Elegant riddles. One boy offered a bet to the man: if I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then. Riddles with a trick One boy met a man at the market

The gnome lived on the 6th floor. He rode the elevator 3 floors, and walked the remaining 3 floors on foot. Why?

Answer: It was small and did not reach the 6th floor button.

There is a mill, and a watchman lives in it. The watchman has a dog. There are four windows in that mill,
there are four cats on four windows, each cat has four kittens, each kitten has four mice.
How many legs are there in total?

Answer: Two legs (animals have paws).

A sage came to one city. He knew everything in the world. People came to the sage for advice, and the sage helped everyone.
There was a boy living in the city. Having heard that a sage had appeared in the city, the boy decided to test the abilities of this sage.
The boy was cunning. So he caught the butterfly and pressed it between his palms so that he could release it or crush it.
And then this boy came to the sage with a butterfly between his palms. - Listen to me!
If you are really very wise and help people, guess if the butterfly in my hand is alive?
If he had answered “alive,” the boy would have crushed the butterfly. If he had answered “dead,” the boy would have released the butterfly.
What did the sage answer?

Answer: Everything is in your hands.

Four guys were playing football in the yard. Someone broke the window. The hostess asked: “Who broke the window?”
Seryozha said: “Either Yura or Misha broke the window.” Yura said: “I didn’t break the window.” Igor said: “Misha did it.”
And Misha said: “Igor is wrong.” Three guys always tell the truth, and the fourth is unknown. Who broke the window?

Answer: Misha.

My life can be measured in hours. I serve when I am devoured.
When I'm thin, I'm fast. When I'm fat, I'm slow. The wind is my enemy. Who am I?

Answer: Candle.

Three people were having lunch in a restaurant. Lunch cost 25 euros.
Everyone took out 10 euros from their wallets, making a total of 30.
The waiter took 30 euros and brought change - 5 euros.
They decided to leave 2 euros as a tip, and divided the remaining 3 euros among themselves - 1 euro each.
They began to count: each person spent 9 euros on lunch, but if 3 x 9 = 27, plus 2 euros for tea, then it turns out to be 29 euros in total.
Where did another 1 euro go?

Answer: 27 (25 lunch + 2 for tea) + 3 (change) = 30 euros, that is, 2 euros for tea are already included in 27 euros, but they incorrectly included it in the remaining 3 euros.

How much soil does a hole with a diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 3 meters contain?

Answer: Not at all (the pits are empty)

Two young Cossacks, both dashing riders, often fought with each other about who would outrun whom.
More than once one or the other was the winner. Finally, they got tired of it. Gregory said: “Let’s argue the other way around.
Let the bet go to the one whose horse arrives at the appointed place second, and not first.” "OK!" - Mikhail answered.
The Cossacks rode out to the steppe on their horses. There were a lot of spectators: everyone wanted to look at such a curiosity.
One old Cossack began to count, clapping his palms: “One! Two! Three!..” The debaters, of course, are not moving.
The spectators began to laugh, judge and argue, and decided that such a dispute was impossible and that the disputants would stand still,
as they say, until the end of time.
Then a gray-haired old man, who had seen different types in his time, approached the crowd: “What’s the matter?”
He was told to. The old man answered: “Hey! Now I’ll say something to them that will make them jump like they’ve been scalded.”
And indeed, the old man approached the Cossacks, said something to them, and half a minute later the Cossacks were already rushing across the steppe at full speed,
trying to outrun each other. But the bet was still won by the one whose horse came second. What did the old man say?

Answer: The old man whispered to the Cossacks: everyone mount the enemy’s horse.

What never lies?

Answer: Mirror.

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?

Answer: Berry.

Which mountain is the tallest in the world from base to summit?

Answer: Ararat (many will call it Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and not from the foot).

The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can this be?

Answer: The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20.

They claim that they do not glue, although they have not even tried to glue them.

Answer: Business.

Two walkers stopped near one object and began to argue. One said: "It's red."
The second objected: “No, it’s black.” “Why is she white?” - asked the first one.
“Because it’s green,” answered the second one. What is this?

Answer: Currant.

The Eskimos were good hunters, but they never hunted penguins. Why?

Answer: Eskimos lived at the North Pole, penguins lived at the South Pole.

What came first: the egg or the chicken?

Answer: Egg. Dinosaurs laid eggs long before chickens appeared.

One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet:
“If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles,
If I write incorrectly, I will pay you a thousand rubles.
At the same time, I will not weigh you or question you.” The boy agreed.
The man wrote on the paper and showed it to the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles to the man.
How did the man win the bet?

