What color to dye a strand of hair. What color to dye your hair: tips and photos. Painting walls in different rooms

Many girls, dissatisfied with their natural color, ponder for a long time: what color to dye their hair. To create a fashionable look with spectacular curls, you need to carefully consider the desired shade or ebb. You can study photos of famous stars, see photos of celebrities on the Internet. Be sure to take into account the color type of the skin, the appearance of the strands and their condition.

The most fashionable hair color in the coming season is with everyone, brown tint. An effective shine is obtained after staining with persistent paints, tint balms, using the ombre technology. However, not only brunettes can flaunt with spectacular dark hairstyles. Blondes will be able to amaze those around them with caramel, sand, graphite tone, choosing a fashionable hair color depending on the natural color of the strand.

The following colors are considered the most fashionable:

  • black with chestnut tint;
  • dark chocolate and brown;
  • coppery with hints of ripe chestnut;
  • sandy or caramel blond;
  • light golden;
  • plum.

When thinking about what color to dye your hair, you should take into account the type of face, shape, structure of curls and their length. Long wavy locks, an elongated bob and a cascade haircut are in fashion now. Hair dyeing in two colors, lightening in technique will look gorgeous and stylish.

10 most popular dyeing technologies

To choose the most beautiful hair color from a huge variety of palette, you should carefully study fashion trends. Monotony and dull shine are out of fashion now. Most of the stars and fashion models show off hairstyles with bright strands. smooth or abrupt transitions of contrasting tones. However, the naturalness and proximity of the shade to the natural color is also encouraged. You just need to add a shining shine, highlight some strands with highlights or ombre.

The most popular staining methods:

1.The choice of paint is lighter or darker by 2-3 tones. Stylists call this method Natural look, which means closeness to naturalness, naturalness. In this case, girls do not need to think about which hair color is right for me. The color will remain practically the same, only a bright shine, shine and saturation of tones will be added. It is recommended to choose a trendy hair color in the following shades:

  • ash blond;
  • sand;
  • golden;
  • coppery;
  • chestnut;
  • dark blond with chocolate tint;
  • black with blue or purple sheen.

2. California or Venetian highlights. This method is chosen by many Hollywood movie stars. Women aged in this case do not need to think about which hair color is rejuvenating. It is the light strands that can revitalize the face, hide age or make the skin glow.

California light highlights allows you to make a fashionable hair color with a burnt-out effect. In this case, dark and light strands are mixed with each other in a natural way. It looks spectacular not only on light brown or gray, but also on red, copper curls. On dark hair, you can use the tones "salt-pepper", popular among young people,.

All these fashionable methods of coloring allow you to give curls a shine, a beautiful appearance and an original style. Which option to choose depends only on your preferences and lifestyle.

Full staining

What color is better to dye brown hair? In almost any, the main thing is to focus on your color type and the image that you want to create.

If you belong to the spring and autumn color type(light brown hair with olive, bronze or peach skin and light or brown eyes), then choose warm shades:

  • golden nut;
  • almond praline;
  • caramel macchiato;
  • maple syrup;
  • creamy blond;

Girls with light or dark eyes, pale porcelain or pinkish skin we recommend opting for cool muted tones. For example, the following will do:

  • wet asphalt;
  • frosty chestnut;
  • frosty glaze;
  • muted copper;
  • brownish purple;
  • marsal;

Execution technique:

  1. Stir the dye according to the instructions. For medium-length hair, it is better to purchase 2 packs of dye, and for long curls - as much as 3.
  2. Divide the hair into zones along the parting, as you usually wear.
  3. Use a pointed comb to highlight a section of hair. Apply the composition with a brush first to the roots, and then along the entire length. Comb through the paint with a wide-toothed comb.
  4. In a similar way, paint over the entire hair.
  5. Wrap the curls with a plastic cap, and then with a towel. Waiting for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  6. After the expiration of the period, rinse the head under running water.
  7. Shampoo and conditioner are applied.

