Bright yellow cause urine. Lemon urine color: norm or reason for excitement

Urine color is one of the most important visual indicators of metabolic processes in the body. Under normal drinking conditions, the urine is light yellow in color. With a sharp limitation of the consumed water, the urine darkens, it acquires a more saturated, even brown hue, this is a variant of the norm. The color of urine is the first criterion that laboratory technicians pay attention to when conducting an analysis. If the urine is bright yellow in women, the reasons may be different. By the color of urine, it can sometimes be concluded that a person has diseases.

The color can change throughout the day depending on what food and drink the person ate. This is a normal response of a healthy body. If the urine suddenly changes color, then you should not immediately panic. It is necessary to remember what unusual was introduced into the diet, what medications were taken. If you stop taking them, consume more liquid, then within a day the urine will become normal in color.

Normally, the urine of a healthy person is colored yellow, the intensity of the shade of which is very variable (from pale straw to dark yellow). It depends on the presence of decay products (coloring pigments) in it: urosein, urochrome, urolibin. But at the same time, it must always be transparent.

It is worth knowing that in the morning urine has a richer hue than throughout the day.

It is not always a symptom of the disease. Much more often it becomes like this due to physiological reasons. Saturated yellow urine is caused by:

Introduction to the diet of foods with bright colors

The use of a large amount of carrots and beets especially affects the color of urine. Also, special food colors are added to modern sweets and carbonated drinks, which turn the urine into bright yellow. These are mainly "orange", "melon", "lemon" drinks and sweets.

Dehydration of the body

Very often, for this reason, urine during pregnancy acquires a rich, bright yellow color. Dehydration can occur as a result of profuse sweating, intestinal infections, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Fluid loss can be associated with breastfeeding. A woman loses a lot of water during lactation. At this time, consume more fruit drinks, juices, mineral water. Any disease that is associated with fluid loss affects the color of the urine. It becomes more concentrated, a dark yellow color and a pungent odor appears. A sharp loss of fluid in the body occurs due to increased sweating.

Medicines and vitamin supplements

Vitamins in pills and injections can make the urine dark yellow. Artificial analogs of vitamins are practically not absorbed by the body and are excreted in the urine. Riboflavin stains urine with residual molecules.

After an overdose of vitamin preparations Pikovit, Revit, the urine turns brightly yellow and acquires a characteristic odor. Children especially like to use vitamins in large quantities. Taking vitamins of groups A, B, C affects urine,. The color may change as a result of taking a large number of laxatives Furazolidone, Furacilin. As soon as the components of the drugs are excreted from the kidneys, the urine will return to normal.

Urine staining and pathology

Sometimes the reasons for the bright color of urine are not so harmless, but may indicate some problems with the body. All abnormalities in the color of urine can be divided into renal and not associated with kidney disease. The first are associated with pathologies that have arisen in the urinary system. The second talk about diseases of the liver, gallbladder, heart.

The main pathologies that cause discoloration of urine:

  • Liver problems.

In this case, the level of urolibin, a dye that changes the color of urine to dark yellow, rises.

  • Kidney stones.

With the active formation of salts in the urinary system, stones appear. Salts begin to actively absorb liquid, as a result, the concentration of urine increases and it acquires a bright shade.

  • Gestosis of pregnant women.

The causes of bright yellow urine in women carrying a child lie in the development of preeclampsia. The pregnant body reacts not only with a change in the color of urine, but also with other symptoms, so additional tests are required.

  • Inflammatory processes.

In men, a bright yellow color of urine may indicate the onset of prostatitis, in both sexes - about an increased protein content, urethritis.

Bright urine in children

In children, urine discoloration occurs for the same reasons as in adults. The baby's urine immediately after birth, but gradually as it adapts to a new lifestyle, the diet begins to change color to straw yellow. In the first year, it is required to constantly take urine tests of the child, so the pediatrician can monitor the change in the baby's health. Parents should also pay attention to the color of the toddler's urine. If it turns bright yellow for no reason and does not lighten for several days, you should contact your pediatrician to find out the reason. Perhaps this is a sign of congenital abnormalities.