Answer: The man wrote “your exact weight.”

What was the name of the president in 1975?

Answer: The same as today.

One magician said that he could place a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

Answer: There is a room in it.

An electric locomotive goes west at a speed of 70 km/h. The east wind is blowing, the wind speed is 20 km/h. In what direction is the smoke coming?

Answer: An electric locomotive has no smoke.

Sixteen coins are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, either with the coat of arms on top, or with a grid on top in the form of a square (see picture). How, having touched only two coins, rebuild the square so that in each horizontal line all four coins face upward, either only with coats of arms, or only with a grid?

Answer: Place your index and middle fingers on the first and third coins in the top row and move them until they touch the bottom of the first and third coins in the bottom row. After that, move the first and third columns and fill in the empty spaces in the first row. All coins in the first and third rows will have their coats of arms facing upwards, while those in the second and fourth rows will have their hash marks facing upwards.

Trick riddle 2

You are driving a car and at one stop you see three people:
1) an old granny who immediately needs to go to the hospital otherwise she will die.
2) your old friend who once saved your life and who is late for a very important meeting for him.
3) the girl (guy) of your dreams. In your car, besides your seat, there is one more place (you cannot take more than one person with you).
Who will you choose, how will you act?

Trick Riddle 3

Out of seven matches the number 1/7 is laid out. Convert this fraction into the number 1/3 without adding or subtracting matches.

Answer: on the image

Answer: I’ll give the car to a friend - let him save his granny and himself, and I’ll stay with the girl of my dreams.

Trick riddle 4

Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause turned out to be a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested that Jones be arrested on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?

Answer: The tape in the recorder was rewound to the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape

Trick riddle 5

One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write it incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you or question you.” The boy agreed. The man wrote on the paper and showed it to the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?

Answer: The man wrote “your exact weight”

Graceful riddles

WITH How many walnuts can you put in an empty glass?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which mountain is the tallest in the world from base to summit?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO How can you make yourself love someone and have that someone love you too?

Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT One morning a man notices that there is no air at all in one of the tires of his car. Still, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit he returns back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he was able to drive his car without any problems. Why could he drive a car?

Answer to the riddle >>

H something that might only happen once, but happens almost every year?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which two chocolates are always arguing with each other?

Answer to the riddle >>

H Are the buttons on your phone different from the buttons on your calculator?

Answer to the riddle >>

H then they throw it into the pan before putting something in it?

Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT n black when it is bought, it is red when it is used, it is gray when it is thrown away.

Answer to the riddle >>

U I have no weight, but I can be light, I can be heavy. Who am I?

Answer to the riddle >>

P Why do white sheep eat more grass than black sheep?

Answer to the riddle >>

H that has no beginning, end and middle?

Answer to the riddle >>

G the depth of it is no more than the height of a glass, the size is no larger than the reach of human hands, but no matter how much water is poured into it, it still will not fill.

Answer to the riddle >>

P A man crawls through the desert. Already, practically, dying from thirst. Suddenly he sees an oasis in the distance. With the last of his strength he crawls to the oasis - the oasis is surrounded by a fence and there is a sign: “Only for blacks.” There is nothing to do - he crawled around the oasis and crawled on. Here he comes across a sales tent with shoe polish. He buys shoe polish, smears himself, returns to the oasis, he is allowed inside, he eats, drinks, goes to bed and says to the guard: “Tomorrow, please wake me up early in the morning - I’ll crawl further.”
In the morning they woke him up, as he asked, and he crawled on. Here he sees a puddle. He thinks: “There’s no point in pretending to be a black man - I’ll wash off the shoe polish.” I scooped up some water and rubbed it, but it didn’t come off. If I rub it harder, it won't rub off. I started rubbing sand and rubbed everything until it bled - it wouldn’t come off! What happened?

Answer to the riddle >>

IN What word has 7 letters "o"?

Answer to the riddle >>

H then disappears as soon as you name it?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO How can you remove a wheel in one second?

Answer to the riddle >>

H that is not a question, but requires an answer?

Answer to the riddle >>

A Antelope, a kangaroo, and a flea competed in high jumps. The kangaroo jumped 2 meters, the antelope - 3 meters, and the flea - only half a meter. Who has won?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO How to bring water in a leaky bucket?

Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT There are a lot of holes, but the water still stays in it.

Answer to the riddle >>

IN What is the order of this series of numbers? 8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6

Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many minutes does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg?

