repeat 5 times. Close the ring with a connecting post

The thread is fastened with a knot, cut off. 3 more snowflakes are made in the same way. Knitted elements are connected with air loops (12 in each gap). The extreme snowflakes are connected with chains, knitting 120 air loops on each side. To make homemade jewelry visually lengthen the neck, one of the snowflakes is placed in the form of a pendant.

Necklace made of ... laces

To make original knitted jewelry, you should learn how to crochet and knit laces. You can buy them, but then they will look completely uninteresting.

Jewelry made from hand-made elements is made in different ways: they are intertwined, beads with large holes are strung on them, beads are wrapped around with threads, knitted flowers are sewn on. So, three options for weaving in different techniques.

  1. On the needles of large diameter, the required number of loops (50-150) is recruited and knitted with stockings (face loops) from 2 to 4 rows. The last row is closed as usual. Knitted stripes twist themselves into soft plastic laces
  2. On the needles, you need to dial an odd number of loops (3-5-7) and knit them with the front ones, without edging. The loops are transferred to the left knitting needle and knitted again. Knitting is continued until strips of the desired length are obtained.
  3. To crochet full laces, you need to buy 3-4 balls of yarn (you can have different colors). They take a thread from each of them and tie them in a knot. An air loop is knitted from any thread, a thread is pulled through it from the second ball and again knitted with an air loop. The process is repeated, alternating balls, and as a result, knitted laces are obtained, similar to the shop

Lace necklace with beads

From yarn with lurex (white and gray), two strips are knitted on knitting needles (in the first way). To make the cords, the edges of each strip are sewn with thin threads. Along the entire length, at regular intervals, the laces are joined together with white mother-of-pearl beads. Clasps are attached at the ends - you can buy them at a craft store.

Chunky neck jewelry

In Kievan Rus, women from a noble family wore neck bands with carved inserts of gold or silver plates (this decoration is called "grivna"). Russian beauties hung their necks with "monists" - many threads with strung beads, coins, river pearls. Known ancient necklaces in the form of metal plates connected by metal rings. Such products were called gaitans or gerdans (later they began to weave strips from beads).

Modern massive jewelry goes well not only with dresses, but also with chunky knit sweaters, blouses (both buttoned and unbuttoned) and even with denim shirts. The only condition: if the jewelry is large, the clothes should not be colorful or too complex cut. You can buy ready-made necklaces made from natural or artificial stones, combined necklaces made of multi-colored beads or metal rings. It is not difficult to make a massive beaded necklace with your own hands.

Necklace made of gray and turquoise beads

To work, you need to buy small round beads, a braiding line, 2 connecting rings, a clasp and glue. You will also need round nose pliers and matches. 12 strands of beads are prepared for the necklace - 6 pieces of each color.

The manufacturing process is carried out in stages:

  • Cut the line to the desired length - 70 to 100 cm
  • The fishing line is pulled through the clamping ring, and then its end is threaded through a special bead, which is then flattened with round-nose pliers. If there are no beads, the ends of the fishing line are tied to the rings, and the extra "tails" are burned with a match
  • Stringing of beads is carried out sequentially on each thread, at the end they put on a bead for crimping and thread the fishing line through the ring. The end is pulled through the bead, then it is flattened
  • The prepared strands of beads are connected on one side so that 2 strips of each color are obtained (each of them has 3 strands). Gray and turquoise stripes should alternate
  • A pigtail is weaved from the stripes, resulting in a combined two-color ornament
  • After finishing weaving, the threads are tied or put on a bead. The protruding ends of the fishing line are cut off, a fastener is glued to a single end.

The original beaded jewelry is ready.

Jewelry made from inexpensive materials was originally only cheap copies of jewelry, but nowadays jewelry is no longer considered a sign of bad taste.

From the middle of the twentieth century, eminent designers began to create beautiful and high-quality jewelry from inexpensive materials. Then fashion jewelry began to be more appreciated by fashionistas, but even today many believe that it is better not to wear anything than "glass beads glued to a plastic base." A possible scheme for decorating your neck with your own hands in the photo below.

In fact, jewelry can be very stylish, and the budget cost of jewelry allows you to create even more fashionable looks. In addition, it has become popular to make bracelets, rings, ornaments on the neck with your own hands.