What to do if urine has changed color

If the urine has become very yellow, but the person's well-being is excellent, then you can calm down. This is a variant of the norm, especially if a course of vitamins is taken or a violation of the diet occurs. To calm the nerves, you should stop taking pills, do not use coloring products. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water during the day. And the urine must get. But if this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

The combination of bright yellow urine and severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, as well as vomiting and diarrhea is a serious reason for urgently calling a doctor. This may indicate serious problems with the work of the urinary system.

To determine the reasons that caused the appearance of bright yellow urine in women, the doctor prescribes a repeated urine test for ultrasound of the kidneys. After such studies, the doctor selects the optimal treatment.

Usually, if the urine in women becomes dark yellow, this is due to changes in diet, medication and vitamins, and dehydration. There is nothing wrong with that, you just need to exclude provoking factors, consume more liquid. If the urine remains too yellow for several days after that, then you should contact either a general practitioner to receive a referral for tests, or immediately go to a urologist who will determine the cause of this symptom and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The color of urine is an important indicator by which one can judge the state of human health and the functioning of the body's systems. Yellow urine is perceived as a good indicator, but few pay attention to changes in shade from time to time and think about what the color of urine depends on and whether bright yellow urine can indicate the development of infection in the body.

Urine color is an indicator of the health of the genitourinary system.

Causes of the appearance of yellow urine

The saturation of the urine color can be due to the high concentration. Such changes occur due to lack of drink, with increased secretion of sweat on the skin surface, excess accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body, due to diseases that damage the digestive tract. Concentrated urine can cause breastfeeding or occur after constipation medications.

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Yellow urine in children

The color of urine can constantly change, even throughout the day. Urine in the first days of a baby's life can be transparent. Further, in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother's body, the body adjusts its functions for a full-fledged independent life. A change in the color of urine in a baby may be evidence of these changes and do not carry any danger, the urine is brown (for example, due to the feeding of the baby with colostrum) after a few days it changes to pink, then turns into a rich yellow, and then it can become transparent again. Changes in urine can also occur several months after birth.

Since children cannot always tell about their well-being, one should carefully monitor the change in the color of the urine in the child. If the shade does not return to normal within a week, it is worth consulting a doctor, since such manifestations may indicate the development of an ailment. Independently giving the child drugs or giving water to infants without a doctor's prescription is fraught with a deterioration in the baby's health.

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During pregnancy

During gestation, the color and smell of urine is considered one of the main indicators of the health of an expectant mother. In order to prevent various kinds of diseases, at each planned consultation with a specialist, a pregnant woman takes urine for analysis, one of the criteria of which is the color of the sample. The intense lemon color or bright yellow color of urine does not always indicate the presence of an infection. Non-dangerous reasons for the urine to change color include:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, pumpkins, blackberries or cherries can change the light shade of urine to yellow due to the presence of natural food colors in them.
  • Various confectionery products and sweet (carbonated) water are capable of staining urine. These products are often high in synthetic dyes, so if the urine turns dark yellow after dessert, this is not a cause for concern.
  • Taking vitamins for pregnant women makes the urine yellow.

The work of the body during pregnancy has not been thoroughly studied, therefore, not always bright yellow urine in women indicates a deviation in bearing a child. Pregnancy rebuilds a woman's body, adjusting to new conditions, since strength and energy during such a period are used by two people. An additional load on the body, especially on the kidneys, changes the color of urine, it can turn copper, light yellow, and discoloration of urine also happens. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor, having previously remembered the names of the drugs taken and your menu for the last days.

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Causes in men and women

In men and women, dark urine appears due to a lack of fluid in the body. The lack of water is due to a violation of the drinking regime, taking medications without a doctor's prescription, and gastrointestinal infections. In the case of an infectious bowel disease, there is a high fever, increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. At high temperatures, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which stains the urine dark. If the urine is dark yellow in the morning, this is not a cause for concern. During the night, an accumulation of coloring pigment occurs in urine, which is included in the concept of norms.

Products with coloring properties, tablets, may discolor the urine.