Many manufacturers of hair cosmetics offer ready-made solutions for single-tone dyeing: Loreal, Revlon, Schwarzkopf, Kapus, Garnier and many others. Also in the arsenal of famous brands there are ammonia-free dyes that do not spoil the curls, but, unfortunately, are several times more expensive and are delayed for a maximum of a month.

Temporary toning

How to freshen up a hairdo for a while or give it an interesting shade? Of course, use special hair cosmetics.

Tonics and balms will help to tint the curls for a short time - by 3-4 washes. They are applied like ordinary shampoos, foamed, kept for the time specified by the manufacturer and washed off with an abundant amount of water (it should become completely transparent). Remember, you can use these products no more than once every 3 weeks.

Colored staining with crayons and varnishes will make your look interesting and shocking... If you need to go to an original photo shoot or a glamorous disco party, then such cosmetics will help you transform. The first time you wash your hair, the color disappears, so if you don't like your bow, you can immediately get rid of it.

  • varnishes of the brands Kryolan, Balea, Orkide, Jofrika;
  • spray for coloring: Color Xtreme Hair Art, Salon, Loreal, Oribe Airbrush;
  • liquid mascara: Stargazer, IsaDora, DIVAGE, Anastasia Beverly Hills;
  • crayons for quick painting: Hot Huez, The Body Shop, Loreal, Hair Chalk, Masters Pastel;
  • mousse, gel or foam: Igora by Schwarzkopf, Manic Panic, Vella, Palette;
  • toning masks: KayPro Color Mask, Subtil shades from DUCASTEL Laboratory.

You can also use tint balms, shampoos and tonics:

  • Estelle Solo ton or Shampoo;
  • Irida;
  • Loreal (Gloss Color and Silver);
  • Indola Color Silver;
  • Bonacure Color Save from Schwarzkopf;
  • Color Lux from Belita.

If you want to paint light brown curls in a darker color, we recommend mixing henna and basma in equal proportions- you get a rich chestnut shade. And if you add coffee or cinnamon to the composition, you can achieve beautiful chocolate or copper overflows. Henna on brown-haired women will give the strands a reddish color, and basma - brown.

An interesting point: If you decide to dye your curls with henna, be prepared for the pigment not to wash off your hair for a long time. In addition, staining with permanent dyes is prohibited for the next 6 months.

To give the curls a beautiful golden color, it is recommended to rinse them with broths:

  • linden;

Partial staining

Partial coloring is now in vogue. It does not damage the hair so much, since only certain areas can be lightened and pigmented - strands, ends, bangs. Another advantage of this type of painting is that no need to tint curls regularly.

If you need to lighten curls, choose a 3 or 6% oxidizer. Do not buy 9 or 12%, as you risk burning the curls and getting strong yellowness.


This technique will reveal itself as harmoniously as possible on light brown hair. It assumes a combination of natural colors with caramel, honey, wheat and various shades of blond.

It is done as follows:

  1. The hair is carefully combed and divided into 6 parting zones.
  2. Individual strands are selected with a maximum thickness of 0.5 cm.
  3. They need to be well combed at the roots so that the hairs break out.
  4. With chaotic movements from top to bottom, the master applies the coloring composition. It is advisable to put foil under the bottom so that the color does not transfer to other areas.
  5. All hair is painted in a similar way.
  6. The pigment dries naturally under the influence of oxygen.
  7. After activation, the product must be washed off.

At the exit, beautiful curls will be waiting for you, as if burnt out in the sun.

Expert Council. If you want your hairstyle to look as harmonious as possible, you should choose colors 2-3 tones lighter than the base one. For girls who want to carry out gentle staining, there is the majimesh technique, which involves the use of ammonia-free dye.


It is aimed at the formation of clear color transitions on your curls (the roots are left light brown, and the curls are painted in a light color).

Staining technique:

  1. Dilute the dye in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.
  2. For long hair, tie the ponytails at about shoulder height. For hairstyles, a bob or an elongated bob is tied around the middle of the ear.
  3. The paint is placed on the tips to the ponytail, and then each strand is wrapped in foil.
  4. Once 30 minutes have passed, unfold the foil and rinse off the dye.
  5. Apply the pigment to an area 4 cm up from the edge of the previous stain.
  6. Wash off the dye after 10 minutes.
  7. Paint over the ends of your hair again.
  8. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the curls completely.

