What you can play with your child - exciting games for children of all ages. What to do with children of different ages: mom's secrets

Hello dear readers of my blog!
Today, I want to continue to share with you manuals and games for children of different ages. As you know, the age of my daughters is from 2 to 7 years old, so I have to come up with games-activities that will be interesting for both the youngest and the oldest at the same time. Today I continue my math studies.


We need:
- A4 sheets with images of a rabbit / hare from 1 to 20 pieces
- Masking tape
-Duct tape
-Cut out images of carrots.

How we play:
On the sheet with the rabbit below, glue the Velcro (one part) with a stapler. The second part will be glued to the carrot images. To save money, measure how many carrots will fit on a piece of tape and attach that exact length of tape.

On the wall, using masking tape, glue 10 (20) A4 sheets with images of rabbits (and Velcro). We offer the children to feed the rabbits, glue the carrots in accordance with the numbers on the rabbit.
I made 20 bunnies, the first 10 for the youngest and the rest for the older ones. While the elders feed the hares themselves, I help the younger one to cope with the task. Then we check the number of carrots all together.
When printing the required number of carrots, select the "wallet" mode.


We need:
- A4 sheets with a table in which images of animals, numbers and letters are arranged in a certain order
-Cut-out images of the same animals in an enlarged size.

How we play:
We put a sheet with a table in front of the children. Along the edges of the table there are numbers on top, letters on the side. On one sheet, all images are of the same color, except for six. For example, all images are yellow and six are red.
Our options: 4 sheets with images (yellow and 6 red, red and 6 yellow, blue and 6 green, green and 6 blue).
Tasks for children (all children perform tasks in turn): the youngest needs to find six pictures of a different color, the older ones show the pictures given in a certain sequence. For example: show the picture that is in square 5B, in which square is the blue picture.
If the sheets are laminated or pasted over with tape, you can circle the desired images with a felt-tip pen.
For the younger one, you can supplement the game: when the child takes turns finding images of the same color, next to the table put enlarged pictures of animals in turn, and then count them and circle them with a felt-tip pen in the table.

“Labor ennobles a person,” said the classic. But while this person is still small, the game will "ennoble" him. As psychologists say, the main activity of a child under 7 years old is play activity.

That is, the world is learned not through a set of parental rules and notations, but through the game.

But it often happens that there are two or more children in a family. Naturally, their ages are different. It is not possible to tinker with each one separately, and it is simply necessary to captivate the children with something.

Role games

The first group of games for children of different ages - these are role-playing games.


Let the children pretend they are in kindergarten. At the same time, they themselves, without knowing, will reproduce all the subtleties of kindergarten relationships. You will see the teacher, her manner of communication, and the relationship of children in the group.


And mom just needs to have in stock the so-called "Mirilki", because in the course of the game, quarrels will inevitably arise or, possibly, childish jealousy will appear. After all, kids already have their own opinion about the game, but they can not always be tolerant and put themselves in the place of another.

Here are several options for "myriloks":

Make up, make up
Don't fight anymore.

If you fight
I will bite.
And biting has nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
We don't need a brick
Let's make friends with you!

Don't fight, don't fight
Come on quickly make up!

Finger by finger
Let's take it tight
We used to fight
And now for nothing.

Hello dear readers, guests, friends. I very often get a question from you about how to deal with several children of different ages at once. Since I can only tell you about this in theory, I tried to find a mother who has experience in such games. Meet Anna Ignatenya, author of the blog "Merry Weekdays" and the mother of three adorable children.

Probably every mother who has more than one child ever asks this question. After all, it is so convenient if the children play together, if it is possible to conduct games-activities with two or three (or more) children at once. Yes, mom is alone, and she had 24 hours in a day, and she still has, and the number of children is growing, sometimes significantly. I often hear the question, how do I manage to captivate children of different ages with the game at the same time? For me, this question was paramount, because there is a difference of 6 years between the older children of different sexes. And I dreamed, really wanted my daughter and son to become true friends. Later our youngest was born. With his sister he has a difference of 8.5 years, and with his brother 2 years and 3 months. And I wanted to keep this motley company together: so that games, and entertainment, and classes, and reading, and friendship. And I succeeded. Not always everything goes smoothly, there are quarrels, and different interests, and independent games, and personal time for everyone, but my children play together, the holidays are common, even themed activities. How did it all begin?

The very first rules were from birth. The rules are not for children, but for mom.