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Other causes of urine discoloration

The normal color of urine in humans can sometimes differ from generally accepted concepts due to personal characteristics of metabolic processes or hereditary factors. Also, the strongly pronounced color of urine is explained by the high level of salts in the urine. This process leads to the formation of sand and crystals in the organs of the urine excretion system. Under such conditions, the result of the saturated yellow color of urine can be kidney stone disease, manifested by the deposition of calculi in the kidneys. The beer color of urine can acquire with hepatitis. In women, bright yellow urine sometimes indicates urethritis (increased proteins). If the urine turns yellow in men, prostatitis may begin.

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Symptoms that may accompany the change

If lemon-colored urine is supplemented with pain of various kinds (abdomen, genitals, lower back), digestive problems, fever, nausea, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Yellow discharge, pain when urinating, and itching should also alert you. Urine of an acid color with a smell, a pale white precipitate in the form of flakes, visible to the light, indicates problems in the functioning of the urinary system. Sometimes a white impurity and white-light discharge in the urine indicates inadequate personal hygiene.

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Medicines and foods that stain urine

Taking vitamins (vitamins C, A, B vitamins), dietary supplements, mineral complexes. some antibiotics, derivatives of 5-nitrofuran can affect the color of urine. Often, the body cannot fully assimilate synthetic vitamins and substances, as a result of which the kidneys are engaged in the process of removing these substances from the body. But if the drug does not contain dyes, the color of urine can change due to dyes in the drug or vitamin shell. Eating foods rich in natural dyes changes the color of the urine. Beets and blackberries, carrots and pumpkin can give the urine an unnatural color, the color change scale varies from bright yellow to red.

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What to do?

A pale yellow color of urine, or, conversely, a too dark shade, does not mean that a person is sick. First, you need to remember the foods and medicines used, as well as the amount of fluid you drink, adjust the drinking and nutrition regime (with a sufficient amount of liquid urine of a light shade). If such actions did not bring the desired result, it is worth visiting a specialist. A general analysis of urine will explain the bright color and show possible deviations in the work of the body. If the results are negative, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to accurately establish the cause of the disease. Such actions will help to select the optimal therapy program and diet, if any.

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When is yellow urine a sign for anxiety?

Light or acid-yellow urine does not indicate an ailment. You need to worry if not only the urine has become bright yellow, but other symptoms are also present. Pain, itching, stomach problems signal a malfunction in the body. With these symptoms, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

What caused the suspicious yellowness of urine

In many cases, it is easy to explain why the urine is yellow: a person consumes too little liquid, as a result of which the concentration of pigmenting substances in the body increases over time.

In addition, human eating habits play an important role. So, if you like citrus fruits, beets, carrot juice or fresh carrots, then you shouldn't be surprised if you notice an orange, yellowish, or even red tinge of urine when urinating. As a rule, after a few hours, its color will return to normal, unless, of course, you have not eaten the above foods anymore.

Why else can urine change its color to orange, read the link

In addition, yellow urine can be the result of food dyes that have entered the human body in large quantities. So, various store juices, dragees, caramels, chewing gums, chips, crackers and other delicacies contain such substances in abundance. Even ordinary sweet carbonated water can change the color of a biological fluid.

Note. Noticing that your urine is bright yellow, try listing (mentally or on a piece of paper) all the foods and drinks that you consumed throughout the day. Thus, you can understand whether the changes were caused by external factors, or the problem is more serious, and concerns your health.

Provoking factors

Since the shade of urine depends on the amount of fluid in the human body, use the following scale in order to understand if you are drinking enough water.

  1. If the urine is clear, then this indicates that you need to reduce the amount of fluid you drink, because your body's tissues contain more of it than you need.
  2. The light yellow tint of urine indicates that the body is receiving a sufficient amount of fluid.
  3. Dark urine signals a catastrophic lack of fluid in your body. For this reason, you urgently need to take measures to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies of internal organs.

The causes of very yellow urine may not have anything to do with drinking. They should notify you that something has gone wrong and that a serious malfunction has occurred in the functioning of your body.

So, the main reasons why urine can be bright yellow are often:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • long-term intake of vitamins;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of various localization;
  • a sharp change in climate;
  • excessive consumption of table salt.