Answer to the riddle >>

B there were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which dairy product is the easiest to prepare, judging by its name?

Answer to the riddle >>

E The train travels at a speed of 70 km/h to the South. Which direction will the smoke fly?

Answer to the riddle >>

H then it rises up and falls down, but at the same time it does not move?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO What stone cannot be found in the sea?

Answer to the riddle >>

I not alive, but I'm growing. I don't have lungs, but I need air. I have no mouth, but water will kill me. Who am I?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO When do we look at the number 2 and say 10?

Answer to the riddle >>

IN Which word has three letters "e" in the middle?

Answer to the riddle >>

D Athenians like to say: “Everything is better here than in Sweden: climate, nature, people, history, and only one thing is better with the Swedes.” What?

Answer to the riddle >>

E If you give what was asked of you, then they say “thank you” to you, but you will never say “good luck” in response. What did they ask you for?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which island calls itself a piece of laundry?

Answer to the riddle >>

N and three hats were placed on the table: two white and one black. They called two very smart people. They put hats on them, but in such a way that they did not know what color the hat was on them. They stood in front of each other and after three seconds one of them said: “I’m wearing a white hat.” How did he guess?

Answer to the riddle >>

M Moscow - 100, Yaroslavl - 1000, Arkhangelsk - 500. What are we talking about?

Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT I threw in the bottom and took a whole handful. What is this?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO When is a man called by a woman's name?

Answer to the riddle >>

H and a crow sits on a branch. What should be done to saw off a branch without disturbing the crow?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO The anat is stretched by 0.5 cm from a load of 100 kg. How many centimeters will the rope stretch under a load of 10 tons?

Answer to the riddle >>

H should you put it in the pie before eating it?

Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many bricks will it take to completely build a house?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO What land will never grow old?

Answer to the riddle >>

H something that is dark in itself, but made with the help of light?

Answer to the riddle >>

H then does zero tell eight?

Answer to the riddle >>

M Is it possible to meet a lion, two bears and hounds at the North Pole?

Answer to the riddle >>

WITH The house is sinking, all the windows are to the south, suddenly a bear comes from somewhere. What colour is he?

Answer to the riddle >>

M Is it possible to light a match underwater?

Answer to the riddle >>

N It was not and will not be, but the name was and will be.

Answer to the riddle >>

U seven sisters. How many sisters are there in total?

Answer to the riddle >>

H The person makes it turn on, but when it turns on, the person immediately turns it off.

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which year lasts only one day?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which word ends with three letters "e"?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO What disease does no one get on land?

Answer to the riddle >>

IN The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

Answer to the riddle >>

H does not exist, but has a name?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO How can you jump off a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO What invention allows you to see through walls?

Answer to the riddle >>

Answer to the riddle >>

M The man was driving a big truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

Answer to the riddle >>

H something that can be found in December, but cannot be found in any other month?

Answer to the riddle >>

IN All native Russian female names end in either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one female name that does not end in either “a” or “i”. Name it.

Answer to the riddle >>

AND Which tap can you not wash your hands from?

Answer to the riddle >>

N and a cat is sitting by the window. The tail is like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears are like a cat, but she is not a cat herself. Who is this?

Answer to the riddle >>

IN Which month do people eat the least?

Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How old will you be in 2015 if you were born in 1991?

Answer to the riddle >>

H is it higher without a head than with a head?

Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which female name can be written as thirty “I”?

Answer to the riddle >>

IN What forests have no game?

Answer to the riddle >>

U you have three oranges. If you hide one orange, how many oranges will you have left?

Answer to the riddle >>

T whoever orders it doesn’t need it. The one who does it does not do it for himself. Whoever makes it doesn’t care.

Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many animals did Moses take into his ark?

Answer to the riddle >>

T Only she always knows exactly where her husband is. Who is she?

Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass?

Answer to the riddle >>

G Is Tuesday coming earlier than Monday?