The first rule, in which I am 100% sure: an older child needs a mother more than a newborn.

Very often, at the birth of the youngest, the mother plunges into caring for the baby, and the older child is left to himself, or other relatives take care of him - dad, grandmother. I believe that such a mistake should never be made. The most common picture that could be found in the first year after the birth of the second child in our home is that a mother plays or exercises with her eldest daughter, and the baby in a sling with us, on a chaise longue or on a blanket, later in a walker or just crawls nearby. We were together. Moreover, the classes were mainly focused on the eldest daughter. With the baby, I studied and played between times when my daughter was at school.

Rule two: the older child should be involved in caring for the baby.

The older the child, the more he can be trusted. My six-year-old daughter looked after the baby, played with rattles, changed diapers. Sometimes I even took it on the pens. When the complementary food went, she fed. But I never insisted. She always offered and allowed, if the daughter wanted, but never demanded.

Rule three: everything that can be done together must be done together.

Swim, walk, play, read. When Arthur was still little, I would take him on the arms or put him on a chaise longue and go to put my daughter to bed. I read books to children, and they listened and fell asleep. When my son began to swim in a large bathroom in a high chair, I allowed the kids to swim together. I went to school for my daughter with Arthur, the baby was in a stroller for a walk, and Ellinka drove the baby on roller skates.

Rule four: the life of an older child should not become less active and interesting than before.

Ellina attended circles, we walked a lot, organized holidays and invited friends, went to exhibitions and master classes. And all this time Arthur was next to us.

The older the baby got, the more interesting it was to play and communicate with the eldest daughter, she always tried to teach him something, and I did not interfere.

We never shared toys - these are yours, and these are sisters. No, of course, the eldest daughter had personal things, but they just lay there so that the kids could not take them, I never said: "This is Ellinkino, don't touch!" We just cleaned away. Due to her age, my daughter took most of the baby toys in her hands only to play with her brothers.

There is still more rivalry between the boys, of course, we personally give gifts to everyone, and the children have the right to use them first. But, as a rule, after a week or two the toys become common by themselves, and the rivalry already looks different: not mine, but I took the first. At the same time, sons have only their favorite toys, which retain their “personal” status, but more often the boys calmly let each other use these toys.

All these rules led to the fact that children learned to be together. This was the first step towards joint activities and games. Further - a matter of technology. Of course, every age has its own needs. If a kid needs to shake a rattle, then an older child is interested in building a tower of cubes, and a younger student is interested in playing a board game. What to do?

To the accompaniment of rattles, build a tower in the middle of the playing field, around which the chips "run". Of course, this is slightly exaggerated, but it was precisely the tolerance for the younger that I first of all studied myself and taught the children.

And then I drew attention to the fact that every kid is drawn to the eldest nearest in age, and every senior loves to be a mentor and patron. This is what I took as a basis in joint activities with children.

Most often, games and tasks are primarily focused on the average child. If there are two children, then first for the eldest, and then in turn - then for the baby, then for the older one. So that the younger and older do not get bored, I always prepare the game so that everyone can participate, taking into account their characteristics. There are games that all children enjoy equally.

Sensory games.

If you think that at 10 years old it is no longer interesting to dig in the sand, then you are mistaken. To crumple clay, to mold something out of dough, to build a world in a sandbox is interesting for all children, without exception, even not only for children. And if the smallest just digs in this very sand, the middle one will build a castle mountain, and the older one will sculpt a three-dimensional figure. At the same time, the children play side by side, the older one helps, the younger ones try to repeat.

Outdoor games.

The more children grew up, the more outdoor games penetrated into our daily life. Almost any outdoor game can be carried out with children of different ages, babies do not always have time to do everything, but you can succumb to them, do indulgence sometimes, and in order for the elder not to get bored, there is a mother who will not let you relax.

Creative pursuits.

With the same materials, children next to them can create various works, the mother will help the smallest, if necessary, and the elders will do their own thing. When the children learn to be tolerant, then you can try joint projects, when the baby creates, and the older plays it all out so that it turns out beautifully. For one thing, he learns to fantasize.

It is very important to turn off perfectionism in all activities. After all, the most important thing is communication, play, process, and the result is just a naked picture, which is absolutely not important for children up to a certain age. Let it be better together, together, but not so beautiful, but interesting and useful.

I really love to conduct thematic classes, to a whole series of games on one theme. How is it convenient? You can alternate classes in terms of complexity, then one is more interesting, then another, while the topic is studied in depth - from all sides.