Another explanation for why the urine is bright yellow is the age and weight of the patient. So, in older people, as well as in those who suffer from obesity, the color of urine can be strikingly different from normal, that is, it can be much darker. In newborns, urine is usually clear, as the body contains a high concentration of water.

Quite often, a urologist or nephrologist may hear from a patient the question "What does it mean if the color of urine is straw-yellow?" Despite the fact that many people are worried about this shade of biological fluid, it is he who is an indicator that a person is absolutely healthy. For this reason, do not look for unnecessary information for yourself to think about, and if you have any doubts, then it is better to share them with your doctor.

Yellow urine in pregnant and lactating women

If the urine of a bright yellow color in women often signals the addition of an infection, in particular, the development of cystitis, then in pregnant women the situation is somewhat different. During this period, the body undergoes all sorts of changes, since the birth of a new life is a great stress for it.

The reasons for the bright yellow color of urine in expectant mothers may be associated with the intake of vitamins, as well as with the consumption of large amounts of yellow, orange and red fruits. However, if a woman has not taken or eaten anything of this kind recently, and the color of the biological fluid has suddenly changed, then she should consult a doctor.

The fact is that the lemon-yellow color of urine, or, conversely, its too dark shade, may indicate the development of any pathology in the expectant mother, or in the fetus. Thus, it is better for a woman to play it safe by contacting a gynecologist and passing all the necessary tests.

Bright yellow urine during pregnancy can be a sign of hormonal changes in the body. However, this is only in the first weeks, so if the expectant mother expects the baby to appear in the next 30-45 days, and the color of the urine has already changed, this should cause caution and concern.

The causes of yellow urine in nursing mothers is a large loss of fluid from her body. For this reason, doctors strongly recommend that you take a responsible attitude to adherence to the drinking regime.

My urine is too yellow - what should I do?

If you figured out the question of why the urine is very yellow, and found an explanation for this, then you can safely proceed to the next stage - solving this problem. In the event of the development of a particular pathology, stabilization of the situation can only be achieved with the help of a doctor. However, if it is not at all a matter of illness, but you still have very yellow urine, then try the following measures to eliminate this unpleasant problem:

  • drink enough water;
  • stop taking pills that turn urine yellow;
  • give up food containing food coloring;
  • do not do excessive physical exercise that leads to a large loss of fluid in the body.

The main thing, remember: the rich yellow color of urine is not yet an indicator of the disease, so you should not panic in advance and make yourself a “fatal” diagnosis! If you do not control the situation and your emotions, then even the smallest deviations from the norm in your body will shock you, and this is already fraught with serious consequences for your nervous system.

Yellow urine in children

Yellow urine in a child often appears with food poisoning and indigestion. Among other things, even babies are not immune from diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. In addition, children are very mobile and energetic, so they lose much more fluid per day than adults.

Bright yellow urine in a newborn baby is also far from uncommon. In babies who have just been born, urine can have a different shade - from carrot (brick) to completely transparent (although this happens extremely rarely). This is due to the fact that the kidneys and urinary tract are not yet sufficiently developed. In a few days everything will be fine and your worries will disappear.

Change in the color of urine in men

Bright yellow urine in men often indicates liver problems. So, heavy physical activity, addiction to beer, smoking, heavy food play an important role in this. Thus, the liver gradually ceases to cope with its functions, which immediately affects the fluid excreted by the kidneys - urine. This may explain why the urine is yellow and smells.

Despite the fact that cystitis is a disease that often occurs in women, men can also get it. Bad smell, discoloration of urine, burning and pain when emptying the bladder - all these warning signs should be a good reason to visit the urologist's office. It is better to immediately solve the problem, since cystitis can become chronic, and then it will be impossible to get rid of it completely.

What color of urine is considered normal

Fine human urine has golden color... In newborns, urine is almost transparent. In some situations, the liquid turns into different colors. This may be due to the daily regimen, the amount of fluid consumed, the intake of certain groups of drugs and even products, less often with various pathological conditions.

For example, eating beets can make the urine appear light pink in color. The red color of urine usually indicates the presence of red blood cells in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Note! To determine the presence of a disease, you need to monitor the state of the body in order to notice the presence of concomitant symptoms.