Textile beads

Textile beads can be made on the basis of any beads (wooden, plastic, polymer clay) or fill a fabric "tube" with any filler, tying at regular intervals. A bracelet will go to the set for such a fabric decoration around the neck with your own hands.

For one of the variants of the original decoration, you need to prepare an oblong piece of bright fabric (not only plain fabric looks great, but also with a pattern), a needle and strong thread that matches the color (thread for embroidery is suitable, use at least two folds), a bead fastener , beads of different sizes. These beads will look better if you use larger beads.

If you cannot find beads of a suitable size, you can make them yourself - for example, tearing the foil into small pieces and crushing them to make a ball.

It is necessary to cut out of the fabric a strip of seventy centimeters long and two girths of a bead wide. Next, the fabric must be folded across and sewn (sew a needle back with a seam) so that you get a "tube" with one open end. Turn the fabric so that the seam is inside.

Then you can begin to "stuff" the fabric "tube" with beads, fixing them in place. You can fix it with ordinary threads, thin ribbons, tying neat bows between beads, small beads, passing the fabric through them, knots on the fabric. When the work is finished, the end of the "tunnel" needs to be sewn up, fastened. DIY jewelry (jewelry) on the neck is ready.

Such textile beads can be decorated with fabric flowers or bows, lace. A suitable decoration for a delicate look for every day, for example, for skinny jeans + sandals + a lace T-shirt, if you make beads from denim and decorate them with a lace flower.

Bead jewelery

A beaded necklace can be refined and delicate, in ethnic style or massive - there are many options, one of which will definitely match your favorite look. To neatly decorate your neck with beads with your own hands, you will need a wire for jewelry (for the base) and thinner (for stringing beads), large beads of three pastel shades (suitable, for example, white, beige and mint), a clasp, a chain, pliers and nippers.

First you need to make the basis for the future wire decoration. For example, such as in the picture.

Next, you can start attaching the beads to the base by stringing them onto a thin wire. Finishing braiding each section of the base, it is advisable to additionally secure the beads. After the base is decorated, you can attach a chain and clasp to its edges.

You can also make an adornment for your neck with your own hands from several beaded "chains". It is enough to take twelve pieces of thread of two colors (for example, six turquoise and six gray), lay them out in four groups of three threads of the same color and start to weave a braid.

Then you need to fasten the threads well and fasten them at the ends of the fasteners.

Paper necklace

Paper items can be used to make many decorative items. In addition to the fact that you can simply twist strips of paper into stars, hearts, or simply "tunnels", the papier-mâché technique is also used. Such decorations on the neck with their own hands are often made for carnivals, photo shoots, masquerades, parties and similar entertainment events, but for every day it is better to choose something from beads, beads, fabric.

For the most common decoration, you can use sheets from glossy magazines. It is enough to cut the paper into strips and twist it into tight "tunnels". You should end up with about twenty-four beads or more. The number of such decorative elements depends on how long the beads are needed. They can be worn over yarn or fine jewelry chain. Such beads will suit, for example, the grotesque costume of a film star.

"African" beads can be made if white paper beads are painted in the manner of animal skins: apply black and white stripes of zebra, spots like a giraffe or leopard, paint completely. Beads can be of different sizes (you can vary the width and length of the strips of paper) - this will be even more interesting. Finished paper beads can be worn on shaggy yarn.

Crochet decoration

Do-it-yourself original neck decorations are obtained from ordinary crochet yarn. Such mélange yarn jewelry was recently presented at the Chanel fashion house.

The easiest way to make a "warm" decoration is to prepare a thick chain of white or yellow metal for the base of the jewelry, a skein of yarn with decorative "grass", which gives the items volume and lightness. The chain should be tied with an ordinary double crochet; from the second row, the necklace should be gradually narrowed towards the edges.

The decoration can be safely made wide - this is exactly the option suggested by the designers of Chanel.

Polymer Clay Beads

A lot of different beads, which then only have to be put on a string, can be made of polymer clay. These are "marble" beads, and fantasy, and abstract, and "under the stone", and as if wooden, and many others. For Halloween, you can make pumpkin beads, for the summer - beads from "candy", and for New Year - Christmas trees and boots.

Gradient polymer clay beads look beautiful. For work, you will need baked polymer clay of two shades (green and blue, beige and orange, blue and yellow), a clay knife, glue, and a cord. You need to cut off one or two bars from each piece of polymer clay, cut them diagonally and combine different colors with each other. Then you need to cut the blocks across to make even rectangles.

