
About 4 years ago or more, I somehow looked at this forum, they gave me very sensible advice, it helped (there were problems with my husband). So now I come again, my head is spinning. I don’t know where to start. In general, it's bad with mom. Very bad. I'll try to tell you from the very beginning.
As far back as I can remember, my mother always suppressed me and built me ​​up. In early childhood she built, in adolescence, when she graduated from university, when she started working, when she got married - everything remained the same. And you understand, this is all done very, very subtly. Probably, it would be easier for me if there was an open war, well, there are scandals, insults, and so on) No. Everything is done in such a way that I feel that I have been surrounded from all sides.

My parents really did a lot for me financially and socially. They gave me a good education, bought an apartment at a fairly early age. All this was not easy for them, they really worked hard, denied themselves in many ways. But. Morally, they crippled me, and now, from a height of 29, I clearly understand this.

Mom never taught me to be a woman, to build my relationships with men in a normal, healthy way. She herself is a leader, dad is a gentle person, although in life she has always been successful, worked, held a serious post. It's just that their mother always decided everything for them. I don’t know what he has there, his love is so great for her that he endures it all, or he’s just not as punchy in life as she is, and gave her the reins to everyone’s satisfaction. In general, they tried to educate me in the same way. Study, work, earn, do not be dependent on a man, decide everything yourself. And we helped you, you owe us the grave of your life. If, in short, details are needed, I will write.

Mom is cold. She never hugged or kissed me as a child. I have never felt loved. As I got older, I could never get support from my mother, that's exactly moral support in something. From her were always heard only C / U about how to act, and emotions were always set aside. Well, maybe it's good and comfortable for her, but I'm different.

Until recently, my mother tried to control my income and expenses (!!!) At first there was discontent that I didn’t work (I got married, moved to my husband in another city and for some time just got used to the new environment), then discontent with those where and how I work, then she tried to find out how much I earn. Then they sent instructions of this kind - don't buy the car, you will break it. Take the money to this bank, it’s more profitable. Now I remember and laugh, but then, at 24, it was not funny at all. Sometimes she acted through my dad, that is, he called and washed my brain.
And, the apotheosis of everything - when my husband and I had serious problems, it came to divorce, she took his side! However, I was always bad with her, no matter what I did. Studying is not good enough, my job is not very reliable (I am a freelancer), I have problems with my husband - I chose this one myself (he is young, I had financial problems, and even so, I grew up slower than I did, quarreled over general issues). In general, criticism from all sides.

I decided to make a list of complaints against my mother / parents:

From the present:
1. Constant criticism of any of my actions. Well, it comes to insanity! Why are you doing so much sports, dieting (no diets! I just eat healthy food), you are too thin, you look bad, you look tortured and sick. As a result, I began to be afraid to make decisions, or to inform them about them. Because I will not hear a kind word. But is it life to hide everything from parents? I guess someone lives like this. It is still difficult for me to accept for myself that I may have to live like this.
2. Lack of moral help / support. Any (!!!) question smoothly flows into point 1. That is, if you ask for advice / support / help, you are bad, stupid, otherwise you would not have got into this situation. As I understand it, she has nothing to say, she simply does not know how to give good advice and therefore makes me guilty. Or maybe, she doesn't want, she doesn't need it - the problems of an adult daughter.
3. Underestimating me on all fronts, any of my merits are THEIR merits, I earn good money - they gave me an education, sent me abroad. And do not care how much I plowed, getting my profession. To understand that this was also not easy for me, and I invested in full, and now I am offended to hear this - they do not want to. But if something is bad for me, objectively - it was me from the beginning, such a bull's-eye was born. Well, it's very difficult to live like that.

From past:
1. Constant pressure, management, insistence on your opinion. I was chosen a profession, thank God, it turned out that at least it was not disgusting to me and I was able to work. But time is lost, I could easily get another profession, now I understand that it is too late to do this. Yes, and other tasks are now before me. But it's a shame that I could not be lucky, I know many examples when children, under pressure from their parents, chose the wrong profession and then could not work.
2. From very early childhood - this is the insult of dislike, underrun. Again, thank God, it happened to me that there was someone to polish. There was (and is!) A woman who replaced my mother in a moral issue. Perhaps that is why I am more or less adequate
3. Actually, a very important problem for me is bringing me up to be such a "strong woman", a boy-woman. At the age of 25, I had to educate myself on this topic, read books, build new relationships with my husband. In short, I was taught to take responsibility, to solve men's problems, which could not but affect my relationship with my husband. Well, I straightened something, but it’s still sausage. Until now, in conflicts, I pull myself back, realizing that I am again walking in my mother's way. Okay, I agree that now I am in charge. I realized the problem, my mother can no longer be blamed, now I am responsible for my behavior. But yopt, she continues. As soon as I ask her opinion on any problem, how, for example, turn to my husband to do it, I get the answer - yes, go and do it yourself! Leave him alone! As a result, even my husband openly tells me that I again do not behave like a woman and do not let him solve problems. Vicious circle...

How to sum it all up ... I guess I'm no longer interested in building a good relationship with my mom. I understand that people do not change and she cannot give me what she does not have. But because of this I feel bad, I want to stop suffering morally. My husband supports me very much. But I would not want to transfer these emotions to my husband, he should be my husband, not daddy.

I don't know what to do with the fact that my parents really gave me a lot and now they are demanding for it. Well, I cannot rewind time and from the age of 17 build my destiny differently - to go to study in another place, not to live in an apartment that they gave me, and so on. It turns out that I cannot morally repay this debt to them, because I feel far from rosy emotions for my mother. The way they are now communicating with me is simply unbearable. Probably, the question I have for the forum is how to build such a relationship with my mother so that I do not feel constant guilt for being a bad daughter? How to settle the issue that they gave me something, but I cannot return this debt to them with the coin they want?

I have a pregnancy. I am horrified to think about what may await me. Unsolicited advice, comments, assessment, criticism. I'm even ashamed to say, I'm afraid to go on maternity leave and devote time to my family, because my mother, damn it, will nag me that I don't work! Well, this is already getting ridiculous, I myself understand ... but the fact is the fact.

In general, something like that. I am ready to answer any questions. Help me please.