Ombre looks gorgeous on both straight and curled curls. The tips can be dyed not only in the caramel color we are used to. Try pastel lilac or rich plum for an original look.


Ideal for brown-haired women with long curled curls. The hairstyle also looks good on medium length hair that is cut in the style of an elongated bob or bob bob.

Today, colors are considered trendy:

  • pearl ash;
  • pastel lilac;

If you have blonde or light brown hair, the use of red and coral colors that look great on owners of chocolate hair is prohibited. You can resort to multitonal coloring, when you will apply chestnut color at the roots and rich cherry, eggplant, marsal or burgundy at the tips.

The essence of the procedure is that the color is stretched vertically. The hair is divided into two zones - lower and upper. The selection of the strands that will lie on the surface is done at the same distance from each other, while the lower part can be painted over randomly.

Staining technique:

  1. Comb through your curls and divide your hair into zones.
  2. Select individual strands diagonally and apply the coloring compound to the ends. Wrap in foil.
  3. After 15 minutes, open the strands and stretch the paint down to create smoother transitions.
  4. Now paint over the sections of the upper part of the strand. Make random brush strokes. Let the pigment be activated naturally by exposure to oxygen.
  5. After 30 minutes, wash off the curls with copious amounts of water.
  6. Remember to apply a color fixer.

As you can see, this painting can be done very easily at home.

Expert advice. It is recommended to use several shades of the same color to give the hair the effect of burnt-out strands. Make a graduated haircut before dyeing.

Tiger's Eye

For dark blond hair, the "tiger's eye" coloring is gorgeous, when the ends are made in caramel or red color. Refers to complex staining, so it is better to carry it out in the salon.

Execution technique:

  1. Divide your head into zones, highlighting individual strands.
  2. After stepping back a few centimeters from the roots, apply the clarifier.
  3. After 20 minutes, wash it off with water.
  4. Dilute several tones as close to each other as possible (caramel palette).
  5. Select the lightened strands and brush over them with a foil backing so that the color does not transfer to other areas.
  6. Vary the colors.
  7. After the activation time of the dye has expired, wash off the pigment and enjoy a beautiful shimmer.

This painting option is ideal for "warm" beauties with green, hazel or light brown eyes and bronze skin. Due to the overflow of different tones, the effect of burnt-out strands and additional volume are created. If you are a dark brown-haired woman, be sure to try this coloring.


Can still be used by light blond girls. It involves highlighting individual strands. In the presence of a dark chestnut color, we do not recommend carrying out the classic staining in the highlighting style, since the contrast can result in an unpleasant "watermelon". For fair-haired beauties, you can try Californian or Venetian highlighting with a color stretch along the length.

The trend of this year is glare highlights. Fashionable coloring involves the creation of soft transitions between strands by using shades that are as close to each other as possible. It turns out a stunning romantic image and beautiful play of color in the sun.

Bright tips

An interesting painting option is the dip dye technique., when individual strands are selected on light brown hair, having previously moistened them with water, twisted them into a bundle and painted over with crayons or pastel powder. After you loosen your curls, your luxurious mane will sparkle with new colors. In addition, dyed hair ends in vibrant colors will make your look lively and dynamic.

An important point: the dip dye technique involves painting only the tips in bright colors: purple, terracotta, emerald, marshmallow and blue. Celebrities such as Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Demi Lovato, Drew Berimore have experienced this trend for a long time.

The combination of cold light brown hair with white ash or pearl ends looks very interesting.

Color care

After dyeing light brown hair, they need to be given special attention. Hairdressers recommend:

  • avoid styling with styling products and hot air from a hair dryer;
  • choose a shampoo that matches the type of your curls;
  • after shampooing, use balms or conditioners that will make the curls smoother and more moisturized;
  • tint the hair to give it an interesting shade should be infrequent - once every three weeks;
  • do not comb the curls that are still wet, since their structure can be damaged;
  • cover your head when in the sun or in the pool;
  • trim split ends at least once every 2 months;
  • apply a mask or vitamin cocktail once a week;
  • use a comb only made of natural bristles;
  • do not wash your hair often in order to avoid the removal of artificial pigment (1 time in 3 days will be quite enough).