The resulting rectangles must be thoroughly mixed until a uniform shade. The workpieces can be dipped in coarsely ground table salt (texture will appear). After a toothpick, you should make neat holes so that you can then put the beads on the cord.

Then the blanks must be baked in the oven according to the instructions for polymer clay. The cooled elements must be collected on a thread (thin can be folded twice or three times) in the order of the color transition.

Additionally, you can decorate the beads with other decorative elements.

Scotch tape decorations

You can even make stylish DIY jewelry from scotch tape. You will need several colors of duct tape, any chain for the base, a needle and scissors. One of the options is to join two pieces of scotch tape of different colors (for example, duct tape with a "lace" pattern and a plain turquoise, pink, light green) at a slight angle. The workpiece can be shaped like a feather, and scotch tape can be cut around the edge to create a fringe. Next, you need to make a hole in the upper part of the feather and attach the pendant to the chain. All other variants of pendants made of ordinary colored tape are made according to a similar principle.

Wire jewelry

DIY necklace - an original pendant that no other fashionista will definitely have - is made of wire and several beads in just one evening. Better to take a sufficiently flexible wire, a chain to carry the pendant, a few beads of any color and size, wire cutters and pliers.

The beads will be positioned like birds' eggs in the nest, so color, size and opacity do not really matter. Even the most varied beads will look beautiful. You need to connect three beads (you can put only one in the "nest") with a wire, and then wrap it around several times. Here, it is not accuracy that is more important, but the accuracy of the turns.

After completion, you need to fix the base of the nest, make a ring so that a chain can be threaded into it.

Lightning Heart Pendant

DIY bead jewelry on your neck is not the only option to make stylish jewelry. Even the most ordinary things can be made very beautiful and give them a second life. An interesting pendant can be made even from a piece of a regular zipper.

The zipper needs to be unfastened so that the dog is almost at the very bottom. Next, the pieces of the fastener must be wrapped in half to the dog. If the base of the zipper is wide, the fabric edges can be cut to make the pendant look neat. The zipper needs to be fastened in the shape of a heart with threads of the same color. Chain rings can be attached to the top edges of the heart.

There are other options for a zipper heart.

Jewelry made from natural materials

Natural materials are a treasure trove for creating original jewelry. You can use shells, pasta, "petals" of cones. A very beautiful pendant will turn out if one or two parachutes (umbrellas) from a dandelion are placed in a small transparent jar with a wooden cork. Similar containers for the pendant are sold in souvenir or handicraft shops.

Choosing jewelry for a woman is the most difficult one, because a necklace on a neck can both create a beautiful image and ruin it. It all depends on the correct choice.

What types of neck jewelry are there and how to choose the right one?

The main criterion for selection is the neck. If you have it short, then visual lengthening becomes the main goal. For this, long necklaces made of large beads, chains, necklaces, which are located below the collarbone, but above the chest, are ideal. V-shaped jewelry also looks great.

For a long neck, on the contrary, adjoining short beads or chokers are suitable.

General appearance

With short stature, small, non-standout products are perfect. For example, a pendant above the breast, or a thin chain.

But on tall women, small jewelry with everything is not noticeable, so you should use more massive necklaces, large pendants or chains with thick weaving.


If you have a large bust, you should only use short beads and necklaces that are above the chest. Too small pendants or short necklaces will draw extra attention to the chest, visually enlarging it.

For small breasts, massive bright pendants are suitable, which will attract attention and look away from the bust.

Tight short weaves are ideal for children, and elongated thin chains with a pendant are ideal for teenagers. They will highlight the youth and beauty of the skin.

For older ladies, it is better to wear long beads, they will make the look elegant and hide the imperfections of age.

As for the pendant, it is important to choose the size according to the length of the chain. The longer it is, the more massive the suspension should be.


It is equally important to combine them and not place bright elements next to each other. For example, if you have massive earrings, a bracelet is perfect for them, and it is better to remove the necklace. If you wear a bright necklace, then it will be great to wear it with a ring, but with a massive bracelet, it will look out of place.

You can use several jewelry at the same time, but you need to ensure that they look harmonious. Gold, silver and bright jewelry, of course, do not go together. It is best to combine jewelry of the same color scheme.