From the dialogue in the store:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
- What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.
- Give me two hundred and thirty-nine!
- Ninety rubles from you.
Question: what did they sell and how much does one cost?
Answer: Numbers on the apartment doors, one number costs 30 rubles
A word consisting of eight consonants and one vowel?
Answer: Fuck you.
What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
2 am, the lights are on, Igor is lying in bed and leafing through a book. Suddenly he sees thieves climbing through the window. They entered the room and stole all the jewelry. In the morning the police came, but Igor could not tell them what happened at night. Igor is not deaf, dumb, or blind. Why couldn't he tell?
Answer: Baby
He's black as the devil. Hot as poison! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he incites them to violence and unrest. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress come with it. He helped raise Great Scientists and Poets. People who made friends with him are distinguished by their strength of spirit and rebellion to the fate of slaves.
Answer: Coffee
Which river in Europe can be cut with a pocketknife?
Answer: Prut River
What is the water in the glass for?
Answer: Behind the glass
Grandmother was carrying 100 eggs in a basket. One fell. How many eggs are left?
Answer: 0 eggs left because the bottom fell out
Small, gray, looks like an elephant.
Answer: Baby Elephant
6 legs, 2 arms, 2 bodies, 2 heads, 1 tail?
Answer: Rider on a horse
What word ends with three letters "e"?
Answer: Long-necked
Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?
Answer: Berry
There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?
Answer: Son, father, grandfather
What happened in the mid-20th century that won't happen for another 4,000 years?
Answer: The year 1961 was read upside down the same way, the next such year will be 6009
Like! 1162
What word has five letters "l"?
Answer: Parallel-serial
Which word has three "o's" in a row in the middle?
Answer: Zoo Association
Which word has three letters “w”?
Answer: Buzzing
How can a shepherd save a flock of sheep on an island if a fire is moving towards them, without going into the water and doing nothing to extinguish the fire?
Answer: Possible only in a dream
What are you sitting on?
When you're rushing
In the foggy blue sky?
Answer: On an airplane seat
Why does a person walk?
Answer: On the ground
What was the elephant doing when Napoleon arrived?
Answer: Chewed grass
What makes a goose's paws red?
Answer: From the knee
What is impossible to pick up while sitting?
Answer: The chair you sit on
Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat starts to sink, you find yourself in the water, and sharks swim up to you. What to do to save yourself from sharks?
Answer: Stop imagining it
Why didn't Beethoven finish the Unfinished Symphony?
Answer: Because the “Unfinished Symphony” was composed by Schubert, not Beethoven
Which mountain is the tallest in the world from base to summit?
Answer: Ararat (many will call it Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and not from the foot)
What was the tallest mountain on Earth before Mount Everest was discovered?
Answer: Mount Everest (it doesn’t matter whether they knew about it or not, it is the highest)
In what year is it predicted that people in Russia will get sick more?
Answer: In 2014 (cheer for athletes in Sochi)
What is the name of a bin into which only paper is thrown?
Answer: Ballot box (ballot box)
What does a father always give to his children and a mother never gives?
Answer: Middle name
What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and it will still remain unchanged?
Answer: it
Vanya's father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and... Who is the third?
Answer: Vanya
Which word has 7 letters "o"?
Answer: Defensiveness
A person has 3 body parts. Each body part can be written in three letters, with the first and last letter being the same. What body parts are these?
Answer: Eye, eye (second), navel
The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can this be?
Answer: The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20
They claim that they do not glue, although they have not even tried to glue them.
Answer: Cases
Why do birds lay eggs?
Answer: If they threw them away, the eggs would break
Why do lions eat raw meat?
Answer: Because they don't know how to cook it
Two walkers stopped near one object and began to argue. One said: "It's red." The second objected: “No, it’s black.” “Why is she white?” - asked the first one. “Because it’s green,” answered the second one. What is this?
Answer: Currant
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo
The woman came to the doctor for examination. The woman was the doctor's sister. But the doctor was not the woman's brother. Who was he to her?
Answer: Sister
I don’t have weight, but I can be light, I can be heavy. Who am I?
Answer: Music
The Eskimos were good hunters, but they never hunted penguins. Why?
Answer: Eskimos lived at the North Pole, penguins lived at the South Pole
What came first: the egg or the chicken?
Answer: Egg. Dinosaurs laid eggs long before chickens appeared.
One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write it incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you or question you.” The boy agreed. The man wrote on the paper and showed it to the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?
Answer: The man wrote “your exact weight”
The combined age of father and son is 66 years. The father's age is the son's age, written from right to left. How old is everyone?
Answer: 51 and 15, 42 and 24, 60 and 06
What was the name of the president in 1975?
Answer: Same as today
One man ate one egg for breakfast every morning. Where did he get the egg from, if it is known that he did not have a single chicken, he never bought chicken eggs, he never borrowed them from anyone, he never stole them and he never received them as a gift?
Answer: The eggs I ate were not chicken.
Better than God
Worse than the Devil
The poor have
The rich don't have it
If you eat it, you will die.
What is this?
Answer: Nothing
One magician said that he could place a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?
Answer: In her room
An electric locomotive goes west at a speed of 70 km/h. The east wind is blowing, the wind speed is 20 km/h. In what direction is the smoke coming?
Answer: An electric locomotive has no smoke
How can you make yourself love someone and have that someone love you too?
Answer: Love yourself

(A cow peeks out from around the corner)

One horse owner left a stable as a legacy to his sons. He bequeathed to give half to the eldest, a third to the middle, and a ninth of all horses to the youngest. There were 17 horses left in the stable at the time of the owner's death. How can you divide the horses without breaking the will?