Light brown hair is a good springboard for creating stylish and original hairstyles. Natural pigment of medium intensity makes it easy to lighten the base by 4 tones or to form darker shades.

To create a stylish and harmonious look, you can dye your curls in ammonia and ammonia-free dyes, try to tint them, make them multi-colored with crayons, and even experience natural dyeing with chamomile, onion husks, cinnamon, henna in combination with basma on them. Choose the right color and you will look luxurious and attractive.

Useful videos

How to dye brown hair? What are the shades of light brown hair? How to avoid the appearance of yellowness and reddishness when staining? These questions are answered by the trainer-expert of the M-Cosmetics company Gavrilova Irina.

From light brown to ashy without yellowness with Estel De Luxe paints.

The beautiful color of the curls is an integral part of the image of a woman who looks after herself. But nature has not endowed everyone. Often there are gray, greenish curls, etc. But a beautiful color can both emphasize the dignity of the face and its shortcomings. A beautiful tan, for example, can be emphasized with a sophisticated blonde. A light brown tone will make the face gray and painful. The same goes for eye color. Therefore, before dyeing your hair, it is recommended to find out your color type.

Find your hair color and life will change

Conventionally, there are four of them - Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn. They are determined using special algorithms and are based on natural shades in the appearance - the color of the eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, skin, blush, lips, etc.

In spring, cold colors are mainly suitable: light brown, green and brown

Ladies of this color type should choose warm shades, since they are their natural natural color scheme. Characteristic features of this color type:

  1. Lack of contrasts in appearance;
  2. Warm skin tones, eyes;
  3. The skin is light and thin;
  4. Freckles are possible;
  5. The blush is light, pink;
  6. Peach tan;
  7. Eye color - hazel, blue, green;
  8. The color of the curls is shades of brown, less often, golden, red.


For a light spring type, it is better to dye your hair golden, honey, sandalwood and transitional between them. Individual strands can be lightened, well, ombre.
To paint dark, which is also often in spring, is in the tone of mahogany (for those who like extravagance). If you are more attracted to the classics, then choose caramel, nut paint. Light chestnut is acceptable. If the natural is very dark, then it may have to be lightened before dyeing in a lighter tone.

With a large amount of gray hair, it is better to dye the strands in. You can give preference to warm ash. But since this palette is specific, has many features and varieties, it should be selected individually in each specific case. Features of dyeing light brown hair and gray hair are such that there is always a light cold greenish tone. It can be hidden with tint balms.

Hair color - soft and contrasting summer

This color type is often characterized by light brown hair. And he is especially not loved by fashionistas. It is the representatives of this color type who most often want to change the color of their hair.

A fairly diverse and numerous type, both in terms of hair color and other characteristics. This appearance is contrasting, non-contrasting and medium. The main parameters for highlighting this color type are as follows:

  • Cold scale - basic tones are bluish, ashy, cool;
  • The skin tone is different, but a light bluish tone shines through it;
  • Freckles are gray or cold brown;
  • The tan is even nutty, appears quickly;
  • The blush is bright as the skin is thin.
  • Redness often occurs;
  • The natural tone of the curls is different, but always cold, without yellowness, golden notes;
  • Strands fade easily;
  • Prone to being cut;
  • Eyes with gray notes - gray-brown, hazel, gray-blue, gray-green, blue;
  • There is no snow-white skin, red, black and copper palettes in the hair. You should not use them when choosing a new color for your hair.

The nuance of dyeing hair in summer

Thinking about what color to dye their hair, girls - summer should give preference to light strands of wheat color, if the Summer color type is light. For contrasting Summer (when the skin is light and the strands are black) choose black tulip paints.

Autumn can be warm and red

Warm color type even in comparison with spring. The hair of a rich color of warm palettes is suitable, since it is genetically programmed for this color type.

