How to answer the question purpose of adding. How to correctly ask a person why he added me as a friend? Non-standard reasons for adding

Why do chewers add themselves as friends on VKontakte? And then they get offended when asked, “What is the purpose of the addition?” Why add silently if you are not familiar and have nothing in common? Why not write something yourself, like it, if in real life you are not destined to communicate. Why is everyone so lazy with these social networks?

    Virtual communication is very different from live communication.
    Here you can anonymously look at other people's pages, go to the profile of the person you like without worrying that he will find out about it, you can write on someone else's behalf, hide behind other people's photos... In a word, be who you are and do what you can do in real life be uncomfortable, scared...

    You are describing very typical behavior of young girls on social media. They often make friends, especially guys, in order to appear more popular or have more status. This is a way of self-affirmation, raising low self-esteem. Privately inhibited girls, whose social lives are not particularly active, try to compensate for this in the virtual world.

    Regarding the reaction to the question about the purpose of the addition. Girls may have a stereotype that guys should take the initiative when meeting people. In her mind, she had already taken the first step by sending a friend request. The question may put her in a somewhat difficult position. On the one hand, if it’s just a massive addition, there’s really no goal, and if you like the guy, it’s not always easy to get over yourself and write something.
    Filter requests, be a little more lenient, because even in contact you can meet someone dear to you.

    Good luck:)

    I also don’t understand when strangers are added and remain stupidly silent) Maybe she thinks that she has added herself to you and thereby already taken the 1st step?)) They probably expect that the further initiative should come from you.

    You should ask a specific girl why she was offended by the question and added. How can an outsider know 11% of this, judge for yourself.
    We became lazy because laziness is a mechanism for intuitively recognizing the meaninglessness of a task being performed or simplifying the task. Why would I climb a mountain for thyme if it grows in my garden?

    Girls are added as friends for a variety of reasons - they sell something, they work somewhere, they lure you somewhere, you need a lot of friends, they found the person interesting, and they were familiar with the person before, but you never know what they might be causes?
    Why do you care that they are offended if they don't know each other?
    If there is no answer to the question about the purpose of adding, don’t add. The people who join you can have very good motives, or the most nonsense ones.
    If a person is interested, they like him, write to him, and so on. If this bothers you, start with yourself. :)
    Like, write, communicate. In this case, you will not care about the individuals who are added for some reason.
    Good luck.

    They can be added for various reasons.
    Apparently, they are offended because they perceive this question aggressively, like “Who is she? Why are you adding to me?” Write something softer, like: “Good evening! Do we know you?”
    Well, don’t bother, maybe they’re waiting for you to ask first. So ask if you're interested. And if you’re not interested, you don’t know who it is, then just don’t add or write, that’s all.

    To read the tape. Apparently, you have a very interesting, bland profile and life is in full swing.
    I then remove such people after giving them a few months. And when accepting as friends, I inform them that they are only people I know in real life or very interesting people whom I want to meet

    To be honest, I don’t understand this either. Why do strangers ask to be friends? Apparently this is needed for something. I don’t ask anyone I don’t know to be friends. Others, perhaps, do this so that their real friends can see how cool they are, more than a hundred friends, and the fact that all these people are fake is important to them. Or they make money from this, every advertisement they distribute is like, everything is paid for, maybe because of this. If you don't want it, don't add it.

You see a question that one of the site users asked the Universe, and the answers to it.

The answers are either people very similar to you, or your complete opposites.
Our project was conceived as a way of psychological development and growth, where you can ask advice from “similar” people and learn from “very different” people what you don’t yet know or haven’t tried.

Do you want to ask the Universe about something important to you?

VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in Russia; according to statistics, it has at least 220 million users. Both young people and mature people all use the messenger to communicate, listen to music and view current news in their feed. It is not surprising that the popular social network is full of scammers - in an attempt to avoid falling for their tricks, users begin to be wary of being added as friends from unfamiliar accounts.

Why can people be added as friends if you don't know each other?

This is not obvious to all network users, but not every VKontakte account is real. A lot of pages are controlled by so-called “bots” - simple programs designed to send messages and collect information about users, or by real people performing the functions of a bot. Bots themselves do not cause any harm; they are advertising and management tools. Real people can also be added, they have enough reasons for this.

Advertising bots – how to identify them?

It is very easy to distinguish an advertising account from a regular one by the profile avatar and information available on the page. Typically, the page is decorated with a photograph with a company logo or an image of a product; the account name itself may contain advertising. To be sure, go to the page and look at the publications. If these are continuous reposts or posts on a topic advertised by a bot, you can be sure that such an “interlocutor” will not offer you anything interesting.