Causes of bright yellow urine in men

The bright yellow color of urine is associated with various factors: with lifestyle, body water balance, as well as the use of various drugs and products.

The main reasons why urine turns rich yellow:

  • lack of fluid, dehydration;
  • the use of products containing dyes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

External factors affecting the yellow color of urine

In healthy people, the formation of bright yellow urine may not be associated with pathological conditions, but due to some functional features of life.

It is important! Most often, urine acquires a rich yellow tint due to a lack of fluid in the body.

Often, the color of urine in a bright yellow color causes taking food containing synthetic pigments corresponding color:

  • sweet carbonated drinks with orange flavor(for example, the popular non-alcoholic drink Fanta contains beta-carotene, a yellow-orange coloring pigment that gives it a rich orange color);
  • sweets(lollipops, gummies), which also paint the tongue yellow;
  • eating a lot carrots containing carotene can cause urine to become more yellow in color.

Such pigmentation of urine may be due to the intake of certain medications. Most often, synthetic urine is stained vitamin A preparations- carotene, which is naturally found in almost all orange fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, sea buckthorn).

Less commonly, vitamins give this effect. group B andvitamin C(vitamin C). Antibiotics have a similar effect. group of nitrofurans(for example, furazidine, nifuroxazide).

Not drinking enough, hot climate, intense exercise accelerate metabolism, as a result of it, the concentration of urochromes increases - bile pigments, derivatives of the process of degradation of hemoglobin, which they give urine its color. When dehydrated, their concentration increases, which is why the urine turns bright yellow.


Dehydration may result from profuse diarrhea and vomiting that accompany intestinal infections, poisoning, gastritis, disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus(with the so-called motion sickness), meningitis and other diseases.

Sometimes the discoloration of urine is associated with urolithiasis in which salt crystals form in the urine, absorbing liquid and making the urine a bright yellow color.

Hepatic pathology, at which the level of urobilin increases, can also change the color of urine to bright yellow and even orange.

Diagnosing problems

You can determine the cause of bright yellow urine using system monitoring of the state... A person can do this without the help of a doctor.

If, in addition to changing the color of urine, there are no other symptoms, then its staining should be considered in bright yellow a consequence of a lack of water in the body... For example, a person stays in a hot room for a long time, trains intensively - because of this, the body spends more fluid for sweating for the purpose of thermoregulation. At the same time, the amount in the bladder decreases, and the concentration of urochromes naturally increases.

In other cases, you need to see a doctor, especially when:

  • persistent vomiting or diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (abdominal pain, heartburn);
  • febrile condition;
  • severe headaches;
  • signs of nervous disorders (convulsions, loss of orientation).

Vomiting and diarrhea lead to severe dehydration, which can lead to death without medical attention.

Fever, abdominal pain, fever may indicate acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, poisoning.

Headaches, seizures and other nervous disorders Are signs of life-threatening meningitis.

Photo 2. Headaches and nervous disorders against the background of darkening of urine - a reason to see a doctor immediately.

External signs are a signal that the body gives. The color of urine, which is formed as a result of blood filtration, is a sign of a person's condition. It is not difficult to determine the disease by urine, having basic knowledge. In a healthy person, urine is transparent yellow, sometimes deep yellow. Indicators depend on the concentration of urine. If it is transparent yellow, it means that you have drunk a lot of liquid. If it is deep yellow, it means that there is not too much water in the body. How to identify a disease by visual signs?

Pathological causes of urine color in kidney disease

Every day, at the norm, a person should excrete from 800 ml to 1.5 liters when urinating. The reasons for the abnormal color of the natural fluid are those components that should not be in the urine (erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, etc.). In the presence of such components, it can be revealed that pathological processes are taking place in the body, to which it is important to pay close attention. Urine color is an important guideline for diagnosing a disease. The rate often varies with kidney disease.

But not only serious disorders in the body - the reasons for the color:

  • Some vitamins, after taking which and.
  • Carrots always paint bright orange.
  • Medicines contain dyes that affect the color of the urine.
  • Age is also considered to be a factor in color change.
  • With physical exertion in adults after 50 years of age, blood particles can enter the urine, staining the urine reddish.