(Add one more horse to the stable. Now there are 18 of them. We will give 9 horses to the eldest heir, 6 to the middle and 2 to the youngest. The conditions of the will have been fulfilled. You can take your horse back)

One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you or question you. " The boy agreed. The man wrote on the paper and showed it to the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?

(The man wrote "your exact weight")

A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and another in 100 minutes. How can it be?

(1 hour 40 minutes = 100 minutes)

One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?

(At the moment of meeting they will be at the same distance from Moscow)

One magician said he could place a bottle in the center of a room and crawl into it. Like this?

(In her room

One man ate one egg for breakfast every morning. Where did he get the egg from, if it is known that he did not have a single chicken, he never bought chicken eggs, he never borrowed them from anyone, he never stole them and he never received them as a gift?

(The eggs I ate were not chicken)

One yacht goes from Nice to Sanremo, the other from Sanremo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. For the first hour, the yachts moved at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which yacht will be closer to Nice when they meet?

(At the moment of meeting they will be at the same distance from Nice)

One day, an antique money collector saw a coin in an antique store with the date on it: 175 BC. This Roman coin was slightly damaged, but was of great value. It didn't cost much. But the collector didn't buy it. Why?

(The collector realized that he had a fake in his hands, since the master who made the coin did not know that he lived “before our era”)

One morning, a man notices that one of the tires of his car is completely out of air. Still, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit he returns back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he was able to drive his car without any problems. Why could he drive a car?

(The flat tire was on the spare wheel)

I threw one away and took a whole handful. What is this?

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How many minutes will it take to cook 2 eggs?

(3 minutes)

The October Revolution took place on November 7/8, or October 24/25 according to the old style - i.e. 13 days ago. Why do we celebrate the New Year on January 31/13, and the Old New Year on January 12/13? Those. 13 days ahead. Ass?

He's black as the devil. Hot as poison! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he incites them to violence and unrest. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress come with it. He helped raise Great Scientists and Poets. People who made friends with him are distinguished by their strength of spirit and rebellion to the fate of slaves.

It is black when it is bought, it is red when it is used, it is gray when it is thrown away.

It is in every corner, but there are no corners.

(Letter "o")

It causes torment for people if it is not shared.

It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer.

What animal did the Canary Islands get their name from?

(Dog, Latin canis - dog, Spanish Las Islas Canarias - “islands of dogs”)

Why does a goose swim?

(From the shore)

What makes a goose's paws red?

(From the knee)

There are a lot of holes, but the water still stays in it.

A man went to sea and got caught in a storm. He was carried to an island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up covered in ropes at some ritual and found out that they wanted to kill him. And he asked for the last word. After he told him, the girls made him a boat, gave him food, water and sent him home. What did he say?

(Let the ugliest one kill me)

Why does the cat run?

(Can't fly)

Why does a rooster close its eyes when it sings?

(Wants to show that he sings by heart)

Let's assume that someone offers you to make a bet under the following conditions - your partner bets 1 (one) dollar and claims that if you give him 40 dollars, he will give you 100 (one hundred) dollars in change. Is it profitable to bet?

(No: your partner will say that he lost and will take your $40 and give you the $1 you bet on)

The professor sets his alarm for nine o'clock in the morning and goes to bed at eight o'clock in the evening. How long will the professor sleep (he will definitely wake up when the alarm clock rings)

(One hour)

There are three pedals, but the clutch pedal is not among them. Why?

(Piano, piano, etc.)

In front of you is a jug of water and a crystal glass, which must be filled to the top with water from this jug. But the following condition must be met: there should be exactly the same amount of water left in the jug as there was before you started.

(Take a glass and carefully place it on the bottom of a jug of water, without spilling a drop of liquid on the table)

3 turtles are crawling along the road one after another. The first turtle said: “2 turtles are crawling behind me.” The second turtle said: “There is 1 turtle crawling behind me and 1 turtle crawling in front of me.” And the third turtle said: “2 turtles are crawling in front of me and 1 turtle is crawling behind me.” How can this be?