Recently, we have become interested in geographical travel, I choose one state and we conduct a series of on average 20 lessons about this country. The benefit of such a game and an older child, because I am looking for information that is not yet familiar to children, I provide data about the country, its culture, flora and fauna. In practice, all this is better absorbed. The eldest daughter often participates in the discussion, answers questions, explains, talks about what was said at school. In this case, everything is played. The middle son assimilates less of the information, but he plays at this time, so our conversations and stories do not bother him, they are not perceived as boring. The kid is more simply busy with the game, although even after everything he has studied, he can show on the map and tell about animals. Because he was playing with it. For example, we are building a state in a home sandbox. For the younger one, this is just a sensory experience and operating with animal figures. For the average, this is also the assimilation of some simple concepts, except for the game itself. And the daughter in this form remembers better - what is where and who lives, what is growing and why.

I often ask my older daughter for help in holding games, she prepares them herself and sometimes even organizes real thematic days. For her, this is also of great importance - the collection of information, the ability to adapt it, new knowledge, imagination, organizational skills - everything develops. And then the child satisfies his mentoring interest.

All kinds of quests are very successful for joint games, because everyone loves to look for surprises, and the stages can also be alternated - difficult and easy, so that everyone can contribute. It is often enough for kids to run after their brother-sister, and then rejoice at the surprise.

Children of different ages can be very successfully used in theatrical games, various musical performances, concerts, when everyone shows something available to him. The kid can be entrusted with roles without words and simple dances, and older children can sing songs, play musical instruments, and take on significant roles, or even organize everything on their own.

Research work also unites well. Various experiments, observations. Toddlers often notice much more than older children, and schoolchildren successfully keep notes and make diaries.

An ordinary walk with a task: to find different objects of a certain color, signs of the season, a fantasy search for traces of a giant (what objects can serve a giant and what), on the contrary, traces of gnomes, letters in surrounding objects, sea creatures, and maybe some other then magical and fabulous things - all this pleases children of completely different ages.

The most important thing for a fun pastime is to be together, to encourage all the attempts of the kid, and all the efforts of the elder, to simplify and complicate the tasks as necessary. And always remember - it doesn't matter what to do, it doesn't matter what the visible result will be, the main thing is that everyone should be fun and interesting.

P.S. This article is copyrighted and entirely intended solely for private use, publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with my written consent. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

It is very easy to deal with one child - sit down opposite or side by side and go ahead! On the one hand, it is very convenient, quiet, measured. On the other hand ... there is no chance to run a race, compete. Or just solve tasks together.

And if the children are of the same age, or even twins, then this, of course, is already a mini-class. It is convenient to deal with them. You can come up with the same tasks.

And if the children are very different? 2-3-4 years apart or even more? Here many mothers have a stupor - work out with one, then with the other separately, then with the third…. Not enough time and energy!

But it is not always the case! It turns out that you can arrange very interesting activities for three different children!

Here is the lesson of mother of many children Nadia Zdobnovaya at the "School of Reading".
Semyon "came" to study at the school. At that time he was about five years old. Vanka was about 2.8.
All the games Nadia comes up with on the basis of exercises and recommendations laid out by me at the reading school.

Kai and Gerda! The roles were assigned by Semyon. At first there was a game plot: a shard, a slide, the Snow Queen, a sleigh ...
And so Gerda (Vanechka) went to look for her brother and ended up in a wonderful garden. The sorceress instructs to look after the garden, take care of flowers

Putting together words from a bunch of letters. Hard! SNOW, WATER did not collect it myself, only after the word prompts

On the reverse side of the pictures there are inscriptions. If you read it, take the card for yourself, if you didn’t read it, it remains for the Queen.

Children loved the game! For Sema, it was a brainstorming session - he had a chance to read about 70 words in an hour of playing! But it was fun and exciting.

Of course, the game is a little confusing (plot) and not quite a fairy tale. But it is not important! It is important that the youngest was in charge and the elder helped. And the main student got a benefit.

In a general lesson, each of the children of different ages solves his own personal problem, even if it looks like they are doing the same thing.

Of course, it's not easy to just go and learn how to come up with such interesting fairy tale games. And it's not easy at all to organize yourself for classes when there are several children in the house.

If you have two or more children of different ages, and you are wondering how else you can organize classes, take a look at the webinar.