The features of "autumn" girls are as follows:

  • Warm skin tones;
  • Peach blush;
  • Freckles appear more often than other types;
  • , nutty, green, warm blue;
  • The tone of the curls is rich and warm - red, brown-haired, chestnut, dark-haired.

Since the skin of this color type is not light, rich hair is perfect. But it is necessary to exclude bright - black with blue and very light white. The first will give the skin an earthy brown tone, the second will be too contrasting and look vulgar and simple.

If you want to recolor, choose warm and rich browns. Chocolate, warm mocha, rich caramel, etc. look good. If, on the contrary, the strands are brown, then change the shade to red, reddish, mahogany.


The beauty of this color type is in bright contrasts. The skin of its representatives is thin and very light. It has a gentle bluish tint, while the hair is rich and bright. It can be black, dark brown, or very dark blond. In this case, you can successfully dye your brown hair, for example, black. Choose rich colors, the blue tint looks good, which contrasts perfectly with the skin. In general, for this color type, experiments with appearance are the most difficult.

In what tone can you dye the hair of a winter-type brunette? Anyone won't be bright enough for her. Warm palettes and golden shine should be strictly avoided, as they will forgive looks. Try toning the strands with a blue tonic. Sometimes it looks good. Try dyeing your blond hair like this, but only if it's very dark.

Hair color carries a lot of information and changes perception - find yourself

Eggplant goes well with brown eyes on a warm palette. Blue - to cold eye tones (dark gray, etc.).

It is often insulting and annoying when I did something stupid once again trying to change myself. In pursuit of beauty, we often forget to think, and then what to do with the shade that we have chosen for the current moment?

Well, if the hair from dark was repainted in some light color, in this case you can correct the mistake only by choosing the closest tone and shade of hair dye.

But, what if you impulsively decide to dye your hair in darker tones, and even worse, in a pure black color. Naturally, this situation is more difficult to change, since in this case even professionals use various bleaching agents or removers, and they can seriously damage the condition of the hair.

Brown highlights on black hair

It is especially difficult to bring back brown or chestnut shades after hair has been dyed black. Typically, hairdressers perform a two-step procedure, the first step is to rinse off previous dye or bleach the hair, and the second is to apply dye in brown or chestnut tones.

But both of these stages can severely damage the hair structure, which will immediately not only lose their shine, but also become more fragile, begin to actively break off even when combing.

This is how hairdressers usually look like:

But do not be upset, as there are completely safe, albeit slow, ways to return to your favorite brown tones from cardinal black.

Homemade ways to return to brown tones

The choice of one or another home method will depend mainly on the initial condition of the hair. If they were previously damaged, then the most gentle method should be chosen, which will not damage the hair even more. It should also be taken into account whether the hair was dyed with a permanent dye or a semi-permanent dye was used.

With a semi-permanent dye, you can achieve a good result at home much faster.

One of the safest and easiest ways to remove black dye from hair is to use special shampoos. To perform this procedure, you will need two types of shampoos - anti-dandruff and cleansing.

The cleansing shampoo contains ingredients that can easily help remove pigments from your hair. A dandruff treatment shampoo is essential for light and gentle bleaching of hair. Both detergents will help to leave 2-3 tones in several procedures.

How to dye black hair brown

Still, we recall that a high-quality output to the desired tone without experience will not be easy at home, if you have never used washes and color correctors, we advise you not to take risks and study well the application and possible consequences of this procedure.

The first way This is the use of a special wash (it is also a color corrector). If you decide on such a procedure, study the clarifier and the future paint yourself in advance, there are both 2 in one and separate options.

In one procedure, it is possible to switch to 3-4 tones or more, the disadvantages have already been described above. Test the composition in advance for example on the wrist for allergic reactions if you suffer from hypersensitivity. No redness? Then you can start the procedure.

So the second way : Moisten hair, then apply a special cleansing shampoo to it, lather it well on the head. It is advisable to additionally wrap the hair with foam from the shampoo in polyethylene for a while to enhance the effect.

After 15 minutes, you can already wash off the foam, which has absorbed the black paint, with plenty of water. The transition to 1-2 tones is achieved in several procedures. Next, brown staining is performed.