(Turtles crawl in circles)

Which route has no one walked or traveled?

(According to milky)

It is the ninth in order, and its name is translated from Latin as “seventh”. What are we talking about?

Sixteen coins are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, either with the coat of arms on top, or with a grid on top in the form of a square (see picture). How, having touched only two coins, rebuild the square so that in each horizontal line all four coins face upward, either only with coats of arms, or only with a grid?

Answer: Place your index and middle fingers on the first and third coins in the top row and move them until they touch the bottom of the first and third coins in the bottom row. After that, move the first and third columns and fill in the empty spaces in the first row. All coins in the first and third rows will have their coats of arms facing upwards, while those in the second and fourth rows will have their hash marks facing upwards.

Trick riddle 2

You are driving a car and at one stop you see three people:
1) an old granny who immediately needs to go to the hospital otherwise she will die.
2) your old friend who once saved your life and who is late for a very important meeting for him.
3) the girl (guy) of your dreams. In your car, besides your seat, there is one more place (you cannot take more than one person with you).
Who will you choose, how will you act?

Trick Riddle 3

Out of seven matches the number 1/7 is laid out. Convert this fraction into the number 1/3 without adding or subtracting matches.

Answer: on the image

Answer: I’ll give the car to a friend - let him save his granny and himself, and I’ll stay with the girl of my dreams.

Trick riddle 4

Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause turned out to be a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested that Jones be arrested on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?

Answer: The tape in the recorder was rewound to the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape

Trick riddle 5

One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write it incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you or question you.” The boy agreed. The man wrote on the paper and showed it to the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?

Answer: The man wrote “your exact weight”