Light urine

It is believed that light-colored urine means that the body is healthy. But too light urine is also found in diseases - diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis. During pregnancy, urine takes on a light transparent color. A different type of vitamin leads to the fact that the body cannot digest useful elements. As a consequence, such elements in urine change color to sandy. The biofluid, yellow with a sandy color, is a consequence of the disease, it happens when stones and sand are formed.

What the bright color says: neon yellow, yellow

Neon color indicates taking vitamins to improve health, or taking medications. The danger is that an excess of vitamin substances leads to a disease called hypervitaminosis. Drugs such as nitrofurans (used for inflammatory processes in the human body) are able to make the urine bright yellow. Everyday consumption of a different dyeing product (carrot juice, asparagus) increases the amount of bright yellow pigment.

Dark color: golden or dark yellow

Dark urine indicates health hazards. But don't be in a hurry to worry. The dark varieties range from dark brown, brown to golden. First, determine what color of urine you have. To do this, make sure there is enough lighting for the correct output. It is important to check that there are no dye residues on the toilet. The spectrum of causes of color change is wide - from harmless to life-threatening.

If the dark color of urine has appeared recently, remember what food you have eaten recently. Blackberries, foods with dyes, rhubarb, and liquorice candy can cause temporary color in your urine. If you take medications (sleeping pills, laxatives, medical dyes for diagnostics), there is an effect of changing the tone of the biofluid. A very dark color is possible with kidney disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, bleeding). It is advisable to immediately go to the urologist to determine the definition of the true cause. To do this, you will undergo a urinalysis.

Dark or dark yellow urine

Speaks about kidney disease and these types of problems:

  • Dehydration. With frequent vomiting or diarrhea, low water consumption, the biofluid is concentrated in nitrogen slags, which gives a dark yellow color.
  • Excessive use of food or drug additives.
  • The first symptoms of illness and disorder. Liver infections, anemia, jaundice, hepatitis change the breakdown of red blood cells, which stains the urine in an unusual color.

Normal urine should only be clear, pale yellow in color. Its structure cannot be cloudy, contain some impurity particles in a healthy state of the body.

Influence of hydration level

Urine usually ranges from pale yellow to deep amber. Some of its changes are harmless, while others are symptoms of a particular disease.

This shade in normal urine is due to a substance known as urochrome. It is also called urobilin. It is the result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. Urochrome is a by-product of red blood cell renewal.

When a person drinks a lot of water, this fluid excreted from the body can become lighter than the usual version. When diluted with water (if consumed abundantly), it will be significantly paler than bright yellow urine in its more concentrated form.

Urine is yellow, saturated, and becomes when a person loses a lot of fluid (for example, it comes out due to the more active work of the sweat glands). This criterion demonstrates whether sufficient water is consumed or not. Dark shades of yellow suggest that the person is dehydrated and in need of hydration. Therefore, monitoring the shade of the fluid removed from the body is advised to be used as a reliable way to control hydration during exercise.

It is necessary to seek urgent medical attention when dehydration is caused by an illness or a person is unable to take water. Dehydration can be dangerous for anyone, but young children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. The less water people use, the more bright yellow urine they can have.

The effect of medications

Pigments and chemicals found in food and drugs can also change the tone of urine. Among the latter, there are:

  • antibiotics;
  • laxatives;
  • some medicines used for chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer;
  • drugs that are prescribed to fight urinary tract infections.

These changes are fairly standard, and usually they are not observed over a long period of time. Rifampicin is used to treat tuberculosis. It results in a red or orange tone in the urine.

Diprivan is a drug that turns urine green or blue. Chronic exposure to lead or mercury poisoning makes this excreted fluid red.

Dietary and vitamin components

Diet can also be a factor in this question. Rhubarb gives urine a dark brown color. All natural fruits, vegetables (especially beets), berries, and highly processed foods can contain high levels of food coloring. The latter are able to interact with the pigments of the digestive system and lead to a change in the tone of the fluid removed from the body.

This shade also varies depending on whether the food and water intake is separate or not. Asparagus imparts, for example, a green hue and an unpleasant odor.