At the webinar, you will learn:

  • how to organize classes;
  • how to plan class topics;
  • how to conduct classes;
  • how to captivate children of different ages;
  • how not to be torn between children.

Experience shows that it is possible to conduct general classes for children of different ages and little by little, little by little to give each of them their own.

Listen to the webinar audio preview:

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You can download the audio announcement recording:

A similar situation can be repeated at home, where the environment is usually very different from the environment in the children's group. Parents have neither the ability nor the need to buy as many materials as is available in the classroom. Moms and dads purchase materials and toys that are suitable for the child right now, at the current age, but what if there are several children? If the difference in children is only 1–2 years, this question does not arise so acutely, but if the difference in children is three or even six years old? How to organize an environment for children to study and play together?

Even with a large enough age difference, it will be useful for children to do some things together.

  1. Practical life exercises.

Such exercises are basic for children from two to four years old, but older children can also perform them, making them a little more difficult. The simplest way to organize these types of activities is to invite the children to do any of their daily activities.

To begin with, do not forget to teach the little ones the basics: how to carry a chair correctly and put it down quietly, how to use a bench if the baby does not reach something, how to carefully carry objects (using a tray if there are several objects), how to pour water (always holding a vessel with two hands). You will have to show these exercises to the younger child individually, or you can ask the older one to teach the baby.

You can invite children together:

- Cook.

Junior: washes and cleans vegetables, fruits, eggs with his hands, cuts soft fruits and vegetables, spreads bread with soft butter or cheese, beats eggs, squeezes orange juice, makes herbal tea, sets the table.

Senior: helps the younger, writes down and reads recipes, peels vegetables with a knife, cuts solid foods, uses household appliances with the help of adults: an oven, stove, kettle.

- Clean up after yourself.

Junior: brushes crumbs off the table, washes a cloth, helps wash the table, tries to sweep the floor.

Senior: helps the younger to collect the crumbs in a scoop (such help is better perceived by kids than the help of an adult), washes the floor, the table.

- To clean shoes (children of any age can do this).

- Wash up. Older children can rinse the dishes, make sure that no traces of detergents remain.

- Wash. Seniors help to rinse, check if there is any soap left.

- Dress. The elders help the younger ones, show them how to put on a particular piece of clothing.

  1. Classes with cereals and water.

Activities with cereals and water are usually enjoyed by children of any age. They perfectly develop motor skills, relieve possible stress and anxiety.

The youngest child can deal with simple spills and transfusions with multiple vessels. Older children can show younger children how to spoon, ladle, transfer with forceps, funnel, use a syringe and pipette. To do this, it is better to take a large basin or a bowl filled with water or cereals.

Children can also:

- Together, catch toys or balls from a basin of water.

- Whisk the lather - each child should have their own whisk.

- Play with the sensor box (the box must be large enough for children to play comfortably together).

- Look for small objects in the croup.

- Sift cereals through a sieve - each child should have their own sieve.

  1. Development of motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing.

The development of motor skills is very important for children from the age of two. Activities for a two-year-old will differ from those for a child who is already learning to write, but many of the materials are suitable for children of all ages.

Here's what kids can do together:

- Cutting with scissors.

Younger children from one and a half years old learn to cut with scissors. Prepare strips of paper for your baby to cut into squares. Let the older child carve geometric shapes or pictures along a more complex contour. The figures can be pasted on sheets of paper, which is also usually liked by both older children and toddlers.

- Stringing.

Offer the younger ones a thick thread with a large plastic needle and large wooden beads (there are many of these kits for toddlers). Elders can make beads and bracelets from ever thinner threads and small beads, up to stringing beads on a fishing line.

- Gouging out.

Toddlers love to gouge shapes on paper! Draw a simple shape, place dots with a pencil around its perimeter (at a distance of about 1 cm from each other), give the child an old pen without ink and offer to gouge out the dots. Older children can also do gouging, only the outline should be much more complicated (and the child can also make a drawing for gouging on his own).

- Embroidery.

Children from one and a half to two years old can embroider, especially if they see a needle and thread in an older child. For the little ones, choose a large plastic needle and invite them to embroider along the dots already punctured along the line on the cardboard. Older children will love to embroider on paper, fabric, and a hoop.

- Drawings and writing on decoys.

When the older child begins to study letters, prepare sand with semolina for him, where he could practice writing, easily correcting the failed letters. Make a similar tray for the kid too, and he will be happy to draw and draw lines, training his fingers.