Riddle 1.
Let's say I took 100 rubles from a friend, went to the store and lost them. I met a friend, took 50 rubles from her, bought 2 chocolates for 10 rubles each. I have 30 rubles left. I gave them to a friend and owed him 70 rubles and my friend 50 rubles, plus I have 2 chocolates, a total of 140. The question arises: “Where are 10 rubles, damn it?”
Riddle 2.
Marina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Vasya also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he only needed 1 ruble. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?
Riddle 3.
How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Riddle 4.
What can you take in your left hand, but not in your right?
Riddle 5.
What can't a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?
Riddle 6.
A man went to sea and got caught in a storm. He was carried to an island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up covered in ropes at some ritual and found out that they wanted to kill him. And he asked for the last word. After he told him, the girls made him a boat, gave him food, water and sent him home. What did he say?
Riddle 7.
Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Cheche, Chocho. What is the name of the 5th daughter?
Riddle 8.
One day, an antique money collector saw a coin in an antique store with the date on it: 175 BC. This Roman coin was slightly damaged, but was of great value. It didn't cost much. But the collector did not buy it because it was a fake. Why?
Riddle 9.
Three people were having lunch in a restaurant. Lunch cost 25 euros. Everyone took 10 euros out of their wallet, making a total of 30. The waiter took 30 euros and brought change - 5 euros. They decided to leave 2 euros as a tip, and divided the remaining 3 euros among themselves - 1 euro each. They began to count: each person spent 9 euros on lunch, but if 3x9 = 27, plus 2 euros for tea, then it turns out to be 29 euros in total. Where did another 1 euro go?
Riddle 10.
A 1st grade student solves this riddle in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, but a professor will never solve it. Riddle: decipher odtchpshsvdd
Riddle 11.
A guy and a girl were walking along a cliff.
- Do you love me?
- Yes!
- Could you throw yourself down for me?
What two words did he say if they moved on safe and sound?
Riddle 12.
What is at the center of the Earth?
Riddle 13.
Why is there water in a glass?
Riddle 14.
Why does a person walk?
Riddle 15.
Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat starts to sink, you find yourself in the water, and sharks swim up to you. What to do to save yourself from sharks?
Riddle 16.
The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. Next year he will be 20 years old. How can this be?
Riddle 17.
What came first: the egg or the chicken?
Riddle 18.
One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write it incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you or question you.” The boy agreed. The man wrote on the paper and showed it to the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?
Riddle 19.
Why do you go to bed every night?
Riddle 20.
Not by measure, not by weight, but all people have it.
Riddle 21.
If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have said anything.
Riddle 22.
By nightfall he died and left his number.
Riddle 23.
Which hand is used to stir the compote?
Riddle 24.
What cartridge not to load a gun with?
Riddle 25.
In which cage are birds and animals not kept?
Riddle 26.
In which forests is there no game?
Riddle 27.
Which tap doesn't draw water from?
Riddle 28.
What kind of belt should you not wear?
Riddle 29.
What type of literary work is designated by a male name?
Riddle 30.
How does summer end and autumn begin?
Riddle 31.
What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron?
Riddle 32.
What belongs only to you, but is used most often by others?
Riddle 33.
How can you remove a wheel in one second?
Riddle 34.
What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt?
Riddle 35.
How does it all end?
Riddle 36.
What stones will you not find in the sea?
Riddle 37.
What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from?
Riddle 38.
What word always sounds wrong?
Riddle 39.
How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass?
Riddle 40.
Before you put something in a pan, what do you throw in it?
Riddle 41.
What question cannot be answered with “yes”?
Riddle 42.
Why is chacha more popular than Dagestan cognac?
Riddle 43.
“Pirates of the Caribbean” is a wonderful film. What is the main preamble to this film? What is the main question that the creators of this film are trying to formulate?
Riddle 44.
In which country there is the position of “Chief Storyteller of the State”?
Riddle 45.
How does the hadron collider fit in harmony with the nature of the Earth?
Riddle 46.
Where will the next Winter Olympics be held?
Riddle 47.
What is the life-affirming and positive attitude of all James Bond films?
Riddle 48.
Who is this jester?
Riddle 49.
If the game is commercial, i.e. If there is money, then what feelings does this game awaken in a person?
Riddle 50.
Why did Napoleon, Hitler and Dom-2 appear in human history?
Riddle 51.
Do MPs remember their elections?
Riddle 52.
What is the dream of every deputy and official?
Riddle 53.
If you are so smart, then why are you poor?
Riddle 54.
The city of Voronezh received the title of hero in 2008. Why?
Riddle 55.
In the lake, two girls shout: “We’re drowning! We're drowning! Help!" One girl loves you, another girl you love. Which one will you save first?
Riddle 56.
How to deceive an old Jew?
Riddle 57.
Who is a millionaire, billionaire?
Riddle 58.
Why does hair grow on the head?
Riddle 59.
Why do stores sell only yeast bread?
Riddle 60.
What's new in the game “Trophy Fishing”? What's the catch with the skill?
Riddle 61.
Why is it profitable to be a fool, a loser and a drunkard?
Riddle 62.
Which deputies report on their election program at the end of the election term?
Answer 1.
The problem is tricky at first glance, the fact is that 120 rubles is a debt of 100 rubles + 2 chocolates, and you add two more chocolates to 120 rubles. Where did they come from? It turns out bullshit in the form of 140 rubles. Here you need to calculate what you spent and lost, and what is left. How and to whom you repay your debts first is unnecessary in the task. Hemorrhoids always occur due to excess information. Moral: don't beg for money.
Answer 2.
10 rubles, Marina had no money.
Answer 3.
Turn it into cottage cheese.
Answer 4.
Right elbow.
Answer 5.
Angles. For example, a magnifying glass cannot magnify an angle of 60 degrees.
Answer 6.
Let the ugliest one kill me.
Answer 7.
Answer 8.
The person who made this coin could not have known that he lived before our era.