Also, most bots, simultaneously with a friend request, begin a dialogue with a large standard advertising message, offering the service as clearly and comprehensively as possible. There is also a non-standard approach - an advertising agent can imitate a regular conversation, during which he tries to sell the same service, but using an individual approach.

PR agents

This category is similar to the previous one, but they do not advertise goods and services, but their own projects. These could be interest groups, local communities dedicated to some small business like a nail salon or a “design agency” for creating unique avatars.

Such users do not have the goal of attracting you specifically; they are engaged in group mailing. The more accounts follow the link, the better. They reveal their main offer in a message, and add them as friends for the sake of quantity.

People with thousands of “friends”

Social media is simply an imprint of society and not a separate universe. VKontakte operates exactly the same social laws as in the real world. The more friends there are on an account, the more prestigious it is considered. It’s even cooler to have a large number of subscribers - simple observers of the page.


They can be added with specific requests - for example, send a personal message with anything, from a symbol to an emoticon, like a post on a page, or exchange likes for an avatar. This is a common boost to popularity.

If someone you don’t know is added to you, and their page doesn’t look like an advertisement, then most likely their goal is to get as many friends as possible to their page. Their quality is unimportant; in the list of these you can find hundreds of deleted pages.

Non-standard reasons for adding

All the categories described above are harmless and act solely in their own interests, without disturbing anyone, you can simply ignore them. But occasionally, the reason for adding a stranger as a friend may be for a more meaningful reason, positive or negative.

Offers to meet

People get to know each other on social networks, it’s natural. A girl or woman who has used an attractive photo for her avatar, but has limited access to the page (only friends can send private messages), will quite logically try to be added in order to communicate.

Unfortunately, such offers are not always harmless. Online harassment by men or online fraud by women's accounts is not uncommon. For an adult, such messages and attempts to “get to know each other” will only add reasons to laugh, but for a teenager or child they can be very dangerous. Children can do stupid things even on the eve of their majority - for example, sending personal information or explicit photos, which are then used for blackmail. Sometimes adults also fall for this.

Backup account for your friends

Many users create at least two accounts. One is public, and the second is exclusively for yourself, so that you can not hide your “online” status, publish and tag any materials. It is possible that a friend, friend or relative is trying to add you under the guise of a stranger, but especially for such cases, you can send a text note to the request.

Remember that in any case you are in control of the situation. You can not only refuse to add as a friend, leaving the page in subscribers, but also block it - this way the user will not be able to view the materials that you publish. Be careful about your Internet security.

what to answer the question the purpose of adding in a contact? I added a boy in contact and he asked this question and got the best answer

Answer from Nikolay Rumyantsev[newbie]
tell him you want him

Answer from Natalia[guru]
I'm conducting an experiment: "who will add me as a friend?" ahaha...

Answer from . [active]
add me.

Answer from Iuslan Barabin[newbie]
Whoever asks such questions in contact is undoubtedly a person who has little understanding or does not even understand what PR is, including self-PR on the Internet. Moreover, people who ask such questions are “ineffective” users who are unlikely to show any activity in adding you as a friend. at least this is what practice indicates. that is, even if he adds you as a friend, it will be of minimal use in a practical sense, because such users are most often passive consumers of content, and more often than not, consumers who are always dissatisfied with something. If we do not take into account issues of PR and all sorts of promotion, then it seems to me that this user is simply a bore, fixated on some kind of Internet threats and, again, poorly versed in these same “threats” (pseudo-threats). Well, my answer to the question specifically posed here is this: if you submit a friend request for the purpose of PR/self-promotion or promotion of your groups, then write directly (although I personally, when a user asks me a similar question, I simply ignore it and cancel the request , because I don’t want to waste time on such people). but this is of course at your discretion, each individually. i.e. I am simply describing purely my opinion and my position on this matter in the case of self-PR or PR of groups. Your opinion may naturally differ from mine. however, if you want to see the user as your friends for the purpose of personal acquaintance and friendship (or even more), then IMHO it is again best to write it as it really is. i.e. just write the truth. Well, then everything will depend not on you, but on whether he believes you, and, naturally, on whether he is suspiciously paranoid in life or not.

Answer from Yergey Yakovlev[active]

Answer from Yovyatogor[guru]
Well, then tell me what you want. Chat, there, sex without obligations or create a strong family. Why are you writing to him? To be honest, it also annoys me when the hell out of my friends comes and, when I ask the question: “What do I owe?”, he simply disappears.