Budget jewelry

Unfortunately, the price of necklaces and necklaces is very high and this is not surprising, because look at the photo of jewelry on the neck, most of them are made by hand. Is it possible for a simple girl who does not have any skills to do something unusual?

There are many diagrams and instructions on how to make jewelry correctly. Accordingly, it is easy at home. As we know, neck products are made from a wide variety of materials.

In classic versions, these are gold, silver, copper alloy. In jewelry, it can be fabric, beads, beads, threads, chains and others. For example, textiles or leather are often used for chokers. For pendants wire, chain, thread, beads and beads.

What can you make your own jewelry from? From any available means.

Consider the scheme for creating a choker. It would seem that you cut off a piece of lace fabric and you're done, but this is the simplest and least attractive option.

Let's make it out of headphones. Weaving pattern - knots. We fix two wires at the base to any solid surface (it is most convenient to work with a tablet folder). And alternately we tie knots on each side, thus weaving the length you need, at the end we burn the wires (to fix them) and hook on a carabiner or thread.

More recently, weaving with elastic bands has come into fashion. Often they make bracelets from them, but chokers are also not uncommon. There are various schemes, there are no complicated ones among them. And the "fish tail" and "hearts" can be attributed to the simplest. And romantic and beautiful. It is very important to make the length exactly according to the circumference of the neck. If it is shorter, then the elastic bands will overtighten.

How to make a necklace

YouTube is full of various neck jewelry master classes. They all differ from each other, but the effect is the same - beauty.

Consider what kind of decoration you can make with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for creating a bright necklace. If you have a gel polish and a lamp at home, then you are lucky. If not, you can use a hot gun.

You will need:

  • The film is thick (you can use baking paper);
  • Glue gun;
  • Nail polish;
  • Wire (you can use fishing line or thin thread).

First, let's make beads for our necklace. Apply glue to the film. The shape of the bead should be in the form of a droplet. We make the required number of droplets.

We make a through hole in the beads in the upper part and string it on a wire, fasten it with a carabiner and our necklace is ready.

If there is a lamp for drying gel polish, the effect will be much better and the work will go faster. Apply a transparent base on the film in the form of the same drop. A kind of lamp and remove from the film. We cover the gel with varnish and again with our own. We do this with all the beads. Further, according to the standard scheme.

Let's summarize

Correctly selected neck jewelry adorns any girl. They can be simple and elegant. To be beautiful, it is not at all necessary to spend millions, desire and imagination are enough.

Photo of jewelry on the neck

Gone are the days when DIY jewelry was considered bad taste and lack of money. Many designers develop jewelry collections that are much more expensive than gold and diamond jewelry.

So what is costume jewelry?

By definition, costume jewelry (from French bijouterie)- jewelry made from inexpensive materials. Various metals and alloys, transparent and colored glass, plastic, ceramics, wood and leather can be used for production. But high quality jewelry can consist of expensive crystals, gilding or silver plating. In appearance, such jewelry may be indistinguishable from real jewelry, and the cost is much more expensive.

In more sophisticated leather jewelry, real patterns are created or figures are carved.

Natural materials (wood, stones, shells)

Wonderful summer decorations can be made from varnished and threaded shells.

Ordinary stones can also be used to create jewelry. Most often, a stone of an interesting shape is braided with wire to create a pendant:

And wooden jewelry has long become classics:


Felt is an excellent material for making jewelry. Decorations turn out to be very bright and really sunny.



Almost every girl can boast of extensive "bins" with well sooo necessary things - scattered earrings, cute beads, bright buttons, ribbons, laces, pieces of lace and unusual fabric. It is a pity to throw away such "wealth", but it is not clear where to use them. But you should not despair, because it is easy to make unusual, and most importantly, exclusive jewelry out of these little things.

Surely many have heard about hand-made, but did not dare to do it because of the fear that the plan would not be crowned with success. But creating original jewelry with your own hands is not as difficult and long as it might seem at first glance. Materials and basic handicraft tools can be found in sewing shops and supermarkets, or ordered online. And then the endless flight of imagination is connected and fascinating creativity begins.

Stylish handmade jewelry always attracts genuine interest and attention to its owner. And such a gift to relatives and friends will become doubly pleasant, since they created it with certain emotions.