There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Very yellow urine is mostly indicative of excess B vitamins, although this is harmless. It dissolves in water, and is rapidly absorbed in large quantities before reaching the intestines. Then this trace element quickly passes into the bloodstream, where it is filtered out by the kidneys within half an hour. The body then eliminates excess B2 through urine.

That being said, you can try to stop taking the vitamin for a few days and drink a few glasses of water throughout the day. This will allow you to see if the urine will subsequently become lighter in color. Other vitamins such as A, D and E, which are insoluble in water, are absorbed more slowly as they travel through the intestines.

Features of the period of pregnancy

Since the normal tone of urine fluctuates among shades of yellow, there should be no cause for concern if it looks lighter, brighter, darker, even during pregnancy. During this period, the urine may be bright yellow in many cases, and this should not be considered unusual. During pregnancy, color changes can result from:

  • the influence of normal transformations as the kidneys filter water;
  • how many drinks are drunk per day;
  • selection of certain foods;
  • taking vitamins and other medications.

The risk of dehydration increases while waiting for a baby to be born because there is a greater than usual demand for water in the body. It is necessary to maintain the volume of circulating fluid required by the development of the fetus and normal metabolism.

Doctors recommend vitamins and iron to all pregnant women. An excess of water-soluble vitamin C and B-group trace elements will cause the urine to change to a brighter yellow tone. This will be noticeable within a few hours after taking the vitamins.

A urinary tract infection can lead to worse pregnancy outcomes. Problems will be expressed in premature birth, rupture of membranes. If the urine darkens, becomes cloudy, has a smell, there is a burning sensation or pain, you should consult your doctor. Urinary tract infections caused by bacteria can cause the urine to appear green. This is a serious reason to see a doctor. Blood in the urine is called hematuria.

Carrots and their juice can provoke the appearance of an orange tone due to the carotene substance that is contained in this vegetable. Sweet potatoes will do the same. Such transformations are within the normal range. This is not a reason to give up fruits and vegetables, which are important foods in a mother-to-be's diet.

Problems with different organs

Liver problems can cause darkening of the urine. This condition is often accompanied by bowel movements with light colored feces and yellow (with jaundice) eyes.

Urine can also be a sign that your blood sugar is high. If you have other symptoms (dehydration, frequent urination, lethargy), it is worth talking to your doctor about checking if diabetes treatment is necessary.

Changes in the tone of this excreted fluid can be a sign of kidney or bladder problems. If the urine becomes cloudy or has a strong odor, it can be a sign of a bladder or kidney infection. This assumption is mainly confirmed by the occurrence of symptoms such as pain during urination, fever, vomiting.

Infections can be accompanied by bleeding of the urinary tract, which can change the tone of the urine. Blood in the urine is one of the reasons why the urine turns red. Harmless causes of redness in urine indicate the presence of beets or blackberries in the diet.

Bleeding caused by kidney failure is much less common in children than in adults. Although some rare disorders can lead to it, among them are:

  • Shenlein-Henoch disease;
  • hemolytic uremic syndrome;
  • Wilms tumor.

Any urinary tract bleeding in children is considered abnormal. In this case, you must urgently seek immediate medical attention.

In this case, the fluid removed from the body must be checked for the presence of bacteria that cause infection. Before going to a consultation with a doctor, you should prepare a list of answers to basic questions that he will ask, such as:

  • when the patient first noticed the changes;
  • what his diet consisted of lately;
  • what medications or supplements he is taking;
  • whether there is any increased physical activity in his daily schedule;
  • have there been any recent sleep disturbances;
  • whether the bowel movement is normal and regular;
  • whether there is a rash on the body;
  • whether the patient has had headaches recently;
  • whether he had vision problems.

Old age increases the risk of changes in urine tone. For example, kidney or bladder cancers are common in older people. Men over the age of 50 will find blood when urinating if they have an enlarged prostate gland.