- Drawings and writing with chalk on a blackboard.

Children will be happy to use the board together: the elder will try to write letters and phrases, the younger will draw and draw shapes.

  1. Sensory development and an introduction to mathematics.

The sensitive period of the sensory development of children lasts up to five years, however, even after that, the development of the sense organs does not stop, although it ceases to be a priority. Therefore, older children are also happy to do many of the activities of the sensory zone. Some sensorics classes for older children can be replaced with math classes.

Here's what you can offer to both children:

- Magic bag.

A favorite game of children, in which several objects are put into a small bag and taken out of it, trying to determine by touch what it is. This game is for children from the age of four, but kids will love just touching the items in the bag and then looking at them. Therefore, you can all play together without insisting that the child guess and name objects.

- Musical games.

Any music games are suitable for all ages, and early learning to music contributes not only to the development of hearing, but also to the general development of the child.

- Exercises for the development of smell, taste.

Maria Montessori said that the best way to develop taste and smell is with a good meal. From an early age, teach your child to try different new tastes, cook with you, and take good care of food.

- Exercises in sorting and matching.

Exercises in sorting or matching pairs (sorting natural materials, different objects, sorting into hard and soft, heavy and light, etc.) older children can be blindfolded, which greatly complicates the task. Toddlers can work with their eyes open, although sometimes they still ask them to be blindfolded - you can invite them to try, but small children usually quickly lose interest in this.

Young children love to sort objects: a particular interest in the process appears at 2-3 years old. Be sure to offer kids different sortings at this particular age (by the way, children are just starting to learn colors, so color sorting becomes the main one). Older children will not be carried away by such sortings, however, older children can count any items for sorting. While the kids are laying out the circles for red and blue, the eldest can be offered to put 10 red circles in one box, and 8 blue ones in the other.

- Working with pink tower, brown staircase and substitute materials at home.

Toddlers can be offered the classic work of building a tower or ladder from largest to smallest. For older children, various exercises. You can offer to build the tower according to the model or by yourself, observing a harmonious sequence.

  1. Creation.

It is not difficult to organize joint creative activities for children of different ages. Children can together:

- Paint.

For toddlers, it's best to use large sheets of paper and suggest painting on an easy-to-clean surface. It is worth starting with finger paints and stamps, which you can make yourself from half a potato. Seniors, usually already accustomed to drawing with pencils and paints, will gladly take part in drawing with fingers or stamps: this will diversify their creativity.

- Glue.

Give your baby a glue stick and pieces of colored paper or cotton wool - this activity will entertain him for a long time. An older child can do an applique at this time: glue pieces of colored paper onto a blank drawing.

- Sculpt from plasticine.

Younger children learn to tear off pieces of plasticine and stick them on paper, for example, on a blank in the form of a fly agaric or a ladybug, make sausages and balls, roll out plasticine and cut them out with molds. Older children make full-fledged crafts: figurines or paintings from plasticine on blanks. An excellent option is salt dough modeling. This eco-friendly sculpting option is best suited for very young children.

- Create crafts from natural materials.

If you decide to make a craft from cones, shells, acorns with an older child, but are afraid that the child will not be able to do this, invite the younger one to paint the materials with gouache. Unaccustomed work with paints usually entertains the kids for a long time, while the older child calmly makes the craft.

What if the youngest child is not yet one and a half years old? After all, then he usually exercises on a rug on the floor: he hones movements, learns to hold his head, crawl, sit while the elder goes about his business. However, even for such cases, we offer you several ideas for classes with very tiny babies:

- Sensory games: bags or fabrics.

Offer the children paired bags filled with different cereals or pieces of different fabrics. The elder will look for pairs, and the baby will simply feel the bags.

- Games with water: transfusions.

Transfusion bath games are available to children from the moment they learn to sit on their own.

- Music games: songs and nursery rhymes.

Music can be practiced from birth. The kid will be happy to take part in all your musical games together with the older child.

- Treasure boxes.

Treasure boxes - the main material for babies from six months old - are boxes or baskets with several environmental objects that the baby can look at and study. For older children, it will be interesting to select items suitable for the box. If the older child is 2-3 years old, then with the help of such boxes you can increase his vocabulary by entering new words in a three-step lesson.

- Homemade mobiles and toys.

Encourage older children to make their own toy gifts for the toddler. Older children can easily make mobiles out of paper or salt dough, while older siblings can help you sew sensory bags or make a sensory mat.