The third way, consists in the use of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the form of powder or tablets. In addition, you will need a shower cap, towel, comb, and your favorite shampoo.
If vitamins are in tablets, then they must first be crushed, then mixed with shampoo, whipped into foam. As soon as the mass begins to resemble a paste, it must be applied to the moistened hair under a hat, then it is advisable to comb the curls with a comb with rare teeth.

Paste with vitamin C on the hair must be left for at least 1 hour for exposure, and after the allotted time, you just need to rinse it off and rinse your hair in the usual way. If necessary, the procedure using shampoo and vitamin C can be repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Fourth way: Natural analogues such as kefir and beer are the safest way and do not harm, however, the time spent on the transition to 2-3 tones can reach 3-4 weeks and require 3 procedures per week.

Some of them go to beauty salons for this, and many dye their hair themselves at home. If you choose the right color, then coloring in any conditions brings a lot of pleasure to all people, and the wrong choice of paint can give a woman a lot of grief.
In order not to get upset, it is necessary to choose the right hair dye, which will be in harmony with the color of the skin and eyes.
Stylists and hairdressers advise you to adhere to the following rules when dyeing your hair:

1. Brunette... Usually, those who have naturally ashy, grayish hair color and dark skin choose a dark color. Women with this type of skin should not dye their hair black, which will make it plain, and also should not strive for light golden shades that can turn orange on their hair. It's best to start with a shade that is one to two shades lighter than the hair color she has. Dark-skinned beauties who want long hair in dark shades should "dilute" the rich black color with brown or hazel strands.

2. Blonde... Those women who had blonde hair in childhood can confidently become blondes. If a woman has dark hair, then choosing a very light tone, they may look pale. Dark hair should not be lightened too white, it should be dyed in a slightly lighter tone than it has. Women with brown and copper hair should not opt ​​for very light tones, as they will appear colorless.

If you have naturally curly hair, then it is better to refuse to lighten them, as this makes them brittle and dry. To lighten hair, permanent dyes containing hydrogen peroxide are usually used. The higher the peroxide percentage, the higher the clarity. After deciding on the tone level, you need to pay attention to the content of hydrogen peroxide in the paint. If you need to lighten your hair two or three tones, it is better to use dyes with 9% peroxide content. But persistent paints, which contain 6% hydrogen peroxide, are suitable for obtaining darker tones and for painting over gray hair.

3. Red hair color... Almost any woman can afford a red hair color. The most important condition is to choose the right shade correctly. For women with fair skin type, red is the best color. Dark-skinned women also look great with a warm golden sheen in their hair. Many women brighten up dark or auburn hair with honey-colored strands, and some give individual strands a warm copper or rosewood color. And bright red strands in long golden hair will look just great. Owners of skin prone to redness are advised to avoid reddish color. It is better for them to dye their hair in ashy tones, which will reduce the visual manifestation of signs of redness of the skin. If a woman has a yellowish complexion, then golden or orange hair can only increase the unpleasant skin color. They should dye their hair deep brown.

4. Grey hair... Gray hair is difficult to dye as it has a rough texture. When dyeing gray hair, you must take into account the natural hair color, which was before the appearance of gray hair, and choose the same color. It is allowed to dye with a color slightly lighter than the natural hair color, but not darker. Only then will gray hair blend well with your skin type. For women with gray hair, ash tones work very well, which makes gray hair lighter.

After dyeing gray hair, it is very important not to forget to tint the regrown roots every 4 to 8 weeks. If you postpone the touch-up, the roots will look awfully ugly. In this case, gray overgrown roots will create the effect of bald spots or simply sparse hair.

Many modern women prefer dyeing their hair with separate strands or coloring. Light strands framing the face of the owners of luxurious braids look especially good. They make her attractive and brighten her complexion. In any case, when starting to dye your hair, you should remember that naturalness is in vogue today. Therefore, it is best not to dye your hair red and purple. Contrast highlighting also does not give naturalness. It is better to achieve a play of color and get "lively hair" by selecting several tones by coloring.


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