Other urine colors

If the color of urine is outside the yellow spectrum, you need to see a doctor. This is especially true in cases with a brown tone. You should also seek medical attention in the case of red, blue or green colors. Medications that change the color of urine to brown are:

  • antipsychotic drugs such as Chlorpromazine and Thioridazine;
  • antibiotics such as Metronidazole and Nitrofurantoin;
  • medicines, the action of which is directed against epileptic seizures (Phenytoin).

A condition called porphyria causes a dark purple-colored discharge. Porphyria is a rare metabolic disorder. The urine can turn green from:

  • drugs containing phenol, such as Promethazine, used for allergies and nausea, and Propofol, a drug used in anesthesiology;
  • antidepressants (amitriptyline, cimetidine);
  • medicines that reduce the amount of gastric acid secreted;
  • pain relievers (Indomethacin).

Green discharge can be caused by a bowel disorder called ulcerative colitis. The disease leads to the formation of the liquid removed from the body of a color corresponding to the tone of the food, which is usually not able to be normally digested by the organs of the digestive system or which has been absorbed through the affected intestinal lining of the patient.

Cloudy discharge often indicates a range of potential problems. In women, it can be caused by vaginal discharge. Another reason for this is too much mineral content in the body, such as calcium. An excess of protein in urine can also lead to this.

As you know, urine is normally transparent and colored in a pale yellow, one might say, straw color. But the intensity of its color can be influenced by various factors, in particular, the amount of pigments removed from the body and the volume of liquid drunk during the day.

Therefore, even a completely healthy person sometimes excretes bright yellow urine, although in some cases this may indicate a health problem.

Pathological causes

Typically, bright yellow urine is observed when the body is dehydrated, which can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • not drinking enough beverages, especially water;
  • diseases accompanied by the formation of edema, for example:
    • chronic heart failure;
    • preeclampsia of pregnant women;
    • cirrhosis of the liver, etc.
  • excessive sweating, for example, with hyperhidrosis or increased physical activity;
  • congestion in the kidneys;
  • acute and other diseases characterized by prolonged diarrhea or vomiting, etc.

Important: if the expectant mother, especially in the second half of pregnancy, has a sharp increase in weight, she should be carefully examined for the development of preeclampsia with latent edema, since this pathology can be dangerous for the life of the fetus and the woman herself.

Thus, all these conditions are characterized by a deficiency of water in the body, that is, less water is supplied than is excreted. In such cases, the kidneys are trying to correct the situation due to their compensatory mechanisms, namely, increased water reabsorption. As a result, the urine becomes more concentrated and takes on a rich yellow color.

Scale for determining the degree of dehydration of the body

But it is not always easy to find an answer to the question of why the urine is bright yellow, since the true reasons for the color change may lie in the individual characteristics of a person. Quite often, metabolic disorders of certain salts, which are hereditary, provoke an increase in the intensity of the color of urine. If they are not detected in time and the person does not undergo a course of corrective therapy, over time, sand and even stones can form in the kidneys, which require surgery to remove.

Other reasons

Nevertheless, the yellow staining of urine is not always a sign of pathology. Often this effect is given by the use of certain food additives, excessive enthusiasm for pumpkin, carrots or carrot juice. Also, food colors found in most modern foods, especially carbonated drinks, can give urine an intense color.

Attention! The urine of lactating women can also have an intense yellow hue, since most of the fluid intake is used by the body for milk production, so this is considered a normal option.

Medicines as a cause of urine staining

In addition to the reasons listed above, bright yellow urine may be the result of taking laxatives, since drugs of this pharmacological group provoke the active excretion of water from the body, resulting in a gradual increase in the concentration of urine.

In addition, sometimes the urine takes on a bright lemon color. This could be the result of taking:

  • vitamins, in particular A, C and group B;
  • certain antibiotics;
  • preparations based on 5-nitrofuran derivatives.

Thus, urine can acquire an unhealthy intense color due to various circumstances that are in no way dangerous to human health. Therefore, do not immediately panic in such cases. It is much better to remember if you did not eat carrots, pumpkin or dishes based on them the day before, or if you took any medications. If, however, within a few days the urine condition does not return to normal, you should still consult a doctor.

Attention! If for a long time urine retains its rich yellow hue and there are pains in the lower back or the right hypochondrium, fever, indigestion or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.