This publication contains several step-by-step master classes on how to transform unclaimed items and simple accessories into a non-trivial and spectacular neck accessory.

Asymmetric necklace

To make an asymmetric necklace, inspired by the Diorganic Leafy Waterfalls necklace from the spring-summer 2014 collection of the Dior brand, you need very little - strung on a string of plastic beads resembling pearls, a bezel covered with fabric to match the beads, a thread with a needle, scissors, thick fabric and glue matching the color.

Making the necklace does not require a lot of effort, but it will take a little time - since you need to carefully sew each separate segment of the beads.

First of all, you need to measure and cut off fragments of different lengths from the main thread. Then each of them must be folded so that one edge is shorter than the other and you can begin to attach them to the base.

First, long sections are sewn on to the edge of the rim and gradually you need to move in the middle, the length of the bead threads decreases.

Long pieces are also swept from the opposite end of the rim, creating a beautiful asymmetrical line - long in the front and short in the back.

When the main work is finished and all the threads are attached, you need to do the final touch - sheathe the rim from the inside with a dense fabric to close all errors and uneven seams.

Stylish bean necklace

To make a lasting impression with your appearance, you do not have to dress in designer outfits, you can just complete your look with an original necklace. And what could be more original than a bean decoration?

In order to make such a non-standard creation with your own hands, you should stock up on the following components:

  • printed necklace template,
  • beans,
  • beads of a golden hue,
  • a sheet of thin plastic 2-3 mm thick,
  • neon nail polish,
  • chain with attachment,
  • stationery knife,
  • Super glue,
  • tweezers,
  • hole punch for eyelets.

Before starting work, you should paint the beans with varnish and wait until they dry.

Then you need to print the necklace template and attach a sheet of plastic to it.

On a transparent surface, you must carefully glue the beans after beans, having previously greased them with glue.

After that, fill in the remaining places with beads. You need to shape the necklace in parts - first collect the circles, and then fill in the small details.

Let the filled workpiece dry for a couple of hours. When the semi-finished product is completely dry, it must be placed on a cutting board and carefully cut along the contour of the glued components. At the end, you need to drill holes along the edges of the necklace and insert the chain fastener into them.

Cord necklace

A necklace made of a cord seems so commonplace and familiar that you just don't want to buy another one for your collection. But even such a worn-out model can be diversified by decorating the rope with sequins and beads to match.

For alteration, you will need two types of twisted black laces, one of them with gold thread, large sequins in the same palette, a thread with a matching needle, suitable beads, scissors, pliers, glue and necklace clasps.

First you need to measure the length of the ropes to your size, while pure black should be longer than the other. Then on the longer cord you need to glue the tips for the fastener.

Black sequins should be sewn to the plait interspersed with gold thread, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge.

On top of the sewn sequins, a few more sequins are attached, only in gold color, and the beads in store.

And the final touch - a lace with sequins and beads is neatly sewn to the main plait with fasteners.

Macrame necklace

The necklace made using the macrame technique looks interesting on the neck.

To make such a decoration, 5 types of harnesses of different textures and colors, a chain, scissors, pliers, a tailor's tape, tape and necklace clasps are useful.

First you need to measure and cut off the desired length of the chain for yourself.

Fold the chain in half, and put all the laces perpendicularly in a row on it.

Then make a slush and fix the chain to the surface with tape and you can start weaving, as in the pictures below.

When all the laces are twisted, you should correct the length by cutting off the excess.

Then attach the clasps to the chain.

Sequin necklace

A necklace with sequins will create a festive mood and perfectly complement any look.

As materials, you will need glitter, matte decoupage glue, a brush, a base for a necklace, pliers, clasps and a chain. Apply a drop of glue to the metal base, fill the entire surface with it and sprinkle with glitter. When the first layer dries, you need to shake off the remnants of the glitter from the workpiece and repeat the procedure again with glue and so on until the sparkles fill the entire space in the base.

Attach a chain and fasteners to an already dried semi-finished product.

Alternatively, crushed glass can be used instead of glitter.

To create such a necklace, pieces of a stack, a hammer, a pendant base for the necklace, matte glue, nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton swabs or a disc will come to the rescue. Grind the glass with a hammer and repeat the same as with glitter.

After the structure has dried, you can paint the glass in the color of interest, and carefully remove the remaining varnish with liquid.