Answer 9.
The correct calculation is this: 27 (25 + 2 tip) + 3 change = 30 euros, 2 euros are already included in 27 euros, but they incorrectly included them in the remaining 3 euros. 3 euros in change, spent 27.
Answer 10.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (first letters of numbers)
Answer 11.
- Push me.
Answer 12.
Letter "m".
Answer 13.
Behind the glass.
Answer 14.
On the ground.
Answer 15.
Stop imagining it.
Answer 16.
The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17 years old, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20.
Answer 17.
Egg. Dinosaurs laid eggs long before chickens appeared.
Answer 18.
The man wrote “your exact weight.”
Answer 19.
Answer: Because the bed cannot come to you.
Answer 20.
Answer 21.
Answer 22.
Answer 23.
With a spoon.
Answer 24.
A socket into which a light bulb is screwed.
Answer 25.
In the chest.
Answer 26.
In construction.
Answer 27.
From the lift
Answer 28.
Answer 29.
Answer 30.
The letter "O".
Answer 31.
Letter "C".
Answer 32.
Your name.
Answer 33.
With a camera.
Answer 34.
From the railway.
Answer 35.
The letter “Y”
Answer 36.
Answer 37.
From empty.
Answer 38.
Answer 39.
Not a single one, peas can walk.
Answer 40.
Answer 41.
When you are sleeping.
Answer 42.
Chacha is the real name of the product, Dagestan cognac is colored chacha.
Answer 43.
The main question of the film: “Which island is the aircraft carrier hidden behind?”
Answer 44.
In no way, gee-gee...
Answer 45.
No way. The Hadron Collider is the opposite nature of the Earth and the Solar System.
Answer 46.
The next Winter Olympics will be held in the Sahara Desert...
Answer 47.
You are all idiots, and I am D'artagnan!!!
Answer 48.
The jester is the main person of the state. Their jokes are sometimes very witty, sometimes stupid and incomprehensible. But the fact is that buffoons and comedians who laughed at the authorities were imprisoned under Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, and sometimes even shot. Now in our country there are many jesters and comedians who laugh at the authorities... There are plenty of jokes... It’s strange, why are there no such jesters in North and South America who laugh at the authorities? Is everything perfect and smooth there? There are no such buffoons in Europe, Asia and Africa. They apparently have ideal power there, which is a sin to laugh at...
Answer 49.
It has always been believed that any game contributes to the development of mental abilities. Alas, the commercial game develops envy, meanness, deception, betrayal, lies, and deception. By the way, sports have been turned into an ordinary commercial game - there are bookmakers everywhere. And on social networks there are entirely commercial games.
The answer is 50.
Negligence of psychiatrists. Psychiatrists treat patients, but there is no one to treat psychiatrists themselves.
Answer 51.
A difficult question, because no one knows where deputies come from. And judging by the anti-tobacco, anti-corruption and anti-alcohol laws that were invented in order to educate the people, deputies never thought about their elections.
Answer 52.
The dream of every deputy and official is to become Mr. Cocteau from the movie “The Destroyer,” starring Sylvester Stallone. This explains the adoption of anti-corruption, anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco laws, and the constant increase in prices for tobacco and alcohol. Every official, every deputy looks like Mr. Cocteau, thinks like Mr. Cocteau, and the joke is that each of them sees himself loved in the role of Batman.
Answer 53.
The meaning of the question is aimed at hurting the interlocutor’s pride. Unflattering conclusions can be drawn about who is asking this question, to put it mildly.
Answer 54.
Because the battle in the city of Voronezh surpasses the Battle of Stalingrad in scope.
Answer 55.
I’ll go drown with them, there’s water up to my knees.
Answer 56.
The times of the pharaohs. 5th-7th century BC A Jew asks Pharaoh:
-Can you deceive the old Jew?
Pharaoh answers:
- Why should I deceive my slave?
Answer 57.
A billionaire is a slave to his property. To preserve and increase his property, this slave is forced to make other people slaves of his property.
Answer 58.
Official science cannot explain this fact. But nevertheless, it is known that the more often you wash your hair, the better your hair grows. During the process of washing your hair, you massage your head with your own hands. The more vitality you have in your hands, the better and more beautiful your hair will be.
Answer 59.
To prepare a loaf of bread without yeast, you need more flour than for yeast bread. Actually, bread with yeast differs from bread made without yeast, like heaven and earth. Salt and sugar are not added to bread without yeast. Its taste is somewhat sour and bitter. The flesh of this bread is completely different - it is not soft and not airy. Bread without yeast is very healthy, but it is not available in stores. With the advent of yeast, buns began to be prepared, wheat and rye, with the addition of sugar, salt and other spices. As a matter of fact, the original composition of bread without yeast was completely different from the bread that is sold now. In fact, stores now sell only wheat and rye rolls, of different sizes and shapes.
On the Internet you can find a million recipes for making yeast-free bread. But the main component of these recipes is wheat and rye flour, which is sold in stores. This flour contains yeast. You read the composition of this flour - it is written on the packaging. That is, it turns out to be the preparation of yeast-free bread with yeast. Specific stupidity.
Answer 60.
“Hello” or “Hello” or “Good mood to everyone and good fishing” service. If you want the fifth star of any skill in the trophies to say hello to you, pay 900 rubles. or 1000 rubles. Is your butt stuck together?
Answer 61.
A fool gets a “bag”, while a responsible and decent person is freely loaded with five “bags” for the same salary.
Answer 62.
In scientific, transcendental circles, they are very fundamentally trying very hard to hush up this tendentially objective, well-known fact of secret intelligence information. The deputies have the memory of a virgin girl, completely forgetting about their election program, the deputies adopted the law “On libel”. To what percentage did each deputy - village, city, regional, etc., etc., fulfill his election program? So, I wonder who spoke in their election program about renaming the police into the police? Who spoke in their election program about rising gasoline prices and housing and communal services tariffs? After all, this is someone’s program and it is being executed...

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